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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 235 KB, 499x1218, 1517991889785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3302531 No.3302531 [Reply] [Original]

Shit, what do we do now?

>> No.3302539

>I just assumed they were all using the same software program.

>> No.3302549


noone here is in the biz'
so relax your 'ceps and grind dem fundies

>> No.3302553

They are all mediocre desings anyways. I don't see anyone complaining about the design of Ultron, or the new flash suit. Because those things look great.
This is just another example of survivor bias, the guy just picked four bad designs and now wants to extrapolate an analisys of the whole industry based on that. On the late 80s and early 90s half the monsters looked like Gremlins, and the other half looked like something out of Total Recall. That's just what happens in an industry we're the designs are not the main product.

>> No.3302556
File: 69 KB, 1222x794, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's awful designs everywhere, but all that matters is it keeps bringing in easily satisfied normies.

>> No.3302559

>shit from like, 2006 in there

but shoutout to Stephen Oakley. He had plenty of really awsome designs for the evolve monster. Its a shame that the art director just went with the one that looked like a dude.

I think the issue lies less in the artists and more in the head designers/art directors. Just keep doing you, boo

>> No.3302566

Stuff like that happens due to management and politics. The talent has no say about the art direction in almost all big productions, vidya or film.

>> No.3302576

there are Quarians in Splinter Cell now?

>> No.3302580

Speaking of Neville Page and Wayne Barlow, Avatar was a disappointment. Horse with 6 legs. Panther with 6 legs. Hyena with 6 legs. Lemur with 6 legs. Isn't this planet so alien and interesting guys? But I guess most of the fault probably lies with James Cameron deciding it would be a good idea to make a movie out of crap he came up with when he was 13. Is another Avatar movie ever going to come out? Will anyone give a shit?

>> No.3302583

This, if you ever see all the concept Art for a given proyect, you often see that the most unoriginal designs were picked.

If you want to cry, just look at Dante's Inferno concept art, and the way they wasted Wayne Barlowes genius.

>> No.3302584

Ultron looks good, The Flash's suit is fucking garbo

>> No.3302588


Stephen Oakley is like the definition of normie concept art.

>> No.3302589

What majority of normies think digital art is... Click a button and magic happen.

>> No.3302593
File: 869 KB, 1281x546, Doomsday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people should be complaining about writing and directing. Characters like Doomsday and Abomination are only superficially similiar, the former has much stronger presentation and more visual traits than the latter.

>> No.3302595

>people sitting around on facebook discussing concept artists by name in order to signal to some insular community of inconsequential laymen how smart and informed they are.

These are the exact kind of arm-chair art and design critics who have never and will never do anything noteworthy themselves, whose opinions are completely worthless and should be ignored. These aren't "normies". They're crabs in a different bucket.

>> No.3302597

>t. normie

>> No.3302749
File: 52 KB, 786x393, ghost comics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. It's ghost from the ant man trailer. They look like this in the comics.

>> No.3302789

>Many details and ugliness mean they are all the same

Normies, everyone

>> No.3302824

They actually only read the sillhouette and thats almost the same in all of those.

>> No.3302835
File: 236 KB, 1276x1074, Insect_Alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of stuff created in zbrush has the generic zbrush monster look, scifi armor and machinery too

>> No.3302840

there's like 7 planned to come out. I don't know why people went nuts for it, I thought it was a fucking snoozefest.

>> No.3302849

I guess you could say they are all vaguely kind of the "ogre" phenotype. At least the first 3. It is just the kind of abomination- villain that you can get away with while still keeping the pg13 audience. Unfortunately you can`t throw some visually confusing/ disturbing cronenbergian monstrosity at them.

>> No.3302887
File: 2.52 MB, 2048x2055, makingit_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to revolt against conceptshit

>> No.3302894


I blame the symmetry tool. Seriously.

>> No.3303282

I'm with you

>> No.3303289

but how

>> No.3303291
File: 638 KB, 1280x537, 2e2586ab440b4f487fb423715404b3cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame conceptart.org culture of perfectionism.
Before everyone became obsessed with painting anatomically correct beefcakes in various stages of undress for every creature and character there was a lot more imagination going into concept art, even if it would be immediately scoffed at as lame and gay these days.
If you look at concept art of some of the most iconic scenes from movies of the last century it's not as "perfect" as most modern concept art.
No photobashing, no anatomically perfect bodybuilders, no perfectly rendered hair and tissue.

>> No.3303298

wow he finally made it. proud of him.

>> No.3303300

Wait what the fuck

>> No.3303306

That has nothing to do with conceptart.org but simply with the fact that the industry was fairly new back then and studios hired all sorts of artists and designers with somewhat of a disregard to technical skill. Nowadays, the competition is so high that they don't have to do this anymore. This change in style and move towards gritty realism wasn't something that was heralded by the artists themselves but what the studios demanded. The young, aspiring artists from the conceptart forums merely adapted to what was in demand at the time.

>> No.3303356

I think it's part of echo chamber culture and bandwagonning.

>> No.3303361

>/ic/ - Projectors and Crabs

>> No.3303367

Good, if they reject it perhaps they will not buy it
and then the art directors will stop doing it because it doesn't sell anymore

>> No.3303380

>i...it's the suits
It most certainly is not the suits, it's artists subjecting themselves to insane peer pressure because some 15 year old korean kid on twitter is able to draw perfectly rendered supermen.

>> No.3303392

This is the exact issue that's people in OP are too retarded to realize. It's ultimately comes up to the art director and even beyond them, the director. If the director has a limited idea of what he wants, then they'll get something as limited in creativity.

>> No.3303423

I did bu I mostly preferred Ultron's cool inhuman rape face from the comics vs looking like a smug robot.
A lot of people on /co/ didn't care for it either.

But the thread is right, most normies don't care atleast enough to stop watching these Blockbusters.

>> No.3303440

"Projectors" doesn't start with "i," anon.
I think it's more like "idiots & crabs" or "irrelevant crabs."

>> No.3303535

When people managed to teach AIs to categorize art, they should've learned that computers can and will define and tell apart art.
And computers hate modern art; they call it "visual noise".

>> No.3303567

>Nice photo, which camera did you use?

>> No.3303582
File: 130 KB, 1024x576, star_destroyer__close_up__by_unownace-d6c8tjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars shit is already when concept art started to suffer. Star Wars popularized "greebles" AKA random sci fi shit that just adds noise to distract you from a boring design. That shit is still used today to no end in sci fi. Even with something organic like that painting you posted, you see the artists are bad at rendering and composing.
Look at the 50s and 60s for the last generation of well executed and interesting sci fi concepts. It's just a few decades earlier, blows my mind how fast concept art declined and no one said ,"wtf is happening, this is terrible".

>> No.3303648

nah, original Star Wars stuff looks good. Earlier stuff is goofy.

>> No.3303656
File: 292 KB, 1450x820, starwars_is_conceptshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?