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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 5 KB, 276x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3335901 No.3335901 [Reply] [Original]

i haven't seen one of these threads in a while. post your art between 2 dates and get crits on your progress, what you should be doing, etc.

>> No.3336058
File: 1.18 MB, 2564x1509, before and after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336063

That's awful. How do you suck that bad? Anon, that bicep is TWICE the length of the photo's. I see no improvement except that you're painting less and relying more on equally bad lineart.

>> No.3336065

I fucking love this place

>> No.3336116


> that bicep is TWICE the length of the photo's.

Which bicep?

>> No.3336160

both of them in the left hand pic. Not that guy but the proportions are also off in the right hand pic, it looks like you put a little effort into anatomy but 0 effort into proportions or perspective, left arm and leg are pretty fucked up, the shoulder/neck area is completely out of wack too. Didn't help yourself with the lines here either though so it looks way worse than it might do otherwise.

>> No.3336167
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, muh style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336180


I don't have the eye to see my mistakes.

Can you help me with red lines?

>> No.3336204
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 14102563_1276927985681039_3495008501945482523_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336206
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 28577576_2036620053045158_7765276180585000663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2018. Sorry for doubleposting, about to head to work and don't have tim

>> No.3336225

This makes me chuckle every time I see it.

>> No.3336250

looks like you've noticed your excessive use of line and details makes the drawing a bit messy because the focal point doesn't stand out. I think now you should grind gesture and get some basic anatomy just to figure out how much body parts can bend and what foreshortened poses look like, a bit of shape design and comp studies could really help you bring out the wispy feeling of cloth that you're trying to go for too.

>> No.3336375 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1400x1156, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336376
File: 1.04 MB, 1400x1156, firez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336401
File: 542 KB, 730x943, dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336511


Great work, how'd you figure out how to handle different shades of texture?

>> No.3336514

Your dragons are awesome. Hope to get that awesome one day.

>> No.3336552
File: 433 KB, 1215x2048, IMG_0056-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some examples of my progress, both digital and traditional.

>> No.3336558

Nice progress! If I were to give some criticism, the hair could use some work as it looks a bit muddy right now. Same goes for some of the textures, like the tree branch on the right hand side. Though I guess you could justify that as not being a focal point and wanting it to be unrefined, I would simplify the rendering and only use a few paintstrokes to indicate it instead.

But overall it looks really good, keep it up

>> No.3336704


>talks shit about another artist's work
>is asked to make red lines
>doesn't reply because he knows he's a shitty artist

Typical dumbass crab tries to critique someone but fails to produce redlines because they know they're shit at art.

>> No.3336737


a whole fucking year and still cant draw face.

>> No.3336758

Literally no need to make redlines if there's a reference because you just make the ref transparent and move it over the drawing. If you're talking about the right one, red lines wouldn't help because it's such a major mistake and they should be using a reference because then it would be obvious what's wrong. I mean you're right about most people giving crit being crabs, but this is so obviously wrong that that other anon shouldn't need to spoonfeed it especially if there's a ref right there.

>> No.3336764

This is like Chris-Chan's art progress lmao

>> No.3336777


The crab was talking about anon's drawing on the right, not the left. There is no reference.

>> No.3336787
File: 295 KB, 1400x1156, eyetweak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your stuff but one thing always grates on me and that's that the eyes look lifeless. Might be because of the highlights

>> No.3336789

me on the left

>> No.3336820

are some people just born good

>> No.3336825

Whoa, that makes quite a difference.

>> No.3336829

>tfw not even as good as the left
Where were you when you realized you were NGMI?

>> No.3336836
File: 611 KB, 1500x868, one day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tired comparing two similar paintings, one from 2013 and the newest from a month ago.

>> No.3336850

That's really fucking good
I need to get into painting

>> No.3336858
File: 500 KB, 848x1199, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I feel doing a lot of studies helps with texture. The marks on the metal are done with PS sharpen tool

middle ones are very cute

Thanks I will try to tackle those points, I felt the shape of the head was very unappealing so I changed it plus other small details

Just keep at it and go about in a very "aware" way, internal dialogue is very important, don't just throw lines or push pixels hoping for a happy accident,

Despite that and drawing for five years I still fuck up very badly as you can see, I would add that not getting discouraged easily is a must

>> No.3336860

Gestures are what I've been working on primarily right now. Besides anatomy which I've been studying a bit I definitely feel like I need to improve on focal points, a lot of my past art has been very busy. Any tips on how to bring that out? Is more dramatic shading the key?

>> No.3336941


I'm having trouble with textures, do you have any link which you can share?

>> No.3336998

thx lads

>> No.3337010
File: 160 KB, 1549x1618, l9XEqE8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness my descent into madness.

>> No.3337011

Also witness the power of Imgur compression.

>> No.3337027

I see no difference other than now you made your colors assault the gamma of my screen

>> No.3337129
File: 1.84 MB, 2680x3290, Progress 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3337238

I'll make a new one since the one I post often is a bit lacking of my old cringy shit.

>> No.3337306

I dig the little scenes in the bottom right

>> No.3337311

I *was* talking about the drawing on the left, i literally said it was "twice the length of the PHOTO'S" how the FUCK are you this stupid?

>> No.3337324
File: 2.85 MB, 2680x7796, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go.

>> No.3337329
File: 1.00 MB, 1848x2613, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a paint over

>> No.3337396

Are you OP ?

>> No.3337467

Your finished lineart is pretty clean, but your sketches are still chickenscratched to hell. Work on that confidence. Try using pen for a while and really think about where you're putting your lines before you touch the paper; it'll look much better and ultimately save you time.

>> No.3337475

>you can't criticize unless you do better than what you're criticizing
Damn, the world would be hella funny if that was the norm.

>> No.3337479

Reading the replies I was surprised that nobody had shat on Firez yet, but then I read your post. For a moment I thought I was on another site.

>> No.3338088

im jelly

>> No.3338155

you got worst

>> No.3338189
File: 1.53 MB, 1540x742, mangashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be mangaka anon.

>> No.3338203
File: 1.78 MB, 2189x1156, meh_tier_gainz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made improvements. Wow, I guess actually drawing now and then will help you improve rather than whining about lack of skill on /ic/...

>> No.3338206
File: 80 KB, 413x395, 1364543626617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only posts studies

>> No.3338217

I like your development with furry, you've developed certain charming characteristics with it.

>> No.3338220
File: 76 KB, 321x348, 1474066278267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of the drawings in the "Beginner" threads are better than anything you've ever made on your best day
>You've been doing deliberate practicing/studying for years and aren't even Beginner level yet

At least rope is cheap.

>> No.3338225

ok dude, stop right there, how exactly are you not reaching begginer levels despite years of rawing, show your work and show the art level that you want to reach.

>> No.3338228

show us your work, anon.

>> No.3338232

I have no scanner and my only camera is the one on my shit iPod touch from 2008. My work sucks and isn't even worth posting.

>> No.3338233

That actually makes no sense even as a joke.

>> No.3338237

do you want help or not? you already said your work sucks, there is no secret here. we want to help you figure out what you need to do in order to make it suck less.

>> No.3338310

Is it wrong to look at your progress over 2 years and know that you have made progress but think that you should be able to cash out in some way by now?

>> No.3338314

Looks good dude. Ignore that other guy he's hurt lol

>> No.3338320
File: 811 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_5134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so I don't draw and I just used the sticky to start but um I drew part of the Igor. How fucked am I? I used to be able to look at objects and replicate the lines to scale pretty well.

But now I just want to be able to sketch tattoos (traditional american) if anyone has resources for that. And for improvement in general.

>> No.3338321
File: 96 KB, 300x302, wikihow dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i die a little on the inside every time i see this

>> No.3338326
File: 61 KB, 877x820, boxProgress_14_to_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3338396

You seem sexually confused, anon.

>> No.3338406
File: 3.33 MB, 2000x3000, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hit my 2 year mark in February, I've been mostly just doodling and trying to recreate drawings I like. Never actually posted any work before or really studied. Feel free to rip in to me.

>> No.3338550

another year or two and you'll be ready for circles

>> No.3338662

>tfw you haven't improved in the last 5 years years

>> No.3338671


>> No.3338676

Teach me? I'm 2016 level rn

>> No.3338679


>> No.3338694

I think you can do it by yourself !


>> No.3338698

that and also that she's looking at an indefinite point with no expression, if she was looking at the bird or the viewer she'd look more engaged and not like she's spacing out (which is also fine)

>> No.3338703
File: 127 KB, 353x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3338713
File: 304 KB, 607x687, qweqwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3338718
File: 71 KB, 1366x768, 1518456877753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorable, makes me want to start squeezing and cuddling it.

>> No.3338719

>tfw improve every single day
So this is talent.

>> No.3338721

it literally is.

>> No.3338722

never gets old

>> No.3338723

Now this is progress. You went from 12yo /beg/ tier to ok.

>> No.3338807
File: 232 KB, 824x593, jan 18-march 18 studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all takes so long. i'm bad at patience.

>> No.3338904

Aw thanks, dude. I've been working on making my furs less generic.

Yeah, someone earlier pointed out that I should abuse contrast more. I like what you did, especially with the yellow/green tones and highlights.

>> No.3338911
File: 3.62 MB, 4800x6300, progcomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3338933
File: 1021 KB, 991x1382, gest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3338934
File: 83 KB, 1280x1707, g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3338944
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh just another painting that I'll never finish

>> No.3338947
File: 332 KB, 2048x1536, 37CB52E6-AC65-4AF2-8F73-9FE4827F51B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beginning of september

>> No.3338948
File: 450 KB, 2048x1536, 750B1D11-10B1-4E4C-97B5-25712FB081A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a week or so ago

>> No.3338949

I guess I got a bit better at shading and selecting colors that compliment each other, but the style didn’t really change and the overall quality hasn’t improved much

>> No.3338975

hurr, don't like that, hurr, he idiot.

>> No.3338976

instead of saying stuff like "what?!" ask yourself what you actually did wrong. the ones you pointed out dont have any extreme features discerning them from the other 20 poses

>> No.3338992

that was in my 2nd month of learning to draw so at that point the "what?" was more like "I have no idea what i'm supposed to be looking for"

i know what to look for now though. >>3338934

>> No.3339035

I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life

>> No.3339100
File: 706 KB, 754x1500, 1506725475422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Became inactive from late 2015 onwards. Found out about /ic/ at the turn of 2016 and read into Loomis. All 'studying' sessions turned into vidya. This 2018 I plan to make up for lost time. I still think I'm not learning anything new and am merely refining what I've already learned back in 2014.

>> No.3339124

Not that much improvement, but at least the coloring greatly improved.

>> No.3339149

I like that you're completing your illustrations, good job
I have high hopes for you if you keep practicing etc.

>> No.3339181

Thanks anons. Yes, I'll continue doing finished pieces while patching up my fundamentals at the side.

>> No.3339182

Beforechan > afterchan

>> No.3339185

I really like that bottom dragon.

>> No.3339186

Do we have some special studies to do for me to improve my lines ?

>> No.3340093
File: 198 KB, 540x686, force mike mattessi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3340095
File: 424 KB, 1821x1600, critters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 mos apart, from my first drawing to restating it. honestly i think the first one is more fun to look at.


>> No.3340098

dodson goes against this idea in keys to drawing and says that restating lines is fine, and adds energy to a drawing. as long as it isnt a hairy sloppy mess, I think it's not so bad.

>> No.3340102

You still haven't posted your work from the time I told you to do so in the beginner thread. I wanted to see if the book really helped you. I don't have interest in that anymore, just calling you out as a reminder.

>> No.3340107

i've never posted in the beginner thread

it was desu, mostly because of how you have clear shapes and pushed the proportions(such as placement of the eye). it's a fun drawing.

>> No.3340586

>0 progress in a year
how sad

>> No.3340923
File: 32 KB, 326x500, wizardgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this October last year.

>> No.3340924
File: 873 KB, 1757x1757, IMG_1508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this this week.

How's the progress?

>> No.3340935


>> No.3340937

too much sinix, try studying something different as well

>> No.3340939


ik, I'm trying to do studies of alot of other artist.

>> No.3343085

Thanks a lot, I like the overstated edges

Also sorry for the late response

>> No.3343200
File: 1.72 MB, 1743x1293, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I started as a muh style fuck, then I felt like quitting art for around 2 years and a half then I came back to it by drawing only 3 times a month and decided to still be a muh style faggot because fuck you

>> No.3343209 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1090x1454, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner on digital painting and I need some help on this. Critiques are very much appreciated.
Yep, that's Mercy from OW. I don't intend on being 100% faithful to the game's art style.

>> No.3344657

is that Mr. Freeze with a vagina?

>> No.3344659
File: 255 KB, 1500x900, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 years yikers

>> No.3344764

Post fucking work

>> No.3344766


Try avoiding sameface though

>> No.3344770


>> No.3345185
File: 586 KB, 1630x1024, 1999___2016_improvement_by_kawacy-da98v22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3345194

what happened to him in 2014

>> No.3345283

This one becomes even sadder when you go look at his gallery right now, 8 fucking years after that picture was made

>> No.3345289

art school probably

>> No.3346994

Nevermind that, the fuck happened between 08 and 2012.

>> No.3346995

It's just something that happens once you've been drawing long enough.

>> No.3347004
File: 40 KB, 639x424, n-word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to save this man


...but first I have to save myself

>> No.3347261
File: 2.00 MB, 1000x2000, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last few years I haven't really been doing much art wise and have hardly done anything but this year I've been forcing myself to go out of my comfort zone and try to paint/finish different subject matter. Its only been a few months and I feel a lot more confident with my work, although I lack in a lot of fundamentals. I hope I can see a lot more improvement within a year.

>> No.3347265

What happened between 2010-2014?

>> No.3347267

anime time-skip

>> No.3347277

Ah I know what you mean

>> No.3347295
File: 1.39 MB, 1492x928, lmfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in high school so I only did like course work and I never took pictures of it. Thankfully I just dug this up from a relative's Facebook. Hopefully I improved!

>> No.3347427
File: 566 KB, 1566x1044, PROOCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom is how I developed in rendering, I didn't really practice rendering at all but it came out better.

Top is a character I drew trying my hand at a personal anime style.
Now im not much of an anime fan like I was in highschool but I've developed the style too much to quit so I'm starting to add some western traits to it. I'll use it to when I try animating.

Luckily I finally picked up art books last year so the last boy has actual anatomy on him.
I'll repost my full progress chart next time when I've updated it.

>> No.3347981

In what way exactly?

>> No.3348104
File: 489 KB, 800x1000, march 2nd 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3348106
File: 825 KB, 2121x1186, march 17th 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3348408
File: 356 KB, 1650x710, progressbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel that my art is getting more lewd as time passes. should I stray away from NSFW and keep things tasteful? Or would that be detrimental to my progress by putting an artificial limit?

>> No.3348454
File: 1.98 MB, 1668x1114, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commission me, fuckos.

>> No.3348457

What are your prices

>> No.3348464

$10 for an MS Paint drawing
$15 for traditional, not shaded
$20 for traditional, shaded
+$5 for each additional character in a drawing

My email is alternatemails858@gmail.com. Thanks anon c:

>> No.3348476

you got way worse

>> No.3348483
File: 926 KB, 1080x1080, 1080108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On phone CBF combining images I actually have an Instagram where I began to draw around January 15. Not trying to plugin but it has all my progress so far. Also yes I'm just a shitty portrait drawer rn because I'm trying to raise my technical skill first.

If you're wondering about the random 2017 post that is my actual first drawing however I gave up instantly and didn't touch drawing again until this year.

I feel my issues are I'm impatient, I suck at hair, and sometimes I get adventurous with lighting.

Handle is @mingdcart

>> No.3348484
File: 3.47 MB, 2898x3456, IMG_20180116_030734_642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This drawing is the first one from January.

The one in the other comment is around late February.

>> No.3348485

>already has over 500 followers

>> No.3348493
File: 255 KB, 807x807, IMG_20180222_173410_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the kind you're thinking. I was at 150 followers and then my third and fourth post really kicked off in their hashtags (NORMIEs love portraits) so it put me at 350, I also started liking and commenting a lot with art pages to capitalize on the algorithm being kind to me. Just by the way wasn't worth the time and effort. Realized I just wanted to improve and just wanted to share my progression.

So after that all I do now is set a like bot on certain hashtags it does maybe 1200 a day. People check my profile if they like my work they follow me, that's it. Then I actually go check my feed because I only follow artists that inspire me.

Also yeah, I'm well aware at the end your max potential followers is really gated by your style and how good you are.

Pic related. It's the post that made me get traction idk how honestly.

>> No.3348495

You remind me of https://gs95.tumblr.com/

>> No.3348496

How long does it take you to finish a drawing like that? Just curious

>> No.3348499
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180206_074518_922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might also add I nearly always block people who are following over 1500 people because I know they most likely won't interact with my content. I don't do any of that follow unfollow shit.

>> No.3348503
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20180201_120850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very patchy on work as in I get bored really easily (pic related) after I finished my first drawing I started four in four days and touched them randomly when I was bored.

Currently if I was to concentrate purely with reference, face 45min, hair 1:30-2 hours (frustrates me), clothes 35min, final touches 30-45min, basic post editing Photoshop 20-30min

>> No.3348504

Why specifically 1500?

>> No.3348510

Just a number I chose. I just don't think someone who is following over 1500 won't see my work ever on my feed, and are probably follow unfollowers. I almost always block business accounts aswell, depending on case by case. Probably around 100 blocked people right now. I know in the future if I ever become large I won't have the time to really see people case by case but i might aswell sort them out now while it's still easy.

>> No.3348528

The newest one is on the LEFT, my bad desu I flipped it when I was saving the image.

>> No.3348529

was about to say what the fuck happened lmao

>> No.3348590
File: 2.06 MB, 2500x2029, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from my first, midway and last/working on pictures. From the start i didn't study and all, i do most of the studying this year and in the end if 2017, let's see what y'all think of my progress

>> No.3348638

Mouka, no jasně. :D

>> No.3348751

That's really nice progress mate, mind sharing what your routine looked like? Done lot of studies i assume?

>> No.3348958
File: 289 KB, 1500x959, Jan 1st to march 17th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still beg tier but I've made some decent progress over the past fewmonths. I failed at my new year gooal of a drawing a day but I've done so on most days.

>> No.3348962

just draw everyday I guess. if u get stuck on something or having trouble with a certain aspect of a drawing like anatomy(arm/torso..ect) study it and then make something new and applying what you've learned,rinse and repeat for each new problem you encounter, this way you can avoid things being too overwhelming,avoiding things that are un important to what you actually want to draw at the time and at the same time applying new knowledge in a fun way.
like for example the drawing i posted had wonky leg proportions, weird arm poses, and nonsense cloth physics. so, i'm prolly gonna go study some legs and torso ,practice drawing forshorten arm poses and study how to paint cloth more effectively. then apply those things that i learn to sketches get comfortable with drawing them.
but this is just how i learn things,this might not work very effectively at all desu famalam baka

>> No.3348983

I remember you. Good work.

>> No.3349009

>like bot leads to more followers

Interesting, can you elaborate on the process? Which one did you use?

>> No.3349100

Instagram is saturated as fuck. So I realized it wasn't worth doing what I was doing by hand. Basically all it does is like posts from a hashtag, example "oilpainting" sometimes people will see who the like is coming from and if they enjoy your work they'll like back or even follow. At first I was using private script but now I just use jarvee, my parameters include people with under 1000 followers/following and other checks to make sure they're real. Jarvee has other tools which I have no interest in using but if you want spam followers use them if you want.

My conversion rate is not that good imo as my work isn't that great its just mediocre at best (to me) but it gets my profile seen and some people really enjoy it. Hope that helps.

I might mention I was getting more followers when doing it by hand and interacting, but as I said it's really not worth my while.

>> No.3349118

this is some pretty nice advice. i tend to get overwhelmed but the idea of isolating a thing and studying it and applying it afterwards seems better than just freaking out over drawing a thing i dont understand and giving up

>> No.3349228
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x1040, land_beyond_the_meadow_by_don_carceri-dbhsj1o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer 2017

>> No.3349229
File: 657 KB, 1024x569, great_overlook_by_don_carceri-dc66kpn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this just today

>> No.3349245

because it looks really good except for the left eye

>> No.3349301 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 615x759, sideview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on this?
Mainly the eye.
I think it looks decent, but I drew the eye different from how its usually done. Does this look decent to someone who hasnt worked on it, or does this way of drawing the eye immediately strike you as "off" ?

>> No.3349302

Big laff at thinking that the eye is the only issue

>> No.3349305

meh, I know I shouldnt have expected feedback

>> No.3349341

I like the way you shade, even though it looks a little glossy and fake, it is still pretty stylish. I feel like once you start doing finished pieces you coule gain a following. Just remember not to get stuck in your style.

>> No.3349368

Yeah don't come to /ic/ for feedback.
98% of the people here aren't even past the stage of beginner.

>> No.3349410

I like it a lot

>> No.3349425
File: 1.30 MB, 1500x1500, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3350084

Your work reminds me of Brian's. I like it.

>> No.3350304

which brushes?

>> No.3350315

.....this is bait right?

>> No.3350495

It's hillarious either way

>> No.3350506

You became a boring genetic artist. Good job!

>> No.3350525

Fuck off crab. Is "generic" the card you can play when your brain shits itself into a meltdown because someones work is actually appealing?

>> No.3350908
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, C57CADBC-2BD8-4CC9-9122-B19ED51356F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch you me from four years ago

>> No.3350919

Your technique has improved but all your female characters look like they have the head size and face of a 24 year old woman.

>> No.3350924
File: 281 KB, 2400x720, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a really long drawing hiatus because I was super fucked in the head for a good 5 years (depression + more) and I'm finally back to a state where I'm focusing on good activities. So I'm essentially relearning much of how to draw where now I have a different way of seeing things. I look forward to drawing more.

>> No.3350925

Cute stuff.

>> No.3350929

You think I'm good enough to blog my stuff? That's actually really sweet of you to say.

>> No.3350930

no it's a meme newfag

>> No.3350932


>> No.3350933

Ignore >>3350930
I totally think so.

>> No.3350937

Oh that makes me feel better. Would be nice if this board had user thread IDs like other boards so I could've seen that message wasn't from you. I really do appreciate your original comment.

>> No.3350938

I take it you don't have a blog?`

>> No.3350956
File: 131 KB, 945x901, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any real reason to paint shit so big?

>> No.3350958

When you asked me, I didn't have one. Your comment gave me inspiration and I've recovered my wordpress.com account. (paulgibler.wordpress.com) so I have one now. I'll add all the stuff I've made already and keep adding my new stuff. Will be nice to have as a reference for me to critique my old work easier in comparison with my new work.

Thank you for the touch of inspiration.

>> No.3350963

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.3350972

i like.

I notice you seem to draw while doing other things, like how you doodled Animal Crossing characters and the armour from Skyrim. I'm going to start doing this too.


>> No.3350974

do both

>> No.3351185

Thanks anons.

>head size and face 24 year old woman
I do get that a lot. I can attribute that from reading a lot about realistic and ideal human proportions. It seems to be carrying over to my anime drawings, making the characters look more mature than they should be. I may have to study childrens' propotions.
>Try avoiding sameface though
Will do.

>> No.3351210

Fuck off and stop posting on random threads expecting commisons

>> No.3351234

I really like the the color choices and the background. You got a page?

>> No.3351240

blog? I like the last dude

>> No.3351795
File: 873 KB, 1500x2250, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what it feels like to have no talent.

>> No.3351800

The "End of the 2016" is nice

>> No.3351804

So where did this anon go wrong /ic/?

>> No.3351814
File: 33 KB, 597x589, 1521210610045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also seems to not have a focus in his studies.

>oh now lets try rendering
>oh now figure drawing
>oh now perspective
>oh now stylization


Which is why this guy is struggling to make it at a sluggish pace.

Artists tend to be a one trick pony or main a subject and stick with it but this dude is trying everything, which is pretty impressive.

Don't worry anon, I finnally reached the first half of "making it" when I finally pleased myself enough to jack off to one of my drawings, and that shit took forever and if I had to judge I would say you are half-way into reaching that phase.

Don't give up now that you are this far

>> No.3351895
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1419583890997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're so focused on the Git Gud you forgot to Be Gud
it's great that you're so diligent and grind hard and try all sorts of things, but you've got to have fun and most importantly, make the kind of stuff you want to make. Sometimes just make a "finished" piece as if you already were good.

You mention reaching the level you want, what is that level? Or more important than the level, what kind of stuff is it? I can't tell from that pic if you want to be a character guy, an illustrator for some card game, making your own anime style stuff, a teacher for other people, etc. It's not clear. Maybe you can tell from the pic what work you would create if you could make anything, but I can't, and that can definitely leave you feeling without direction or hope.

My advice for this is to make a folder on your desktop where you only save the peak inspiration type art that you'd like to do. Not work that you think is technically amazing, or in your desired field or something that would make money, just stuff that you would fucking love to make. Also spend some time, even just half an hour a day, where you draw or paint as if you're already great, and have fun with it. Don't show it to anyone, but draw as if you have KJG or whoever type skills and can draw whatever the hell you want.

Think about if some genie granted you maximum art skills today. What would you actually use them on?

>> No.3351896

>but this dude is trying everything, which is pretty impressive.
Dude, thank you.
I made that to try and motivate myself to be more productive this year. There is just too much to learn. So much, that I get demotivated even when I think about climbing that mountain.

>> No.3352168
File: 1.21 MB, 4000x1999, 8314D4F1-9552-4521-9744-34F3A6E2B039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly two months apart.
Im pretty new at digital, so I still gotta figure out how to render and use colors,
This are also the only gore pics Ive done.

>> No.3352179

Tho they seem to be doing lots of studies, I don’t think they draw that much (from imagination at least), it’ll be nice to know how many sketchbooks they finish pear year and if they draw every day (wich I doubt)

>> No.3352198

how many sketchbooks would you recommend doing within a year for steady progression? im scared of burnout but also that i wont improve at the rate im going right now.

>> No.3352202

I guess you read Saga?

>> No.3352255

Im no expert, I personally try to finish one a month, wich means that I HAVE to draw every day, you don’t have to finish as many of course, especially if you are making actual pices,but the point is that you draw a ton, Try to complete one every two months, Its easier to finish in time if you set daily goals, like “I have to fill three pages every day”, it also depends on the size of the book.
The only way you are gonna get good at drawing is by drawing a lot, and finishing one or two sketchbooks a year is not enough.

>> No.3352258

I don’t even know what that is

>> No.3352275
File: 55 KB, 224x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, are you actually the guy behind that. I thought that was just a meme/parody

>> No.3352311

I am. Don't tell anyone. It's a secret.

>> No.3352317

Have you drawn anything except the stuff here? I draw at least double this and that works for me. Sometimes.

>> No.3352319

I hope you did other stuff while doing these...

>> No.3352323


>> No.3352356


Forex actually was old fuck when he started out, I actually kinda am inspired by him because I am also old (29) and am just starting out while having full-time job.

Also his eyes look lifeless because he lives on Honduras, I mean, what else did you expect?

>> No.3352671

>, I personally try to finish one a month
How many pages and what size? Because the ones I use take roughly three months to finish (200 pages, 12 inches)

>> No.3352678

so what exactly did you do to get good? did you draw photographs and/or study any books etc

>> No.3352798


punchable faces

>> No.3352852

You can spend enormous amount of time learning shit. What was your learning technique?

>> No.3353520

Most sketchbooks are 60 leaves, dude.

>> No.3353527

Anon isn't shitting on that image, they're lamenting not being as good as the before.

>> No.3353744
File: 1.63 MB, 1583x4000, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015 - 2016
A few on the bottom are 2017 and 2018 but who cares anyway

>> No.3353746

i care

>> No.3353750


>> No.3353754

I've never been on a date before, so I can't post my progress.

>> No.3353758

lame joke. even for this board

>> No.3354610

>yeah just take a left and then another left and you should be there
>are you sure?
>no i havent been in that neighborhood ever

>> No.3354625

This is actually really good progress, you were absolutely shit with no talent in the beginning. However your recent work has nice composition and story.

>> No.3355172
File: 3.25 MB, 1205x4831, WIP Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't laugh.

>> No.3355178


>> No.3355183


>> No.3355188
File: 489 KB, 1000x870, progg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3355191
File: 67 KB, 570x912, 1502488430105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you sure?
>duh yeah of course, it says so here on my phone. Google maps has already laid down the directions for me. Although I have yet to go there, I can tell whether your direction is wrong or not

>> No.3355192

oh i saw these on reddit, thought they were nice
you got there quite fast

>> No.3355536

very nice progress boi

>> No.3355574

that's some good progress dude

>> No.3355625

Amazing, great job anon.
Do you guys smell that?
Smells like envy.

>> No.3357218
File: 80 KB, 678x562, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too self conscious to make one.

Thanks man, that's literally what I was going for.
I wanted a short, demented cheeky little shit that perfectly fit the bill for pissing off all the other characters in the series.

>> No.3357796
File: 393 KB, 1200x800, bit disingenous because I improved a fair bit in 2014 but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feel I have a long way to go.
I have some stuff that's a bit older than the 2014 pic, but it's outright painful to look at so I'd rather not include it.

>> No.3357819
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, 1513056359564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3359686


>> No.3360780

Except there is no equivalent to google maps in terms of recognizing problems in art.

Say I do use this dumb analogy.
It'd be more like:
>"Oh I know where that is since I've been around here a few times. Just go here, here, and then here!."
>"How can you be so shit at directions xdddd."
>"You can't tell me I'm bad at directions if you have no idea where we are. Can you point me in the right direction?"
>"No because I don't need to know directions to know you're terrible at them famalam LOL"

Given that you don't need to be good at art to call someone shit, it's typical for shit artists to call other people shit to make themselves feel better. His point is that you're most likely terrible at art too, which discredits anything you say because you can't even explain why it's bad.
Reminds me of those people who think that they are better than they actually are. Calling other people terrible but then you look at their stuff and see that they are much worse. Making anything they say invaluable. If you can't even see the faults in your own work, people will have trouble trusting your criticisms.

Either way it's a shit comparison that isn't even 1:1
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3361018

the skin on the bottom dragon looks real good

>> No.3361073


I'll be honest. I don't see any difference.

Please, stop with the cartoons and learn the fundamentals from real world references.

>> No.3361108

Study facial structure more; all your drawings have weirdly pronounced foreheads, receding chins, and big noses. Makes them look like rats. Otherwise good

>> No.3361334

ur still symbol drawing pretty heavily and ur anatomy is rly broken but i suppose theres some progress maybe

>> No.3362747
File: 722 KB, 784x744, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3362748

You got worse. I hope this is a joke.

>> No.3362759

that's peak anime anon, it may seem worse but that's because he's at the highest skill level

>> No.3362763

It's the little things that really make you appreciate it

>> No.3362770


I laughed too hard, I know I shouldn't but I was also listening to Bill Burr's podcast when I stumbled across your work.

You're good in anime, but let's be honest. You haven't improved in 3 years.

>> No.3362771

You need to work your eye more.