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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, MvcwNBRB59mMHXBowV5RAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3300254 No.3300254 [Reply] [Original]


I have such an intense hatred for that bullshit uniform concept art look that spawned out the conceptart.org forums.
Now everything gotta be this "functional" overpainted photos bullshit and 3D models with the same ugly rust and grey look.

Prime example the system shock remake.
They went from an art direction that brought the neon, colorful direction of the original into 4k to the same tired bullshit "functional" dogshit that makes all modern videogames look samey.

>> No.3300257
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, ss_707da3fc3d3c2f1af99109d763d39bcb98568e72.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how the thing looked before they got rid of the old art team and hired new staff.


>> No.3300263

I would be so pissed if I were a backer

>> No.3300275

I like the look, much cleaner than the shit I see in Star Wars movies. The focus is the lighting/color, not the pointless sci fi shit, that's a smart design choice regardless of this being a game or not. I don't know why OP's panties are in a twist about this.

>> No.3300276

silly faggot you dont have any idea what you're talking about

>> No.3300285

>cool artstyle turns into a generic straight out of concept art school artstyle

do you know what you're talking about?

>> No.3300290

>Monotone lighting, the pointless little sci fi gizmos that draw attention to themselves by being colorful, you have no idea what is important or where to go
Can you explain to me why this is better? The old shit looks like the same old sci fi shit I've seen in games in the 90s when designers had no idea what they were doing.

>> No.3300294


What lighting and color? Lmao it's the same bleak semi-realistic bullshit that you see everywhere. It's literally devoid of color and interesting lighting

>> No.3300300

It's the same generic conceptart.org art style that every underperforming scifi fps of the last decade had.

>> No.3300301

>The old shit looks like the same old sci fi shit I've seen in games in the 90s when designers had no idea what they were doing.
The old designers created timeless iconic classics that still hold up from a visual perspective and did their job.
The new one is the same hivemindish conceptart bullshit that every forgettable scifi fps for the last 15 years sported. From the new prey game to dozens of others that already dropped off the radar like dead effect 2, haze and whatever shit those games are called.

>> No.3300304

It is using color to guide your eye through the corridors, the walls have colored horizontal elements, the floor literally has a line, each area has different lighting and the pointless sci fi shit doesn't draw attention to itself.

Ok, there I get it you are a nostalgia fag, that's okay but that is not actually reason to trash the design, trash the developer for not catering to your nostalgia fag vision, not the designers. Tell the developer you like the bad design for it's nostalgic charm.

>> No.3300309


That sounds good in theory but look at the result; it's bland and visually unappealing.

>> No.3300333

>Tell the developer you like the bad design for it's nostalgic charm.
It's good design though.
Those games still hold up, none of those "me too" art direction games out of the bowels of conceptart.org you're defending here made a dent on pop culture.
It's just merc wip and theoretical circlejerking all over.

>> No.3300336

IMO, so is that weird generator room or whatever the fuck it is. The new style reminds me of the new Deus Ex games and those games ooooooooze style. Probably the most thoughtful cyberpunk games out there.

>> No.3300340
File: 914 KB, 3808x1200, pw6bJZRzFouFz9dYQiRwGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is using color to guide your eye through the corridors, the walls have colored horizontal elements, the floor literally has a line, each area has different lighting and the pointless sci fi shit doesn't draw attention to itself.
This is autist dogshit that sounds nice in theory but in practice it makes for uninteresting and bland samey looking games. The theory is simply off and removed from the practical reality when everything looks the same these days

>> No.3300342

>The new style reminds me of the new Deus Ex games and those games ooooooooze style.
You sound like a huge faggot. Get off conceptart.org's dick you plebian

>> No.3300343
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, JgnXcvsHxXPSVoZXGo4dzK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So exciting when every game virtually looks identical so you can wax your pole over whatever design fad you think is stylish right now.

>> No.3300345

Ah, the classic ic thing. "If you do not like the same thing as me, you are wrong."

>> No.3300349
File: 814 KB, 500x280, aa5f054b4e554c4efae9eb231dffe327b64f8ecf_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IMO, so is that weird generator room or whatever the fuck it is. The new style reminds me of the new Deus Ex games and those games ooooooooze style. Probably the most thoughtful cyberpunk games out there.
I liked it when it was called ghost in the shell.

>> No.3300350

Yep, I love that concept art. Looks like both a cool place to work and have a firefight.

Also, why are you saying 'identical'? There are barely ANY sci fi games made these days, the industry has trended towards modern, fantasy and historical. Show me five games from the last three years that look the same. And they certainly cannot be from the same dev

>> No.3300353

>here are barely ANY sci fi games made these days
Thats wrong. They only sell like shit because they all rook the same and arent appealing

>> No.3300354
File: 99 KB, 1245x706, 13214365478687978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another retarded kid who doesn't know anything about western concept art
You, retard, only doing what your art director and big marketing guys saying. This is 95% of western AAA projects for you.

>> No.3300356

hmm I agree. Their first demo felt more otherworldly and bewildering. It might not make as much sense but it helps for creating an atmosphere I think. There is nothing memorable about the new videos.

I remember I bought System Shock 2 way back in the day but I couldn't get it to render correctly on my machine, everything was pixelated and rainbow colored. So I never got to play either of the original games. Kind of want to play them now before playing any remakes. Friends at the time seemed enthusiastic about them. And I liked the original Deus Ex game a lot.

>> No.3300357

>this is BAD corridors because I said so

>> No.3300358

>Show me five games from the last three years that look the same. And they certainly cannot be from the same dev
Literally go to steam and tag "scifi", shit like lawbreakers and thousands of samey looking scifi fps. The best selling ones are obviously the ones that break the mold like subnautica with its candy colored approach to scifi

>> No.3300360

Hahahahahahahahaha tell that to the 90s, mate. The art direction was about as cohesive as King George III's war plans.

Still gonna need to see games to prove everything looks the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3300361

Controversial opinion:
The best looking "scifi" elements are found in japanese stuff like ghost in the shell, binary domain, vanquish and metal gear.

>> No.3300362

>The art direction was about as cohesive as King George III's war plans.
Yeah and it resonated with people instead of a handfull circlejerkers over at conceptart.org who make sterile looking angular factories all day erry day

>> No.3300364

Show me five games from the last three years that look the same. Show me Doom corridors in Horizon Dawn.

>> No.3300365
File: 196 KB, 1600x1040, Syd-Mead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hahahahahahahahaha tell that to the 90s, mate. The art direction was about as cohesive as King George III's war plans.
The 70s, 80s and 90s spawned some of the best scifi designs ever.

>> No.3300366

>generic scifi doesn't resonate with people
Are you legit retarded?

>> No.3300368

It didn't resonate you faggot, it was the only stuff at the time. That's like saying that bolt action rifles really resonated with the armies equipped with them rather than semi autos. They didn't resonate, THEY HAD NO CHOICE

>> No.3300369

I doubt you can name 10 of them without google

>> No.3300371

>psychedelic trash
M8, welcome to the matter of personal taste. I know it's complex. I know.

>> No.3300372

It sold. Stuff like lawbreakers didnt sell

>> No.3300373

>syd mead
yeah back to photobashing you go

>> No.3300374

do you know anyone besides Syd Mead, kid?

>> No.3300376

Subnautica is selling hotcakes and its colorful looking.
Samey looking scifi shovelware like lawbreakers and prey sold like shit

>> No.3300377

And yet overwatch did? Overwatch is not the bleeding edge of originality. The character designs are mostly designed to be tropes. The world has many of the classic sci fi elements that you rail against.

It's almost like art is not the only thing that sells a game...

>> No.3300379

>Horizon Dawn
>Hipster-nords from the cast of the Vikings tv show get dropped into Skyrim and there are a bunch of dinosaurs built by Boston Dynamics wandering around for some reason.

Possibly one of the most retarded looking games recently

>> No.3300380

Yeah, thanks for proving my point.
Overwatch is candy colored and looks like a mix of anime and pixar and is as far removed from generic conceptart.org shit as you can.

>> No.3300381

>colorful looking
Overwatch is colorful looking. Man, jsut delete your shit thread. You're clearly delusional.

>> No.3300383
File: 532 KB, 1600x816, ron cobb nostromo deck concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world has many of the classic sci fi elements that you rail against.
You're the one railing against classic scifi in favor of photobashed garbage you brainlett moron.

>> No.3300387

>*why everything looks same reee*?
>dinosaurs built by Boston Dynamics
are you fucking /v/tard?

>> No.3300388

>Overwatch is colorful looking.
I'll just point you to this.
and this

Overwatch is selling exactly because it is colorful and popping out.
It looks nothing like the photobashed greybrown garbage you're waxing over.

>> No.3300390

Syd Mead is literally the father of the exact type of sci-fi concept art shit you apparently hate so much.

>> No.3300393

>already getting so worked up over being factually wrong he starts to make spelling mistakes while completely changing his stance and the goalposts several times in a post
lmao just step away from the keyboard

>> No.3300396

>far removed from generic conceptart.org shit as you can.
Because Overwatch is generic anime cartoon shit, right? Just remove yourself.

>> No.3300397
File: 138 KB, 1000x402, Syd-Mead-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syd mead is the exact opposite of photobashed grey brown shit you're sucking off you brainlett autist

>> No.3300400

I expected nothing less from /v/ degenerate.

>> No.3300401
File: 182 KB, 680x544, Arnold_Tsang_14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because Overwatch is generic anime cartoon shit
Well the art director arnold tsang was hired straight from deviantart

>> No.3300405
File: 372 KB, 900x1316, influence_map_by_arnistotle-d2zcr0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh anon.

>> No.3300406

You do realize that the greybrown garbage only became the standard because that sort of thing too sold incredibly well, right? You don't know anything about art and you don't even understand how the free market works. Stop wasting your time with video games and do something to educate yourself you fucking fool.

>> No.3300408

What are you trying to proof by this picture?

>> No.3300409

No, Syd Mead alongside Bladerunner and GitS is the thing every modern photobashing sci-fi artist will cite as their main source of inspiration.

>> No.3300411

Haha you are mentally ill.
A product with a certain style sold and everyoen started aping it, proving it wasnt the style that sold it. Shit like lawbreakers and prey flopped, even the last deus ex flopped.
While garrish neon stuff like far cry blood dragon was a huge success.
Styles move on. You havent moved since 2005 from the way you talk

>> No.3300413

>lawbreakers again

>> No.3300414

It's prove. You're making spelling mistakes like a madman because you're getting so butthurt by constantly getting btfo.
It's arnold tsang's influence map. So much for you denying it's anime inspired.

>> No.3300415

>So much for you denying it's anime inspired.

>> No.3300417

DXMD failed long after release due to weird publisher choices and bad story. One look through the comments on the promo vids shows people loving the art style

Are you seriously gonna call Golem City unoriginal? Or the Prague Police uniforms stylistically bad? Cuz if you do, you are literally just arguing with personal taste and that is a total waste of time

>> No.3300418

>you're getting so butthurt by constantly getting btfo.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.3300422

I'm not even the anon saying everything looks the same. I'm just jumping into this thread to say Horizon looks gay. Overwatch looks retarded also. The new Doom game was lame looking too. Too many normies working in games industry I guess.

>> No.3300424


>> No.3300425

I want a reboot with pretty graphics. Nothing more.

>> No.3300426

I think the pinacle of shitty design are the xcom remakes.

>> No.3300428
File: 124 KB, 1000x625, syndicate1202243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the syndicate reboot?
Those modern cookie cutter scifi fps really all look the same.

>> No.3300429

Okay, You sound extremely confused. I have absolutely no attachment to the grey and brown art style, I'm simply explaining the free market to you here. Companies always ape what's successful, so I suppose your problem will soon solve itself when they start copying the colorful and cartoony artstyle of Overwatch etc.

>> No.3300432
File: 955 KB, 800x1154, 1494280965946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord OP, you have only scratched the surface. I can only begin to list the innumerable sins that form the homogenous legion of poor taste that is the concept art industry or just general "Artstation-core" aesthetics and sensibilities.

> detail via pouch (either fantasy characters with pouches, vials, flasks etc all over them are large creatures carrying tons of small sacks, chests, barrels etc)
> artists constantly drawing over rendered girls that never show any emotion or if they do it's something obnoxious like Dreamworks face (Ilya Kushinov is a big offender)
> Artists have a photo-real image in their folder to show how well they can render. it is always a piece of power armor, robot, or similar. Often just a bust, at that.
> z-brush -> keyshot >photoshop workflow, all the most advanced tools in the world and all they can do with it is drop a generic robot design on a stock photograph background
> Extreme Hue variation on skin at the slightest opportunity
>sub surface scattering in every lighting condition on every skin tone at every possible opportunity (bonus points for light behind the ear/ through the nose meme)
> overly rendering anime so that hair looks like plastic, eyes look like glass, the entire character looks like a 3d model
> "low-poly" (a shitty indie game dev fetish atm) style concept art
> only architectural pieces in their portfolio are pagodas, temples, other asian-esque stuff because it's the easiest to recognize "style" (shows a shallow understanding of architecture)
>Extremly dynamic and foreshortened character illustration ... but the closest thing to the camera is the hand so the drawing is 80% hand/arm
>3-4 legged walker mechs
> top down shot of a guy in a boat with the silhoutte of something BIG in the water under him (using figures in a composition as a short hand for scale in general is pretty cheap)
> "I put tentacles on this that means it's from the Cthulu mythos"

The list goes on, anyone feel free to add to it.

>> No.3300433

Some people like that.
Some many, many, MANY people prefer it.

>> No.3300434

Literally the purpose of video games is to sell copies and make money. Designers are hired to make the games successful by appealing to as many people as possible. How the fuck can you even post on /ic/ and not know the simplest of things about fucking art direction and design?

>> No.3300437

looks like Deus Ex: Human Revolution

>> No.3300440

>everything is full of cliches
Hot news. You can post same thing about Old Masters. Art movements are pretty much same shit.

>> No.3300441
File: 47 KB, 669x740, 58159862652019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone here so butthurt

>> No.3300443

Merk wip is really exemplary for the joyless conceptart.org style.

>> No.3300444

Sounds like you have found your coping mechanism for being a terrible artist: Ridicule literally everything everyone else does who is better than you.

>> No.3300447

Horizon got outsold by breath of the wild.
Seems like colorful is more appealing.

>> No.3300448

yes /ic/ is an art forum, not accounting forum for bean-counting jews. artists like to see interesting things

>> No.3300449

Someone post screencaps of Craig Mullins posts. Final nail in the coffin.
We don't like /v/tards. They're delusional.

>> No.3300450

What's the deal with this picture? I don't get it.

>> No.3300451

Forgot to mention "dude with a stick looking over a overpainted stock image of the scottish highlands with a castle slapped on a hill"

>> No.3300453

>We don't like /v/tards. They're delusional.
We need a rule that everyone using the royal we to appeal to majority needs to post work immediately.

>> No.3300454

Again, implying games only sell via art style. Not like BOTW had the backing of a hugely successful franchise and truly creative gameplay, as opposed to HZD which is basically third person Far Cry

>> No.3300458

Breath of the wild gold outsold by GTA5 and CoD.

>> No.3300459


>> No.3300461

Well that's just flat out moronic. A new IP got outsold by a fucking Zelda game. I honestly don't even understand what dumb argument you are trying to make here. That there is only room for exactly 1 artstyle and every video game must look the same? Isn't that the exact thing you were complaining about in the first place? Sounds like there is a healthy balance of realistic and cartoony, colorful games after all.

>> No.3300462

Give me (You) if you don't like /v/tads in /ic/.

>> No.3300469

I don't like anyone on this website

>> No.3300472

Just what is it you draw yourself? No fantasy, no sci-fi, no anime, no landscapes, no figures, no rendering, no colors, no dynamic perspective and foreshortening... What the fuck is there left to draw?

>> No.3300473

simplicity vs kitchen sink
ancient tech that looks interesting and meshes with fantasy world vs high tech than clashes with fantasy elements

>> No.3300475

>What the fuck is there left to draw?
Technically nothing. Even white paper can by considering as art.

>> No.3300487

>vs high tech than clashes with fantasy elements

I'm pretty sure that was the whole purpose. Conceptual contrast. You might not like the outcome, but I'm not sure why you hate it so much that some developer took a risk doing something different for once. I mean, it's not like there are hundreds of fantasy games with high tech robot dinosaurs in it for you to get sick of this concept.

>> No.3300489

Nice projection

Nice strawman

Is it really so much to ask to have a little fun taking the piss out of some of the bullshit shorthands rampant in "the industry" these days? Why do you feel such a strong need to defend these things?

>> No.3300494

Just saying it's gaudy. Much like the character designs themselves. I don't 'hate' it. It's just a video game.

>> No.3300506

Because most of those things aren't bullshit shorthands, you just sound like you are too dumb to understand why they are being used. Like, you are literally complaining about small and medium shapes being used to break up big shapes. That is beyond idiotic when you are actually an artist and understand the first thing about design. Then you complain about 3 and 4 legged mechs? As opposed to what? 6 and 2 legged mechs? You bitch about human figures being used to show scale in composition as if using human scale is some sort of overused fad.

>> No.3300546 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 1920x1368, 1517658619154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT illustratards butthurt the industry doesn't care for creativity anymore. your unimaginative renderings are no longer wanted. time to relearn art or go get real jobs. even chinamen outperform you in every way.

>> No.3300569

>concept art

>> No.3300573

>concept art: fully illustrate a concept for retards without imaginations
>illustration: now make it pretty.
>implying they aren't the same thing.

>> No.3300575

keep thinking that retard

>> No.3300578

I know you don't draw but at least google what illustrator and what concept artist doing.

>> No.3300582

Is conceptart.org the Cal arts of /ic/?

>> No.3300585

Because professionals care about what art direction they are given, not this retarded shit of "look mom, i'm different!".
Concept design nowadays is great in comparison with the past, you guys just like to trash it so you feel like you are superior in some way to people that are clearly above you. "Sure, this guy paints, composes and renders better than me, but he is not iconic like I am!!1"
But un the end you don't even know what makes something iconic, you just know how to be different for the sake of being different. You are just the concept Art equivalent of a Tumblr OC with 20 different colors.

>> No.3300624

But the opposite happened.
They 180ied the art direction contrary to what backers funded.

>> No.3300646

>make a good looking game
>don't like it, 2 years later get a different team of artists
>make a generic looking game

yeah ok

>> No.3300653

I think maybe the reason is that the style does not accompany the fictional zeitgeist in the game. The capitalist overlords and upper middle class should have lofty, spacious, well lit, brightly colored dwellings and workplaces where poorer areas should be grimy, poorly lit, and darkly colored. Hospitals are centers of commerce with decadent furnishings, and furthermore, dirty hospitals piss me off.

>> No.3300654

Lol anon, you are right. Other things artist do that it's like SO unoriginal:

>Big animals with four or six legs
>Giant trees
>Dark background with light character in the middle
>They all use dark foregrounds and put the focal point in middleground
>Chairs always have either 4 or 3 legs
>Machines always made of metal, LMAO
>Vehicles that float or have wheels
>They make rectangular canvases
>They draw people with two eyes
>They use colors

Glad that you and me are better for not doing these things, anon.

>> No.3300664

>being this retarded

>> No.3300666

I do agree unnecessary pouches that add nothing to the aesthetic value are widespread, but you don’t really see that in video games, do you? Art directors shift through the trash and implement the best into their works according to the parameters they have set for themselves.

>> No.3300689
File: 117 KB, 840x418, scifishit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modular nature of video game level design is the main factor of why all these games look the same. You can feel the underlying grid in all of these interiors that the levels might aswell be made out of minecraft blocks, even with non sci fi stuff, you can feel it.

>> No.3300692
File: 109 KB, 500x475, 1512143544030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scathing sarcasm, bro

>> No.3300696

To add to your cliche list: i hate the wow- orc and his stupid greenish colour and weird blocky armor that has unnecessary Spikes and blades sticking out everywhere. Wow ruined creativity by solidifying rpg tropes that much. People should get experimental with fantasy characters again, there is so many ways you could experiment with bone structure, you could be getting inspiration from lots of different animals, look up photos of anatomical anomalies, mutations and whatnot, there are better ways than shrek with boar tusks

>> No.3300703

>shrek with boar tusks
Pretty much this. And football armor.

>> No.3300768
File: 388 KB, 590x2760, a6aec06d9ec9c01980aafd5d458c3d8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagination died when people started being obsessed with money, whoring trends, fan art, and getting "in the industry".
Nobody has the IQ or discipline to read books or do their research and create something with a solid atmosphere and art direction.
Nobody looks at art anymore. They just skim whatever social media feeds them and do their own bastardized version of an inbred style.
Literally every strong art direction becomes "industry standard" and then gets BTFO'd by industry professional meme trends.

Everyone insists that it's a "business strategy" that generi-shit is the only thing that sells. but yet again it's just an excuse to hide behind a lack of imagination.
It's fast-follow, generic-brand, underhanded barrel-scraping nonsense. same strategy as shitty iOS apps and selling T-Shirts.
You basically hide a shit product behind good art so that people will buy it, instead of creating a good product that's ""risky"".

Sure you could actually take the time to come up with your own thing, but that takes leaving behind the mainstream for a long time and actually go searching for things that actually appeal to you.
We've all seen the "Pointy Chins" catastrophe, but nobody ever puts two and two together and says "I might have to do that at some point." They just keeping copying and get absorbed into a cult of nothing.

>> No.3300772

I once read it was a CIA weapon.

>> No.3300777

>it's another "modern is shit" episode

havent you heard

modern people are souless husks who shape themselves in the image of their technological creations.

it's the golden bull anon


>> No.3300783

thank god you, an enlightened and good human, are here to tell us why we are terrible people

>> No.3300793

true dat

>> No.3300855
File: 93 KB, 479x768, FFXII_Basch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In video games there is often pointless wrapping on characters' arms. Also maybe one arm/leg doesn't have clothes/armor on it for some reason. I guess they value asymmetry and this is a common thought on how to inject it. Definitely still a tendency for characters to be over-designed in video games. Final Fantasy goes full retard in this regard. Bunch of random shit slapped onto a character.

>> No.3300862
File: 86 KB, 788x588, Basch-early_concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fantasy goes full retard in this regard. Bunch of random shit slapped onto a character.
That's a case of executive meddling.
Back in the early concept stage when basch was still the main character his design was a lot more realistic and less gaudy.

>> No.3300901
File: 98 KB, 825x550, ff10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah. wow. Much more classy than a dude wearing a life vest and half of an unbuttoned blouse.

But the ridiculousness was already in previous FF games.

>> No.3300928

Lmao at the pointless bondage belts, frilly belly button midriff, harlequin-chequered brassiere and calf/ankle-less boots.

>> No.3300941
File: 43 KB, 500x495, 51+rH1yZXuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this. To my knowledge there's no evidence that generiscifi is the only thing that sells and could possibly sell.

A big problem is that the tech has gotten so advanced that you need hundreds or thousands of cubicle drones and millions of dollars to produce AAA games and it's now to the point where you can sell millions of copies and still lose money.

I miss the days when developers didn't put all their eggs into one overly micro-managed basket

>> No.3301105
File: 140 KB, 520x390, 0_mall_ptg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to let you all know, that you're all idiots who understand neither the purpose nor the function of concept art.

You keep expecting pretty illustrations, when the purpose of concept art is to serve as a guide to 3D modelers/costume designers/set builders who will create the final art assets for the project.

You whine about photobashing, but you don't understand it's purpose. You complain about concept art being boring, but you should complain about the project itself being boring.

You complain about modern concept art, but have you SEEN the concept art for System Shock 2? I mean LOOK at this!

Concept Art, in a general sense, is better than it's ever been. It's better than it was in the 90s, that's for damn sure.

You're all just too stupid and blinded by nostalgia to see it.

>> No.3301109

FZD is also a big culprit for the homogenization of concept art.

>> No.3301110


Hello mr polish photobasher, your work is shit.

>> No.3301119
File: 816 KB, 5120x2880, ScienceLab.jpg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is more something I hate in video games than just concept art but I guess the two of them are linked
>laboratory/facility is 100% metal with a billion blocky rounded irregularly shaped panels everywhere
it's not cool
half-life 1 had the perfect science facility, where a billion-dollar particle accelerator that had a reason to look like that laid door-to-door with corridors that could be straight out of your school

>> No.3301124

you forgot
>dude with red cape and a stick on a empty landscape

>> No.3301125

Well said, anon.

>> No.3301126

lol nobody in here draws

>> No.3301129


Not Polish, and not a photobasher.

Just a guy who knows the realities of the industry.


Of course they don't. That would detract time from dragging down others' work.

>> No.3301132

>didn't read the thread
>reddit spacing
>feels superior to everyone else in the thread
Not surprised.

>> No.3301134

>feels superior to everyone else in the thread

That's depressingly easy.

>> No.3301135


>> No.3301169

I agree

>> No.3301170

The problem with most modern concept art and design is that it's too obsessed with making everything pretty and stylish all the time. Which is very immature in a design way and undermines itself because when everything is sleek nothing is.

>> No.3301173
File: 23 KB, 400x300, tribolabor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half-life 1 had the perfect science facility, where a billion-dollar particle accelerator that had a reason to look like that laid door-to-door with corridors that could be straight out of your school
This. Most modern concept art is obviously made by people who only experience the world through movies, Instagram and videogames.
Halflife had the "lab" feeling down.
Real labs are messy for 90 percent and sterile for 10 and they are as far removed from stylish as possible.
That lack of realism and life experience is what annoys me most about modern concept art.

>> No.3301176
File: 2.05 MB, 3032x1705, interior-view-of-the-destiny-laboratory-on-the-international-space-station-iss-during-the-expedition-7-mission-nasa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other example of high-tech environment from real life is probably the ISS, but that's very messy and sharply detailed and not the sort of blocky abortion you see all the time

>> No.3301196
File: 87 KB, 800x546, Technikum_Weisse_Biotechnologie_TU_Muenchen_13919749ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science stuff looks cool in its own way, but it doesn't look sleek.
Whenever I see "stylish" labs in concept art I cringe.

>> No.3301198
File: 174 KB, 990x641, antimatter2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you don't have to go full realism, but blockland isn't stylish OR realistic

>> No.3301203
File: 55 KB, 667x278, 1321534765876987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>people still retarded and delusional about concept art in this thread

>> No.3301220

>still making excuses for being a lazy hack

>> No.3301230

You're being paid to deliver a safe predictable product that will please middle managers/shareholders and sell lots of DLC to idiots. Why even bother trying to be creative in a situation where it's not what you are being paid for and it's not what the client wants.

>> No.3301237

>Art director tells you to copy anal rider 3
>lol fuck you I do this shit in my way
>got fired
Are underage or something?

>> No.3301240

Interesting the art director isnt an artist?
The shareholders fund the development.
Shit art is still on the art directors.
Theres tons of games with amazing art direction. You're not being forced to deliver shit art, you're just shit.

>> No.3301242

There's a big misconception about what an art director does. It's like a middle manager job, and it's not based on how good your personal taste is. You're art directing the product to sell not to be your personal artistic vision. The purpose is to get the artists to produce work that will have mass appeal to sell games and DLC.

>> No.3301243

>The purpose is to get the artists to produce work that will have mass appeal to sell games and DLC.
Such a retarded loop in logic.
Shit like the new deus ex and the syndicate reboot flopped even though they have the art conceptart.org art direction you're waxing over.

The best selling games like minecraft (which has only programmer graphics) and pubg (which has arma-like realism without too much stylization) dont use overstylized scifi photobashing. Even the garbage scifi concept art call of duty was the worst selling one.

>> No.3301245

suits don't actually know anything about art, generic art doesn't exist because everyone loves it but because it's easy and safe

>> No.3301247

oh man that wire jungle gets me hard

>> No.3301249

>/v/tard posting retarded shit again

>> No.3301251

The current FZD and photobashing wankery all came straight from conceptart.org.
It's not so much that it's "popular with audiences" or "the suits" demand it but that insecure artists have memed each other into aping the most bland and generic style there is even when games that break the samey generic modern art direction from conceptart.org are usually more successful.

>> No.3301252

I'm not saying it's good or desirable, but that's what the situation is at present.

>> No.3301253

pointy chins?

>> No.3301256
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, 1517779733636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current FZD and photobashing wankery all came straight from conceptart.org.

>> No.3301278

And that is why I would never want to be.
Soulcrushing repetitive work for kids in puberty and manchildren who call themselves "gamers" proudly while watching "feminist rekt" videos

>> No.3301280

im gay

>> No.3301287

post you're work

>> No.3301459

This combined with jack of job security is why nobody dreams about being a game artist anymore. That was the dream during the peak of conceptart.org. Then the dream was to be a freelancer and do illustrations for companies like WotC. But a lot of artists are not good at business or drumming up work, and magic cards only pay $1k. So now the dream is starting your own IP, retaining rights over your work, and making your own products. Which involves even more non-art related work and skills. Pick your poison!

>> No.3301469

conceptart.org culture was against using photos. You were supposed to do everything yourself and get good by drawing 79 hours per day. The act of drawing itself would teach you everything you needed to know. I don't remember much focus on books like we have now. It was just "read loomis and study anatomy then draw till your hand falls off". The beginning of the rise of video tutorials was during the death of conceptart.org. Photobashing popularity came after.

>> No.3301540

There are two types of design (or art for that matter), roughly speaking.
The first kind is the safe, competent yet average that blends into the current cultural trends.

The second kind is the highly risky, masterful and genre defining.

The first kind copies of the latter.
Take Alien for instance. Was it a safe choice to hire a perverted swiss surrealist painter with rape fantasies to design a monster for a commercial film? Hell no. But derivatives of his Xenomorph design is now fully fully integrated into our pop cultural subconscious.

I think most of us on this forum would prefer to be the latter kind of artist. Ofcourse, statistically few of us wil make it at all, but if you're gonna have a goal it might aswell be a great one.

>> No.3301557

True, I don't think anyone really prefers to fail at mediocrity rather than at being the best.

>> No.3301577


They're just retards looking for a boogeyman.

>> No.3301581


ITT autists who don't understand the difference between movies and reality.

>> No.3301603


>> No.3301633
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1433716247384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

financially speaking, being creative is treated as extremely risky behavior and it gets shutdown by any risk holder within their power. This sets the mood for 'creative' industries today. Even games have become so dogshit horrid that even hardcore gamers have moved onto things like CARDGAMES to satiate their itch. It's only going to get worse because the working class think the world is an unstoppable progress machine. The reality however is we're offloading intelligence into machines and losing creative power because of it.

>> No.3301635

you're comparing best-seller POP HITS to big business formulaic franchises. the fuck you even doing?

>> No.3301637

But there's also the third kind. Tries too hard to be "risky", "daring" and "different", but in the end it's completely forgotten by all anyways. Survivorship bias etc.

>> No.3301727

>being so autistic as to not recognize sarcasm.

>> No.3301733
File: 180 KB, 947x891, 1467501063743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting sarcasm to be identifiable on 4chan.

>> No.3301812

The FZD is mostly outdated Art Center inspired stuff that's been worn out like a casette tape after Feng's repeated it for so many times.

>> No.3301823

Do you have the full image from that?

>> No.3302288

What's the new cancer?

>> No.3303069

>Posts overblown chinese art
Oh great I love destroying paintings with the dodge and burn tools.
Don't confuse painting for renders, chinese digital art are literally the definition of 'render'.

>> No.3303123
File: 1.99 MB, 250x190, 1486784732731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large part is that games used to be made on a shoestring budget, before (((investors))) poured millions into each title and expected to be able to inject "market researchers" and other businessmen (read: not creatives) into every stage of development. The pure creativity of early concept art when a games studio would consist of 10 nerds eating ramen for a year, is completely lost when to have even the most basic competitiveness on the market, it's a requirement to hire at least 60% diverse dyed hair women and spend at least a million on graphics and engines, not to mention promotions. Something as wacky and experimental as Zelda could never be established today without some serious generification, think gritty overdesigned generic protagonist Zelda with useless armour tacked on and shit all over the screen, fighting boring "scary" enemies on rails.

I truly believe that the best films and games have either a singular drive (a megalomaniac director like Kojima), near-complete free roam for the art director (e.g. Yoji Shinkawa, or Mad Max: Fury Road which had 1 artist working away on designs for decades), or are so tightly locked into an existing franchise or source material (e.g. the Witcher or Mario) that it's near impossible to fuck up and generify the design from the source.

"A camel is a horse designed by consensus"

>> No.3303226

Why do I feel like I've heard this before

>> No.3303276

Is that mullins?

>> No.3303286
File: 162 KB, 800x508, 33556_ghostintheshellf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone recognizes its shit, even professionals know they're churning out trash for the consumer base. See Mr. Concept Art or the constant advice pros give to always do personal work. Weta wanted to do some sick practical shit for GITs but guess who pulled the plug? Its not that we cant make good work, but that we arent allowed.

>most things backed by loadsamoney are going to be about the money

More news at 6.

>> No.3303314

There are literally thousands of indie games being made each year with all kinds of varying budgets, ranging from 1 man hobby projects to very well funded kickstarter titles that can pay their artists as much as any big studio would. Thanks to Steam and youtube/twitch exposure, making the next big indie hit is literally the gold rush of our time. And yet all the wannabe pros on /ic/ ever complain about are fucking triple A games and hollywood blockbuster movies, which they will never work on to begin with.

Why is that? Why do you always have to play the victims and see the glass as half empty? There has NEVER been a time where you had more opportunity to work on creative passion projects, get them funded and have them succeed than today.

>> No.3303381

Helicopters in raincoats.

>> No.3303450

>A large part is that games used to be made on a shoestring budget, before
Yeah maybe in the atari days.
By the mid 90s it was alreadya multimillion dollar industry.

>> No.3303607

>Imagination died when people started being obsessed with money, whoring trends, fan art, and getting "in the industry".

Laughing at the implication that art world hasn't literally always been all of this and just took a sudden turn at one point. Pretty much all classical fine art is fan art of the bible (see also "whoring trends") and the ability to copy other artists was seen as a top tier skill.

Following trends is not even a unique feature of art world, it's all of commercial world. Gotta hustle that money for food somehow.

Yeah it gets stale to see the majority following whichever trend is going on at any given time but if that didn't happen, and everyone was doing super unique things 24/7, then to quote a disney movie, when everyone is special nobody is. It takes a standard behaviour to notice outliers and new twists on old fashions. Standards simply work like that and fashionable things ebb and flow. I don't know how you suppose to fix any of this.

>> No.3303612

>Pretty much all classical fine art is fan art of the bible
yeah except classical fine art has intellect, passion, nuance, values, etc while modern concept art panders to the basest of the base instincts

and calling religious art fan art is fucking pushing it

>> No.3303620
File: 315 KB, 800x578, 76dd5b24a468474df6fc32813dda328d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we share some artists that we think have a unique style?

>> No.3303622
File: 248 KB, 640x690, starwarslands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right. Compare the concept art and designs of the new Star Wars movies to the old Ralph Mcquarrie ones. Classic concept art (pre- XXI century) is yet unbeatable.
Movies are even reusing today old charismatic monster and characters like Terminator, Predator, Alien, Freddy Kruegger, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Jason Voorhees, etc. I don't think we have had lately a character so iconic in movies (maybe, except Pyramid Head, of Silent Hill, but that's a game)

>> No.3303634

The sarcasm itself was retarded

>> No.3303638

characters become iconic with time

>> No.3303650

Maybe, but I don't think we have had lately characters as powerful as Terminator, Predator, Alien. Nostalgia has been forever with humanity, but this is the first time in movie history, we're reusing constantly characters from a few decades ago.

>> No.3303666
File: 153 KB, 723x570, Dungeon Meshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet another shitty "muh newer is bad" thread made by the same 3 cucks with nostalgia goggles who don't understand that the reason why they think so is because with time most of the shit gets forgotten and only the worthy pieces survive.

Hell you are completely retarded if you think that older times such as the '80 weren't plagued by tropes and samey shit, so much that a parody such as Kung Fury manages to sum half of the period's filmatography in a single movie.

>> No.3303668

>so much that a parody such as Kung Fury manages to sum half of the period's filmatography in a single movie.
but kung fury was shit and anachronistic

>> No.3303683


...That's the literal definition of fan art though. You read a book and paint your interpretation on it, it's fan art. Religious literature doesn't just somehow skip over the definition for being ~more serious~ than any other literature, or media in general.

And to continue my original point, modern concept art uses the exact same art theory as its basis as the classic fine arts. Tools and styles change with times but the idea that ye olde painters were somehow better and more intelligent humans with more passionate and intellectual experiences is fucking laughable, the romantization of the past doesn't change the fact that people have always been people, with their trend following (copying other artists, following the trend of painting religious figures because it was the In Thing back then). Current popular art is seen as less for no intellectual reason, it's different but it's not somehow objectively better or worse, the point of art is its subjectiveness.

But if you disagree that passionately feel free to explain how you can tell the amount of passion and intellect and nuance between modern and renaissance paintings, I'm genuinely curious to know how you measure and define things like that. You know, beside the snobby idea that the classics somehow are just inherently better than modern stuff, which is a conversation perpetually repeating itself about every single newer thing when they surface until an even newer thing to complain about comes along. It's a mindless trend in and of itself to bitch about how the modern times are bad and it used to be better, ironically enough.

>> No.3303702

the bottom illustration probably took 10 times longer to make though.

>> No.3303734

Probably. Maybe there's still a lot of talent but they don't have time to polish because of insane deadlines.
If you browse through a tumblr like 70s Sci Fi:
It's almost plagued with beautiful, original, and memorable designs everywhere.
I believe that the hectic pace of todays world and the excesive media consumption are damaging imagination and art.

>> No.3303766

religious art isn't fanart because religions aren't fandoms, a religous "fan" is called a believer. And I'm not saying hurf durf all modern artists are retards, I'm saying that the extremely well thought out, laborious pieces made in cooperation with the highest spiritual authorities in the land who fully comprehend their own rich religions are far higher than concept art, which is basically just really rich men trying to earn as much money as possible so they hire artists to mass-produce something only three steps above pure banality so as many people as possible will pay to see it, it's escapism. Sure the techniques are probably just as good between the both of them, but art doesn't hinge on technique. Of course there are still wise, competent artists these days, but commercial art is not exactly the bastion of depth.

>> No.3303778
File: 310 KB, 1050x788, Emil_Lauffer_-_Kriemhilds_Complaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much all classical fine art is fan art of the bible
b u l l s h i t

>> No.3303786
File: 2.57 MB, 1996x3036, Ferdinand_Max_Bredt_In_a_courtyard_Tunis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much all classical fine art is fan art of the bible
b u l l s h i t !

>> No.3303799

>just glad to be working, just glad to be working, just glad to punch the clock 10 minutes earlier and go home.

>> No.3303808
File: 332 KB, 940x626, 1171088_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> top down shot of a guy in a boat with the silhoutte of something BIG in the water under him (using figures in a composition as a short hand for scale in general is pretty cheap)

It was after that Peleng's picture i believe. First of its kind, no?

>> No.3303810

Because people go to imageboards to find someone they deem lower than themselves, shit on them and in the process feel better about it. It's even easier to project anything you'd like on a faceless, bodyless anonym entities who might as well all be just one person

>> No.3303814

It's because that talentless hack took over Amano's artistic direction and then elbowed his way to the top of the company.

>> No.3303815
File: 298 KB, 749x600, Magic-the-Gathering-Dandan-Arabian-Nights-6-x-7.5-Watercolor-1993-Drew-Tucker-Illustration[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew tucker for magic the gathering, dandân, 93~ ish
only lacks the figures but rowboats are of a set scale

>> No.3303818
File: 73 KB, 960x521, d8bc6d3b68b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mang, I'm absolutely in love with the mass effect designs. The Tempest from Andromeda is the fucking coolest fucking thing ever, but that might just be because I'm in love with the SR-71 blackbird.

The normandy and tempest are just as iconic as The Enterprise or Xwing in my eyes.

>> No.3303821

What is the "pointy chins" catastrophe?

>> No.3303826

sycra made a playlist where he tries to make his own style. the style he made is atrocious, and it's part of the reason why everyone shits on him.

>> No.3303829

>Pick your poison!
ychs for furries

>> No.3303830
File: 67 KB, 526x700, tumblr_p11klaULWm1r2s3h9o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3303831

You realize that artists through out most of history have ALWAYS been about money right? Artists were always rich, they often live with their key patrons which were always the upper class and even royalty.

In the 15th-17th century, the entire reason why the renaissance happened, was because of the rise of the middle class in Italy (and later the rest of Europe). People had excess money which let the commission more and more art. The rise of the guilds.

Only recent has the idea of the starving artist become a thing. In the late 19th century and early 20th you had your modernists, impressionists and the like which were able to "do their thing" because they all came from very rich families that supported their art and let them live without having to worry about selling that art. These are the artists that were forced to face that whole "What the fuck even is art" because of advances of technology (photography and film). The art being commissioned in the renaissance could now be done with the click of a camera's shutter. So artists had to adapt, they had to change. Artists no longer could make the kind of art they could in the past.

However, illustration and commercialization were becoming more and more of a thing as well. Fine Artists, the modernists, wanted to keep doing that "WHAT IS ART MANG" thing while every other artists HAD to change in order to make a living. If they kept following that dream without the support of rich families then they wouldn't have any money to fucking live.

The point is, art has always been commercial. Only recently has the idea of art, creating for the love of it, become a thing. Eventually, technology will replace everything completely and we are all going to face some horrible realities about what it means to be human.

>> No.3303834
File: 60 KB, 604x354, mI8Byq8p35Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I thought those were really tacky.


>> No.3303836
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1860, trickster_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what's he doing now.

>> No.3303840
File: 318 KB, 640x480, Copy of Painting-World-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artwork from braid looked like painting student's application compositions, but they were really heartfelt.

>> No.3303847
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenage me would have hated that shit simply for being not perfect and for reminding me of my own shitty art.
The moment I transcended that level of art I feel nostalgic about videogames having shit but unique art directions.
Even stuff like classic x-com games with it's objectively terrible art.
The naivity in it has a kind of purity that is as you put it heartfelt.

>> No.3303854

>I feel nostalgic about videogames having shit but unique art directions.
>Even stuff like classic x-com games with it's objectively terrible art.
>The naivity in it has a kind of purity that is as you put it heartfelt.

aaaa don't remind me

i almost regret grinding fundies for years, because i can't get that back

>> No.3303860

So much bullshit, you're nothing more than an old fart yelling at clouds at the minimum inconsistency or problem
>ah this chair broke, old chairs were so much better, I can tell you that's because this generation of degenerates stopped putting care into what they do, constantly with their eyes glued on those phones
This is exactly how you sound. But for real, at least tell me what's the exact subject of you rage and when were this older better times exactly?

>> No.3303861

>i almost regret grinding fundies for years, because i can't get that back
You actually can. The trick is to draw volume shapes and fill the fundies in later.
Gives your art that free flowing loose style with some extra craftsmanship.

>> No.3303866


>> No.3303919

I like this post. Thanks for that.

>> No.3303920

Currently he is living in Montreal, if I remember it right, and working in 3D inhouse.

>> No.3303947

This literally makes no sense. You're saying the generic, lifeless design and monotone color scheme of OP's first image is better than the vis dev in Star wars movies, or even the original game design because of the color ?

lol wut?

The best thing about those old star wars movies is the lived in feel of the props, ships and sets. It's more imaginative and gives you something to look at, it adds to the setting of the film. Not this generic smooth, slick and over designed shit. Another good example is Blade Runner 2049 which had far inferior set and overall design to a 30+ year old movie. Op's image like most design now a days lacks imagination and feels cheap and fake.

>> No.3303952


Speaking of Haze, something that needs to die is that generic soldier/mask future armor design style. spawned out of halo and other similar games.

Weak ass silhouettes and the same generic power armor shapes. It all reminds me of the new transformer movies where the transformers are devoid of any meaningful design decisions and end up being a scramble of thousands of random shapes that don't look like anything and are indistinguishable from one another.

>> No.3303970

I think the real problem is most of these artists have no imagination and the way in which they craft art has killed what little they did have. Over reliance on 3D models, photos and other junk will make it hard to come up with original ideas. There's a reason you hear most artists talk about sketching first with out looking at ref.

I'm sure the way the business is run with time constraints and what not also contributes to their work flows.

Most of the art I see now a days that's creative and interesting to look at comes from people who are drawing and sketching all the time from imagination. I rarely look at sites like artstation and see something I'd even bother to save in an inspiration folder on my computer.

>> No.3304004

It's because all those designs are copies of copies and none of those artists ever research any topic and just rip off whatever crap is popular and add their own shit flavoring on top.

>> No.3304005

>I rarely look at sites like artstation and see something I'd even bother to save in an inspiration folder on my computer.
I think artstation takes the cake for overrendered derivative designs.
You can only do a photorealistic meditating kung fu monk in fantasy rags so many times.
At this point I'd ditch the art director and just send someone with a camera to china to take photos of real monks.

>> No.3304194

>Pretty much all classical fine art is fan art of the bible
Well it was commissioned by the church so not really fanart. It was the official art of the Christianity.

>> No.3304711 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 300x300, jim-belushi-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
