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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.79 MB, 1800x900, 1518672720287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3311098 No.3311098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where is the line drawn between pro-diversity and racist caricature?

>> No.3311122

>implying "pro-diversity" is not just a euphemism for racism

>> No.3311137

Everything white people ever do is racist so don't stress over it

>> No.3311146
File: 120 KB, 423x495, nig_image18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pro-diversity means drawing non-white people in such a way that the only indicator of their race is their skin color. that is, draw them like white people with darker skin. wide noses, big lips, prognathous jaws, etc. should be stringently avoided. epicanthal folds are permissible, provided they're not extremely prominent.

pic related. while this drawing is immediately recognizable as a black man, it is obviously extremely forbidden to draw black people this way, because it caricatures their defining features. care must be taken to never emphasize lips or nose this much, and the prominence of the jaw versus the sloping forehead should always be minimized. For examples of a permissible caricature of a black man, see any caricature of President Obama: you'll notice his ears are always emphasized, but never his nose or lips. This is because big ears are not an immediately recognizable racial characteristic.

>> No.3311150
File: 230 KB, 614x344, enhanced-28540-1417428766-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this guy wasn't famous would I be racist for making a drawing of his exact likeness

>> No.3311161
File: 771 KB, 1351x1094, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro-diversity means drawing non-white people in such a way that the only indicator of their race is their skin color. that is, draw them like white people with darker skin.
No, it's the opposite.

>> No.3311176

How so? Korra is literally the perfect example of what that guy was talking about.

>> No.3311182

Korra was a random example I remembered. The point is the comments. It shows that any ""poc"" character HAS the be drawn with a fully African face, or else these "pro-diversity" people will get mortally offended. It's not the other way around like anon suggested, to draw them white but with dark skin.

The irony in this is example is that the actual character does not look ethnic at all besides having brown skin, but these people who perceive her to be a POC will still react the same way. I don't watch the show, but I doubt they gave her a specific race.

>> No.3311184


haha, I've never watched Korra, but I'm going to paint her as a white girl now and post it on my Tumblr.

>> No.3311190
File: 105 KB, 500x694, 1518640171440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-diversity means drawing white humans like niggers.
Racist caricature means drawing niggers like niggers.

>> No.3311215

I doubt any of those people would have complained if Sakimichan had just used a brown skin tone while the rest of the image was the exact same. 99% of Korra fanart on the internet is her looking somewhat like she does on the show, a white girl with brown skin.

>> No.3311217
File: 388 KB, 1535x1344, De_2EY7mTYyNAp66df4aNQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic on the right looks like him without being racist

>> No.3311221
File: 129 KB, 750x1016, 1514614887239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3311223

"pro-diversity" sounds kinda like a racist concept already, in a way. Obsessing over race. Collecting pokemons or some shit.

There is no inherent value in racial diversity anyway. And we all know it just means less white people. It is nonsense peddled by virtue-signaling narcissists, racist non-whites, and leftist agitators.

>> No.3311231

pic on the right looks literally nothing like him. Completely different facial features and bone structure.

>> No.3311232
File: 980 KB, 889x1300, korra_by_sakimichan-dawtonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the skin on the painting is darker than the screenshot of the show. and they literally said she has a white "nose, face, facial structure". Sakimichan later made another Korra piece where her skin was much darker, and they still acted the same way.

they want Korra to be a full black eskimo but ignore that she has blue eyes and no official ethnicity?

>> No.3311237

This actually angers me.

>> No.3311248 [DELETED] 
File: 709 KB, 586x580, Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 12.37.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, No, Mesa Stay. Mesa Culled Monica. Mesa Your Humble Servant. Aye-Yee-Yee Wha!

>> No.3311255
File: 709 KB, 586x580, Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 12.37.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, No, Mesa Culled Sayori. Walcome to mesa club! Aye-Yee-Yee Wha!

>> No.3311257
File: 205 KB, 842x949, new_korra_lr_by_artgerm-d816bsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, Sakimichan gets like hundreds of comments on each of her paintings, so no matter what you can always cherry pick some idiot's comments. Secondly, Korra is probably one of the most drawn fanart characters of recent years and 99% of her fanart images depict her with no ethnic facial features, so clearly the majority of people must be fine with this otherwise fanartists would adapt like the shallow popularity whores they are to please their fans.

>> No.3311267
File: 163 KB, 500x300, 1511511049396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3311270

it's not cherry-picking, these people are what the topic is about, you can't read?

>> No.3311272
File: 30 KB, 500x387, d8fb7b437f2e25bcde8ac23d3be5e762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3311319

"Pro diversity" is always racist, and is promoted by retards too incompetent to naturally push into the medium good characters of whatever skin color they want to represent. If you can't create good characters or stories, just force them down gullible people's throat under the guise of "muh diversity! heheh we're inclusive! aren't you guilty of being [a majority]?". It implies that there's more differences between groups of individuals than between individuals themselves, a racist idea in itself.

>> No.3311358

You know while you're right about diversity being used a lot in lieu of competent storytelling I do still think that diverse representation is important.

I don't think diverse casts should be the main course of a story but it should be there. It can't be helped right now because we're just starting to see why it's important but eventually it won't even be thought about, and that's when storytelling can innovate on itself again beyond simply having a PoC or queer character because of visibility.

>> No.3311362

By the way if someone really wants to break into the industry, you're going to need to accept that diversity is what's wanted by everyone, and honestly kind of needed for society to be able to reflect, so IMO shut your mouth and stop being a reactionary if it bothers you in a substantial way.

>> No.3311375
File: 38 KB, 827x515, Game_of_thrones_dorne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do entitled snowflakes believe that a darker skin tone automatically means nig? As example, people from the mediterranean, south europe, east europe, parts of asia; the majority of them are caucasian, but have a slightly darker skin tone.

When will these people stand up and cry about how unfair it is that anti-intellectualism leftists deem their existence a fairy tail, and only see in black&white? When? Never, because these people have actual lives and real issues. They are not some treasured cali cis sjw scum who write silly tumblr posts about "righteousness" and false ideals.

>every person of "subtle" color needs to have a wide nose, corny hair and big ass lips just to fit in their own little sheltered ideal

Nigs, every time

>> No.3311378

>Why do entitled snowflakes believe that a darker skin tone automatically means nig? As example, people from the mediterranean, south europe, east europe, parts of asia; the majority of them are caucasian, but have a slightly darker skin tone.
Especially since the character has blue eyes.

>> No.3311379


I hate this shit

It's supposed to start at the extremities not like a cow pattern randomly appearing around the body

>> No.3311384


If anything, Korra should look asian. There are no black or white people in avatar universe. They are all asians.

>> No.3311389
File: 2.32 MB, 1841x2977, 15097836384770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity is what's wanted by everyone
Yes. Diversity of strong blonde blue-eyed white men and cute pale girls. Not same creaturas everywhere.

>> No.3311396
File: 55 KB, 750x611, 05158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that the world can be very racist, sexist and unfair, but I refuse to be told what and how to draw by a bunch of SJW's on tumblr.
Some people seem almost brainwashed by this shit, their though always revolve around "representation", "opression", "patriarchy"...
My personal philosophy is to not be disrespectful, period.
Play stupid games and get stupid prizes, like the artist who drew this >>3311217 and the guys from The Adventure Zone.

>> No.3311397

>why it's important
Why do you think it's important? I have no idea why equal representation in entertainment is important. Specially now that the population is homogenizing year after year.

>> No.3311398


>> No.3311400
File: 560 KB, 889x892, hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3311404
File: 110 KB, 960x627, xlqpa2t6hof01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones who are actually the most triggered are you and until you realize it you'll keep being part of the problem, and you'll lose, because you actually think there's some magical invisible merit to things like nationalism and white identity.

>Specially now that the population is homogenizing year after year.
And who could give half a fuck. It's nothing anyone can avoid. It's nature's predetermined course of events.

You and your peers are alone in the dark and living in the stone age and I feel so so bad that you have to disguise that you take everything so seriously under layers of ironic racism.

Basically, you can surround yourself with successful and social people, or you can hang out with dudes like pic related in your echo chamber. It's up to you.

>> No.3311407
File: 66 KB, 215x328, 1507902038415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be important but it really should come naturally and not be forced (As in, don't fucking draw the entire Harry Potter franchise as muslims or something, it doesn't make sense with the way they're named).
Good stories with more than a single character are made with diverse casts, not in the SJW "Include every color" sense, but in the "Everyone has had different life experiences and their personality/circumstances are a result of these experiences". Color can play a role in that if you want to make a statement about it, or it can be coincidental. But centering everything around it is cheap and retarded.
This is wrong.
What industry? The concept art industry? AAA games and blockbusters aren't dominated with "people of color", but they sell as well as ever. Same goes for illustrations. The freelance industry? Sakimichan rarely draws brown people but she seems to be doing pretty well. Same for most top patreon artists. The comics trying to force diversity @Marvel by making every other character black or a trans for no reason, are actually on a downward slope, if you look at the numbers.
So, no, people welcome some degree of diversity, but they're not asking for it as you seem to imply, because there's something they rightly appreciate more before even thinking about race or identities: Competence. Someone will enjoy a well written character, a well made game or movie not because it's diverse, but because it had thought and effort put into it. And I'd rather have society reflect on that rather than blank, two dimensional cardboard cutouts representing all the different ethnicities and genders on the planet.

>> No.3311416

I asked a honest question. I'm not being reactionary or anything. I just want to know why is it so important, since you said it is important.
Don't lump me with /pol/tards, and stop being so triggered yourself.

>> No.3311418

>The ones who are actually the most triggered are you and until you realize it you'll keep being part of the problem, and you'll lose, because you actually think there's some magical invisible merit to things like nationalism and white identity.
The ones who are actually the most triggered are you and until you realize it you'll keep being part of the problem, and you'll lose, because you actually think there's some magical invisible merit to things like globalisation and diversity.
>It's nature's predetermined course of events.
The only thing predetermined by nature is that you'll live for about 80 years and then die, everything else in your post is just ideological gibberish.

>> No.3311423
File: 44 KB, 557x685, CAM_CCF_PD_9_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not racist man, I'm not even white.
But yeah, I do value my freedom, and I don't feel like being told what to draw/say/think by a vocal minority.
And it's not like there is hope on the horizon
>Decide to put lesbians on your D&D podcast
>Get online hate when they die

>Decide to put queer genderless non-white characters on your cartoon (Steven Universe)
>Get shit on for a doodle on an art book (Concrete gem)

Why get involved in this shit instead of just making your art and not being a dick?

>> No.3311424

>AAA games and blockbusters aren't dominated with "people of color"
Have you played a game or seen a movie recently? Wolfenstein, Black Panther, Star Wars, the list could go on forever
>The freelance industry?
Spend five minutes on twitter's artist sphere and the #visiblewomen hashtag, or look at any studio privy to current hiring trends.

We're on agreement that there's something genuine needed in art beyond diversity but, yes, people are asking for diversity and they're asking for it now more than ever before. Look at the recent Black Panther movie and all the hype surrounding it, you'd need to be blind and deaf to tune it out.

I tagged you there mistakenly my bad

People like this are the real cancer that only reinforce the pain they're causing normal white folks outside of their ethnocentric thought bubble. You have a serious mental deficit. People in the real world don't think like or speak like this. You're a miserable victim to yourself and handicapping your life.

>> No.3311427

People like this are the real cancer that only reinforce the pain they're causing normal white folks outside of their cosmopolitan thought bubble. You have a serious mental deficit. People in the real world don't think like or speak like this. You're a miserable victim to yourself and handicapping your life.

>> No.3311453
File: 179 KB, 463x492, 89762146734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfenstein isn't "dominated with people of color"... There's like two black characters in the game.
TLJ got trashed on RT and any serious review site by anyone who isn't a literal disney shill.
It's still to early to see how well Black Panther was received. Of course people talk about it, it's a Marvel capeshit, they all get insane hype. Haven't you been here for the last 18 titles they released?

>Spend five minutes on twitter's artist sphere and the #visiblewomen hashtag, or look at any studio privy to current hiring trends.
I'm sorry, but as someone who enjoys good comics and good art, #visiblewomen is bad for the industry. It's popular because it feels good to
>take any industry
>note that there's a distribution of success within it (some people are doing comparatively better/worse)
>define those doing worse as victims, define those doing better as perpetrators
>identify with the victims
>spit your venom and resentment on this set of enemies you created
>feel good about it even though it didn't require any work on your part
>endlessly repeat
It's shit because it promotes engaging women for being women rather than based on the quality of their arwork. It's a fucking race to the bottom created by thoughtless identity politics.

>It's nature's predetermined course of events.
What? How?

>> No.3311454
