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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 447 KB, 1010x1365, 1472845633784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3294841 No.3294841 [Reply] [Original]

Currently I am going through various gesture, perspective, anatomy tutorials but looking at drawings of people who went into some kind of an art school I cant shake the feeling they were imparted with some kind of very important information that is just not there for average self taught artist.

Am I correct?
Are they some kind of free resources for art classes that will give me academical knowledge to draw good faces (apparently Russian art schools have the secret jewtsu for this), anatomy or anything else that is not being obvious to me?

>> No.3294842

art school is not important. it's for networking and making friends.

Go to an atelier, that's where you learn to draw.

>> No.3294849

What exactly it is?
Is it like an art school just smaller?
In any case, there is nothing like this anywhere near me (Living in a small village with tons of post soviet blocks and shit)

>> No.3294869
File: 146 KB, 604x456, akademicheskiy-risunok_6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something like "Academic Drawing" which looks really above your regular stuff.
Are there any good books that would take me from 0 to the top giving me everything I need in english or russian?

>> No.3294903

Design Cinema EP 06: Learning on your own. From a really talented concept artist. He covers the topic very well in his hour.

>> No.3295018

Remember looking at some works from this academy and damn, stuff looked amazing.

I really have no idea where to start or how to progress or what would be the proper order of learning material.
I mean I am trying this and that but I feel like school would thought me everything I need in the most time efficient way and in proper order.

Are there some kind of books or video courses available online which would make a good substitute for an actual art school?
I am talking content which would cover everything I would learn normally in an art school.

>> No.3295021

wow did you do that piece of the soldier? it looks so damn cool and i was wondering if i could save the picture for inspiration an reference? it is nicely done and so intriguing!

>> No.3295023

>wow did you do that piece of the soldier?
No, I just found it in one of my folders.

>> No.3295035

aww damn

>> No.3295064


Pretty sure it's by Otto Dix. He drew a lot of macabre shit after WWI.

>> No.3295070

>Any books
Figure drawing my friend, years (like 3 or 4) of dedicated Figure Drawing.

>> No.3295095
File: 300 KB, 353x468, Vaule Study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are aiming for realist oil paintings then I highly recommend going to this site and learning from here, everything you need to know to make high quality realism is presented in a easy to understand way and it is free. You can buy his vids but they are not necessary, everything you need to know it paint high quality realism is there for free, great and active forum as well.


for drawing good faces, look at Loomis,Villpu, reilly method,

>> No.3295143

art school teach you things that you wouldn't learn by yourself, and helps you giving correct advices, better than the internet or any book

>> No.3295227

If art school where free that would be one thing, but I think there is very little to prove what your are saying. I am sure there are things you can learn in an art school that would be hard to learn on your own, like print making where large and expensive machines are involved.

There are great teachers out there on the internet and very good and useful forums that simulate the benefits of having art school peers.

I lived next to the KCAI Kansas city art institute, the school was like $50 k a year and that was two decades ago, I would see artist who's work was worse after art school with all the post modern shit they were being taught.

If you have rich parents our became a crypto rich probably be fun to go to art school, art schools just seem like a huge waste of money.

>> No.3295237

Oh ok we are not in the same country. In my country art school is like 800€, for public ones, it's accessible.

tho when I was talking about "things you wouldn't learn by yourself, I was talking about art history since it's very very very very complex, and mediums that aren't those you're used to. Like I'm more a drawing guy, I draw BD, but in my art school I learnt the art of the photography, of the performance, and I made a lot of friends and contacts. And still I can learn on the internet at the same time on one side, as much as you do. So you learn a lot of things you wouldn't learn otherwise + you dedicate yourself to this; I don't know if everybody would have the motivation to seek the resources and the help and everything all by themselves for a year 7h/10h a day

I mean, there's nothing to argue with, if you want to make art of course it's better to go in a art school, but OF COURSE you can make art without that

>> No.3295253

Art school itself isn't important, it's being surrounded by peers who are just as driven as you which is what helps.

Go to an atelier, as someone else said. For anyone in the US, I recommend this website to search: https://www.artrenewal.org/Atelier/Search

idk about russian art schools, but we have some slavs lurking around here who can help

>> No.3295357

it's not important

>> No.3295452

If you are fully invested in the idea of pursuing an art career and you are very self motivated and semi mature, I'd say skip the BFA and just attend an atelier, or attend a school that provides a courseload that just consists of creating artwork. And then I would take a class on business management and group dynamics.

You could also see out a mentorship.

As someone who currently goes to art school, I'm finding that a lot of my time is dedicated to Liberal Arts and not enough Drawing/Painting. The only way to get major benefits from an art school is to take only studio classes. It's in those classes that you'll learn the skills, understanding, and process of the professional field.

Also going to art school allows instructors to invest in YOU. You can get funding for trips, meetups, you can get really good artists to come in and talk/do workshops. All in the hopes that you'll get something out of it.

Ateliers are nice (Safehouse and Watts are good) because you can have really well known artists that have also paid to just draw or paint.

There's no magic. There's no secret. All it is is "Hard Work."
The only difference between you and a pro is the sheer amount of work they've done professionally and personally.

Went off topic a bit but hopefully that helps

>> No.3295972

Whole atelier sound nice and all but its way beyond my reach.