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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 528 KB, 670x1005, GBrrlO6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3391817 No.3391817 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard that you have to think like a sculptor in order to produce 3D looking stuff. What are some good materials for that? Is pic rel good?

>> No.3391824

Try Zbrush.

>> No.3391896

Just draw, if you are intelligent enough, it clicks sooner or later.

>> No.3394504

it doesn't click at all if you don't learn it specifically

>> No.3394513


>> No.3394567

This is what I hate about this self teaching crap. I can't find an answer to a very specific question, which is very, very important to further understand drawing and it's not something I can learn out of nowhere ie. "just drawing". I've been "just drawing" for my whole life and I would be equally bad a year from now if I hadn't received a tip about thinking like a sculptor. Suddenly it makes more sense and it's somewhat easier to imagine things in 3D but I still can't do shit. Now, if I was attending to a good school, I would have learned this concept years ago, without that I am stuck with nowhere to go. Learning to draw on my own seems impossible because I get fucking STUCK time and time again when in reality it should be much easier with guidance.

How many fucking years do I have to waste to get something people get in 1 or 2 years of learning? Fuck this useless board

>> No.3394572

Constructive drawing.
You know, that thing Loomis teaches? The thing that Vilppu teaches? The thing that Bridgman and Kim Jung Gi teach?
Yeah, that thing. Constructive drawing from imagination.

>> No.3394579

The person who wrote the book just sculpts in zbrush and overpaints the stuff lol

>> No.3394601

This is because you and all the beginners here genuinely believe that there is some magic secret or exercise that will instantly improve you work after a few times you do it. The resources are all out there, a girl even posted every single exercise she did at FZD and guess what? The first year was literally just Scott Robertson's HTD, yet every time you suggest this book here fags will complain that they don't care about cars not understanding that after a few months those exercises will greatly improve your 3D thinking.

>> No.3394640

Got a link for the exercises that the girld posted?

>> No.3394659

You learn what you can by yourself, then you take art classes and learn the rest/unlearn bad habits. You don't take up self-learning with efficiency in mind, you do it so you can go at your own pace and explore stuff on your own and have fun. This applies to everything - exercise, music, chess.

>> No.3394694



>> No.3394925

How much time have you spent drawing this month? With this attitude I highly doubt its even more than an hour a day you absolute fucking cunt.

>> No.3394938

>robot pencil
>anthony jones the mixed race potato nosed nigger nogger who ripped off his kickstarter supporters with a smile on his face

it's trash; fuck off AJ I know it's you

>> No.3394939

I am not but I watched that and it was worthless, considering it costs $3.50

>> No.3395825
File: 33 KB, 276x233, 1448575890011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't like self learning and take none of the advantages from it, fucking stop doing it.

>> No.3395837

If I stop doing that, I stop drawing altogether. I can't afford any school or course or whatever

>then stop drawing

No. It's a shitty argument, because it implies that poor people can't do anything in their lives, because they can't afford anything. I can learn to draw by myself but I wish I had at least one fucking person to help me out or something. If I get stuck, I can't overcome it. My whole learning process looks like this
>alright let's do this
>oops I am stuck and I have no fucking idea what to do, guess I'll do something else (other subject)

I won't surprise anyone by saying that I don't improve almost at all. If something doesn't make sense for years, I won't be able to do that for years. Simple as that.

>> No.3395865

"Thinking like a sculptor" is a stupid way to put it. It's just really soft values according to light sources.

>> No.3395870

>I can't learn to draw because I'm self-taught
If you make excuses like this then you're NGMI

>> No.3395876

>oops I am stuck and I have no fucking idea what to do, guess I'll do something else (other subject)

How about not giving up as soon as you encounter the slightest bit of trouble?
How about experimenting a bit and trying a different approach to what you're stuck on?
How about looking at reference or books?
How about actually just fucking drawing and not wasting your time looking for the "right" way to learn.

>> No.3395877


>> No.3395908

I do all of that

>> No.3396344

Art school has been the biggest regret and waste of my time and you will never meet humans so pretentious as in this field. I learned TREMENDOUSLY more being self thought.
Practice makes the master, cliche but true. If you want to get better, then don't give up, continue drawing.
There are loads of art tips/tutorial/speed drawings online for free, there is nothing stopping you.
Maybe you're just a slow learner and that's okay.
Draw a least one drawing everyday if your that determine to get better, it don't have to be a masterpiece but just try to learn the basic by heart and memory.

>> No.3396361
File: 180 KB, 947x891, 1467501063743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're upset by your own abilities i seriously doubt you're drawing for yourself. most artists are thrilled and enthralled by their ability to create. getting 'stuck' makes me question your motives. you want something more out of your work that it isn't giving you. my guess is you're like the many morons on this board who worship technical skills and don't even enjoy art. so really. take a bank loan. go to school. then get a job.

>> No.3396375

Also would like to know.
Are we talking about the girl who drew with a dislocated shoulder ? I don't have enough screens

>> No.3396379

Without technical skill you can't even get a job you fucking nigger, so get the fuck out and stick to being bad your whole life.

>> No.3396385
File: 45 KB, 446x400, 1519298189678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're doing art self study just to get a job you're doing life wrong.

>> No.3396409
File: 2.29 MB, 2550x4147, Into the west.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this style of art.
It's just abstract renderings of blobs.
What a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.3396414
File: 94 KB, 720x762, exercise_organic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawabox and Contour lines:

>> No.3396425

Literally feel the form, wrap around the form, push form in and out with values.
Also perspective.

>> No.3396778


if you're having problems in a piece there are communities online dedicated to helping you overcome your problems (e.g. /ic/ /r/learnart etc.). in reality mate you're just bitching about a lack of divine intervention telling you how to overcome your problems. next time before quitting, try asking online