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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 617 KB, 550x635, mak'gora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3361156 No.3361156 [Reply] [Original]

>What is Mak'gora?


>How is this relevant in /ic/?

To combat crabs and challenging them in an art duel.

>How does this duel work?

You give someone a reference to draw and your opponent will do the same. You are obliged to draw your opponent's reference, and your opponent is obliged to draw the reference you provide.

>What should the contents of the references be?

Nude figures, preferebly non-erotic; but that's between you and your opponent.

>What should be drawn?

Just a black and white sketch of the reference. Nothing too fancy, but again that's up to you and your opponent.

>How do you know which one is better?

You have a pair of eyes, you can see both of your works side by side. You can try and fool yourself but at the end of the day, you know who's better and who's not.

A good standard to judge a piece of artwork is the gesture. You can learn anatomy in 3 days but it will take you years to learn gesture, the reason is because you can't learn gesture from books, because gesture is an intuitive process. You can look at demonstrations and samples, but that's about it. Anyone who's taken draiwng seriously would know this.

>So what does a Mak'gora accomplish and how does it benefit me?

Pride, to make yourself feel good about yourself and your art. Something which most artists find an ever lacking means to accomplish.

Mak'gora will also help you boost your self-esteem. It's going to help you become a better artist, and be more confident when presenting your artwork. If you're afraid of some random cunt on 4chan, what more if you actually have to go out in the real world and present your art?

(1/2 of OP)

>> No.3361158

>but art shouldn't be about proving who's the best! some anime show told me that it's about having fun!

Then don't post here, go have fun somewhere else.

>but I don't like being competitve, it hurts my feelings.

Then this thread isn't for you, you're going to get hurt here.

>This thread is dumb op, you're probably a shit artist!

Then I challenge you to a mak'gora. Put your art where your mouth is, faggot.

(2/2 of OP)

>> No.3361161

Wouldn't it be better for the duelist to draw from the same reference? Sounds more fair and makes it easier to judge since it reduces the number of factors to take into account in the comparison

>> No.3361165
File: 38 KB, 600x318, you-suck-at-drawing-son-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst thread ever made on /ic/.
That includes the requests for free work.

>> No.3361167

>anyone good posting their art

>> No.3361171

I agree

>> No.3361175


My only problem with this, is that one may accuse his/her opponent of taking inspiration from one's work, or something to that effect.

Also, the person providing reference may have drawn the reference before and may have unfair advantage over his/her opponent.

>> No.3361177


>That includes the requests for free work.

A simple figure drawing, that is most likely be more gesture than anatomically accurate is a request for free work? what?

>> No.3361192
File: 81 KB, 620x413, escalier-original-7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you all. Here is the ref. Don't reply to me unless your post has a drawing attached scrubs.

>> No.3361316


>> No.3361320


I prefer figure drawings. Drawing environments, or worse, urban environemnts, is a drag for me.

>> No.3361323
File: 82 KB, 768x768, 66UTUMo-fvWNVbP5r0IYFDQDb5A0AtnrnAVVzggwQ_Y[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go

>> No.3361342
File: 25 KB, 437x471, 1516775749697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go anons!

>> No.3361388

im interested, it has to be the same image though.

>> No.3361400 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ, what unmitigated faggotry.

This isn’t one of your video game erp forums, you fucking autist. kys

>> No.3361478


See this >>3361175
as to why it has to be two different pics.

If your opponent agrees to the same image, then that's between the two of you. Nobody's going stop you anon.

>> No.3361482


Only shitty artists who can't draw will complain about mak'gora. What other reason can you have?

>> No.3361499
File: 184 KB, 1238x720, i accept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what you'll be drawing:


>> No.3361510

>trying to do something fun and original on the worst board
>met with screeching, wailing autism
Hope you learned your lesson OP.

>> No.3361528
File: 68 KB, 1000x562, 1518884070230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. Also a daily reminder that Thrall did not cheat against Garrosh

>> No.3361545
File: 261 KB, 1500x844, yande.re 435233 sample bodysuit cleavage front_wing fukami_rena game_cg grisaia_phantom_trigger inohara_maki pantsu seifuku watanabe_akio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thrall a lil bitch tho

>> No.3361553
File: 25 KB, 320x304, 1444086747173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thrall did not cheat against Garrosh

>> No.3361560
File: 38 KB, 480x720, d5e6e82af17d16ecccc1219f424edcdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge me faggs!

>> No.3361563

what is this modern art shit

>> No.3361616
File: 160 KB, 1024x683, 20262583183_ca225f87de_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall be your opponent.

I prefer we do line drawing, but you can paint if you want. Just make sure that that your work resembles my reference.

Is your your attached picture here >>3361560 my reference?

>> No.3361630

yep, draw that and i draw yours

>> No.3361635



>> No.3361850
File: 74 KB, 250x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hours
>neither of them posted their results

>> No.3361900

>Then I challenge you to a mak'gora. Put your art where your mouth is, faggot.

lost it; thanks op. May your victories by swift and abundant.

>> No.3361903

Where's the battle faggots? I wanna see blood.

>> No.3361916

i hope you didnt realize that just now nobody on this board outside the generals actually draws

>> No.3362037

I had to sleep, my bad. Will post in the next few hours

>> No.3362206
File: 881 KB, 2222x2015, 1 (1)-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^^ me

Here's my attempt. I initially started it digitally, but I said fuck it lets get out of the comfort zone. And this piece of shit came out.
Really hard pose lol.

>> No.3362248

>wow shit image

>challenging them in an art duel.

A duel would need something of value as a reward. You offer nothing. There's no "pride" to be gained by "beating" some anonymous shitposter.

At least the "my style" threads have the decency to start out with posting their own work in their challenge. More than you managed.
If you had any balls to back up your claims then you would just post your work instead of trying to bait others. So I can only conclude that you realize your work isn't good enough.

>> No.3362273


>There's no "pride" to be gained by "beating" some anonymous shitposter.

Apparently you don't know how good it feels to be better than others, and that's because you lose all the time.

> So I can only conclude that you realize your work isn't good enough.

Really?? You're going to say that on a Mak'gora thread?? then fight me faggot. Post me a reference to draw and let's start as soon as we can.

>> No.3362284

>Apparently you don't know how good it feels to be better than others, and that's because you lose all the time.

It's something you don't understand as a dumb kid but you see your betters wouldn't get any pleasure from beating you. Unless you go ahead and post your work with the challenge there's a 99% guarantee that engaging with you is a waste of time.

>> No.3362285

This thread has been up for 21 hours. There have been several "challenges" posted already. You have no intention of drawing or posting anything, otherwise you would have done so already.

>> No.3362287

its competition for competitions sake, its spirited and manly and lets you measure yourself against the board.

>> No.3362289

Who gives a fuck about a lot of challenges when they have only resulted in a single drawing that took what looks like 5 min to make. Looks like a failure.

>> No.3362298

>It's something you don't understand as a dumb kid but you see your betters wouldn't get any pleasure from beating you.

How do you know this? do you think you're better than me?

>Unless you go ahead and post your work with the challenge there's a 99% guarantee that engaging with you is a waste of time.

The only reason why you want me to do this, is so that you can see if you could actually beat me. Nice try bro.

>> No.3362317

>The only reason why you want me to do this, is so that you can see if you could actually beat me.

Why would you even care? All I see is someone who want to challenge people but isn't confident enough in his work to let it stand on its own. It's like you are scarred of it getting trashed without having something you can trash back on. If you want to back your word up with your work then just do it. Didn't you say people can judge for themselves anyway?

>> No.3362337

>Why would you even care? All I see is someone who want to challenge people but isn't confident enough in his work to let it stand on its own. It's like you are scarred of it getting trashed without having something you can trash back on.

I could say the same to you lol

>> No.3362361

Except you couldn't as I'm not challenging you, dumbass.

>> No.3362373


That's because you're too much of a pussy, and now you're crabbing your way into tearing down this thread because it's going to prevent you from crabbing in the future.

It's really simple faggot. Accept the challenge or BTFO. Of course you're not going to accept it because you're a shitty artist who can't do anything but crab on /ic/.

>> No.3362377
File: 242 KB, 1186x1920, makbattlefigure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge me you fucking crabs!

>> No.3362382

>waaaah take me seriously

>> No.3362393
File: 62 KB, 720x889, 279f38593c51f1f40269f1b307b97046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for fun, don't really care who's is better.

>> No.3362405


This is one of those magical poses where even if it was 100% correct it'd look like you fucked up hard.

>> No.3362419


>> No.3362422



Look at the legs and tell me that half of /ic/ wouldn't call you out if you replicated it perfectly.

>> No.3362427
File: 131 KB, 772x1029, 20180327_154318-772x1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3362440

That's fucking stupid. They're both taking inspiration from a reference, and you could just decide a time to post so they both don't see eachothers work until the moment of truth.

>> No.3362441


>waaahhh I can't draw and I can't participate in mak'gora

>> No.3362443
File: 235 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking all comers. Just gimme a reference

>> No.3362448

Oi, omae Asiajin desu


>> No.3362449 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 1632x2706, Mak'gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is me: >>3361616 >>3361635

My reference: >>3361560

>> No.3362455
File: 698 KB, 1632x2706, Mak'gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm done where's yours?

This is me: >>3361499

>> No.3362459
File: 69 KB, 493x481, KziwOBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I don't mind showing stuff to you.

I don't agree. I did a low effort example to show what I mean.

>> No.3362470
File: 142 KB, 622x698, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 21.36.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lok'tar ogar
thank you for the duel


>> No.3362473

this thread is the best thing that happend to /ic/

>> No.3362474

you need a bit of loomis brah, look at the legs

>> No.3362477

No he/she doesn't. And it is hands down the best drawing in this thread so far, not even a competition.

>> No.3362482
File: 930 KB, 2136x2837, IMG_0705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mobile but you get the idea

>> No.3362491

i respectfully disagree

>> No.3362493


I agree, crabs immediately get btfo.

>> No.3362496


>> No.3362499

Fun duel, if you guys have other references, I wouldn't mind doing some more. Updated my drawing a little with the hopes of fixing some errors I noticed after I posted

>> No.3362502
File: 142 KB, 772x1029, 20180327_165136-772x1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3362506


>>3362459 Here. I don't really care. I drew it for >>3362405 to show the contours and rhythm. I think you are all faggots for thinking this is a competition. In hindsight it was probably a mistake to post it.

>> No.3362507


Relax anon, no one knows who you are. You have nothing to lose if people pick on you.

>> No.3362509

Anon, I'm just telling you my opinion. You are the one trying to attach some dramatic emotion to it like you do when you think this shit is a battle.

>> No.3362515

Why are you guys ignoring drawing the fabric. Is this the new "hiding hands"?

>> No.3362516


This is my first time replying to you, I'm not the one who was criticizing you earlier.

>> No.3362674


case in point, the legs look fucked and even if a good artist did it they'd look silly, just as a consequence of the pose and the angle. I'm not even saying that as an insult to the artist, I'm saying the legs look fucked in the reference and will obviously look fucked in the drawing.

Not sure why this observation has tryhard chestpounder shouting 'pussy' but whatever floats your boat, anon, just making an observation, I'm not that interested in the thread's dickwaving premise.

>> No.3362689
File: 1.11 MB, 3520x2558, Swimming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My reference: >>3361560

I'm done. Sorry it took me a while. You want to have time limit next time?

>> No.3362709

Then change the position of the legs and lower torso if you don't like it... good artist will be able to alter their reference to make a better drawing. Or are you a photocopier? Goddamn crab, how can you improve if you don't challenge yourself, if you don't put your knowledge of anatomy to the test? Seriously, get good kid.

>> No.3362743

nah dont worry, we are here to have fun. Nice to see that you change the pose to fit your needs.

>> No.3362751

honestly, you sound retarded.

>> No.3362754
File: 97 KB, 563x850, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it took so long. That pose fucked me up desu. Good job on yours.

>> No.3363330

It's funny how crabs try to tear this thread down just because they can't compete and participate haha

>> No.3363438


>> No.3363439


>> No.3363445

what is funny is how faggots who casually throw around "crab" around here always have a vivid imagination of their own greatness. It has become the new Dunning Kruger term.

>> No.3363454
File: 26 KB, 475x512, 13445473_990722137714798_8340939059559868718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you anon! Come at me Brah!

>> No.3363466

if you won't fight then anything you say is rubbish, you reveal yourself to be nothing, not even a crab, a worm. fight or shut the fuck up, this is a man's thread, no room for little girls.

>> No.3363467

This.Anyone can draw from reference, drawing anything from imagination would be a much better demonstration of skill.

>> No.3363476
File: 105 KB, 600x965, tumblr_og2c25P3VY1riurj1o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already loose anon!!

>> No.3363486

They're both two different skills,,,

>> No.3363488
File: 10 KB, 197x256, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then challenge people WITHOUT reference :P

>> No.3363492

>shitposting about stuff not even related to the post he replies to

The logic of a Dunning Kruger.

>> No.3363496


Why don't you just gtfo this thread if you're not going to participate? oh wait, you're a crab who can't compete in mak'gora. Too bad bitch boy.

>> No.3363500
File: 93 KB, 1007x1200, 1338510736041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? you sound like you know what you're talking about..i guess that means you're not afraid to fight

>> No.3363521

How would you even know if one of these drawings in here isn't mine? Not that it has anything to do with what I posted if that's true or not. Man you are fucked up in the head. Truly a Dunning Kruger.

>> No.3363582
File: 434 KB, 1134x1606, not perfect but i like it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here´s mine I will wait for yours answer

>> No.3363607 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 674x591, ssh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still won't fight anymore
y- your all a bunch of crabs!

>> No.3363634

but anyone who's ever taking a drawing class will know that drawing from life and drawing from a 2d surface will produce two different outcomes.

I say the references should just be things anons can find out and about in their daily lives, and draw what they see. They can take a picture of what they drew along with the object they drew simultaneously.

>> No.3363638
File: 556 KB, 598x599, controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post this

>> No.3363643

but this is a thread for fighting. not for quibbling, if you won't back your words with a fight then pick another thread.

>> No.3363644

just a fyi, the angle at which I drew this was much different than the angle in which I took the pic. Couldn't find a spot that didn't have my phone's shadow in the way.

>> No.3363646


anyway, what I suggested doesn't take away from the /mak/. you're just drawing from life instead.

>> No.3363657

I don't see what all your shitposting have to do with challenges. OP seems to have set up some rules that would mean no posts allowed without unrelated images or judging of images as people will do that on their own.

>> No.3363659
File: 76 KB, 960x1440, d810452e0202a8d7c24b448dc308f861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it can't be helped.

>> No.3363690
File: 85 KB, 1194x975, awww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Changed the pose a bit cause 1 to 1 copy wasn't looking good at all.

>> No.3363693

this anon's right. We should draw an object, then get the mailing address of who we want to challenge and ship it to our opponent for them to draw.

>> No.3363701

But duuude it would take it soon long to complete the challenges!!! What if we used a 3D printer? The perfect solution!

>> No.3363703

What if we all just kill ourselves? Final offer

>> No.3363704

It would work like that:
>We buy one 3D printer by crowdfunding.
>Then we ship it to the first guy that will draw the object
>This guy prints the object and ship it to the next anon.
>Repeat in the next battle

>> No.3363706

I can chip in about three dollars

>> No.3363714

You're obviously not drawing the same object. You're using any techniques you know to draw from life. You send the picture of what you drew along with a picture of the actual object you replicated.
When you draw a drawing you're basically just copying a drawing, and "dueling" by copying other 2d pictures is basically just saying who can copy this the best.
Isn't /ic/'s motto to self-improve? How do you improve if you're not drawing from life
>but I got some books with some figure drawings in them
>I can copy this anons animooo
This is how a hypothetical "tumblr nose" epidemic breaks out.

>> No.3363720

Just draw the pictures you weiner

>> No.3363723
File: 356 KB, 604x808, IMG_20180328_135424771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363725
File: 941 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_2740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363731

You're so retarded. My drawing here >>3363690 it's not a copy. Whenever you draw from reference you can go for : copy or study. The way you say sounds like humans can only do 1:1 copying from what they see. Implying that when drawing from a image reference we can't use structure and form knowledge into it to create something new that resembles the reference.

Stop being a moron and for fuck sake stop listening to your art teacher okay? This "drawing only for life" idea is complete bullshit.

>> No.3363734

If Brian can suck it up and draw a photo every once in a while why can't you. Have fun for once in your miserable life

>> No.3363738

This is a really good thread. pure crab deterrent

>> No.3363754

I think your thread is kinda shitty but whatever.

>> No.3363758

>you're so retarded
>stop listening to your art teacher
I mean, I might take advice from someone who actually drew the subject other than the form of what they were supposed to draw, unlike their opponent who actually drew what they were supposed to draw.

>> No.3363760

pose* not form

>> No.3363792
File: 76 KB, 736x470, main-qimg-ed2f2e7c7241fe014d421c58550d399d-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, we'll both draw this

>> No.3363799

Can you challenge someone who already dueled against someone else by drawing the one they drew? If you do so do you still have to provide a new reference for them or someone else to draw?

>> No.3363805


You can do whatever you want so long as both you and your opponent agree to the terms of the duel.

>> No.3363819

much cleaner than mine. gg

>> No.3363830

Daily reminder that you can have your own personal Mak'gora at local figure drawing sessions for the low low price of $15

>> No.3363840

I want to challenge you by drawing this spear girl.

>> No.3363849

Gimme a new reference so I can draw something new with you

>> No.3363853

I want both our drawings to be of the same thing so if I give a new reference I would draw that. I wanted to draw that spear girl though.
I have to go find some reference image then I guess. I don't normally save figure/pose references.

>> No.3363854

Alright I'll do a new one of that pose in a different style then (since that crab keeps complaining that this is a copy contest)

>> No.3363855

That's okay I can draw her later. I'm looking for another image right now.

>> No.3363866
File: 1.40 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here's some stylized ones if you want to compete in ways other than "draw it how it looks" which can be kinda boring

Posting mobile so get ready for dis big ass file

>> No.3363874

Damn, I had just found a good one. Oh well, spear girl it is. I'll be back in a while.

>> No.3364197
File: 176 KB, 848x1248, IC-SpearGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.

>> No.3364249

Very good forms

>> No.3364252

>>3364197 Winner
>>3363866 Loser

>> No.3364309
File: 491 KB, 823x1000, march-28-2018-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it was fun anon, but I think our little battle ends here.

>> No.3364623
File: 106 KB, 1500x1299, duel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364660
File: 145 KB, 1500x1500, duel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364683

Because theirs is far superior? True.

>> No.3364868

I didn't know we were giving out awards for making shit up, I guess ill have to do a new one

>> No.3364933
File: 460 KB, 750x1000, march-29-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. are we done here?

>> No.3364955
File: 428 KB, 725x1000, march-29-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna cut this off at the pass before you guys redline it as "leg too long" "butt cheek too small". here. her leg's not too long because she's standing on her toes on one of her legs. the butt cheek was too small but that literally took two seconds. also made her pussy less phat.

>> No.3365362 [DELETED] 

Making shit up? I mean you had more details n shit but the other anon nailed down value and shapes real nicely, everything so clearly defined and believable (except a kind of big head), just overall great work with an obvious grasp of anatomy and musculature and a sense of how to use values to define that.
Not saying you suck, bro, they just happen to be better. If you come in all swagger I-think-we're-done-here overconfidence, be prepared for people to tell you off.

Or you mean that they changed the ref/drew her nude? It was after the anons above them started talking about doing departures from the model image to keep things fresh.
Your new one's nice. The hanging cloth looks awesome. Other anon still wins in my heart, though.

>> No.3365367

>awards for making shit up
Who's making shit up? They're just better. I mean you had more details and whatever but the other anon nailed down value and shapes real nicely, everything so clearly defined and believable (except a kind of big head), just overall great work with an obvious grasp of anatomy and musculature and a sense of how to use values to define that.
Not saying you suck, bro, they just happen to be better. If you come in all swagger I-think-we're-done-here overconfidence, be prepared for people to tell you off.

Or you mean that they changed the ref/drew her nude? It after the anons above them started talking about doing departures from the model image to keep things fresh.
Your new one's nice. The hanging cloth looks awesome. Other anon still winning in my eyes/kokoro, though.

>> No.3365385
File: 291 KB, 1000x720, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you just need to see them side by side? in what world is the girl with her butt cheeks squeezing together so hard they could crack a coconut the more aesthetic drawing?

>> No.3365389

how much weight are you putting on making it look like the model?

>> No.3365397

> being this much of a sore loser

Just accept it anon, it's clear from the sausage like limbs you don't have the musculature understanding the earlier anon has. Your hatching is neat but also doesn't convey the same degree of form. You're not shit, but shhh it's okay to admit you're not top shit either. That's the mindset you need to improve.>>3364933

Also c'mon man you barely knew what you were doing when drawing that ass.

>> No.3365400

she's squeezing her butt cheeks like she's holding in a fart! what the honest fuck are you talking about!

>> No.3365403

>you barely knew what you were doing when drawing that ass.
so I got it exactly right, to the point where you can't possibly redline a single mistake on it, but somehow it just happened randomly. I actually secretly don't know what I'm doing???

>> No.3365406

tell us more.

>> No.3365412

redline my drawing in >>3365385
and show me this one tiny line I could've made that would've made it "correct" to you. enlighten me, anon. because otherwise you're just insulting me for no reason.

>> No.3365413

Christ haha, I thought the side by side was made to show the butt hurt guy why his pales in comparison. From his joke of a reaction though I'm happy to sit back and let him fume in his ignorant mediocrity.

>> No.3365416

Come back and look at this side by side in a few days with fresh eyes and maybe you'll see how much better left's musculature is. Also her ass cheeks are not relaxed because she's using them to assist the one-leg-extended posture.
They both look 'like the model'. But as suggested earlier people are moving away from the exact references in various ways to keep things interesting.

I don't think anon is *bad* at anatomy/asses, just middling-intermediate. Could probably benefit from learning about specific muscles of the area. Studying about bones and muscles really does help!
They're definitely being a sore loser right now though. Reminding me of the guy on the drawthread who lost his absolute shit after someone tried to just correct a hand he drew.

>> No.3365418

redline it, please. I'm so confused about what's wrong with it. genuinely confused.

>> No.3365420

then redline it because mine looks better to me but I must be wrong cause everyone disagrees. what are you guys seeing that I'm not.

>> No.3365425

redline it so I go "Oh! that's what's wrong with it!" cause I haven't had that moment yet cause nobody is redlining it.

>> No.3365447
File: 44 KB, 200x300, assbutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that random bulge you drew on her right thigh between the ass and knee, friend?
There shouldn't be any kind of protrusion there.
Anyway the main ass-ue, basically women have an insulating layer of fat/fatty skin around their hip and thigh area over the muscle, so when she extends that leg some of it will roll up on the butt between the butt and the thigh and the thigh (you just have a void there; it's also noticeably missing elsewhere, look at left to see this fatty skin layer in action between the butt and thighs all around that region, it's glorious and my redline is pretty subpar to that but you can get way more detailed with this tissue like the other artist did). Result of leaving off this tissue is that she has the ass of a wooden drawing doll on yours.

I don't think the actual cheek part of the ass you made is too bad, though it's extremely simplistic and idealized and the ass of someone who does zero squats. Although both of you had to just imagine up what the model's ass cheeks looked like I feel like you had less of a basis to work from, maybe next time ur at a figure drawing class try and pay close ass-tention.

>> No.3365448

> roll up on the butt between the butt and the thigh and the thigh
good god.
i meant 'roll up between the butt and the thigh'

>> No.3365463
File: 172 KB, 769x1000, uhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to embarrass you, anon. I see you were just trolling now. I clearly won you're just trying to start shit.

Not only can I not even tell what those red lines are supposed to be on the side, they aren't even anatomically accurate to the reference we used, let alone an actual human body... And the other red lines are literally just you sloppily tracing over what I aleady drew. I'm not sure why you're like this, anon. Who hurt you?

>> No.3365488

Cloth holds and shapes body fat, you dingus, especially if it's tightly tied like the waist of a loin cloth.
I'll admit I'm not as skilled as >>3364197
but if you literally post five times begging for a redline then the person responding might be like that. Go look at >>3364197 for a better visual explanation of the ass/thigh fat in action.

>> No.3365496

>good thread desends into one person who can't accept concrit gracefully and twenty posts trying to get through his thick head
never change /ic/, never change

>> No.3365515

thread failed when I actually tried on a drawing and /ic/ can't stand when I give 1% of my actual ability. you can keep your girls holding in farts. I'm over here making art LOL

>> No.3365518

Nayrt, but I for one, am glad you're this dense. You deserve to stay willingly, painfully amateur.
Not all, but some anons have been nice and helpful about advice. Red line anon even admitted his redline wasn't the best, but it was accompanied by solid critique. Sorry you're illiterate and only read books with pictures. That said, thank you for the keks. Cry more and stay mad baby.

>> No.3365527

this is what too much loomis and "anatomy" study does to you. Can't draw but knows the name of every muscle in a body. pretty sad, really.

>> No.3365529

>Red line anon even admitted his redline wasn't the best, but it was accompanied by solid critique
>wasn't the best
>solid critique
>still giving advice

hard pass

>> No.3365536

Thanks for the lulz guys. Always funny seeing you guys stumble over your anatomy books trying to critique me

>> No.3365550

I'll never forget girl holding in a fart with a serene expression that an entire thread defended. Truly this was the thread of the year.

>> No.3365557
File: 33 KB, 345x244, IMG_0751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO this is going in my reaction folder

>> No.3365569
File: 339 KB, 1000x720, asdasdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a completely different anon and I don't know who's who, so I'm just going to tag the people whom I think are conversing. Here's my take on what's going on with the two of you. I'll call the artist on the left of the attached pic as "artist A" amd the right as "artist B".

>My critique on Artist A:
Here's your problem: Your shading isn't consistent throughout the form. The reason why her ass looks so round is because her legs and back isn't as rendered, which makes her ass look large in comparison to the flat forms of the other parts of the body. Render the back and legs more to remedy this.

The rhythm of her pose needs work as well. You messed up on her left shoulder and it destroyed the rhythm.

>My critique on Artist B:
You make good portraits and the hair is well rendered but your anatomy and gesture is lacking. You also need to learn how to shade so that you can describe the forms of the body better. If you look closely you can also see that her shoulders is broader than her hips, that's a man's proportion not a woman's. You need to do gesture studies. My guess is you're probably 6-9 months behind Artist A, so you better start practicing.

Artist A is better, the gesture alone shows that. All he has to do is finish the shading and the large ass wouldn't look as obnoxious. Also, he has knowledge on how to do foreshortening on the human body correctly, which Artist B does not.

>Final thoughts
If any of you think I'm wrong then I challange you to a Mak'gora. My door is open 24/7.

>> No.3365598
File: 134 KB, 1197x1235, grid-hd-43 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually agree with you 100% (although just a bystander it was kind of enlightening to hear it explained so neatly), but challenge you to a Mak'gora anyway
I need the practice
I need the practice.

>> No.3365603
File: 411 KB, 750x1000, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i took your guys' critiques to heart. I made the lines all gestural and wavy and inaccurate, made the face look nothing like her, and spent the most time on the butt so it looked extra rendered and super retarded, while completely ignoring drawing fabric at all even though it's an integral part of the reference in the name of showing off that I can draw things that aren't in the reference and how much I know anatomy.

>> No.3365605

also I made sure her butt muscles are SUPER tight and flexed cause everyone knows anytime you put your leg out to the side it's an INCREDIBLE strain on every muscle in your butt.

>> No.3365615

mother of christ you're such a salty fucker

i was redline anon (btw thank you >>3365518 for thinking the written part of the crit was solid! to be honest my redline was super simplistic and lacking, i don't usually do them but got irked seeing him make three posts in a row begging for one. he still didn't need to react like that though)
This is an excellent impartial writeup. Artist B just has more to learn but, given his reaction to crit, is going to have a rocky road.

>> No.3365617

(Also, since you say 'The two of you', I'll just add I'm actually pretty sure Artist A hasn't come back to the thread or participated in this debate. I'm really curious as to how THEY would do a redline or critique of B.)

>> No.3365621

Bro. Holy fuck.
I'm starting to think you actually ARE that guy from the drawthread who completely blew his top and had a toddler meltdown when someone corrected a single hand he drew... I think everyone else was calling him Brian, though that might be a meme.

If that's you, your anger issues are gonna make it so much harder for you to learn, man...and drawing duels probably aren't for you if you can't handle the outcomes....

>> No.3365631

I see a lot of you guys complaining about me and not a lot of you posting fucking drawings in the post your fucking drawings thread

>> No.3365716
File: 122 KB, 1024x683, 15793194579_9b80b6126d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, let's go.

>I'm really curious as to how THEY would do a redline
Is this supposed to be the gender-neutral pronoun? Honestly, it was one of the things which was messing me up while reading the dialogue, becuase in my head I thought you were referring to a group of people. I don't suggest using the 'they' pronoun on 4chan when everyone is anonymous and you don't know who's talking.

>> No.3365726

It was, sorry. Might be a regional thing. I'll try to say 'anon' on the boards instead to communicate when i mean a single poster.

>> No.3366783

>I'm actually pretty sure Artist A hasn't come back to the thread or participated in this debate
You would be right about this. I had to go out very shortly after posting my drawing and have been pretty busy since then. Last night I came to see how things were going and saw that it had gone way past the level of fun competition.
I've been debating what I would say or if I even should say anything at this point. I think it's best I not get too much into it. I'll just say thank you to the people who critiqued my work. I really like the pose and decided I want to make a full illustration out of it. I already started redrawing it and I will keep that feedback in mind while working on it.
I'm sorry things got so out of hand and I hope other people will still have fun with this thread.

>> No.3367350
File: 81 KB, 798x1500, duel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3367390

>I'm sorry
Don't be sorry, the other dude was a regular poster of the drawthread who loses his shit at the barest hint of concrit. You didn't do anything wrong except make a better drawing than him.

>> No.3367755

Literally not the point of this thread. The point was one guy does a drawing in x time, next guy spends more time, first guy does longer, so on and so forth, but that concept breaks down when you start to judge things based on something other than effort. My drawing was better because I spent longer on it, and my HOPE was that led to the guy I was challenging spending more time on a new one, and we would've been able to go back and forth for a while. But if that's not the point of this thread it should be, I wanted to do more drawings but you all just started yelling "YOU LOSE" which wasn't my fucking point with my drawing.

>> No.3367757

I even changed the pose from his and added fabric, etc. he could've rotated the pose further and so on, but instead you guys hate fun and would just rather shit on my art. I really don't give a shit whose drawing was "better", but apparently he and all you guys did

>> No.3367785
File: 105 KB, 1120x588, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the point of this thread, retard. The point of this thread is challenging someone to draw from reference and see who's fucking better at it.

This whole thing could've just ended up with a friendly exchange
>A: Winner B: Loser
>ah damn, yeah I need to improve more
>don't worry, yours aren't really bad, it's pretty decent. But it just needs some improvements in a few areas etc.
>thanks, cheers anon!
But instead you decided to go max autismo overcharge.

>I wanted to do more drawings but you all just started yelling "YOU LOSE" which wasn't my fucking point with my drawing.
All people did were judging who's better, which is again, the point of this thread. This isn't even the first time it happened within this thread, but no one else got as beautifully butthurt as you.

>I really don't give a shit whose drawing was "better", but apparently he and all you guys did
Fucking lmao this is just precious. Not only you're missing the point of this thread, you're forgetting the autistic butthurt session you did in pic related.
"I don't really care okay g-guys, just fun, all for fun okay. So fun! Also, fuck that guy's abominable work, mine is so much better!"

>But instead you guys hate fun and would just rather shit on my art
No one's fucking shitting on your art, how many times do we have to say this. Your art is okay, but your opponent was just much better, you autismo. And you just cannot accept it for some reason. His forms, gesture and anatomy is all superior to yours. Just practice for a few more weeks or months, depending on your speed, and you can easily catch up to him.
Take a break, calm yourself down and reflect on the criticism you've received

>> No.3367789
File: 98 KB, 700x700, Perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it was fun anons, but I think your little battle ends here

>> No.3367791

The absolute retardation of this sub. I planned on doing a bigger longer drawing once the other guy did one too but I forgot /ic/ isn't about making art it's about "making it"

>> No.3367794

No one's fucking STOPPING you from doing that, you spaghetti. You are truly unforgivably pants-on-head retarded, literally all that happened is an anon judged who is better, that's it.
You can choose to move on, or you can choose to act like an absolute child instead. Guess what you did?

>> No.3367806

I moved on?

>> No.3367815

Good for you, now work on improving your skills. The stuff spewed in this thread should give you enough material to work on for a while

>> No.3367833
File: 772 KB, 1440x810, makgora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go!
Took a while because of family stuff with the easter break and all
Honestly this just made me painfully aware of things I struggle with, especially back muscles, ears, feet.

>> No.3367849

nice subtle foreshortening

>> No.3367942

Wow yeah you guys really gave me the kick in the pants I needed to buckle down and work harder! I'll definitely make it now! I've just been so lazy the past 5 years!

>> No.3367996


Great job anon, I hope I can post mine today. I haven't even started, sorry lol

>> No.3368091

>I planned on doing a bigger longer drawing once the other guy did one too
I would have done this if after you had redrawn it the anons had declared mine the weaker one. You had a chance to draw from the image a few times while I only had the one time so I would have asked that I be able to draw it at least once more before conceding. Now I'm planning to redraw it but I'm going to make it into an illustration of a character and I want to take my time on that and frankly don't want it to be part of this. But if you want to choose another image and have a rematch of sorts I would be fine with that. You can make whatever stipulations you think would be fair, regarding time limit, including clothes and accessories or whatever. I only ask that you don't set some insanely low time limit like 2 minutes because it would take me that long just to scan it.

>> No.3368612

Thanks man! I tried

Nw, take your time. I'll be looking forwards to it.

>> No.3368719

ive stopped caring

>> No.3368740

Okay then.

>> No.3368829
File: 220 KB, 1500x1031, duel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skulls is too small, and forgot the pinky on the inkjob.

>> No.3369496
File: 215 KB, 1200x1600, boxer at rest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3370430
File: 342 KB, 1000x1500, louvre+sculptures+491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted!

>> No.3371006

we're on. see you in a couple of days, keep the thread alive.

>> No.3371085

What's that he has on the left there? Some kind of pick axe?

>> No.3371531
File: 224 KB, 600x995, HannibalBarca600x995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a standard he is wielding, and it is to mock the Romans in their defeat by Hannibal.

The bottom portion is an eagle, and you can get a better look at it in this angle. Really nice statue on the whole.

I don't know whose standard that represented in particular (I'm not well versed on it), but if it is a leaders than that is the equivalent to bitch slapping that leader in the face if you captured it. The original game of Capture the Flag.

The British had similar standards that was the Kings Standard and was to never fall. Napoleon had his standards with eagles as well.

>> No.3371583
File: 450 KB, 1489x2917, statue mak gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneak peek, how far are you in?

>> No.3371625

I'm not the guy you challenged, but I'll definitely be taking a crack at each of your challenge offerings.

Classic art statues are the bomb to draw from.

>> No.3372109

thank you op for this thread. it literally the most important thread on /ic/ at the moment.

>> No.3372343
File: 186 KB, 854x1500, mercwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun isn't something one considers when balancing /ic, but this, heh, does put a smile on my face.

>> No.3374918


>> No.3375195
File: 45 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3376222


>> No.3377163


All these posts and neither of you guys challenged each other.

>> No.3377180
File: 3.39 MB, 2000x2636, 01 - Mak'gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3362377 >>3362393 >>3365716
Here I leave these three drawings that I used them to practice

>> No.3377193
File: 2.36 MB, 2117x2000, 02 - Mak'gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I republish the first two drawings taken from different photos because they do not look well defined in the previous one

>> No.3377283

really fucking good m80. are the darks too light or is it your camera?

>> No.3377321

I didn’t challenge anyone but drew none the less

>> No.3377338

I think your work still looks a bit tense. the outlines are calm, and your approach is more or less there, but you need to relax more, physically. some lines are still a bit scratchy

>> No.3377344

Interesting thread..

>> No.3377345

very, I got a bit heated but overall I think this would be a good general to have

>> No.3377397
File: 331 KB, 1500x1500, duel-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3377555

A little of both, I didn't want to make them too dark and the cell phone doesn't help much. I tried to show them in the image in the same tone that they have on the paper, which would be more or less that but with the white sheet.

Interesting anon, I should really relax my hand more when I'm drawing.

Equally, these drawings are made in a middle point, neither fast nor slow, nor very detailed but not for that at the level of a sketch. The second I most wanted to detail it, just for the ballet shoes. I didn't blur almost any drawing, just the first one's rag, the rest is a shading (although sometimes it is almost a scratch) in one direction only (/). And since the paper is medium grain, I don't know if that's what makes it look tense. I'm going to consider it anyway.

>> No.3377623

Is it ok if I post something and have the challenger the option to either stylize or copy from reference?

>> No.3377735

Nice work!

>> No.3378573

Thanks anon

>> No.3378576

Not the OP but I think it's okay. Someone said you can do whatever as long as you both agree on it and other people were already talking about drawing slightly different from the refs.

>> No.3379439

>tfw you go unrecognized

>> No.3381711


>> No.3381738


>> No.3383402

Plenty of participants who are going unrecognised here in this thread.

>> No.3383438
File: 186 KB, 1500x1500, duel-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3386347
File: 134 KB, 1005x1500, duel-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3386428


this thread is hilariously full of people trying to beat themselves off, the entire point is "the pose as displayed in the ref would look fucked if you did a study of it"

you don't need to chestpound with your git gud scrub, obviously you can fucking adjust the pose to look less fucked, that isnt the point

>> No.3386508

Oh you mean not getting judged? Yeah. I don't know what happened to whoever was doing it. I assumed it was OP.

>> No.3386897
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, duel-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388185
File: 271 KB, 1500x1500, duel-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shitty attempt, going to go over it and get a better result.

Is there no one else who is willing to do the challenges here?

>> No.3389437
File: 239 KB, 1500x1500, duel-9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
