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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 673x992, XioG6yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3302389 No.3302389 [Reply] [Original]

I'm normally not bothered much by her art, but lately her proportions have been getting pretty funky. I can't tell if the character is just too short for her proportions and it's just bad anatomy, or the fact the subject matter is Yu-Gi-Oh...

>> No.3302401
File: 34 KB, 370x699, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, shit anatomy, the torso is 1/3 bigger than it should be and the left arm is tiny (there's a proportion problem there). Bland oversaturated colors and boring composition. It also looks like shitty anime sex dolls as usual. But you know what? People don't care. They will still masturbate to this shit and give $ to sakimi because they have shit taste or believe in the "muh style" meme. Because it still has zettai ryouiki in it so it's passable. Because despite her middle of the road artistic skills, Sakimi is an excellent businessman and is very smart about what she does.
You should feel bad for posting that on /ic/. Now there's going to be another debate between redlining crabs hating on the success of the artist and sakimi shills who are going to defend everything about this wholly unappealing artwork that entirely relies on its good rendering to get by only because they respect the money she makes. There's nothing about Sakimi's art outside of the way she markets it. Stop these threads, none here to improve cares.

>> No.3302404

Character is just placed wronly on the ground. Either the front or the back one.
Proportions on character alone are pretty on point.
Let's say she's walking down some stairs or something, lol.

>> No.3302416
File: 135 KB, 726x718, 1454554923859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone baited a sjw with Sakimichan's hypersexualized and objectifying figures? I would love to see the mental gymnastics when they realize it was actually made by a woman who is also a minority.

>> No.3302421
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1513793238715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks ok to me

>> No.3302431

How does she market her artwork exactly? No bait or anything, I just don't know much about her. I wouldn't mind getting on the same boat if I thought I had a shot at making some good money for work that is rendered well but half assed in other aspects.

>> No.3302435

Wit those arms shoulders and tits, she kinda looks like a (good looking) tranny.

>> No.3302438

wtf I love sakimichan now

>> No.3302447
File: 327 KB, 964x1020, 49901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One factor to have in mind when talking about Sakimi's success is that she was at the right place at the right time, when Patreon started to become a thing while she had quite a large DA follower base already. That's not really applicable but still a factor of why she gets so much money and attention. But there's also other, relevant elements that you can use:
1.She makes her artwork appealing to the "normie"s eye, the lowest common denominator. That's the most important thing. It looks very professional and polished to people who don't know much/don't care about art because of the good rendering and semi-realistic style. If you look at the comments on her art it's full of people impressed by what they think is artwork of the highest quality imaginable. That's a very important thing to learn: Your art doesn't need to be perfect to sell, only to appeal to certain crowds that you target.
2.Speaking of crowd, what is your target demographic/group? What do they enjoy/are likely to give money for? You need to ask youself these questions. Sakimi did and understood that there was a large group of fujoshits/weebs/normies willing to pay for what she does, and accordingly stopped to make OC to entirely cater to that crowd.

>> No.3302449

3.She only makes fan art. That's guaranteed to hit the attention outside of your normal audience because people will share it to other groups. She does artworks of Disney, Pokémon and other big IPs because it's so popular but she also researches what's the FOTM anime/game/etc and draw fan art of it.
4.She's on several social medias. I've seen her on Facebook, Twitter, DA, Instagram, Artstation. Do it. It takes no time and will net you more followers than if you exclusively post in a sinble place.
5.NSFW. Her patreon exploded when she started doing it. It's not any good but sex sells.
(6.)That's not as important, but she is careful about what prints she monetizes. If you look at what she sells outside of her patreon she doesn't dare sell Disney related shit because she knows she could get in legal trouble with copyright claims etc. (Selling artwork of an IP you don't own IS illegal and you WILL get shit on by some companies if you try to do it, being paid through patreon for creating artwork isn't).

>> No.3302454

1. Have a Vagina between your legs.
2. Have a Vagina between your legs.
3. Have a Vagina between your legs.
4. Have a Vagina between your legs.
5. Have a Vagina between your legs.
6. Have a Bagina between your legs.

>> No.3302455

incels will never make it

>> No.3302462

this is all very good stuff to know, thank you for sharing. I actually recently started practicing naked girls because I was thinking about trying to start up a NSFW patreon myself. Good to know I was headed in the right direction at least. Just gotta get my own style nailed down first for consistency but I'm still developing. I'm also very conscious about the prints that I already sell so I'm in the clear there.

>> No.3302466
File: 10 KB, 250x246, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I don't know. It adds to her image a bit, maybe, but that's it. It's negligible. I've seen some fucking retard numale on /ic/ a while ago explaining why he was patroning Sakimi and other female artists just because they are supposedly working in a male dominated industry or whatever the fuck but that's a very minor factor next to the others because soyfolks paying some female artist you don't get to see 95% of the time are a delusional minority next to the gigantic sea of normies she's working hard to please.
Right, consistency is also another, VERY important thing I forgot to mention. You can tell a Sakimi arwork when you see one because they're made in the same style (To an extreme point, much like Kushinov's shit, it all looks the exact same but that's maybe beyond the point, maybe we can get out of this that normies/fujos/weebs don't get tired of eating the same thing every day), it makes it feels kind of like a brand. She also puts out new shit regularly, every day at some point. Definitely helps to have such a good workflow.

>> No.3302474

the biggest issue would just be finding the time to stay consistent. Do you think 1 a week would suffice, with a few smaller updates every day? Like progress and shit? Like you said, she did have the advantage of capitalizing on her DA fanbase when Patreon was a baby. My job and other things would definitely keep me from making any serious money because that's time to practice and produce that I'm missing out on, but there's no real way to make enough money at the very starting line to justify leaving my job entirely. I don't care for her style, but I've gotta admit, she really played well with the cards she had.

>> No.3302476

/pol/, /b/, and /r9k/ need to get off this board.

>> No.3302478

Most successful online artists I follow put out a new, FINISHED piece every day, or every 2-4 days. I very rarely see progress updates (sometimes stuff about to be coloured), only completed artworks. Again, if you want mainstream success, it needs to look competent, progress pictures ruin the magic of artworks in the eyes of inexperienced people. Better post once every 3-4 days than constantly update with progress and whatnot.
If you are new, also look for networking, on twitter and such. Follow more popular artists you like (!), comment on their stuff, get them to notice you and reblog your art.

>> No.3302484

or draw one cute drawing a week and collect your free 5k deviantart followers

>> No.3302487

ITT: Deluded dunning krugger retards who never post their own work.

>but she isn't 100% follow the rules of loomis
>but I wont post my art to show I'm better than her

cry more crabs

>> No.3302490

Sakimichan is shit, but she has a better work ethic than literally anybody on /ic/. Shut the fuck up, crab.

>> No.3302492

That's probably why my instagram fizzled like it did last year. Uploaded one picture every day but only maybe 25 or so were actual finished works. Didn't get me a lot of traction.

pretty sure that only works if you're a female. That's been my experience, at least.

On that note, how do you properly advertise and get traffic on DeviantArt? I have never figured it out. I know it has to do with girls though because my lackluster girl works have 10 times as many views as my proudest works of males. But what else? Just only upload the cutesy shit to DA?

>> No.3302512

Upload once every few days and favorite 100 random drawings everyday.
If you can draw good then its no problem, just favorite shit from no name artists and there is a fair chance they'll follow you.
I started using DA again and I'm moving at a rate of +130 new followers every month.(Started logging in again near end of december with 70, now I have 226)

>> No.3302517

>what is style?
it looks awesome to me

>> No.3302664

>all this salt

Rendering is a skill and normal fags LOVE colour. Normies won't consider something complete unless its coloured and dont look at art for more then maybe 7 seconds, so they don't notice anatomy errors

>> No.3302699

looks decent. u r aware that people with "incorrect" proportions exist. And overuse of color saturation is a minor and beautiful flaw at best.

>> No.3302700
File: 10 KB, 109x155, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3302717

Anyone who shits on her art is 100% a bitter NGMI crab. It looks fine.

>> No.3302728
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, 1513937664378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, I shouldn't be too salty about it. If I had at first a negative response it's only because this has been discussed to death here. This thread has been okay so far though.
At the end of the day we're all entitled to our own opinions, even more so when it's about something as subjective as "I like/dislike this piece of artwork". I wish /ic/ could try to take out of it what's obviously good about it (eg. the rendering and marketing when it comes to Sakimi) and get on with it, no need make a hundred threads every week about it, it only attracts both tons of crabs shitting on her for invalid reasons and shills trying to cover the obvious flaws of her art with terrible arguments.

>> No.3302743

whats not to get? her thumb is off frame you fucking mong

>> No.3302754

(The black oval supposed to be in the middle of the card isn't very centered)

>> No.3302783

Omg this looks so good! I don't know people hate it because she's a girl.

>> No.3302784

No big deal, other than the short legs the image is decent

>> No.3302791
File: 41 KB, 502x353, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One factor to have in mind when talking about Sakimi's success is that she was at the right place at the right time
This is 1,000% bullshit, and i can't fathom how anyone is stupid enough to believe it was all luck. Sakimichan was Deviantart's #1 most popular artist. That had *everything* to do with it. Patreon success always had and still does depend on your follower count and nothing more. If Yuumei or Artgerm, the second and third most popular were to make a patreon right now, they could both reach sakimichan's level of patrons.

>> No.3302798

I didn't say it was all luck, just that you can't replicate that, unlike the other things she does.

>> No.3302801

>shitpost successful artist's recent piece
>guaranteed 200+ replies

>> No.3302803


>One factor to have in mind
>One factor


I'm not the guy you replied to, but you made a dumb reply

>> No.3302837

it's not a factor either.

>> No.3302841
File: 20 KB, 115x115, zjML9Ey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here! I feel like I have to clarify that I'm not shit posting Sakimichan. If anything I'm shit posting Yu-Gi-Oh. I just wanted to ask you guys if you saw the same thing as me. All her other pieces are fine, but as soon as she draws someone from a certain anime or game her style gets all weird to me.

For example her pieces of Rosalina and Peach look odd to me. Like a super exaggerated elin or something. To me it just isn't something Sakimichan made, but something some else trying to copy her style, but not quite hitting it, would make.

I hope you all get what I mean, and sorry for the confusion.

>> No.3302842
File: 1000 KB, 500x322, 1494977209394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3302853


>Sakimichan's massive profile within the Deviantart community contributed greatly to her success
>Being in Deviantart was not a contributing factor

Are you on drugs

>> No.3302856

you misread. i said luck is not a factor whatsoever, but it has everything to do with her popularity (and later her financial smarts). sakimichan reached 1 million profile views when she was 14, and now has 37 million.

>> No.3302919

damn now thats a nitpick if I've ever seen one

>> No.3302923


Luck and skill aren't mutually exclusive, you know. Consider the possibility, in another timeline, where Sakimichan put in the same amount of work on her art but simply never made a Deviantart account. She uploaded it all to MySpace or something and it just never got discovered, or at least never took off as quickly, because it wasn't in the right place at the right time for the same rate of success that she experienced in this reality

Technical skill will take you far, but momentum will absolutely depend on how much traction the platform you invest in getting yourself exposed on grants you in the long run