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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3319672 No.3319672 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think is the best at teaching anatomy? I would say Loomis is best to learn the general layout of things but after that Bridgman is just miles better. Look at that dynamic fucking hand by Bridgman, god damn, Loomis' looks stiff in comparison.

>> No.3319673

Proko of course, go buy his courses now.

>> No.3319696

Glenn Villpu

>> No.3319709

Rey Bustos.

>> No.3319734

I haven't seen prokos premium courses but from his YouTube stuff he doesn't seem that good. I mean he's decent but he doesn't really go that in depth/goes over all the material too quickly without properly explaining so you can't really absorb it.
Vilppus breddy gud. I find him just okay for anatomy though, gesture and implying dynamic movement is where he really excels imo. In that he is unrivaled.
Literally who?

>> No.3319739

The gym desu

>> No.3319759
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>Literally who?

>> No.3319765


>> No.3319770

get the fuck out of here stan

>> No.3319771

Just googled and from what I saw there wasn't anything that stood out as exceptional when it comes to anatomy associated with "sycra artist".

>> No.3319793

Look up for his Youtube chanell, he has great videos on how to draw the human anatomy. He's also a great artist despite what people says in this board.

>> No.3319794

No thanks. What I saw was only a tier beyond boxes. He seem to be more focused on composition and expression anyway.

>> No.3319812

Life studies
real life

>> No.3319861

This is meme. Figure drawing from life isn't going to tell you where all the muscles are, how they connect to the bones, how they overlap etc.

>> No.3319871

You can rewatch a Youtube video, its not a live lecture Prokos tutorials are great because they get to the most important aspects without muddying uour mind with superficial information. If you want more, you can get it elsewhere, all lectures can be supplementary to other lectures.

>> No.3320132

Scott eaton, get his course on cgpeers

>> No.3320144


This. It's a bit of a slog to work through but he explains everything very in-depth. Good teacher.

>> No.3320154

ELIOT GOLDFINGER "human anatomy for the artist".
seriously, his book is the best for learning anatomy and totally underrated. Loomis is good for other areas, but he only briefly goes over actual anatomy. Bridgman is also good, but as far I've gotten through the books he doesn't clearly explain the muscles. I found out about Eliot Goldfinger because Michael Hampton constantly referenced him.

also Proko. say whatever you want about his imagination work or whatever, but his anatomy courses is the best thing there is for a beginner.

>> No.3320192

Hampton paired with an anatomy book.

>> No.3320196

My dick. My gfs ass. My coworkers tits. My daddys hands.

>> No.3320218

Scott Eaton, Charles Hu, and Rey Bustos.

>> No.3320226

Only people that arleady know how to draw can apprieciate based bridgman

>> No.3320231

I study feng zhu for anatomy and vilpuu for perspective. I study feng zhu for color as well, and feng zhu again for composition. I study scott robertson for form, and loomis for rendering those forms. I read perspective made easy on a daily basis to reinforce ny knowledge of the sophisticated Science behind the art of the Dynamic Line, and Superior Craftsmanship.

>> No.3320241

>I read perspective made easy on a daily basis to reinforce ny knowledge
>I study scott robertson for form
that's like studying algebra but reading 1st grade math everyday to reinforce your knowledge

>> No.3320342

The first half of perspective made easy is the basic stuff you dont need to reinforce but the 2nd half of the book is useful

>> No.3320356

Honestly I'm just going with Hampton and Anatomy for Sculptors, the former to learn the basics of figure drawing and the latter to learn the anatomy+other indepth concepts.

I'm making some good progress but lately I'm feeling like I should take a step back and actually reinforce my perspective and 3D thinking, maybe I should draw more manikins at different angles and focus more on proportions and volumes before learning all the muscles and shit.

What do you think are the best manikins anyway? Especially on the hips area.

>> No.3321051

True that

>> No.3321077

This, he explains shit so well.

>> No.3321193

The person you pick to study anatomy doesn't matter as much as how well you study it.

>> No.3321216

that applies to literally everything. That doesn't mean some teachers can't be more helpful to certain individuals than others.

>> No.3321556

Random Japs on Pixiv and Twitter.

>> No.3322073
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New discord server.


This one is different from the others.

>> No.3322075

feel free to host tutorials and stuff here.

>> No.3322983

Rey is the best. He doesn't explain how to apply the anatomy in a 3d form, but he makes it extremely easy to memorize where everything goes

>> No.3323040

Hell of a last name too

>> No.3323366

i'm going with hampton + scott eaton videos to make stuff that wasn't clear enough for me better.

>> No.3323544

every time I see that image I think it's mickey mouse's ass

>> No.3323558

He's the best in a literal sense, as in if you want to know the names of the muscles and how they connect to the bones then go to papa Rey. After him you'll have a much better time going to the people who apply this knowledge in their art and teaching, vilppu,Hampton,Huston, bridgeman, are all wonderful.

>> No.3324055

It's not!?

>> No.3324433

Thank you

>> No.3324518

This, Rey is the best for learning actual anatomy, and bridgman for learning artistic anatomy and how to best represent it

>> No.3324519

Bridgman is actual fucking shit lmao

>> No.3324525

I love Rey. He sounds like the singer from the opening of Samurai Pizza Cats and his upbeat attitude and generous use of the words "fabulous" and "beautiful" makes everything feel like it's going to be ok (even though it probably won't)

>> No.3324527

You are actually fucking brain dead lmao

>> No.3324532

You can see what a fucking drunk useless retard Bridgman is just by comparing the art up there. Do you think the bicep is connected to the acromion process too you blind idiot? Well you're fucking wrong lmao! Have you ever seen someone with forearms as big or bigger than their upper arms? No you haven't lmao! Stop pretending to think something's good just because everyone else says it is in spite of its obvious flaws roflmao!

>> No.3324535


>> No.3324537


>> No.3324599
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>> No.3324618


>Chad Bridgman was know for having whiskey and smoking cigars during lessons he gave.

Fucking based.

>> No.3324850
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>> No.3327748

Literally me right now, OP Hampton = Great explanations of the different forms as simple objects, how they move, attach etc. They are overly simplistic so Anatomy reference is required, I have Scott Eaton's Anatomy for Artists course and its amazing, this is the kind of thing that needs to be a meme, not >loomis.

>> No.3328260

Finally a proper /ic/ rendition of this meme. The loomis vs. hogarth one was awful

>> No.3328268

how can I be a chad bridgman

>> No.3328313
File: 341 KB, 751x848, 18770391_130903_0313_52[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Dr. Paul Richer is the only artistic anatomist who has a muscle named after him

>> No.3328325

It's a fascial band not a muscle and also help me with my autism.

>> No.3329793
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Jesus, someone actually saved my YouTube video's thumbnail... Here's the original file if you want it. Love u

>> No.3329801

Link expired. Would someone please send an invite to SiggEye#9110? ty bois

>> No.3329959
File: 43 KB, 323x640, 1491430693617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Anatomy for Sculptors best of all because there's a very natural curve in difficulty and lessons learned as you copy out of the book.
>here's the general layout of muscles of this body part
>here's some notes about this specific muscle or muscle group
>here's some example photos of poses where this muscle is clearly visible
It's a great format both for reference and for practice. There were a lot of Anatomy books before it but I do think it might be the first book made in the digital age for artists that took advantage of all the tools available and made to suit a generation used to learning via bulletpoint rather than essay.

Really not a fan of Loomis because it quite literally tells you to copy a bunch of grainy ecorche and then by the end you'll have learnt anatomy. There's no order or incrementality to it, just wave after wave of minute proportions and muscles and so on.

Bridgement (or Hogarth) also less so because his diagrams are very stylized and artistic, not great viscom for things meant to be diagramatic and eductional resources.

Peck, Goldfinger and so forth also aren't the best in my mind either for similar reasons too Loomis and also being even more caught up in medical minutia.

Still, I think the best way to learn anatomy over all is to try them all, find one that makes a good foundation, and then supplement your knowledge with what any of the others might have to teach.

>> No.3329968

Michael Hampton is great at breaking complex anatomy into simple, manageable shapes. I recommend him to everyone.

>> No.3329983

wtf is this and why?

>> No.3329997
File: 48 KB, 464x600, anatomy-drawing-human-anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Loomis and Bridgman

Garbage, specially Bridgman. I have no idea why people still shill Bridgman garbage scribbles. Those are shit anatomy books

Real shit:

- Michael Hampton´s design and invention

-Anatomy for sculptors both the figure and the face one

>Classical anatomy in motion

>Force dinamic drawing

Drop that Loomis and Bridgman meme in the garbage bin where it belongs . You only think is good because plebs have no standard of comparison and just parrot what´s commonly said.

Pros recommend those as a joke or because they are being condescendin. since they get asked about it so much they just say the common meme so crabs wont perster them more.


by drawing like shit, never finishing anything and having your construction and proportions all wrong all the time

>> No.3329998


it is exactly the same approach they used in cgma and works great. Can´t shill his stuff enough. The book is actually much better than the courses.

>I like Anatomy for Sculptors best of all because there's a very natural curve in difficulty and lessons

It is extremely detailed , it tells you about where muscles attach, the underlying structure, proportions, planes , etc and all the examples are amazing, not just some shitty scribble but actual 3d models with photo comparisons and well done ecorchés where everything is pointed out in different angles and movements.

That pair of books is a killer combination

>> No.3330434

>mo preferences are the best

Glenn Vilppu is so much better...

>> No.3330849
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haha now

>> No.3330874

>mo preferences are the best

no, it is an objective realty those books are better, anyone who has read them can easily assess to that. It would be impossible to argue differently having made an informed comparison.


not better, but you could add him even tough it would be redundant if you have the other books but i like him. he is still more useful than fucking Bridgman and loomis and their shit books for eternal noobs.

I respect nobody that unironically defends the quality of a Bridgman book , i feel no simpathy for such tarnished souls whose opinions don´t matter

>muh so much people mention them hur dur muh standard for beginners , i know because another beginner told me

>> No.3330906

>Hampton+Anatomy for Sculptors
Mah niggas, tried out every anatomy/figure drawing book recommended by /ic/ and ended up adopting these two too. They are the only ones who make you truly understand how the volumes and the muscles work while I feel like the other ones expect you to figure this shit out by drawing from life a lot while giving some small advice on how to make that shit easier.

>> No.3330917


I am glad someone does pay attention to what little honest advice is shared here. Those 2 books are a powerfull combination for figure and anatomy study.

Good for you my man , you are going to make it

Also, have you checked out the newer anatomy for sculptors book? Anatomy of facial expression. Truly fantastic, it is all about the head and face.

>> No.3330934

Gottfried Bammes

>> No.3330985

Thanks, didn't know about it. Probably I'll buy Struttura Uomo next tho, I live in Italy so it's easy to find and it seems like another highly constructive and structural anatomy book with a good emphasis on shapes and 3D thinking.


>> No.3331000


no problem amico.

That books also looks good. It never hurts to have more material to cross reference from, as long as it has good plates and good info.

>> No.3331001


I don't understand people who read Loomis, it took me just one glance at his figure drawings to know that there's nothing I can learn from him. Bridgman however is a god when it comes drawing people.

>> No.3331024
File: 69 KB, 768x763, Loomis_3191_framed_BA_1__l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work.

>> No.3331037


loomis was a good illustrator, his books are still shit for brainlets

>Bridgman however is a god when it comes drawing people.

he is the worst thing on earth, i actually think that you will end up drawing worst than when you started

>> No.3331041

not him but didn't loomis learn FROM BRIDGMAN? both are great.

>> No.3331043


I'm not an art god, so I apologize for accidentally suggesting that I was.

>he is the worst thing on earth, i actually think that you will end up drawing worst than when you started

If you try to draw like him without any knowledge of gesture and anatomy then sure, but when you know what you're doing and you know the basic principles to figure drawing then Bridgman would be a great stepping stone to get better at figure drawing.

>> No.3331044


Both are shit, i am sad that some noobs made it a recurring meme to promote bad books and for beggers to never look pass them. In my circle it is very much an inside joke mentioning loomis

as long as you don´t take the redpill and choose better books and better knowledge and reference material, your not gonna make it. You´ll face the same walls and long periods of being stuck in one place and not truly knowing where you re wrong.

Hope you realize it on time. i have read the threads of people with 2,3 yrs saying they are always the same , and other idiots telling them they need more loomis. I am not a bad enough person to laugh

>> No.3331054

>If you try to draw like him

why would anyone with a brain try to draw like shit? why would you imitate shit? what is there to gain referencing from shit?

specially someone who knows anatomy and figure drawing would not want anything to do with Bridgmanadn would realize why. Don´t repeat memes you only heard repeated back and forth by other delusionals.

>you know the basic principles to figure drawing

let me guess, the principles you "know" from loomis? LOL.

Look further, drop those two authors in the garbage bin, i promised you wont missed them , Loomis is good for total beginners who dont a thing and only for a read, not serious prolonged study

>> No.3331805

Does anyone know of any anatomy or figure dawing course that comes with speciic assignments like a schoolism course or drawabox?
I'm shit at setting goal for myself so I find courses like these really helpful.

>> No.3331828


Proko anatomy course.

>> No.3331838

Does he constantly make shit jokes in his pro videos too because they're really off-putting

>> No.3331851


It's the same videos, just a bit longer and cover more examples.