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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 756 KB, 500x375, vegeta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3390952 No.3390952 [Reply] [Original]

>Be in Canada
>Out of curiosity try to find Canadian artists online
>There is like 1 Canadian artist for every 100 American artists I find.
>The Canadian artists aren't even worth following, they do installation art, abstract art, they're obviously NGMI or they're a hardcore feminist.
>The only people worth following are industry professionals and there aren't a lot of them.
Why does my country suck..

>> No.3390955

>Why does my country suck..
because you live on it

>> No.3390960

Im a leaf, do you like hentai?

>> No.3390963


>> No.3390967

You clearly haven't visited Europe. Except Russia everything here sucks

>> No.3391377
File: 650 KB, 647x363, 49218309123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Canadian
>draw lolicon

>> No.3391401
File: 308 KB, 1000x597, Marmalade Mum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaf reporting in.

>> No.3391405

pick one

>> No.3391407
File: 62 KB, 622x767, u gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391483

any of you mad lads wanna go figure drawing in Toronto or what

>> No.3391528

Sure don't abduct me tho

>> No.3391532

don't worry i'm 19/f/blonde

>> No.3391544
File: 932 KB, 620x827, 1523809579734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga there is like 1 canadian for each american in terms of population

>> No.3391549

>>The Canadian artists aren't even worth following, they do installation art, abstract art, they're obviously NGMI or they're a hardcore feminist.
those guys/gals are GMI, they're just not illustrators. Search for illustrators you silly moose

>> No.3391560
File: 268 KB, 500x417, The-Birch-Grove-by-Tom-Thomson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small population
>relatively new country
>annoying living conditions
>no real cultural issues besides being the global cuckold
>'pirate nation'; import anything of substance from other countries
>massive brain drain to global competition. (anyone with half a clue moves to a better country. the wealthy perma-vacation in better climates. even the upper-middle class migrate south when they can)

so altogether you have a low pop country stranded by two oceans, where any sign of life shows as vits on the USA's backside. there is no culture whatsoever because no one wants to live here. the only people that do do because they are born in clueless immigrant families or middle class servitude.

>> No.3391566

>uses a pic of nip hentai artist

what's your point?

>> No.3391571

Genuine question for canadians, how does it feel that you can't see loli/shota lewds? Or just anything revolving anime kids could land you in jail? For example, these Canadian guys were non-stop shitting themselves for playing this https://youtu.be/ndyn_OAO8XM

>> No.3391596


>> No.3391622
File: 350 KB, 560x560, stp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marmalade Mum
I've fapped to your shit before its was gucci

>> No.3391800

Thanks bb. ;3

>> No.3391801

shit taste
your art is grotesque just saying.

>> No.3391836
File: 416 KB, 895x516, 1521808804298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've acquired an art friend out of this so this thread was worth it.

>> No.3391939

No offense but if that style was the end result of my years of hard practice I would be so fucking depressed. That drawing is obviously very well done but it's so fucking ugly.

>> No.3391945

Try opening your eyes then, Phajit. I know of a dozen high profile artists in my small town alone who have lived off their art their entire lives, have books, galleries and are known around the continent. Of course by art I mean traditional art, not sloppy waifu blowjobs and dildo stuffing cow people.

>> No.3391953

ah, art from the previous century. Tell those grampas to get with the times. No wonder they are alone in small towns lmao

>> No.3391969

>small population
Yet all the top 20 highest populated countries complain about overpopulation problems and suffer a considerable amount of consequences for it.
>new country
Are you retarded? It isn't a new country at all. Just because the old world exists doesn't mean Canada is new.
>annoying living conditions
Such as? Any problem Canada has, the US and UK have twofold.
>no cultural issues
Maybe if you shut your eyes, never read the newspaper and only focus on memes like US news.
>import anything of substance from other countries
Once again, an issue you seem to think Canada and Canada alone has.
>global cuck
Not sure why I'm taking you seriously at this point.
>no culture
>no one wants to live here
Why don't you get the fuck out then? Clearly you don't leave mom's basement because while I don't give a fuck about whether you like Canada or not, literally everything you've said (save for the fact that Canada spans from Pacific to Atlantic) is from a severe, embarrassing lack of knowledge.

>> No.3391972

>No wonder they are alone in small towns lmao
lmao Yeah no wonder they live in $20M houses atop Vancouver Island looking out at the ocean lmao losers

>> No.3392229

and yet your artists still suck ass

>> No.3392247

It's even worse for Germans

>> No.3392260

You wish dude

Never gonna make it

>> No.3392269

What's wrong with the style?

>> No.3392278

Why would I wish that other people were well off you colossal faggot?

>> No.3392280
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 1500238245193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats wrong with ugly women?

>> No.3392281

and yet you still can't draw

>> No.3392291


>> No.3392308

Their faces are masculine and lack feminine qualities. They look like ladyboys. The girl on the left looks like her tits were drawn by someone in /beg/. Girl in the middle has saggy tubular tits, which I feel were an attempt to be "realistic" but went too far into grandma territory. Unattractive angle on middle girl's stomach makes her look like she has a big ol' belly. She also has wide bony shoulders. Girl on the right is looking way off frame at nothing, or presumably at a fresh cheeseburger as she is licking her lips. You'd think someone who was engaging in S&M would be paying more attention.

>> No.3392356


I don't wanna HEAR it, Leaf. After you Syrup-Swillers stole so many of our animation jobs...

>> No.3392373


>> No.3392572
File: 633 KB, 806x1280, JasonCommrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the critique. Here's the final product.

>> No.3392599
File: 199 KB, 314x300, fuuug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.

>> No.3392659

how come the nipples on the futa girls from here >>3391401 are gone now?

>> No.3392791

Placement didn't make sense and gave the feeling of elongated breasts

>> No.3392826

god your rendering is so basic bitch it hurts to look at

>> No.3392830

why are people here so obsessed with "rendering"? not everyone wants to be a chinese concept artist ffs

>> No.3392832

Cell shading is low effort and objectively boring

>> No.3392834

Post your work loser lmao

>> No.3392835

>someone spent their time to draw this shit
>someone unironically thought that such a subject is worth their time and skill

>> No.3392837
File: 864 KB, 268x268, to you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low effort
no one cares about effort, the end result is what matter

>objectively boring
pic related

it's pleasing to look at and people like it

>> No.3392838

Nobody actually cares. It's all about speed and consistency.

>> No.3392869
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The richest and most successful artist is Canadian

>> No.3392912
File: 109 KB, 823x744, 1497850592781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. aggressive much? how about that reading comprehension! no one said any of the listed facts are unique to canada. that's something you just assumed and got butthurt over. nothing makes canada unique. we were merely out to explain canada specifically.

grow up retard. and stop taking on huge erroneous assumptions about anonymous posters.

>> No.3392913

It'd work easily for the red girl. Other girl just need her one breast to be bunched up a big higher. Don't deprive me of nipples lad

>> No.3393134

cool, im GS95#7549
I've only gone to the OCAD figure drawing drop in sessions on Wednesday. lemme know if you guys wanna go to the ROM or something.

>> No.3393277

It was a flat color commission ya silly. I'm not going to render what I haven't been paid for lol.

>> No.3393294

LMAO that had me chuckeling

>> No.3393299

i am a cute girl trust me

>> No.3393306

Michael deforge, Patrick kyle are canadian comic artists i like, if i was searching for canadians id check out people from comic compilations they participated in and their publishers

>> No.3393307

Anon >>3392308 here. It looks much better now. Nice work. I find it funny they actually were ladyboys.

>> No.3393309

>erroneous assumptions
If somebody claims Canada has no culture, it's not an assumption that he lives under a rock. It's a fact. You don't even have to look for it, just pay attention to your surroundings.
>grow up
>anime reaction image
>teenage angst attitude
>no punctuation

>> No.3393311


>> No.3393461

Hannah are you here?

>> No.3393901

I had a feeling you would! I had a bit of a laugh when you said it earlier lol. I appreciate advice when I'm told what's actually wrong with it too, so thanks again.

>> No.3393959

im not that guy but i also agree that your faces aren't as appealing as other porn artists. I feel like your drawings suggest a strong foundation in figure drawing, but you don't push your shapes very far and your finished work looks stiff even though your forms have really cool gestures. i don't know how much experimenting you do in your own time, but i think you've figured out the rules and now you should spend a little time breaking them and really pushing shapes and stuff.

>> No.3394067
File: 362 KB, 2027x1242, 76FA53BF-96A8-4A07-8A2B-0DD3DD8A68C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.3394076

How can you guys even draw? I'm too busy defending my igloo from polar bears.

>> No.3395306

The Extension. — This consists in carrying your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; in giving it as general a signification and as wide a sense as possible, so as to exaggerate it; and, on the other hand, in giving your own proposition as restricted a sense and as narrow limits as you can, because the more general a statement becomes, the more numerous are the objections to which it is open. The defence consists in an accurate statement of the point or essential question at issue.

>> No.3395589

no offence but post your work.

>> No.3396369

He's in hush mode now.

>> No.3396382

woah these are really cool! got a blog where i can see your finished work?