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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 593 KB, 1274x1675, Ogeha study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3336059 No.3336059 [Reply] [Original]

Sup ya little Onee-Chans!
This is the spot for you to discuss drawing anime-style artwork!

Serious discussion is enforced, leave your feelings and opinions regarding anime to the feels thread, this thread is meant for you to discuss anything you've been creating regarding anime/manga.

Any doubts you might have concerning tools, software, locations and culture are encouraged!
Got doubts while making your manga? Wanna learn from others while drawing your own anime art? Ask ahead!

Feel like expressing your political or ethnic opinion on manga or its creators? Be sure to fuck right off because this is a learning thread!

>> No.3336093


>> No.3336098

/ic/ is very slow.

>> No.3336148

every anime post has been filled with animeXloomis crap

>> No.3336380

Don't believe loomis shills ever.

>> No.3336878
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, girls last tourv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i do tkmiz style?
Im not very good with utilizing tools and layers

pic something I'd done

>> No.3336881

Looks like you nailed it close enough while still sticking close to your own works.

>> No.3337111

Was this a regular thing? I thought the mods are buttmad about anime threads?

>> No.3337548

back then people would do these threads but now they just make a new one every time they have a doubt and get bombarded by anime haters.

>> No.3339957

I really want to know what she uses for animation. She has such nice, thin lines that I can't get in Flash

>> No.3339965

I would say clip studio paint with a pixel brush.

>> No.3339971

Thank you. I was starting to think about messaging her about it

>> No.3339974
File: 1.21 MB, 1366x768, HvPQsU5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give it 100 post before pruned cus mods can't handle the animu

>> No.3339975

no problem
I've seen her animate on paper as well, some of her animations could've been made with a thin pigment liner then scanned and colored.

>> No.3340332

lmao , is ded

>> No.3340349

OP picture wasn't cute enough

>> No.3340548
File: 151 KB, 869x1237, e001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op picture is of cutest creature

>> No.3341658

Update: I have clip studio paint now but it's too laggy to scrub through frames and preview animations. why god

>> No.3341666

How do they get those beautiful rough pen textures? Is it just cause they're using G pens or is there something more to it? I've seen some poorly done drawing that had that textury style to them and they still ended up looking professional and appealing. I'm guessing it's a combination of the pen and screen tones that gives it that manga look regardless of quality.

>> No.3341710

Either it's g pens or very thin pigment liners.

>> No.3341712

Hmm try krita?

>> No.3341715

I was thinking about it. I forgot but thank you for reminding me!

>> No.3341735

And if you're able to acquire it through alternative means, tvpaint is quite fast. I'd be careful with using it for things outside practice, it can crash easily.

>> No.3341742

I tried it. It's too slow with my computer sadly

>> No.3341757

Aw that's a bummer.
Well if you're fine with drawing without a timeline, firealpaca is light on the pc.
And an old art software called Azdrawing has onion skin as well and is very light, just a bit of a nuisance to get used to the different hotkeys.

>> No.3341759
File: 143 KB, 1140x652, 1518350537286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G pen downloaded from their site and a really large canvas

>> No.3341762
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1536, 1520716662068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this artist quite recently, but ive fallen in love with their style and work.

How do i learn to make art like this, obviously a little different, but along these lines?

>> No.3341764

That's some good art mah dude

>> No.3341767
File: 386 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20180311_235318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like their shapes and anatomy is really cute and comfy? How do they do it?

>> No.3341775


The first pic shows some confidence in the lines, also the way the outline was clean makes it seem the artist did yhe whole thing in one or two layers but you don't need to go that far.

Seems to me the artist got his line confidence from practicing ink on paper as the second picture shows.

I'd say if you want to acquire something close to his style, you should first draw over his drawings but not just tracing them, try to get what shapes he uses to make the body proportions and frature placement.
Then for phase two you try to replicate a drawing of his without tracing it.
Then try to create a new pose/angle/character.
All of this of course accompanying the usual studies of normal anatomy.
Repeat until satisfied.

>> No.3341777

Maybe i should try to draw traditionally more, since im terrible at it, perhaps my line confidence would get better if i tried inking? Its just really difficult for me to draw traditionally..

>> No.3341792

Inking can be very fun to do, you'll feel like a pro. If you're afraid of ruining a drawing either photocopy the sketch or trace over it if you mess up, then by tracing it you get an extra chance to improve your line confidence.

Get a pile of printer A4 paper and a medium-sized pigment liner (like a size 1.0 or 3.0 if you want) draw and ink large drawings that cover the page at first, after you're confident you can draw smaller.

Remember to not store the drawings in a place with lots of humidity. I was drawing near my room's window, left it there for five minutes and it wrinkled up like crazy.

>> No.3343591
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 66666901_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about learning where and how to do shading/highlight? My colouring is currently Takashi Takeuchi blending tier and I want to improve. For example like this nip https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=66912131

>> No.3343606
File: 170 KB, 1200x844, 2-1F1231I300-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Takeuchi blending tier
Not much difference between what that artist is doing and Takeuchi's work. The latter simply leaves the lines unblended on the skin, for whatever reason, but he blends clothes and other things fine.
Look at the difference between the skirt and Tohsaka's right arm. He can blend, he just sometimes doesn't.

>> No.3343609

Thank you! Leaving my bigoted critic aside, do you have any advice on how to improve colour in terms of theory and make it look more busy and less "two-toned"?

>> No.3343631
File: 321 KB, 752x864, m4B9h1f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hewwo, maybe I'll start checking these threads out more often.

What eye style(s) do you guys like the most? I struggle a lot with picking what kind of eyes I like best, so I end up compromising with a bland, neutral variety.

>> No.3343633

Play around with hues when shading/highlighting. I like to use cooler tones for shading and warmer for highlights (duh), but you can experiment with anything.

>> No.3343639

Sam Nielson light and color stuff.

>> No.3343667

Draw more shota cups

>> No.3343742

I liked the upper right one and the lower left one!

>> No.3343747

They literally have a knife to scrape the paper with. Apparently a legit technique.

>> No.3344344
File: 149 KB, 1443x857, IMG_20180314_083318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently did another one

>> No.3344347

Your art seems incredibly familiar, do you have a blog?

>> No.3344354
File: 9 KB, 170x137, saegusa poorchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls! Discord! Pls create discord, onii-tan! /ic/ bullies too much we need to go under dakimakura sheets and gently wishpers in each other's ears our animu!
Ic bad! Bad place! Bad pipol!
Pls create animu discord...pls..................yay!

>> No.3344400

Op here
Mah boi, I am not familiar with that "discord" you fellow humans speak so much about!
And why would we not keep this and successor threads alive, a wholesome water droplet of hope in a sea of anime-hating bois?

I'll go ahead and use this reply to say thank you a lot, dudes!
Whenever I make one of these study threads, I always find the chance to give extensive and hopefully helpful answers I can to people's doubts, doing so keeps a somewhat nice vibe going on in the thread and I'm thankful every time someone posts their honest thoughts here.
Thread 1 was surprisingly good, thread 2 kept it up, thread 3 was taken down because I didn't use a thread-related front picture but months later I'm happy this kind of thread is still helpful.

>> No.3345687

post more animus

>> No.3345697
File: 230 KB, 1280x1845, Sketching Manga-Style Vol. 3 - Unforgettable Characters - Chapter - 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got tips on how to make a drawing feel dynamic like pic related?

>> No.3345719
File: 111 KB, 968x885, 12070924_942645172475614_176183336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually your picture doesn't look dynamic at all, it's stiff because its line of action isn't an arc and the outfit and hand positions make it even worse. She's supposed to be all happy balancing her body but it doesn't even feel like she's holding any weight on her weight bearing leg.

Study gesture.

>> No.3346489
File: 921 KB, 1138x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of regime do you really follow to be able to draw so freely like toshi or 0033?

As in being able to draw in so many different poses naturally with freedom and flow.

Did he achieve this by making sketches constantly? Or did he used to draw and push finished works after finished works, and this sketching skill he displayed in his pixiv and his books is just something that he naturally gained from the experience?

I'd think both.

But I just don't understand how you balance between making finished work and sketches that will direct you to the path of obtaining the kind of skillset that toshi and 0033 have.

People also say that doing constant sketches like NoseBro is a trap, so I'm in quite a predicament.

Can someone give me advice on this? Would really appreciate it

>> No.3346503

The artist's ease in portraying the body seems to come from a ton of life studies.
I'd say "5 body studies + 2 finished products" would be a good practice ratio.

You learn by studying the body then apply what you learned once, then apply what you learned again to reach to a better understanding of how you improved/what you did wrong, then that makes it easier for you to understand the human form when you go back to studying the body.

for example, you study the body 5 times and you notice improvement on drawing the legs.
So you make two finished products and compare the two to see if you managed to apply what you learned about the legs from the study.

>> No.3346506

still a dynamic pose. those are nice too though.

>> No.3346531

Thanks for the advice, I'll try to put that ratio into practice

But I'm not sure what you mean by
>You learn by studying the body then apply what you learned once, then apply what you learned again to reach to a better understanding of how you improved/what you did wrong, then that makes it easier for you to understand the human form when you go back to studying the body.
Can you elaborate?

>> No.3346537

this would be your train of thought:
sketch 1 through 5:
>I liked how I drew the face in sketch X, lemme try that again in the finished product

finished product 1 through 2:
>the product 1's face didn't come out how I wanted but the second product's face is just the way I liked it! Now I practice drawing the face faster when I sketch again.

sketch 1-5
>the face has improved, I liked the way the chest in sketch X and X came out, let's try that pose again in the finished products!

rinse and repeat, you get the deal.
See what improved and what needs improvement in the sketches, apply what you learned in the finished product.

>> No.3346563

Ahh I see what you mean, I'll try to put that into practice. Really good advice man

>> No.3346596
File: 374 KB, 764x1010, scan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to rec Massen's drapes book. I found every internet drapery tutorial completely vague and insane, so for the longest time I didn't even try. Now I've got...something?

>> No.3346609

I like your proportions although they could be improved on and I really like the shading and folds on the clothes.

There's no real hands though, the mechanical hand is a bit too tiny. Practice hands and the eyes as well, they're too 2d and look like they were painted onto the face.

>> No.3346818
File: 914 KB, 740x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she inspired by Yuasa Masaki? If she/he is, there are artbooks he's released that you can study to his process.

>> No.3347741
File: 890 KB, 991x1641, 1521218356983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People didn't like the first bug girl.
Have another bug girl!

>> No.3347872
File: 1.44 MB, 1326x858, thumbial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time /ic/ poster, I just posted on /beg/ but what I seek seems to fit here.

A friend lent me a tablet and I really want to learn to draw the whole manga black/white style.
I want to practice and learn how to draw interesting panels and manga pages (digitally).
The dream is for them to be sharp, like Berserk/Vagabond (I know that for Vagabond it's all with brushes but his style is my dream), maybe even Sin City the comics (because there is no grey, does that make it easier? haha)
I realize it's not simple or easy in any way but I have to try.

1. What program do I install? All I have and ever used was Paint.
2. Is there any basic guide for this that you can recommend? Anything helpful for a beginner.
3. (if the guide doesn't cover it), what resolutions should I be using in attempt to imitate a manga page/panels?

All tips welcome, also small ones. I realize I might be asking for too much.
>pic related are drawings I wish one day to improve and turn from sloppy Paint pencil to a sharper, better drawings with the tablet

>> No.3347947
File: 114 KB, 972x932, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know the work process of manga artists, here's a documentary series about famous manga artists and how they work, both in digital and in paper.

here's the junji ito episode:

In another episode, an artist called Asano inio uses irl pictures he took, then he ups the contrast, prints it and draws on the printed picture to give it a handmade feel:

to answer your questions
1 - Krita is free. Medibang Paint is also free and lets you store and organize your comic pages in the cloud and even view your projects on android.
2-Mark Crilley and Mikeymegamega teach the usual beginner stuff, there's also a ton of deviantart tutorials and the manben videos I recommended. Study from life as well so you can have a better understanding of objects in 3d.
3- (pic related) Medibang Paint has template sizes you can choose, from doujinshi A5/B5 to manga A4 to yonkoma. It even inserts a bleed space for you to send out to manga printing services. It also allows you to host and even sell your manga on their digital manga reading service.

I'd also recommend Pureref, it's an easy way to store and view image references.

I can see your artstyle used on a horror story, they have a certain inherent mood to them. I love the glowing dots on the eyes, nice texture!

>> No.3348234
File: 359 KB, 635x635, 56231803_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing alot of manga artists using dip pens, so I bought some nibs and a nib holder on amazon one day.
After a week, I'm still having trouble making a consistent stroke. I've watched youtube guides and such, I know how to use them but I just need some more practice I guess.

I'm tempted to switch to a regular micro pen, but what do you guys think?
Manipulating the pressure stroke from dip pens is easier- on the other hand I'm more 'comfortable' using a micro pen.

And plus I heard that Japanese use dip pens because of the difficulty, and it somehow makes them good artists even.

>> No.3348243

I'm on the opposite end.
I have micro pens but I feel very interested in getting dip pens since I've seen artist make really fine lines with them.

I'd believe that a dip pen is harder but surely once you learn it, your line and pressure control will improve.

Micropens have a nice uniform thickness but to me it's hard to get very thin lines using a micro pen, the thickness is sometimes unpredictable if you try things like crosshatching.

>> No.3348277

Maybe if I post my drawing over here I'll actually get some feedback.

>> No.3348304


>> No.3348310
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1520719881921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than a bit of symbol drawing, which is to be expected from a beginner, those are very good for not having any experience. Good job, you'll do well. I recommend pic related. Ignore the part about life drawing, it's just a meme.

>> No.3348315

PS all the books can be found in .pdf format in the Art Book thread links.

>> No.3348331

Just do it mang

>> No.3348351

The fuck, there's three figure drawing books that should have a large degree of overlap. Is it just for the exercises? Also there's three hardcover Loomis as if it expects you to buy them. "Loomis is a meme" is a meme because hey, it's free, what do you want?

>> No.3348361

That image is unironically retarded, its author has been spamming it for two years now.

>> No.3348363

They all have words of wisdom and different perspectives.

>> No.3348364

Yes. This pleases me

>> No.3348676

What you got for us, anon?

>> No.3348706
File: 101 KB, 437x646, angryeyesaftermege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much!
I ended up going for Medibang. So far just doodled around, testing.
Watching the Junji mangaka was very inspiring, he creates such fine details. It's mind blowing! If I were to attempt something like that (especially that one panel where the mother rips her face off) it would end up a blotchy, disgusting cluster haha.
I'll definatly check out the tutorials and pdf books.
Hopefully, I'll become a usual here in the /ic/ anime, posting how it's going.
I've got a lot to learn, I've never used a sketch before drawing or "inking". I'll have to study quite a bit in general. Like now, I wasn't sure how to draw eyes
So many ideas but not enough skill to transfer them into art, it's maddening.

>> No.3348778

Just be cautions with other ic threads, people there might not be as well-mannered. ignore any non-constructive feedback.

>> No.3348781

>Hopefully, I'll become a usual here in the /ic/ anime, posting how it's going.
I will wholeheartedly back you up, but like >>3348778 said, this board can get nasty. Also be sure to check out >>3343165. Not 100% anime-oriented, but it's worth looking into.

>> No.3348800

This is probably the most mellow thread I've visited on /ic/ in a while. You guys are alright

/alt/ can get extra nasty on some days

>> No.3348810

The thread's full of paragraphs of advice.
Maybe because it's not "mainstream" enough to have those anons that just reply with "disgusting kys".
Haven't seen one "not gonna make it" either, just good ol' honest feedback.

>> No.3348889

>So many ideas but not enough skill to transfer them into art, it's maddening.
Training yourself to draw with construction/imagination takes a long time, it's true. I'd recommend reading Keys to Drawing. It's not a long read and it will teach you very simple, effective ways to draw from reference. What that will do is give you an avenue to get your ideas out, while also adding to your visual library. Just don't get hung up on "using a reference is a crutch". It absolutely isn't, it's part of the process.

>> No.3348891

Unironically not gonna make it.
When you want to learn how to do something complicated, like figure drawing, do you just go to one class and that's it, you know everything now? Of course not. Both artists/authors have different experiences, advice and methods to share. If you're passionate about something like art you should be exploring as many different perspectives as possible. That's why there are a few different figure drawing books instead of just one. Also, they are top tier books, so why wouldn't you want that knowledge? The reason you don't have 5 different color books is because Color and Light is an amazing book that teaches you pretty much all you need to know aside from the thousands of stylistic choices.

>> No.3348910
File: 168 KB, 1280x1821, Sketching Manga-Style Vol. 2 - Logical Proportions - Chapter - 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite japanese artist in terms of how they draw bodies?
And do you have any tips on how to make the frmale body appealing? And how to handle proportions when drawing new poses and angles?

>> No.3349378

I save a lot of images from favorite artists that I like, most of them draw cute characters. I pick the good ones, place them in pureref and try to deduce what makes these artworks appealing

that and I unironically do studies from hentai artists. they have a good sense of drawing female bodies. I meant those who don't overly exaggerate the tits and ass

>> No.3349387
File: 235 KB, 966x1313, IMG_20180314_125748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've prolly seen my stuff on /alt/
I don't post much animu in my blog as I normally draw cuphead and occasional weird gay stuff if you're into that

>> No.3349473

i'm not the guy you replied to but i'm probably into it, can you post more?

>> No.3349795

Please teach us your methods for conveying both a strong personality and a young boy's innocence through the gestures you draw, cute shota lord!

>> No.3350041
File: 650 KB, 1200x673, Untitled39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3350378

study of what

>> No.3350411

silly goose, obviously an animu study!

also hamada yoshikazu streams every day while he draws his manga Tsugumomo:
his channel full of speedpaints:

his stream at the moment:

(he's sorting some stuff out with his software right now)

>> No.3350427
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, __yamato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shizuma_yoshinori__8d5026a5f629fd69cd81afdaecef2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3350766

I'm curious to what your coloured stuff looks like.
Also do you draw other shotas or just cups?

>> No.3350774

why is pic related face so terrible? is it the weird lines, is it the proportion. I can't just get a definitive answer...

>> No.3350793

Maybe you don't have a thing for bug creatures that
come from the sky.

>> No.3350903

looks Western

>> No.3350917

lines are too light and blurry. It's hard to make out her face. Try adjusting the overall image when you post your next study so doesn't look dark and greyish

>> No.3350922

You'll have greater control of the pressure when using dip pens. Personally I prefer dip pens when inking traditionally. The cons of this however is it's too much hassle using it: you need to pre-clean it before using, consider the type ink to use, what paper is compatible with the ink and nib, do I need to buy use gum arabic for the ink, should I buy liquid nib cleaner etc. It is pretty neat when buying a bundle of them for the first time. I impulse bought one when I got hyped during inktober. Never used it agaid til next year lol.

I can provide trad anime artists who use dip pens on instagram if you want.

>> No.3350923

That would be cool.

>> No.3350978
File: 359 KB, 1600x1200, Let's Study Together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a cat girl I drew from imagination.

We should have a group study where we all copy specific references from a small number of good anime artists and make multiple studies breaking the art down. The focus would specifically be on construction using methods from Steve Huston, Michael Hampton, etc. and adapting it to fit the artists’ anime styles to be able to clone their styles. Like how a class would have everyone drawing the same still life, it would be motivating, allow for better critique, and let us share relevant techniques that can be applied immediately.

People might scoff at the idea, but I think the group study would work best if we had a Discord >>3344354 to go alongside these anime study threads to keep it organized and account for other study topics like painting, clothing, etc. Someone make it please. This journey is too lonely; People can still do their own thing but I also want to work with others on a collectively agreed upon routine.

>> No.3351262

Op here!
Come on down to the discord server, we got cake!


I dunno how this discord thing works but you're damn right I'm gonna try it!

>> No.3351354
File: 431 KB, 1200x1055, 18912677_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is hard to distinguish the forms (waist vs hair, hair vs face, etc.). Remember than when using pencil it is no shamefur dispray to make lines stand out by drawing over them repeatedly as long as you're accurate. That is really one of the medium's advantages. You could also try drawing larger to begin with.

If you want to do a construction group, may I suggest starting with the head, eyes and hair, since these are sticking points of the style and almost everything else is exchangeable for one of the popular figure drawing books. In particular, getting the eyes to look right at the largest sizes is a nightmare.

>> No.3351357

here's what you gotta do to get in:
visit the discord, get to the introduction channel, post art and request an artist role, and when you get it, you'll be able to post on the other channels!

>> No.3351360

Did not mean to quote >>3347741
Your bug girl is perfectly distinguishable. I like the carapace shading, reminds me of the Drawabox guy's exercises. The placement of facial features is a bit off-putting but I guess that's intentional?

>> No.3351362

the distorted facial features is meant to imply that the face acts more like a mask.

>> No.3351373

On the subject of construction, here's a 5+ MiB guide on using the golden ratio and curvilinear grids to draw a late 00's Reimu who would not be out of place in Subarashiki Hibi... from the front. It goes to show that even good things must be taken in moderation.


>> No.3351463

I like To Love Ru eyes a lot

>> No.3351520

Please fucking don't.

>> No.3351568

wtf is an artist role

>> No.3351583


a discord "role" is sort of a tag your user account carries on that server and it provides you with permission to post on certain channels.
In this server's case, you post your work on the intro channel and are assigned an "artist" role.
If you don't have that role assigned then you can't post messages and pictures on any channel other than the introduction channel.

It means you have to post your work before you're allowed to chat.

>> No.3351589

ohhh , thanks for the info i thought i had to wait for a mod or something to be able to post on other channels

>> No.3351818

Step 1 pick a cute girl
Step 2 draw her
Step 3 post it

>> No.3352573

invite is expired

>> No.3352606


>> No.3352759
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x2448, D99341C6-4948-4F5F-9B4E-364E59B00900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore the Made In Abyss art style but I can never seem to grasp it. Here is a scratch art piece I did of Reg

>> No.3353033

I liked the simplicity of it combined with the white ink in black.

>> No.3354608

post your animu

>> No.3355177

I would like to add: post your animu even if it's shit. Most of the originals so far have been at least presentable.

>> No.3355231

A bit flat honestly. Despite his potato-ass character designs, Tsukushi's art has a very strong sense of form and perspective, such that the potatoes seem to pop out of the page. It's not just the shading either. This is maybe the only situation in which I'd recommend Loomis' Fun with a Pencil, perhaps not to read thoroughly but just to flip through 3D potatoes.

>> No.3355880

Does anyone have suggestions for ink and brushes for manga?

>> No.3355906
File: 1.32 MB, 1279x2002, 1521675552341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this yesterday.

I use micron pens.
Dip pens are useful. Get a G pen or a maru pen if possible.
If you're really into manga buy screentones online, they cost like 18 dollars though.

>> No.3355916

cool! What kind of ink do you use?

>> No.3355918

for the dip pens.

>> No.3355945
File: 525 KB, 800x723, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to ink specular/highlight like this(digitally)?

>> No.3355968
File: 3.51 MB, 4160x2340, offtherack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but Deleter #4

>> No.3355969

India ink is the regular stuff, also known as china ink in some countries.

Some rare artists work with poster paint but I don't know what brushes they use or how they acquire their paint.
Some artists use white paint or that school white correction paint to cover up mistakes in their drawings.

>> No.3355972

Digitally, it's tricky. Although I've seen hamada yoshikadu on his streams shading clothes that way. He used an old version of Clip Studio Paint.

>> No.3355997

Thanks, checking it out

>> No.3358006
File: 316 KB, 1080x1080, tsulala~06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for not getting back at this sooner. Turns out the ones I've saved are a mix of traditional non/anime and nib/micron artists

>> No.3358119

How the FUCK do you come up with appealing poses? I want to tear my hairs out

>> No.3358122

I don't know what the general way to do it, but what I like to do is play around with perspective and gesture. It's something that you're going to have to practice over time so don't fret if you can't get it right the first few times.

>> No.3358140

I've never pre-cleaned? Are you supposed to? And i've never done the whole liquid nib cleaner thing either. I remember reading about some other artist using windex to clean his nibs so thats what i do with some q-tips. I've never had any problems.

>> No.3358460

There's an extra coating on nibs that can prevent the ink from getting stored when dipped. So some people either stick the nib on potatoes, remove it with saliva or quickly place it on a flame

>> No.3358746
File: 79 KB, 565x354, Akko Ref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us in the Anime Study Discord: https://discord.gg/3bwdfRk We’re starting a weekly group study: >>3350978 similar to /AQT/ with pic related. Feel free to post in this thread as well.

The task here is to do multiple studies of the selected reference image. These studies can include making exact copies by drawing what you see, measuring, using construction, continuous line drawing, tracing, grid drawing, etc. You should also do partially completed drawings like breaking the reference down into 2D/3D shapes, drawing individual parts of the image, breaking down the image into its values, colors, positive/negative shapes/silhouette, etc. In addition, you can find a related method or tutorial (it could be realistic or stylized) that you can immediately apply to the reference to give yourself more direction.

Don’t copy the reference mindlessly. Think about the process as if you were creating an original piece. Be constantly conscious about how your whole drawing is fitting together and how it compares to the reference. Be loose (while still being mindful) with your drawings and while you should take it slow with your analyzing, try not to spend too much time on any one drawing so that you can get a good number of iterations done over the week. Be sure to show some of your process so that other people can better help you and so that all of us can learn from each other.


>> No.3358748

Straying from the reference a bit to add style or some other variation (like changing the perspective or colors) is mostly discouraged before putting in a good deal of effort to stay true to the reference. The primary focus should be taking in all the information the reference has to offer before playing around with it or else a lot of the information will be misused and easily forgotten. It also defeats part of the purpose of studying as a group if everyone’s goal becomes too scattered.

The purpose of this task is not to make one perfect copy but to analyze the reference art in several ways multiple times to reach the point where you see new things, can recreate the image with ease, and can remember and internalize what you studied to more fluidly apply aspects of the reference to your own artwork and future studies.


>> No.3360352
File: 378 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew her a bunch. I made the necks just a bit too long.

>> No.3362097

Post more anime!

Thanks for the list.

>> No.3362101

I love gay shit post blog

>> No.3362117
File: 171 KB, 578x578, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drawing inferior witches

>> No.3362126

Im confused what makes a drawing "anime" or not. If i take an anime drawing but make the face look too realistic or just not anime enough the whole drawing doesnt look anime. Is this ehole style defined by the faces?

>> No.3362396
File: 289 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew how to draw like this

>> No.3362484
File: 150 KB, 500x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw like the mogeko

>> No.3362719

I'm pretty new to posting here. I've read the sticky but I keep seeing everywhere that I shouldn't use Loomis construction. Since I pretty much only have an interest in drawing manga , I'm kind of lost in terms of how I should go about constructing a character's body. It must be similar at least?

>> No.3363062
File: 258 KB, 570x725, Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kind of lost in terms of how I should go about constructing a character's body.

Technically any method can be used but I don't see Loomis' construction to be that helpful for lower level artists.

You should try the method Steve Huston shows in his book Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count. It's easy to apply and manipulate for different poses.

>> No.3363064

Construction is a meme. Just draw the body a lot and you'll get good at it.

>> No.3363069
File: 114 KB, 574x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363311

Thank you. Much appreciated

>> No.3363381

begone, crab

>> No.3363392

Post your figure drawing work.

>> No.3363414

>Is this ehole style defined by the faces?
Short answer is yes. There is huge variation in nearly every other aspect of the style, but the faces are pretty similar. "Anime", as in the type of Chinese cartoon, is a heavily timeboxed medium. Most of the frames you see are drawn by people working to a deadline, so designs tend towards the simple side.

In contrast, artists posting their work in this thread or pixiv or deviantart (or even hawking doujins at Comiket) are not subject to the same restrictions as animators or mangaka. A hobby artist in particular has no obligation to tell a coherent story, so they might draw nothing but cute girls, sometimes to stunning anatomical detail and in pornographic gestures. If they're the prudish type, they might draw the girls posing with other things that they like (Hario siphon coffee maker! BMW 3-series!). Through all of this, the face remains the same because they want your heart to feel it as well as your dick.

>> No.3363477
File: 813 KB, 995x600, ee778934bda05c2dafc29b18c4ffab47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally studying K-On! key frames right now. R8 my autism.

>> No.3363543

Post your drawing first.

>> No.3363661
File: 230 KB, 364x705, azu-catto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363662
File: 261 KB, 417x548, nodoka-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363845

Looks good. You're on the right track. I think you should try tracing (yes tracing) some faces to get that kawaii-desu shit KyoAni does. Your lines are a bit wobbly and your eyes aren't as detailed as they should, with cute characters like the keions putting emphasis on roundness and the detailed large eyes is important.

>> No.3363913

The invite expired

>> No.3364051


>> No.3364066

Gosh... anime is so fucking ugly...

>> No.3364078
File: 412 KB, 446x668, Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.3364091

I'm talking about the face, not the body.

>> No.3364112

I was thinking all last night about doing a K-On! Study right after the Akko study. i definitely need to do this

>> No.3364120

I really like this one, nice work
this looks really off. I think we're about the same level. I'm still really getting the hang of it. As the other guy said, definitely tracing

>> No.3364236

Dem cute round cheeks are hard as fuck to nail down.

>> No.3364908

so very much. I've been trying to do heads really loose today to see if it makes it easier because I'm getting frustrated by bot being able to do every head the way I want. Doing a tiny bit more pointy cheeks kind of makes it a bit more moe I find

>> No.3364914


>> No.3365714
File: 733 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Akko and some Sucy.

>> No.3365914
File: 404 KB, 2100x3675, 03-30-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think ?

>> No.3365918


>> No.3365966

It's really adorable. I'm really unsure about the neck placement, and since I'm not great at drawing manga yet, I wouldn't really know how much is too much, but from what I know about anatomy and perspective, it gives off a weird feeling at the neck. Maybe it's just me and maybe it's just my tastes. Overall very cute

>> No.3366222
File: 197 KB, 571x916, eweqwesadawd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate drawing but i love anime it what makes me move forward

>> No.3366325

reduce your file size first

>> No.3366343

why ?

>> No.3366385

then just watch anime

>> No.3366437


>> No.3367082

how do i stop drawing anime

>> No.3367165

add a nose

>> No.3367196

thanks a lot for this!

>> No.3367201
File: 131 KB, 810x684, j9fTBTe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random sketches

Keep it up. See if you can do some head practices (without the facial features) to make the shapes more consistent.

>> No.3367325
File: 144 KB, 525x919, 03-30-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a reduced size.

Any opinion on the color and how I should improve ?

>> No.3367337

I like how the colourong is clean and in the lines. It's satisfying as hell. for colour in general, I recommend studying colour harmony and complimentary colours. a lot of the time, except for certain instances, having all completely saturated colours is a bad idea and won't let the viewer's eyes rest anywhere. If a few colours were desaturated and one very saturated, their eye will be drawn to the saturated colours. You can see why this would cause a problem if everything was over saturated.

>> No.3367339

Very nice colors.

>> No.3367343

sorry if you already knew that. That's all I could think of for anyone wanting to learn more about colours. I didn't notice at first but it looks like not all the colours are fullysaturated so that's good

>> No.3368712
File: 366 KB, 849x1200, 57324349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some names of artists that you guys think consistently draw a good variety of really nice anime faces? By variety I mean different angles, expressions, head shapes, etc.

>> No.3368777 [DELETED] 
File: 799 KB, 2100x3675, 04-01-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw backgrounds ?

>> No.3368779

might like this person:


>> No.3368782


>> No.3369044
File: 61 KB, 433x650, cbd238d65761394b62e6d127ea4cbd0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! That's great stuff. Thank you.

I've seen that artist before but it seems like they emptied their accounts (it's still on the booru sites of course). Thanks.

>> No.3369047

How do I get my own artstyle ?

>> No.3369314

have you tried practicing and learning anon

>> No.3369318

You just gotta draw a lot

>> No.3369330

pratice your idol's style then go from there.

>> No.3369518
File: 237 KB, 525x919, 04-02-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't made much progress.

>> No.3369524

You still there ? Got a blog man ?

>> No.3370092
File: 173 KB, 949x760, sketch324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing heads.
how is my hair? what do I need to improve on? I made this after studying some sketches and seeing what forms and contours were shown in general

>> No.3370137

I hate drawing, but I can't stop drawing

>> No.3370144

im more worried about that right shoulder

>> No.3370161

yeah that shoulders wiggin me out

>> No.3370175

redline/clarify please

>> No.3370187

How do you get your hair so silky smooth?

>> No.3370264

sorry for the late response
I have no idea
when I make hair, I think about it in terms of thin forms, like paper.
also copying other artists.

>> No.3370342
File: 68 KB, 676x622, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're still new because of chicken scratchs and the lines are very confident just yet?
The thing about draw hair in clump like that is you have to know that it's still hair whether it's in small or hair clump. As for how to know, just apply physic and draw more hair from references.
The face is okay but still need some refinements.
About the right shoulder, it's more wide than the left one. Unless you're trying to foreshadowing it, they should be the same length.
And if you trying to foreshadowing, the shoulder height usually should not be the same.

>> No.3370566

Can somebody help me with perspective.
I feel frustrated like I'm doing it worse.

>> No.3370586

I'm still working on drawing characters in perspective. Practice using perspective grids and the proper way to find the middle of 3 equally spaced objects. A good practice subject for that is telephone poles in perspective

>> No.3370600

I want to draw a character with a gun however I'm not experience with guns.
The problem isn't much about how to draw a gun but the passion.
I do love guns but not so much that I'll get addicted with the brands.
Should I just copy guns on google ?

>> No.3370642

>Should I just copy guns on google ?

>> No.3370708

That's the right way, you wouldn't want to end up with a non-functioning gun like object in your work

>> No.3370793

You could go the full aut-ism way of learning how they work, reading wikipedia articles of firearm actions, reading more wikipedia articles about firearm models, visiting /r/guns, decide it's not faggoty enough and you then move to /k/, lurk, decide it's not enough and read more about obscure guns, watch Forgotten Weapons (at this point you can actually disassemble an AR-15 even if you're a noguns fuck), then you would realize how fucking idiotic gun control advocates are for talking about completely wrong shit and how normies parrot it without fact checking, delve into the politics and political history of guns and eventual despair on how fucked this world works and eventually feel hopelessness

...or you could just look up guns on google images and download World of Guns/Gun Disassembly and use them as references. Adhere to their dimensions. Know which side is the left and right side of them.

>> No.3371889
File: 187 KB, 617x1080, Kingyo Hanabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize this?

>> No.3371900
File: 926 KB, 938x1135, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My end goal is to draw qt3.14's like this. Do I get anything from trying to draw them at my current (nonexistant) skill level, or should I just stick to drawing from life?

>> No.3371910

Keep learning from life but stylize the features to be more like your qt3.14s

Remember that all those pro manga artists can draw excellent realistic stuff if they are given enough time but just prefer their style.

>> No.3371934
File: 226 KB, 728x1131, Quality+manga+source+is+i+am+a+hero+starts+off_70c2b0_5435179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those pro manga artists can draw excellent realistic stuff if they are given enough time but just prefer their style.
Not true. A lot of professional artists trace backgrounds or use photobashing for realistic environments, objects, poses etc. The Gantz author even makes his assistants render all characters as 3D models first, then literally draws over them.

>> No.3372136

As you learn to draw you'll typically find some "pivot" that you think will improve on your teacher (artbook author, etc.), either from a "this could look better" or "I could save some time here" angle. Accumulating some of these tricks is a good start.

>> No.3372297

>I do love guns but not so much that I'll get addicted with the brands.

There's tons of gun otaku in Japan, some of whom even draw US civshit like Noveske. What are you afraid of?

>> No.3372346

It's because I have never hold a gun before.
All I could say is they look cool in video games and I don't play video games that much.
I'm worried that they'll say my taste in gun is shit even though it's true.

>> No.3372390
File: 530 KB, 822x1090, sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mrpuripurin on twitter

sadly I'm still shit on coloring lineart but hopefully I'm getting there. The cup bros are currently my flavor of the month. I'm into opm and mp100 previously

ehh I'm not really good with words, I'm just really fond of cocky characters with sunken eyes

>> No.3372483

great art. saw that you're into mp100 as well. followed.

>> No.3373184

thank you!
nice mp100 art, followed back!

>> No.3373456
File: 156 KB, 653x614, Anime-eye-Formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a nice analysis of animu eyes from a constructionist pov:

Also Proko explains why irises are usually shaded in a certain way, among other things:

>> No.3373745
File: 24 KB, 458x311, mistysmirk3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad I got CSP. I've always wanted to try animating things.

>> No.3373758

Krita is better for animation than CSP is though.

>> No.3374500

I've tried using Krita before and there was just a lot of lag

>> No.3374509

How do I even begin? What do I even draw? I'm so shit I guess it doesn't matter but I note down all advice I get here for later.

>> No.3374511

where is the animation?
said no one ever

>> No.3374512

Just draw already

>> No.3374705

Before you draw first you must know what you want to draw.
As long as you know the image in your head then draw. Fix your mistakes along the way.
You're still a beginner so don't worry about making mistakes.
I advice to flip your canvas if you're using digital. That helped me a lot to improve.

>> No.3374730

Draw anime while studying realism.

This should help a bit:

>> No.3376340
File: 10 KB, 350x350, brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I pick my brush for line art ?
There's like a thousand of them but mostly they look the same.
I can only tell the differences between a few.
pick related.

>> No.3376373

does not fucking matter...pick the one you feel the best flow with, the one you enjoy wotking with. Really recommend checking out Feng zhu's new videos about drawing.

>> No.3376380
File: 8 KB, 181x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, are you me? I had the same problem recently. I think all you can do is just to draw something with it, if you don't like it then tweak it, rinse and repeat, until you're satisfied with it.

Personally, I recently found this brush from an artist; it has size pressure turned off with very limited opacity pressure range. It gets only slightly lighter if you press super lightly and it's best to be used at smaller sizes. Really nice to draw with imo

>> No.3376582

Why is it so hard to draw front view ?
I can draw side view easily without construction even the top view and the bottom view.
But if it's front view I have to mirror the image or else I'll spend a lot of time trying to be symmetrical.

>> No.3377120

iiiya just draw a little in https://kanji.sljfaq.org/

your animay skillzu will increase benti foldu!

pps what should we call this thread?
/仏/ or /化/ or /仆/ ?

>> No.3377359

link to their blog? Very lovely shapes

>> No.3377372
File: 257 KB, 640x480, B95D7943-6EBA-4D1C-8602-C8E20550AE40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any advice for drawing older (90s-ish) anime? the style isn’t consistent enough for me to master and i’m not very good at copying styles anyway :’)

>> No.3377391

how do i draw kemono

>> No.3377421
File: 46 KB, 575x179, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery, no one has ever found the answer. Ever.

>> No.3378274
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x1809, 63261026_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Draw regular anime person
2. Add animal parts
3. Cry because it looks off
4. Watch Kemono Friends
5. Find Artist that draws nice kemonos
6. Correct your drawing to look like theirs