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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 963x1024, 7F9CEC4F-B0E4-401A-BF9D-94315E8B631B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3292934 No.3292934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LOL how long until people “fix” Tumblr art style?

>> No.3292947

How is that even a tumblr art style?

>> No.3292952


not soon enough. loving the butthurt around the Internet at this. "oh noes, they made our multiracial mystery-meat woman look white! nazis everywhere!!!"

>> No.3292953

What has the left one to do with tumblr style?
The left looks fine, the right one looks like it needs a "un-weeabonizer".

Also I took the bait.

>> No.3292954

apparently character designers arnt allowed to get bored of drawing Aryans all day

>> No.3292955

you sound more butthurt than they are

>> No.3292958

How is the one on the right even weeaboo?

>> No.3292961

how is giving it better proportions related to weeboo?

>> No.3292963

>Pink hair
>Not white enough
>Not Christian
>Wearing a tank top and not a bra

I mean it's stupid but this is probably what was going through their heads

>> No.3292967

The one on the left looks like a shaved gorilla desu.

>> No.3292972

>The cross

>> No.3292993

So I guess this is the phase where backlash against tumblr's antics gets so extreme that anything that's not as white as snow and 100% European is considered as "tumblr" and to be shunned. It makes me want to draw more black girls for fun, just to see what kind of reaction I get.

>> No.3292995

>loving the butthurt around the Internet at this.
It's already starting.

>> No.3292997

You'll get praise from tumblr. Wow what a volatile and unexpected reaction!

>> No.3293001

>if I can't masturbate to it it's TUMBLR
>any style that isn't anime is TUMBLR
>any female character with recognizable features is TUMBLR
holy shit /pol/cucks truly are obsessed.

>> No.3293002 [DELETED] 

> not soon enough. loving the butthurt around the Internet at this. "oh noes, they made our multiracial mystery-meat woman look white! nazis everywhere!!!"

>> No.3293004

>Adds christian cross necklace
>Turns thicc to stick
>Adds thong lines
You retards realize that shit was drawn ironically right? It was drawn by a tumblerite to make fun of the "anti-tumblr" sentiment.

>> No.3293013
File: 882 KB, 936x771, BLEACHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab the popcorn, frens. Better wait and see who tumblerites and SJWs try to hound to suicide this time.

>> No.3293014

>ITT people who think tumblr style garbage actually looks like specific races.

Tumblr style is in the ambiguity of a character's appearance. Tell me what race that woman on the left is supposed to be? Mexican? Indian? Native American, just something brown, whatever who cares, it doesn't look white, that's all that matters.

Anime styles are also pretty ambiguous but they do it because it is a formula for cuteness. People want to look at cute things, not whatever the fuck tumblr style is.

>> No.3293031

Skin too dark

>> No.3293072

Really? One guy makes a purposefully incendiary edit and you think that doing even more tumblr shit is now "counter culture"?

>> No.3293076

>Tell me what race that woman on the left is supposed to be? Mexican? Indian? Native American, just something brown
She is le 56% face.

>> No.3293078


>> No.3293083
File: 99 KB, 566x943, pol_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if I can't masturbate to it it's TUMBLR
Nobody is saying this. You invented this yourself.

>>any style that isn't anime is TUMBLR
Nobody is saying this. You invented this yourself.

>>any female character with recognizable features is TUMBLR
Nobody is saying this. You invented this yourself.

Nice straws, btw.

>> No.3293089

That edit is a quintessential strawman. There's no proof it was drawn by Tumblr, but if it really was drawn by /v/ it's obviously meant to be ironic.

>> No.3293095

Then in this case we shouldn't be fighting between us, we should be laughing at the Know Your Meme moron who felt for the bait.

>> No.3293107

I'd laugh at Twitter, they're the ones that took it seriously and began spreading it.

>> No.3293115

So, no proofs...

>> No.3293123

No, but you'd have to be an idiot to not see it.

>> No.3293140

You shouldn't assume everyone on the internet thinks the same way 4chan does, especially not at that level of irony. If you turn out to be right that's fine, but I don't feel that assuming that the image is actually some kind of double cross joke about anti-tumblr sentiments is on the mark. People are, ironically enough, way more sincere and upfront about what they feel on the internet nowadays. The amount of irony and actual joking around has decreased, even and especially on 4chan.

>> No.3293163
File: 73 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was created on /v/, I remember the thread. The thread was another battleborn or overwatch replica thread (I don't remember) with awful character design which an anon took on the challenge of improving it. Eventually the thread turned into how can we piss on tumblr and the game itself.

Overall good thread many keks were had, desu senpai most of the people in this thread sound like women, also there is no 'thicc' it's fat and it's disgusting.

>> No.3293165

Do you have an archive link?

>> No.3293167

I don't remember if it was 8/v/ or 4chan /v/ but I'll look for it

>> No.3293171

>also there is no 'thicc' it's fatand it's disgusting

how low test can a borderline soyboy pedophile like you get?

>> No.3293176

ok tyrone you can have all the fatties you want but don't push your kinks on us

>> No.3293190

Had a good look on 4chan /v/ archive, I am now 100% certain it was 8/v/ unfortunately it only has an archive for user selected and uploaded threads so the thread is lost forever, but it wasn't made by one artist it was a process with anons adding and fixing overtime like the collab threads before they died.

>> No.3293193
File: 479 KB, 1000x548, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I remember now that the game was Lawbreakers, Cliff is probably gonna hang himself at this rate.

>> No.3293204

That thing ain't cute. Get glasses, anon.

>> No.3293211


This board is infested with woman or low test males. The left drawing is disgusting, and there is no way tumbrlrinas could have done this ironically, they have no sense of humour. Males dont want theirs games infested with ordinary people, or tokens of a dumb ideology called feminism, this editing is just a provocation, the people who made this are not implying that every female has to be that way, but is implying that the left drawing is not appealing, nor sexy, only disgusting and will never be accepted as beautiful by our fucking brains. Yeah, some females will feel better about their ugly faces, but the others 95% of the gaming community, who are males, will just vomit if there is a attempt to make the left drawing appears as sexy. Video games are low entertainment, dominated by males, who seek easy hormonal reward. You females get everything easy and want to be accepted by everyone, in everywhere, by everything. I wish i was a female, really, fucking easy life.

>> No.3293226

this is the absolute state of /ic/ beta virgins protecting their precious vidya games

>> No.3293233
File: 364 KB, 535x468, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture? dumb
meme that was spawned because of it? dumb

>> No.3293236


>> No.3293238

No offense but I didn’t read any of this.

>> No.3293246

What thing? I was talking about anime.

>> No.3293249

So many unironic feminists, tumblrinas and actual soy boys on here. The absolute state of /ic/.

>> No.3293258

yeah instead we could get more edgy 18 year olds like you in here

>> No.3293259
File: 1.15 MB, 1835x878, Fortnite_class_characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking it up now, this game actually has pretty sweet character design. i'm glad these colourful games have begun being promoted over the usual drab COD clones.

>attractive thicc woman with tits and high heels is somehow an insult to your dick
no wonder game publishers are catering to feminists instead now. you guys are sensitive and unpleasable

>> No.3293260


>> No.3293266

Is this that failed Overwatch clone?

>> No.3293271


Those designs run the gauntlet from cringe to mediocre, and I don't even care about the 'tumblr-looking' nonsense.

>> No.3293273

Looks like they're paired off in groups of 2. From left to right:
>Team Faggots
>Team Generic
>Team Scrawny nerds
>Team Delicious

>> No.3293275


>> No.3293279

Nah you're thinking of Battleborn, this one is a survival/crafting game with a battle royale mode similar to pubg

>> No.3293285
File: 56 KB, 466x613, tumblr retards talks abut how she could destroy every man in her city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is amazing

I hate the rumblr style

Big red noses, androgynous fat faces, big lips and dyed hair

>> No.3293287

Keep fighting the good fight, my man, these losers need to be put in their place.

>> No.3293288

except tumblrinas are all about promoting the victimized ugliness. Also that image shows the same guy who just act differently. Are you trying to say it's cool to be ugly?

>> No.3293289
File: 444 KB, 465x455, _lb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this game actually has pretty sweet character design

>> No.3293290


Amethyst is an alien stone girl that was also born defective, why turn her in to a white girl? why did you blame the victim?

>> No.3293293
File: 45 KB, 800x800, positive-thumbs-up-blonde-woman-beautiful-happy-smiling-making-sign-both-hands-50270357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>any style that isn't anime is TUMBLR

That's true though.

*posts typical tumblr art*

>> No.3293301

I saw this on cripplechan's 8/v/ 2 years ago, how did it get viral now?

>> No.3293302

>That's true though.
Only a tumblerina or weeaboo would think that.

>> No.3293304

>Team our daddies pay for us to get to write shit articles for Kotaku so that he doesn't have to admit his kids are a failure
>Team the developers had to add a mass appeal team or get defunded, and they made the shittiest attempt possible out of spite
>Team culturally appropiate asians because we're hypocrites
>Team what do you mean all the designers are beta orbiters and bottom bitch fags?

>> No.3293305

I'll never stop laughing at this meme.

>> No.3293307


Fags / Generic / Edgy / Fat

>> No.3293315
File: 457 KB, 1280x1251, 06d8b65ffe04f4d4bff2d45e7fb40d7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that style is too cute (and white) for tumblr

This is how tumblr art looks like

>> No.3293337
File: 14 KB, 200x255, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3293341

i liked the left one's face more but her body is a turnoff desu

>> No.3293344
File: 1.31 MB, 989x1022, 1437359031078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not pathetic enough to care about un-tumblrizing art

>> No.3293348

Fat woman detected.

>> No.3293350

Where do you get that image at hi res? I want to find the one that looks like my ex gf (brown hair/eyes, glasses, book), it always gives me a feel. These are super cute and not fucking tumblr at all my dude.

>> No.3293351

I can't even escape these fags in /ic/.
The site's nearly unusable at this point.

>> No.3293352

I got a lecture to go to right away, but I'm gonna see if I can find a shitty tumblr character design that I can fix. I'll post it later. I love doing remakes and reworks.

>> No.3293353

>what happens when you get all your education from pinterest

>> No.3293356
File: 3.50 MB, 1988x2560, new-strawberry-strawberry-shortcake-21991513-1988-2560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta out TUMBLR you bro!

>> No.3293357

4chan in general is now reddit/tumblr 2.0

>> No.3293359

Don't. Really, don't. Just pick a design you actually like, and create an alternate version of it. Nothing from Tumblr is worth salvaging.

>> No.3293360

You're part of the problem too.

>> No.3293363

The /tg/ and /x/ I came for no longer exist. I'm not fighting for a bunch of fags that couldn't presserve their board cultures vs fucking tumblrites.
I'm just gonna shitpost loudly and collect (you)s as the ship sinks.

>> No.3293366

You realize /pol/cucks are the ones who killed this site for good bringing a fuckton of disgusting newfags in the meantime? Look at /v/, I dare you to find a single thread without fags yelling about MUH TUMBLR and MUH SJWs, with half of the board constantly plague by console wars. /tv/ is also full blown /pol/ and /a/ is getting tainted too.

>> No.3293369

Not him, but videogame culture was being pushed around by both the left and right at the same time. It's not /pol/'s fault videogames were being used as a political platform.

>> No.3293371

>I'm just gonna shitpost loudly and collect (you)s as the ship sinks.
That seems to be the generic attitude these days.

>> No.3293372

Why is this shitty fucking cunt bait thread still up
I hope you all die

>> No.3293376
File: 5 KB, 273x185, I know exactly what I want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I die too dude.

>> No.3293382

/pol/ didn't do shit, they're just the stinky old man being blamed for the disgusting sulfurous smell the "wrongthink" machine fumes whenever they burn one of their own for not being cult-like enough.

Tumblr killed /v/ and started spreading to every other hobby board and the only ones who had the balls to recognize and kick them out were /cgl/.

>> No.3293386

I really don't care who started it.
I'm just sick of political discussion infesting every board and thread on this site.

>> No.3293387

Everything is political

>> No.3293389

Boo hoo, too late. You let them say and they're not going away.

>> No.3293390

You must be 18 years old or older to post here.

>> No.3293391

Confirmed for assblasted leftie newfag. 4chan has complained about annoying users offsite since inception. Bet you can't even remember the gaiafags, lmao.

>> No.3293394

This is what happens when you have a multicultural democracy. Constant fighting.

>> No.3293396

>I'm just sick of political discussion infesting every board and thread on this site.
So am I, anon. Except outside of 4chan too, and I'm mostly pissed at leftists for purposefully pushing politics into things that previously had nothing to do with it. AKA every aspect of western media.

>> No.3293399
File: 100 KB, 1024x577, hollywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair it, was pretty inevitable for /tv/ to go full 14/88 considering (((their))) influence in Hollywood. The latest sexual and pedo scandal stuff consisting of 90% jews as culprits did not help either.

>> No.3293400

It's not gonna stop, you know that.
Things are only going to get worse, not better.

>> No.3293404
File: 76 KB, 519x600, batman-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /pol/ didn't do shit, they're just the stinky old man being blamed for the disgusting sulfurous smell the "wrongthink" machine fumes whenever they burn one of their own for not being cult-like enough.

Is this what /pol/ posters actually think of themselves and their behavior? This is hilarious and sad at the same time!

>> No.3293405

>this entire post
confirmed for being an "oldfag" from 2016 LMAO

>> No.3293406

I wish. Maybe then I wouldn't be an autistic neet with no social skills.

>> No.3293407

> You let them say
You mean stay. And you can't chase anyone away from here. You know that.

So long as one fights the other they'll just fight back against each other. It's just a feedback loop that gets a little more angry with each pass till people both embrace the parodies the other sides see them as. They become that fear. They give them the power of being right. And the people that just want to talk about their stupid fucking hobbies get caught in the middle of the pointless back and forth shitposting.

I mean, this site was full of obnoxious jackasses before but now it's just suffocating.

>> No.3293411 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 510x652, 1517267459795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your 'xD'.

>> No.3293412

yeah ok reddit friendo

>> No.3293414

ok ok whoa wah wee wah w-need to dowse the fire

so lets get some creativity going here fellas

what i need; THE TAGS to search to get the most tumblrinaesque horridity results and then do what was done in the OP image.

i want brown, i want red noses, i want so glbtq friendly and sordid "open-mindedness" multiculturalism the average furry would gag on the sheer includedness fetishism and say "woah cow"

THEN i want you fucking faggots to sperg your loomis all over it like the good lord intended.

WHY why i'll tell you why

those womnyxz's art has resulted in a cult of pierced pink haired tan skinned tramps pegging other pierced pink haired tan skinned tramps with dragon dildos.


skinny fucking pansy ass freckle bitch /ic/ over here is making up sob stories BAWAAAAA I CAN'T DRAW DA TIDDIZ AS GOOD AS DA KOREANS

look at me man LOOK
the nips? they're on a sinking ship fertility wise, the country is going out in a blaze of glory of fetishism and digital gangbangery hodgepodge. you can taste it in the air when you're there...

but 200 years from now *blip* and its forgotten.
buried. internet. not even a tab on the future wiki.

Now the west has a chance to save its ass but we need YOU to shut up and pair up with your mortal enemy and do the art collaborative version of sex a la tumblrina and skinny who gives a fuck overlord chunbee/ic/

forget the east already. theyre a lost cause.
the last shred of naivete on planet earth...i bury with this post.

>> No.3293416

Will you be the one to mercy kill the thread anon?

>> No.3293417

Yeah, use the SJW's tactics against them. That'll make you look good, people won't call you a hypocrite.
Just make art and let them eat themselves.

>> No.3293420

4chan have always been contrarian and edgy, fuck off

>> No.3293430

You like it like this?

>> No.3293432


>you sound more butthurt than they are

um, no. google "untumblrized" and witness the hysteria.

>> No.3293433

There are literally thousands of normie sites you'd feel more at home in. Go there.

>> No.3293434


my point is it is clear a la man and woman we need each other

when man makes man art its loomis frazetta landscapes fantasy magic he gathering nerd bullshit
when man makes woman art its ??? i literally idk because i would assume collaboration BUT THAT NEVER HAPPENS on /ic/ literally

when women make women art its tumblr blurby omigosh w/e idk

when women try to do loomis its just ugly.


men need to fertilize women art and make art babies of culture art words

i feel like a cavemen

/ic/ needs to finish the job
we can't start it

women are the base. but are sad?

christ just stop listening to what /ic/ says and what women think and CORE CREATE

>> No.3293438

Do you like it this way anon?

>> No.3293440

Why are you talking like this board is part of some grandiose army or some shit?

>> No.3293449

/pol/ is a meme and people who are afraid of /pol/acks as if they had any actual influence on the site are retarded newfags.
Fucking /r9k/ has more crossboard shitposting power than /pol/

>> No.3293451

still looks like that slightly gritty, weird color chunky garbage that copies WoW and TF2 a bit

seems unoriginal and kind of copycat

>> No.3293453

/pol/ may lack any real influence on the site, but their memes have flooded it as a result of "fighting against" anything remotely leftist, deserving or not.

>> No.3293461

incredibly authoritarian culturally homogenous chan when

>> No.3293464
File: 24 KB, 731x559, 1514299452657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3293468

honestly most people are too stupid and inexperienced to be able to tell apart Mexicans, Native Americans and maybe Indians.

>> No.3293470

Soon when the few remaining non-tumblrites get tired and move on to the deep web.

>> No.3293472

Why did you say Indians twice

>> No.3293473

Well, at least then we might have actual threads about our hobbies and interests.

>> No.3293475

And yet you still had to point out how much you did not care to read any of it, fuck off will ya.

>> No.3293477

Yeah, wouldn't that be nice? A site where people can come and talk about their hobbies of varying levels escapism anonymously. I wonder why no one thought of such a site like that before? It's surely be more fun than this platform for social reform we have now, don't you think?

>> No.3293478

what went wrong with /ic/ in last 3 months?

>> No.3293480

im just waiting for the sex bots, all this bullshit created by woman invading male spaces will be over. All they touch they destroy with its filthy and weak hands, as weak as its brain.

>> No.3293486

interested in seeing your counter offer

>> No.3293488

t. /pol/ defense force

>> No.3293489

Yeah SJWs sure spend most of the time talking about their hobbies, virtue signalling and witch hunting each other being their favorites.

>> No.3293494

I know people have always claimed /ic/ has been shit, but man, the last half year has been really rough for this board.

>> No.3293504

Everyone's obsessed with shitposting. Either because they find it funny, or they genuinely believe what they say. Whatever the case, it's become a combination of frustration and boredom hearing the same stock phrases and complaints over and over. Particularly sense they rarely connect to the boards themselves.

>> No.3293505

>virtue signalling and witch hunting
Oh I'm sure we're well familiar with these concepts anon

>> No.3293546
File: 129 KB, 870x675, you sure u aint bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3293670

yes, because it keeps the bulk of the normie population away.
However there are some stragglers (like you) who still feel it their moral duty to defend the honor of women and brown people on fucking 4chan.

>> No.3293672

You realize that "mexicans" are literally native Americans, right? As in, the same fucking race of people?
Some of them just have white European admixture, but the majority of them moving to America are indio/mestizo.

>> No.3293707

>honestly most people are too stupid and inexperienced
Like you, you ignorant as fuck peabrain? Brown mexicans are the exact same race of people as U.S native americans.

>> No.3293726

The original design is fine. The "fixed" version just made her prettier. WTF is wrong with making characters that arent perfect super models. Art is about taking creative liberties, not catering to spergs on the internet.

>> No.3293729
File: 89 KB, 500x749, 1455295938507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, I'm not from America and all Mexicans and Native Americans I've ever seen are from photos or tv, but aren't there some clear physical differences despite them being the same race? Like how it's pretty easy to distinguish Finns, Russians and Western Europeans despite them all being caucasians. I know pic related is like a stereotypical, perfect example of a Native American, but I have never seen a Mexican who looks even remotely like this.

>> No.3293730

>Art is about taking creative liberties, not catering to spergs on the internet.
Exactly, you're right. We already have an abundant of imperfect and disgusting men and women in real life, that's why we take creative liberties in our artwork and not strictly follow reality.

And the second point is true too, we shouldn't have to cater to the spergs from tumblr just to be accepted as a "correct" artist

>> No.3293737


We're in 2018 and this is something a person unironically has written on /ic/

I think you forgot to throw in some buzzwords so make sure to include the words "mysogyni" "sexist" and "fatphobic" next time

>> No.3293739
File: 29 KB, 600x399, El-Chapo-story-of-a-kingpin-or-why-Trumps-plan-to-defeat-Mexican-cartels-will-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mexican indians are almost all extremely poor, so it'll be difficult to find one that looks like a model. but yes, shave that guy's hair and he could pass anywhere in Mexico. most mexicans however are not 100% native american, the majority have at least a small percentage of european (they're called mestizos), hence why some are lighter skinned...pic related.

>> No.3293740

You want to know the best part? I did half of an art test for them and got too depressed to finish it for that project and now that whole thing is about me.

Which is fucking hilarious. Was probably just a prank being put on me but who cares.

I want to go home.

I want to be a pretty lady.

This is horseshit. End this already holy shit.

>> No.3293742

are you people dense? are you retarded?

Designers are afraid of making characters physically beautiful. They have to have... fuck, you have to be dense to not get this.

>> No.3293744
File: 916 KB, 1200x986, extra chromosome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left look okay, do people even know what tumblr style is?
Don't be a manchild triggered over pink hair. I get what the game is trying to do, give each character a different body type and appearance a la overwatch and I don't think they fucked it up too bad. I don't see what's so insulting about this character, some people are probably attracted to curvier women.
If they were explicitely trying to cram trannies, every race on the planet and shit into their games I'd be up in arms but ffs people, pick the fights worth picking. >>3293315 is tumblr, OP's character isn't.

>> No.3293745

this cast is far too white. highly problematic.

>> No.3293746
File: 43 KB, 600x827, Crow-Indian-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic you posted looks like he has a lot of white admixture. Natives in America bred so much with Europeans it's almost impossible to find a "pureblooded" one left. Even so, that guy still looks like a hispanic mestizos.
Look at old photos of natives, they look really similar to indios in central/south America, before whites interbred with most of them.

Living in socal, I see mexicans who look just like this in public every time I leave the house. Change the traditional clothes for a loose t-shirt and a buzzcut, though. Some indios/mestizos actually identify as "natives" and not hispanic. I've seen those in public too.

Basically all the natives to America were the same race with some slight variants (ethnicity, you could call it), and had different rates of interbreeding with European settlers.

>> No.3293747

But he's right. Variety is the spice of life, and the influx of massive fucking normies like you lately is bothersome to deal with.

>> No.3293749

>implying you're not the normie
Tumblr style is not counter culture. Mystery meat brown characters with concept-art scifi outfits are not original or revolutionary in any way. They're generic as fuck.

>> No.3293750

but right screams of tumblr

>> No.3293751

There is no Tumblr-style outside of the hideous for the sake of being hideous. Are you trying to tell me the woman on the left in OP's picture is hideous? She actually looks interesting. She's got stylized eyes, hair, and is just a bit tan. I'd argue that the character on the right is generic as fuck. It looks like anything you'd find in a crappy MMOKRPG, designed to hook normies like you into their microtransactions with a "Come play, my lord" aesthetic.

>> No.3293752

sounds good to me

>> No.3293754

No one says every character has to be pretty and there can't be any variety. This is just a harmless joke based on the fact that Tumblr started this whole thing where they redraw pretty, mostly anime characters and make them ugly. Kinda hypocritical to then start bitching about others doing the same thing in reverse.

>> No.3293757

Only instead of laughing about this kind of stupid shit, I come to see threads like this have over 100 replies. I go to a board where I genuinely want to learn how to get better at drawing and half the threads are about retarded Tumblr-posting and obvious bait. And then I fall for it, because of course I do, because it would literally kill Hiro to improve moderation.

>> No.3293758
File: 64 KB, 544x562, 6151065120484989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's interesting about this shit is that the character on the left doesn't look very ugly or Tumblr, and the one on the right just looks like a fucking slut without being any prettier, it undermines the joke and feels like it was done by some triggered Tumblrina who doesn't get what either of those is.

>> No.3293761

"interesting" apparently means "not white" to you people.

>> No.3293765

>The barest tan
>Not white
I'm gonna show you a slideshow of people, all of whom have an overwhelmingly majority in their German and Scottish ancestry, and you're going to tell me which ones are white, and you're going to get over half of it wrong. Don't play this game with me, brainlet. You're on par with Tumblrinas who scream about characters not being brown enough.

>> No.3293771

If you get mistaken for being a shitskin, you're not white, sorry. You've obviously been >le 56%ed
I can tell the difference between a tan white person and a fucking mulatto, retard.

>> No.3293773

>No races you'd call white have EVER had wider noses
>No races you'd call white have EVER been naturally prone to tanning more easily
>No races you'd call white have EVER had almond-shaped eyes
If you stepped outside even once in your life, you'd know what you were talking about, now go back to your containment board and leave the adults to talk in peace, soyboy.

>> No.3293775

Love how they only made the nignog unrecognizable for cctv.

>> No.3293791

>I can be brown with chink eyes and a flat nose and still white
lol at this castizo damage control. Or are you a turkish rape baby from Sicily?

>> No.3293797

Mexicans are 'Mestizo', mixed white and Native American. They have distinct features and don't necessarily look like the Native Americans of present day USA/Canada. Heck even tribes can tell each other apart, I couldn't pick out a Choctaw person but they can pick each other out surprisingly well.

Mexicans and Native Americans can pass for each other but people who grew up in those cultures can tell the differences apart.

>> No.3293798
File: 191 KB, 273x391, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this new meme, keep it up

>> No.3293800

Well, it's kinda like how you can tell the difference between an anglo-saxon and a Nordic.
They're still the same race, and share most of the same phenotype, just with slightly different features.
Central Americans and Northern American natives look very similar. You only start noticing big differences when you look at South American natives. They still look mostly mongoloid.

The white admixture and the different varying rates of it make identification more difficult.

>> No.3293808
File: 93 KB, 500x534, lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't met our beautiful Lord Peña. Look how pretty and gracious he is.

>> No.3293811

Reading through this thread, it becomes laughable how uptight and actually sensitive /pol/ posters are. I don't use that board, nor any of its colonies, so I did not realize, but just this one thread realy confirms the anons mocking them as reverse tumblr as correct.

Seriously, who really goes on an anonymous imageboard just to brag about their race? Who gets so triggered by charavter designs that don't appeal to them that they lump it with aome kind of grab conspiracy with a roval site being the leader of it? /pol/ really is a blight on the site.

>> No.3293814

>mocking them as reverse tumblr
mm looks like the septic community has arrived to school us all with his superior intellect.

>> No.3293819

You think anyone who doesn't care about your "manly" internet crusades is part of some group of ranting YouTubers? Faggot please! I'm just a faceless weeaboo who's tired of pseudo race warrriors and the ilk they bring mucking up hobby boards for everyone who came to this site specifically to avoid all this social crusade nonsense. You think I care about how white the poster behind the blobs of text are in this thread? You may as well be all dogs to me. That's the point these /pol/ faggots don't understand, and why their whining about tumblrSJWs is so obnoxious.

I don't go to Tumblr, so I don't have any experience with Tumblrites outside of people whining about them in various media. I do, however, have experience with race warriors trying to steer thread about giant robots punching aliens in to rants about how much they hate niggers. Who do you think I will hate more?

>> No.3293823


r a d i c a l c e n t r i s m

>> No.3293826

>Who do you think I will hate more?
T-t-the... the niggers?

>> No.3293846

That's a lot of text for someone who is too superior for us peons.

>> No.3293847

>You think I care about how white the poster behind the blobs of text are in this thread?
The only person who cares about being white is la creatura poster who says being brown with chink eyes and a flat nose is still white.

>> No.3293913
File: 37 KB, 311x513, loomisafricanguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /ic/. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of human anatomy most of the jokes will go over a typical newfags head. There's also Loomis's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his seemingly racist ethnic caricatures draw heavily from observation for instance. The artists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these drawings, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about human diversity. As a consequence people who dislike Loomis truly ARE tumblrfags- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Loomis's existential catchphrase "To learn to draw is to draw and draw and draw," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Loomis's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.3293938

> That's a lot of text for someone who is too superior for us peons.
There is a great level of irony in this message, and I don't think you understand what it is, or will understand lest someone tells you.

>> No.3293949

Recognizing obnoxious behavior of spreading political views where they have no real relevance isn't terribly radical anon.

>> No.3293958

This, women need to take their shite opinions off this board.

>> No.3293962

Because it is. You're just not a part of it, sweety.

>> No.3293974

No one cares that you don't care faggot. You being upset about /pol/ rustling your jimmies is proof you're part of the problem.

lol stay buttblasted in your irrelevancy

>> No.3294019

The only problem here is that people aren't talking about art on the art board.

>> No.3294166
File: 211 KB, 1064x1500, donkey kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny. But I propose doing edits to black characters in a different way. Instead of transforming them into white guys, just exaggerate the monkey like features of negros

>> No.3294167
File: 78 KB, 868x680, heimdall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3294169


>> No.3294172

please go back to /pol/

>> No.3294180

when I saw the thread I had hope it turns into another version of yourstyle/mystyle thing so I can get cover to make more of their stuff into cuties.

>> No.3294197

>/pol/ is a meme and people who are afraid of /pol/acks as if they had any actual influence on the site are retarded newfags.
>Fucking /r9k/ has more crossboard shitposting power than /pol/
/pol/ is the most popular board on the site. 4chan was lost years ago at this stage.