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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 535 KB, 1139x470, 2373435335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3330160 No.3330160 [Reply] [Original]

This little guy is Ruan's greatest rival. Say something nice about him

>> No.3330175


Awesome rendering skills, definitely one of the best at making textures in digital painting. Don't care much for the asian design sense though.

>> No.3330179

He's super cute and probably has a loose ass hole.

>> No.3330187


there are like a million chinese artists who paint like this , they all have a very similar way of doing things and i could not possibly tell which i which although they all are beast at rendering


>> No.3330206
File: 599 KB, 1100x1581, 237189738798739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RuanJia is better than H-

>> No.3330210
File: 612 KB, 1920x1368, ea5hyed5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wei Feng is the only worthy rival of Ruan Jia.

>> No.3330211
File: 39 KB, 658x429, 70e717b17b3f857675a304843b6bfc9d54e14e673c1ba-xfZW20_fw658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit you're ri-

>> No.3330218

How old is he? How do I get as good as him?

>> No.3330221


Not really, most of them have a superficially similar style of design and color but only a handful can render like this.

>> No.3330236
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1796, 20180118211139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink illustrators can't do traditional for shi-

He doesn't show his year of birth anywhere apparently. He won the Dominance War art competition in 2009. Assuming he was 18 at the time, he would be at least 27 right now. Give or take a few years.

>> No.3330245

By the way Ruan was born in 1983 so he's 35 now.
Wei Feng started working for KOEI in 2002. Again assuming he was 18 at the time, he would be about 34 now.

>> No.3330249

>Chink illustrators can't do traditional for shi-

where is this a meme? their schools are very heavy on traditional mediums, they can´t een get in without traditional skills.

>> No.3330252

There's always the autist tradfag who barges in and complains Ruan &co use digital trickery to render their stuff and they wouldn't be able to do it without magic PS brushes.

>> No.3330253


that´s hilarious man, i don´t browse here much but it is obvious is full of delusionals
making up their own weird standards to judge art based on perception and not experience.

>> No.3330254

>KOEI in 2002. Again assuming he was 18 at the time,

thats very impressive

>> No.3330255

Wei Feng relies the heaviest on reference out of all three. So he's in third place. imo
>Ruan Jia
>Wei Feng

>> No.3330259

>the reference makes it bad meimei

you are never going to make it

>> No.3330262
File: 6 KB, 150x150, j01-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could have been older, but to be honest looking at these guys, even granted they're Asians so they have perfect genes, it's seriously hard to think they are, like, 40+.
He does look older than Ruan tho.

>> No.3330263
File: 459 KB, 690x1393, 632bafadgy1fozs4bu61qj21d22r1hdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And HGJ looks the youngest.

>> No.3330271

I think i read on a chinese web that he was born on may 15th 1992

>> No.3330275

It's so funny how these gooks slap european features onto an asian skull every goddamn time

>> No.3330280
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 1517122903739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian skull

>> No.3330281
File: 44 KB, 636x628, 1510821529795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how you'll never be able to paint either.

>> No.3330297
File: 127 KB, 499x280, amerimutt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mr Goblino´s irrelevant opinions on art

>> No.3330299

gook is a racial slur for filipinos not chinese

>> No.3330301
File: 206 KB, 582x458, 1519210063439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing there are massive differences in skeletal form across races and regions

>> No.3330312
File: 147 KB, 300x300, gackt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive differences

not really , just minor ones like nose aperture and frontal eminences , and between asian and white skulls theres little to no difference you dumb amerimutt, go be fat and stupid elsewhere

>> No.3330318
File: 95 KB, 600x720, 23658640_10212814221463676_7698179853072597353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330324
File: 243 KB, 1000x665, product-1597-main-original-1419362494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at how flat the brow and nose bridge area is on the asian skulls, just as how you would expect.

>> No.3330326

There is a reason why people call them fff
Flat faced fucks

>> No.3330328


>massive difference
>some minor changes


>why people call them

nah, its just you mutt

>> No.3330331

Are you blind? That image shows exactly what that anon was saying, very minor, subtle differences. In fact, the African-American and European female skulls are nearly identical, which can't be right either. There should be more of a difference than what is shown there.

>> No.3330333



They aren't minor though since they drastically alter the facial features. The shape of the skull is the most fundamental aspect of why someone looks a certain way including the stereotypical racial types. It's literally what determines someones facial proportion and if they are going to be conventionally attractive or not attractive.


>> No.3330336


If it's so subtle, why can we immediately recognize an asian head by their shape alone? Do you think that asians look asians merely because of their epicanthal folds?

>> No.3330338
File: 410 KB, 1520x1013, ZeenChin_ new painting_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well played si-

lol know it's not the same , but I really adore Zeen's rendering

>> No.3330345

for more information on this topic, visit lookism for your monthly dose of pure autism

>> No.3330348

>Do you think that asians look asians merely because of their epicanthal folds?

Yes, for the most part.


fucking love that sweet bastard. His rendering is actually very minimal, it´s all in his contrast of hue/saturation/value

>> No.3330349

What do you mean by "if"? The image you posted makes it without a doubt clear that it IS subtle. That doesn't mean we suddenly become face blind and can no longer tell differences, you dimwit. That being said, if you had to guess the ethnicity of 100 random skulls, I highly doubt your success rate would be above 50% and most of the ones you'd get right would be obvious ones like aboriginal or subsaharan african skulls.

>> No.3330354

pattern recognition is a marker of IQ.

Yours does not seem very high.

>> No.3330359


>keeps insisting that asian and european skulls are massively different even thought it is obviously false even by his own examples where the changes in bone structure are minimal and subtle

Just quit your bs already. You could literally draw the same proportions for skull for asian and european characters and it would make shit difference because most of the alteration is in subtle differences between the globella and nose aperture. But you are just a crab talking shit without experience

>and most of the ones you'd get right would be obvious ones like aboriginal or subsaharan african skulls.

yes, between european/asian and African it would be more obvious. And even then you can keep the same structure, widen the nose aperture, add to the frontal eminences and Superciliary arch and that´s it. African skull , woilá

Its not like they are radically different or that far apart. "omg i am top pro because i can tell the difference you gaayzzzz"

>> No.3330364

I literally just said just because something is subtle doesn't mean we couldn't recognize the differences. Are you unable to read?

>> No.3330366

Not him but you can have epicanthic folds without being Asian and not all Asians have them. You find epicanthic folds in Scandinavia, Ireland, South Africa (0% asian DNA), etc.

>> No.3330380


>the minority and not the norm

You are missing the point the point is that is subtle comparing shapes of skulls with europeans and for the most part the one main difference between asian and european recognition lies in the eye shape not mayor skull deviations

it is still a recurring trait doesn´t matter the nationality, some native tribes in south america have asian like features. You would distinguish them from an average european fro the shape of the eyes and nose, thats it

>> No.3330384
File: 5 KB, 259x194, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you unable to read?

>expecting some burguer crab from pol/ to be able to read and comprehend stuff

Dont stress mate, you get it, i get it, if Mr Crabs doesn´t get the only one affected is himself and his shitty art

>> No.3330391

>between asian and european recognition lies in the eye shape not mayor skull deviations

See those are just your assumptions. There are plenty of Europeans who gets mistaken for being part because of their eyes.

And that is the point. You're jumping to conclusions.

>> No.3330399

>that red dress
>that garment from the Onmyoji

fucking hell, anyone got a process vid from Zeen? Was only able to find older process pics

>> No.3330402

If you think those two skulls are almost identical, you're blind dawg.

>> No.3330404

>who gets mistaken
>mistaken for asians
>because the eye pattern is generally agreed to be an asian trait and not european

You are still not fucking getting it you thick skulled fuck

If you agree that only that variation is enough not to be able to discern an european from an asian then you have agreed with me all along.

>> No.3330446

I'm telling you that your epicanthic folds = Asian is wrong but you are apparently too much of an insecure idiot to get it.

>> No.3330483
File: 41 KB, 713x475, 4e45538b938b949bd96230e4ef6ddc62--sean-opry-eye-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm telling you that your epicanthic folds = Asian is wrong
not that anon, but this is wrong for a very ignorant reason. "epicanthic folds" on white people are always just very heavily lidded eyes. they have a crease underneath it just like everyone else, it's just hidden by skin.

>> No.3330511

>"epicanthic folds" on white people are always just very heavily lidded eyes.



>> No.3330520
File: 201 KB, 1060x343, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no stupid. it's not the same thing.

>> No.3330524
File: 29 KB, 450x600, 1519360345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just very heavily lidded eyes
>it's not the same thing
>posts slightly different degrees of the exact same phenomenon
>"bro your wrong lol"

>> No.3330545

Do you always just make up stupid explanations for stuff you don't understand?

>> No.3330550
File: 69 KB, 620x896, bjorktop00f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bjork. Pure Icelandic ancestry.

>> No.3330562

Ugly as fuck.

>> No.3330569
File: 70 KB, 426x640, 816448778e98896c3bfe012f8dcd739f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khoisan Africa (The 0% Asian DNA)

>> No.3330572


thats like, your opinion man

>> No.3330578

>to get it.

you are still not getting it, at all. You never got it, you just shitposted some trivia way off topic.

>> No.3330597

>post that he thinks it's the epicantic folds that mostly make asians look asian
>gets told that that view is misleading
>gets so butt blasted that he tries to back-track and argue in order to redo that his personal feeling of looking stupid.

Sad news anon. All your hard work to not look stupid has just instead lead to the conclusion that you are stupid.

>> No.3330623

Ugly Asian.
Nigger Asian.

>> No.3330627

None of these other chink copycats have a sense of composition and value even half as good as Ruan Jia.

>> No.3330629
File: 46 KB, 598x422, BdA9ZrmCIAAcebl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a beauty contest though.

>> No.3330632

top lol. Her race has always been called to question throughout the years, and she alone denies it just 'cause. I knew somebody would bring her up sooner or later because she's the one single ""example"" to this bogus claim. you can't name a single other person who looks like that and claims to be all white, can you? Bjork evidently has Sami blood. They're a group of mongoloids that live in northern Scandinavia, similar to eskimos. suddenly Bjork's appearance makes a lot of sense.

>> No.3330652
File: 172 KB, 497x329, forensic reconstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ believes in phrenology
Wew lad. You guys do know that skull shape is not an accurate predictor of racial classification right? Features between individuals vary much more than features across race.

Well, that should be obvious since "race" is a scientifically outdated concept from 18th century france. Ethnicities are a much more useful tool for genetic classification, and they're so granular that you might as well be talking about individual villages.

>> No.3330656


And? That part Asian DNA has been a part of the genetic makeup of Scandinavian people for a very long time. Maybe even longer than recorded history as there have been many people migrations.

I'm not sure what you think of when you say "Scandinavian".

>> No.3330661

But I guess it makes sense that americans would have this weird concept of racial identity based on "white, black, asian".
They live in their own mongrelized mutt-bubble where there's only three phenotypes: germanic white, west african, east asian.

In the real world, racial classification becomes a lot less useful when you have distinctions between mongolian and korean, tatars and persians, one type of african to another, etc.

>> No.3330671

Yeah but it's funny though considering that many Hollywood stars also have epicanthic folds.

Here's a good video on the subject:

>> No.3330682
File: 113 KB, 293x217, 2363424224436535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330698

>Asian DNA
LMAO son, Sami and Eskimos are not Asians. Asians come from Asia. Thanks for proving my point and agreeing Bjork isn't fully white though.

>> No.3330700

go watch the video above since you don't understand what is meant by "asian dna".

>> No.3330706

Asia is everything beyond eastern europe.
Before russia conquered its current landmass, chinky eyed asians lived in the northern parts.

>> No.3330747

>Someone did something thousands of years ago, there they are better.

Who gives a shit? Too many 15 year old on this board. All you guys do is argue about who the best uninspired generic Chinese painter is because they "render" unnecessarily complex boring armor on animu figures well.

Lord this board is shit.

>> No.3330752

What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm talking about asian admixture in scandinavia due to asian immigration from northern asia (modern day russia) in prehistoric times.

>> No.3330765

We are talking about the genetic codes originating from the Asian region that leads to epicanthic folds being present to some small extend everywhere except in places on the African continent. Calling it Asian DNA may seem misleading to people who are not aware of the genetic variation that we all have. In Scandinavian the part that can be traced to Asia usually make up 2-7%.

>> No.3330817

The genetic discussion doesn´t belong in this board , go to pol/ to discuss race shit

>uninspired generic Chinese painter is because they "render" unnecessarily complex boring armor on animu figures well.

The real questions for you to ask yourself are:

-Can you paint better than these artists?
-Do you compete in skill level with these artists
-Have you more success than they have? More experience than they have? Are you aware that this people are top level proffessionals in the commercial art and entertainment industry?
-Does it make you butthurt that people with serious interest in that industry admire them?

Because it seems it is you who is the shitposting bot with the same bullshit in every thread he sees an asian professional being mentioned. You´ll need to find better , more constructive ways to cope with your own inefficiency and hate towards people who are better at art than you.

If you seriously like this career then you are just shitting all over yourself with these retarded tantrums you make. Any crab can just say the same shit about the artists ((you)) like.

The sad thing is you probably like some generic western fantasy bullshit with buffed orcs or some cliche crap like that and are jealous as fuck at asians who accomplish it better than you could ever dream of

>> No.3330863
File: 134 KB, 1452x1502, durawingu des.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, can I get some critiques on this face sketch pls? thanks

>> No.3330872

Looks more like a study of a photo than a sketch. A lot of effort on getting the lines right but still lacks an understanding of how the anatomy and construction fits together.

Also, this is the wrong place. Post it in the beginner thread.

>> No.3330877

no ref, just from imagination
can you elaborate on the anatomy errors?

also, I should've mentioned that I want to be the exact copy of ruan jia so this is my attempt at drawing faces like he does

>> No.3330891

What makes his paintings stand out is his rendering. It requires an understanding of how value/saturation/hue work together. To achieve that with just your pencil you would need to draw like a painter.

And I didn't say there were anatomical errors. But you don't show how the forms move into each other. Instead they just "float". It's also stiff. To me it shows that you just draw the parts you see but you don't pay enough attention to see the parts that matter. Had you been better at anatomy you would probably had noticed them.

You are a long way from Ruan Jia. I recommend you check out NMA. I hear they got a free week or something like that.

>> No.3330895

just a bitter crab
your face is ok, but be carefull and aim for beauty, your face looks kinda old, mostly because that line under the eyes, erase that.

>> No.3330900

>the newb couldn't handle the critique.

>> No.3330926



>gives solid critique many here keeps crying for
>some loser calls then calls the response a crab

Anonymous and art critique doesn't really go well together.

>> No.3330935

Thanks, I'll see what I can do about the floating features and the stiffness.
Thank you, but I like them old. I have a granny fetish.

>> No.3331100


>> No.3331155

>jawline is subtle
>cheekbone is subtle
>brow ridge is subtle
>jaw hinge is subtle
>cranium shape is subtle
>nose bridge is subtle

Ask me how I know you don't have eyes.

>> No.3331475

it's for Vietnamese you moron, get your racism right

>> No.3331522
File: 105 KB, 900x477, Some-Pacific-Islanders-Have-DNA-Not-Linked-To-Any-Known-Human-Ancestor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder what would happen if an Amerimutt would meet a Melanesian their head would probably explode.

pic related natural blonde people with no euro dna

>> No.3331566
File: 378 KB, 816x1356, 1502922726012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3331570


>Derails a thread talking about genetics and race
>in a fucking art critique board
>gets upset that he gets sent back to pol

Just go back

>> No.3331584
File: 56 KB, 800x533, cute-toddler-girl-talking-mobile-phone-outdoors-adorable-modern-little-kid-blonde-natural-environment-44140446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are obviously not natural blondes. The hair close to scalp, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes are not blond. They colored their hair for the photo and you are a dumbass or a troll. 90% of women in america dye their hair blond, cause everyone wants to be a fucking barbie. There's makeup blond and then there's natural blonde. Know the fucking difference (real blondes are uglier, because you can't see their eyebrows or eyelashes)

>> No.3331590

Mongolians and central asians are a better example.
There are naturally blonde and red haired central asians, although rare.

>> No.3331598
File: 421 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-4706392d40e62a83848f659bafb7d39f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.3331599

A lot of natural blondes have darker roots, but tend to lose their blondness in adulthood. Melanesians carrying and exhibiting genes coding for blonde hair is well documented.

>> No.3331631
File: 97 KB, 600x583, blondes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are natural blondes RETARD. The gene that gives them blonde isn't the same as the one that gives Europeans blonde hair.

"Melanesians of some islands are one of the few non-European peoples and the only dark-skinned group of humans known to have blond hair. This has been traced to an allele of TYRP1 unique to these people and is not the same gene that causes blonde hair in Europe. Blonde hair evolved independently in Melanesia."



>> No.3331660


>implying their mothers aren't cheating whores
>implying a nigress/chink woman wouldn't offer her pussy at first opportunity, in an attempt to improve her genes, to an aryan who just went there to shoot some photos for NatGeo

And how the fuck do you guys know that they have 0% euro dna? did you pull that out of your ass?

>> No.3331661

>dude makes thread about hgj
>/ic goes full /pol

never change, never make it, guys

>> No.3331680

>on my /ic/

fuck off to where you came from

>> No.3331693

This, art is a purely western field, like all other intellectual pursuits, only whites have the intelligence required to excel at them.

Your brown subhumans can go shape turds into idols and play with bongos or whatever you savages do, stop appropriating western culture.

>> No.3331791

looks like my step sister lmao

>> No.3331924
File: 952 KB, 575x1049, IMG_20180304_154321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan wishes he was as cute as him , hes so fucking adorable , no homo

>> No.3331926

>no apron
Shit work ethic.
Well laid out palette though, you can see he was academically trained.

>> No.3331930

how does one become this good at managing colors? As someone else said he doesn't render that much, he just plays with contrast

>> No.3331945
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 1519494270560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your retarded Neanderthal brain not function properly? Can you not read?

Again the Gene that gives them blonde hair has nothing to do with Whites/Europeans and they both were developed independently. The gene that gives them blonde hair is TYRP1 and the genes that give whites blonde hair is MC1R.

"Further, no systematic differences in ancestry between blond and dark-haired Solomon Islanders were found suggesting that the presence of blond hair in the Solomon Islands is not due to recent gene flow from other populations"



>> No.3331952
File: 92 KB, 540x960, ehgrteshg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even trying bro.

>> No.3331977

it seems subtle but the impact it has on the features is still really recognizable. I think that African and European look more similar because most Asians got neanderthal in em or something

>> No.3331987

or it could be shadows.