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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 885 KB, 2353x3171, last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3289823 No.3289823 [Reply] [Original]

Boy it feels good to quit.
Deep down I probably knew I wouldn't last but I didn't want to believe myself.
I don't want to make my own manga anymore. Nor do I want to draw lewd 2d girls. It's pointless. No matter how much I try, I am not able to learn or improve. Not unless I grind for 10 more years. This is the end for my art. When tomorrow comes I'll just go back to my dreary life, probably listen to whats being taught in college. And to those anons who still won't quit, then good luck, you'll need it.
sorry for blog
>pic related last art.

>> No.3289829


>> No.3289831

How long did you try?

>> No.3289834

almost 3 years in total.

>> No.3289839
File: 71 KB, 736x912, 8ee3167b28ea2600c852fe4c5cde039f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason you're still so bad is because your approach is wrong. Before you think of quitting just try one last thing - get the pdf for Fundamentals of Drawing by Mogilevtsev and do the exercises (use refs, don't do it from imagination). If you do it for a month it should at least teach you how to draw from refs

>> No.3289841

who is this semon demon

>> No.3289851

that book looks like it's teach me to be really accurate at drawing real life stuff, so I'll pass. I wanted my art to look aesthetic interesting, but when I look at my art, I'm always disgusted by how boring it looks.

>> No.3289854

well, anon, find something that you truly love doing. if you're not having fun drawing and you feel that excitement about it, move on and find something else for you.

seriously, you haven't failed really, rather the opposite. you've pulled the plug at the right time. no one should persue something against his will, doing it while it's not even fun. maybe you will move on to writing, making music, photography, film, whatever! the point is that you find the thing you enjoy doing and get better at it.

for all it's worth, you've saved yourself from the ordeal to try and poke your head out of that infested ocean of mediocre concept artists in order to be seen at all. and if you feel like coming back on drawing ever again, do it for yourself, not to impress others. just enjoy it and don't set any illusional goals to block your path.

>> No.3289860

Yeah but the book also teaches you how to look at something and break it down so you can draw it easily. Once you get that skill you can copy 2d lolis or whatever you want and study it better - proportions and shape will be much more clear cut. Just try it m8

>> No.3289862
File: 94 KB, 640x495, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another autistic fuck realizes 3 years too late that they are in fact not gonna make it. Dunning-Kruger, not even once

>> No.3289890

post your work so i can fite you

>> No.3290342

Such a toxic fucking excuse to not get good at art. Forming a style early on is usually what creates a mediocre artist because its really easy to use it as a crutch. Consider yourself lucky for still being malleable and get to fucking work.

>> No.3290355

Looks up xnosebro. Tumblr

>> No.3290365

Good riddance, enjoy having no perseverance in life.

>> No.3290644
File: 286 KB, 1000x1273, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I'm disappointed. Do you finish anything? why does everything look so boring? you should be the one quitting desu.

>> No.3290654

>he fell for the 'never use reference' and 'fundies are a waste of time' meme

>> No.3290675


I understand not falling for the "you need to draw hyperrealism to know how to make cartoons" meme, but so many anons don't want to draw anything remotely outside of their desired "style", even thought most of the fundamentals are universal, and thus, style independent.

What do you guys want? "Perspective for Lolis Volume II"?

>> No.3290728

>he fell for the 'use references' and 'fundies are the most important thing' meme
your mom is a meme

>> No.3290758

>And to those anons who still won't quit, then good luck, you'll need it.

>good luck, you'll need it.

>Implying I'm a brainlet like you who needs luck to make it

>> No.3290765

They are great memes for learning how to draw, imo.

>> No.3290775

great memes to become a copy of a copy
to become "just like anyone else"

>> No.3290783

>wtf guys I've drawn for 10 years why I'm not improving?
>m-muh talent is real!
this is you

>> No.3290785
File: 94 KB, 478x596, FB29B82D-E776-4234-A76F-3EB50DB56D71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell by your line quality you woulda never been good, not even in ten years. Art is natural. Some people can get it effortlessly on first try some people never will. A lot of y’all need to follow suit.

>> No.3290788

>so much projection

you know me so well
just via a few lines of text!

>> No.3290790 [DELETED] 

>some people never will.
… e.g. Illustrat

>> No.3290791

>some people never will.
… e.g. Illastrat

>> No.3290800
File: 23 KB, 304x294, 7407B806-AFC2-44B6-B94B-44A48CB8722B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the truth

>> No.3290802

>entry level exercise
>godawful photo

>> No.3290803

Both done in art school. I was 18

>> No.3290808 [DELETED] 


look around you.
there is a shitload of artists who are 100x better than you.
you keep posting your godawful painting, claim to be "only trolling", parade around saying you get "2-3 on instagram". you are literally nobody. where do you "sell" your paintings exactly?

get off your high horse. you are an insufferable online troll with your mediocre, idiocyncratic little shit paintings that you value way too high.

this is hones feedback. doesn't it ever make you think that mose people on here ask you to fuck off?

>> No.3290810


just look around you.
there is a shitload of artists who are 100x better than you.
you keep posting your godawful painting, claim to be "only trolling", parade around saying you get "2-3 likes on instagram". you are literally nobody. where do you "sell" your paintings exactly?

get off of your high horse. you are an insufferable online troll with your mediocre, idiocyncratic little shit paintings that you value way too high.

this is honest feedback. doesn't it ever make you think that mose people on here ask you to fuck off?

>> No.3290811

>tfw realising talent is real
some people have piss easy learning experience while others stagnate at basics

>> No.3290813
File: 118 KB, 400x590, 108818D7-13CE-46BC-B788-8EE156FF9ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram? I said Facebook. I get hundreds of likes on ig

I look around and I see shitty artists that don’t get it.

>> No.3290815

Hmm maybe someone could make some money making that book

>> No.3290817

>I look around and I see shitty artists that don’t get it.
this level of delusion is incredible.
i seriously recommend you get therapy.

>> No.3290818
File: 249 KB, 562x384, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to >>3289862 and >>3290785. Those crabs are literally worse than you. If you avoided drawing anything from life during the 3 last years then no wonder you're making no progress.

>> No.3290819
File: 43 KB, 400x560, FCBAEF69-126A-49AF-91CB-EFD423FE8BD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done at 15

>> No.3290824
File: 220 KB, 857x1200, DICk95-V0AA55mH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fundamentals of Drawing by Mogilevtsev
Is there a PDF of that book where the pictures aren't all weirdly pixelated? I would buy the book but it looks like they're not selling new copies anymore and fuck spending $70 on used copies.

>> No.3290825

Nope. U sound like a lunatic. Op already wasted 3 years. The best thing to do is quit. I drew shit like ops at the age of 3. I can prove it. Op don’t have what it takes

>> No.3290828

"Illastrat doesn't trace!"
the phoney fucking ngmi bastard
you are hopeless, resistant to criticism
completely up your own ass

>> No.3290830

OP here, you're shittier than me. neck yourself

>> No.3290832

That’s not traced

>> No.3290835

Neck myself? I have a future.

You on the other hand...


>> No.3290837

you paint like an old demented woman would smear her own shit all over her bedroom wall.

>> No.3290838
File: 87 KB, 392x604, 28130497-91FF-43B1-9E99-05F516F86611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made at 16

>> No.3290839
File: 59 KB, 683x727, keepfme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignore illusucksdick for just a second.

You didn't "try" to learn. You need to actually try and learn the basic principles. You have CGPeers at your disposal. There should be no fucking excuse in this day and age.

>> No.3290842


>> No.3290844

proves my point

>> No.3290853


I do have natural talent, thank you no thank you for noticing.

>> No.3290855

holy fuck, illustrat isnt an elaborate troll? this whole time i just thought it was a really dedicated shitposter.
am i being rused?

>> No.3290857

>he doesn't get that "illustrat" is more than 1 person pretending to be him

>> No.3290858

That's why EVERY great artist studied at least 10 hour a day every day, huh? Nigga look at OP, you see some exercises in there but he's clearly not even trying, absolutely 0 focus, dedication or time used on those.

>> No.3290859
File: 31 KB, 600x909, 1516589811901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really try for 3 years?'
I have a hard time believing that anyone who draws for at least 1-2 hours a day for three years will be at that skill level

>> No.3290860

doesnt matter what style. you always have to lower your standards to become better at art.

if you aim for the highest tier at first, ofc you are gonna get depressed.

look at artists sketches first, maybe even other lesser artists and try to reproduce that, then in a few months, maybe a year, u can try some more advanced shit

>> No.3290861
File: 182 KB, 600x774, 5FDF489F-E8A0-4E79-88F6-6487FFDB1E95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 yo

>> No.3290862

if you want your own style you are gonna have to work for it, and if you wanna learn to draw completely away from any previous teacher, it will take many many years of grinding. So u can either do that, or learn how to draw properly in a few years by learning from masters.

>> No.3290864

No they don’t. Seriously

>> No.3290867

Eyes on bottom left too far apart
Legs on figure make no sense; if you took away the poofy skirt it'd look like some satyr abomination

Concern yourself more with ensuring you have the human form totally down before you do all the little shady aesthetic jizz.

>> No.3290870

Lmfo that looks exactly like the perspective classwork I did in the 3rd grade with city buildings. Just erase the fugly girl.

>> No.3290879


>> No.3290883


Like I still have that. Do you still have your math homework from the 3rd grade? I didn't think so.

>> No.3290887

I don’t believe you can draw

>> No.3290890


We both can draw, less we wouldn't be on /ic/. It's just apparent that you can't draw well.

>> No.3291064

no u can't.

>> No.3291067

>doesn't it ever make you think that mose people on here ask you to fuck off?
... why? Most people on here are stupid and will tell you to fuck off just because you called them on their bullshit.

>> No.3291076

they do it, because you are a narcissistic asshat and your paintings sucks. they do it almost unisono.
but this doesn't get through your thick skull, does it?

>> No.3291085

Who are u addressing? That’s not me

>> No.3291088

glad you knew it was meant for you.

>> No.3291089
File: 22 KB, 723x291, 1231313123213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3291157

omg he's actually genius wtf.

>> No.3291160

If this is your best honest effort after 3 years or practice, I can get behind you quitting. You clearly only have 3 fingers or something.

>> No.3291167

i know right, another illustrat masterpiece. simply amazing.

>> No.3291172
File: 150 KB, 532x720, 1B9FC88E-9DA6-42DE-8B4A-1EB4447F4FE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my shit is

>> No.3291175

Great video. Should be widespread around here because too many people have the wrong idea about getting good.

>> No.3291512


Shit is the keyword

>> No.3291711

Are you a poet?

>> No.3291716

>attention whoring
you know that's your only motivation from the start and this is just another go at that. People who lose interest don't post goodbye threads and cry about it.

>> No.3291721

there's your problem, you fucking crablet

>> No.3291724

but these are atrocious t bh

>> No.3291726

Are you a wizard?

>> No.3291728
File: 86 KB, 600x800, CgiiQUHUYAAKQY1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this video in the sticky?

>> No.3291755

when the fuck is the repulsive nigger getting banned

>> No.3291757

Bye, will miss you, my negroid

>> No.3291759


on what basis

>> No.3291764

public decency

>> No.3291765

I hate to be rude, but no one cares.

Do things because you like doing them.

If you don't feel that art is for you, then you're allowed to quit.

Just be warned, try new things.

However, people hate the type of person to talk about things without doing them the most of all.

>> No.3293825

>that book looks like it's teach me to be really accurate at drawing real life stuff
Yes. Drawing. It teaches you how to draw. What's the problem here exactly?

>I wanted my art to look aesthetic interesting
You understand that stylisation is effectively a bastardised imitation of real life right? Every single artist you've ever looked at, coveted and envied, you think they didn't first study realism before learning how to warp and manipulate it? You can't work backwards here man, you gotta crawl before you can walk.

>but when I look at my art, I'm always disgusted by how boring it looks.
Because you didn't learn how to "draw" first. You thought you could skip the fundamentals and jump into the heavily stylised stuff, and for some reason you're disappointed that your stuff looks like dogshit?

How exactly did you expect to become good at drawing when you didn't want to learn how to draw? I am forever perplexed by this attitude.

>> No.3293877

holy shit this channel is actually pretty cool, thanks for showing me anon

>> No.3293906

so good how do I draw girls like you?

>> No.3294139

>another I just want to stylize but fuck realism and loomis lmao thread

>> No.3294187

basically, dont be an egotistical faggot and learn things the proper way, following a hierarchy

>> No.3294221
File: 210 KB, 1280x809, tumblr_o233oyn8Bw1v0pigno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, anon. You had long suffered with wrong teachings. Heres the light
: https://archive.org/details/naturalwaytodraw00nico




>> No.3294284

For any anons just getting into art, look at this thread and see where the "muh style, I don't need no fundamentals" mentality will get you.

>> No.3295343

Too bad that your art is probably not gonna pay the bills

>> No.3295403

I gave up a long time ago OP
I still come here to remind myself why I gave up

>10 years of drawing daily
>10 years learning everything I could
>10 years of trying to get good enough to say I was a decent artist

and after TEN FUCKING YEARS I could never Improve
the worst art thats posted here, is a fucking masterpiece compared to the best I could ever do.

its been 3 years since I gave up and I come here daily just so I can remember "I couldn't do it, that I'm a failure of an artist, just like everything else I try to do"

you shouldn't give up OP that image you posted is light years beyond what I could ever do

>> No.3295453

>Before you think of quitting, do some mindless grinding exercises that will improve your skill but demoralize further from your already demoralized state

Seriously /ic/ I know you want to be taken seriously as artists so you just point to "muh" fundies" when anything technical is off but come on. Your morale and sticking with art is just as important as "getting gud". It's an endurance test you fucks, and before you realize it you'll be burnt out from constant fundamental work and won't be able to pick up a pencil for months. So OP, I'm suggesting you do the opposite.

Draw what you want to but DO NOT try to impress yourself or any of us with it. Because for every 1 drawing you impress yourself or others with, there's another 19 that will bring you down. There's a certain mindset you need to get into while drawing, it's doing your best, and patting yourself on the back for a hard days work, and not building or loosing your ego. Let's say you draw for a few hours. Be proud you spent a lot of time on it. But don't fill your ego with it's so terrible/amazing for a few hours though. It allows you to think critically and accept your work's flaws, while also making you feel good about drawing whether it's good or bad. Hope that helped a bit.

>> No.3295779

Because the equation lacks parentheses, it's supposed to mean if you use zero logic, there'll be zero improvement.
But I guess the video creator is really fucking bad at math.

>> No.3295784 [DELETED] 

There's some salty weeb nigger that lurks /ic/ and shitposts pretending to be other artists, and getting into arguments with himself to defame others.

And yes, by nigger I mean legitimate salty black dude who can't draw, is jealous of others, and just goes around shitting on other people on /ic/, keeping profiles on them, and pretending to be other artists to tarnish their name on here (don't know why, as this community is so small).

>> No.3295795

Talent is not a like though.
Skill = Time * IQ

>> No.3295796

There's some salty weeb nigger that lurks /ic/ and shitposts pretending to be other artists, getting into arguments with himself to defame others. Some sperg who just goes around shitting on other people on /ic/, keeping profiles on them, and pretending to be other artists to tarnish their name on here (don't know why, as this community is so small).

>> No.3295797

meant for >>3290857

>> No.3295803 [DELETED] 


It's either
-tora / rep asp
maldraws ( I don't think he even posts here anymore)

these are the only people that do that here

>> No.3295969

>Memelaides’ Natural Way to Arthritis and Carpal Tunnel

Solid recommendations otherwise.

>> No.3296075

Can you post your work? It could be your latest or a progress picture I'd like to see for myself.
Not to ridicule you, it's just that it's interesting to me that it's possible to go that long without improving.
What was your routine and why do you think you couldn't improve?

>> No.3296079

>(don't know why, as this community is so small)
That is the exact reason why, because it is so easy for him to do since it is not a lot to look after, and then he can feel accomplished after destroying the people he is trying so badly to destroy. They could be doing it, because he posted his work and someone critiqued it too harsh for said anon, and he just couldn't take it (why come to /ic/ then), so he retaliated like you are talking about or he could just get off to it in general, so he found a small board to taunt, and after he is done for the day he has a nice fap.

That is usually how those types work.

>> No.3296086

>Fundamentals of Drawing by Mogilevtsev
Looks like charles bargue drawing course but for normies

>> No.3296087

Anon, read >>3291089

This is why you never improved in 10 years.

>> No.3296094

You could improve, you just have to truly want to. If you truly wanted to, then you would try harder and harder daily, plus you would never give up, ever. I honestly believe that you still come here, because you wish you had not given up.

>> No.3296098

>No matter how much I try, I am not able to learn or improve
the problem is that judging from that page you never actually tried. Everything is rushed and lazily done. All the things I see there are nothing more than random doodles, you probably think that you are "exercising", that drawing 3 random cubes in half a minute without even caring is what it takes to improve. Bullshit.

You want to actually learn how to draw cubes in perspective? You fill entire pages doing only that, you make an effort so every next cube is better than the previous one, you focus on that shit until it's perfect. Then you move to the next thing and repeat the process.

>> No.3296102

I'm sure you don't work as hard as this 13 year old girl.
She's a millionaire now.

Whiny cunt

>> No.3296112

this anon knows what's good

>> No.3296173

To anyone who thinks you have to be a "natural" to create good art is bullshit. Anyone can learn it, but you gotta understand and show the 6 basic elements of drawing in your work. Once you show that consistently, you can do anything with your art skills. If you still enjoy drawing, don't give up. Just work harder.

>> No.3296885

Anon, I'm not the OP but the theory where if you grind X years you become good is bullshit. Everyone would be great at drawing. The truth is there are lots of people who try and fail, especially when self-learning. I've tried 5 years and my art is awful.

>> No.3296889

This video says fucking nothing, as always.

What's "logic" then? What's the "right direction"? I draw figures all day in different poses and I suck. I draw faces because faces are what I'm worst at, and I still suck.

>> No.3296958

Daily reminder that some people just don’t have the talent/facilities to become that good at art. This isn’t a “muh crabs” post, it’s real and it’s apparent by the multitude of fucking autists like OP that populate this board. If you’re literally not improving at all within a year, don’t waste three or four more smashing your head into a wall expecting something to change. So much time wasted that could be put into trying other hobbies that you might have more of an affinity for.

>> No.3296968

Bullshit, this is why OP is still a complete /beg/inner >>3296098

Talent may play a role at the highest levels but anyone, unless some sever handicaps, can reach a good enough level if he practices correctly.

>> No.3296975

What does "good level" even mean
I want to draw like Kamome Shirahama, nothing else will satisfy me. I'm okay / average as an artist but it has no meaning to me if I'm not on that level

>> No.3296992

I can see she works hard but this shit is boring as fuck. I could paint around that level when I was her age, but I never worked upon it just because that shit is fuckn lame. I didn't want to copt out and get clout just for being young. That and this girl's clearly been drawing for years, there's such a serious fucking differene between someone who starts art as a child, and someone who starts as an adult. Literal effects of aging.

>> No.3296995
File: 108 KB, 768x768, b65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paints from her visions of Jesus Christ which she claims speaks to her

>> No.3296996

Then fucking trace so you can analyze how bad your spatial reasoning in drawing is. That's the logic bit. You can't just be hitting your head against a brick wall without analyzing why or how the wall is even there

>> No.3297055

It doesn't matter if you tell us you'll quit. It doesn't matter if we all tell you to quit. The itch that got you started still never go away. You can't quit. It will be back. Maybe a week from today, maybe a year, maybe on your death bed. So you might as well stop crying and try to get gud, for as long as you live

>> No.3297122

Some people can't grasp how to practice correctly though, that's why I added "facilities" to that. I should have written "mental facilities" or something. If you never accept/understand the right way to practice you'll never improve. And if it's been 3 years and it still hasn't clicked then these people probably don't have the aptitude/intellegince/whatever "it" is that's needed to grasp it, and they're better off trying to improve at something else instead of spinning their wheels and complaining on /ic/.

>> No.3297963

>being this stupid

>> No.3298156

lol i get it now, you are trolling.

>> No.3298358

Fucking faggot. I've been drawing since i was a kid in grade school and I've only recently gotten good enough to enter in shows. Nothing comes easy kid.

>> No.3298425
File: 96 KB, 780x770, e2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3300977

Why are the faces weird

>> No.3300978
File: 208 KB, 1200x1182, DP0QkUGVwAAcRVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got Zero talent
>Got gud in less than 5 years


>> No.3301445

3 years kek, im at almost a decade and im still learning

>> No.3303910

admirable is four syllables

>> No.3304083

>that image you posted is light years beyond what I could ever do
Jesus Christ Superstar holy shit is that pathetic. Do you have some kind of brain problem? You must be like legit retarded or speaking hyperbolically out your ass. Holy shit. Sad!

>> No.3304326

talent is just a word by unmotivated losers who wanted to discredit people who actually tried, you couldn't draw a circle without practicing

>> No.3304329

who is this semon demon

>> No.3304377

nah. I got talent, improving comes extremely easy to me and every new thing I paint is the best one so far. OP is an example of lack of talent. you can't say it's not real.

>> No.3304431

I took a 6 months break due to burnout and now I can't get back into drawing. I lost a good 50% of what little skill I had and I'm super demotivated... I still want to draw but it feels so hopeless, I can't improve

>> No.3304447

Why won't you faggots ever understand that fundies are universal?
Drawing style are basically stylization/simplification of reality. Once you know how to fucking draw you will be able to chose any style you want.

But quit, you braindead faggot, you will never make it anyway.

>> No.3304491


But this job isn't for everyone. Good luck finding something else to do.

>> No.3304510


^Literally only people in this thread not shitting on OP

Are you guys fucking retarded? Is this what /ic/ is now? IT'S A LEARNING BOARD. WE'RE TRYING TO LEARN. And still there's a bunch of faggot anons like you, who think that just because you know it's actually 7 1/2 heads you have the right to shit on others.

I don't see art here nearly half as much as people judging others because they know something they don't; or because they "ooooooh, clearly don't put in the WORK". Fuck you. Like you can do better. You've just seen better, and that's why you're spamming ngmi.

/ic/ used to be a place where you didn't come to be ripped to shreds by people with zero authority. Jesus, people.

>> No.3304520

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.3304525

Sure OP.

>> No.3304530

>/ic/ used to be a place where you didn't come to be ripped to shreds by people with zero authority. Jesus, people.
it never was and it never will be
fuck off liberals, FUCK OFF