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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3387703 No.3387703 [Reply] [Original]

I just wana be good enough to draw r34 of my waifu

what should I start with guys?

>> No.3387725

>I just wanna be good enough to draw anime girls
Why is such an "aspiration" so common? You people are pathetic.

>> No.3387736

because there is an excess of art. trying to aspire to something "great" is pointless, so I'd rather just do what makes me happy, rather than what makes you happy.

>> No.3387740

I started the same, drawing was a chore for me, but after almost a year i opened real passion for drawing, still drawing waifus though (even though i dropped fapping).

You should start with copying fave art, then turn to st/ic/y, save all shit what you produce.

>> No.3387741

This guy gets it. What is the point of aspiring to be the next hotshot when you can just draw what makes you happy. We only have so much time on this planet after all

>> No.3387744

as someone that shouldn't be giving advice, your waifu's face is your waifu, but your waifu's body is not your waifu, so start with the face

>> No.3387745
File: 68 KB, 1200x630, williamshakespeare1-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3387747

we can't even agree if shakespeare was a single person

>> No.3387748

It's not even that difficult to draw anime, find some resources on this board, or even the rest of the internet in general. I'd be more sympathetic if you weren't part of the statistical whiny and self serving hobbyist who would rather put in the work to beg /ic/ with borderline bait threads for easy cookie cutter flowchart methods to becoming what you dream about rather than out in some honest work and studying to reach that level of skill and expertise. This must be where the NGMI meme gets its spark. Dense and inactive posters who would rather have their art progress be instantaneously achieved rather than an enjoyable road trip down the highway of steady development.

I'm not mad at you, just severely dissapointed.

>> No.3387762

Wow, that second sentence must be what they call "word salad." In any case, I'm not OP, and I never made a single thread on this board in my time posting here. And I do put in "honest work and studying" towards my goal of drawing anime girls, so you can suck it mister

>> No.3387775

>In any case, I'm not OP, and I never made a single thread on this board in my time posting here. And I do put in "honest work and studying" towards my goal of drawing anime girls, so you can suck it mister

That's honestly great and I wish you the best, Anon. But I wasn't directing that post to people like you who put in actual work to draw what they love, just the ones who daydream about it and moan endlessly about not being able to find a way to instantly acquire the skills to do it.

>> No.3387779

I just realized I didn't quote OP and it was your post. I am too groggy.

>> No.3387829

What's pathetic about low aspirations, in principle?

Some people don't need to leave a ground breaking impact on this world, they just want to have fun. I don't see how that mindset is worthy of looking down upon.

>> No.3387905


>> No.3387959

Just because you are self aware doesn't make you less pathetic for being a shallow man who thinks with his dick.

>> No.3387973

There can be as much sophistication in eroticism as there can in any other kind of art, if only you weren't too busy projecting your own shallowness onto others to realize it.

>> No.3387980

>what's pathetic about low aspirations
the guy wasn't talking about "sophisticated" erotica or things like that and my post was just criticizing those weebs who only care about animu tiddies. Just because they are self aware doesn't mean that they can't be looked down for revolving their lives around cheap porn art.

>> No.3387986

>Just because they are self aware doesn't mean that they can't be looked down for revolving their lives around cheap porn art
>looked down
if you're life was any better you wouldn't be looking down on other people but instead helping them improve.
but you're just coping, HO look I'm better than those weeb fags hahaha better let them know

>> No.3388081

lol calling people pathectic requires a pretty tall horse.

>> No.3388089

Based OP. And not only draw r34 of her, but any kind of cute drawings of her. I want to be the only one that draws her so cute.

>> No.3389492

>muh aspirations
people with high aspirations that make shit art unironically have less value than porn artists

>> No.3389501
File: 482 KB, 500x880, 1491243261813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ crab mentality.

What should I respond?
>Make a contribution to an aspiring artist
>Or be a retard

Honestly, that kind of posting is against the board's rules

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
>3.Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

This retarded board needs to enforce rule 3 with iron fist

>> No.3389509

That's offensive,you should be banned

>> No.3389516

Might as well give a clear answer:
Just learn to draw normally while also focusing on figure drawing as well. Don't be scared to make ugly stuff of your waifu first, because otherwise you'll make no stuff of your waifu.

>> No.3389956
File: 28 KB, 400x524, haniwa14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only "meaningful" interaction you have with other human beans is being bullied on a chinese cartoon drawing practice forum

>> No.3390174


>> No.3390735

good taste

>> No.3390741

>revolving their lives
Nice projection loser, no reasonable person has drawing as a focus of their life, at least not until after they've already gotten good.