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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 740 KB, 742x736, 314323454344354456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3391736 No.3391736 [Reply] [Original]

So.. what's up with reddit's art taste? Is skill really not needed anymore to make it nowaydays..

>> No.3391738

They like emotive characters and relateable scenes, it's not rocket science to figure out.

>> No.3391739

That's actually not as skill-less as you'd believe

>> No.3391742

Wow, what a pile of shit.

>> No.3391752

That shows enough skill, you curb snot.

But more importantly it shows aesthetics, taste - and is pleasant to look at.

>> No.3391753

you're confusing popularity with an indicator of skills.

regardless, this illustration is fine. the perspective is stable enough, it tells a story and has a cozy atmosphere. most ic users wouldn't be able to draw something like this.
it's nothing to write home about, but it's not as bad as OP is trying to make it to be.

if you want to get popular, make use of the social networks. retweet/ reblog stuff and you're getting a lot of fans.

>> No.3391754
File: 387 KB, 816x900, Darja Bajagić2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/s taste is just as bad desu

>> No.3391759

That is skillfully done. Just because it doesnt have perfectly cleaned linework and isnt rendered to death like your space marines doesnt make it bad. Stuff like this has a lot more soul

>> No.3391761

oo that's cool

>> No.3391763

But it's good though

>> No.3391769
File: 154 KB, 844x1187, ibco0bjw9yr01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op complains about a nice original illustration
>not about all the mindless celebrity photocopy shit that gets thousands of upvotes
Pic related has 20k uggh

>> No.3391789

seems the plebbit squad is here. Pretty much the same people who upvoted this, are here shilling for this crap.

Funny enough really decent fine art shit got like 5 upvotes, or even get's massively downvoted lol. Bet this artists is some tumblr/deviant girl

>> No.3391790

Isn't this just a photo with filter on top?

>> No.3391799

Pascal Campion is a full time art director who works for animation, film and television, you moron. He does daily sketches in his off time. If you seriously don't see why they are skillfully done then you are beyond any hope as an artist.

>> No.3391806
File: 79 KB, 805x599, C4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a nice bathtub to soak in like that

>> No.3391810


Pascal Campion is literally better than anyone on /ic/. That particular one is bad though.

>> No.3391823
File: 841 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180418-014222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You fgts are concentrating on his technical skill far too much. He is a professional in the industry and this is his side work. In fact I'm a huge fan of his he has many emotive pieces with a distinct feel.

Seriously crabbing hard here you guys are total losers.

>> No.3391830
File: 291 KB, 970x1417, 3638B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel I was warned that this board had shit taste and I guess this thread confirms it. It's like everyone came from /v/ and took that "if its not challenging its not worth doing" attitude with them.
Dumping some of my favorite Pascal pieces.

>> No.3391832
File: 103 KB, 736x1075, 803aac5e77b9fe1d1551e2771efa3422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391833
File: 219 KB, 854x1329, campion5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391835
File: 284 KB, 721x1053, pascalcampion8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391838

Wich Fanta ad is this from?

>> No.3391856

It may aswell be

>> No.3391869
File: 378 KB, 1280x806, Arthur Frank Mathews Dancing ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit as a whole sucks, but 4chan is 10x worse.

>> No.3391872

This is what you're complaining about? Not the fact that Reddit always gets a hard on for boring ultra-realistic Xerox printer art pieces which is what actually require no real skill?

Anyway why doesn't that art subreddit make it a rule to post direct link to the artist's gallery/social media? It was kinda tricky to find out who the actual artist who drew that was.

>> No.3391874

>character in environment
>3 point perspective
None of you complaining NGMIs are even close to this level.

>> No.3391875
File: 102 KB, 540x789, tumblr_op4ptlj0hi1qlioplo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another good one.

>> No.3391879

Don't you dare badmouth merc.wip, post your work right now.

>> No.3391907

>guess this thread confirms it
>Most of the people in this thread are telling op that he is a fag
totally confirmed

>> No.3391909

>Stuff like this has a lot more soul

>> No.3391987


It's not but their artistic merit is about equal

>> No.3391999

This picture is mediocre yet it's better than the vast majority of puke I see /ic/ spewed onto a digital canvas.

>> No.3392002

More like
>perspective of any kind
Already better than 99% of /ic/.

>> No.3392005

I have noticed that lots of d/ic/ks get bitter/jealousy when they see a very successful artist who doesn't do hyper realism. Highly stylized stuff like zucchini-chan and pascal clearly have years and years of skill behind them, but they are unable to recognize that skill as they barely even draw.

>> No.3392037


OP can't accept that there's nothing in this image that realism would have added to it.

>> No.3392095


>> No.3392098

>Funny enough really decent fine art shit got like 5 upvotes
Ah so you posted your work and didn't get any attention, got it

>> No.3392109

Why should I give a fuck about reddits art taste you little pussy bitch

>> No.3392157



Pascal Campion is an established industry figure who is very influential in the animation world... and you're a little nobody.

You couldn't hope to have one tenth the career this man has.

>> No.3392586

>most ic users wouldn't be able to draw something like this.
So of what use is /ic/'s opinion in any of this, then?

>> No.3392596

is that supposed to be a human face? It looks like a potato. The only good part is the cat.

>> No.3392661


But muh realism

>> No.3392665

Not to mention the use of lighting and shadow from the candle

>> No.3392682

go back

>> No.3392783


Do you think the character in this art killed themselves?

>> No.3392836

>that shitty perspective
>nice original illustration

dude do you have your eyeballs in the ass?

>> No.3392841


Redline the perspective then. Go

>> No.3392846

This a good piece
/ic/ salty as always

>> No.3392853

Yeah, he draws some of the wonkiest humans possible. Yet his work is still infinitely more appealing and also objectively from a draftmanship point better than anything you have ever drawn. Use this as a learning experience and try to figure out why that is. Why is this artist so much better than you despite him making huge anatomy "mistakes" and freehanding perspective in a very loose way? If you are able to answer this question, you will no doubt grow as an artist yourself and improve tenfolds. If you just insult me and claim he sucks, then... well, let's just say you are not gonna make it.

>> No.3392854

read the thread you contrarian fuck. Almost everyone said the same thing and told OP he's a moron.

>> No.3392855

the op drew it

>> No.3392943


Pascal Campion coming to this slum is a laughable concept.

>> No.3392989

I'd rather draw than read dumb shit i see in most
of /ic/

>> No.3392994
File: 944 KB, 420x236, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is OK.

I bet you haven't checked the subs like /r/drawme where they pass filtered photos as drawings. Normies can't tell the difference.

>> No.3393055

>He is a professional in the industry
He's still a faggot

>> No.3393063


You're not even touching upon the "Just watched Bob Ross and made this" posts with thousands of upvotes that all like like garbage,

>> No.3393067
File: 261 KB, 1500x1125, 5ZR7Y2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3393071


Forgot to add description. 30 Thousands Upvotes I shit you not.

>> No.3393096

The piece is not really my taste, but are you guys really so delusional that you are able to create something like that?

>> No.3393559

This is good. So you are wrong.

>> No.3393600
File: 558 KB, 1279x895, 1911_-_Марк_Шагал.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is skill really not needed anymore to make it nowaydays..
It hasn't been needed for a century now.

>> No.3393615

>hurr it has to look like my Korean MMOs to be good
Chagall was a seminal artist of his decade, if not of the entire prewar era.
And that's because he, at the expense of traditional composition, used bright colors, distorted shapes and caricature to create mood, convey emotions and hide symbolic messages that were often quite complex, being anti-Tsarist or expressing Jewish solidarity.
Like Picasso, he had a good understanding of the fundamentals but chose to intentionally break them in order to send a message.

This is definitely the Internet era. Whether your work gets popular or not didn't use to have much to do with raw skill, just if you could make people feel something or not.

>> No.3393622

>Is skill really not needed anymore to make it nowaydays
I don't know anon. Maybe Leonardo Da Vinci's neighbor actually way better than him but goes unnoticed and being forgotten by history.

>> No.3393624
File: 152 KB, 620x620, chagall_0731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like Picasso, he had a good understanding of the fundamentals
Did he now ?

But if he did it doesn't really matter. And I don't deny that he was seminal. But he was seminal in making skill obsolete, whether he chose not to use them or never had them.

He discovered that form doesn't matter, and that whatever you throw on a canvas, you will find people to fill the hole that is your artistic expression with their imagination. Draw a rabbi with five shaky brushstrokes and there you have a complex symbolic message about judaism.
And if people call you out on this just tell them that you voluntarily obscured your ideas and that they're just too dumb to get it.

All the while Klimt or Schiele break traditions to reach further in the common man's heart, and work their asses off to preserve aesthetics all the while...

>> No.3393626
File: 39 KB, 1200x692, C2zc7dbXEAAvfDh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man, why do we even try

>> No.3393715

Chagall did have to conceal his messages in order to keep his head unlike a lot of unluckier Jewish and regime-critical painters, though. There's probably no denying that his work would have been different if he wasn't both Jewish and critical of the regime, but it ended up being valuable as a portrait of the time (though most of the time it's history and not the painter that chooses).
Try to read the "mistakes" as intentional before assuming they're a mistake, though - even if you don't like hoity-toity art analysis, Chagall's art explicitly contains hidden messages and it's not a secret anymore.
For example, the perspective is crooked.
Could you think of something else Chagall might have thought was crooked or wrong at the time?

>> No.3393728

post your work OP

>> No.3393745

>Could you think of something else Chagall might have thought was crooked or wrong at the time?
Everything he ever painted ?
What a powerful message this is.

As for his head, he kept it because he was famous and could just emigrate to safer places as needed, not because his background or ideas were hidden.

>> No.3393804

>Jewish solidarity
Oh, do that's how he got famous. Those Jew connections sure are nice. Don't need a bit of talent if you have that

>> No.3393819

You know how people don't actually care about grammar online?
It's sort of like that.
As long as the message is conveyed through art, they don't care about the technical online.
In a more formal setting, you need to worry about your fundamentals.
It's appealing, something to look at after a long day.

>> No.3393860

that piece is pretty nice
not the best thing ever but it's there

i think the problem here is that nerds have bad taste because they refuse to engage with stuff that is outside of their comfort zone. since the kind of stuff they consume is stuff that is mostly literal, anything that isn't that is considered bad and anything that is in there is at least considered ok.

anyway open your horizons, man, watch some artsy fartsy movie and try to see why people would like it, or what they intended, or some abstract painting. it doesn't matter if you end up hating them, but getting a little out there will broaden your horizons and maybe you'll find something better

>> No.3393871
File: 177 KB, 500x696, tumblr_p30qu9UeGm1rtc2n0o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite artist is Guillaume Singelin. The guy doesn't draw reality-like stuff and some of his drawings can be classified as "tumblr art" by /ic/ but he has a way of building comfy universes and realms. The guy has something to it that I like more than any "more-real-than-life" artists. It's original.

>> No.3393879
File: 70 KB, 457x599, couleursellisone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example, this one's from "The Grocery", a french comic he illustrated. Every characters in it are as goofy-looking as pic related.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's more to drawing than "Whoa it looks just like a picture" or "Whoa, the anatomy work is 10/10!"

>> No.3393880

Yeah, people that draw "real art" are usually people that can't get over their own ego.
Kind of urks me.

>> No.3393935


sjw infested site. anything with a vagina and a cat is like drugs to them.

>> No.3393948

I miss the days when /ic/ wouldn't go out of their way to mindlessly defend MUH STYLE

>> No.3393979


None, as usual.

Don't come here for opinions, come here for resources. It's the only thing this board is half decent for.

>> No.3394026

3 success in art Just getting 2 of these will make you popular to people
1. Technical Skill
2. Marketing/Social skills of the artist
3. Appealing to the masses