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3298690 No.3298690 [Reply] [Original]

any other d/ic/ks on that substance abuse or depression? how does it affect your art?

>> No.3298704
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yes, makes me push myself or else i feel worthless but can also have the opposite effect if i go too hard. ptsd dreams give me cool concepts, i don't care if thats romanticizing illness because we all deal with shit in our own ways. on the odd occurrence of psychosis (don't hallucinate, just get delusional) i can spiral into really dark shit and asemic calligraphy writing. got this from a reddit post i made because i tore up the original

>> No.3298713

No drugs but depression. I get a lot of mood swings, some days I do nothing but draw/paint on my free time and I'll feel like I can take on anything while on others I just feel like shit and can't even bother to lift a pencil. I'll try to force my self to draw but end up wasting my time on something else.

>> No.3298714

i feel that too. guilt keeps me going, but sometimes i just sleep and sleep

>> No.3298717

thats really cool looking

>> No.3298718

No I'm good

>> No.3298723
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thanks. i try to incorporate it into my paintings as much as possible. for some reason it feels really important to me and i can't articulate why. not like in a mysterious snowflake way, probably more like how high fantasy authors feel about the worlds they make

>> No.3298732

I use drugs to lower my inhibitions and draw without feeling like everything I do is wrong

>> No.3298733

while i relate i actually feel really bad for you as well. i know a few people who are great artists but won't draw without access to a substance because they have a breakdown about their art otherwise. its fucking heartbreaking to see

>> No.3298741

Hate to say it but I think the vast majority of the artists are depressed to a degree, even the ones that seem normal on the surface. "Tortured artist" is definitely a thing.

> how does it affect your art?

There's a fine line between the tristitia driving and giving me the urge to draw, all the way to crippling me so I am mentally constipated despite the urge to just let it all out.

> draw without access to a substance because they have a breakdown about their art otherwise.

To be honest I can understand why people go on drugs to draw (or simply to live life) but I've always told myself not to numb the pain, instead dive head-first into it, embrace it, feel it, become it.

>> No.3298745

Art is basically what keeps my depression at bay. I would probably would not have reached 30 without it

>> No.3298747

drugs have the opposite effect of numbing for some people and that's the mechanism they're going for by taking them.

>> No.3298759

I've noticed that with psychedelics it gives a lot of insight and images better than when sober

>> No.3298778

yeah me too, but i have very little motor function on them so i sort of use them as a lesson and then art about the experience later on

>> No.3298781
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and psilocybin improves visual acuity, most noticeably edge detection. pretty damn useful for art.

>> No.3298785

I don't breakdown if I don't use drugs it's just harder to actually sit down and draw without them

>> No.3298812

I dunno about that, is there research showing that your visual acuity is increased?

I definitely *seems* like my eyes are microscopes (and telescopes) with mushrooms, but many things seem to be happening on mushrooms that aren't actually happening.

I don't find my art improves or changes on psychedelics. It's more fun up to a point, but beyond a certain dose becomes physically impossible.

>> No.3298825

Terence McKenna touches on the acuity thing in his audio records. There are a lot of studies by the US gov on psilocybin that were swept up after it was classified as an illegal narcotic.

>I don't find my art improves or changes on psychedelics.
i can understand not improving but it doesn't even change? are you taking micro doses? do you paint? like, there is a 'let it do its thing' aspect, too.

>> No.3298839

McKenna talking about a thing is almost evience against, in my opinion ;) But I'd have to find out precisely what he did and said. Someone should just have a bunch of people take vision tests on and off psylocybin, and that would settle it.

I've done more freeform stuff on psylocybin, but that's difficult to judge objectively. When I actually want to perform an experiment, I stick to drawing from observation, in order to give myself a good objective measure of what is changing. In those cases, I find a microdose has no effect. 1-2g has no effect, but makes it more fun, and 2g+ is where I start losing my drawing ability during the peak, and it goes downhill from there.

>> No.3298872
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Im addicted to alcohol and speed but i still just draw anime girls and cartoony shit

>> No.3299222

I used to huff odorless mineral spirits when I was angry at my roommate.

>> No.3299245

Sleep is good. I cannot even get a decent sleep cause Im anxious.
Body and mind need rest.

>> No.3299249

i have an opiate problem.
in a weird way its a source of ideas and inspiration for my artwork, but at the same time its killing me. the tradeoff is worth it for now, i guess.

>> No.3299256

Try vitamin B12 for rest.

>> No.3299259

whats the hardest drug you've all tried? I got a link for cocaine and I'm thinking of getting some but I'm not really an uppers person.

>> No.3299262

I chain smoke weed - when absolutely high I start to draw with a general idea and art progresses

I suffer from depression. Pictures tend to. be dark,

Glad art exists, or I would be dead today

>> No.3299297
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I stopped drawing (and pretty much doing anything else) for three or four months because of depression. It was a mix of shitty life and late autumn/winter, then I started exercising and I feel a bit better now. I'm slowly getting back into drawing now, but I still don't have time or energy to draw.

However, art is one of the best ways of keeping the depression away, especially if mixed with some exercise. A lesson that I learnt from those 3 or 4 months is to never stop drawing, even if I feel like I'm worthless and my art is shite, even if I'm tired and don't really have time. At best, the act of art making will help me overcome depression, and at worst, at least I won't get worse.

>> No.3299304

Depression utterly shut me down. For years at a time sometimes.
I started drawing as a kid and took it seriously as a potential career when I was about 14. It can't happen at this point because I'm well into my adulthood and my skill level is far below what it could be. If you don't draw for like 5 years, but want to, that kills you, man.

I don't find weed helps me draw, I lose focus and draw too hurriedly. I'll end up thinking I want to draw something fun instead of good, which actually means something easy, which actually isn't fun,
Mescaline has helped me draw in a new way, but I have no access to it now or probably ever again. I lost the insights it gave me after a period of depression without drawing. RIP
Mushrooms I love, but I can't draw while under its effects. I find that I don't want to. But the next day, and seemingly for a long time afterwards, my instincts sharpen up dramatically. And so does my drawing-conscious, which is great. Like I could be drawing something and putting down thoughtless marks and deep down I go "hold up, erase this and do it properly. Do the difficult work". Or perhaps one day I'll say: "well let's not study drawing today, lets study rendering. So if we're not interested in drawing we might as well trace, huh?". Sometimes I'll actually end up doing that, and I'll feel ashamed the whole time. If I've done mushrooms sometime in the last few months, as soon as I feel that shame I stop and do it properly. Fantastic, fantastic drug.

Actually hardest? Mescaline. Most harmful, probably mephedrone or opiates. Fuck doing coke, you're not going to get anything out of it.

If the tradeoff is only worth it for now, then it isn't worth it. And you know that. Don't make excuses, see your local psychedelic salesman and start to kick the habit today!

>> No.3299393
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I do dope pretty much daily but it's only so my condescending inner monologue will shut the fuck up long enough for me to get work done. Of course I'm depressed but it's mostly because I'm a custodian to make ends meet and I spend the rest of the time isolated painting and drawing every day. Here is some of my work. Apparently barely above beg tier

>> No.3299439
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I don't know what I have but I spend most of my day struggling to stay awake and then use whatever hours I have where I'm able to get out of bed to draw.

>> No.3299464

this is dope. make more

>> No.3299501

Not exactly substance abuse but sex is my drug. Probably the only thing I can consider myself addicted to even though I have good self control and have kept celibate for a year and a half. It's like alcohol, once you're hooked, you're always going to be an alcoholic even if you keep clean. I still think about it every day.

>> No.3299533

I don't have much of a drug problem. I used to have an alcohol problem and was sober for a couple of years, until recently I started drinking again. I've been drinking mostly beer since I find that easier to control as opposed to hard liquor where I'll just chug a bottle and get really fucked up. Add depression to this and on top of that I think I may actually be on the spectrum because I get obsessive over things. Whether it's a film director, a hobby like chess or carpentry, an actress, I just get obsessive over something for a few months and I focus all my attention to that.

>> No.3299546
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A bit of this. >>3298732
But alcohol, and not a very large amount or I'll just end up here shitposting. But if I get really drunk it makes me crave drawing (which always ends up like shit)
My friends finds quite funny when I sit at the pub with my nose in a sketchbook even if I'm so drunk I can barely talk straight.

It's a fine line.

>> No.3299842

I smoke weed and it just makes me sleepy

>> No.3299846

this is beyond pathetic unless you mean weed or actually have to draw for a living.

>> No.3299936

Mine doesn't really turn out presentable but drawing on LSD is always fun. Been thinking of posting some of those but I'm not very good.

>> No.3299948
File: 1.03 MB, 1167x1113, theredone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have depression .here is my latest piece.
so in short, no it doesn't affect my art ;)

>> No.3299964

>report thread for blogposting because it's just faggots LARPing as artists and has nothing to do with art
>mods and janitors don't do anything about it

As usual, this board is fucking trash. I don't know why I still bother.

>> No.3299980

There's a handy little hide button ya know.

>> No.3299985

used to be, mostly booze and coke
then i realized i'll never get good if i'm smashed all the time so i stopped doing it

>> No.3300020

is he going to hide the whole fucking board eh

>> No.3300045

Same. I can't find the motivation to draw unless I'm high. I don't even smoke weed for fun anymore, just drawing.

I suffered from severe depression and have no desire to do anything if I'm not stoned. I end up listlessly scrolling through 4chan or reddit, pacing around, or laying about.

>> No.3300055
File: 527 KB, 895x844, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 2.49.50 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got into meth about the same time as i started drawing, went from nothing to pic related in 6 months... Moved house, moved overseas, other shit came up, it's been about 3 years now. Still get high but it doesn't motivate me/get me stuck in the zone like it used to. Increasingly frustrated with scribbly work. Don't know if they're related.

I think I might try more sober work, maybe smoke weed instead. Slows me down. Less angry at myself.

>> No.3300105

this post gave me crippling depression xDD

>> No.3300124

top fucking kek anon

but i hope you get clean

>> No.3300142
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it's not that bad. i reckon cigarettes are worse for you than shard as long as you don't increase your hits. and brush your teeth. heaps of misconceptions about it, amphetamines are basically all the same.

>> No.3301901

No drugs, but I've lost my will for pretty much everything. I can't really look forward to things, either. Help. It would just be easier to fall asleep and not wake up.

>> No.3301909

I hate everything I make after I make it, but I use it as motivation to keep improving.

I don't do drugs though. Drugs are for squares.

>> No.3301935

Living with deep depression for over 30 years here.

I learned early on to not approach my work as you'd approach art, I try to think like an engineer/ designer. I have strong fundamentals and that let's be draw accurately, and as for coming up with cool looking shapes and ideas in general I also try to have some streamlined process. I like to look at cool shit (like airplanes for example) and that naturally get's me nice shapes etc.
Don't be moody artist, be cold blooded robot, work like a machine.