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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 900x1200, DV_l-OzUMAETOIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3312730 No.3312730 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3312733
File: 273 KB, 700x950, 7f01e1ba285e224dc8b449b890fb83a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifus in a nutshell

>> No.3312734
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, 151041467332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be frank and to the point with no bullshit and outright tell you if something's shit. The reason we do not bother telling you how to fix it is for one we have the fucking sticky for you already there ready to help you and two you are more than likely a filthy casual that decided to doodle shit and now all of the sudden you think you got some spark or talent and look for some form of validation since you have been coddled for the majority of your life with everyone giving you praise and attention and asspats for doing absolutely nothing hence your inflated and bloated out ego with a bit of narcissism and self entitlement where you actually believe you deserve recognition.

Simply put, kill yourself.

>> No.3312735

pretty much this.

>> No.3312743
File: 1.74 MB, 480x270, 1518079818478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3312752

OP here. You say what you think and have the decency to attach a cute anime girl. Respect earned. Though I don't think the sticky is as helpful as striaight-up critique (which is what this fucking board is about btw), I still appreciate the honest thought piece.

Btw, I grind muh art 6-8 hours a day. If that's casual, so be it.

>> No.3312756

>I browse imageboards and youtube and draw one thing over a 6-8 hour period, therefore I grind 6-8 hours a day

>> No.3312759
File: 33 KB, 569x465, ze57a5qjriiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to the 200 skulls i drew yesterday ;)

though i could stand to waste less time and it's honestly more like 4-6, if i don't count just doodling bullshit.

>> No.3312760

Yes, and?

>> No.3312761


>> No.3312763

>Normie posts on /ic/ thinking they'll get upboats, likes, and faves
>It's the exact opposite of what the Normie expected out of his hugbox
>Normie automatically invalidates all critiques with a "stylistic choice" and nullifies the rest with an excuse of not going for realism
>All of the analysis, thought, time and effort Anons took to point the Normie in the right direction was for nothing
>Normie starts to blog about himself and how he feels /ic/ should approach him and the rest of the Internet in general
>Feelings get hurt, shitstorm ensues

This happened many a times in the past hence the board culture and crab-like aggressiveness to nip the cancer in the bud, but if you're serious to go through the baptism and continue to ask for critiques despite what seems to be shitposting you'll eventually find someone to help get you what you where looking for. Think of the shitposting as a filter to help sift out the Normies that only come here for praise and instant gratification. The Sticky serves as the go to place for these kinds of people and most of the times they just leave because they did not hear what they wanted to hear.

>> No.3312775
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 1446360410812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say that just isn't a really efficient way to get critique. I like getting told what I'm doing shit and why, in order to better myself, but if I have to go through so many shitposts and meaningless crits, am I not wasting just as much time as the filthy casuals?
Btw, the sticky is great and I love it, but I should probably find a place for crits that suits my needs better.

>> No.3312784

You're just like a filthy casual, I just told you what you need to do and what generally goes on and why it happens and yet you still post about what you feel should happen, how and why, and how you shouldn't go through this and that and it's all about you.

There is no hope for you, just fuck off out of here.

>> No.3312804
File: 661 KB, 480x359, a1rZ6P0R1_480wa_v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but I really see no light at the end of this tunnel. I'm off!

>> No.3312818

>Anon is a huge bitch
>Posts anime reaction images

Like clockwork.

>> No.3312843

lmao I remember asking for some critiques here a few years ago and some faggot said it was bad, I asked what exactly was bad about it and he said "everything really you just need more practice"

>> No.3312946

>a few years ago

Let's see where you are at now, post your work.

>> No.3312953
File: 88 KB, 1000x923, 180216 - medic final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3312961

I refuse to believe this is it, if so you've clearly have not been applying yourself through these years I want to see your figure drawings enough with this cropped front profile or 3/4 view bullshit.

>> No.3312963

Sure, right after you post your work

>> No.3312981
File: 32 KB, 747x610, 1,000 year old vampire girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you'll get.

>> No.3312987

And you want to trash what I drew?

See, this is why its useless to post my work here at /ic/, I come here to help beginners, but someone at an intermediate level have nothing to gain here because most people are not on the level to critique intermediate work

Now, there is nothing wrong about being a beginner or intermediate, but being a bitch like you are, that's another story. You think a few years is enough for someone to go from a beginner to a master, and that is because you are so mediocre as an artist that you didn't even reach the Dunning-Kruger curve yet and you probably think you will be a master next year.

Again, I wouldn't mind you sucking at art and being a mediocre artist, we all start somewhere, but being such a bitch about it and feeling so above everyone else, that's truly pathetic.

>> No.3312991

I'm not here to have a dick measuring contest, I simply asked for your figures instead you start getting on the defensive so I try and humor you by posting my cropped out figure and then you completely make an ass of yourself.

>> No.3312993

>/ic/ is full of the mentally retarded
Yeah no shit, every weeaboo doesn't believe Loomis will help them draw anime when clearly it does

>> No.3312996
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 52568391-c5e5-47e9-a801-f7e72bf8531c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever crabs stuck on /ic/
when will they learn.


>> No.3312997

I only find it interesting that someone who couldn't even reach the intermediate level is trashing other people's work and claiming portraits are "front profile bullshit".

I only take seriously feedback and advice from people who are better than me, so beat it

>> No.3313001

There is no helping you anyway, keep drawing within your comfort zone and stay being a one trick pony only knowing how to draw the same thing over and over again you'll be the next Kr0npr1nz once you learn how to abuse filters.

>> No.3313004

Coming from someone who measures skill with figure drawing, pure gold

I don't have to justify myself for some mediocre idiot like you but I always challenge myself and do something different each time, this was my first and maybe last portrait.

You will quit in a few months once you realize how bad you really are (and this day will come eventually)

>> No.3313013

Oh my apologies how could I have been so biased to think that all you did was draw front profile heads despite the fact that you're avoiding to post a figure especially after years of drawing after "that faggot" who said you where not good enough my mistake you're right this is most definitely your first time doing it, pure coincidence - so how about it buckaroo post your serious work and it doesn't have to be from imagination either it can be something you cop- I mean referenced!

>> No.3313031

I am done with delusional mediocre "artists" like you for today, thanks.

>> No.3313033

No, thank YOU for proving my point.

>> No.3313037

Don't you have very shitty figure drawings to do with your patehtic insecure lines? This is why I prefer getting feedback from other artists and not mediocre retards who hide behind an anonymous image board to try to put others down.

>> No.3313039

By all means friend, go back to your hugbox coming back here was your mistake you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.3313041

But then I would lose the fun I have here with the trolling, funny images, giving feedback to beginners who actually want help and of course putting little shits like you in their place.

>> No.3313044

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!

And if you must know, that was merely a sketch of mine it was not a line art but I am quite flattered that you thought it was an attempt at a lineart to go and say my lines lack confidence.

>> No.3313045

I wonder what kind of process your limited mind had to go through to interpret what I said as "I was pretending to be retarded"

If I had enough time then I would have studying retards like you as a hobby other than art

>> No.3313050

But still, considering how worthless you are as an artist, I am impressed you have the courage to post a cropped part of an image you made, even though you tried to explain how much you suck by saying it is a sketch and not lineart.

The sad part is that your negative comments could actually discourage a beginner, why don't you leave this place and never return? You would do everyone a favour

>> No.3313052
File: 543 KB, 1623x806, duh-vinci-compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313053

The little eggman should be a crab

>> No.3313054

>I wonder what kind of process your limited mind had to go through to interpret what I said as "I was pretending to be retarded"
>I would lose the fun I have here with the trolling

You just called yourself a troll, which basically says you're here to shitpost therefore this whole conversation we're having would be rightfully declared as such or you're just saying that as an excuse to not take you seriously in order to initiate a form of damage control for my analysis of you staying in your comfort zone and not admitting to it.

Or you could end it all by finally posting your figure drawing to properly gauge your draftsmanship.

>> No.3313059
File: 666 KB, 1727x675, ic-tracing-faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more nutshells, i guess

>> No.3313061
File: 530 KB, 744x1052, ic in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another nutshell

>> No.3313063

I never called myself a troll, I said trolling is part of what made this an entertaining board, not that I was the one trolling.

So not only do I have to deal with a retard who thinks drawing faces is "profile bullshit" (best part) it is also a retard who can't understand a simple sentence and to top it all off, a retard who is negative to other people's works and try to put them down as a way to feel better about his worthless existence.

I mean, how many different ways can you fail at life?

>> No.3313068

Is that Hank Hill's ass?

>> No.3313090

Tight butts are patrician taste desu
>I'm not a troll!
>attacks with name calling
>has "fun" with the trolling
>admits he is here for memes and shitposting

So what you're saying is you haven't been here for critique at all and what you're really here for is to "put people in their place" and to shitpost with memes and to inflate your ego by giving "feedback" to beginners even though you are one. Well it definitely shows, so again I thank you for proving my point.

>> No.3313093

You are not even a beginner, which implies you are actually doing it.

You are just a clown, although clowns are at least funny, so I guess you failed at this too.

>> No.3313096

>tight butt are patrician taste

t. dicklet

>> No.3313097
File: 70 KB, 1024x576, 1506706769900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I must have the last word so I'll just keep namecalling and telling him he fails at life! T-that'll show him!

>> No.3313099

Not everyone is an ass man like you, Tyrone.

>> No.3313106

Greentexting others won't stop you from being embarrassing

>> No.3313120

> Tight butts are patrician taste desu

As someone attracted to men, I agree.

>> No.3313127

>zoomed posts
>zoomed words
>epic emoji so you know how to react
>"/board/ does wacky thing"

Kill yourself redditor

>> No.3313132
File: 89 KB, 666x1434, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you're just shitposting, so I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. I'll post what I was working on for you to critique before I had the honor and privilege of posting with someone who is highly skilled, so great that he refuses to post his figures in the presence of us lowly bottom feeders and is only here to have fun by playing with us and I won't hide my weaknesses either.

It was ironically meant to be a profile shot from imagination, would you kindly redline the figure with your approach? After all you are here to provide feedback right?

>> No.3313133
File: 1.30 MB, 518x500, 1479850355504.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got any sexy butts you want to share?

>> No.3313136

Kill yourself

>> No.3313143

>he said all this and then posted an anime image

>> No.3313145

Really makes you think

>> No.3313387

bless this post because it says the thruth

>> No.3313389

>thinking somebody saying your shit is shit without elaborating isn't good feedback in and of itself
typical hugbox mentality

>> No.3313434

Seconded, kill yourself

>> No.3313440


Nosebro in a nutshell

>> No.3313452
File: 93 KB, 857x824, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on that hand desu I broke it trying to be moe, not that any of you fagboats can do anyway

>> No.3313468

That is why I'm coming here less and less

>> No.3313474

> not a rebuttal

>> No.3313479

So, are you just sociopaths or something?
How exactly is someone supposed to distinguish what's bad about their work of you can't even explain what's bad about it? Are they supposed to magically gain your perspective with an unfocused insult?

Why go in assuming they have some sort of weird 'coddled wunderkind' complex? It just sounds like using a veil of personal justice as a means to be lazy.

>> No.3313481

lurk more.

>> No.3313483

This isn't /a/.

>> No.3313487

Every board has their own unique character and ambiance, and /ic/ is no different from the rest so I am sincerely telling you to lurk more.

>> No.3313490

This is an anonymous board. Some will help you but we have plenty of assholes to go around. This should not surprise you.

>> No.3313492

And I'm telling you that's an empty response. Board culture is no more than monkeys with a lader.

>> No.3313494

It doesn't, but I don't mind trying to reel in basic sense now and then.

>> No.3313522 [DELETED] 


We have exactly 4 dedicated shitposters who've been here for years. They post in pretty much every thread and you'll come to realize you've been arguing with the same 4 people the longer you stay a resident here. Most notably they are
-mikufag >>3312734 this guy who draws like >>3313132
-I steal others art and make thread about it anon
-asian caricature anon

None of which these anons can draw out of a paperbag. If you've been here for an extremely long time you can recognize posting style to the point where you can highlight ones phrases in a post and run it through the archive to snoop out who you're talking to. This is how the anons here get caught on regular basis.

>> No.3313617

Dickhead is so adorable!
I like him.

>> No.3313619

>are you just sociopaths
Where do you think we are?

>> No.3313627

the fuck is this

>> No.3313629

looks fucking awful jesus christ

>> No.3313631

On a board where only 20% of its users actually draw while only 10% of them can draw well while the rest tear each other down including those that post work better than their own.

>> No.3313666

Get a sample of your "art". Compare it to a piece of art with similar topic made by an industry professional of your choice. See the differences? That's what's wrong with your "art", simple as that. But since you hold yourself to some far lower standards or you have absolutely skewed self evaluation, you expect to be told "this one line thing here is wrong but it's a great work otherwise" and you whine when you're told to get the fuck out.

I'm not saying /ic/'s way is a good one but that's how it is around here.

>> No.3313679

>I'm not saying /ic/'s way is a good one but that's how it is around here.
Literal monkey ladder excuse.

>> No.3313680

>not comparing yourself to how you were yesterday
>constantly comparing yourself to the likes of someone who lived a almost 2 decades longer than you (in their 40s.)

No wonder this place has negative vibes and full of retards.

You can't compare yourself to some 45 year old anime concept wapanese lord working at Sunrise to a fledgling who is still living at home under the tits of his mother. You and a majority of people here barely were alive to accumulate experience. And no, BBC or Kyle or whoever the fuck on this board do not compare to any of the top tier artists.

>> No.3313685

>/v/ slang
>anime reaction image
get out, you don't draw

>> No.3313686

If anything you should all be encouraging each other. Not to the point of a hugbox but you're the next generation to replace the old. The ones producing and all the top tier content aren't your age. Yes there are the 20 somethings with talent and have good work but they're a minority.

It should be a community where you all wish to one day work side by side at Netflix studios or whatever 20 years from now. The pressure to be good by 25 or while you're still living with your parents or while you're still in high school is so strong on this board it's insane. And then you say you should compare yourself to someone like a veteran and if you're not there then God forbid you should feel bad about yourself and put others down in the process as "encouragement".

>> No.3313778 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 816x624, porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313790

fucking kek

>> No.3313818

Whoever made this is a god. Please make more /ic/ comics.

>> No.3313836

>The reason we do not bother telling you how to fix it is people just come here to shitpost and no one has any actual skill in art

>> No.3313839

This is projection in liquid, military grade form. Take notes lads

>> No.3313840

>The reason we do not bother telling you how to fix it is because we are also NGMI /beg/-tier and can't actually figure out what exactly is wrong

>> No.3313863

>I will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

>> No.3314008

What can change the nature of /ic/?

>> No.3314011

nothing, anyone that spends time here is wasting their time when they could be drawing. every shred of information you need to improve is out there already.

>> No.3314018

>>zoomed posts
>>zoomed words
>>epic emoji so you know how to react
>>"/board/ does wacky thing"

you better get used to this sort of thing, or you'll be really uncomfortable on 4chan.

>> No.3314020

Why are so many of you so thin-skinned?
First thing any artist should build is thicker skin, there's nothing more pathetic than an artist, regardless of skill, who can't handle criticism or mean comments, sometimes people are jerks, no one can change that but you can change yourself to be able to deal with that reality.
It's up to you to sift through it all to find constructive words, sometimes they come from very negative people and insults, what you need to hear can come from a kind person or a dickish one.
Not necessarily, community is often a motivation to continue drawing, specially if it's not something you can share with the people in your life, there are plenty of artists online because they congregate but in every day life not so much, so finding other people with a passion for drawing can be great motivation to continue drawing.
A huge part of becoming a good artist is finding the motivation to keep going through that grind.

>> No.3314026

there's a difference between criticism and carefully constructed baitposting that derails threads in to utter nonsense arguments. /ic/ is a gigantic waste of time. read the sticky, download books, and go to an art school. thats all.

>> No.3314040

Whatever dude whenever I get to the MINDLESS MINION part I lose my shit so fuck you

>> No.3314166
File: 1000 KB, 1651x1543, welcome to ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314167
File: 444 KB, 1273x1812, 1472568251433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314169

this board is worthless!

>> No.3314175
File: 139 KB, 681x574, 1442123513674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3314177

well, to be honest, the way that anon translated the arm muscles is pretty shitty. that's the problem with these very detailed copies (and these really are just copies, lazy recreations with the color picker tool).
the original looks photoshopped around the left leg. the pose is pretty difficult to translate and since our perception takes anything that is photographic as a sort of "truth", any abstraction from that - a digital, almost traced drawing - already makes us sceptical to believe what we see.
it's a very minute translation from the photo, with many very tiny flaws in its attempt to look photo-realistic, but it's not perfect.

>> No.3314178
File: 49 KB, 1253x182, 1490842691268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3314189

I mean, you want feedback?
Your eyes are mistylized and the caruncula, its hard to read due to washed out planes, your nose is just wrong in everyway, super hard bridge into a flipped over button black person nose without construction, lips fail to have tension, unequal left to right, you hide your ears bad anatomy with confusing shading. Composition and design is bad, the tatoos do not follow the form and aren't cool looking, etc.

Also. Signature so this isnt you.

>> No.3314196
File: 25 KB, 392x472, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low level as well, your line work is bad, your insertion lack boom and whimper, one leg slightly bigger than the other, random mass allocation in pic related.

>> No.3314197

This is actually totally accurate.

>> No.3314199

Thread in a nutshell:

So basically, shitposters wanna argue that people shouldn't expect critique on a CRITIQUE board because "muh sticky" is good enough, and they wanna feel justified in being total assholes to random strangers.

Did I miss anything?

>> No.3314200

You have no right to be critiquing Nosebro. Stop wasting your time on /ic/, and start grinding some goddamn reference studies already goddammit.

You've been at this for far too long, and still haven't made any measurable improvement. Quit dicking around.

>> No.3314203

which one am i supposed to be?

>> No.3314205

This should be the sticky desu. You couldn't get any better verifiable proof that posting your art here is an utter waste of time, and are better off just lurking for the free shit.

>> No.3314206

mind sharing your art?

>> No.3314211


>> No.3314213
File: 160 KB, 1210x884, guide-to-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314216
File: 265 KB, 474x617, the eternal faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggot, keep your name the same so we could filter you properly.

>> No.3314217

Why would you filter LAS? just hide the only existing thread

>> No.3314219

>filtering las

what the hell? it gets 1 post per day at this point.

>> No.3314221

it's a fucking gay circle jerk, you flaming faggots.

>> No.3314223

I love you too.

>> No.3314224

Even if it is, one click at the [-] sign is much faster than adding three different filters on your list.

>> No.3314225

They're a cancerous bunch that are right up there with the same namefaggot I am filtering
Well put

>> No.3314230


While I agree with you /ic/ itself is a circlejerk.

>> No.3314243

>/ic/ itself is a circlejerk.
Quite the opposite. This place does nothing but constantly tear down others better/more successful than them out of jealousy.

Only /ic/ bothers to make collages of people's work in hopes of "exposing" them as frauds.

>> No.3314249


You sure we're browsing the same /ic/? There are Ruan Fifa and Kim Un threads every month lasting for the entire month, Sakimichan thread every week, Kyle generals, BBC chan molesting, Firez oneesaning, MSpaint loli anal rubbing, Godly heroin give me the shot-ing....it seems namefags are put on a pedestal here.

>> No.3314251

>Ruan Fifa
>MSpaint loli anal rubbing
>namefag pedestals

>> No.3314255

>namefags are put on a pedestal here

Usually the ones who are recognized here are given a name by the board itself and they do not go around parading that name whenever they post as if they're important or something, if you are here long enough you could recognize someone by the way they draw.

>> No.3314257


yes but that does not dismiss the circlejerking claim

>> No.3314488
File: 87 KB, 1387x805, 1423618289024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3314825
File: 241 KB, 965x1864, igotu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314833

terrible, original was better

>> No.3314835

Wrong because that guy is actually drawing.

>> No.3314839

He's not drawing, he's just holding the pen and staring at /ic/ for 12 hours.

>> No.3314840

I don't think he's drawing, I think he's just staring at a blank canvas for 4 hours straight without drawing.

>> No.3314867
File: 18 KB, 600x450, i came here to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is even more laughable when they try to tell people how to fix their stuff as it highlights just how ignorant people here are about everything. This is essentially a board of the blind leading the blind.
It's extra funny because any time someone who knows anything shows up you guys just make sure to shitposting the fuck out so that they leave.
I like to imagine some altruistic high skill master comes here and and pretends his art is also terrible in hopes you'll listen to his advise.

>> No.3314976

skip the washing part and it's accurate af

>> No.3315063

not it wasnt.

>> No.3315105

good riddance

>> No.3315294

He used reaction images, of course he'd be looking for a softy, comfy community coddling any Jim or Bob who puts down a line on a paper. He doesn't have the serious demeanor to put up with blunt criticism of art forcing him to improve himself, the child.

>> No.3315341
File: 496 KB, 500x281, Huggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much, love

>> No.3315345

>You can't do two things at once
What is with ic and psuedo-intellectual assumptions? Grow up.

>> No.3315356
File: 110 KB, 453x567, 1507144081154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're a beginner tho...

>> No.3315402
File: 127 KB, 1610x663, 1500043069531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a god tier anon who posted this from a thread a while a go.

>> No.3315404

Hold on I think I have the actual thread from which it was posted on saved. All of the shit in there is basically true, with the previous post I just posted being one of the better ones. >>/ic/thread/S3058416#p3059363

>> No.3315472


>> No.3315473

those 2 end poses are bad

>> No.3315526

This, I'm surprised more people didn't point this out, the drawn out, specific description makes it extremely evident:

>> No.3315530

Not really, there is practically an infinite number of things a person can try to draw, and an infinite number of techniques and shapes involved in drawing it correctly. No one can put all of them into any kind of document, but they can draw from personal experience/intuition to help you when you offer up what you are specifically drawing/trying to draw.

>> No.3315542
File: 157 KB, 998x1024, 1518916568111m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. days later and you still attempt to defend yourself for posting anime
Get off my board

>> No.3315665
File: 524 KB, 800x568, 1496777122779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the joke?

>> No.3315681

>anime response image

>and have the decency to attach a cute anime girl.

Thread disregarded.

>> No.3315702


>> No.3315710

>reddit spacing

>> No.3315728

Why is /ic/ like this
I mean I guess we have to fill up the catalog somehow but jesus christ

>> No.3315934

>was a weeb all along
This is pure gold.

>> No.3316087

This is absolutely on point.


>> No.3316111

>you have to be nice in order to be good at art,

This is the problem, faggots like yourself think that if someone tells some fag who started drawing yesterday that reading the stickywould be far more helpful to them than anything anyone can tell you in a 4chan post than they are a 'crab'.

I have no idea if \ic\ is being spammed on DA or something or if it's just more redit fags but this basic shitty was understood by everyone.

>> No.3316123

the sticky is a thin path that you can go down and you'll end up like the thousand of other concept artists. stuck with fixed ideas, trained only in a certain respect, discarding every individual approach for a linear, goal driven approach, like finishing chapters from Loomis and Vilppu books.

if this is all you can give a beginner, you shouldn't give advice at all.
setting foor in art isn't your medicine study or your business study path. there's no universal "now you've done it!"

>> No.3316284

Where do you think you are?

>> No.3316353

Would you mind uploading the thread in a .rar/.zip?

>> No.3316379
File: 226 KB, 614x897, 6598320715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sums up /ic/ pretty well

>> No.3316462

whats the story behind this? who is this and wat is going on

>> No.3316539
File: 11 KB, 305x248, 1513969676591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted initially, then an Anon started to praise and suck his dick and I quote "I love you, seriously" then another Anon stepped in and told them to fuck off and the artist replied with a kissu which leads to the edgy drawing you see.

>> No.3316555

i'm in love with the edgy comeback

>> No.3316558

God, the edgy drawing is so cringy
get it together /ic/

>> No.3316578

>dat timestamp
what would u have drawn in 40~ minutes?

>> No.3316602

>so cringy
are you kidding? the posture and cramped up or crushed up posture of that mean murderer is so fucking awesome. and as a comeback, it's fucking genius. killing the cutetsy shitty doggies that these faggots were exchanging. just beautiful!

i wouldn't have been able to come up with anything THIS brilliant honestly.

>> No.3316613

ouch the e d g e

>> No.3316618

i wouldn't change my sense of humor for yours, not for a million quid.

>> No.3316620

Trying a little too hard there aren't you?

>> No.3316645

you must be 18 or older to post

>> No.3316650

artist named coomichoo comes and posts their work, crabs shitposts and whatnot you know, same old shit

>> No.3317647
File: 143 KB, 876x692, 1420151832081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3317695

Irony is that probably only you know what that means.

>> No.3317719

You have to go back.

>> No.3317888

Why do we permit screaming under the shared anonymous alias Anonymous? If you imagine their motives for choosing to share an anonymous alias are related to anonymity, I'm afraid you are a butcher and you would be hacking away at logic. Their motives are far more transparent than they imagine.

For example, instead of Anonymous, they could post as...4utugjlagaghfahg (I just smashed my keyboard in what was supposed to be a random manner but you get the point I'm sure). Jonny is my real name but they could post as Jonny and retain anonymity. I guarantee you that if someone posted as Jonny I would rapidly choose another name to avoid confusion. But we have Anonymous screaming at Anonymous, in reply to Anonymous who disagrees without having the capacity or the sanity to make a logical case for why he or she or it feels that way about the similar failure of Anonymous to present a logical argument.

This is not about anonymity.

This is about their darker, malicious, impossibly transparent motive to scream rather than communicate. They don't want to get better, they just want the buzz of conflict. They don't want mutual advantage and they sure as hell don't want peace or serenity; they want to drag everyone else down to the gutter of their misery. They're endlessly disturbing the peace and I'm alarmed that no one else is disturbed.

And I'm pretty sure you should be alarmed as well; especially if you were not disturbed by their inane screaming. It has implications that involve empathy (perhaps blocked, perhaps absent, perhaps managed more intelligently; I wouldn't really know but I cannot think whilst they scream their miserable, toxic pain). My humane instincts are conflicted because I do not care for suffering but I certainly don't care for it to be brought to me.

>> No.3317889

My my. Aren't we dramatic tonight.

Basically, what I can gather what you're saying without the drastic word soup:
Some people just want to be assholes.

>> No.3317893


some people deserve to scream alone

>> No.3318229

To be fair the sooner you get gud the more potential results you will have in your lifetime. It creates a snowball effect - the sooner you get started the more you will be able to achieve. Same with education, really. With this sort of reasoning it makes sense to strive for professional level by the age of 25 or less, if possible.

Although for hobbyist it may not make as much of a sense since it is supposed to be fun. Crazy people, I say.

>We will be frank and to the point with no bullshit and outright tell you if something's shit.
But the point in the OPs picture is exactly that? You may say that "This sucks" but it's fairly different from "This sucks and this is why".

>I only take seriously feedback and advice from people who are better than me
Even if it is valid? And you would accept something like "Your shit sucks, go neck yourself" from any artist that is better then you?

An open to anyone board where you can post whatever without much of a repercussion whatsoever? Have no idea.

>> No.3318513
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1517213886008-ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well critique is great if the person behind it really knows their shit and can give a solid advice. But honestly, I don't really believe that the most of the anons of /ic/ can provide that so I can kinda see the point in this comic. Yeah there are many great artists browsing this board. But I think that the most of the eager posters are probably unexperienced people with bad case of dunning kruger who redline just because they get something that boosts their ego. No offense to the redliners though, I have received solid advice many times. But the percentage of shitposts is still much higher than the proper comments. But I guess that's just the 4chan's culture.

>> No.3319219

Saying you think something is shit isn't a critique. Sometimes there is nothing you can say because the artist didn't put in the bare minimum, so linking to Loomis is actually the best advice you can give. But generally you can give useful advice, why bother posting if you arent going to bother helping? Why come here?

>> No.3319227

hehe i was the one who said i loved coomi :3c

>> No.3319259

Anon comes here for opinions also. Also an opinion is like a critique.

>> No.3319462

>posts a photograph
>"the anatomy is wrong"

>> No.3320311

yeah, yeah, what he said

>> No.3320332


>> No.3320349


well... the ribcage is wrong, but it does not matter... I am more impressed by the fact Japanese draw lines that are thinner than a human hair that aren't shaky as fuck and somehow still have width variation...

>> No.3320353


This is not how it works, you'll have to look a reference on the exact pose at an exact angle to know how it truly looks, assuming you are drawing people.

>> No.3321168


>> No.3321171

The irony here is that KJK was legitimately one of the best artists who posted advice on /ic/ and you crabs made him leave because of this dumb "gotcha!" moment.

>> No.3321185

I'm sorry if you are such an introvert that I'm the one breaking this news to you but you are a retard.

>> No.3321626
File: 271 KB, 1130x681, ABCDEFLFADSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ as seen by /i/

>> No.3321644
File: 201 KB, 1130x680, 20180224_123039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/i/ as seen by /ic/

>> No.3321651

So you're a worthless shitposter who shills the sticky despite never taking the time to actually read it yourself and still shit at art?

Sounds like a bunch of elitist retards to me. /ic/ really is a bunch of crabs in a bucket

>> No.3321655

You use a lot of words that you don't understand

>> No.3321658
File: 172 KB, 490x634, ic and i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. /i/ is /ic/'s cute imouto

>> No.3321662

...who makes shitty doodles