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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 445 KB, 750x567, Commander Rockwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3288392 No.3288392 [Reply] [Original]

Did I do okay with this? Is there anything I can improve on? Was being self taught a good idea?
I've only recently (started last month) started doing human faces. I tried to get as much from the reference image as I could. Other than the hair that looks like waves of oil. I am pretty terrible with hair I've come to realize.
Don't hold back. I want to improve.

>> No.3288417

The contrast is of, you use too many white highlights in places they shouldn't be. Simplify the form of the face and learn to understand the planes and their shadows instead of copying what you see.

>> No.3288446


judging from the accuracy, you have a pretty good eye. However I'd suggest working on your edge control, maybe experimenting with some sharper edges to contrast with the softer ones in your rendering. Here they all look somewhat smudgy and muddy. I'm not sure if you were intentionally going for a "softer" look or not, mind you.

>> No.3288448

squint your eyes and look at the glaring difference of value on his face. that's what happens when you paint on a canvas that isn't the same value as the background of your ref

>> No.3288549
File: 66 KB, 800x595, 01344829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try tile painting more often, this is halfway between tile painting and blending, which makes it look streaky (pic related is an example of tile painting to an extreme)

Study the way Frazetta built up his paintings from tile to blended, using a lot of glazing.

I like it! HH brother

>> No.3288550

>shadow under chin could be darker
>eyebags are too dark

>> No.3288552

But still real good, well done anon. Such a good face to work from

Other anon is right, you've gone too bright and used too many white highlights. The only bri

>> No.3288554

*the only bright areas are the edges of the zygomatic structure and a dot on his nose, masseter muscle and chin

>> No.3288710

>not using white highlights
fuck you my man
we have to secure the existence of the white highlights
But i'd rate it 14 outta 88

>> No.3288719

nice photo filter anon.

seriously tho. work on your application of the "paint". brushstrokes and simplication is just as important as getting the shapes in the right places, and right now it has this blurry quality to it.

>> No.3289015

>Other than the hair that looks like waves of oil. I am pretty terrible with hair I've come to realize.
Better than anything I could do at the moment.

>> No.3289144

OP here.
So far I am taking this to heart and completely starting over in a higher resolution. I should have stated it's in like 800x800 originally and I shrunk it down a tiny bit for stupid reasons I can't remember.
Hopefully I can find more time to get the new one ready before this thread goes away. From the looks of things that might not be a problem with how slow this board seems to be.
I try not to use filters. I only do when it's just some throw away art for a bigger image like a painting on a wall in the background of an image. If you know what I'm saying. I don't have an example at the moment.
Rockwell has a very recognizable face. Like Mussolini, but less bulgy.
Understood. I should have maybe used different colors other than black and white. Or just used a different preset for the brush. I'll start by laying shapes and paying more attention to the blending of it all.
Also I noticed his lips are almost just one solid color with barely any detail put into them. Oops.

I appreciate the help from all of you. Hopefully one day I can improve further from these words.

>> No.3291286
File: 208 KB, 800x800, My Leader WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still struggling with hair and a list of other things, but the skin looks a bit better I hope.

>> No.3291359

you are doing good work my dude. make something creative with heroic traits and help clean our culture

>> No.3291377

Seconding this.

>> No.3291596

Still not tile painting bruh! Watch a Watts Atelier livestream, perhaps one where he breaks down Frazetta’s style. Your shading look streaky and deviantart tier, but I want you to get better!

>> No.3291669

you need to sit down and study the different anatomical features. I see a lot of minor stuff wrong around the nose bridge for example. Your copy isn't interesting like the source. Self taught is a good way to start but at this point you would benefit a lot from signing up for one of the online courses and get some real instruction, guidance and inspiration.

>> No.3291676

>judging from the accuracy, you have a pretty good eye
how are people this naive

>> No.3291836

I'll attempt it and post some results. I just get a little side tracked from time to time. Forgot to look up some examples last night like I had planned.
My plan is to one day be very experienced in art. In the hopes of inspiring courageous young people to learn more about their people and struggles they faced around every corner.
We need more art and creativity within our groups. The future must be positive in some way for our children.
I may not be good at it and I may not be good at it in five years, but your life only matters when you're trying to do something that's greater than you. Something so big that when you finally get there it should only be followed by death or the next big step in life.
Pretty deep for pictures of historical figures, but still. I like the thought of being that influential figure to someone. To my people specifically.
I will take this to heart and take my time on the finer details. I have a thing with rushing when I don't need to rush. I will be back with a new example. I hope I do not disappoint.
I would say I need to focus more. I appreciate their compliment however. I could not have gone this far (from painting fruit and graphic design shapes to form a shitty background that you'd find on a 12 year old's desktop.) without people telling me I am improving/generally doing decent work.

Thank you all. I greatly appreciate the help so far.

>> No.3291891

what I meant by being naive is that this shit is obviously traced, and they still compliment you on having a good eye

>> No.3292222

>this shit is obviously traced
What gave you that impression? Sure they look kinda bad I'll admit, but traced? I have more self respect than that. I could record a WEBM to show you the process or make a GIF somehow of it. Just point me in the right direction.
Also I'd like to see some of your works. Maybe try a Hitler piece to start with. If you have the time of course.

>> No.3292903

>/ic/ is a natsoc board now
I didn't expect it tbqhwyf.

>> No.3292908

I'm okay with it

>> No.3292926
File: 946 KB, 362x584, 2018-01-30_01-48-58.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's traced. I can't believe I didn't notice it on first sight

>> No.3292935

oops meant for>>3292222

>> No.3293237

Me too desu.

And OP is a faggot, as always.

>> No.3293515

Pipe is missing

>> No.3293533

Keep the larping at a bare minimum please

>> No.3293568
File: 390 KB, 800x619, loomis omae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any actual benefit to tracing? why would you do this

>> No.3295362
File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, KIMG0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fuehrer would gas digital draw fags before he gassed kikes.

>> No.3295366
File: 3.16 MB, 2448x3264, GLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockwell would have curb stomped digital draw fags on his hate bus tour if you fags where around back in his day.

>> No.3295369

Funny how tracers always fuck up parts of the hair.