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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>> No.3375279

Is it just me, or the head movement looks off?

>> No.3375387

>criticizing tatsuyuki tanaka
oh wow. what exactly do you think is wrong with it?

>> No.3375605
File: 1.86 MB, 700x394, 1522905169530[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this look so good even though there's minimal animation?

>> No.3375611

The straps really get me.

>> No.3375613


Because, Richard Williams, not everything needs to be on ones.

>> No.3375626

Good use of camera shake. It can add a lot of impact and movement to otherwise minimal animation

>> No.3375952


Whats a decent program to use or buy, the best well rounded program? I'd really like to start messing with animation, but, can't seem to find a decent program.

>> No.3375961
File: 1.30 MB, 780x1287, stretch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... Adobe Animate (or Flash. We all know it's Flash stop lying to yourself Adobe.) is relatively cheep or steal-able. Recent versions have much improved drawing, buuut it still kinda sucks to draw in.

Toonboom is good, I guess but I despise that companies licensing policies so I avoid their products. Steal it I guess if you can. It's not easy.

TVPAINT is supposed to be the best for more artistic animation, since it feels more natural. I dunno.

Personally I just animate in Photoshop 90% of the time, with the Anim-Dessin plugin.

Anyway here's a little animation test I just completed.

>> No.3375979


>> No.3376244
File: 1.72 MB, 800x450, test2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3376266

You do this anon? It's nice.

>> No.3376399

Do you think anyone is beyond criticism?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd8Jijb7jZY I think there should be more up and down movement, and not front to back.

>> No.3376402

Separate movement of each leg will look beter IMO.

>> No.3376460

yeah some people told me the same, so I am already working on that. thanks for the suggestion

>> No.3376492


>> No.3377378
File: 770 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postan dis wip

RLY gotta finish this soon... GRRRR it's painful not having finished it.

>> No.3377379
File: 28 KB, 288x392, simpl eupho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posting this here so I can practice drawing it again and again inbetween breaks at work tonight

>> No.3377393

I have no fucking clue what's happening here

>> No.3377400

This makes even less sense than the last one lmao

>> No.3377445


Color me intrigued.

>> No.3377642

>her tank top bouncing unnecessarily
why do faggots do this

>> No.3377649

There's a gremlin in the tuba that launches for the orbit.

>> No.3377684

you need to time it properly, as an animatic. otherwise nobody understands what is going on.
also hold off with the coloring, until you're done with animating

>> No.3377874

Is the gremlin your oc? From one frame I caught her she seemed cute.

>> No.3378148
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 1437086304655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beary nice gremlin

i agree with other anon its hard to follow whats happening, keep going though

hehe cute. i imagine this is what being sucked into a black hole looks like

>> No.3378159

Moving backgrounds and camera shakes are the anime way.

>> No.3378173


>> No.3378214

The head looks off

Shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.3378463

Is there an Animdessin plugin for the standard CS6? (Without timelines) All the versions I found only work on CC... (therefore I can't use it)

>> No.3378492


Thanks. I was going for a "Being sucked into hyperspace" kinda thing.


The original Animdessin was for CS6, and that's still available, but if you don't have timelines then you're screwed either way, because you'll have no way to play back.

But it looks like all versions of CS6 (extended or not) support timelines, so I'm not sure what the problem you're having is.

Here's a link for original Animdessin anyway. Hope it helps.


>> No.3378498

After watching it over and over. I finally get what's happening. She's about to blow then goes bonkers when she sees something falling down and then has to catch her eupho then catch whatever's falling out of the sky. It's hard to tell that something fell because if you just watch the animation, it looks like a giant laser just shot out of the eupho when really it's going into the eupho. I think it would make more sense if you fixed the stuttering timing and if you finished the colors/lining for every frame. I really liked the bulging eyes part though.

>> No.3378726

Finally put together some fx stuff, hope you guys like it.

>> No.3378742


Hey that's not bad. Motion graphics and advertising houses love that kind of stuff.

>> No.3378915

Wow, thanks man, people like you are the reason why I keep browsing this place!...

>> No.3379124
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, great job.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No problem! I'm happy if I can offer a little help in this sea of terrible advice and crabs.

>> No.3379133

abstract animation that isn't lazy as fuck? What planet am I on?
but seriously, great stuff man
drop the name tho

>> No.3379259

would hire you senpai

>> No.3380278
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, iq (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this yesterday for giggles, from 11pm till 6am.
I haven't animated in a while, so even making this was something.
Here is a version with sound:

>> No.3380400

Hehe. Not too bad.

>> No.3380864

not much animation so not a lot of critique to be made
but I did laugh

>> No.3380916

If I want to make a career out of 2d animation what should I focus on?

FBF or Tweens ?

games or cartoons?

>> No.3380924

Learn how to actually animate frame-by-frame. Everything else is just style.

>> No.3380927

I would argue against going frame-by-frame.

don't get me wrong, fbf is where my heart is at, but you won't make money out of it.
after effects, motion graphics, is what you should learn, everyone wants it.

TL;DR: go with Tweens, if you want to have a future in the animation industry. Go with FBF, if that is your true passion.

>> No.3380946

If you understand timing, spacing, squash and stretch, etc., your animations are going to look better, even if you're tweening a puppet or moving abstract shapes. When Pixar started doing CG movies, the people who only knew how to animate on the computer created really bland movements, so they hired 2D animators, taught them CG, and it came out much better. Like everything else, get your fundamentals down and anything else is fairly easy. You can learn how to use After Effects in a few days, for example.

>> No.3380956

that is true, but I have a hard time working with toon boom. it's so disjointed from animating FBF. I always mess up the timing and spacing, I just can't wrap my head around it.
animating FBF comes much more natural and easier than tweening.
so at least for me, it's not an easy or desirable transition, but this might be just me.

>> No.3381032

I hate mo-graph and if it came to having to work in in I would rather work at mcdonalds and animate in my free time.

>> No.3381057

I hear you

>> No.3381452

In America? Focus on storyboarding. That's where all the jobs are in 2D.

Otherwise learn stuff like motion graphics and video compositing. A little bit of 3D knowledge will go along way in this country too.

>> No.3381458

proper directing

>> No.3381459

i hear mcdonalds is as stressful as being an EMT these days

>> No.3381465


>> No.3381488

I know you're exaggerating, but god fuck is fast food so stressful these days thanks to drive-thrus and people wanting xyz on their shitburgers. And that's not even accounting for everything else.

>> No.3381491

This. I wanted to be a 2D animator and work my way up as a storyboarder like all my favorite animators so I looked up TV animation studios to see their hiring criteria and none of them seem to want in-house animation guys. So I guess I have to skip my way up or something because there are zero jobs in 2D animation besides tweening in Toonboom.
If only I lived in one of those third world outsource countries...

>> No.3381586
File: 185 KB, 325x269, walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(badly looped) First attempts at a walk cycle...

>> No.3381588

no it looks attached you moron

>> No.3381591
File: 132 KB, 281x260, run4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and a run cycle.

Is there any crack for a version of ToonBoom that isn't a decade old? I just wanna use it for learning.

>> No.3381594


>> No.3381622

the way i see it, if theres no demand for it, youre just trying to force something that doesnt exist anymore.

>> No.3381627

korea that horrible third world country

>> No.3381829
File: 1001 KB, 3300x2550, yell-cutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know how to go with the body for this

>> No.3382054

I didn't realize I was insulting the guy you fluff.

>> No.3382063


>> No.3382098
File: 245 KB, 300x200, 831fb1658a5afcc450a5ab8ca14085f4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorilla gluing my metal pegbar to my artograph light tracer. Will it stick?

>> No.3382104

Krita has gotten pretty good for animation, it's free too

>> No.3382155


no idea. i just use tape.

also, dis you?

>> No.3382211
File: 1013 KB, 500x271, 1449368756-ea12f8972590b6e9393212abfa64f443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just sharing.

>> No.3382212
File: 2.00 MB, 706x499, tumblr_nwtsxgvp4p1qanw3wo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some good shit

>> No.3382299

and here i sit being proud of animating a cube falling over.

>> No.3382391

as you should be
be proud of what you've done

>> No.3382412

thank you, friend.

>> No.3382487

shit sucks
if i wanted to draw comics i'd just do that.
is it the animators union that inflates wages? i'd rather animate than flip burgers for the same hourly rate

>> No.3382505
File: 846 KB, 720x480, goo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah kinda. If you're in a union shop, they take care of you, but they inflated wages in this country to the point where most of the work went overseas, first to Japan, then Korea, now the Philippines and India. Bunch of it goes to Canada too due to tax breaks.

On the other hand I was in a non-union shop and they jerked me around and lied about my tax returns to the IRS, so I guess the union serves a purpose.

Southern California is an overpriced hellhole. Movie production is fleeing to greener pastures, like Atlanta. I'd move there myself if I was in Live-action.

The only hope for doing actual animation in this country again is setting up shop as FAR away from L.A. as possible. If anyone's listening I recommend Georgia or Texas. Oh, Louisiana might be good too. They need the jobs.

Florida used to have a scene until Disney pulled up stakes and everyone else followed.

Hey I just started following that artist on tumblr. They do good work.

>> No.3382512

You are a nice guy
The one /ic/ needs
I love you

>> No.3382536
File: 104 KB, 270x229, Ducky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my third time i tried to animate something.
Please no bully

>> No.3382579
File: 154 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bluh bleh bluh buh bluh
a bluhbidih bluh blah. wasn't able to work on this until recently.

everything else coming soon
You got it boss. It's mostly just the one blowing bit I need to work on making clear, which will be coming up pretty soon!
close. You'll see. And thank you I had to study some tex avery for it. It's also the only part that's actually done.

>> No.3382744
File: 628 KB, 600x338, Bettine newest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a hard time with the sword.
Everything else was fun, though

>> No.3382759

The character is really good but why are you drawing the sword like it exists on a 2D plane?

>> No.3382770

I'm going to own up on this but it was because the blade was just copy over and over to nobody's surprise.
I had a really hard time keeping it consistent in size when redrawing, as well as making it fly into the camera when the time came.

>> No.3382798

What software did you use for this?

>> No.3382988
File: 2.04 MB, 720x480, scene57(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a cartoon short where i use blender (3d program) and drawn 2d animation. Here is an example of one the shoots i made in the short.
Does the motion blur with 2d look too unatural here?

>> No.3383002

nope, it works well mate

>> No.3383004

hey this looks awesome my friend!
do you know a good tutorial on how to use blender for a 2D background?

>> No.3383005

No, looks fine.

>> No.3383011

thanks, but not sure what you mean. If you want to make something like 3d objects that look 2d i recommend using a toon shader and then using a freestyle to add lines around the 3d object.
other cool thing id reccomend is looking at greasse pencil tutorials on youtube. Its very confusing to animate anything with it at the moment but you can do stuff like this with it.

>> No.3383054


Hey that looks pretty good. I'm trying to learn how to integrate blender into my 2D animation work as well.

Right now I'm just thinking of using it to rotoscope 3D camera moves, because that'd be easier (for me) then figuring out how to rendering 3D in a matching style.

>> No.3383079
File: 217 KB, 640x480, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate.

>> No.3383083
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 0069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man,
But yeah It is super hard to integrate 2d and 3d assets. If you really want to make it indistinguishable between the two you will have to put so much work that is not worth it. Disney is spending millions of dollars to achieve this look, and they almost made it look like it was actually hand drawn. But if youre like me that uses 3d to save time, i suggest not worry too much how the two mediums interact. If you try to make a 3d object look 2d, people are going to notice it pretty fast (except for normies). In 3d everything get complicated fast, so just remember to keep things as simple as possible!
pic related: you can clearly see how the laser gun is a 3d object but the alien is drawn, yet the difference doesnt look too distracting.

>> No.3383220

That's why I'm thinking of just making very simple 3D assets and rotoscoping them, and I would only do this occasionally.

Going for that old-school anime look.


>> No.3383237

timing and impact
high frames != good animation

>> No.3383252

that looks simple enough, id probably recommend that you look up some models on turbosquid of the asset you want to rotoscope. That or if you have time model the assets yourself. Good luck anon!

>> No.3383262


>> No.3383413
File: 902 KB, 698x1046, 1523363857467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D > 2D

>> No.3383415
File: 182 KB, 980x980, 2f081a287387a376b4f11032ed29d1c0__980x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop startng pointles flame wars..

>> No.3383462
File: 9 KB, 124x200, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate.

>> No.3383513

lmao, jesus, this guy has club-feet

>> No.3383798

it's kinda obvious that it's a non-pixel animation that you pixellised
plus it moves a bit too much for an idle animation
but still it's p cool

>> No.3383928
File: 418 KB, 1754x1240, applllel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts about my bouncing apple?

>> No.3383933

Perspective's wrong; it shrinks too much and looks like it's falling further than it is.

>> No.3383934

when it first bounces that contact is indicating the floor plane and shouldn't shrink smaller than that.

>> No.3383998

Clipstudio. I compiled it with OpenToonz

>> No.3384031

It looks like it shrinks after the bounce

>> No.3384088

Bahi JD is a god

>> No.3384113

and being badly attached doesn't look wrong? ok

>> No.3384166

>tfw you are so bad people don't even bother to respond

>> No.3384187

so no face?

it's good, nice action with the tail. you're off model though, maybe do some more studies of the original drawings.

>> No.3384193

yeah i left the face to make it a little easier for me

>> No.3384216


>> No.3384271
File: 53 KB, 763x540, apol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i fixed it

>> No.3384282


>> No.3384291


>> No.3384340

i didn't expect to see you on ic. Looks like it's going well

>> No.3384381
File: 412 KB, 420x314, exquisite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3384419

Realistically speaking. How long will it take for someone who never animated to make a 4 min long cartoon?
let's say the quality should be decent so no stick figures

>> No.3384425

10 years

>> No.3384426

But i want it tomorrow
jokes aside. really this long? damn

>> No.3384432

count 2 weeks for 30 seconds
if "never animated" means "never did a full cartoon", not "never even animated a fucking bouncing ball"

>> No.3384445

depends man. these days on the internet you can achieve 'seemingly decent' with just adobe animate or some sort of pivot tool equivalent. i think as long as you have a storyboard and a good script and voice acting you can cut corners in the visual production department by a LOT, and i mean do fuck-all, and it can still be enjoyable. but im assuming youre definitely not going for an anime-epic.

>> No.3384579

looks dandy, very nice

>> No.3384621

top kek, thanks anon

Thanks for the tips, guys!

>> No.3384685

>if i wanted to draw comics i'd just do that.
Good luck animating someone else's "comics"

>> No.3384700

he's so cute

he's so FUCKING cute god damn.

>> No.3385117

How the fuck is this guy not more popular

>> No.3385248

I fucking love this animator. His Foley Flip video is great

>> No.3385308

Who here subscribed to AMB's premium library?
Can you share pls

>> No.3385822
File: 124 KB, 640x480, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls tell me it looks not crap.

>> No.3385848

not bad in my opinion.
a bit badly looped maybe?

>> No.3385851

I'm not sure, besides is just the stick figure sketch.
gotta work on it.

>> No.3385864
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, bunny girl3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nice, i love the character design and the proportions stay the same.
the sword swing is a bit fast, you could really slow it down and give it that weight so she is swung by the sword.

be aware of the proportions when the apple falls on the ground, it seems to keep shrinking.

man this made me chuckle

Anyway here's a head turn i made.

>> No.3385895

not gonna lie, the equally spaced timing of everything in the movement makes the character look like an animatronic. try playing the the timing of the turn a bit so it isn't such a fast motion

>> No.3385899
File: 119 KB, 640x480, popeye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3385923
File: 318 KB, 1000x595, f7655a48aa9c591def03b577f4c44a59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things wrong with this to be honest. Start with clear keys of the main poses (passing position, contact, etc.) then in between those.

>> No.3385926

sorry didn't want to be a crab still kinda like it.

>> No.3385932

Do you have any friends interested in animation?
I can't find anyone who has the same hobbies like me. And does having someone who you can share anything related to animation help you become better?

>> No.3385984

I'm studying animation so yea
but just give your illustration friends a cracked animation program and they'll become animation friends

>> No.3385998

i wish i were you.
im too much of a lowselfesteemfag and i can't draw for shit so i never tried to apply

>> No.3386006
File: 228 KB, 800x450, head rotation v4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have quite a few friends I've met through making animations on YouTube. I used to be heavily involved in the MLP fandom's animation community so we all had some equal ground to level with. Though, everybody eventually moved on to better things but stayed in contact of some sort. I think at some point you just meet other animators because "hey we do the same thing. that's cool and fun". though i wouldn't say the same for local people. i don't have any clue where to meet other local animators because of how secluded my area is.
but definitely, having friends who're just as interested in animation as you are can definitely motivate you and help you improve. though you gotta really make sure that the animators you hang around with don't constantly kiss your ass and call you amazing every time you show them your work, because that's fucking toxic as hell and creates shitty creators with no self awareness. having honest buddy animators roast your work and give you a true critique [similar to how /ic/ does it] can make your work look fucking amazing. i work alongside some of my best friends in our own little studio and it's been such a blast. we aren't afraid to discuss the flaws in eachother's animations, and it really helps make our work look great

>> No.3387278

How do you know what animation software to choose? I’m currently learning Storyboard/ToonBoom so I can work with a friend while i learn the ropes, but I don’t know if the tools lend themselves to my art.
I tend to draw over my lines more than once then polish them down with the eraser, which I know is a bad and inefficient habit but it allows me to get a certain look. Should I break my attachment to that way of line art?

>> No.3387292

Bump, I want to make a hybrid of these two. The second one is similar to my art style but the first one has better posing and more going on exc.



>> No.3387624

tvpaint if you want a traditionnal hand drawn look
adobe animate if you hate yourself
idk about the rest

>> No.3387729

good books on animation history?

>> No.3387805

Of Mice and Magic by Leonard Maltin is a really good one. It's just about American animation (except for the beginning since it has to acknowledge European origins of animation) and doesn't go beyond 1987 but there's lots of information in it since the book goes by each studio one by one. I recommend it.
The other only animation book I have is The World History of Animation which covers a lot of countries on a year by year basis, but honestly it feels like it skips a lot though since the book only talks about like what one or two studios in a respective country did per year. So I'm not sure about that one.

>> No.3387834

thanks for the tip!

>> No.3387902
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, hand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a thing with a hand

>> No.3387923

so chicken scratched that I couldn't even tell it was a hand before reading your post
clean up

>> No.3387943

You know you don't need an x-sheet when you have a working timeline in almost every art/animation software there is, right? focus on timing the extremes before you even think about adding in any inbetweens dude.

>> No.3387952

Yep. I had no idea that was a hand. Stop scratching and do it right.

>> No.3387955

how do i stop scratching

>> No.3387958

Focus more on studying the hand and draw meaningful lines at each of the angles. It's ok to scratch a little but it just looks like you're guessing and trying to get something that looks like a hand instead of just drawing a hand.

>> No.3387963

https://lazynezumi.com/ Lazy nezumi

>> No.3387966

ok thanks, i will do just that

>> No.3387995
File: 84 KB, 707x445, pancho01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ther'es nothing wrong with looseness, you just need to feel forms instead of being like a retard and doing noisy contour lines that constantly fall apart. You could simplify the palm of the hand as a flat ball-like shape to get a solid volume, then you get loose gesture lines of the fingers and then you detail it out.

>> No.3388583

How do I setup a portfolio for storyboarding?

>> No.3389290

Do you guys think having an animation discord would be good or bad? also do any of you know of good animation communities to join?

>> No.3389294

I wish

>> No.3389300

discord kills threads

>> No.3389304

Damn alright fair point

>> No.3390505


>> No.3390557

What program is this?

>> No.3390988

I would join an animation discord desu. surprisingly the opposite of what >>3389300 said happened here. the thread is more active than the discord desu senpaitachi. there's only one or two posters there.

>> No.3391540

How do I animate stuff like zone-sama or other people who just use pieces of a drawing?

>> No.3391623
File: 2.31 MB, 768x432, lullicomp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a little test

>> No.3392155

Nice and colorful style, only weird thing is the way she stops before she does the spin, like her leg kinda twitches before the spin.

>> No.3392156
File: 338 KB, 672x807, rigs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished rig for little series ima do on yt.

>> No.3392270

what program is that? that looks really cool

>> No.3392271

Toonboom harmony premium

>> No.3392377

thank you! she's doing a little kick before spinning. prob be better if i added more frames

>> No.3393664

don't you dare die on me

>> No.3393734
File: 576 KB, 800x450, xtrem ball bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3393767

Flash plus symbols on different layers plus separating every detail into its own symbol

>> No.3393929
File: 2.89 MB, 708x1000, 1523370714409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys, how was this accomplished? which programs did they use?

>> No.3393937

You've asked a few times now.


>> No.3393938

what about the camera shake? motion blur? from what I've seen of spline on yt, none of these things seem to be possible.

>> No.3393943

this is shitty, everyone knows wojak is too scared to stand up for himself, plus pepe is 10x stronger than wojak
fuck off

>> No.3393947

Fool. The image was created including those things ahead of time. Notice how those things are all being warped too?

>> No.3393950

no, this is the original image https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67213456

someone (not the artist) took it and made that animation

>> No.3394018

its not that bad. try some excersises and finishing up stuff

>> No.3395335

>was commissioned by a client to create storyboards
>she asked me to make an animatic because she wants to present it to a class. It's mostly just one frame transitioning into the next.
>no specific audio though

Since this is work-for-hire, is it not ok to use a copyrighted song for the video's audio? Should I just use some royalty free music instead? If I do, do I have to add credit for the audio in the video?

>> No.3395346

go to bloody free music archive right now. Yes you still have to credit the music.

>> No.3395355

You don't need to worry about copyright music for a fucking class project that's going to be seen by a dozen people; jesus. Even people that have youtube videos with hundreds of thousands...MILLIONS of views use such music with impunity. Just give credit where credit is due because it's the right thing to do, that's all. Fuckin' dummy.

>> No.3395564

Don't be retarded, most videos using copyrighted music longer than 8 seconds is taken down. The absolute limit for fair use is 8 seconds

>> No.3395575
File: 958 KB, 480x287, you are incorrect tbh fam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Almost 100% of music uploads on youtube are similarly "illegal". I guess he better be worried his teacher is going to call up Time Warner and have their agents drag him out of his classroom of 30 people by force because he's infringing on their copyright by showing the class his work once, huh?

Here's a nice 4 year old tumblr landwhale animation anecdote with millions of views to completely blow you the fuck out. You could also just search for literally any song under a commercial publisher ever if that wouldn't be too much effort for you.


>> No.3396450

Actually I should clarify, my client didn't specfically say if its for a class or what kind of facility it will be shown in. She just said it's for a girls group she is mentoring so I'm assuming it'll be shown in a classroom.

These storyboards are based on a short story my client wrote that she wants to use to encourage her girls group and motivate them to dream, be creative, etc.. The story itself is about a girl and her different imaginary worlds.

I originally wanted to use something like "A Walk" by Tycho because it gives the right feel I'm looking for https://youtu.be/mehLx_Fjv_c

I can't find any royalty/copyright free music similar to this.

>> No.3396537
File: 999 KB, 245x131, Bris de nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how it's probably not monetized. I didn't know it was just for a school project, but I still like to practice using unlicensed music since you won't always have that option in the future.

>> No.3396613

You know what, I'm just going to render two versions of the video with music from YouTube's Audio Library which doesn't need any attribution, and a 3rd version with the Tycho song with song credit. I'll let her decide what she wants to show and where.

>> No.3397004

Bumping this
Any crits guys?

>> No.3397196

He has so much speed that it doesn't quite make sense why the table didn't tip over to me. Maybe if you add a few frames to ease into it balancing on one leg it would look better? idk

>> No.3397210
File: 28 KB, 722x599, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to fix this problem with Adobe Animate?

When I draw a line it comes out as dotted or lines like in pic related and when i release the stroke it fill in as a full line. It's annoying, my older flash CS5 never did this. How do I stop this?

Also pen pressure won't enable even when I click the button to enable it

>> No.3397220
File: 2.47 MB, 500x281, Window_SetUp_mrburns4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

positively TOASTERED this to get it under the file size limit lmao
I've got these keys to fill in this weekend, any feedback before I start/for the future?

>> No.3397773



>> No.3397779


Real quick question, I have been animating with Krita recently but it's so clunky, especially when I add a sound clip to the program, it just gets bogged down, would it be worth buying Toon-Boom Harmony Premium or TVPaint Professional?

>> No.3397865

Try Krita it is both a painting program and has a section for animation.

>> No.3397940
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, MONITOR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't super-relevant to this thread, but I did some experimenting with blender and after effects to create this primitive looking Fly-through of a CGI street.

Is this kind of retro-cyberpunk-vaporwave stuff getting cliche?

>> No.3398003

That's a feature of the new paintbrush in Adobe Animate, dude. The lines signify what thickness the line is, it's just a preview of the line pressure. Click some buttons or restart your driver, my dude.

>> No.3398010

>Is this kind of retro-cyberpunk-vaporwave stuff getting cliche?
Yes, but oh well.
Still looks pretty good.

>> No.3398020

Use webms bruh.

The timing of actions makes your weighting feel quite off. You know how in old fleischer cartoons everything looks floaty because it moves constantly at the same pace?

As an example, when the hatted guy pulls the man off the counter, you could extend the buildup of the pulling motion, which should give the guy more gravity and also make it more explosive when he finally flies off the counter.

>> No.3398026

Oh shit! That turnaround's quite excellent. What's your youtube channel?

Also, do you have any references for 2D rig building?

>> No.3398034

Sure my channels here:

As far as references you can check out stylusrumble 2d rig for free which should give you some ideas on how it works (my rig is more complex than the one that's there but it's since i've been using harmony for 3 years and have picked up my own ideas on rigging/needs).


I can answer any harmony rigging questions if you have though.

>> No.3398035
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Star Hammer CRT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks. I'm utterly surprised I managed to make it look as good as I did. I know very little about 3D. Love tinkering in After Effects though.

What are we, five years into the whole Vaporwave thing?

I kinda like the aesthetic (Hah!) even though I have no interest in it as a movement.

I guess once a AAA game has been made using that aesthetic, it kind of loses its edge.

>> No.3398046

>a AAA game
Well, there was Broken reality. Probably the closest we'll manage.

>> No.3398049


I was actually thinking of Alien Isolation, though upon consideration that's more Retro Sci-Fi than Vaporwave or Cyberpunk per se.

Still there's a lot of overlap in how the technology is presented.

>> No.3398053
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, far_cry_blood_dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3398056


OH! How could I forget?

>> No.3398068

Those are some good tips, thanks man

>> No.3398510

i could make some piano music for you if you want

>> No.3398980


>> No.3399014

>VivziePop used to be a /ic/ and /co/ fag

You think she started the loomis meme?

>> No.3399032

Regardless of how fast the ball is, the time it spends on the floor should only be a couple of frames.

>> No.3399038

not if the ball is made of sticky putty rubber stuff. i had a squishy bouncy ball that acted like this when you threw it hard at the floor

>> No.3400140
File: 56 KB, 952x954, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Working on

PS i'm not owner of pictures. Just like to animate things.

>> No.3400206

its cute

>> No.3400423

cute style

>> No.3400539

I like this

>> No.3400943 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unsure about how the brass instrument should move... does it look weird?

>> No.3400945 [DELETED] 

Nah, I can see it myself. Moves way too suddenly.

>> No.3400982

How do I even start learning animation?

>> No.3400986
File: 374 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changing a 1 to a 2 makes this smear frame look a little more acceptable I think.

>> No.3401011
File: 396 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just put it all on 2s and work with the euphonium from the start instead of adding it in later.

>> No.3401289
File: 20 KB, 261x271, 1451275776066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows of a good way to crack Clip Studio Paint EX? Im not a burguer so currency conversion makes it so that I cant afford 200 dollars stuff.

>> No.3401330

Lurk more. It gets posted constantly.

>> No.3401383
File: 33 KB, 255x191, 1453364935237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever would want to lurk in this shithole of a board? The literal best things that ever happens here are good redlines and group study threads. Other than that, the ambient is filled with too much bullshit and its just distracting and rage inducing.

If you do have it, do me a favor and post it. I assume your intention was to reprimand a newfag, but Im not one. No reason not to post it.

>> No.3401392
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x1024, desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoever would want to lurk in this shithole of a board?
You got me there. I don't know what the fuck I am doing here anymore.

>> No.3401410
File: 35 KB, 590x400, 1486154385783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, you're a goddamn blessing.

Here's a trick Ive used a few times that might help you get out of here: Sometimes we're just scrolling on auto-pilot, right? Whenever you break that and "gain sentience", immediately close all /ic/ tabs, and just go do anything else. Preferably something useful, but anything goes. In my case, I noticed how good that was and just stopped coming here in the first place. Nothing of value is ever lost by closing all the threads I open. Even if you fail to grab that rational change, I imagine that with enough practice that eventually you will program your auto-pilot to just close /ic/, and you will probably be rid of this plague.

Best of luck, godspeed

>> No.3401438
File: 1 KB, 150x100, Walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate.

>> No.3401503
File: 21 KB, 100x100, Bill Cipher float fix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been messing with pixel art, and I started doing basic bitch animations.

>> No.3401505
File: 9 KB, 90x60, Octofish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3401508
File: 63 KB, 150x150, double blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3401516

It looks like it bounces before it hits the ground.

>> No.3401700

There's a 1.7.3 crack that's out right now.

>> No.3402694

Is open too good for animation?

>> No.3402708

JD is working on the new FLCL

>> No.3404037

euphoniums are kind of heavy right? i think theres should be a bit more slow in + slow out from that movement. She violently swings it like its made of paper

>> No.3404109

Is there a trick to timing or is it just practicing?

>> No.3404207

Just experiment with the spacing of the keyposes.

>> No.3405084
File: 257 KB, 689x765, step.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a more chibified body style. Easier/faster to animate than above.

>> No.3405362

Not nearly as good tho. I love the previous one

>> No.3405373

That's fair, I've had people quite divided on which they like better.

>> No.3405418
File: 23 KB, 552x844, feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.3405427

Meh, I dunno. It looks like a generic cartoon bunny and the feet are not distinctively large enough to make for good design. >>3392156 is cuter and has more personality IMO

>> No.3405432
File: 17 KB, 501x782, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting to hear. How about this dress on the longer body?

>> No.3405434

If that makes animating easier then go for it

>> No.3405435

will it have sex?

>> No.3405438

It's slightly easier.
It's meant to be for YT, but i'm sure people will draw porn of it (someone already did in the other thread).


>> No.3405450


>> No.3405451

>someone already did in the other thread
jesus christ that't fast

>> No.3405453

I guess the feet really are a selling point on the big size design vs the chibi style having kinda stumps for arms/legs.

>> No.3405466
File: 1.02 MB, 450x245, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to be very popular

>> No.3405468

That would be cute. This was a voice test of her

Also I just had a thought: I can just use the chibi one alongside the big normal bun. Normal bun is the size of all the other clones, and the chibi sized one was an accident and her character comes from being incorrectly body sized. That way I can keep both ideas.

>> No.3405493

Is ...is that you? I love you, such a cute voice

>> No.3405528

What do you animate with and why not use real paper?

>> No.3405539

Not them but what the fuck do you animate with and why don't you use real paper? No one uses paper anymore. Even Cuck Head did all of its coloring and lineart digitally despite using the paper animation gimmick as its selling point.

>> No.3405541

I do animate with real paper.
And i really love the bunny AND the animation i just ask because it would me much smoother.

>> No.3405555

Why are bunnies always so attractive

>> No.3405569
File: 24 KB, 355x354, IMG_20180428_141857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could i make a short 1 minute animates cartoons like retsuko? And what software do they use? And how difficult would it be.

>> No.3405574

What software/techniques are you using to make these animations?

>> No.3405578

I love Animation so much. Is it possible to get a job in the industry without going to university first?

>> No.3405587

Not unless you have autism.

>> No.3405622

What? Dont you mean frame by frame rather than paper? That does allow for more complex movements than puppetry. Theres nothing you can do better with paper that you cant do with a tablet and basic animation software.

>> No.3406218

It's toonboon harmony and I use it over paper because rigged animation is far faster to produce solo. You aren't gonna be able to draw on paper and color it and get anything done in any timely manner. Furthermore the animation is on twos so its why it may feel stuttery to you (I can make it on ones, and you can do FBF entirely without any rigging digitally too).
Nah not my voice but a potential test.

>> No.3406219

You can do this easily in flash/toonboom/after effects/moho, and the style of animation is pretty simple and anyone with a few years of animating experience should be able to do this style.

>> No.3406271
File: 1 KB, 150x80, grab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate.

>> No.3406308

Its really small

>> No.3406472
File: 69 KB, 471x471, IMG_20180422_022049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay... im not gonna procrastinate on this any further. I'd very much like to finish tbis by Thursday. I'll post constant updates itt.

>> No.3406525


Yes. But with or without a degree it's going to be a challenge.

>> No.3406852

I have flash profesional, but would something like after effects be better?

>> No.3406905

Thats some good 4 frames. Is that what you wanted to hear?

>> No.3407557
File: 263 KB, 736x916, bunstep2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3407559

How the fuck did you upload somethign?

>> No.3407560

I honestly have no idea, i was getting image upload like 10 mins ago.

>> No.3408505
File: 3.99 MB, 431x313, тест.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealing with Adobe Animate now, but don’t get, how to make the mask-layer right.
On the GIF you see the bar going over the girl (more like her hitbox), but not ‘til her edges.
And are there any overlay-modes like in Photoshop? Like multiply or screen etc?
Don’t mind the timing and quality of drawing, it’s just work in progress right now.

>> No.3408508

That step with that voice is super cute.
Who old is your bunny supposed to be?

>> No.3408547

Not sure what you’re having trouble with regarding the mask, but blending modes are available in the properties pane, under ”display”

>> No.3408647
File: 167 KB, 944x908, kleyffframess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keyframes, then extremes, then breakdowns, then inbetweens

>> No.3408700
File: 26 KB, 678x377, 1viewing modews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to do with the transparent image you imported. If it's a vector drawn in flash and the mask is just fuckin' up, then I ain't got a clue. mess aroun with the viewing modes of animate and see if it's just an issue with the lower/higher quality viewing modes

>> No.3408718

okay disregard the post.
the transparent image that you imported doesn't actually have a transparency that is picked up in animate. im pretty sure that animate doesn't care about an image's transparency, but more rather the width and height of it. im not sure how to get rid of the transparency from an image with shading like yours, but if this is some short film video thing, i'd do all the interesting masking like that in post processing like after effects. doing all of that stuff in animate would be a nightmare

>> No.3408743

looks like the problem is that all objects are rasterized. Can it be?

>> No.3408924

Does anyone know some good animation app for iphone? Just something for animation sketches and for practicing.

>> No.3408996

Anywhere we can see your work, anon?

>> No.3409067

Really fun to watch

>> No.3409099

I love this!

>> No.3409212
File: 776 KB, 1920x1080, PassionateSpiritedBeetle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critiques or nit picks? Im starting to realize the nipple was a bad addition

>> No.3409280

I recently did this jumping animation with a camera movement but the camera in ToonBoom seems to distorting the order of my frames, making them all jittery, any suggestions on how to fix this shit?

>> No.3409309

Hey /ic/ animate something bursting out of a fruit in your style and post it.

>> No.3409393

do you draw the frames on paper or digitally?

>> No.3409514

can you post what the timeline looks like?

>> No.3409693
File: 366 KB, 694x850, bunmk3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New feet/hands.

Age wise i'd say 18ish.. maybe?

>> No.3409729

shes cute

are you the same toonboom person that did the rick and morty thing?

>> No.3409731
File: 364 KB, 589x835, step4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Also forgot to make her step in perspective.

>> No.3409736

not mine, but really cool. Some student work

>> No.3410501
File: 2.03 MB, 480x270, 1520039709826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide I want to be a storyboard artist
>portfolio has some storyboard and Comic work
>have connections on linkedin and Facebook that are storyboard artists working at Warner Bros Animation and DreamWorks Animation.
>realize this could be my ticket to getting a job in the industry but since I either haven't spoken to these connections in almost a decade or never spoke to them at all, I'm not sure how to even approach them

For example, there is a former classmate of mine who now works at Warner Bros Animation as a story artist, but other than saying "Happy Birthday" on Facebook, I haven't spoken or seen this classmate since we graduated, which was 8 years ago.
It just seems shitty to talk to her after all this time to just say "hey I'm pursuing storyboarding, can you view my portfolio and give me tips??"

>> No.3410504

I definitely would chat with her but not with the mindset of having her look at your portfolio. Instead, center the conversation about her job and what her processes/experiences have been like.

>> No.3410532

What if it's a connection you make on linkedin but have never spoken to them?

Like, I've had people from animation studios connect with me on linkedin months ago because we graduated from the same school. How would I approach them?

Im kinda socially awkward so I always worry about how to make a good first impression.

>> No.3411309


Here's a short movie i animated in after effects with the puppet warp tool and duik plugin. I know it's far from perfect, and I want to continue to do that style of animation very soon. What are the parts that have the most room for improvement?

>> No.3411553
File: 675 KB, 2016x1512, Timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, again its for this animation: >>3409280 Ive been trying to get the camera to work and nothing works

>> No.3411583

How does it look with no camera movement?

>> No.3411979

It's doing exactly what you asked of it. You animated the jump on twos while the camera is on ones, so it has extra movement when you have a still drawing. If the camera is panning you have to animate the drawings o ones as well or you get this kind of stutter.

>> No.3412082


thanks, it's slothyslothson.tumblr.com

digitally, I use TVPaint

>> No.3413423
File: 729 KB, 972x718, walkbun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More testing

>> No.3413426

Whats the story behind her?

>> No.3413431
File: 227 KB, 936x920, buns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a series i wanna throw up on youtube. A bunch of bun clones living in a society of themselves on a meteor. Fun stuff happens and there's scp like locked away areas (the clones were sent with the carrot ship that drilled into the meteor, and their jobs were to set up all the buildings and structures for scientists that were to arrive later, except they never did). So now you got a society of bun clones.

>> No.3413463

Hi Mayde

>> No.3413530
File: 903 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_5803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this

>> No.3413532

This shit is why I don't post here. Stupid fucks like this that think every single thing in cartoons should behave the same way real physics do. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.3413543

Nice atmosphere, excellent music choice

>> No.3413564
File: 1008 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_5810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i brought down my animation from twos to ones and my drawings are still getting rearranged

>> No.3413567

They aren't being re arranged.

You drew a character moving left. You then animated a camera trying to follow the character, however since the character is moving on stage and not in place the camera is moving in times where the character is not.

>> No.3413699

this is good

>> No.3413723 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1536x1536, sworddudebig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first animation, ever. I just started doing art like two days ago.

>> No.3413732

Do you have any suggestions on how to make this look better?

>> No.3413733
File: 84 KB, 1536x1200, sworddudebig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first animation, ever. I just started doing art like two days ago.

>> No.3413754

Start the camera pan at the begining. This might slow down the pan.

Or try to keep the character in the center of the camera. Try to keep the character in one area during the pan (something about rule of thirds)

>> No.3414052

your lighting is off
the smoke from swinging the sword has a light source directly on top of it
but your character has a light source on his back
look at the lit and shaded portions of your frames
>My first animation, ever
good job but
>just started doing art
go learn some fundamentals

>> No.3414121

Yeah, you're right. I did the shading after the base animation and forgot I put a light source on the sword strike. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

>> No.3415959


>> No.3416279

anyone know where I can find a crack for the latest version of tvpaint? I don't see anything newer than version 10 on cgpeers