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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 175 KB, 1600x900, fxyzrtegrhyraqrgnigr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3327695 No.3327695 [Reply] [Original]

It's in so bad state right now that even Blizzard went down with quality just to pay less for 2D art.

Aside from some exceptions like patreon whores, 2D is basically dead.

>> No.3327697

>concept art as a career is over saturated

I fixed that for you, no need to thank me.

>> No.3327700

good riddance. it only gets better from here.

>> No.3327703
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not concept art, it's illustration. These are loading screen splash arts.

>> No.3327704

Everyone flee form this board while there's still time. Art careers are dying! Run for your life!

>> No.3327706


>concept art as a career is over saturated with people who don´t meet industry standards and can´t meet the growing industry demand. Because of that developers can´t invest as much as they want or need to expand their 2d teams. Even when they sorely need it and have more money than ever for it.

Fixed that better

>> No.3327710
File: 484 KB, 666x634, again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some beg/ tier faggot who can´t get into the industry and knows shit about it opens the 9999th thread shitting on the same industry he is not even a part of to begin with.

>> No.3327711

Prove that I am wrong. So far I am in the right by posting pictures that prove my argument. You have nothing.

>> No.3327715

Blizzard always had shitty loading screens with a few good ones here and there. Always.

>> No.3327716
File: 415 KB, 1215x717, Xin_Zhao_OriginalSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>league of legends
>game that relies very heavily on splash arts starts producing chinese mobile trash tier shit

It's all fine guys, I swear!

>> No.3327717
File: 56 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So far I am in the right by posting pictures that prove my argument.

the absolute state of crabs

>> No.3327719

And what have you done so far to disprove it you colossal retard?

>> No.3327720

>>game that relies very heavily on splash arts starts producing chinese mobile trash tier shit

they have way more demand thatn there are top level professionals to meet it lol

Both blizzard and Riot have increased the amount of artwork they produced each year with all of their products and amount of marketing they do for thir ips.

you are just a salty little pleb who is not even pro to begin with, so why would you care the state the industry is in anyways.

>> No.3327722

Wow, first time getting to know Blizzard huh? They also made World of Warcraft, did you know? Yeah, no kidding.

Guess what ho. Their good artists are working in the cinematics department and they use their generic artists, that usually do concept art inhouse, to work on their loading screens.

>> No.3327723


do you produce better quality artwork? If you do then you should apply at blizzard and make bank instead of opening any more retarded threads.

>> No.3327724

>they have way more demand thatn there are top level professionals to meet it lol

Wrong, they release 2-5 skins every month, which gives 2-5 illustrations every month + some general art that goes out every 2 months. One guy could do it all if he wanted, fuck off with this demand bullshit.

>> No.3327725

>game industry bigger than ever
>posts 2 (TWO) random Blizzard illustrations from god only knows where and claims the whole industry is dying
You're so fucking retarded it's unbelievable. It's like saying that all the dogs in the world are dying just because I saw two dogs die this week.

>> No.3327730
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, Tracer-Heroes-of-the-Storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also their art is not even consistent that much so it's not like they are limited to 2 or 3 guys doing everything for them.

I could post a lot more but it won't accomplish anything in the long run. Your denial is so sweet though.

>> No.3327731

>they release 2-5 skins every month

>thinks thats all the art department at a AAA developer does

holy shit dude, you have just trascended a new level of retarded.

Hearthstone alone is a ton of illustration work, nevermind the books, marketing, toys, promo art, character design, prop design, creatures, levels. cinematics, etc

holy shit you are stupid


then you also have guys like the dude from cubebrush who left blizzard because he was making more money as an independant studio and selling instructives. Freelancers make more money than inhouse people in a lot of instances, specially veterans.

>> No.3327733

>a card game needs a lot of illustrations

You got me here, wow. Never expected that. I was talking about something different but okay. Everything is a card game, I forgot.

>> No.3327735


i am actually very sad for you, you are a very , very retarded individual.

Good luck with your cope mechanisms

>> No.3327736


>no you silly, everything is the splash screens from one game from one company


>> No.3327737

I talk about facts, you only resort to insults. I pity your existence.

>> No.3327739

>I talk about facts


>> No.3327743

Most games are not card games. Your point? Also it's almost always one gig per month if you even get anything, you have to look for other work every month and every month is being uncertain if you get ANY work.

>> No.3327747

>game industry bigger than ever
>just Blizzard has like 4 active IPs right now for which they regularly shit out new designs and illustrations
>for some reason a couple of subpar illustration among the sea of shit produced are an argument for the whole industry DYING
begone crab

>> No.3327750

The industry is getting bigger in 3D, not 2D. This is why I know you are full of shit, you don't work, you don't have connections, you don't see real demand. Something like "splasharts" are getting replaced by full 3D models, while more and more 3D stuff is coming out in general.

The industry is dying for 2D artists, that's all. Which is what /ic/ is made of. Don't be a fool, don't go this path of redundancy and being useless in general.

>but le dave rapoza made it so it's worth it!

>> No.3327764

Holy shit he made ANOTHER thread. Anon, you are fucking obsessed, let it go and do something with your fucking day other than shitposting on 4chan. I can understand the appeal of some casual shitposting every so often, but what you are doing is just sad to watch.

>> No.3327766

I made another thread because the last one got deleted for no reason, it wasn't even my thread.

You still can't prove me wrong. You can't give any proof that artists get paid well. You can't give ANYTHING.

>> No.3327767
File: 1.74 MB, 1400x1003, valeera_sanguinar_by_mr__jack-dbaeuec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care so much about people who are much better off than you are? Why don't you worry about your own nonexistent career?

>> No.3327768

Why do you need proof of anything? I thought you already know for a fact that you are right? So the only question is, why the fuck are you still here? Go to /3/ if your passion is 3D modeling and stop being such a sad and pathetic cunt.

>> No.3327788

I thought that was a bit too pesimistic but seeing no responses I am more than sure now that being an artist is not worth the pain.

>> No.3327820

from the thumbnail it looked like the bucket crab pic, kek

>> No.3327836

So is there just a bunch of people who are under industry standard? What does that even look like? What's the exact point of industry standard anyways?

>> No.3327846

>chinese mobile trash tier shit
tencent bought riot and has been producing games for a long time

chinese mobile shit companies occupies several of the top10 worldwide sized game companies by now. plenty of cash if you have anything to offer.

sauce, working in china. make more money than 99% of /ic/

>> No.3327849

>patreon whores
This means Old Masters are whores too.

>> No.3327883
File: 55 KB, 530x530, 1517875146476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy / sci-fi / concept art

The world of art & design does not revolve around these niche industries.

>> No.3327884

No, it just means that the guy is a fucking idiot

>> No.3327892

Do you work freelance for them? Do you need to know Chinese?

>> No.3327896

Wait. Are these from their moba? Well no shit they aren't going all out with the art; that's their cheap cash in.

>> No.3328113

No I work permanent. I have a translator

>> No.3328124

These are the only interesting ones though.

>> No.3328150

Do they give you one or did you find one yourself? How does that affect contracts and such?

>> No.3328153

For most people it does when it comes to /ic/ stuff. We aren't talking about industry design, architecture or movie/music making.

>> No.3328932

It's a big company, they have english speaking staff and they found me a translator. I was one of the first foreigners in the team so it wasn't standardized, I had to complain some to get what I needed.

>> No.3329002

Idk learn 3D and use it in your work. /3/ has many resources to get you started.

>> No.3329004

or learn vfx, gui, ux, textureing, matte painting, composition, script etc.

plenty of jobs

>> No.3329006

I'm actually super interested in working with art in China at some point. What's your background/story? Any art examples? I'd love to hear

>> No.3329414

>Concept art is over saturated by sub par artists because artists are bogged down by committees who turn unique visions into generic garbage and only shitty artists are willing to work under those terms.

>> No.3329496

b-but I do it as a hobby

>> No.3329510

I have no fucking clue about the professional field, but isn't the job market growing? All I see is millions of games, plus a new market where people pay for cosmetics. How and why is that worse compared to 10 years ago?

>> No.3329516

People are now 10 years older and losing hope because they didn't try hard enough when they were younger.

>> No.3329522

Explain then why artists are still paid like shit and sometimes salaries are decreasing compared to what was before? How is that not bad?

>> No.3329567

arrite heres whats up if want to do manchild art for a living...

the reality is the entry level and mid tier work is very hard to get due to oversaturation of a talent pool and shrinking AAA and a dead AA. Indie you work for free "rev share" fuck that. People talking about growth are probably counting mobile trash.

It costs zero dollars to get into digital art and with free time and determination you can get decent.

The 3rd world has fast internet and works for 1/6th the labor cost. Outsourcing companies in Asia are beastmode now and produce good design work not just assets. There is so much less friction with outsourced work transferring files communication much easier. The bar for quality has been raised across the board no slackin. The industries have 1-percentized as in its either AAAA or indie dogshit.

Preproduction and deadlines keep getting shorter and shorter and all the same elder gods work on nearly every single major project each year.

I'm not scrub tier btw, i can earn 1k-2k USD for a few business days of my time. But the work is sporadic.

>> No.3330116

>art as a career is dying
>doesn't post proof
gonna need a lot more than 'waah blizzard used a 9/10 instead of a 10/10 promotional art'
to believe such a bold statement.

>> No.3330120


>> No.3330129

>why artists are still paid like shit a

non professional , non competing artists you mean. If you can only scrap from the bottom with your level of skill then you get bottom money . Big fishes eat bigger prey.

Pros are earning better than ever because they can diversify, crowdfund and open patreons, not just commission or freelance work. Theres a lot of demand for high quality, so a good art director with some experience is a valuable asset for a company. And even semi pros are using the internet for profit much more than before.

Don´t rush art, if you can´t meet a AAA or even a AA standard that would net you enough money to live from it exclusively in a developed nation then don´t even forced it at all entering the job market only to scrap the bottom. Use that energy studying

leave the lower level things for outsourcing freelancers and work on something else non art related while you study and build a portfolio to reach that bracket.

I am tired of meeting these same "starving artists" types complaining about earning little , and not being valued in their workplace . Then you see their portfolios and is obvious why they would have such a hard time, since they should not be in a first world job market anyways but studying.

>> No.3330135

>They should be studying

Studying what though? What do you mean by "studying"?

>> No.3330138
File: 134 KB, 2048x1209, ZQrSRjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an official splash for Eu/Na ?
If so it's a shame.
The splash quality used to be much better.

>> No.3330141
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 1311728625625.png~c200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studying what though?
>What do you mean by "studying"?

>> No.3330143

>The splash quality used to be much better.

not really, no

>> No.3330144
File: 152 KB, 1215x717, Nidalee_Skin_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man it used to be so greablrgkjrhsotjho

>> No.3330146
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, kUvpl2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art was so beautiful back then, they probably paid this artist 3k$+ for this masterpiece. We've really gone down the shitter nowadays.

>> No.3330151


lol. thanks anon, i actually laugh like hell when reading OP because i know how shit tier the early art used to be. but i was lazy to find the images to argue such a shitty bait.

Most concept art from mid 00s is shit tier nowadays.

>> No.3330155

Of course there was evolution, but for the pic I replied to, it clearly shows that it's going downhill.
Also that art was actually good when it first appeared.
Then it became old but nobody complained about it in 2009.

>> No.3330178
File: 110 KB, 750x930, 633362-l2_illust31_oob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also that art was actually good when it first appeared.
>Then it became old but nobody complained about it in 2009.
Huh? 2009 was the year LoL was released and when those artwork first appeared (actually, it was almost 2010).
Meanwhile, this is what game art looked like in Korea a few years prior... Western game art was so shit you can't even wrap your head around it.

>> No.3330190
File: 110 KB, 600x337, 292788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riot was a small team back then.
Lineage art was great but the 15 yo me liked the Blizzard art better.

>> No.3330213

>Western game art was so shit you can't even wrap your head around it.

it was pathetic, the very few burguers go got into the train at the right time were barely mediocre tier and made shit tons of money just because they didn´t had much competition locally. It only started improving when a lot of art directors switched from movies to videogames. But then you had the complete flood of generic "realistic" brown gritty open worlds. And the photobash meme ensued because those movie people can´t figure out a different art direction than that.

I don´t even think it has improved that much even today, burguer developers just hire asian and european people to achieve a meet standard. Every big AAA developer or studio has a bunch of french, korean, russian and scandinavian guys now . Even Pixar is full of asians and frenchies

Maybe burgers are just too fat and comfy, or too busy with their indie tumblr web comic with naif art style to care for anything else. The funny thing is that they still earn more than eastern pros who are better.

USA artists want to attend gender studies sermons and marketing seminars not ateliers lmao

>> No.3330219 [DELETED] 


This is how """great""" character design in the west used to look like . I can´t even see the Prince of Persia sands of time trilogy art without cringing a bit.

Compared it to the concepts from FFXII or even with shitty Asian mmorpg like Mu online for greater effect.


Blizzard´s good team was the cinematic team, the rest was kinda meh. At least in the Pre Wow years. The art for Diablo 2 for example looks atrocious.

>> No.3330220
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, jak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how """great""" character design in the west used to look like . I can´t even see the Prince of Persia sands of time trilogy art without cringing a bit.

Compared it to the concepts from FFXII or even with shitty Asian mmorpg like Mu online for greater effect.


Blizzard´s good team was the cinematic team, the rest was kinda meh. At least in the Pre Wow years. The art for Diablo 2 for example looks atrocious.

>> No.3330229
File: 28 KB, 223x310, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of Magic the gathering cards and D&D illustrations also look like shit back in the day. They did massive improvements to their standard of quality once Wizards of the coast started booking more and more international artists.

>> No.3330237
File: 103 KB, 600x699, Mega-Man-Box-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American art is the best

>> No.3330246
File: 11 KB, 420x420, mrgoblino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best of the best

>> No.3330460
File: 31 KB, 476x350, duskborne_skymarcher_by_seb_m-dbmvcxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the new artists are fantastic.
Seb McKinnon, Bastien Deharme, Karla Ortiz are really great.
The problem with the modern art direction is that aside from those one (and some others), the art looks quite similar everywhere, and they don't commission great "old" artists lile Rebecca Guay much as they did.

>> No.3330474

The whole "run for your life" part makes me think your sarcasm detector is off.

>> No.3330478

>french, korean, russian and scandinavian
Luckily for us, in 30 years time Sharia will prevent half of these nation from painting human beings/animals.

>> No.3330592


By that point the US 56 % would be more like 2% vs 98% mutt and most major cities will look like Nicaragua, with a mix of spanish and ebonics as native tongue and Santeria as state religion

>> No.3330708

>sauce, working in china. make more money than 99% of /ic/
i worked a chinese contract once, it was miserable how do you cope?... yes the pay was ridiculous.

>> No.3330711

>yes the pay was ridiculous.
ridiculously high, to clarify.

>> No.3330722

Did they treat you like the western trash you are? I wonder why they even bothered to give work to some genetically deficient non-asianlet.

>> No.3330728
File: 39 KB, 839x657, 1506374789565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone who has landed a job in the industry confirm OP's claim?
It's /ic/, I know, but... Anyone? Maybe?

>> No.3330743

>new artists

exactly , newer ones, new talent is what keeps the industry afloat.


yes, op is a huge faggot , There are more markets available than there are professionals to fill the requirements.Even south americans are now common as fuck in the industry. Lots of brazilian guys mostly. All talent is wanted

>> No.3330758

I actually wonder, what happens to older artists? Guys like Brom for instance... how do they sustain themselves? They aren't even 50 yo right now I think, yet I never see them doing new stuff. Rebecca Guay did like a couple of cards for MTG in the past few years I think... how do they even live?

>> No.3330804

he's right for the wrong reasons.

>> No.3330890

They wouldn't hire a westerner to do the job of their peons. lmao.

>> No.3330911
File: 35 KB, 574x372, crabbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330916
File: 492 KB, 1920x1133, crow-god-bees-keeper-singed1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno bro, didn't crowgod recently do alot of splash arts for LoL?

>> No.3330920
File: 373 KB, 1920x1133, crow-god-hecarim1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330921
File: 533 KB, 1920x1133, crow-god-snowdownbraum-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330924
File: 462 KB, 1920x1133, crow-god-lunar-empress-lux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3330936


I am digging these hardcore. Really cool

>> No.3330939
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, dota2_fanart01_by_crow_god-d84ek06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase you're interested, you can find more of his stuff @ https://www.artstation.com/crowgod

>> No.3330944


Of course i am, this is the hardest my cock has been in while, thanks anon.

Crab thread is redeemed

>> No.3330947
File: 496 KB, 658x979, 97c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my case i tried but i didnt find interesting digital sculpting (maybe hardsurface but i still enjoy characters more), so i was thinking about drawing as a hobby but if is just a hobby im afraid that i could forget it some day because of doing something else

>> No.3331586

>It's in so bad state right now that even Blizzard went down with quality just to pay less for 2D art.
Blizzard running Overwatch, WoW, Hearthstone, Starcraft universes all with illustrations and cinematic works.

So compared to Samwise Didier basically as the only concept artist to today, does it seem likely to you or could possibly OP be a fag?

>> No.3331613

Well, obviously OP is a moron because if his little theory was true, Blizzard wouldn't even have to pay less for mediocre art, they could just pay less for good quality art. I mean good artists would still need to eat in the imaginary world OP created where art demand as a whole went down.

>> No.3331615

Not doing concept, I have a couple of years AAA experience and some years of senior level. I reached out to studios and headhunters, got interviews for two western companies in other Asian countries but finally got an offer from a Chinese studio.

Most places want experienced seniors. They have quite high technical skills and are great at detailed shit. But they have no experience and very little creativity. Very few actual resources I've worked on make it into the games, instead I do sketches and a group of juniors polish it for weeks while I give them feedback.

>it was miserable how do you cope?
Honestly not very different from the western place I was working for, same sized studio. But I can see some guys aren't cut out for it. There's been some cases with foreigners (both Asian and westerners) having their artwork rejected and not getting renewals (i.e. more or less fired).

>> No.3331915

It's safe to say this is all done with a basic round brush?

>> No.3333045

Art career what? All I hear from you is F.U.D.
Guess what else sells better than 2D or 3D?
Basically 1D text novels.
Composition + Character design + Plot
If all you ever do is fan-arts pandering to specifics, you're just asking for obscurity.

Composition + Character design + Plot.
People get over with old shit, make new interesting crap so people don't feed on moldy fodder.

>> No.3333473

Why is his armor reflecting a modern cityscape lol

>> No.3333480
File: 2.49 MB, 1938x1362, Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 19.48.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I get paid $45-50/hour for 2D and I'm a shit artist.

Picture related. Personal work. Can't share client work bcs NDA, but it's worse than this because deadlines and procrastination.

>> No.3333481
File: 2.28 MB, 5150x2609, Hell02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also related, personal thing I never finished.
You just gotta job hunt instead of whining.

>> No.3333487

>Titty ice cream shop
Love it
Also, is all just about cold emailing everyone?

>> No.3333731

The hats on the stand workers are cracking me up, but PLS anon share some of that knowledge on finding work!

Are you a freelancer? Do you have connections that call you up to hire you or do you use online/offline resources to find work? Any examples?

Would love to get some info about the process. Also what kind of clients do you usually work for?

>> No.3336555

not that anon, but ppl doing omg realism/merc wip shit is so oversaturated that stylized work is grossly overlooked. If you are midtier, consider doing stylized work to show range in your portfolio.

I make more off kids stuff than i ever did off card illustrations for sure, 1/3rd the effort as well.

>> No.3338730

Love how OP is called a crab for simply explaining the horrible state of the online industry when in reality the real crabs are the ones trying to protect their unrealistic blizzard Sr. Illustrator dreams. The industry is so bad its almost to the point youre better off not marketing yourself online at all. I’ve made way more money targeting my art at local companies than i ever have pandering for shit tier fantasy art jobs online. You either become a Sakimichan and get paid to do whatever, or spend your time trying to steal jobs from Sr industry artists with good connections. Or you could use the convenience factor of being a decent artist in your local city to make ok money.

>> No.3338745

2D is not dead but if you wanna quit doing art and get the hell out of the way that would be great for the rest of us, thanks.

I'm in the same spot as this guy, just stop being fucking lazy OP.

>> No.3338748

>Or you could use the convenience factor of being a decent artist in your local city to make ok money
Care to elaborate?

>> No.3338793

What is there to elaborate on? Tons of people are uncomfortable sending hundreds or thousands of dollars to some stranger in china just because his art is top tier. It doesnt take much to get work locally if youre mid tier of even an amateur if you know where to look and youre ok with not drawing orcs and elves every project. Get out of this mindset that the best your art can be is a guideline for a 3D artist, or some generic fantasy card art. There’s tons of ways your skills can be used in a more practical way, with less effort and more money overtime. For example imagine a local craft brewery with a logo, or promotional images on the skill level of a mid tier artstation artist. Not the best, but a normie dgaf as long as it speaks to the vibe of the business.

>> No.3339977

teaching maybe
and traditionally painting flowers or landscapes on Sundays because they can afford it
eg not giving a fuck

>> No.3342519

If you have the skills and are willing to draw waifus of the month

you will be fine in pareon

Just get an audience

>> No.3344905

You can find salvation in advertisement and graphic design in general. There is even a strong demand of traditional media.

>> No.3344906

I would say 2d art was dead too if I was a no talented crab

>> No.3346853
File: 323 KB, 640x378, tryndamere-splash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the creme of the crop