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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 590x350, Overwatch-Hero-925239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3326825 No.3326825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you are already out of ideas 27 heroes in
>tfw it doesnt fucking matter because you make it a buffgirl who needs no man and tumblr will praise you for it

>> No.3326828

wait 27?
damn dawg i only know like 3

>> No.3326831

Imagine being this outraged by what you assume every user on Tumblr is outraged by.

>> No.3326845

didnt they had a buff mangirl already?

>> No.3326857

Another fucking girl hero. You can't be serious.

>> No.3326858

Why is that video games are consistently allowed to produce and maintain a diverse cast of male characters available in a myriad of shape and forms, but the second developers produce something that isn't your stereotypical slender, lithe, big-titted aryan waifu princess, autists everywhere lose their fucking shit?

There is nothing about this design that is even inherently "Tumblr" other than the fact that she isn't skinny. She's buff because she's a mechanic/armorsmith and literal crusader. You think an 80lb twig is gonna be able to heft around a flail and steel armour on a battlefield? OP is a fag.

>> No.3326860

Why do you care about gender ratios in video games? Do you get mad about most games holding a predominantly male cast as well?

>> No.3326866

>being this mad

>> No.3326867

I just want a male hero with a sword who looks like he's straight from Wild Arms series. Is that so much to ask for? Instead we get another fat chick.

>> No.3326870

They have Genji and Hanzo for weebs.

>> No.3326871

it's a dude in armor,a mary sue and a carbon copy of another existing hero all in one,also the fact that they make the female heroes either skinny as fuck or unrealistically bulky meanwhile male heroes have a range from midget to literal whale is pretty pathetic,this hero is the personification of boring character design,and im not even gonna talk about how confusing for a new player would be to see zyra and this fucking mess of a hero next to eachother in the middle of a fight

>> No.3326875

Not enough.

>> No.3326874

Because women naturally have less muscle mass than men.

Because you're using a strawman argument.

Because sex sells, and beautiful women appeal to both sane men and same women, it's a proven study.

Because this is clearly done to appeal to the SJW crown and push a Marxist agenda that tries to deconstruct established archetypes.

Because there are more interesting ideas out there then "le tumblrina self-inserts for diversity points."

Because you're clearly a roastie, and are butthurt people are criticizing this, cause you're unable to tolerate opinions.

>> No.3326885

back to r9k with you fag

>> No.3326887

>stating facts means I'm from /r9k/
Tumblr is that way >>>>> btw

>> No.3326888

Toasted roasted beef.

>> No.3326891

being this triggered by a video game character

>> No.3326892
File: 457 KB, 956x1200, 2F8C8715-CF71-47F5-8085-1E406FF80E72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roastie get toastie

>> No.3326896

You sound sexually frustrated.

Wanna talk about it?

>> No.3326904

I don't wanna hear you talking, you'd look so much cuter with something in your mouth. ;)
... and by something I mean my dick.

>> No.3326907

Ooooooooooooh shit

>> No.3326915

so fucking cringey, end yourself

>> No.3326918

>tips fedora

>> No.3326920

Nah son:


>> No.3326921
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>> No.3326928

>Pushes a marxist agenda-

Marxism is economic theory, what does that have to do with archetypes or their deconstruction. In fact, what archetypes does the character design even breaks, you just say that as if it is a given.

>> No.3326930


>> No.3326934


>> No.3326954

>tfw when someone literally posts about video games on /ic/ and no-one even thinks it's weird

>> No.3326966

We are talking about character design are you an autismo or some thing?

>> No.3326973

>literal 12 year old autist

super cringe. Now off you go to the yt comment section you faggot

>> No.3326980

are you really? well i look forward to all the discussion about shape design, clarity, silhouette and the new hero's place in the aesthetic goals of the game. it must be a fluke that so far it's people complaining about girls and tumblr. like all the shitposts were frontloaded by dint of random selection, i guess?

>> No.3326981

Well its ic what did you expect other than that?

>> No.3326999

people to post /v/ threads on /v/ i guess, some moderation maybe

>> No.3327011
File: 219 KB, 1281x623, 1519862033367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an average proportioned yet expectedly muscular female mechanic with naturally coloured hair worn in a natural style is now considered Tumblr

Why are men like OP so fragile.

>> No.3327014

>that one post where Nesskain claimed he was quitting art to become a beekeeper
It was so absurd I believed it for a day or two.

>> No.3327019

b-b-but anything female besides little anime girls i-is tumblr!

>> No.3327021

>tfw you realise you are Tumblr

Where do I go from here /ic/?
How do I learn to live again now that I know?

>> No.3327034

imagine posting this about a character in a video game

>> No.3327040

>using the term roastie outside of /r/incels
Whew. And I bet he believes exposure to cocks magically enlarges the labia minora too.

>> No.3327053

I love Team Men.

>> No.3327058

They're even with the men now.

>> No.3327189

lol u mad

>> No.3327202

At the risk of sounding preachy i want to share something that non-wave-slaves may not think of.

Working in games industry is VERY political environment. Be that Blizz, Valve, Wargaming, whatever. All drama all the time, it's a very social job, where pleasing the masses is very important for revenue and sometimes more important than functionality itself.

So was it one dude that said "hey, let's make SJW and women fan base happy?" and raised hell?

Probably not.

More than likely directions trickled down from big corporate and nobody had a choice.
I encourage all artists to be mindful of that fact before they lash out at "blizzard" or "the artist"

it's obviously in their favor if they can please multiple groups of gamers at once. Yes including SJW. So don't be fucking surprised when "tumblr features" continue being popular.
It's extremely calculated, yet imperfect, and will STILL get ripped to shreds, but at least if they appease the most dramatic players it will help company's wallet and boost PR.

>> No.3327205

kek then play another game anon :^)

>> No.3327206


also, sage goes in every field.

>> No.3327207

They have a shit ton of ideas to go by and yet they go with the safest, most bland design of all time.

>> No.3327212

you gotta deep throat my horse cock first anon ;o

>> No.3327230

Yeah this is why Blizz is turning into Disney for video games.

>> No.3327508

Brigitte isn't really comparable to Zarya anyway. She's a bit buff because shes a mechanic, but is still nowhere near as manly as Zarya. I like Brigittes hair, face, and body...none of which i liked on Zarya. At least they didn't introduce another goddamn weeb hero or some fucking tranny shit like last time.

>> No.3327515
File: 146 KB, 1199x762, bash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the idea of playable buffgirl, but there's nothing aesthetically distinct about her armour. they're crawling inside their clutter loving asses at this point.

>Last year, prior to Sarkeesian's criticism, Blizzard's senior VP of story and franchise development Chris Metzen told a Blizzcon audience that the company understood the importance of appealing to a wide audience and ensuring that its titles are not alienating.

>"We've heard [from] our female employees and ... even my daughter tools me out about it," he said, as reported by Polygon. "We were looking at old Warcraft stuff on YouTube, a cinematic ... and my daughter is like, 'Why are they all in swimsuits?' And I'm like 'Ugh, I don't know, honey.'

>> No.3327517

>taking advice from a child
well that explains it

>> No.3327520

Yesss good goyim.

>> No.3327524


>> No.3327526

Bleached Korra!

>> No.3327527

Warcraft armor designs, especially for females DO look stupid as fuck and pretty much everyone used to agree on that. But now that everything has become a political statement, some people apparently have to pretend that bikini plate armor is a good design idea..

>> No.3327528

>tfw enjoy fanservice costumes
>also enjoy the fully functional and utilitarian armor sets
I just want an equal balance.

>> No.3327531

For the men/boys that dominated WOW for years, while every normie thought of them as 600pound no-lifers?
In this here le fragile current year, where we are even beyond the "g4murrr guRRRRl uf d00m x3" phase of gaming, were people can use WOW to even score dates, and that everything is about identity politics?
No, battle armor waifus > bikini armor models played by men.

Disragarding that I consume dicks; I like battul waifu 27 :3, now Mcreeee is even more usefull in the backrow.

>> No.3327533


i like it, i like pretty much all of the character designs in overwatch, the whol cast is varied and diverse as fuck, there is something for everyone

>because you make it a buffgirl who needs no man and tumblr will praise you for it

like there´s not already a fair share of sexy females with big boobs and nice butts, you are a baby

>> No.3327536

muscle girls are my fetish, so it's all good

>> No.3327541
File: 27 KB, 354x443, IMG_20180227_203916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design is honestly boring tho. Should've given her BIG OL overalls that show off her butt.

>> No.3327543
File: 50 KB, 500x556, opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like characters to look the part and the role they are meant to play, the aesthetics should go with the job and the gameplay.

You can easily tell what this character does, she is a mechanic, she shields, she looks heavy, she looks like an actual person in that job, thats good design.

The other girls who are faster or healers or femme fatales all look like they are supposed to for their traits.

Op is a massive triggered faggot who should stick with his visual novels made for weebs where all girls are same face lolis no matter their profession , their gameplay or background story

>> No.3327575

there is nothing that says mechanic in that design

>> No.3327576

What's SJW about her design? You think women that look like Brigitte don't exist?

Nobody's has actually pointed out what is so politicall correct about this character's design yet.

>> No.3327588

>you can easily tell what this character does,she is a mechanic

where do you see this?mechanics dont go around in power armors swinging flails

im ok with buffgirls but if that is the only thing that distingiuishes a charactr from the rest (wich it doesnt by the way since there's zyra)it's pretty bad,they could have done much more to make it more appealing

>> No.3327591

So you routinely confuse Mercy, Tracer, Sombra and Widowmaker since they all have similar body types huh?

TIL characters so have to be sexually appealing in order to be playable. Time for me to drop Ni No Kuni.

>> No.3327599

mercy has wings and heals,tracer goes back in time,sombra is an hacker,widow is a sniper that got brainwashed

what does brigitte have?oh she saw rein swing his hammer around so she decided to do it too because SHE CAN

can you see what im trying to say here?buffgirls are ok as long as they dont make it the shtick,shes a fucking mechanic for fucks sake and they still manage to make that boring somehow

>> No.3327609

No, I don't. Reinhardt is an 7'4" German male with white hair, a white beard, scars and a missing eye. He fights with a hammer and a group shield.

Zarya is a 6'4" Russian woman with pink, cropped hair. She fights with a a particle cannon.

Brigitte is a 6'0 Swedish woman with long auburn hair worn in a ponytail. She fights with a flail and a personal shield.

You are throwing a fit over fucking nothing, all because you didn't get your mary+sue, bikini-armour waifu.

>> No.3327612

ok then let's try to swap genders to see if they are still interesting ok?

>female rein
buffgirl full of scars and a power armor (note that the fact of her being buff does not get in the way of the hero)
>male zyra
man with pink cropped hair and a particle cannon
>male brigitte
oh a dude in armor,cool i guess

>> No.3327618

If you need your characters to have unnaturally coloured hair, scars, tattoos, blue skin, piercings, wings, horns etc. in order to be interesting I feel bad for you.

Wonder if you threw this much of a fit when you first saw boring old regular human Mei, Soldier and Mccree.

>> No.3327622
File: 7 KB, 250x238, yuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you need your characters to have unnaturally coloured hair, scars, tattoos, blue skin, piercings, wings, horns etc. in order to be interesting I feel bad for you.

>> No.3327628

That's quite literally what you've been arguing. Don't try to meme your way out of this one son.

>> No.3327632

yeah it is,characters need to be appealing in some way,the way you phrase it made it sound as if it was bad,you clearly dont know what you're talking about

>> No.3327637

Brigitte is appealing though. She's certainly appealing to me on the basis that she's:

a. tall
b. muscular
c. swedish (jag pratar lite svenska, så det här är ganska neat)
d. a redhead
e. a literal fucking crusader (played crusader in Diablo)
f. a woman in armour, whereas right now the only technically armoured woman is Pharah

What you're trying to argue now is a subjective issue, and you certainly can't demand that she's universally uninteresting just because she's uninteresting to you. Do you find Mei, Soldier and McCree uninteresting too? Are you averse to playing them in OW? Do you switch out of games on Mystery when you're assigned them because you find them boring?

>> No.3327642

mei is interesting because she handcrafted a gun that freezez the fucking enemy

mcree has a mechanical arm that lets him draw his gun faster than average

soldier is an enhanced old cunt,wich makes him superhuman

all traits that help the character both lore and gameplaywise,brigitte is just a rein 2.0 to appeal to a really specific demographic,what YOU are trying to argue is really subjective

>> No.3327648

Brigitte is a 28 year mechanic-cum-armoursmith prodigy who designed and constructed all her armour and spends her free time driving around in a van with a 61-year old ex-crusader fighting evil and delivering justice.

Cheque mait.

>> No.3327654

we already had that tho didnt we?what does brigitte bring to the table?we already had a mechanic and a crusader

i'll try to make an example here,look at ana
she has the same character trait soldier has,both enhanced old cunts yet they still are really different,on the other hand brigitte is a melee hero WITH A FUCKING SHIELD NOW WHERE DID I HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE

>> No.3327658

We already had an old cunt and a sniper in Soldier and Widowmaker. Why did we need Ana?
We already had a shield tank and ranged tank in Reinhardt and D.Va. Why did we need Orisa?

>> No.3327664

ana has a rifle that heals,a grenade that heals and a sleeping dart (long range support)

orisa ha a placeable shield, an immunity to ccs and an ult that buffs allies (area control)

i dont even know if brigitte is supposed to be a support at this point,she is a literal mary sue,she has cc heals buffs and a shield

>> No.3327666

She has a shield bash, an extendable flail that she can use at short-range or long-range, she can throw out long-range heals that double as support packs. I don't see what the problem is with this kit, it's pretty neat.

>> No.3327675

At least she's cuter than Zarya.

>> No.3327676

plucky young engineer man who is the son of a dwarf sounds appealing, i think he'd have fans.

male zarya would literally be Heavy from TF2. everyone likes heavy.

>> No.3327721

I've never seen any woman with biceps/triceps the size of those. Granted I really don't care about this whole thing at all, the only people with arms that thicc are fatties.

>> No.3327738

>I've never seen any woman with biceps/triceps the size of those.

i´ve never seen a man with the biceps or shoulders like Wow characters, thats character design for you pleb

>> No.3327741

You ever seen a hyper-intelligent, talking space-gorilla before?

>> No.3327925

the girl is cute but it's SO fucking boring as a design

>> No.3327930

the two men she takes after are a literal fantasy dwarf and a guy who's like 8 foot tall and about as many feet wide

>> No.3327945

i thought that was a zarya skin kek

>> No.3327946
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>> No.3327965
File: 222 KB, 396x395, 1433987259446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never snoo-snoo while she is choking you with those glorious arms while she's pressing your head down against her meaty pecs and you desperately gasp for air and then have a hard orgasm and pass out

Life is suffering.

>> No.3327969


>> No.3327973

The only people who play overwatch are girls and pathetic men who have emotional attachment to the girls. I can't believe I have to explain to you that sex sells. Notice all the hostile replies you've gotten simply for calling out the amount of girls in the roster.

>> No.3327988

She doesn't even have big triceps (not defined in the image), what she does have is giant deltoids, those kind of delts are uncommon on average men let alone women.

>> No.3328000
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1512400516710s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao are you seriously saying a videogame character is not realistic enough?

>> No.3328007

I thought I was on fucking /v/ come on guys.

I will however point out that there is some bias -- the community gets to complain en masse and they'll change hanzo's hair color in his winter skin for their gay fantasies and daddy roleplays and there's bare chest McCree, but for the guys they keep releasing female heroes/skins that have some stupid sweater or loincloth covering their ass so Tumblr won't complain about over sexualization

>> No.3328012

Lmao women btfo

>> No.3328497

Lmaoooo that cringe!

>> No.3328516

why did this get so many salty replies? I can only think that you guys are actual women replying sarcastically, but to think there are this many women on /ic/ kind of scares me

>> No.3328521

She's cute. I dont see why dont you like her.

>> No.3328803
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1406003483575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this so surprising, didn't you guys know /ic/ is littered with crabs and furries

>> No.3328841

Misogynist pig.

>> No.3329184

Meh, I'm just going to draw a shitton of porn of her, fuck politics and tumblr.

>> No.3329197
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>> No.3329202
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, jordanlaughing_zpsfa0b44e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.3329204

Where do you think we are?

>> No.3329215

Probably on the top 5 of all boards flooded with women and faggots that think they're women.

>> No.3329242

Yes. Zarya. But shes like a bodybuilder/weightlifter, while Brigitte is just /fit/

>> No.3329290

The only time I ever got mad about a video game was when the devs of Subnatica kowtowed hard to the SJWs. I remember one guy putting out a tweet practically begging forgiveness for not making the main character a woman. After that the sound dev started trolling them, one tweet I remember was he had made a poll asking if they should make the character a woman or improve core gameplay mechanics. The sounds dev was fired unfortunately over it.

>> No.3329310


i like that the character designs are varied, i love different types of protagonists since there´s too much bland looking default dudes in games but the doxxing and boycotting shit needs to seriously stop.

There´s something very fucked with consumer standards if even Steven Universe creators get flooded in hate constantly, not from baptists, no from nazis, but from tumblrites who are fans but wanted their own very specific little trait to be in the show or some marxist hate group that exploits politics in everything

>> No.3329327
File: 100 KB, 500x325, 1482872018313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill always be suprised by the state of you people

>> No.3329347
File: 23 KB, 633x355, resgeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much truth for this board to handle without massive triggerings.

>> No.3329377
File: 68 KB, 171x189, 90fd2cf421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if sou say so

>> No.3329381


>> No.3329770
File: 231 KB, 734x1110, 1517320176419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varg taught me that musclegirls will rip their vagina to their anus when they give birth thanks to their retarded bodybuilder muscles, and female bodybuilding often leaves them incontinent. Not to mention the disgusting meaty proto-penis clits, and ridiculous hypergamy thanks to high testosterone (=you're getting cucked, son).

Healthy ever-so-slightly-thicc fertile girl masterrace

>> No.3329782

The salt on this board is outrageous
/ic/ you've truly outdone yourself

My questions now is, how can it get any worse?

>> No.3329895
File: 363 KB, 1200x847, nesskain zarya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blizzard don't really give a fuck about SJW agendas, they just pander to whatever will sell more copies. Don't you guys remember the big drama about Tracer's ass being too great and Blizzard clearly going with sex selling? Their solution was to make her a lesbian. Tumblr forgot all about the sexualization when it was gay. They throw in black people, gay shit, yaoi bait and different culture references left and right and people eat that shit up. The robot tank is just a fucking robot, but give it a female voice and people will blog and YASS QUEEN about it forever. Free advertising.

You really think people are mad because she's "buff"? Have you even seen best girl?

>> No.3329934

You don't seem to understand what salt means.

>> No.3330005


you act like male bodybuilders don´t fuck their body , mind and health too using the same routines and chemicals.

>> No.3330024
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Is Zarya the most tumblrcore design in a mainstream game ever? I don't think they can top that unless they introduce a burqa-wearing transgender with hairy armpits or something.

>> No.3330035

>What do they pander to everyone, they can only pander to ME! reeeee
>My favorite character is objectively better, all else´s are shit reeeee

This is literally the whole thread. what´s so hard to understand? there are millions of players who like different designs and empathize with different characters, deal with it


No shit sherlock, videogames are an industry, they want to pander and please their market to make the videogame more engaging, more marketeable and make money .

But some people trow a temper tantrum if it pleases more demographies than just them and their shitty bland dudes with brown hair and mary sues with perky tits standard .

Its specially inmature in a game with 99999 different characters to choose from

>> No.3330063

> there are millions of players who like different designs and empathize with different characters, deal with it
So in your opinion they should also pander to people with necrozoophilia or whatever else disgusting fetish you happen to have? There's bound to be quite a few people who would enjoy that in the huge playerbase they have.
You clearly don't realize that there's people who are put off by certain things and when you "pander to everyone" you go with a safe choice, not with this shit
>"Man will like trannies because they're females and women will like trannies because they're males! Perfect, what a great choice to pander to everyone".

>> No.3330091

>What do they pander to everyone
They pander to Kotaku and their vocal minority. That is most definitely not everyone.
>In February 2015, Anita Sarkeesian commented on the lack of diversity in the female heroes' body types from the game's first twelve revealed characters, while Nathan Grayson of Kotaku remarked that "Overwatch's women are mostly super slim and clad in cat suits." In March 2015, the development team revealed a new female character, Zarya, a Tank class character with a muscular body, and pledged commitment to diversity.
Of course it helps that both the director of the game, Kaplan, and the president of Blizzard, Morhaime, are Jews. Coincidences.

>> No.3330970
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the absolute state, of you people
Its ludicrous

>> No.3330974

>so in your opinion they should also pander to people with necrozoophilia
strawman, stop pretending to be stupid
>Man will like trannies because they're females and women will like trannies because they're males! Perfect, what a great choice to pander to everyone".

They pander to Kotaku and their vocal minority
So they have a bunch of sexy and thin and hourglass shaped women in the game as well as one that is a lil thicc and one that is a body builder.
So who did they pander to now? People that like sexy women? Or the sjw people?
idk seems like they have a sexy cast as well as one that is so diverse and at the same time within a set of limits that makes the characters appeal to as much people as possible.
You know like, what you would want as a company.

>> No.3330981
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>People that like sexy women?

i want a buff qt that can carry me, irl

>So in your opinion they should also pander to people with necrozoophilia or whatever else disgusting fetish you happen to have?

No anon, they should only pander to you specifically since you are the only consumer who matters.

>> No.3333209

Yes because mechanics are so buff an muscular, especially female mechanics, that they wear heavy armor, a flail AND a war banner because you know a real carrier of a war banner also wears heavy armor.
It's not like their profession is to MAKE armors and weapons, no no, they have to wear it, that's the precise reason they became a mechanic.
The design also goes hand in hand with the gameplay when you can just dash forward out of nowhere with that heavy armor.
Also what do you mean femme fatal(es)? There is one femme fatale and it's the typical archetype, moira is no femme fatale, unless you don't know what the term refers to.
Really, calling someone a weeb and insulting them for no diversity in design when japanese animation and comics have probably the same variety in designs as blizzard at this point, which is to say very little, is quite retarded.
You have no idea what you're talking about and if you seriously think she's in the game because blizzard had a vision instead of people wooing over her in the reinhardt short, you're delusional at best.

>> No.3333212

Go to a gym fatty.

>> No.3333220

>Yes because mechanics are so buff an muscular, especially female mechanics, that they wear heavy armor, a flail AND a war banner because you know a real carrier of a war banner also wears heavy armor.
I am a mechanic and can confirm this.

>> No.3333223

She's pretty hot senpai

>> No.3333226

>be a mechanic
>not making yourself a power armour
For what else would you become a mechanic

>> No.3333228

I like her. She s literally a crusader from Diablo 3 reimagined in overwatch.

>> No.3333395

Did I say that? But now that you mention it, no, men don't have to worry about englarged muscles, because
a) they don't give birth
b) mechanically, they are built for large upper body muscles
c) they have skeletons and organs designed for high testosterone
d) they have psyches and societies designed for high testosterone
e) they pee out of dicks
f) they don't have clits to get engorged and gross
g) they don't become incontinent by bodybuilding

And where did I mention roids? Basic bitch gym thots end up tearing their pussy to their anus when they give birth too, hence why you'll never see a muscley girl that squats with more than 1 kid. It's not natural.

>> No.3333398
File: 64 KB, 996x682, 1518885081294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the raging tumblurinas and the numale/soyboys
best post so far dude

>> No.3333428

There's a world of difference between being a woman with a naturally athletic frame and being a "musclegirl"

>> No.3333434
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 0005967acc675e4f36a6912df3b31a9f763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone outside this board give a shit about what crabby /ic/ thinks

Good bait tho

>> No.3333435
File: 66 KB, 431x592, 1373406505274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buff girl
>all of the sexy musculature is hidden behind power armor
What's the point?

>> No.3333468

>designed for high testosterone
so thats why their balls shrink and the get man tits and completely unlikeable because of underweight levels of fat.

>> No.3333508


>> No.3333514

every single time i see one of these threads i cant help to believe that OP is a raging fucking faggot that cant make a circle and his jimmies get all rustle because his cat demon girl with sexy revealing armor chibi character doesnt get as much attention as that a popular game company that launches a character on its popular game
seriously OP you and everyone in your mindset just off yourselves.
you know what the point of art is? making money and the person that drew this character is better than you

>> No.3333524

thats not a women, not anymore

>> No.3333532

oh wow so subversive that means it's good

>> No.3333537

Shut up shitlord.

>> No.3333560

Yes totaly subversive definitely.

>> No.3334181
File: 20 KB, 240x251, 1509207246989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a qt

>> No.3334203

Not realistic enough for me to.. FAP TO!

>> No.3334206
File: 19 KB, 600x400, fedora24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dick? Sure, I'll get the microscope and tweezers

>> No.3334281

The absolute state of /ic/ apparently full of women and numales if this comment got so much attention.