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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.11 MB, 2730x766, 1498365748614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3374788 No.3374788 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3374801

Actually stop drawing digital and stop follow east asian art. Mostly rigged.

>> No.3374819

Most of them look sterile and artificial as fuck. Also, all the bloom and flares and shit is fucking gross.
Cluttered, muddy colors and overall lifeless "brushwork". Compositionally decent otherwise very ugly.

>> No.3374877

Can you paint something as good as that using 3d, anon?

>> No.3374880

How can we even compete with photobash

>> No.3374886


You have no argument and tracing is the way to becoming a professional.

>> No.3374890

Oh, will you look at that! Artists working on a deadline for slave wages uses shortcuts like painting over 3D models. Holy shit!

>> No.3374891

What, did you think that someone just draws an entire fucking street from scratch?

Lmao the absolute brainlets on this board

>> No.3374892

You have no taste and tracing is for hacks with no self-respect.

>> No.3374894

>the absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3374895

it's not really that difficult, buildings are just squares really, so easy perspective. could you honestly say you couldn't knock up a line version of the 3d part in the op in half an hour.

>> No.3374905

Computer won't draw for you, they said.
You have to work hard to get good, they said.

>> No.3374907

Self-respect won't pay your bills.

>> No.3374910

>it's not really that difficult,

Post your anime background drawing done in 30 minutes please.

>> No.3374914

just the 3d part i said

>> No.3374916



>> No.3374917

holy fuck

>> No.3374922

Dats rite, dr*wfags. Time for you all to install Blender and join us at /3/, the future of art.

>> No.3374933

ded board

>> No.3374945

wadefug >:D
i guttin my benis xd

>> No.3374948

I'd rather work a regular job doing one decent painting a week rather than a no-skill photobashing "professional" churning out 20 uninspired turds a week.

In the end, I'll be the more accomplished one.

>> No.3374950

3d is shit. SHIT.

>> No.3374960

digital "artists" btfo

>> No.3375001

Maybe I'm just really dumb when it comes to learning 3D software, but how can anyone actually create a model like this faster than just drawing it? Doing this shit in Blender or Sketchup takes me like 10 times longer than just setting up a perspective grid and drawing it by hand.

>> No.3375006

Because a 3D model has an infinite number of perspectives, a drawing only has one.

>> No.3375016

yeah it saves time in the long run, if you are working on a project where you can reuse the same model several times, but I'm talking about single illustrations here. The only way I could see 3D saving time in that situation is for setting up light sources, when you are planning on having some really complicated cast shadows and you want them very accurately done.

>> No.3375018

90% of anime / manga backgrounds now are 3D models.
It is good for industry.

If your use a 3D, you can re-use infinite times in infinite angles. All studios now have one "Tokyo 3D model" for use in anime.

>> No.3375024

You don't necessarily need to make the model yourself to use it. Being able to take a generic mannequin and pose it as you want to use as a reference is very useful, in the same way that you might try and find a photo of a real person with the pose you want to reference. You just need to use the right tool for the right job instead of the one tool for all the jobs.

>> No.3375025

In this case, you can use simple solid 3D models, like a premade grade.

>> No.3375027

>good for industry
But not for art.

>> No.3375033

First looks like shit. Second as well.

>> No.3375049
File: 2.54 MB, 600x336, 最近投稿した3DCGエフェクトをまとめてみました1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3375052
File: 2.27 MB, 600x336, 最近投稿した3DCGエフェクトをまとめてみました2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3375059

Fuckoff, give my money.

>> No.3375065

2d is fucking dead

>> No.3375076

actually the majority of anime / manga backgrounds are photographs. At least for manga and anime set in modern day japan. Converting a 3D rendering into an anime background is much more work than converting a photo, which is often times just a matter of changing the color balance and getting rid of some detail.

>> No.3375081

failed wannabe artists are desperately trying to convince themselves of that, but it's not gonna make it true. 3D isn't exactly some new invention.

>> No.3375084

You wish.

>> No.3375085


Dem feels...

>> No.3375087

>actually the majority of anime / manga backgrounds are photographs.
This is only true for manga. Most anime backgrounds are paintings.

>> No.3375096

Is there any anime where they use same technique but for characters? Most of the time animation is stiff as fuck anyways, so using this it would at least look good as static image

>> No.3375104
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1485023013693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeaboos actually believed gooks hand drawn backgrounds out of their own capacity without the use of references or in this case blatant cheating 3d softwares
Your next line of cope would be:
>n-no rules just tools!
Gooks are among the worse and are infamous for cheating conniving miscreants
>muh hard working ethics!
>muh anime schools!
>t-there's a rich history of Japanese aesthetics that is carved in their culture and art!

>> No.3375106

i think the biggest sin on this board is it isn't merged with 3D. 90 percent of posters here claim to want to work in fields that incorporate 3D into 2D art. They lie to themselves and tell each other to shun 3D or you might get labeled an "asset monkey".

Meanwhile asset artists are usually competent 2D artists, and are often better designers than these shit tier 2D only scrubs. Stop being so stubborn, you're limiting your toolbox for no reason, it makes you a weaker candidate.

>> No.3375107

Sure there are. They are usually the laughing stock of the season due to how bad they look, like Berserk.

>> No.3375112

i liked berserk, anyway there's tons and tons of 3d stuff in contemporary anime for the characters as well as everything else. they're just not as obvious.

>> No.3375114

Are you talking about yourself? Do you have schizophrenia or something? Clearly you are a weeaboo, otherwise you wouldn't have anime reaction images and very few people other than you would have ever thought that background artists didn't use references. And obviously before 3D and digital art became popular they did hand drawn backgrounds. How the fuck else do you think they did backgrounds in the 80s, 90s and early 00s? They didn't just magically appear out of thin air.

You sound mentally deranged.

>> No.3375117

no, Berserk and such 3D anime just use stylized textures and shaders for the "anime look". I meant tracing ontop of 3D model as shown in the OP pic

>> No.3375119

Yeah, but it's usually to enhance the 2D animation. Like when they do complex action scenes and turnarounds etc. Fully 3D animated shows look hilariously bad and fans always make fun of them, which is why only the lowest budget tier shows ever get the full 3D treatment. No idea why Berserk was thrown away to such a shit studio and was given zero respect but your taste and standards must be beyond atrocious if you actually liked the new Berserk anime.

>> No.3375121


>> No.3375122

I don't understand what you mean. If you trace over models, then the goal is obviously to achieve a 2D look, otherwise you wouldn't need to trace / draw at all. If you use the model itself, like in the OP image with realistic shaders and everything, then the end result would be a typical western CGI animation like what Disney or Pixar do. If that's your question, then no, Japan doesn't seem to do those.

>> No.3375123

the hero we need but don't deserve

>> No.3375124

>very few people other than you would have ever thought that background artists didn't use reference
Let me tell you about Bob Ross you fucking weeaboo.
>obviously before 3D and digital art became popular they did hand drawn backgrounds. How the fuck else do you think they did backgrounds in the 80s, 90s and early 00s? They didn't just magically appear out of thin air.
No shit, that's the whole point of my post but then we have people like OP who actually believed that the shit he see's on Pixiv is all done from decades of painting, studying, and work from imagination until he was shown a video of someone using 3d software and his warped perception was turned upside down which ensues hilarity.


>> No.3375126

i do like it. especially the 2nd season where they sort of found their feet a bit more. i have to admit i have a nostalgic fondness for crappy 3d. i also kinda put it in the 'extremely cheap' category where i thought of it more like a moderately animate slideshow as opposed to a poorly animated cartoon.

i also really really like the music.

>> No.3375128

>people into shitty drawings are surprised that the shitty artists use a lot of shitty models to shit their shit from
wow what a surprise glad you guys posted VERY informative discussion and you have my upvotes

>> No.3375132
File: 680 KB, 1280x1805, tumblr_mleopiXTHC1sor8q8o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well duh, of course you can paint happy clouds, trees and mountains without any reference, dumbass. That's not the kind of background art we are talking about here.

>> No.3375149
File: 970 KB, 1616x1974, 1446176786830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course you can paint happy clouds, trees and mountains without any reference




>> No.3375158

are you autistic? not being a jerk, just watched a thing about how autistic people socialize online and there's similarities

>> No.3375161


What software is the lower left corner? Pretty good oil effect

>> No.3375163

lmao how are they BTFO? good digital artist could archieve better results and way faster
also this is easy perspective, digital artists would BTFO him even harder on challenging views

>> No.3375173

>just watched a thing about how autistic people socialize online and there's similarities
>watching blatant jewish lies to further medicate the goyim with psychotropic drugs
toppest of goys, let me guess you also watched a (((program))) about ADHD as well and probably considered seeking a (((therapist))) for your own conditions? Don't you realize they're altering your perception by suggesting that there is a made up disorder that requires (((treatment)))? Go drink from the tap water you simpleton.

>> No.3375294

Ctrl + c
Ctrl + v
some brush strokes
repeat many times as posible

>> No.3375306
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, sxz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know but you should check out verve painter, its free.
fun to experiment with

>> No.3375321
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x720, 7t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another to show different settings

>> No.3375417

If you didn't know that professional artists draw over 3D models all the time, it's only because you hang around here with the other retard "purists" who understand nothing about art as a business.

>> No.3375484

If any of you anons want to try this the twitch channels streams random episodes 3 times a week and all of it is up on youtube. Its always fun to do these if you're really bored and can't think of anything else.

>> No.3375496

I see nothing wrong with these techniques

>> No.3375666


>> No.3375675


woowwwwwww soooo impressive

fucking yawn

>> No.3377760
File: 427 KB, 976x1280, 7e28b5a9a4d7871a27d8be5a9b9ddb62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3377771

Good trad stuff can have an organic quality that is really hard to replicate digitally.

>> No.3377925

Do it. You said it was easy.

>> No.3377931

Did somebody drop out of high school? I thought they taught our kids more words to describe our feelings than "shit"

>> No.3377939

Holy cow the amount of people who don't know how they do it in the industry.
Holy cow the amount of people that think that tracing or photobashing when they're a beg is ok.
Holy cow the amount of people that think that tracing or photobashing is easy and anyone can do it without knowledge of anything is stupid. Wait until they have to trace a pose or a picture that doesn't exist. lol

>> No.3377948

i don't get the joke, like are you pretending it isn't simple or what?

>> No.3377977
File: 30 KB, 390x310, 1347579705069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks better and is probably way faster than that shitty op image

Fucking 3D no skill artists BTFO. Just learn to paint, fucking lazy ass hacks.

>> No.3377987

it is 'the school roof' though, not exactly complex and not exactly new

>> No.3377993
File: 35 KB, 1674x896, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misunderstood a post here so it forced me to draw cubes emphasizing perspective and the fact that its actually easy to draw without 3D magic.
mspaint, 3mins, mouse
I gave up but it still looks decent desu

>> No.3377994


>> No.3378004


Yeah I think this might be one of the biggest misconceptions of digital. I've read the comments of a lot of experienced trad inkers aswell who have seen process vids of digital inkers who have remarked that they're painfully slow. The main advantage of digital isn't speed as much as flexibility.

>> No.3378019

how stupid are you? it's always been obvious backgrounds are traced.

>> No.3378022


Not always, a lot of anime backgrounds have been done with traditional methods though and they look better aswell. It's understandable that a production uses shortcuts but that doesn't mean it improves the art aspect.

>> No.3378041

With the anime industry the way it is, deadlines every week, less than minimum wage pay, it's no wonder they don't want to spend even more time drawing the backgrounds.

>> No.3378075

Bob Ross made a painting before each show and used it as reference though.

>> No.3378126

Bob Ross's shit has no perspective. His work panders to normies who don't know that. What's your point?

>> No.3378831

Thats called rotoscoping and its faster done with actual actors.

Sakamichi no Apollon / Kids on the slope use both 3d and rotoscoping for the musical performances. I think beck is also rotoscoped too.

The most famous rotoscoped cartoon is probably Fleischer's Superman

>> No.3378839

There's no reason to take every possible shortcut if it's going to give you faster results. You're building products. The only place where it gets questionable is if you're doing fine art.
Even a child should be able to perspective that building and project those shadows, but the alternative is fast, convenient and reusable. It would be just absolutely crazy to not use it.

>> No.3378841

>You're building products
Not we are not, unless we are chinese wageslaves working in those animation concentration camps. If you are a free man living in a country with basic human rights then if you are drawing you are creating art, not building products

>> No.3378850
File: 190 KB, 1268x1695, kA3SmWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3378856


That's irrelevant to the point I'm making, it's understandable but the art is inferior.

>> No.3379705

shut up loser

>> No.3379728

he is right. they even managed to fuck up the perspective with the light rays, despite of the 3d. repugnant pic
i dont care if people use tools to make whatever, but when its a crutch the crap shines through

>> No.3379744


>> No.3379774

>compositionally decent otherwise very ugly

>> No.3379835

>He makes art for a living

>> No.3380112
File: 684 KB, 767x1280, 1519892747655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380235



>> No.3381250

I believe the point of illustrating something is to get a feeling or an idea across to its viewers. I'd love to see some of your work though master artist.

>> No.3381268

Even with this tracing it's still great art.

>> No.3382141

((((((((((((hey does anyone else like parentheses))))))))))))

>> No.3382165

How did you think it was done, honestly? By the in-house landscape master and his junior?

>> No.3382298

fuckin lol if only Michelangelo had blender he could've made David in half the time what a tard

>> No.3382312

based retardbro

>> No.3382356

based hackbro

>> No.3382357

Anime backgrounds- literally 90% of them are painted, with freshly taken Photos as reference. You don't need infinite angles when the storyboard says that one specific angle and bg is needed for a scene. The reference is taken with the storyboard in mind, not the other way around.

Only shows that barely made it into an anime, and don't have the expected "impact", or rather are planned to not have the expected impact prior to production, use a certain percentage of 3D to cut costs, manpower and time. Like the Berserk reboot as example, although this was more experimental.

>It is good for industry.
Well Berserk didn't really make the rounds, and it's deeply embarrassing for the Nips to showcase such a quality internationally. In a creative format, there is nothing good from cutting costs, censoring visions and expression. Especially not when you replace breathing "art", with a soulless 3d model&animation.

That's why Studio Trigger is always the top of the list.

>> No.3383256

Wow, my image on bottom right, it's stretched to oblivion but didn't think I would see it again

>> No.3383266


>digital artist could archieve better results

Highly debatable. One thing is for sure though, digital painting software has yet to achieve appealing mark making that rivals traditional.

>and way faster

Also highly debatable.

>> No.3383332
File: 19 KB, 403x312, DFr_aAEXsAE6x3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize these are all extremely transformative examples right? if youre gonna photomanip, this is how you do it. take notes lads

>> No.3383594

>I want to ignore the purpose, context and the high turnaround time production art must be created in order to make my argument valid.
In the trash you go.

>> No.3383608

It's not even being stubborn, it's a suffer complex they got into their head so they can justify to themselves why they aren't able to make a career.
there are tons of kids who can actually paint and draw But also know that 3d and digital are TOOLS to convey story and ideas.
Whose more likely to actually make art their career? The kid who uses 3d and photobash to sell a concept or communicate a story? Or the chronic masturbater whose scared of 3d or thinks using photos is a sin?

>> No.3383721


fucking gross

Corel Painter is good for paint textures

>> No.3383739

beautiful! what program is this?

>> No.3384055


You are forgetting asomething, reality is ugly, I live on a shithole, and everywhere I go I look,a and every were I look I see shit trash garbage and reggaeton, reggaeton is poison for the soul.

>> No.3384085

2D animation is not actually much more expensive than 3d, but 3d is more flexible, correcting, fixing is easier in 3d

>> No.3386809


What part do you not understand? Traditionally painted backgrounds look better to me. That's not making an argument you dumb fuck, it's a matter of personal taste.