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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 699 KB, 1662x2046, 7D75E163-D9C0-4AC5-BB99-F953CD0A3416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3298692 No.3298692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a social painting I did. It’s gouache on paper

>> No.3298697

Can't you at least post it all in just one thread since you think you are too good for the drawthread?

>> No.3298708

I am too good for the drawthread

>> No.3298712

You hide that too well.

>> No.3298716
File: 686 KB, 1000x800, february-3-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of my painting so far?

>> No.3298719

It’s shit

>> No.3298758

Sorry if it offends you but ... it's a good deal of shit on paper. the color is clay with some blue and white, the composition is mediocre and the social theme is too generic. It looks like a poster from the decade of the forties or the fifties of a minor circus author. the stroke is crude and the modeling vague. Seriously, you must improve a lot.

>> No.3298763

Wtf are you talking about? Lol!!!! Articulate u illiterate son of a bitch

>> No.3298770

you did better than this in the other painting you posted everywhere, what the fuck happend to her face Illastrat? You can do better man.

>> No.3298780


>> No.3298898
File: 307 KB, 1661x2043, L8HMnXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flipped it for you. Maybe that'll help you see some of the flaws.

>> No.3298902

For real though, does /ic/ have any janitors? Can you please tell this jackass to keep his shitty paintings in one thread? Or does this whole board have to be /illustrat/?

stop shitting up this board you fucking attention whore.

>> No.3298905

this fucking baboon needs a permanent global ban from life

>> No.3298908

how much for it?

>> No.3298943

now i cant read the writing wtf

>> No.3298963


>> No.3298985

Just use a mirror like the girl

>> No.3298998

>unable to show that a person is poor and homeless through painting so he has to LITERALLY WRITE THAT

>hurr durr social inequality

stop posting

>> No.3299007

Much like Dobson, avoid behaving like this smug-for-no-reason-shitshow.

>> No.3299036


>> No.3299059
File: 1.24 MB, 2816x2112, 1517267768671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop making new threads every few minutes, we know your a fucking attention seeker, but come on its just getting so annoying.

>> No.3299062

But r u better than me?

>> No.3299064

yeah basically

>> No.3299072

Prove it

>> No.3299076


xnosebro (dot) tumblr (dot) com

>> No.3299078

You got to be kidding me. These r just sketches. Shitty sketches at that. Nothing completed

>> No.3299081


But I was told I was getting better. You're supposed to praise me. Nothing but praise to make me delusional and wallow in my stagnation.

>> No.3299082

Im the one that posted that not this other fag, and yes I am, in fact i think most of / ic is and thats saying something

>> No.3299086

I am better than all y’all and I am a NIGGER

>> No.3299088

>and I am a nigger

I already told you I'm the best nig here.

>> No.3299089

Post better or stfu

>> No.3299090

nah I'm not ready to attention whore

>> No.3299092

Well stfu.

You see, I have a gift. I never draw 10 hours a day, this is natural. Y’all dont have it. Relax.

>> No.3299098

Ironically you're good at finishing things. Better than most of /ic/. But the quality of the finished work is steaming shit. Just saying. Chill.

>> No.3299101
File: 97 KB, 600x450, BEA20374-5C22-4F23-8B95-7F2688E1C54E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O rly

>> No.3299102

It's fascinating the extent to which Illast-wannbe-Basqui-at doesn't understand the first thing about the forms of the human face. It's so consistent over every single image he produces too, that it's clearly born of ignorance and ineptitude rather than a deliberate stylistic choice to make everyone look like half-melted clay.

>> No.3299105

>I never draw 10 hours a day
You should.
Maybe then the girl's eyes in your drawing wouldn't be escaping her head.

>> No.3299107

Obviously I am better than u

>> No.3299118

anon .... calling yourself an artist is an insult to art. the last painting is frightening and I'll tell you a little secret: nobody cares about your gender, skin color, sexuality or religion to be a good painter
Do you know who usually claims it as a trait?
he stains papers like you that only make fucking threads on this board.

>> No.3299120
File: 91 KB, 564x779, 6c95a1a25f074ae7171b10196696daf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this art, which is not mine, just to lower the level of shit in this thread.
Here you have a good artist or at least decent. learn from it and draw a lot, daily and in a few years you will improve.

>> No.3299121

At least post an african.

>> No.3299126

White people love clinging to their culture. I know there is art better than mine. That is not my claim. My claim is that I am the best on ic. I am. Post your work or stfu

>> No.3299133

Dude your being racist af, your using 'Im black' as an excuse because apparently white people do better art than black people, but your seriously insulting black people so stfu i have black friends who draw better than you ever had so stop hiding behind the colour of your skin, if you want to get good, do it and stop whining for attention on 4chan because no one wants to hear it.

>> No.3299137

Post any artist on ic that’s better than me.

>> No.3299141
File: 107 KB, 992x940, 1517482434785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illastrat. You are the best on /ic/. However, you are the company you keep, so you should maybe go and find some better people to discuss art with in case you pick up some of /ic/'s bad habits. /ic/ is not worth your time. It's no worth saying you're the best among retards. Please leave forever. Please.

>> No.3299145

Y’all all should quit. Ngmi

>> No.3299150
File: 340 KB, 488x760, 1515385268784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3299151

i laughed when i say this

>> No.3299152

more like gauche on paper lol

>> No.3299153

Please leave, I'm begging you

>> No.3299154
File: 108 KB, 1280x1799, 1517182843019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real truth is both of these /ic artists are better than you, they actually understand colour theory for a start.

>> No.3299155

At least look at what your typing la gobleino

>> No.3299224

That's an /ic/ artist??? Who would that be?

>> No.3299233

yeah, I remember that post, forgot their name, but they were posting a while ago.

>> No.3299239

https://twitter.com/ataruman I found their twitter, and I've seen this drawing before as well on here

>> No.3299242

yeah no there is a faggot who posts peoples work that isnt his all the time here. I very much doubt a person like that came here.

>> No.3299246

>I very much doubt a person like that came here.

>> No.3299247

whats so funny

>> No.3299254

you're definitely better at trolling, yeah.

keep it up.

>> No.3299275

I unironically like this one, even though it looks like the centerpiece of a degenerate art exhibit in nazi germany

>> No.3299276

That’s exactly what I am going for. Thx

>> No.3299310
File: 9 KB, 645x773, brnlt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soushul art.

>> No.3299331

Your values suck man, everything you put out looks the same.
are you trying no to improve?

>> No.3299388

Could I trade you a drawing or small painting for it?

>> No.3299416

No because u suck

>> No.3299418


You just gonna let him talk to you like that?

>> No.3299421

could you all stop getting baited by this fag?

>> No.3299422

I love you

>> No.3299424

This, so much this.

>> No.3299430

He's a nig, what do you expect.

>> No.3299436

>a social painting
WTF is a "social painting"?

>> No.3299447

an excuse for this faggo to make yet another thread.

>> No.3299454

how many threads do you need?

>> No.3299623
File: 114 KB, 550x358, 06CB7C63-FE4D-4871-A586-93619F3D3433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A social painting.