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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 185 KB, 728x1024, 1523312023303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3381720 No.3381720 [Reply] [Original]

This is the face of a professional sports's organization.
I thought all japs had a solid grasp on drawing basics.
this is dogshit and a third of the shit on /beg/ is not much worse

>> No.3381722

>I thought all japs had a solid grasp on drawing basics.

have you seen their whole fucking entertainment culture?

>> No.3381731

Lmao looks like some random homosexual devianart oc

>> No.3381744

this was the day anon learned that art, much like most things in life, isnt about who can do the most skillful things

>> No.3381755

What do you mean?
So if i do get good i won't make it all the same??

>> No.3381786

Yes, you would get 15-20 likes on your works by the same depressed aimless tryhards as you, but hey, you can shit on on others with your buddies for the rest of your life and get enjoyement out of that

>> No.3381797
File: 260 KB, 728x1151, HanmaBaki2790234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Baki the Grappler guy, right? That's not even that bad when it comes to how weird looking his anatomy can get.

>> No.3381798

weak bait. Skill and taste will get your further

>> No.3381800

not really

>> No.3381802

>Dissing Itagaki
Shit taste.

>> No.3381809
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 8538396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never got who did his work appeal to exactly. Obnoxious characters, annoying endless fight scenes, really weird aesthetics bordering bad drawing and strange sexual obsessions

>> No.3382018

OP setting realism as a standard for japanese cartoons is stupid. It's a cartoon. It's supposed to be unrealistic. In one of Keisuke Itagaki's manga he literally has a character fight a fucking Elephant the size of a building with his bare hands that even an army with tanks and shit couldn't even kill it.
My point is realism isn't a standard for all art.

>> No.3382128

you only need to look around the world for 5 seconds to know that that isn't true lol

>> No.3382263

dont shit on baki you stupid faggot.
I bet you dont even lift

>> No.3382270

Same, it's horrible. I can't stand the faggots who praise it
>y-you hate fun anon
Fuck you it's shit

>> No.3382275

No one was talking about realism you dumbass. There are countless of very good stylized and completely exaggerated images, this is clearly not one of them, it just looks like shit.

>> No.3382281

How so? If we're looking at any big studios in the entertainment industry, I could easily name you 10 skilled professional artists for every unskilled artist you could name, who works in a position he doesn't deserve. You seem a little bit delusional if you think companies hire artists without having any expectations whatsoever towards them. As if art is the one profession on earth where the person who offers a service or product is not meant to be good or even competent at their job.

>> No.3382308

Aw don't get mad anon. It was only his opinion.
Are you crying? Did he hurt you? Come here and cry on my shoulder.

>> No.3382360

You're right in that this isn't exclusive to art. However your belief that skill of the most important thing is completely false. This happens in other career paths as well like engineering. Connections are the most important and most valued thing. If person A has a great gpa and a degree and person B has a shit gpa, a degree and is friends with someone who works at the company, who do you think they're going to hire? The same applies for art. Obviously they won't hire you if you're drawing stick figures but if you're just good enough and have the proper connections they'll definitely hire you over someone who is more skilled. They'd rather train someone they know (or someone vouched for) as opposed to hiring some random guy who, while he may be good at art, is a wildcard when it comes to everything else. There are other things companies consider when hiring. Like would you fit into the companies culture? Could you get along with everyone? Do you work well with a team? Etc. If you have connections then it's assumed that you can do all this stuff and you'll be favored over someone more skilled with no connections.

>> No.3382383

How do you think you can make "proper connections" though? Message professionals on artstation and ask them if they want to be friends with you? Connections are usually made by people who can mutually benefit from each other. They are around the same skill level, have known each other from art school or online, comment on each others work, maybe did some project together etc. No one wants to network with a guy who is way below their own skill level and has nothing of value to offer to them in return.

>> No.3382388


>> No.3382765

You're falling for the self-pity bandwagon that this board infuses people with.
>u-uh if i don't make it in the industry it's not because i have shit work ethic or i barely draw anything outside my comfort zone
>i'm just NATURALLY shy and there's NOTHING i can do about it
You can believe the man is keeping you down all you want, at the end of the day you know it's probably not true

>> No.3382791
File: 234 KB, 1200x963, wp2315110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is similar to ukiyo-e drawings style on purpose.

>> No.3385514

>he doesn't like Baki
get outta here, I bet you don't even lift faggot

>> No.3385940

purposefulness doesn't mean is good

>> No.3385948

Not him, but quantity DOES matter more than quality.

You need to make more work so there a higher chance of someone seeing it. The only way you're going to get famous over a few single good pieces is if you're making a fancomic for a flavor of the month piece of fictional media.

The more work you post, the more people see it and the more followers you get.

...Though if you're only looking to get hired, you need just enough pics to make a good portfolio.

>> No.3385956

Yeah It's shit but it's Baki. Lots of shit things are valued because there is more to them then what you see just passing by.

>> No.3385961

You make a really good point.
Work ethic beats all in the end. There are people on this board right now who would make it if they'd just stop grinding for a minute and do something they want to do

>> No.3385986


the story is entertaining especially that part where they revived a frozen human from the dinosaur age. Dude was frozen while fighting a t rex. They put him on tv and make him wear cloth then he raped a reporter at the airport.

>> No.3385997

That's deep.

>> No.3386004

Stop projecting you teenage faggot, the world isn't a meritocracy and there are a lot of factors when it comes down to hiring for any job other than skill

>> No.3386151

Do you even know what projecting means?
Yes anon you'll never make it, but not because you're not putting in the hours or are insufferable to work with, it's all a conspiracy

>> No.3386170

Japan has a lot of really shit artists it's just that only the good art becomes popular enough in japan to get noticed in the west

>> No.3386244
File: 185 KB, 739x1200, 007 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ITT: a bunch of ignorant faggots that think realism is the end all be all in art, when they probably wouldn't be able to put in 5% of the effort and work this guy puts in his pages.

First of all, I also used to be this way, and my work still bases itself on realism and realistic anatomy, but I can fairly say that this manga made me change some of my views on art. I'm going to talk about his "recent" works, which is his work from the past decade, because that's where you see that he truly started to master the style he was going for in the beginning, when it was a fucking mess.

Yes, the anatomy can be pretty whack sometimes, actually most of the times the anatomy per say is "fine" structure wise, it's his proportions that are overly exagerated but that's exactly the point of his mangas, a bunch of inhumanly strong people doing inhuman feats in the most ridiculous of ways, and it's so fucking entertaining, but this wouldn't work without his style at all. It might not seem like it, but his anatomical knowledge is good and consistent, it's not randomly done, it's structurally correct, but overly exagerated and stylized.

There's also this weird assumption that if the art is not realistic then for some reason there is no skill involved, which is the dumbest argument I see spewed out on here over and over again, when in fact this guy's lines are one of the most strange and impressive ones i've seen in manga. The dynamism in it is also exceptional, and I'm ready to say that he's one of the best at it, even though it's still nowhere near murata level, it's still great. So yes, different and original doesn't always mean it's good, but in this case it is.

I'm going to post a few pages that I really enjoy, or that showcase his style more fairly in an attempt to maybe give you some interest in it. If it doesn't then too bad, but I really think if you're into action mangas overall this is one of the best, and you're missing out.

>> No.3386255
File: 189 KB, 733x1200, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I mean, even though the anatomy is over the top and proportions exagerated it's still appropriate and very dynamic.

>> No.3386261

>No one was talking about realism you dumbass. There are countless of very good stylized and completely exaggerated images, this is clearly not one of them, it just looks like shit.

>> No.3386263

>no line of action
>flat composition
>no perspective
>shitty, ambiguous silhouette
I loled

>> No.3386273

How the fuck is the image in the OP structurally correct by any means?
How is his temple well in front of the most protruding part of the glove but his mouth is biting the fastener far in the other side?
How's his neck stiff when his head can reach the elbow of his rised arm?
How can his upperbody be completely unaffected by the action?

>> No.3386280
File: 667 KB, 1775x1400, 0233-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, I'm wrong and you guys are right I guess. you guys probably do this with your eyes closed huh?

>> No.3386288

Just explain to me how can his face be jutted like 30cm out of the muscle bound neck while it's simultaneously in front and behind of the thick glove.
How is that in your own words "structurally correct"

>> No.3386344
File: 57 KB, 702x558, 1497898454503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This genuinely hurts to look at. The perspective is so nonsensical that it hurts my eyes and gives me a headache

>> No.3386356
File: 3.41 MB, 2400x1300, bakihands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're going to take a shitty poster he probably made in his spare time and generalize to all of his works? I guess you must be infallible when you draw, obviously all of your drawings are perfect, you never make a mistake.

As to what I mean by structurally correct, you can check the second page I posted, the proportions are all exaggerated, but the anatomy of the muscles is adapted and correctly placed on the structure, basically quadriceps are correctly drawn as quads, and not randomly drawn, which is why it's great. The best example I can give you is his hands, the proportions are changed to looks like strong giant hands, but the structure is correct and still beautifully drawn. you can also see the difference with the old man's hand on the previous page.

Just because you can't see what's great about something doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.3387061
File: 96 KB, 480x364, MAO_4728_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this guy used to be a boxer and even practices kempo, so it's most likely he literally has brain damage or something.

I wanna see a Manben interview with him to see how he creates his badass abominations.

>> No.3387118

Not that annon, but you're basically right. To make it in any industry you have to put yourself in the right circles. Usually offline. Sometimes you have to go to cons, conferences and other crap if thats where the big cheeses are. The real reason you go to a place like artschool is so you can build those circles. You are also right that you have to have some sort of value. The key is faking that value until you really do have value, the 'it takes money to make money' paradox.

>> No.3387166

the problem you should clearly take notice of here, is that you're worse at drawing and achieved less than a retard.

>> No.3387305

You make a pretty good argument dont listen to these trolls. We arent all gonna make it but we can all make it!

>> No.3387335

Fucking awesome you mean

>> No.3387368

Dont hate on my baki. Reeeeeee

>> No.3387472

>not a single complex background in the 20 panels that proof he's a beast of a draftsman


>> No.3387475

mma btfo

>> No.3387516


I'm gonna respect the artist and assume his work does look twisted, grotesque and ugly on purpose. Yes, he should have all the freedom in the world to depict the human body however he wants. But at the end of the day, that's all his work is-- twisted, grotesque and ugly.

>> No.3387536

what a sellout

>> No.3387663
File: 61 KB, 686x445, IMG_5602-686x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. It stands out because how bizarre and weirdly homoerotic it is. Kinda what you expect from the Rizin productions some people love so much.

>> No.3387665

>This is the face of a professional sports's organization.
Isn't that the organization that has Gabi Garcia beating grannies on every event?

>> No.3387671

>complex backgrounds in manga
A photo with a filter you mean

>> No.3387681
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, inio_asano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-B-B-But Inio Asano's technique is revolutionary!
Photoshoping a photo into monochrome and then inking over it is totally valid!!
Who needs to learn perspective anyways!?

>> No.3387686

well the guy couldn't be assed to do even that and instead left his "stylized" figures in a flat empty space

>> No.3388717
File: 2.06 MB, 472x3000, lmfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the strongest man on earth, basically a "bloodthirsty" superman, breaking through reinforced glass with his face.

So yeah, this is why it's good in the first place, and this is why his style only adds to the story. It's just entertaining as fuck to read.

>> No.3389231
File: 121 KB, 1022x651, A502723E-D538-4E5A-B2C3-E8BE8921755F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots actually shitting on keisuke “literally Hogarth” itagaki
>retards thinking his anatomy is even meant to be realistic
>actually being deluded enough to think there is a single person in any fighting organisation that would hire them over the legend, in any year

>> No.3389263

>>retards thinking his anatomy is even meant to be realistic
i guess it only makes sense for you keisuke's dickriders to be completely braindead.
No one has even doubted that realism is not his goal. No one has used lack of realism as an argument.

>> No.3389267

post punches

>> No.3389283

>weekly series where the characters are overdetailed and midtoned up the ass has little to no backgrounds
i wonder why

>> No.3389286

>No one has used lack of realism as an argument.
except the entire thread, stilization is mostly subjective and while you can apply certain basic objective elements to it (the golden ration, etc) at the end of the day it depends on the person to decide if they like it or not

>> No.3389687

The entire thread has been telling you fags that it's not an issue of stylization but of his chosen stylization looking like shit and being sructurally inconsistent.
I guess all that homoerotic schlock's rotting your brain pal