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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 199 KB, 876x539, vvcap 2018-01-24-22-46-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3287758 No.3287758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this guy always draws in the most simplistic manner possible
>just makes sex jokes, waifus and tits
>has 10k likes

I'm really considering leaving this fucking hobby. Real effort and ideas are never appreciated.
>but anon, just draw tits too
Nah, I value my standards too much to fall in that.

Any other artists that make your blood boil out there?

>> No.3287760

I made a thread about this kind of thing yesterday

The decision of whether to draw what you enjoy or to draw this kind of stuff
>it's easier
>it's faster
>it's more popular
>it's soul crushing

>> No.3287766

>just makes sex jokes, waifus and tits
>has 10k likes
>these avatars
yeah wonder why he gets 10k by drawing what his underage fans like to jerk off to. Bet his fans will be ashamed when they get older.

>> No.3287769

Its not hard to earn the respect of normies & kids though. Do you want to be a good artist of do you want to be e-famous because they're different things. There's plenty of artists out there who earn good money with their art who aren't even on social media.

>> No.3287772

I kinda want to be both but not famous in a "he makes nice tits" way. I just want to be kinda known, not famous. Like, you see a piece of artwork and say "oh, Anon did that" and leave it like that.
I know I don't have nice or original ideas or characters but I want to earn a little side money with my stuff or at least be somewhat known.

People usually say one should draw because you enjoy it and not for attention but I think it's not wrong to want some attention for something you do.

>> No.3287787

tough shit anon, about every hobby and profession works the same way

>> No.3287791

>I know I don't have nice or original ideas or characters
Have you ever tried that anon? I mean maybe it is just that you think that your ideas are not nice.

>People usually say one should draw because you enjoy
Just like any other field many people actually wants to become "well known", most people only lie about that they "do it only for fun". Just ask most students in university why they study what they study. Most people will say "I like *insert profession* and it does make money".
Heck an old friend f mine wanted to study chemistry, because she heard it makes a ton of money, even tough she hated it and wasn't good in it. Funny enough she told me that I should give up my dream, because I'll never make money with it. (wich isn't art related)
What I actually want to say is as long you don't only do art solely for the recognition you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3287795

why do you value art by social status?
don't you enjoy creating art?

>> No.3287798

Those are two unrelated things, anon.
But, don't you think the more followers/likes you have, the better you are?

>> No.3287799

Stop being so concerned about social media, it's a poison. Half of these people just get famous because they post everyday and get lucky when some algorithm picks them for a feature.

Focus on your skills, not what time of day has the most traffic on Instagram.

>> No.3287802

no. popularity is not an indication for how good or bad you are. do you like britney spears?
this is social networking, the ability to sell your art, connecting/reblogging, sexual imagery, the internet.
why do you even care?
if OP cannot stand the fact, that his art isn't as popular as some random dudes output, it's obvious to me, that he's in for the likes, not the creation.

>> No.3287803

Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's good. Just look at popular series, most of them are decent or actually pretty bad.

>> No.3287805

>that he's in for the likes, not the creation.
I repeat, is it wrong to want attention for something you do?

>> No.3287813

Not him but, while i wouldn't say it's wrong, if you are going to stop doing it because of the reasons explained in the op, it kinda sounds like the attention is the only reson for doing it

>> No.3287816

if you got into art for "recognition" in the current atmosphere you wouldnt have had the drive to make it anyway

>> No.3287817

I know this is 4chan and all that but c'mon man, don't go crushing people's dreams, that's a dick move even for us.

>> No.3287822

>telling the truth is a dick move

>> No.3287825

One thing is telling the truth and encourage to improve and destroying one's dreams is other entirely different anon, you don't have to be edgy here.

>> No.3287828
File: 77 KB, 1039x1039, 1515574550426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are teenagers out there with 10/10 girlfriends who wouldn't give you the time of day, and $300,000+ worth of luxury cars/watches/shoes, but you're jelly over a random crappy artist on facebook who has "likes"?
>he can't even get his jealousy priorities straight

>> No.3287829

>being jealous of teenagers
>has priorities straight

>> No.3287833

it's a finished piece that the artist promoted to people who are interested in it. who the fuck cares move on.

>> No.3287837

is this the thought process of an underage these days?

>> No.3287838

>he only does art for (You)s

>> No.3287839

Anon, in an attempt to make OP look bad, somehow you made yourself look worse.

>> No.3287889

it could only be deemed "unfair" if we all followed a strict set of rules, and the last time i checked there are only tools.

>> No.3287891

is this the thought process of an underage these days?

>> No.3287894

The world doesn't owe you anything, faggot.
If you were honestly considering giving up drawing because your desired method of getting payed fell through then you absolutely should. Go be a toll booth collector instead.

>> No.3287906
File: 122 KB, 355x283, 1391561148862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so simple, yet it works.
He only needed a barebones knowledge of anatomy and lighting to make that thing.
The face is just three symbols, three. The hair is not a bunch of fucking strands, it's just a SINGLE structure that doesn't even reflect right.
The head is just a squished blob, the neck, the muscles that join the arm with the torso look so simple too. Hell, he kind of gave up with the elbows but it still works.

How does he do it? What is the mindset required to see a figure reduced to such simplicity and still make it work?

>> No.3287912

It doesn't take a lot to make a person interpret the human form. It's why stick figures work as well as they do.

>> No.3287967


>> No.3288004

>it's more popular

Except it's not. 10k likes for a fucking facebook page is laughable. Many popular artists get that per single image.

>> No.3288014

Maybe your art isn't good in any appealing way. That drawing you posted while simplistic it has the right amount of characteristics that teens and adults who are looking for a quick effortless wank enjoy. When there is so much competition art nowadays is all about finding a niche to fill in, he found his and now has a fanbase because of it.

>> No.3288043

If you're in it for the fun and not for the money why is this bothering you at all?

>> No.3288044

Are you baiting the bait?

>> No.3288079

How can you say it's unfair? By creating art, practicing and putting a lot of thought into your work you aren't entitled to have an audience. Knowing what people want is another part of the job. If you don't want to draw what people want that's your choice. But it is not unfair.

>> No.3288083

get off social media
all about social media is simplistic, temporary, shit-tier entertainment or pseudo-journalistic spin and propaganda. it's a fucking torrent of meaningless selfies, colorful dull text statements, advertisement and narcissistic games.

do you seriously think it's a place to present art? no. look at OP pic. this is what social media likes and wants: easy, simple, tits, sex, stupid laughs.

>> No.3288088

you know, it is pretty frustrating when you work really hard and it never seems to get recognized. This goes for pretty much everything in life. Then you see someone becoming extremely popular with little to no effort and it's even more frustrating.

It's only human.

However, is that really the reason you make art? Like, really?

>> No.3288120

>>3287799 (specially this)
These are the best posts on the thread honestly. OP doesn't need aggresive posts and these are direct enough while still telling the truth in a "friendly" way.
Remember OP you do art because you like it, not because the rest like it. Social media sadly works around tits and sex but if you value your standards then you have something most don't and that pays in the long run. In a really long run.
See it this way: would you rather have a loyal following of people who really like your stuff or just an army of horny kids?

>> No.3288123

These people won't ever get industry jobs, anon.
Disregarding Cartoon Netwwork Ofc.

>> No.3288125

Literally this

>> No.3288134

Why do you think you deserve anything, jelly snib snab bucketo crab?

>> No.3288138

>just makes sex jokes, waifus and tits
>has 10k likes

well. If you want a following with the size and wits as his then you know what they want.

>> No.3288139

>But, don't you think the more followers/likes you have, the better you are?

Not him but definitely no.

>> No.3288424

This kind of thing sells, unfortunately... People think too much with their pants nowadays. Here's the thing though : do you want to do art that makes you a respectable person or would you choose to artwhore yourself & put shame on your name for the fame/money?

>> No.3288427

Just like someone pointed just look at those avatars, m8. You can have 10k virgins liking your effortless tits draws or you can have 100 m8s who really understand beyond aesthetics and tits. Social media only works for ppl who doesn't care about any meaning in their lives.

>> No.3288429
File: 3.33 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180124_022659595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, for me it's not really about popularity. Just making something maybe 1 or 2 people like to look at.

>> No.3288432

Even worse, there's this shitty artist in the latin community named "Mi mundo Alex", it's abysmal tier content, not even polished and it strikes 1m likes.

>> No.3288435

If the herd likes it, it is shit, that is the rule.

>> No.3288436

>shitty jokes
>literally a rip off of owlturd
Just end me, senpai.

>> No.3288460
File: 508 KB, 600x596, 1516861297165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is bad you should see this dude called ugojesse and the caliber of art he puts out, he has hundreds of thousands maybe millions in following.

>> No.3288473

>UGHHHH, why does this TRASH have so many likes but MY work DOESN'T, sorry I have STANDARDS, it's not even GOOD unlike MY work
I seriously want you to post your work, I GUARANTEE you that either it's unappealing shit, you don't know how to social media, or (most likely) both. Every other fucking day one of you come on here complaining about this type of shit. Your head's so fucking inflated you think you really deserve to have the fame and numbers that some others do on social media, but you're also autistic and have no idea how to actually put in the work required to obtain that.

Also if you're this butthurt over numbers on the internet, art's not your "hobby". A hobby's something you do in your free time as a means of having fun, sometimes with others but to please yourself first and foremost. Stop drawing and stop posting, you're not gonna make it and you're too autistic to even enjoy art as a hobby apparently.

>> No.3288476

Why not draw beautiful tits? Incorporate your standards with what idiot children like.

But you shouldn’t feel so bad. These retards probably like minions unironically. It’s not like they can give you what you’re looking for.

>> No.3288480

>literally a rip off of owlturd
jesus, as if owlturd wasn't shit enough

>> No.3288482

Post your work faggot

>> No.3288486

Dont compare yourself to other people (in anything not just art) compare yourself to how you were yesterday. Draw for yourself and others will find you.

>> No.3288561

you are pathetic

>> No.3288797

>Mi mundo Alex
Shit, there's LOTS of mexicans (and by mexicans I mean spanish speakers in general) who just rely on the "fun badly drawn comic of something that happened to me" and have billions of followers.
They're not even decent artists, they just make a fun meme and bang, 1m of likes.

Honestly it's not worth it, it's just an empty "victory". You don't want that OP, if you were to get something like that by drawing something like that you won't feel accomplished.

>> No.3288811
File: 27 KB, 497x548, received_10207996113299998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, another thread about hack artist makes it big
>who is it? Literal who burgerland artist drawing tiddies on DA?
>Andro Juniarto
Oh my god, it's this nigga.
Both hands is not enough to count how many comic artist in his community baiting followers with hastily done comic about the latest local facebook drama and then draw tiddies in between, amd Andro is among the worst. Within their circle, Maggot is the better one, I don't follow him but it seems he's not as bad bandwagon jumper as Andro.
I'm not even mad, their inner circle as a whole is cancerous shit anyway.

>> No.3289010

It's either you don't care or just give up altogether

>> No.3289038
File: 153 KB, 492x492, artation avatar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mi mundo Alex
he stole the 90% of his ¨jokes¨ and bad redacted... poorly gramatical languaje...
>what kind of people see this funny?
teenagers... yes, because they haven´t at last knowlege about that, the jokes are from movies, others memes and shit tier tv shows...
but, yes... is 1M followers... maybe with some kind of bots farm?

just see >>3288120
and learn

>> No.3289039
File: 132 KB, 582x563, artation avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3289042
File: 75 KB, 457x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask one of these popular artists if they would like to art trade
>"oh sorry anon, I only art trade with friends"
What is the meaning of this?

>> No.3289048

Why the hell would you assume some random stranger has the time to "art trade" with you and for what purpose?

>> No.3289127

Gain deeper knowledge

>> No.3289139

To have fun.

>> No.3289164
File: 139 KB, 1024x1216, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post good art that I spent 6 hours making
>Post a poorly done 10 minute doodle of Genji

>> No.3289440

>thinking 4chan is a hive mind

>> No.3289441

i don’t trust a random stranger to not fuck me over for free art

hey- i’m one of those people!

>> No.3289448

That's not really unfair, that's just logical. Unless you are already fairly popular or get a lucky reblog or feature, how could your personal work ever get more attention than fanart of some massively popular video game?

>> No.3289449
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 05F5F804-72EE-4C16-8A7D-693892C0E271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boobs get likes
i’m just about at 8k on my own fb and i don’t get engagement like this on my posts unless it has tits, thighs, or memes

that’s just how it be, anon>>3287760

>> No.3289450

didn’t mean to include that last tag- my phone has a mind of its own

>> No.3289568

it means they don't want to fuck around with randoms

>> No.3289587


>> No.3289654

It's an excuse for being lazy

>> No.3289859
File: 233 KB, 568x590, wojak h-h-heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this artist with a large following on social media doesn't want to waste time trading art with some autistic literally who who sent him a message
>heh what a lazy fuck, fucking coward, h-heheheh

>> No.3289874

>OP doesn't need aggresive posts and these are direct enough while still telling the truth in a "friendly" way.
I don't think you understand the real issue here. It's not what's making him quit, it's that he's willing to quit at all.
If something as simple as this makes him want to give up learning a skill, there's some core problems with the guy's attitude and the tone of a 4chan post isn't going to help one way or another.

>> No.3289877
File: 819 KB, 360x360, 1511722757607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the opposite situation

>Only want to draw tits, doodles and memes.
>End up making academic paintings or serious art because I'm afraid of looking stupid.
>Nobody cares about them except other artists.

I'm fucking sorry that I don't have a sense of humor. I'm as boring as a brick wall.

I thought that if I learned to draw I could make funny comics and shit. It turns that drawings skills are not skills at FUN. And being funny is all you need to be successful at life.

>> No.3289936

Are you baiting or just fucking retarded?

>> No.3289954

it's time to stop children what's that sound everybody look what's going down

>> No.3289964

To have some fun.

>> No.3289966


>> No.3289995
File: 45 KB, 500x420, that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3290089

Whats a good way of reaching out to Spqnish audiences? Where do they congregate? I speak spanish.

>> No.3290104

None of his comics ever make sense at all. It's just pure nonsense. Yet he still manages to rake in the us black demographic.

>> No.3290224

suicide jokes with high thighs

>> No.3290287

>OP still hasn't posted his art
End this pathetic excuse of thread along with OP

>> No.3290293

OP you should draw the things you enjoy. Nobody else in this world will put as much into your happiness as you so do what makes you happy and don't worry about other people enjoying it.

That's something I need to do myself. I've been away from this place for a long time and made lots of strides with my art. I come back to see if I've made any improvement and I keep getting ignored everywhere like I always used to. It got to me so much I broke down today and then I realized I need to stop giving a fuck about what people think, especially here.

>> No.3290298
File: 1.39 MB, 1175x968, 1514055682190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you draw just to feel validated by others maybe you'd better leave

>> No.3290390 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 600x400, 23434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the time you went to the rotring factory, peter?
> Myehehehehe
> Hey excuse me sir, I have an inquiry.
> " Okay go right ahead".
> What is a rotring?
> " in german rotring means red ring, like the red ring which appears on the various models of pencils we manufacture".
> You mean like when you poop red and you got rashes all over ya?
> " sir I think you're thinking of ring worm and something else. "
> Hey, screw you pal!
> What a disappointing trip, this is almost as bad as the time I gave lil peep fentanyl!
> Hey lil peep, want what's in this cup?
> " sure, I'll consume about anything if it's coming from a cup. "
> Myehehehe, one down, the rest of soundcloud to go.

>> No.3290418

You are getting mad that he has an audience of 'champaign' drinkers. Relax.

>> No.3290421

hi ego

>> No.3290543

>it's soul crushing
Nope. As long as there is enjoyment in it. It'll be fun.

>> No.3290719


>> No.3290723

No, I'm not kidding.

>> No.3290725

To get some fornication

>> No.3290767

not like that

>> No.3290769

This nigga retarded

>> No.3290772

Because I can't get no satisfaction

>> No.3290776

>i don’t trust
you don't trust like that?

>> No.3290777
File: 66 KB, 635x903, 1517008777521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes yes yes and yes again. I have no one, man. I show my art to three people. Thats it. I can draw very well. I free hand. Ive drawn ever since I was 3. Its hard seeing people like that being worshipped. For example with me there was this bitch who drew a fucked up looking anime face on facebook. 50 likes and the classic "Your sooooo gooooood!!!! You should go tu college!!!!!"

>> No.3290778

Maybe you should run away.

>> No.3290784

Most people are completely ignorant about most things so low hanging fruit will always be the most successful regardless of medium.

>> No.3290799
File: 2.69 MB, 500x500, 972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand why he wants to just to just throw everything in the air and say "Fuck this shit. I'm done."
Hes right. When your a good artist it takes years to git guud enough to even be noticed atall. While you have Terrible Tina over here drawing the most deformed, no talent, shakey hand, basically giving a monkey a pencil garbage. And, she gets praised. That right there, is the most fucked up thing an artist can go through. That, and just being forgotten. People have a tendency to think "Well, I don't see the point. You can make pretty and straight lines on paper. So what? You suck."
In my opinion, only artists can really appreciate art. Even the dickheaded faggots who are mean as spit that can draw understand what it takes to create a beautiful picture. Normies look at a huge canvis with paint smeared and dumped all over it and say, "Wow. What a true artist. So much talent."

>> No.3290807


>> No.3290816

kid cudi why

>> No.3290834

Might as well finally paint them black

>> No.3290937

The world may never know.

>> No.3291040

>i can draw very well
Post your work then. Let's see if you can "draw well".

>> No.3291051

And you really think that's a good excuse to stop? Sounds to me like you're just looking for an excuse to laze away practicing.
Daddy up and do your work or quit, those are your options.

>> No.3291056

RIP buddy

>> No.3291062

but he's right

>> No.3291179


>> No.3291409

being jealous of something you could feasibly obtain is a waste of energy. you can get likes on fb, can't get rich

>> No.3291868


>> No.3291874

Because that's not how it works you imbecile.

>> No.3291890
File: 432 KB, 1240x1482, 2018 01 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding this

people in here are all talk no action

>> No.3291912

Pretty much. If you want to make it with integrity you need to be an outstanding prodigy with a world class portfolio.

>> No.3291913

>make awesome detailed character painting
>put it on pixiv
>simplistic cell shaded generic uguu with cowtits and /e/ gets daily rank

Same shit everywhere. I could draw tiddies to get popular. I choose not to. Your choice has consequences. I'd rather draw what I want than be popular.

Your mommy is not a good metric of your skill, stupid teenager.

Jesus fuck stop posting, what the fuck?

>> No.3291919

Manbearpig proportions signify a comforti work

>> No.3291923

You can find whatever you want to be sexy, that's your own thing you gotta deal with, but that is not an attractive human body by any objective standard. Tiny heads on huge saggy bodies will never be an attractive traits in females, regardless of what mainstream hamerica is trying to spin.

>> No.3292018

Thanks OP for a new artist to follow.

>> No.3292135

hey granny-porn anon