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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 256x197, Pinoy-Crab-Mentality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3334769 No.3334769 [Reply] [Original]

Post the crabbiest comments that you've found on /ic/

Extra points if it's about a successful artist.

>> No.3334774

>post your work

>> No.3334777

just draw

>> No.3334789

I nominate >>3334769

>> No.3334795

"Frank Frazetta doesn't know anatomy. All the good artists know he sucks and openly trash him."

"Who is Jim Lee? Oh, just checked out his art, he sucks."

"That cover by Greg Capullo looks like shit, the anatomy on that one figure way off in the corner that you can barely see is all wrong."

"Akira Toriyama is a meme artist"

"That popular artist? Yeah I saw them use photo reference once which means they're basically a human photocopier. Complete trash. I can't draw as good but I don't need refs so I'm better."

>> No.3334796

>asking someone to post their work on an artwork/critique forum board is considered something malicious
The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3334797
File: 36 KB, 895x180, vGEsDP2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal favorite.

>> No.3334806
File: 323 KB, 1044x288, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3334807

i think you should finally take the hint that everyone hates you. im not even that anon. im someone else who cant stand you. you are just as much cancer as other crabs.

>> No.3334814
File: 18 KB, 96x94, Sawnic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that means I've contributed to this thread in more ways than one.

>> No.3334815

Any critique about or dislike for an image posted here on /ic/ is now greeted with "crab".

>> No.3334819

only by the people who won't make it. take comfort in that

>> No.3334823

On here, it usually is malicious. If someone says "post your work", it's often because they want to attack it.

>> No.3334825
File: 274 KB, 750x750, 1504045918754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we have a prime example of a crab in its natural environment who is actively pinching another artist that happens to already posses strong fundamentals, observe the type of methodology applied by the crab in an attempt to suppress the other artist psychologically. The goal here is to break the spirit of the other artist until he is eventually dragged down with the others forming a magnificent display of bitter crustaceans stepping over each other.

>> No.3334848

>artist that happens to already posses strong fundamentals

post example and if I don't think that's true I'll tell you why.

>> No.3334858

At the risk of being banned I think not just look through the archives he undoubtedly has fundamentals down.

>> No.3334860

>no rules only tools

>> No.3334861

and nice try at the attempt of making me post his furry art so you could report me, we see through your ruse you filthy crab

>> No.3334863

Thank you for not posting my stuff. People here even rip apart Ruan Jia so it's futile to change this dude's mind.

>> No.3334865


You guys sound insane. And I'm not whoever it was you guys thought I was.

>> No.3334873

>>asking someone to post their work on an artwork/critique forum board is considered something malicious
>The absolute state of /ic/
because the natural reaction of crabs to being offended is snibbety snab "poast yor werk" and if someone is stupid enough to do that, they'll take it apart, no matter what genre, style or profession

>> No.3334874

it's your standard crystal ball fortune teller attitude of /ic/ – they always magically know who it is. with their all-seeing tripcode-ray eyes

>> No.3334875

I remember that thread haha

what a projecting little faggot

>> No.3334876

>because the natural reaction of crabs to being offended is snibbety snab "poast yor werk" and if someone is stupid enough to do that, they'll take it apart, no matter what genre, style or profession
That is simply not true I have posted my work before when someone else asked me to after I initiated the exchange, and what I got was a completely different outcome and a pretty nice comment from someone who appreciated the type of genre I happen to draw.

>> No.3334881

did you get a "nice" comment after a heated argument that ended in "post yer werk"?

>> No.3334883

poast yor werk

>> No.3334890

pest yer twerk! !! or else ! ! !!

>> No.3334891

Nut Goona Meg It

>> No.3334893

give me a second i'll look for that thread

>> No.3334897
File: 18 KB, 403x395, 152034601945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not even that anon
-That anon.

>> No.3334898

Here's how I've learned to decipher feedback on /ic/:

If your work is good then you'll not get much feedback at all. Some good work get a lot of feedback but that mostly seem related to people knowing who it is and the timing make me suspect that it's linked to one of the channels that are sometimes advertised around here.

If your work lacks something however people will jump on it. If you then try to defend it in a hostile way then you have set yourself up for a losing battle.

>> No.3334906
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>> No.3334911

Copypasted from an old thread:
There are 4 levels.

>Level 1
You're shit so people just make fun of you and you occasionally get a good crit.
>Level 2
you're not shit but you're not good either. You'll get ignored 99% of the time and maybe you'll get a vague crit every now and then. Sometimes you'll do something above your level and people will praise you sometimes you'll do something below and people will treat you like a level 1.
>Level 3
Your work is appealing. People will heap praise upon you, ask you for your blog and people will crit you without being mean.
>level 4
Your work is very good. People get super jelly and nitpick, call you shit, a one trick pony, tell you to stop attention whoring, etc. Basically there's a shitstorm every time you post so you have to end up leaving /ic/.

Your goal should be to work your way up the levels and ultimately escape this toxic hell hole.

>> No.3334914
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 1404927480621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ultimately escape this toxic hell hole.

>> No.3334915
File: 4 KB, 432x65, kj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently kim jung gi cant into aesthetics

>> No.3334916

that 4-level chart more seems like how a paranoid person looking for excuses would look at things.

>> No.3334917


>that 4-level chart more seems like how a paranoid person looking for excuses would look at things.
exactly. with that logic, Illustrat and Chunbun would be the next stars of this century.

>> No.3334921

There's a difference between someone posting their work and receiving a shitstorm and someone who posts their work and is an absolute autist about their stuff.

>> No.3334924

How long have you been here?

>> No.3334934

Crabs don't hate on artists for their skill but for their popularity, skill is actually a defensive force which repels instead of attracts them

>> No.3334939

>skill is actually a defensive force which repels instead of attracts them
Let me tell you about Teal line guy.

>> No.3334948

So you think they are evil then? To follow that line of thought:

Think of the ones critiquing as evil kids who want to bull you. Evil kids are experts at finding weaknesses you might be insecure about and repeatedly home in on them but they don't waste their time of they don't get an insecure defensive response from you.

Like a pack of predators picking off the weakest in a flock. You can't fool them into believing that you are an alpha. Their instinct knows.

So even there the conclusion is the same.

>> No.3334949

If he was shitty he'd be crab'd much worse for the love he got

>> No.3334952

But his skill didn't repel anything despite his skill and despite him helping everyone including those who attacked him from his redlines.

>> No.3334957

The guy who wrote that pasta admitted he was at level two. I'm personally there as well.

Reread the post, level 4 doesn't mean the popular artists think anything of themselves. It just means that they'll get a large amount of negative replies nearly every time they post something. And it's been proven true with many oldfags of the board. At some point praise will fade and some faggots will start to nitpick, bash and namecall. Doesn't matter if the artist replies to it at all, it just happens, as a cycle.

>> No.3334962

According to your story the level 4s would start out getting a lot of praise but according to the chart they would never get anything other than negative responses.

>> No.3334963

You climb up the levels, niqqa.

>> No.3334964

That's usually how it works. They first get met with praise/get ignored but over time the hate accumulates.

>> No.3334968

Not buying it.

If I had to imagine what really went on then I think it would be closer to that while the good artist was good there was still things that could need improving and there are probably anons mostly lurking here who are still better and occasionally give critiques. But now since there's a fan base and maybe the artist ego is out of proportions from hanging out on /ic/ any negative feedback now gets attacked. That leads to a counter response and egos feeling victimized.

>> No.3334970

to add to that. This place isn't a personal showcase. Whenever you post your work on /i-critique/ it's because you want critique of it so you can improve. Praises are just a bonus.

>> No.3334987

I know there are artists here who take criticism badly, but usually those on level 4 mostly get malicious comments instead of critiques.

>> No.3334988

You're really missing the point, this isn't what that post was about.

>> No.3335001


>> No.3335005

that's a poor visual depiction of the metaphor, there has to be like a whole bucket of crabs not just one crab pulling another down, all the crabs have to be trying to escape.

>> No.3335011

>it's often because they want to attack it.
No, that is literally the opposite. Just shows your insecurity that you think that.

>> No.3335021

Do you even know how merc_wip became a meme? Because some salty fag went around trying to trash the artist.

>> No.3335029

no it's because the artist posted it in response to 'show your work' and it was so exactly /ic/'s standard at the time, while also not being very good, that it was super funny. and this is 4chan so it became a meme.

now it'd probably be some anime bunny girl because /ic/ has different, shitty, taste now.

>> No.3335033

i'll tell you once and i'll tell you agin:

>> No.3335035

Goodness I remember now. Thinking about it gives me the shivers.

>> No.3335041
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my post got reposted
haha caught me by surprise, didn't think anyone saved it.

>> No.3335043
File: 248 KB, 400x300, wonderful_town_of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try our salty crustations

>> No.3335053

No, you deserved that. I've only known of your existence for about a month or two and everything I've seen you do in that short time confirms you are a piece of shit in every way and it doesn't even have to do with what you draw.
I wasn't the one who wrote that but I saw it when it happened and at the time I didn't really understand it but now I fully do.

>> No.3335056

No. It's about perception of the cause and effect for what the post described.

It's called disagreeing.

I don't think there's a conspiracy to take down good artist. But I do believe that a lot who think they are good artists feel like there's a conspiracy to take them down.

>> No.3335065

>I don't think there's a conspiracy to take down good artist.
No one said there is.
>But I do believe that a lot who think they are good artists feel like there's a conspiracy to take them down.
Why exactly?

You're assuming everyone's projecting insecurities but you're the one misinterpreting what's written. If you've been in this board for more than a week you should know how some people here react to certain things.

>> No.3335069

You know you're a successful troll when you can be identified just by someone's response to you.

>> No.3335072

>No one said there is.

>>You're assuming everyone's projecting insecurities but you're the one misinterpreting what's written.

Again no, I'm giving my interpretation of what leads to it. I don't really care if you disagree but I think your attitude of "if somebody disagree's then it must be because they didn't understand" is a part of the problem.

>> No.3335083

> I think your attitude of "if somebody disagree's then it must be because they didn't understand" is a part of the problem.
I'm not the only one responding to you, there were several, it's been pointed out to you numerous times.

Again no one is talking about what artists think of themselves, it's seeing artists that are objectively proficient (have decent control of their fundies, regardless of subject matter) get bashed after they were previously praised. It's not a cospiracy, it just happens naturally after a while because this place is toxic. Doesn't mean artists think highly of themselves, doesn't mean they leave, doesn't mean the trolls want them to, it's just part of the deal.

>> No.3335087

hes talking about kjg? holy shit wanting to call him "decent" is definitely the crabbiest shit ive seen LMAO

>> No.3335103

>I'm not the only one responding to you, there were several, it's been pointed out to you numerous times.

>it's been pointed out to you numerous times.

wtf. You are the one guilty of thinking he's talking to the same person.

>> No.3335108

He mentioned an "attitude", though. Perhaps I misread.

>> No.3335115

You probably read the word right? It's not an uncommon word and I would say a lot of this revolve around attitude problems.

>> No.3335118
File: 192 KB, 473x488, 1291849935423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335121
File: 28 KB, 500x313, 7a20b0347692fb046ecfb0fafad4836a546af65d_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335140
File: 1.86 MB, 700x394, 1518144015130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335205

>tfw level 2 but want to be level 3

>> No.3335211
File: 148 KB, 620x354, make-thine-testament-swine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ids awn, betch!


>> No.3335243
File: 31 KB, 450x627, Gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335272


Well then... Post your work.

>> No.3335290
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a level 4 artist.

>> No.3335347

If that were true, by definition, you wouldn't be here

>> No.3335358


>> No.3335945

I really really like this

>> No.3335997

Your posts and furshit are always obnoxious. Kill yourself

>> No.3336002

>If your work is good then you'll not get much feedback at all.
It's nice when anons are curious enough to ask for your blog tho

>> No.3336007

i dont get this crab meme, i remember when it started too. 4chan has become such a normiefag place after 2004

>> No.3336047

I enjoy fun as much as the next man, but you gotta stop being underaged.

>> No.3336052

Yeah, with your own comments.

>> No.3336056

Would you laugh if I said I'm 19

>> No.3336078

t. 09'er pretending to be an oldfag

>> No.3336091

I always assume it's just people being sarcastic.

>> No.3336094

We should ban everyone under moot's age from 4chan.

>> No.3336096

Are you too old to use a search engine too? ("crabs in a bucket")

>> No.3336108

Didn't he make it when he was 15?

>> No.3336242

im not lol, ive only visited 4chan sparingly back then. i did't even visit in 2004 because only actual people with mental disabilities/fucked up personalities come here. now that retardation is the norm everyone flocks around here

are you too stupid to see how i wrote my reply? i understand it, i just dont fucking get it. its dumb and doesnt make any sense. just like that being salty meme/ I dont get why its a thing.

>> No.3336281

you seem like a cool bro and i think we could be good fwends (no homo)

>> No.3336282

After watching this, /beg/ doesn't seem so bad anymore

>> No.3336285

>i understand it, i just dont fucking get it

Then you get it you shitbrain. Nobody gives a fuck if you don't like it.

>> No.3336300


>> No.3336308


>> No.3336323


>> No.3336331

no u

>> No.3336335

i knew an american dude who sounded much like you
he gone
i mess hem

>> No.3336359

VDFDP is that you

>> No.3336369 [DELETED] 

i got a broner for you

where's my GESTURE BATTLE????

>> No.3336373


where's my GESTURE BATTLE????

>> No.3336393

I've set up the google hangouts. Be there

>> No.3336403

>I've set up the google hangouts. Be there
you see, i don't do google.
i've got discord though

>> No.3336407

discord is for gays. I win

>> No.3336416

you chicken out already?

>> No.3336642
File: 458 KB, 1200x674, Optimized-20180307_164832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336647

>crabbedy snabby
>*gock gock!

nice gesture
do chicken eat el crabo snabos?

>> No.3336659


If you link your work on here, people will scroll down to find your weakest piece in order to attack you.

"Post your work" is never an honest request. It is either a defensive retort or someone seeking something they can attack.

>> No.3336665

>"Post your work" is never an honest request. It is either a defensive retort or someone seeking something they can attack.
rings a 100% true for /ic/
if there's anything crabs can do, it's shit on literally everything for petty reasons.

>> No.3336672

I think they're too salty

>> No.3336673


In response to arguing the benefit of purchasing professional grade equipment:

>You have a crutch, you need a crutch, the industry is filled with lazy people who fell ass backwards into their job and need that crutch as well.

Apparently investing in good tools makes you lazy in this insane mirror universe.

I wonder if mechanics who buy Snap-On tools have to put up with this kind of thinking.

>> No.3336782

That anon was right, though. You are cancer.

>> No.3336795

>just like that being salty meme
How old are you? You might just be an old man and out of touch now, not even joking.

>> No.3336803

Are you the same autistic moron who rees every thread about this "meme" being forced? The brainlet that was ignorant of the idiom and even after googling it was still convinced it was one person trying to get everyone to say crab as opposed to it being an idiom everyone who wasn't a retard already knew?

There there little brainlet, you don't have to feel left out because you don't get something. Try spending less time on imageboards

>> No.3337511

hello child. staying in school?

>> No.3337514

its not me.
>Try spending less time on imageboards
i do thats the whole point on why i dont get it. maybe its you that should get off your ass.

>> No.3337571


>> No.3337581

which country are you from?

>> No.3337583

Jim Lee sucks and I wish he wasn't so influential

>> No.3337711


Who is VDFDP?

>> No.3337712

>crabbiest comment
When a mod said they'd update the sticky

>> No.3337717

That's just a lie though

>> No.3337720

To be fair, that's not what the mod said. /ic/ was supposed to update it, but they didn't come to a concise conclusion.

>> No.3337723
File: 35 KB, 460x460, -img-mf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crabs arguing about crabs with other crabs in a crab thread

what a fun thread

>> No.3337821

>i do thats the whole point on why i dont get it
Wrong brainlet, you don't get it because you're a retard. The fact that you're this upset about it means you place too much value on feeling included on an anonymous image board. Maybe you should deal with those insecurities before posting

>> No.3338376


The crabbiest comments are when an anon tries to bitch about how the term "crab" is used by crappy artists to dodge criticism.

>> No.3338383

just came back here after a year of not visiting... most productive year yet..... thanks for reminding me why I left

>> No.3338408

>i understand it, i just dont fucking get it

Seriously, you are an idiot.

>> No.3338477

love teenagers. how is puberty? anyways bye, lover boys. spend some time out of this place, maybe you will actually learn a thing or two.

>> No.3338670

>look at me. I'm an adult. I say stupid shit and can't take responsibility for it like an adult. I get into fights with people I think are kids. I'm evidently a shitstain on society.

You really are an idiot.

>> No.3338988
File: 129 KB, 1279x1284, This is crabby bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't fall for the crabby baits

>> No.3339021

>look how little I'm affected! I love it!! I absolutely need the last word, just letting you know I'm totally not reading anything after this
lmfao this insecure retard

>> No.3339441

What the comic book artist? He's fucking great literally engage me into combat bro.

>> No.3339447

The levels of buttmadness is riveting.

>> No.3339469

You sound like the guy who sings the Sonichu animated series intro-song.

>> No.3339483

>MyLiddleBoney anatomy on a wolf.
>What if you got critique from /ic/ but it's nice.

>> No.3339712

He's not. Most of the artists that work in DC run leaps around him

>> No.3339726

>File name
Well played, OP

>> No.3339737

Spazkid is great

>> No.3339745

Oh? Can you provide examples?

>> No.3339749

I fucking know right?
I wish that he had completed season 2 as well.
Chris says: Tough cookays~.

>> No.3340892

If we limit ourselves to the "house style": Capullo and Janin. Finch when he took over Justice League was an upgrade.

I know those artists are influenced by the house style that is dictated by Jim Lee. But they still wipe the floor with him in terms of composition, anatomy, dinamism and perspective

>> No.3340920

Or just post a comparison or give links, it's your burden of proof.

>> No.3340930

Snibety snab :DDD

>> No.3340982


Just kys

>> No.3340990
File: 40 KB, 720x701, 1517357342871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fine I'll just kill myself or something smH

>> No.3341099
File: 62 KB, 403x129, Screenshot_20180219_223958 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3341605

Post your work so I can shit on you too!

>> No.3343477
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3343502
File: 11 KB, 607x428, Furious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did this? Who are you?