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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3332719 No.3332719 [Reply] [Original]

Has it happened to you?

>> No.3332728

I'm fairly sure people like that have actual autism or something that prevents them from improving

>> No.3332729

I don't know why but I actually like this kind of stuff. Though lacking in skill, it's... cute, somehow. It's a very genuine feel. I don't think you would mistake her/his doodles for someone else's very easily.

I don't know, I have a hard time feeling anything negative toward people who obviously don't dedicate a lot of time to drawing, or even if they do, never improve, especially when they aren't trying to make a career of it. Maybe they're really good at writing those shitty fanfictions.

Also this

>> No.3332730

That hinata as a pokegirl is fucking cute though!

>> No.3332731

literally me

>> No.3332732

Have they shown any improvement since 2010? It has been 8 years, anon.

>> No.3332737
File: 133 KB, 446x754, ben_10_revisited___lodestar_by_gaiash-dc2nsva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checking out his deviantart, this is his latest drawing.

>> No.3332739

this doesnt say much, could just easily be traced

>> No.3332767
File: 8 KB, 124x124, 1436422373118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my greatest fear

>> No.3332769

As unskilled as he is, he keeps his drawings consistent, and most importantly HE'S HAPPY drawing his superheroes and cartoony shit. I wouldn't wish for him to discover The Grind and flay himself at the NGMI altar like the rest of us do.
Let the guy draw his animu in peace.

>> No.3333279


Oh god, this breaks my heart. Poor guy...

I've made more progress in 6 months than this guy will ever do in 10 years.

I don't believe he has ever tried to tackle the fundamentals, and now he's reaping the consequences of it. Damn, I feel like reaching out to him and giving him tips.

>> No.3333300

It's this, 100%, and the worse the 'tism the worse the prognosis. Shame of poor work is a potent motivator but truly gone autists are immune to it. I managed to unfuck mine to an extent (still doodle-tier but objectively improved wrt style) but at the cost of the passion and fun that I had as a young sperglet.

That would backfire horrendously but I have a feeling you know that already

>> No.3333320

I've progressed more in my first month than this guy has for 6 years.
This is why you read books books people.

>> No.3333338

yep this is pretty much me.
its because i never actually progress. i start, put in some effort then breakdown and do nothing for a while and then start from square one again.

i have the exact same problem with everything in my life though, like i never make progress in the gym because i always end up having breaks during which i never keep up my diet and lose all muscle ive built and repeat ad infinitum,

>> No.3333384
File: 127 KB, 353x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw since I was a toddler
>stopped as a teenager, because I was an insufferable teenager
>decided to get back at it when I turned 25
>improved like hell for 3 years
>accident fucked up my drawing hand for almost a year
>now at 30, still can't get as good as I was before the accident
>feeling like I'm actually getting even worse

>> No.3333440

This is what the 'just draw :)' meme will get you when taken to an extreme

>> No.3333451

>feeling like I'm actually getting even worse
It's just the Dunning-Kruger fading away, my dude

>> No.3333459

Literally me

>> No.3333652

Well considering I'm not mentally retarded no.

>> No.3333691

I think the drawings from 2006 to 2010 are exactly the same in quality and skill...

>> No.3333719

This is what doodling a few times a month and not even for several hours per day gets you. That's it, you don't even need to mention the autism factor. All this guy did is doodle the cartoons and anime he likes, in no way is he serious about getting better. He doesn't care, that's why he never improved, but if you do you're already on the right track. Stop worrying about ending up like this and just study.

>> No.3333751

dunning kruger never fades away. when you become an expert, you perceive your own skill as lower than it actually is.

>> No.3333752

Very insightful post.................

>> No.3336011


>> No.3338057

Have fear and your work will be shit.
Deceive yourself you are good even if it becomes a bit dunning krugger but don't publish to get rekt.
go with flow but learn that emotions are not very professional

>> No.3338089

Isn't he just copypasting the same model, eyes, etc. and then drawing on other basic features?

>> No.3338118

It's a good thing I go crazy when I wonk up a face.

>> No.3338132
File: 123 KB, 752x535, 1520563447822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me doc, from 1 to 5 how bad is it?

>> No.3338149

If you were serious about studying art when you started in 2013 and not just 100% "doodling around", that's honestly pretty bad. Chances are though you started young and without a real drive to improve, then got one as you got older and there's probably a gigantic jump in quality from 2016-2018. Right anon?

>> No.3338162
File: 56 KB, 776x1029, sylvia_sketch_by_aquapaulo-dc2utvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're completely right!
I started in 2013, jumped into drawing quite late, near the end of middle school.
Then I joined arts in highschool and in 2016 my quality improved but my productivity and speed rapidly decreased.

My biggest flaw is lack of confidence, I overthink what I'm doing so my quality varies due to my level of confidence at the moment I'm drawing.

>> No.3338190

Stop the hands on the hips, you've probably realized it yourself but it's terrible. Hands are super important for communication and the pose.
Do keep the perspective, dynamism, foreshortening and body language you've got compared to your other picture, it's leagues ahead and if you keep including those, you'll get better at guesstimating foreshortened anatomy.
For confidence, having a clear image in your head of what you want to draw helps. To get that image, think about the pose etc beforehand and look at references especially for things you know you struggle at.

also complimentary loomis, ngmi, etc. you know the deal.

>> No.3338200

Yes, the hands on hips thing's slowly becoming my default pose, gonna learn how to implement hands more in body language.

Thank you very much for all the advice!

>> No.3338231


>Give it to me doc, from 1 to 5 how bad is it?


The only reason I didn't put a 5 is because there's noticeable improvement.

the progress you've made from 2013 - 2018 is 5 years. You should have made that progress in less than a year, 2 years at most.

>> No.3338280
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can draw using your leg or mouth.

>> No.3338322
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 517928765664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would probably apply to me if I finished anything. God I'm a joke.

>> No.3338337
File: 106 KB, 821x465, keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't top that

>> No.3338344

He's 22 years old and still draws like this as if he's proud. 22 year old GROWN ADULT, drawing like this with no shame.

>> No.3338360

Fix that hands, and you're gold.

Great job, man. B+ work.

>> No.3338382
File: 83 KB, 742x1080, girlposec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, it's helpful to know that when the hand is bent, the fingers curl inward towards the other fingers.

>> No.3338394

There are times when I honestly envy people like this. I still remember how exhilarating it felt to just put your ideas to paper without any regard for mistakes, improvement or wide appeal. Sure, there is satisfaction in seeing how much you've advanced over the years, but it comes with the dread of Fucking Up attached. What if you've peaked? What if good skill just isn't enough? Is this exactly what I envisioned? Will people think you're shit if you post those random doodles? You can say you don't care what others think, but if you're at least a little bit serious then you are self-critical of your work and that in itself will hinder your satisfaction.

Meanwhile a guy like that just keeps on drawing whatever he likes, no matter the effect, for the pure enjoyment of it. I wish I could still do that.

>> No.3338413


>> No.3338414

>core member
>700k pageviews

>> No.3339055

I'm guessing this is the thread that comment came from then. I'm amused by the fact that the first comment correctly guessed I have autism, especially since it's a genuine observation and not the usual 4chan use of the word.

Haven't used a tripcode before but I figured it made sense in a thread about me.

>> No.3339060
File: 1.71 MB, 540x304, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'm 29

>> No.3339062

Proof that it's you? Leave a comment on this page or something: https://plz-icon.deviantart.com/

>> No.3339064
File: 21 KB, 523x141, vI2ZeD1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.3339066
File: 53 KB, 330x370, dewott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to figure out the right image to reply with the outlines of.

>> No.3339067

Are you Indian?

>> No.3339068


>> No.3339071

Do you take requests/commissions?

>> No.3339072
File: 62 KB, 542x540, 1504218546601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's actually here
I mean this in the most sincere manner possible, get rid of your name and tripcode and remain Anonymous, stay in the down low. If you genuinely want a critique or some form of advice to help improve your way of drawing don't create a thread for it use the drawthreads.

t. the faggot that always ironically posts your improvement meme on the improvement threads.

>> No.3339080

The thread wasn't started by me. I don't actually browse this board, I do browse /vp/ though. I just got a comment on DeviantART mentioning my art being posted on "a certain imageboard" so I looked and found this thread.

>> No.3339102

>t. the faggot that always ironically posts your improvement meme on the improvement threads.
I looked it up and found what you're talking about
So does this board get posts of that picture a lot?

>> No.3339103


Also please answer this >>3339071

>> No.3339106


It's been going on since 2013. I am sorry.

>> No.3339116

It's fine. My reaction to finding out about this thread and the other uses of my old art progress image was "that's weird". I'm sorry that my art has been used as spam here for so long.

>> No.3339123

are you happy with the level you're at or do you want to improve but you don't know how? Genuine question

>> No.3339127

It actually sparked a lot of debate whether one should stick to a specific style of drawing and learning that way or not regardless.

>> No.3339128

No. Mainly because when people make requests it's usually a long list of characters.

>> No.3339133

How about an art trade?

>> No.3339134
File: 94 KB, 347x547, day_10__star_butterfly_by_gaiash-dbysrua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is pretty nice though.

>> No.3339135

Both. I have tried reading art guides but following/understanding instructions on how do do something is something I struggle with in general, not just with art.

>> No.3339142
File: 43 KB, 480x640, eba22a51abed440cbe8d0e6766a90652baff72175bcfc3d0eae793c8bb2f9bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaiash damage controlling
that picture should look like this for his age
but the reality is he's too sperg to make it

>> No.3339152

eh, reading books isn't always the best for everyone
but please try stepping out of your comfort zone. How about drawing a background for once? Trying out shading? Giving your characters a different pose?
Also life drawing classes do wonders, you'll see improvement in weeks. My autistic friend couldn't handle them, but autism's such a vague diagnosis, I'm sure you're pretty different from him. Try it out.
But then again, if you're happy with your comfort zone, feel free to ignore my advice

>> No.3339154

Hey faggot I am having a guilt trip for posting that picture for so long I want to commission you since your art style has grown on my over the years. Would you accept Crypto as payment?

>> No.3339165

How about drawing a background for once?
I think I might have to just try doing that in a sketchbook or something because that's an area I really want to work on but am too nervous to start.

>Trying out shading?
The biggest challenge with shading is more of a physical one. I probably should have tried it before I moved to colouring with Photoshop but I'm left handed and use my mouse with my right hand. I do want to get an art tablet at some point to work around some of these issues but I worry it's going to end up too much like when I try drawing or writing with a stylus.

>Giving your characters a different pose?
This is one of the things I'm currently working on with my art projects. While I'm often tempted to use similar poses I try and avoid being too repetitive with them. On that note if you have a good reference image collection for poses that'd be great.

>Also life drawing classes do wonders
I don't think the class environment works for me either. I tried studying Japanese and not only did I pick up very little I could see how far ahead of me the rest of the class would be.

>But then again, if you're happy with your comfort zone, feel free to ignore my advice
It's good advise, I just need to figure out the right method. I do need to step out of my comfort zone, just not too far that it takes away the motivation that led me to do it in the first place. If that makes sense.

>> No.3339166

Why do you like ben10 so much? Your dedication is certainly something

>> No.3339169

The reason my current art project is Ben 10 is because I recently came across a few videos about it and they reminded me that I used to draw the series a lot when the original series was airing and it would be a fun franchise to revisit.

>> No.3339174

yeah, definitely get a tablet, that'll help immensely
>On that note if you have a good reference image collection for poses that'd be great.
I do actually
it's called a mirror
that goes for any anatomy-related reference you'd need. Of course there's nothing wrong with looking for a reference online, but first look in the mirror. That way you'll get the exact pose you want.
>I don't think the class environment works for me either
life drawing classes aren't "classes" in that sense
the prof doesn't talk to the whole class, there's not a syllabus to get trough, no grades,...
It's just that there's a hired model posing, sometimes nude, sometimes not, and people draw him/her. The prof gives personalised advice to people he sees struggling
It's really really helpful, but yeah you have to get over the awkwardness
> I do need to step out of my comfort zone, just not too far that it takes away the motivation that led me to do it in the first place. If that makes sense.
yeah sure, learn at your pace, there's no rush

>> No.3339176


>> No.3339184

What program do you generally use?

>> No.3339196

Adobe Photoshop Elements 9

>> No.3339206

you should go back to doing sprites aseprite is a good program to help create some

>> No.3339230
File: 992 B, 43x58, sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wtf was that really him? that's so good compared to the rest of his stuff what the fuck??

>> No.3339236
File: 60 KB, 932x767, 1481044938668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg recoloring and placing pre-exisiting sprites is so hard
brainlet or you're gaiash, still on damage control

>> No.3339239
File: 58 KB, 640x789, pkmntrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair it is a sprite edit. I had a base to work with.

>> No.3339243

They probably just didn't recognize the sprites used as the base for it.

>> No.3339277
File: 181 KB, 562x544, pindraft3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hands on hips is also my crutch
>>3339133 and I genuinely wanna do an art trade with you.
Even though you've been at a lower level, considering you're being held back with using a mouse with your wrong hand, you're not that bad and can genuinely improve once you get your hands on a tablet. Never tried with a mouse, but after moving from paper to tablet, skill jumped up a number of levels.

>> No.3339323

So have you decided to start from scratch and improve your art, or are you going to work with sprites?

>> No.3339367

Yes, please do. I unironically love art trades, takes me back to the old days when I was social on deviantArt.

>> No.3339672

I don't really have anything in mind to ask for in an art trade at the moment.

>> No.3339814
File: 527 KB, 560x559, shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followed you on Twit so if you ever do think of something... Dunno, trades are mildly exciting.
Will even do that which is most unholy since you're, predictably, into it (lol m*ds plz don't ban it's a crop from a comm)
also saw that Gaia follows you, do you work for 'em or is it just for namebuddies?

>> No.3339819

Post the rest lad...

>> No.3339851

Don't want to get in trouble for something old and disappointing (/co/ mods already dislike me for /ss/lylock lol), but I'll link it. It's a pair swimsuit->nude variant for some guy.
Feel free to insult.

>> No.3340868

Does anyone have the picture of the guy who made the big art gains doing 2hu?

>> No.3340946

I feel you. It's cute and I envy how content they van be. And at the same time feel a little sad that the thing that makes them happy is so simple. Like it can so easily be taken away.

>> No.3340972


>> No.3341155

This is very true. The repetitive and obsessive nature of people with autism makes it extremely hard for them to improve if at all. It's why you barely see any autistic artists with critical acclaim.

>> No.3341807

damn... im sad now.

>> No.3341854

Whatever you do dude, don't give up.
There's a lovely charm to your style and your autism reaches unbounded levels.
If you train your hand just a by a bit each day and really try to push yourself, you could create some amazing work.
Try painting with your hands if it comes to it and have fun with what you have.

>> No.3341855

Don't be. Yes the level of improvement I've made over time has been pretty minor even with my art projects but a lot of the things holding me back are specific to me. If seeing this makes you doubt your own ability to improve don't, even if you have some of the same obstacles as me it's unlikely you have all of them. Find your own way to improve and I'll keep trying to find mine.

If you mean sad as in pity for me I'm fine. I have other interests outside of art and while my ability to improve may be slow I'm still enjoying the ride. And who knows, maybe I'll stick around here on /ic/ and pick up a few things.

>> No.3341856

by autism I mean as in your imagination increases by an amount most people can't comprehend.
Go for it my man.

>> No.3341869

One thing I'm thinking of doing is taking a break from my usual projects and just draw without the intention of scanning, colouring and uploading. The projects are still helpful and I still plan on moving ahead with the specific ideas in my head before I do this but this thread has motivated me to think about other methods too.

So here's the plan. Finish the next three Ben 10 aliens, draw a few Marvel characters and then before jumping back to one of my other projects put my focus on filling a sketch book.

>> No.3341878

I can't even comprehend it.

>> No.3341884
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1519709633832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure you aren't just as 'tistic as the da guy?

>> No.3341891

>/ic/ is one person

>> No.3341914
File: 5 KB, 37x70, Ash1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or are you going to work with sprites?
Probably not. I mostly made edits of Pokémon sprites so once they stopped using them I stopped editing them. I might give sprite work a shot again someday but I'd probably need to learn new methods of making/editing them.

>> No.3344092


>> No.3344895
File: 20 KB, 238x237, 1494566069245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here it is, the reason why I can't improve and even get slowly worse even though I grind.
Thanks guys, you and my depression finally convinced me not to continue anymore. Leaving this board after two years.

t. confirmed aspie

>> No.3345166
File: 138 KB, 535x631, Ben 2007 and 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autism is only one of my obstacles and the main thing it effects with my art is my ability to understand instructions. However if it was just my autism that effected my progress I'd still improve in other areas.

Figure out the right method for you. I'm still working on that but I have seen results from the methods I've used, now I just need to find other methods so I can improve in other areas. That's why I'm going to try out a sketchbook for the sake of drawing on the go and experimenting in ways I wouldn't with an art project.

>> No.3346331

Just start using measurements, things will turn out much better. Also you should draw bigger.
You could also go full scrub crutch and use binary pen.

>> No.3346406

I'm happy to hear you're trying to improve. I noticed that you typically draw characters in the same art style all the time. It's easy to stay in your comfort zone like that but try a bunch of art styles you've never tried before to gain more knowledge. The more you draw new things, the more you will learn.

I'd love to see you try some art exercises like this: http://drawabox.com

If you learn how to simplify your art into 3d forms properly you will improve a lot. You can do it, I believe in you. :)

>> No.3346452

>I noticed that you typically draw characters in the same art style all the time. It's easy to stay in your comfort zone like that but try a bunch of art styles you've never tried before to gain more knowledge.
I think that's one of the things I'll be sure to try with the sketchbook plan. Sometimes I will draw characters I feel need to be drawn closer to their original art style but it's not something I do that often.

That's also another one of the reasons I wanted to do the Ben 10 art project. It meant drawing a lot more non-human designs with different body types.

>> No.3346472

wow I did not expect you to answer, I'm glad you did, so here is a little advice from my own experience.
I'm not going to tear you like most d / ic / ks here, I do not want anyone who likes to draw what you leave.
Yes, at your age, I understand how work is treated and other things, and I left little time to invest in your artistic skills, (this year I'm that age) so do not feel bad about that, so I do not know if you have other problems, but do not let that depress you.

the second is never to forget why you make art, most people, especially young people, use art as a way to gain popularity that eventually becomes bitter, so every time you make art, try to remember that spark that boost your emotions

Finally, the most important thing I learned is that art is a tool of expression, that is, that most people should not consider art as a means that makes them kill the very essence of doing it. so remember that your art can mostly make you feel good only to yourself and, of course, you can make other people happy by chance, so do not feel bad about bad criticism about / ic / criticism that does not exist.

ps:there is always room to improve, I recommend using basic forms and exaggerating a bit for what I see most of the art you produce is based on popular TV series that is not bad as I said the important thing is to express yourself.

I will draw some sketches to give you a clearer idea.

I hope you keep drawing.

>> No.3346479

I noticed you were drawing creatures and stuff and I think that's really great! Backgrounds and objects are a good thing to practice too. Then you can draw more pictures of scenes happening rather than just characters standing around on a blank page. Honestly this is something I need to work on myself too.

>> No.3346482

Are you me?

>> No.3348384

We all fear this

>> No.3348471

They could be trolling. My graduate mentor is one of the leading experts on the Mexican Revolution and the guy is fucking insane. The guy has books that are studied around the world, yet he writes SW fanfics that seem like they were typed out by some retarded preteen girl. Yeah he does it on purpose, however, people believe he is who claims to be online.

He is a nice guy and I only know this secret because he caught me drawing porn during lecture (TAs have to sit), and decided to lessen the awkwardness between us by revealing he is a cringe writing fanfic author.

>> No.3348834 [DELETED] 
File: 996 KB, 3029x3660, gaiash girl lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3348854


>> No.3348876

shes a gross girl for doing something like that with such a slutty look on her face

>> No.3349837

why the fuck was my lewd redraw deleted?

>> No.3349839

not lewd enough

>> No.3349857

He still draws better than me