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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3348279 No.3348279 [Reply] [Original]

Obscure art feels thread
>tfw you have a normie art account, normie artwork, and normie following and too afraid to upload your furry drawings

>> No.3348280

So why not make a normie furry account?

>> No.3348285

I've been wishing for a venting thread all day.

I fucking HATE this place. I hate the fact that I constantly get skipped over for critique and it happens the most when I ask for help on a specific part. I hate the fact that people don't even respond to my art at all. Is it boring? Unappealing? Fucking tell me so I can make it better.
Every time I post here I feel like I'm screaming into the void and it's the most frustrating shit ever.
I need to just fucking leave here.

>> No.3348286

I'm scared of uploading my art with rape/incest/"problematic" stuff because I know most people would instantly make a callout post for me and put me in some kind of blacklist, I'm not sure if I should make another account for it since they'll probably find out its me

>> No.3348287

>I need to just fucking leave here
I feel you senpai. Go forth and find a better online art community. I know I'm on the hunt. I'm not that good at art but post your work. I'm bored and I'll give you a critique for what it's worth

>> No.3348303

After years of uploading mostly anime art, I started posting furry stuff. Most of my followers didn't care, but I did lose quite a few. But that gets quickly offset by how many furry followers I got. Plus I still upload a combination of the two so both of my follower types are happy.

>> No.3348318

Anon, I will do my best to critique whatever you upload here. Yes, it's a pity critique, but just do it.

Anyways, for what it's worth, I've been posting here for about 3-4 years now and only about half a year ago did I start getting responses. Yep, I literally posted for several years while barely getting any critiques/praise/shitflinging, but looking back, I can definitely see why. If you post your stuff, I can tell you why you're not getting any responses as well.

>> No.3348321

Thanks anons. I feel better after letting it out. I don't really want to connect this to my drawing so I'll just have to keep working on it on my own. It's just frustrating not knowing why hardly anyone ever seems to give two shits about my work either good or bad.
I have a group of artist "friends" who hang out and draw. I'll probably start hanging out with them more and try to get help from them. At least they can't ignore me right to my face.

>> No.3348332

Next time, try asking for crits on specific areas of your drawing, like "how do I make my pose more dynamic?" or "is the composition here too busy?" Usually that has a higher chance of generating responses.

>> No.3348336

I did that this time and still got completely ignored. I've tried it a few times and it hasn't worked. And I forgot to say to >>3348318 that I've been posting here about that many years too and this has always been the case. Of course I've gotten help with some pictures but usually nothing.

>> No.3348337

Hey man, join my discord. Critiques are given often here, especially if you ask for one

>> No.3348339

Damn, sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will be better for you in the near future.

>> No.3348353
File: 341 KB, 900x900, 1521212279207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else I hate? Faggots like you who post shit they wish to be addressed about their work and yet do not post post their work and somehow expect someone to do something about it so why don't we meet half way and you post your work and we'll give you feedback I will personally give you one right now so go ahead you big weenie.

>> No.3348354


>> No.3348355

No no no no don't give me that crap post your work right now you're still Anonymous and I highly doubt you have a large following that would somehow affect you from posting a rant on /ic/ since you seem to suffer form a lack of attention so let's settle this already.

>> No.3348359

Well congratulations faggot you rustled my jimmies what a shit site
>complains about not receiving feedback
>doesn't post his content he wants to receive feedback from
Fucking hell.

>> No.3348368

That wasn't me but I'm not worried about my following. What I don't want is for anons like you to start giving me flack every time I post work after this. I want critiques not trolling.
As for posting my work I already posted it forever ago. That's kind of the whole reason why I'm frustrated at not getting any critique.

>> No.3348370

Do you honestly believe that we're going to actually remember who you are and recognize how you draw and single you out every time you post and treat you differently? Just post you work nobody is going to hurt you.

>> No.3348373
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>> No.3348376
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Jesus christ dude, I'm not that anon but just lay off and go draw or something.

>> No.3348377

Aw boo hoo nobody cares about me.
Post your work in /beg/ you'll get lots of critique.

>> No.3348379

>I'm not that anon
uh huh

>> No.3348380

What makes you think I didn't?

>> No.3348381

i keep telling you shit lords that your art is unappealing but you faggots keep telling me post your work NGMI crab

>> No.3348382

I'm sorry you're right but you faggots managed to make me develop a pet peeve when someone complains about something related to their work and yet they don't post their work but continue to cry and moan about it and I know I am not the only one we've been here for far too long.

>> No.3348385
File: 683 KB, 1440x854, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'll go ahead and post a screenshot of what I was working on earlier in the day so the other faggot won't feel afraid about being singled out and having his rant come back to haunt him or something this is so silly.

>> No.3348386

you cheeky cunt

>> No.3348392
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, sadjefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all this infighting

>> No.3348416

I've been grinding for a while and got pretty confident in knowing how to make something look good.

But now I have to make concept art for a game. Not even complex - cutesy shit for my friends indie game. And yet the idea of making art for a pipeline instead just for me - I may as well be a caveman trying to understand philosophy. Its like one of those things where I can almost literally feel my brain running into a solid brick wall.

>> No.3348421
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I have virtually zero support for my art hobby IRL. The only time I get support that isn't from some mindless hugbox is through /ic/. Even if I get a thousand responses telling me I'm trash, just one positive comment on something I've drawn is enough to make my day.

>> No.3348423
File: 441 KB, 1500x773, 1515132344838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally me before and after every drawing
when does it end
when do I git gud

>> No.3348427

You've just described practically everyone on here so don't feel too bad.

>> No.3348439

>I can almost literally feel my brain running into a solid brick wall
Same, drawing feels like solving a math problem without paper, or trying to understand triple negation sentences without breaking it in parts.
Maybe I'm legitimately retarded.

>> No.3348449

i dont know man, im literally yo urn

>> No.3348450

do what i do, dodge the guy until he gives up on his game

>> No.3348497

Fuck your "Having support for my hobby" bullshit, Do Art because its what you want to do. You don't need the approval of your peers just to pursue a goddamn hobby boyo.

>> No.3348506

Oh believe me, I've always been drawing for the love of art. However, I come from a background that basically punished me for drawing, as weird as that sounds. Took me years just to separate the anxiety I'd get from drawing, but I'm in a better place now. Not gonna lie though, feels kinda shitty putting so much into a drawing only for it to be ignored.

>> No.3348509

>feels kinda shitty putting so much into a drawing only for it to be ignored.
Get used to it.

>> No.3348520
File: 43 KB, 264x195, 1476734029447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid to get back into commissions but at the same time I need money. How can I boost my confidence? I'm the worst salesman ever and I feel guilty whenever I'm working with a client.

>> No.3348527

I feel really guilty reading your posts anon. I have so many people around me who do art and support me doing mine but I don't spend enough time with them. I hate feeling like my work gets ignored too. That's part of the reason I hesitate to hang out with them. Most of them do high level professional work and when I'm around I don't feel like I fit in or like they take me or my work seriously, but ir's probably my own subconscious. I hope you find a good group to fall in with or some other way to shake that feeling of isolation.

>> No.3348534

At any given point in time I've had a low-activity base of followers with just one guy that is absolutely 100% all over everything I post, my inbox/DMs, every one of my characters, drawing them.
And it's not like one guy the entire time I've been posting art online, I keep swapping out one guys almost yearly.

Anyone else got a One Guy?

>> No.3348543

Doing a figure wearing sheer clothing using crosshatching for values is super fucking hard. I have to plan out the values using gray scale in Photoshop because it's so hard to wrap my mind around, and even that's still difficult.

>> No.3348712
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1510640955581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking obsessed with observing and memorizing what things look like
>Started it because based Gi recommended it
>Developed into a habit
>Can't even look at people's faces normally anymore without observing their muscle and bone structure
>Even looking at shit like distant mountains during the sunset is a mental color study
>Look at random shit for 10 minutes in order to analyze values and lighting
>Sort of pays off but definitely not worth it
>tfw will never fucking ever be like based Gi
Did I catch autism or something?

>> No.3348715

if it makes you feel better i don't think they ever really managed it completely in the old days either

>> No.3348720

i have no idea where to start with digitally colouring and it kills me inside

>> No.3348726

I feel extremely pissed about myself anytime I see people like g*dsh*t or mag*ster posting here. I wish I was as good as them and could be their friends. I hate myself every hour I'm living that I'm not good yet.

>> No.3348776

No but I've unintentionally been that one guy a few times and now I feel embarrassed

>> No.3348786

I feel you anon, some have even called me pervert for some study i did about the female vs male walk sequence, and it doesn't get any better the more you learn and the more you draw you wil constantly start letting it go through your real life, you can't have gf unless she doesn't mind you watching her constantly with weird looks,

Being artist is suffering.

>> No.3348787
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1520488466289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple, but nowhere near your level of obsession. It's very cute and I love seeing their comments every time I upload even though I don't even know them on a personal level. Their seemingly unconditional positivity is what I need in my otherwise bleak life.

>> No.3348790

>alright time to flip it

>> No.3348823

>Post fantasy art in a group dedicated to it
>Any time there's a sexy girl posted there's like 3 morbidly obese soyboys who start flame wars in the comments
>They're extremely autistic
>The entire rest of the group is civilized
>Soyboys use literally every normie faggot line like "this is why nerd hobbies are seen as socially inept"
>It's clearly fat fucks like them that are the reason nerd hobbies are seen in such a negative light
>They spew outdated feminist rhetoric, just act like shit, etc
>They're clearly the minority
>See one of their pieces
>This autist draws people like they all have fetal alcohol syndrome
>Resist the urge to point this out because if I prick his bloated thin skin he might never grow as an artist or a person
>But big fat fucks like him just brings the whole hobby down
>As of now my work is more popular than theirs, as is others they do this to
>Know at least one of them posts on here because his art sucks and he spews all the standard buzzwords
>Know that we could probably have been friends, and grow as artists together
>But like whatever man, wallow in that mediocrity
It's just depressing

>> No.3348874

>tfw I'm painting plain air
>the next area I'm painting in it is a huge distance away, so in my mind it's a big area on the painting
>mix a ton of the color for it cause this might take a while
>oh wait it took three brush strokes

Genuine problem. I'll be looking at a field, go "this field is huge better mix a lot of paint for it" and then it takes about 1/4th of the paint I mixed. Perception and reality can be weird

>> No.3348878

They're just virtue signaling and use feminist vernacular in the hopes somehow another woman would notice them so they could become beta orbiters.

>> No.3350509

Virtue signaling is a buzz phrase of the cucky alt right

>> No.3350522

This one dawned on me over coffee:

building up a taste around ironic consumption can never help you when you finally have to put that taste to work in productivity

you can never draw ironically, create ironically, design ironically, irony is the business of the viewer.

>> No.3350542

What's the matter? Not virtue signaling hard enough for those good goy points?

>> No.3350600 [DELETED] 

fuck off, the jewish conspiracy (which is real) is just as retarded as the alienated american youth hiding their soyboyism behind a retarded movement

>> No.3350601

Getting upset about "feminist vernacular" and complaining about it using a term like "Virtue signaling" is the exact thing you're whining about. It's virtue signalling in itself except you're signalling to a bunch of sweaty cryptofash nerds on the internet instead of women, good job gaybo.

>> No.3350642

Never change /ic/.

>> No.3350669

One of my One Guys was someone I knew through college that 100% was hitting on me the entire time even though I didn't realize it at first, and finding out they were tryna smash made me feel like the whole thing wasn't genuine so now anyone obsessed with my work just sorta creeps me out in the same way having a stalker (I've had one of those too, so I can talk from experience) would.
After that happened I also started noticing that a lot of the people that take an interest in my work are hyperfocused on the attractiveness of my character(s)

>> No.3350684

And how are you now? hopefully not as neurotic

>> No.3350899 [DELETED] 

Damn you are assblasted. Yid, woman or both?

>> No.3350950

>tfw fapping to furry porn is becoming increasingly difficult as my knowledge of anatomy grows
There are so few furry artists that aren't shit.

>> No.3351006

Assblasted? lmao.
Like online feminist nice-guys, your shit's just as performative, and you're playing to an audience that isn't here.

>> No.3351105

Get a room, you two.

>> No.3351111

What kind of retard do you have to be to deny virtue signaling? Even if you're a moderate liberal or otherwise disagree with the so-called "alt right", denying the rampant virtue signaling and politically correct hysteria that we've seen from the left over the past 5-10 years means you're either willfully ignorant or a radical leftist yourself.
The "alt right" only exists as a reaction to the far-left to begin with, so denying its existence is just insane.

>> No.3351222

Less that it doesn't exist, more that it's a buzzword for "Openly holding a position I don't like". Ideally it'd be used to describe people who are professing to have virtues that they don't put into action to get in with a group but in reality it's deployed against people to try to shut them up by making them think they're doing something wrong or holding a wrong position. Unfortunately for anyone trying to use it, most people actually aren't dumb enough to fall for that. Maybe you'd be taken more seriously if you didn't use "virtue" as a negative, because trying to dump on someone by essentially calling them a moralfag looks fucking dumb and edgy to anyone who isn't completely immersed in internet culture.

>> No.3351228

>Obscure art feels thread
I sincerely believe that time spent on /ic/ is wasted time.

>> No.3351641

You're like 90% right. We should have /beg/ /alt/ /draw/ and /book/ threads and that's it

>> No.3351692

>Maybe you'd be taken more seriously if you didn't use "virtue" as a negative, because trying to dump on someone by essentially calling them a moralfag looks fucking dumb and edgy to anyone who isn't completely immersed in internet culture.
get the fuck out of here then

>> No.3351736

Post yfw

>draw memey/shitty doodle
1000 replies
>Draw something you worked hard on
0 replies

>> No.3351756
File: 895 KB, 500x450, 1514309518952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing for the sake of getting (you)s, faves, upboats, and likes

>> No.3351777
File: 10 KB, 224x224, shut-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to fix your image problem, bro.

>> No.3351788


A couple (you)'s make you feel good on stuff you worked harder on. Don't front

>> No.3351798

You two gonna make it, keep it up

>> No.3352983

People have always hated proselytizers. That there's new terminology for it doesn't change that.

>> No.3353122

dont do this for git gud. git gud for this.

>> No.3353296
File: 216 KB, 1341x1766, 5CCE0755-A980-4064-858C-A1C20BE66E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have never finished a drawing
This is as far as I get, every time

>> No.3353297

>tfw (you)'s make me feel nothing
What does this mean?

>> No.3353342

Consider suicide

>> No.3353349

I have a serious hoarding problem. I constantly bookmark and download a lot of stuff for "future use" and have done so for years now but rarely ever get to actually look or use any of these things.
This is fine for music or artworks from my favorite artists because I do go back to these, but 99% of the rest, nope. Coincidentally I haven't drawn anything in years now. I'm just too afraid I guess, or just feel "blocked". I think about artistic stuff all the damn time, every day, but I never do it.

>> No.3353375

So basically you're a virtue signaling retard who's upset that you get called out over it.
Also, the fact that you think positive terms aren't used sarcastically by the mainstream goes to show you little contact you actually have with the real world.

>> No.3353558

You could call me out for "virtue signalling" all day and it wouldn't affect me one bit because any time I'm transparent about my position on something it isn't for the sake of seeking peer approval, it's just something I honestly believe. The callout doesn't work because it assumes a specific kind of intention or motivation that I haven't got. If I'm mad about anything then it's about being exposed to yet another dipshit that thinks crying "virtue signalling" is some kind of epic takedown: If I'm going to get into a political debate with a dipshit, I'd rather they at least try to say something with any sort of substance. I don't want a phrase parroted at me.
And it's not that "virtue signalling" as it's supposedly defined doesn't exist, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't encountered any feminist "nice guys" that were clearly in it because they thought they'd be rewarded for it somehow, it's just that I can explain how they're dumb or embarrassing without resorting to a term that has rapidly lost all meaning beyond being a dig on someone in the same vein as "moralfag". Because it's rarely ever used to describe those kinds of people any more, it's most commonly short-form for "you're only saying that because you're looking for approval", like no one can possibly be motivated by anything that isn't selfish. It's not just that it has the word "Virtue" in it, it's that in most contexts it's used to voice specific issue with the idea of someone holding a position because they consider it morally right. And if that's your whole argument, then you're not really refuting their position, you're just getting pissed that someone isn't as much of an edgelord as you are.

>> No.3353592

No u