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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.01 MB, 1500x844, mm49qvn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3303422 No.3303422 [Reply] [Original]

Takes down your art........JUST


>> No.3303426
File: 26 KB, 624x351, _99845409_img_2027_cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old news.

>But after a backlash, the city council, which runs the gallery, announced that the painting would return to the wall.

>> No.3303431
File: 1.17 MB, 864x814, Don't mind me just expressing more liberal bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea I haven't been in the lop on current media for a while now, came across this post wonder if or why /ic/ hasn't discussed about something like this, unless they have and i missed that too. if not I am curious on everyone's thoughts on issues like this become a sad reality for the art world of all places take pic related for instance. I took this pic jsut browsing an art magazine it got me sooo fucking mad I mean come on, people are entitled to make whatever they want. If they profit off it than so what, arts hard enough to make it in, with out some jackass trying to outshine you at your own exhibition/gallery opening

>> No.3303447

Reminder that being angry and talking about it just feeds to the SJW plan. They're smugly watching on the side, thinking "heh, I made them talk and discuss about these REAL issues, all according to keikaku. I am so damned wise and enlightened"

But then again, not talking about it, this might signal to them that this is an okay thing to do, even if it's coming back anyways >>3303426

So dunno what to really do about it, desu

>> No.3303457

Kek. This is ridiculous.
Mock them and point out their blatant racism. That's probably the most appropriate reaction, I'd say, they have their heads so far up their asses they don't listen to reason.
The only people that can really fuck with them are those who know their shit that can refute their retarded arguments while keeping their cool in front of a large audience, showing in the process to the world how bigoted and irresponsible the western SJWs, feminists etc are. Based Peterson did it, recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcjxSThD54

>> No.3303460


Is thiat illastrat?

>> No.3303467

you really live in a tiny bubble eh? like some video game site is your nemesis.

>> No.3303724
File: 459 KB, 650x900, 1501434644894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just testing the water with the goyim
People were shocked by the idea of letting their countries be overrun by thirdworlders, and now Germans are a minority in their under-5s
People were shocked with the idea of pornography being readily accessible, and now 90% of 10 year olds have seen hardcore porn
People were shocked by the idea of women demanding to be at least 50% of a company or government, despite not being 50% of applicants or the hardest working applicants, and now we have affirmative action
People were shocked at the idea of kiddy fiddlers being allowed to live, and now we have "ethical paedo" documentaries on vice
People were shocked about the idea of impacting shit up your eurethra and causing your partner to have incontinent leaky assholes and prolapses, and now we have Cosmo Teen articles on anal sex and snapchat adverts for anal lube
People were shocked about the idea of catamites becoming mainstream, abusing children and having sex in the streets, and now we have dildo sculptures and 8 year old drag queens twerking at pride parades
People were shocked at the idea of European history being twisted by our current governments, and now we have state education that teaches children English kings and queens and Romans were black, or that the Vikings were Muslim, or that we were all black a few thousand years ago

People are shocked at the most shiny jewels of the past being stripped from public view and memory holed... Imagine what is coming.

>> No.3304042

you got lost somewhere, this is /ic/ not /pol/

>> No.3304099
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>ethical paedo" documentaries on vice

>> No.3304101
File: 133 KB, 632x687, disgusted vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize that this is about how art is now be politicized and or micro-managed fit pc culture right this anon's >>3303724 right

the most liberating objective form of human ingenuity (art) now also has to submit to the will of sjws, fuck that shit

>> No.3304458

you do realize >>3303724 was not talking about art

>> No.3304471


>People were shocked by the idea of letting their countries be overrun by thirdworlders, and now Germans are a minority in their under-5s
Who cares?
>People were shocked with the idea of pornography being readily accessible, and now 90% of 10 year olds have seen hardcore porn
>People were shocked by the idea of women demanding to be at least 50% of a company or government, despite not being 50% of applicants or the hardest working applicants, and now we have affirmative action
Affirmative action is not always bad. Before you can learn to ride a bike on your own, you need someone to push you.
>People were shocked at the idea of kiddy fiddlers being allowed to live, and now we have "ethical paedo" documentaries on vice
>People were shocked about the idea of impacting shit up your eurethra and causing your partner to have incontinent leaky assholes and prolapses, and now we have Cosmo Teen articles on anal sex and snapchat adverts for anal lube
I'm pretty sure urethra-based sex is extremely niche as a fetish. And what's wrong with anal sex?
>People were shocked about the idea of catamites becoming mainstream, abusing children and having sex in the streets, and now we have dildo sculptures and 8 year old drag queens twerking at pride parades
Pedophilia is still illegal and 99.9% of children are not drag queens.
>People were shocked at the idea of European history being twisted by our current governments, and now we have state education that teaches children English kings and queens and Romans were black, or that the Vikings were Muslim, or that we were all black a few thousand years ago
We were though. White skin evolved from black skin. Romans were mediterraneans.
>People are shocked at the most shiny jewels of the past being stripped from public view and memory holed... Imagine what is coming.
It's not being stripped. It's being taken down for like a day, tops, and then will have an entire showing dedicated to it.

>> No.3304474


>> No.3304934

You act as if it's not a legitimate issue.
Art is being censored, more so than in the past.

>> No.3304946

It's just more blatant. Artists like Waterhouse have been sneered at, degraded and ignored by the art literati since the 60's, along with pretty much anything done before Picasso. Maybe grudgingly allow Monet and Renoir to get some attention.
But, the past decade or so, the public, especially with the help of the internet, are rediscovering the art and the artists, and the Feminists and SJWs and the art world can't have that. Oh no. If work that celebrates men being men, women being women and show high levels of skill and traditional thinking/values, well, their "art" becomes worthless. Their entire world crumbles - the art galleries in Manhattan might have to *gasp* sell paintings that aren't negative political reeing and ugly statements of childish scrawls.

It's gonna get worse. They're worse than nazis, when it comes to censorship. I never thought the western world could come to this. I fully expect art like Waterhouse to be sold off to private investors, most likely in Asia, and will never be seen by the public again. US museums are holding steady, but they'll fall, just like the one in Manchester. Their "leadership" has obviously been infiltrated and taken over by SJWs, and they're just getting started.

This is a war, everyone. It's been a cold war, now it's open fighting. They're wrapping their censorship up in pretty words and catchphrases, but at the end of the day, it's just censorship. And they're just getting started.

If let to run unchecked, these people will control how the art world uses the female body. And yes, this includes anime, hentai, and every other form of printed work and video game. You will not be able to sell or publish an image of a woman, unless they approve, if they're not stopped. And that's if you're a woman, if they follow the movie industry's lead. Men need not apply.

It's coming. I'm not being over-dramatic. They crank up their censorship more and more.

>> No.3305003

When will this meme die? They had 1(one) symbolic excising of Marxist literature and kiddy porn from their libraries, a huge bonfire where people celebrated the end of anti-german academia, books were never banned - do you think the Germans were scared of books and paintings?

>> No.3305027

leave /pol/ faggot /ic/ is allready shit enough

>> No.3305316

>kiddy porn

>> No.3305385

Peak bugman right here.

>> No.3305393

>Who cares?
Germans, and everyone else who likes the uniqueness of the German people.
>Affirmative action is good
We are not obligated to give outsiders a leg up in our own nation.
>What is wrong with anal sex
Diseases, infection, and organ trauma that leads to major health issues and cancer.
>Pedo is still illegal
True but unopposed incrementalism will make it legal in the future.
>White skin evolved from black skin
Melanin is a hormone found in all humans, white skin is caused by the lowered expression of melanin. White skin did not "evolve" from black skin.
>Romans were Mediterraneans
Geographically, but the ancient Romans were not the same race as modern italians, grecians and iberians.
>I-it's only gonna be taken away a LITTLE, we PROMISE it won't be more in the future
judging how far "progressivism" and social justice has come from the 1960s, I'd say we have the right to be concerned. "just a day" is the beginning of a new trend.

>> No.3305400

>he doesn't know.
Weimar Germany was a cesspit of the worst kind of filth the modern world had ever conjured. Literal mothers with their children prostituting themselves in the streets, animal brothels, public orgies, and casual drug use were common.
Pornography (child, beast, mutilation, other grotesque fetish material) and communist literature was printed and circulated everywhere. The book burnings were the Germans rebelling against the (mostly jewish) trash being forced on the thoroughly conquered German people.

But they teach it across the western world that the nazis forced the Germans to were indiscriminately burn innocent books by innocent jews because they were falsely prejudiced against them. Not true at all.

>> No.3305418

What is it about cutting your nails that black people have such trouble understanding?

>> No.3305420

>white skin is caused by the lowered expression of melanin
Through evolution.

> ancient Romans were not the same race as modern italians, grecians and iberians.


>we have the right to be concerned

You cannot hold back the tide.


You actually believe this?

>> No.3305441

>Through evolution.
Yes, but saying "white skin evolved from black skin" seems like something someone would say who has no idea how pigment hormones work.
It's true, though. They were conquered by Semitic peoples, and their bloodlines were altered through absorbing Arabs/Semites into their genepool. Just read/look at depictions of ancient Romans (and Greeks). Many were blonde/red haired, and light eyed with very "aryan" features. They were phenotypically much different than modern Meds.
>You cannot hold back the tide
Are you honestly saying that we have no wherewithal to deny public art being hidden from us? You're saying to throw in the towel because the wheels have already started turning?
...And didn't you just say "it won't happen"? What is your reasoning? Seems like you just will say whatever is necessary to get people to stop caring. You are not a serious person.
The tide was caused by deliberate policy. It can be reversed with deliberate policy.

>you actually believe this
Yes, because it is true. Research the social conditions of the Weimar republic, especially in Berlin at the time.

>> No.3305671

this sounds more like a social media PR experiment. i highly doubt they're not going to ever put the painting back up again.
they're literally just trying to fuck with people just to get discussions about the value of art into the minds of the general populace.

pretty clever if you think about it.

>> No.3305698
File: 10 KB, 164x271, bacon_francis_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Jay Zs comment but it could be said of all of us at some point. My pic related said it was impossible , is that why he painted as he did? You know he spent his millions chasing after love it's why he said he painted, to be loved. In the end his journey killed him no, that's not it.

When a painitngf is finished it looks back at the painter and tells everything to them, and is and incredible experience, splatters of mud to tell the truth and the agreement with it . Kanye thought the same about music at one point. And the love? Is a new debate for another day.

>> No.3305748

I was giving them the benefit of the doubt and assumed the same thing, but they deliberately take down comments and posts and don't respond at all to anything. Even James Gurney is disappointed in how they are handling this. They should take their political activism elsewhere, don't fuck with paintings.

>> No.3305754


You're naive. Their statements made it clear that this is about identity politics.

>> No.3305996

>bugman obsessed with the opinions negro musicians
checks out.

>> No.3306013
File: 13 KB, 159x240, 159px-Fra_Filippo_Lippi_-_Madonna_with_the_Child_and_Scenes_from_the_Life_of_St_Anne_(detail)_-_WGA13238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England can't cope with art, it has never been able to historically. Many of its greatest artists are consigned to the back room and are struggling to survive against the indifference of the populous. The obvious reason is the Anglicans but there are others too. Other protestant and Lutheran countries produced good art and valued painting so perhaps it is its island status that impoverish their tastes, that they lack a community with mainland Europe and bicker internally over their poverty. They are a very mean bunch, believe me.

>> No.3306017

Here's your 'of'

>> No.3306022

It doesn't account for the tens of thousands of paintings they fill their backroom up with. You know I spoke to a gallery, they told me the paintings never even leave their store room, they're only bought waiting to be sold on again and never looked at.

>> No.3306034

my b

>> No.3306062


This is what the lefties want though, I've seen a pro-pedophile and pro-bestiality movement growing in the undercurrents of lefties, along with their campaign of making all drugs legal, it's only a matter of time that those situations are replicated.

>> No.3306185

We're one substantial financial crash away from modern day Weimar Germany.

>> No.3306779

>True but unopposed incrementalism will make it legal in the future
No..... you're fucking retarded, in what world do you see people thinking "yea I think it's okay if a fully grown man completely takes advantage of my innocent 12 year old daughter for his sick sexual pleasure" get fucking real

>> No.3307046
File: 126 KB, 575x1024, D29A8DA0-4D0B-4419-BC9E-7AADE52D366E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what an idiot

>> No.3307058

No, you are fucking retarded. People said the exact same thing about homosexuality, racemixing, transgenderism, and casual sex less than 100 years ago, now those things are promoted by our culture.
You can already see the tides turning towards pedo acceptance. They're doing the same thing for pedos now what they did for homosexuals and transgenders. "Pedos are people just like you and I!".
I can't believe normies are still in denial about how much our culture is degenerating. You think we're doing to stay in this moral frame forever? Less than 10 years ago trannies were still outcasts, and now they are sacred cows. If you think that can't happen to pedos, you are fooling yourself. There's nothing the masses won't accept so long as it's pushed patiently enough.

>> No.3307359

The only places where’s I see pedo acceptance is here in 4chan with all the loli art getting posted and in places like /co/ and /a/ or blogs by people who post here anyway.

In other places like twitter, tumblr and other normie places anything that is mildly hinted at being pedo is shunned so I don’t see what you’re saying.

>> No.3307408

not saying that pedophilia will be acceptable any time soon, but it's happened before, so it can happen again.

>> No.3307412

>it's shunned

Key words: for now

>> No.3307643

Yeah for now it’s shunned in most normal areas while here, where you are posting and seem to think is a better social place than the normie area, pedo stuff is the norm between a huge chunk of the population and any sort of negative comments about it are met with mockery constantly, acting as if complaining about it is some sort of feminist propaganda or something.

Am I getting through to you? Are you picking up what I’m laying down?

>> No.3307663

Like I said, the same was said for transgenderism, homosexuality, and racemixing. 100 years ago your great grandpa said the exact same thing about those subjects. Actually, he probably never even thought about trannies since they just didn't exist. But now, in some countries, purposefully misgendering them will have you arrested.
I've seen articles published by liberal outlets trying to "humanize" pedos. Trying to get sympathy for having a mental illness. This is how homosexuality started to gain acceptance, humanizing homosexuals.
There's also music videos of little children twerking with lots of exposed skin, published by long-standing and popular companies. In 100 years, with few generations of deliberately applied propaganda, the future masses will think it's ok for their children to sleep with adults. The same way people now believe it's ok for their adult children to be homosexual/transexual/in a mixed relationship.

I mean, there's really no limit as to what people will tolerate and believe so long as they feel safe and comfortable for the time being. If it is socially acceptable to sympathize with pedos, people WILL do it so long as they are well fed and have some trinkets to keep them happy. In fact, they'll do it to keep those luxuries, since high social standing means less effort to acquire resources.

>> No.3307899

Yeah, sounds reasonable. The only bad thing is to force people to like those things right away, instead of giving them time to get used to it.

>> No.3307949

>The only bad thing is to force people to like those things right away, instead of giving them time to get used to it.
Spineless normie scum. The stuff normies say sometimes shocks me, honestly.
>Yeah pedophillia can be ok so long as I'm too old to care and my children and grandchildren were indoctrinated slowly enough
This is exactly how and why our culture and history are dying. So long as you people are promised a comfortable decline you won't do anything to fight back.

>> No.3307957

fucking marxist postmodernists man

>> No.3307961
File: 45 KB, 219x215, twin-peaks-david-lynch-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banb this bulshit man

>> No.3307963

Oppose them but don't dignify them. Say that the painting should be left up, but don't let them draw you into an argument about sexism/power/whatever buzzword they're using. If they try to argue, just say, "no, you are retarded, there's nothing wrong with this painting". Just show through your behavior that the answer is obvious, there's no debate to be had.

>> No.3307967

Many artists will show their true colors and come out in support of the censorship. This is the exact rhetorical move they'll use: "it's not censorship, it's just that we can't put a sexist/racist/colonialist painting like this on display". A standard SJW tactic is that a negative term - like "censorship" or "violence" - can never be applied to an action if they can come up with some other argument to justify the action. There is no "censorship" when they do it, because censorship is wrong but everything they do is right. That's how they see it.
You need to be prepared. Do not compromise with them. They are a cancer that will destroy all freedom and creativity if you let them.

>> No.3307974

If it were by retards like you we would be in the middle ages.
I swear how you conservatards admire the revolutions of the past while crying about the ones in the present never ceases to amaze me. How does it feel to know that people like always end up as footnotes in history, anon?

>> No.3307980

>Pornography (child, beast, mutilation, other grotesque fetish material) and communist literature was printed and circulated everywhere.
Good. No censorship. Ever.

>> No.3307982

>conservatives want to allow paintings of naked women to stay up, progressives want to take them down
Can you please just step back for a moment and think about what you're saying?

>> No.3308489

>Doesn't want classic paintings removed from public display because of post-modernist social justice gibberish
>Doesn't want pedophillia and child sex to be legalized in the future

>lmao u conservatives are stuck in the middle ages xD
I "admire revolutions in the past"? I do not admire revolution as an abstract idea. I admire revolutions that had a just cause. You think I admire pedophile marxist revolutionaries? Fuck off. You are too stupid to live.

>> No.3308501

>conservatives don't want to conserve 100 year old art.

>> No.3308522

Kick and scream all you like but truth always eventually prevails

>> No.3308534
File: 151 KB, 605x1024, CKxHlS_WwAAPOfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cultural world is consolidating its loses while a succession takes place
It's powerful enough to say "these people can't make art / act / work, these people can".

>> No.3308565

More like, the normie masses don't like it but are too pacified to actually do anything about it.
And slowly, after each passing year, more and more things are taken from us. Until we are unrecognizable as a people.
It's like a frog in boiling water. read
This is the mindset of so many people. Their only motivation is comfort and pleasure seeking. They have no principles. They will gladly let their culture and morality slip away so long as it's done in such a way that causes little grief.

>> No.3308579

>it but are too pacified to actually do anything about it.
I nod my head in general agreement.

>> No.3308580
File: 164 KB, 425x567, 1513373022790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are, frognigger.

>> No.3308584

You've got it wrong, you're arguing two conflicting points of view at once

>> No.3308602

How is it conflicting? It's exactly what we see today in the modern world. Our society is slowly being changed by foreign agents with an agenda while the general population is too coddled to even realize.

Yes, the masses don't like art being taken down, but they won't really do anything significant to stop it. They refuse to look into the deeper issue of why this is even happening in the first place. The paintings will be put back, but the subversives already got their foot in the door. They'll just keep doing it until it's the new normal, then escalate to removing even more things.

Read Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals. He basically outlines just how "progressives" have transformed society.

>> No.3308614
File: 141 KB, 540x452, architectural-details-of-the-ceiling-of-st-pauls-cathedral-london-england,1411983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you paint your ceiling in sepia so it looks less Italian

>> No.3308628

Looks like they did that to mimic stonework to me.

>> No.3308637
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ed by foreign agents with
It is an internal struggle. Conservatism and moderation are in peril.

>> No.3308643

>Germans, and everyone else who likes the uniqueness of the German people.
then let them deal with it. are you german? do you care about the "uniqueness" of some barbarians with a horrible language? who have done nothing of greatness their entire existence?
>We are not obligated to give outsiders a leg up in our own nation.
Obligated, no but why wouldnt we? assuming we give our own a leg up,which im sure you will say we dont. regardless you complain about shipping jobs overseas and yet giving foreginers a leg up if they move and work here is exactly what would drain other nations for our supremacy.
>Diseases, infection, and organ trauma that leads to major health issues and cancer.
then dont do anal. who cares if some faggot gets aids. its not your problem and if it spreads to other faggots then you should only be happier.
nobody seems to have a problem with anal if its a man and woman but a man and man anal is suddenly degenerate.
>True but unopposed incrementalism will make it legal in the future.
wow what a fancy way to say "slippery slope" a known fallacy. it is opposed. we understand that kids are impressionable and can be misled by a dubious adult.and seek to keep these adults inline.
>Melanin is a hormone found in all humans, white skin is caused by the lowered expression of melanin. White skin did not "evolve" from black skin.
yes it did. our lower rates are a trait we have that others dont. same with asians and their skin tones..
>Geographically, but the ancient Romans were not the same race as modern italians, grecians and iberians.
accurate, the roman empire was vast. Emperor Caracalla was half-north african and half syrian.
>judging how far "progressivism" and social justice has come from the 1960s, I'd say we have the right to be concerned. "just a day" is the beginning of a new trend.
yea i hate giving women rights, whats next? freedom of slaves? legal gay marriage? disgusting.

>> No.3308645

No, it is not an internal struggle. White western people never tried to destroy and desecrate their own people, culture, and history of their own volition. Our enemies have infiltrated our media and government and used KGB style subversion tactics to destroy us without fighting a physical war.
There are some native whites that are helping them, but they would never exist without our enemies infiltrating us in the first place.

There is no room left to be conservative or moderate. Today's moderates are the far left of 20 years ago. Today's conservatives are the far left of 50 years ago. It's time we actually fight for what we lost, not meekly beg for our enemies to preserve the scraps we have left.

>> No.3308648

the problem with your argument is that
> homosexuality, racemixing, transgenderism, and casual sex
are things we use to shun but now accept
pedophillia is something we use to accept but is now shun.

>> No.3308649

>White western people never t
They caused many iconoclasms

>> No.3308650

>pedophillia is something we use to accept

>> No.3308657

>do you care about the "uniqueness" of some barbarians with a horrible language? who have done nothing of greatness their entire existence?
Ok, and I'm supposed to take your opinion on the preservation of the German people seriously? You obviously are contemptuous of them.
>But why wouldn't we
Because it is stupid and suicidal to subsidize the achievements of profligate people. Not to mention, they are not us, and they see us as their enemies. We are wasting resources educating and uplifting people who resent us. No sane nation would ever do such a thing.
>Who cares if some faggot gets aids
I don't care, but I care that our society promotes faggotry and teaches children that it is an acceptable lifestyle. It should be shunned into obscurity, not paraded around recklessly.
>hur slippery slope is a fallacy
Yes, it is a logical fallacy, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. How did homosexuality turn from a practice of social pariahs to an acceptable lifestyle to teach your children? It didn't happen overnight, dipshit.
>yea i hate giving women rights, whats next? freedom of slaves? legal gay marriage? disgusting.
I know you're being sarcastic, but all of those things you mentioned only hurt our nations. If we lived in an actual white heterosexual patriarchy, we'd be a hell of a lot better off. I'm saying this as a woman.

>> No.3308660

im sorry, pedophilla as defined as sex with a pre-pubescent minor was about as rare as it is now.
but a girl who turned 12 and had her first menstruation could be turned around and wed to a guy twice her age or more.
but the idea of individuals of widely different ages having sex, consensual or not has become disturbing.

>> No.3308672

The death penalty for child rape was ruled cruel and unusual punishment in 2008

>> No.3308673

>im saying this as a woman.
gee golly i guess you're right.

if youd just shut up and stayed in the kitchen i wouldnt have to listen to such dribble.

>because its stupid and suicidal
if you are talking about refugees then sure. they shouldnt be given a leg up, mainly because they are temporary.
but honest immigrants who want to live a better life else where should be accepted if not helped.
and if you still think they shouldnt be helped then you fail to see how hugely beneficial IMMIGRANTS not refugees are to a society.
an immigrant hates their home country and adores their new home country. if taht individual recognizes that their country is shit and should leave, that individual is displaying higher levels of IQ by problem solving their situation and leaving.
this creates "brain-drain" for other countries as people who would help that country see it as a better solution to just leave. causing their country to fall and ours to gain a new member with a higher IQ and a person who can clearly problem solve.

>> No.3308675

You're being a little too autistic about the criteria needed to be a "social justice" movement.
Anything that hurts the foundation of our society will be pushed by the "radicals". It doesn't matter what the history of it is, or if it directly opposes another one of their tenants.
Example being progressives pushing for feminism and islam at the same time. They are directly opposed to one another, but fundamentally they both damage the tradition of our nations, so they advocate for it.

These are destructive people, they don't care what they do or say, they just want the old order to be dead and replaced with their egalitarian utopia.
Pedophillia will further tear apart the family, as your children now are out of your control. Once children are separated from their parents, they can be more easily manipulated. They WILL advocate for it. You can already see them start, with all of their sympathetic articles and the sexualizing of children in popular media.

>> No.3308678
File: 27 KB, 625x468, inmate gets victims named forcibly tattooed onto his forehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death penalty in general was seen as cruel and unusual. what you on about?
besides. what they do to pedo fucks in jail is far worse than getting electrocuted.

>> No.3308681

>death penalty in general was seen as cruel and unusual
It still exists for murder. It was very specifically abolished for child rape.

>> No.3308688

>i wouldnt have to listen to such dribble.
Okay big guy.
>Honest immigrants deserve to come into our homelands and sponge off of our success
No, they don't. No one, no matter how nice they are, deserves to live and thrive in a nation at their host's expense. If they don't like their nation, that's too fucking bad. They have no right to come into mine. If I hated living in America, do I expect the Japanese to welcome me into theirs with open arms and, lifetime of bennies, and a free education? No. Because the Japanese run their nation like it belongs to the Japanese, not like it was some global shopping mall.
>Hugely beneficial immigrants are
No, they aren't. By all measurements, the US is declining. A few hyper intelligent brown people do not make up for the massive tumor the rest of them are. We've spent over 22 trillion trying to uplift the blacks in our "war on poverty". Nothing they have done has been worth that much to us. It's a waste of time and money.
Plus, immigrants cause social unrest just by being here. People living in multicultural areas are more despondent, more depressed, more unhappy, and less likely to trust people. This is probably a biological thing. People feel uncomfortable when they are not around "their own".
Also, I'd say these hyper intelligent immigrants don't even do us any good. Their children often regress to their mean intelligence, and further drag us down. They don't care to uplift the people living here. Most of them come for personal gain. They also have their own minority advocacy groups and send a lot of their money back to their home nations. There are also foreign national spies in the US. The Chinese and Israeli government will consort with their co-ethnic "US citizens" to gather intelligence and technology. In this way, inviting immigrants makes the US less competitive. Do you know how much military technology used by the Chinese is stolen from the US through their ethnic spies in our government?

>> No.3308692

We need the death penalty, easy access abortion, and free sterilization. We are desperately in need of some form of eugenics in the west, because we are subsidizing the fucking scum of the earth to keep living and breathing for nothing.

>> No.3308698

Hear, hear and amen

>> No.3308707

Through remittances (billions of dollars leaving the US every year, for nothing), foreign spies, the drain on our education system, the drain on our social programs, and the social unrest and distrust foreigners bring, there is nothing good that comes from immigration. Maybe if we only permitted a few thousand white Europeans into America, things would work out.

The only thing good that has come from modern immigration is undercutting labor costs so that the elite class can have better profit margins. For the average American, immigration is a huge detriment. In fact, 90% of Americans say they want less to no immigration. Now, if 90% of people want less immigrants, how could you say it's overwhelmingly positive? There are massive issues with immigrants that you are overlooking. Very little people care at all about corporate number crunching when it comes to immigration policy, because very little people actually benefit from it.

>> No.3308712
File: 55 KB, 306x441, 1412784636119_Image_galleryImage_NORTHAMPTONSHIRE_UNITED_K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Internet access in Pentonville: the thread

>> No.3308715

Also, immigrants coming here advocate for favorable treatment of their home nations by the US government. Israeli dual-citizens in the US in the government as well as their NGOs and lobbyists are directly responsible for the US military intervening in the middle east.
Another few trillion and many American lives we could have saved by not letting immigrants run rampant in our nation. And yes, the dual-Israeli citizens WERE the hyper intelligent "deserving" immigrants you speak of. Intelligence isn't everything, in fact, it can and will be used against you and yours.

That's just one example I can think of, and probably the most egregious. Every minority group has their own little advocacy group that demand our government to put its interest second to their ethnic interests. And with enough people forming that coalition, soon they can just skip the middle man and vote in their own government. Look at what happened to California, and what is going to happen in Texas, too.

>> No.3308722

The only kicking and screaming I hear is from people crying about the “decline” of the west.

>> No.3308741

>lol your nations are dying and your race is about to become a hated minority in your own homeland y are u so upset tho

>> No.3308747

>" "

>> No.3308980

>If we lived in an actual white heterosexual patriarchy, we'd be a hell of a lot better off. I'm saying this as a woman.


>> No.3308985

b-but america is a nation of immigrants

>> No.3309027

European immigrants who fought and died to be independent from their home nations.
Not millions of poor brown hordes coming with their hands out to collect bennies from whitey, or unscrupulous high-IQ jews, pajeets, and chinks looking to skim whatever they can from the top as our empire collapses.

>> No.3309041

b-but im brown high IQ european

>> No.3309077

This is the worst timeline

>> No.3311395
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