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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 534 KB, 648x838, 31eff97f649786ea4b7a1a7fc99614034550d993df430e64fd04515602f0575b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3284567 No.3284567 [Reply] [Original]

Post "meet the artist" pics.

>> No.3284576

This is actually cute.

>> No.3284591

>low energy days
goddamn are they sucky. no amount of coffee helps :(

>> No.3284594
File: 117 KB, 894x894, meet_the_artist__by_smallclams-dawjk5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pronouns
>1st world depression
>not even drawing her own face, which is almost the whole point.

I was gonna post a snide remark and tell you to "go back" but I rather just genuinely question why these people exist. Life can be shitty, you can be depressed even if you have everything you "need" for a myriad of reasons, that's just how things are. But why do they fucking embrace it or learn to live with it instead of fucking fixing it, or working towards it. Long ago I would've disregarded this as shitty tumblr mentality but I'm seeing this everywhere with young adults. This worries me, what's gonna fucking happen when times actually get bad?

Sorry for the rant but I think this is a very relevant topic for artists in general. Twitter is fucking hell as a social platform to promote yourself because 90% of artfags are so delusional or self righteous professional victims. You end up having to follow nips because they seem to be the only ones to actually care about just posting work.

>> No.3284604

Who fucking cares? I didn't draw the bunny chick. Not a relevant topic either, just angsty teens being angsty. This has existed for years, look at the Emos of the 2000s, well feminists and sjws are the new trendy Emos. Nothing to discuss further than that.

>> No.3284608

i have depression i live with it what's so bad about that, its not something i can fix

>> No.3284616

>just angsty teens being angsty.
Please google "meet the artist" You will see more people in their 20s and even some in their 30s doing this shit. These are people you have to do business with every day.

>not something i can fix.
I'm not invalidating the importance of your illness but you can definitely fix it, there's hard evidence for this.

Enjoy your thread then.

>> No.3284618

Is that you, DD?

>> No.3284619

ive had depression since i was ten dude, i can take the pills but what's the point im already living with it and i dont want to trial and error my mental health. i manage my symptoms and i have fun with my friends there's really bad days but im doing something right if im still here there's nothing wrong with living with it

>> No.3284620

Depression isn't something you can just "fix". You can manage it and hope for good mental health days, but that's about it.

>> No.3284625

Stop sucking prozac's dick, take vitamin D pills, quit soy, quit tap water. If all else fails, see therapist to find out the root of the problem or smoke weed. I'm dating someone who was raped and only in that case can I get being very depressed non stop, but even then, my spouse learned to overcome depression despite it all. If a victim of assault can do it, anyone can. Had chronic depression as a 10 year old as well by the way.

>> No.3284627

>worked for me will work for everyone
sure, doc

>> No.3284631

Worked for thousands of friends and co-workers I told to do this, retard.

>> No.3284632

i dont take prozac i know people who had bad experiences with taking meds for their mental health, i manage my symptoms and honestly you don't know my life or my trauma and weed and quitting tap water aren't a fix for anything

>> No.3284634

sure anon

>> No.3284636


Not that guy, but even the most basic of google searches can provide you evidence that given EFFORT you can successfully treat most cases of depression and keep bad days years apart.

And just to clarify, It's people who embrace it and define they whole identity by it who are fucking dumb and worry me.

>> No.3284638

>hurr durr prepare for the mad max end times, don't talk about yourself
you know, there's always a happy medium

>> No.3284640

Don't knock it till you try it. And like I said, get a therapist. Everything else mentioned was just a plus to speed things up. Of course the root cause is the most important thing to find.

If you took me literally when I said "thousands", then no point arguing with someone With someone with an IQ lower than 60.

Hey anon, thanks for linking for me.

>> No.3284641

>treat most cases
there's the caveat

>> No.3284645

>Don't knock it till you try it. And like I said, get a therapist.
i've tried it, it's legal here and therapy was a waste of time

>> No.3284647

>haha I'm such a special snowflake my depression surely is worse than other's depression
I don't even.

>> No.3284649

Clinical depression is the more-severe form of depression, also known as major depression or major depressive disorder. It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder.

>> No.3284650

you don't even draw, I bet.

>> No.3284655


>> No.3284660

Fist thread in the catalog is derailed the absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3284667

Not shitting on depression but those snowflakes constantly put their mental illness on their bio as if it's an attractive trait of theirs with the "abloo bloo take pity on me" vibe

>> No.3284668

this. anon is a retard. back to /fit/ nigger

>> No.3284669

Did you even read the links? all types of depression are treatable, there's even studies arguing that standardized medication is better so you don't need to go to some genius savant therapist to get better

>You don't draw so that means you can't talk shit about depression
Are you also retarded? Holy shit.

Imagine being so analblasted you can't take an honest question at face value and instead resort to just focus on one-upping others even if that means looking like an unfixable broken mess.

>> No.3284670

yet another quality thread from the art board of 4chan

>> No.3284671

these threads are just vehicles to drop le epic redpills by the teenage conservatives that populate this whole website. everyone that does art know there's cringe art out there, and since 4chan is more geared towards anime in general we generally don't like the calarts style, or the needless self infatuation that tumblrite teenage girls can get in to. what's the point of obsessing over it? are you going to redpill everyone with internet connection? sorry different styles of art exist.

>> No.3284678

if we start having a cringe general do you think that might clean up the board a little?

>> No.3284680
File: 97 KB, 377x209, artstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3284682

yeah that's what I'm saying. there's some kid literally telling people to "cut out soy" from their diet itt.

>> No.3284687


>> No.3284690
File: 148 KB, 814x1094, san giovanni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spirit of honesty, I'm >>3284594 and >>3284636

I clarified that I'm concerned by people who take pride in being depressed or victimized. People have already suggested this is "typical teenager behavior' but we've seen it happen more and more to people in their 20's and 30's. They refuse to grow up.

I'm not trying to "redpill" anyone. I'm aware I might come off as an edgelord but I'm genuinely concerned at the outlook of life these people are having. This is definitely relevant to artists, always was. The tortured soul artist has been a meme for fucking centuries.

>are you going to redpill everyone with internet connection?
No. I don't want to change anyone. I was asking why this is happening. We should work on stopping it. But what do I get as response? people going full defense mode because I called out their lifetime curse might not be the inescapable nightmare they sometimes feel it is.

>> No.3284700

You feign concern so you can admonish some strangers on the internet about their mental health if you cared at all about helping people you would already be doing it

>> No.3284707

That's a whole lot of assumptions. In that case let's assume whatever we want with the other, and nobody wins. That's what you wanted right? for me to say I'm wrong. There, we can let the thread die now.

>> No.3284729


>> No.3284731
File: 282 KB, 2048x1536, uc7fsb3tl4iz(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist didn't even go to calarts, and I started this thread hoping for both ok "meet the artist" pics and bad ones. Didn't expect it to get derailed all by someone complaining about depression.

This anon knows where it's at. People don't exercise at all these days anymore.

Soy is proven to ruin hormones. I had a severe hormonal imbalance myself once and was baffled by it, until I found out vitamin pills I was taking contained soy, and dropping them fixed my issue.

Now can we please go back go the thread's intended topic?

>> No.3284750
File: 1001 KB, 200x200, 2r139uyt44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abloo abloo I don't like my body
>Carries a big bottle of pepsi

>> No.3284756
File: 266 KB, 986x858, uggo lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic.

>> No.3284763

Are there any of these that aren't shitty

>> No.3284764


>> No.3284769
File: 142 KB, 425x640, 0eb7e6c05507e9dfadf005498ec46c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes ice cream
>hates body

>> No.3284773
File: 696 KB, 1018x800, how about this one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.3284820

people with actual skill have better things to draw

>> No.3284867

What's the deal with people constantly putting their preferred pronouns on their bio??

>> No.3284878

I'm accusing OP of same personing their thread

>> No.3284883


what's the point of making this things?

>> No.3284887

bruh wtf a 10 year old got to be depressed about? i lost all my hotwheels under the sofa and i had to wait until dad came home to life it? bitch shut up.

>> No.3284899

>pronouns and le special snowflake gender
>hogwarts school
>outdated, absolutely debunked garbage psychology profiles
>"gotta catch'em all" mental disease collection
>"tee hee i love eating and sleeping durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

90% of online artists.

>> No.3284904

>everyone grew up in a suburb just like me

>> No.3284907

to feel special

>> No.3284908

>>outdated, absolutely debunked garbage psychology profiles
don't call me out like this

>> No.3284911
File: 39 KB, 830x691, mta me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me, i have no shame

>> No.3284936

I put mine on because I draw myself so badly that people don't know what they're looking at.
Also a lot of artists draw charicatures of themselves that may represent their online presence, but doesn't accurately represent their physical appearance.
Plus, some people are trans, and haven't completed their road to the kingdom of Passing.

>> No.3284949

>implying half of these arent xir/they/them/more than one
>alternatively bad artists and/or the mentally ill

>> No.3284950

c u t e

>> No.3284952

I'm this
little tumblfag, btw. AMA

>> No.3284956

what is your problem with repetitive noise? it's great for focusing the mind imo

>> No.3284957

hello my dear doppleganger

>> No.3284958

also how can you hate heat? it's gr8 and a main ingredient of comfiness

>> No.3284964

You forgot to include your MBT personality type

Also, why do I need to know your blood type?

>> No.3284975

It CAN be soothing, but it usually gives me a headache and I can't focus on things other than what's being repeated.
As far as heat goes. A hot shower or sitting next to a space heater feels nice. But I sweat in the heat, and that's super gross so I just stay in the 60-70 degree range as much as possible.
I don't remember my mbt type. I do remember my blood type. You don't need to know most of the information on that thing but it's there in case anyone is curious.
That is, originally i posted it as a way for my 20 followers to know SOMETHING about who I am.

>> No.3284986
File: 230 KB, 1288x1062, kinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284993

To be fair, that's actually unique enough to not be shitty. Almost looks like something from my old math textbook.

>> No.3284994

nice shirt even if u r a dude

>> No.3284995

I almost hate it.

>> No.3285002

Bipolar or Borderline?

>> No.3285010

this meme has to stop

>inb4 no fun allowed
This is the modern day's version of the zodiac sign. People stop talking to each other for "incompatibility" shit like this.

>> No.3285022
File: 31 KB, 365x492, shorrse neeeghghhgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but there actually is some very convoluted and stupid reason why I care about my blood type.
It's O negative, which is relatively rare, apparently. On top of that, O- blood carriers can only receive blood transfusions that are O-. I know this means I should be giving blood on a regular basis. Buuuuut I don't, because I faint and I'm in poor shape for at least the rest of the day. And blood drives are almost always held on days where I work.
So I have this continuous guilt hanging over me because I'm not contributing my blood even though I might be the one needing it way down the line, and I feel like I'm letting my future self and my entire community down, while also worried that I'll end up in some accident some day and I'll be in desperate need of transfusion, and there won't be any O- blood available, and I'll just die from blood loss.

So I feel like Type O blood carriers are divided into three groups:
>Type O's who donate their blood so they can contribute to their community
>Type O's who don't give a single fuck about their blood
>Type O's who can't donate and feel guilty about it.

And if anyone ever asks, I can tell them I'm the latter.

>> No.3285028
File: 168 KB, 1200x899, 1484832689603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3285030

This level of beta is off the charts

>> No.3285080

No real surprises.

>> No.3285086

Dobson is the omega beta. King cuck for sure

>> No.3285095
File: 33 KB, 350x262, e565920f77ec089990b2f7ba663ee110ab060230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to need to SKANK on this poser

>> No.3285100

Contrary to what people seem to believe, not everyone's depression can all be fixed doing the same advice given. I've tried so many things people told me to do and nothing worked. Hell, I tried going to the root of it and making peace with my family but it got worse and I actually cried for the first time in years and felt like nothing will fix me. Most of the people I've met who've genuinely been through this have small pieces of sound advice that is vauge enough to give you an idea of what you could possibly do to fix things while those who haven't ever experienced similar hardships offer disparaging remarks disguised as 'tough love' facts that are the objective cures for depression while making light of whatever put me in it in the first place (friends making light of me having a rough family relationship when they have a family that mutually loves and supports them).

Drawing, getting better at drawing, and submerging myself in others artistic endeavors has helped me plenty, though.
But when it's bad enough, I just stop functioning and can't even look at a pencil for hours and fantasize about a slow death. Thinking about the tortured artist cliche makes it worse because it's just used by people who know I draw to make me a statistic and laugh at my expense until they see my artwork.
I know I'm sick but I think the cure is inside me and I have to look harder; something like this shouldn't get in the way of my art, so I use the negatives from these feelings and put them into my pieces as a form of cathartic release.

>> No.3285103


>> No.3285115

What do you guys think would be ideal for artists to have on them if they intend to draw on the go? I'm personally not going to carry around a fucking purse or handbag and fill it with this type of ahit when I'm going out to eat or with friends at a social event. A small sketchbook and a mechanical pencil? Maybe. But I doubt I'll go beyond that especially when I only really need a wallet and a phone in my possession.

I don't believe these people will carry these things with them let alone use them frequently if their art is not indicative of such dedication. Especially this fucker here >>3285028

>> No.3285116

So do we post our own 'meet the artist' or do we post cringy ones?

>> No.3285125


>> No.3285134
File: 777 KB, 714x810, meet_by_love_ribbon-dbx2cnp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3285137

so thirsty lol

>> No.3285140


just get something comfortable and portable, like a small sketchbook or napkins.

>> No.3285199
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1516120388247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes slime

>> No.3285209
File: 138 KB, 700x539, IMG_7637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am down for this

>> No.3285212

>Twitter is fucking hell as a social platform to promote yourself because 90% of artfags are so delusional or self righteous professional victims. You end up having to follow nips because they seem to be the only ones to actually care about just posting work
Pretty accurate sadly

>> No.3285228

>detailed body hair

>> No.3285229

is it just me or does this look like some kinda fetish art?

>> No.3285232

Anons ITT

> I was depressed once when my dog died but now I'm cured! People suffering from ACTUAL MENTAL ILLNESSES must be refusing to get better!

That's kind of the whole point of mental illnesses, you can't snap yourself out of it, just train yourself to behave better, the feelings never go away for good.

Chronic illnesses effect people's experience of life a lot, more so than their favorite colour or their height, but no one seems to be attacking those.

>> No.3285255

What? Where?

>> No.3285260

You would think a conservative country that hates Muslims and dykes/trannies, they would Lynch this goblin.

Borderline, as no one ever says bipolar personality disorder.

Give us a tl;dr

>> No.3285261

Just get herpes and you won't need to feel guilty anymore not giving blood.

>> No.3285263

Jason, is that you?

>> No.3285264

I like this one
the art, anyway

>> No.3285270
File: 56 KB, 1344x1058, meet_him_by_dandelionmmilk1998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opfag here, any. Just not typical cringe, but try to post a bit more unique cringe if you want to post something amusing.

>> No.3285275

why do all of these degenerates put BDSM into their "likes" list

>> No.3285276

this is satire right?

>> No.3285279

>loves farming
>loves paganism
>loves family
>hates the biggest shills for it

>> No.3285283
File: 330 KB, 255x255, 1501704455882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dislikes butterscotch

>likes nuclear radiation

>> No.3285284
File: 36 KB, 1012x982, meet_the_scumbag_by_dandelionmmilk1998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. She's some random Mexican I know. Here's another one from "him". I've also seen her selfies, she wears terrifying make up to purposely look ugly and feel unique.

>> No.3285285


I am O- as well and I've always been told it's a super rare type but I've read things that say that isn't really true, AB is the rarest. Anyway I don't donate blood either, my dad used to but he is from a different country and he actually got monetary compensation for donating. Over here you will get a cup of coffee and a sandwich and that's it, and the pharmaceutical industry makes big bucks off your donated plasma for research and producing drugs and very little of it actually goes to helping people, so fuck that (I've been told the numbers by someone who works in that industry. They are absolute crooks.)

>> No.3285287

>that used sanitary napkin

>> No.3285293




>> No.3285294

All these people need to be shot.

>> No.3285297

Where's her other eyebrow?

>> No.3285306

>why this is happening
Fairly widespread narcissistic behavior is culturally endorsed and encouraged by recent social technologies. Young people have always had depression issues. Mental health issues have always existed. This level of interaction, social encouragement and glorification of them has never existed before. The most psychologically toxic people can now very easily amplify their spheres of negative social influence far beyond what was possible even 20 years ago because of this. Regular people with not too unordinary mental health issues which would have been very treatable, now have a good incentive not to address that stage of "growing up".

>> No.3285327

These snowflakes are gigantic narcissists

>> No.3285344

so true

>> No.3285359

I'm sorry, dude, but as much as I appreciate your post, there's no way they'll understand.

>> No.3285376

post some decent ones

>> No.3285381

>Fairly widespread narcissistic behavior is culturally endorsed and encouraged by recent social technologies.
>Young people have always had depression issues. Mental health issues have always existed.
>This level of interaction, social encouragement and glorification of them has never existed before.
Goes without saying.
>The most psychologically toxic people can now very easily amplify their spheres of negative social influence far beyond what was possible even 20 years ago because of this.
Depends on what you mean by influence, but I can see what you mean.
>Regular people with not too unordinary mental health issues which would have been very treatable, now have a good incentive not to address that stage of "growing up"
This *might* be true within today's context, but I think you're overblowing things at this point. Weirdly enough, you kinda contradicted your earlier points. There has always been people who don't go beyond this stage of "growing up," but they were just as easily slipped under the radar because people would rather sweep them under the rug. Now that practically everyone has access to the internet, their presence isn't so easy to ignore, and is instead amplified and ridiculed by people who see them as spoiled brats, not necessarily as people like them who were misdirected once or several times in their lives. But of course it's easier to sneer at them than to empathize, which only reinforces the vicious cycle that will continue to ostracize those people, most of whom actually need help.
Yes, there are a few who have some personality disorder or are just irredeemable, but those are few and far between even if the online world makes it look like otherwise.
It's amazing how far we've gotten in terms of understanding mental health, and it's only the beginning.
Sorry for blog, this kinda struck a nerve.

tl;dr ignore the "snowflakes" and live your life

>> No.3285390

I like his stando

>> No.3285395

>can't post images
hiro does it again

>> No.3285396

Very true.
Stop using the word "toxic" tho anon, you don't want to be part of them.

>> No.3285398


>> No.3285400

you getting upload failed too?

>> No.3285401

So you're telling me there are people who have sex with those things and get them into BDSM ?

>> No.3285403

>can’t poat images

Fine time where.

>> No.3285404

the whole imageboard can't post images

>> No.3285405


>> No.3285417

I am Polish.
In bigger cities, such as Warsaw you can surely see liberal fags from time to time, but they generally stay low profile. You have some big events like once a year when all LGBT people march, but general population doesn't really care about them. You certainly don't have those people showing their liberal viewpoints in your face, even national TV is really conservative since last Parlament Votings when all liberal parties failed big time.

As for Muslims- Muslims don't want to live in Poland when there is Germany west to us. There was a charity organisation helping Christian families in Syria, they helped couple families by moving them to Poland from Syria, all of those families ran to Germany after couple weeks. At the same time people don't seem to understand, that Poland is not a personal freedom country that USA still is. It is a catholic-socialist-nationalist country. I don't care what kind of socialism it is, socialism is just bad.

>> No.3285429

She had "an abusive ex gf ex dee" I once read her say somewhere.

I am sorry to hear some of the sjw trend spread to Poland, but thankfully it's small. And I hope Poland stays that way, as clean as can be. I was from Lithuania originally and the whole fake genders thing begun to spread right before I left, teen and adult artist women are calling themselves agender or genderfluid now, some guys who fail at getting gfs now are using the "asexual" excuse to give up and pretend they're not wussies too scared of rejection. Never expected that to happen in my homeland. Very disappointed in it.

>> No.3285439

Well it's not bad in Poland, those people just walk through the city once a year, and that's it, really. There is no fluid gender shit for sure, I never heard any friend of mine meeting person that deluded so far.
As for Lithuania- I am sorry to hear that, I think Slavic nations are last European nations to stand strong, I am sure your homeland will resist too despite some liberal BS, Brother!

>> No.3285466

Thanks guys!

Guten Tag, are you also a perverted furry weeaboo who can't see foot in front of your face?

i've got bobs and vagine

why not fully hate it?


>> No.3285536

>You would think a conservative country that hates Muslims and dykes/trannies, they would Lynch this goblin.

She lives in USA and studied animation at SVA

this is her grad animation

>> No.3285542

what do your pencils smell like

>> No.3285543

>Give us a tl;dr
It's unreliable, and when it's not , other tests score better. This is supposed to be a summary of your aptitudes and yet you can take it a week apart and get wildly different results, not to mention the ordering of the letters (which indicate relevancy) has no way to be prioritized. In the specific paper I linked (which mind you, is not the other one) the researcher admits to starting this study out of personal skepticism and he basically goes "well shit" when he realizes it's indeed bullshit.

>> No.3285544

Thanks for skimming through the thread and not even reading that the linked sources (Which are like 5% of information out there) also deal with Major Depressive disorder among with other "worse" depressions.

But yeah keep patting yourself on the back while you kinda try to get fixed but then give up.

>> No.3285546

underrated post

>> No.3285563

she ate it lmao

>> No.3285567

There are elements in it, that almost make me like you.

>> No.3285582

I love how she detailed all the detritus in her bag.

>> No.3285587

Not an argument.

>> No.3285589

Why does this look like the fucking virgin vs chad meme

>> No.3285612

You have thousands of coworkers and all of them sufered cronical depression? What a huge coincidence anon, I'm sure you aren't just a retard that thinks being sad because your girlfriend broke up with you it's "depression".

The same kind of retard.
>Hurr durr depression is just being sad, whats the big deal I'm sad sometimes and then it goes away.

>> No.3285614


>> No.3285616

>quit tap water
What's wrong with tap water? Not american by the way.

>> No.3285617

Usually nothing. Dunno what that anon is on.

>> No.3285622

America has estrogen in tap water, since they don't have ground water. Also, the uk has chemicals in theirs.

>> No.3285629

please, prove vagine and bobs...

>> No.3285630


>> No.3285632

i'm starting to think people like >>3285284
>>3285270 are just too coward to 'go all the way'.

>> No.3285633

It may also have lead and/or be flammable depending where in America you are.

>> No.3285639


>> No.3285643

Give that faggot a good ol' fashion boot party.
Oi Oi

>> No.3285652

What a fucking failure of a human

>> No.3285657

I love this and I want to be her friend now

>> No.3285660

So, I googled "Meet the Artist" because I decided to make my own...

Why are all these artists such raging faggots?
Seriously! These people are all some sort of fucking sexual deviant or mentally unstable nitwit and they all have this weird "sjw style" that looks politically correct, and Disney-esque, with some PPG's somewhere in there and chibi anime style. I feel like my eyes were visually molested.

Fucking tumblr faggots and their gay ass art. Shit is fucking weak and the style sucks dick.

>> No.3285690

Why do artists assume people give a single shit about who they are? I know next to nothing about my favorite artists and it doesn't affect my enjoyment of their art at all. It strikes me as self-flagellating. Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.3285692

He could have had a shitty childhood, or was born with a predisposition towards depression.

>> No.3285695

reminds me of bingo's drawings

>> No.3285697

Most of these are posted to tumblr and deviantart, where a lot of people actually do interact with those who enjoy their art.
I follow a lot of artists on tumblr and I do see other people who follow them asking what they look like, what tools they use, what're they planning next, etc.

>> No.3285704

post your own meet the artist

>> No.3285733

where's yours /ic/?

>> No.3285741

I am polish and I'm so happy that people like that person are looked at with disgust and not treated seriously here

>> No.3285744

That looks like shitty weed, no wonder they;re depressed. >:D

>> No.3285759

what's with all these retard genders man, i don't even want to call myself an artist anymore.

>> No.3285767

Post you work niggas
Images are back

>> No.3285773
File: 824 KB, 606x768, illbite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285774

For a lot of people it is though. I have dysthymia, as a lot of shit went bad in my childhood and I've tried a lot of shit over the past 12 years to be happy and nothing works, sometimes ill feel a bit better for a while but I know it is fleeting. It is a fundamental part of my personality at this point since I was so young when it started(10). Sources of depression are different from person to person. Mine for example is mostly existential in nature, rather than self esteem like it is for a lot of people. No amount of therapy is going to remove the fact that everything is meaningless from my mind, because it is ultimately true as far as we know. Nothing will convince me that all people are not all selfish and deceitful at their core, because I have seen it demonstrated even by those who try their hardest to be selfless, I've seen it in myself. Nothing will convince me that everyone I know wont die, because they will. Nothing will convince me that I wont eventually have my mind fade as I grow older, I already feel my body going. Things will distract me momentarily, but those thoughts will be there for me every night when I try to sleep. Existential depression does not go away, you just learn to deal with it.

>> No.3285779

are you a hobo anon?

>> No.3285780

are you a hobo anon?

nigga it's down again

>> No.3285781

By the very nature of your illness, you say "Nothing" because this is also a symptom. It might very well be true. In this case, you have no other choice but to wait for medicine to advance so you can medicate the despair away.

I feel you anons, you (and others in the thread) have the decency to understand that you have a problem and have to work on it to get by. The kind of person that triggers me is the one that has constant outbursts, is loud, obnoxious and dramatic and has a victim complex, and then when confronted just cover their ears and go LALALA I'M SICK IT'S NOT MY FAULT, FUCK YOU THAT'S THE WAY I AM.

This sure as fuck reeks of projection. I have no way to prove to you all there's no one close to me doing this, but I see it with other people. I see it with distant family and friends who just sink and become miserable along them because they refuse to get help, I see it on the internet in general, that's basically it. This is not about winning le ebig 4chan arguments, believe it or not. Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.3285787
File: 140 KB, 750x731, meettheartistcrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285825
File: 260 KB, 960x931, 16114580_754850518000660_5681761537960626173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285829

dislikes the sea? come the heck on, how can you dislike the friggen ocean?!

>> No.3285831

>victim complex
Yeah I know what you mean by those people. Like you said it was teenager behavior, I know in my own experience many of those people are like the "emo" kids were in school. Nothing actually wrong but they fell into that scene and started faking mental illnesses and cutting to fit in with eachother, sometimes ultimately giving themselves those illnesses. Now emo is out and gender identity shit is in, its the same idea.

With the internet becoming what it has you have all these people who identify with their illnesses have a platform for easily finding others who do the same. Then they all share their flaws and they go "oh I do that too, i must also have this". Then since the culture is based around their hardships they are all very comforting and accepting to each other and defensive when outsiders say anything, over dramatizing everything with "you couldn't even begin to understand what they go through how could you say that" oh woe is me type shit. Again JUST like the emo kids.

There is no fucking way there are actually this many people with gender dysphoria that are also fat unattractive women who give themselves brightly colored undercuts. The same way there was no way there was 20 teenagers per suburban school with actual depression, panic disorder, and terrible home situations that also all hung out together, had hair in their eyes, dressed the same way and listened to the same music.

>> No.3285832
File: 79 KB, 1344x756, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3285834
File: 17 KB, 524x456, afsdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285839

you, i like you!

(fuck this "meet-the-SJW lesbian" crap, seriously)

>> No.3285840


>> No.3285841

thank you i worked so hard

>> No.3285844

i can see the effort you put in the glitch portrait
and i'm waiting to see a horse vomit in front of a pharmacist (german saying)

>> No.3285846
File: 7 KB, 1344x756, minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285847
File: 577 KB, 751x1067, Spam Winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285848

>(fuck this "meet-the-SJW lesbian" crap, seriously)
they are just trying to belong, anon

>> No.3285849


>> No.3285850


>> No.3285853

i really just grabbed this from a spam mail. maybe it has a virus or smtn
mainly mocking fugly lesbians here

>> No.3285855


>> No.3285856

hha cause czech ur privileg

>> No.3285857

no, is a joke.

>> No.3285862

I live literally 5 minutes of walking from one, and it's shit.

The ocean covers the shore with squiggly slimy things that should not be and the birds drop half eaten fish everywhere.
Fuck the ocean and fuck ocean enablers like you.

>> No.3285863

hey at least you have salty sea air and that's very healthy.

>ocean enablers
all my wat???

>> No.3285864


>> No.3285865
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1473648469202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocean enablers

>> No.3285870
File: 113 KB, 560x521, goodshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285877

I don't get it

>> No.3285887

Wtf i love tumblr now

>> No.3285924

Thank you i worked so hard

>> No.3285931

I won't be surprised if their avatar hair color is also the same color they have irl

>> No.3285953
File: 44 KB, 333x333, 2854029870987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice catch dude! now post it on the subreddit for that sweet sweet karma :D
include me in the screencap xD

>> No.3285987 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x1020, meat_the_artist_by_mansizedmeatballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3286004

I miss nemu

>> No.3286005

if this bitch posted even once to /ic/ she'd cuck everyone in the alt thread into the next dimension

>> No.3286010
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x1836, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this basically EDC thread but for artists? That's kinda neat actually
I love /out/ and /k/'s edc threads so i might actually try and make one

>> No.3286012

Honestly I want more anons to do it. I'm more curious as to what /ic/ looks like

>> No.3286013

Please do. There are too many people "ironically shitposting" here and it's really gotten old. I'll post one of my own later.

>> No.3286014
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x1020, meat_the_artist_by_mansizedmeatballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3286017
File: 126 KB, 800x625, meet_the_artist_by_kawacy-dax9zss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic tumblr artstyle
a man of culture

>> No.3286018
File: 100 KB, 1024x700, 1514653270668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression also works as simply as this: if you believe you will improve, you will eventually improve. If you don't, you won't. The issue comes with getting to that point of optimism and all that follows. Treating it like a lifetime chronic illness is a good way to guarantee a life of it.

>> No.3286022

Guys, I love these. Can we all just give in and make one already?

>> No.3286024
File: 83 KB, 293x337, tumblr_n6bc42YwQ71tr9jtpo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, there are lots of really cool artists and just cool people on tumblr. People act like it's all sjws and that's all you get, but your tumblr experience really depends on who you follow, and what they post.
It's been a few years, but one of my favorite tumblr people was actually blogging from a space station, and would post pictures of the earth and astronaut hijinks.
The ability to block people and block tags really helps too, I've heard. Not to mention there are tons of photo reference blogs that only post pictures and don't talk and I love them.
Anyways, tumblr isn't all one person.

>> No.3286030
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, heh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your favorite show

>> No.3286038

I'm making one
wait for it

>> No.3286086

I'm scared

>legacy captcha is no longer supported

>> No.3286089
File: 196 KB, 1000x659, MTA_Josh_0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3286090
File: 139 KB, 800x701, meet_the_artist_by_je3-davx6qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3286092
File: 394 KB, 817x703, officeedition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into OL attires pls no bully

>> No.3286100

Pls marry me

>> No.3286103

>hand holding

/d/fag detected.

>> No.3286105


>> No.3286117

b-back off, she is MINE

>> No.3286120

Speak for yourself. My city almost exclusively draws ground water. I live over one of the cleanest, replenish-able, buried valley aquifers in the Country.

>> No.3286121
File: 302 KB, 1277x716, guzl3Nr[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the idea, anon.

>> No.3286128

Reading this made me miss the emo fag days...at least Emos were fairly harmless whilst sjws are in the media, and control terrorist organizations like antifa.

Change dot org, bring the emo fags back so retards go back to cutting themselves and dying from natural selection.

>> No.3286132

t. crablet

>> No.3286142
File: 253 KB, 1000x800, uggo lee jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back with an updated version.
What think?

>> No.3286143

you sound like a pretty chill guy

>> No.3286150

whatever you want them to smell like, anon

Thanks, it's nice to know that I'm almost likable even though I'm a very strange person irl

welp, time to shill. If you're really curious and doubting my possession of female anatomy, my instagram is @lovelyliliss. There's pictures of me there among the drawings.

what is this meme?

you and I are pretty alike! that's cool

>> No.3286154

>not filtering and then boiling water
I didn't know Americans were stupid enough to drink raw tap water

>> No.3286158

too kind.
deutschesfag erkannt

>> No.3286166

Cyкa блять

>> No.3286172
File: 26 KB, 650x650, 19260483_10102310853398700_5277973950988205424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's okay though, we forgive you.

>> No.3286198

you sound like a pretty chill girl

>> No.3286205

Both of you are kind but wrong. I'm a twitchy mess.

>> No.3286206

I don't know why
But I think this is a boy dressed up as a girl instead of it being an actual girl

>> No.3286210

don't bully my waifu

>> No.3286212

you're probably wrong but i can see why you think like that

>> No.3286227
File: 413 KB, 1200x1697, FB_IMG_1516731399903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because I'm flat

which reminded me of this gag comic wherein the guy got blackmailed into dating his friend

>> No.3286230


>> No.3286233

Why do they like the side cut style so much? It's not that appealing t bh

>> No.3286237

to you. I do it so i can keep my hair off my neck and ears while still having something to style on special occasions.

>> No.3286244
File: 26 KB, 370x543, meetthecrabboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286253


>> No.3286256

if I make one will you promise to bully me extra hard?

>> No.3286260

you are literally perfect

>> No.3286262
File: 313 KB, 691x691, 1506727500971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286284

Inb4 none of them lifts

>> No.3286323

if that's your only worry ...

>> No.3286331
File: 342 KB, 1000x900, tumblr_om5649bxke1row8zso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist draws the best gay porn.

>> No.3286349

well what's his name?

>> No.3286386

Dad in jail and death of infant brother :(

>> No.3286388
File: 553 KB, 3152x4264, 1475786267569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet the arist or whatever
I should've stopped reading there

>> No.3286455


>> No.3286480

>"artist" dislikes repetition

>> No.3286481

It is

>> No.3286491

Most good artists i am aware of are at least moderately fit. The attitude that brings you to work out is the same that makes you want to improve in your art skills. People who post this kind of shit don`t understand the need to make gains in all aspects in life, they think their disgusting bodies and art ""style"" makes them special.

>> No.3286501

Post more /ic/ ones

>> No.3286511
File: 323 KB, 897x1000, mtayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truth. Healthy body, healthy mind.

>> No.3286516

What do the arrows mean?

>> No.3286517
File: 8 KB, 300x300, last licks got nothin but wounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 0 for 2
bottom of the nine

>> No.3286521

Big 5 personality profile.


>> No.3286528

why wouldn't it be? it's a nice colour

>dislikes undue arrogance
>dislikes 'generic tumblr artstyle'
>and yet
this guy seems like ic in a nutshell

>> No.3286537

neon hair color combined with quirky outfit usually screams HURR Pay attention to me!

>> No.3286543

Gonna need the artist name please

>> No.3286575
File: 60 KB, 715x278, kkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286576

God I fucking know her

>> No.3286578

>Likes paganism
>hates nazis/"alt right".
Confirmed knowing nothing about paganism and just likes practicing faggy wiccan spells with her fat friends.

>> No.3286587
File: 127 KB, 600x521, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try to do a serious one tomorrow

>> No.3286589

P-please be my anime girlfriend!

>> No.3286627

Where can I get a jacket like that

>> No.3286741

the store

>> No.3286916

Have fun.

>> No.3286932

Look up "techwear"

>> No.3286964
File: 1.26 MB, 1600x1200, meet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286966

>Zodiac garbage
>chicken scratches everywhere
What a waste.

>> No.3286967

as a follow up, why do people do what's in their bags? Not that pets is much more interesting, but wouldn't your favorite things make more sense? Even drawing out abstract concepts like "a nice day" would be cool cuz we'd get a visual interpretation of that.

>> No.3286970

The fuck did you expect? I just did what other people do because it's not real art. It's just stupid bullshit.

>> No.3286972

I expected you not to be a raging faggot, this has nothing to do with how you presented your content. You don't belong here. Not to mention people who actually know how to draw do cleaner gesture even when drawing "stupid bullshit".

>> No.3286973

Wait are we creating "our" shit using this template? Are we supposed to try?

>> No.3286975 [DELETED] 

Why do you have expectations on an anonymous website?

>> No.3286977

yeah, like >>3286013 said. The tumblrite ones gets tiring fast.
That and I want to see /ic/'s version of it

>> No.3286980

idk dude seems like you're getting upset over nothin here. It's cool if yo got a problem with me on a fundamental level, tho. Can I see yours?

>> No.3286982

Don't be fucking rude Anon.

>> No.3286987

>keeping any fewer than six corydoras
would toss in wood chipper/10

>> No.3286991

are you blind, anon?

>> No.3286994
File: 117 KB, 1076x743, meet_the_artist____duck_2018_by_evilvampireducky-dc02dt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"having kids"
>sees "wants to marry" on misc.

either irony or tubby being indecisive

>> No.3286997

I know...Two was a suggested number because of my tank's size, and they seem to be happy enough. I've had them about a year now and they don't flee from me. I do admit that I purchased them irresponsibly, but I'm trying my best to keep em happy and healthy. They're such cool animals

Yes, I draw using braille.

>> No.3286999

You can enjoy being married while not having kids, anon. I know a couple of people who do this. They're either too old when they got married, or really rich couple who only wants to enjoy the company of each other while they use their money to travel.

>> No.3287002
File: 193 KB, 894x894, 15087669515331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287003

it hurts to look

>> No.3287005

>real fleshy dicks
what other dick is there

>> No.3287007

>love a girl
>marry her
>double income no kids
>live with her, fuck constantly
>be actual best pals and support each other
>if things go south you don't have kids who didn't do anything wrong suffering
sounds like the best ending to me.

>> No.3287008 [DELETED] 

It's so depressing to see how many people's identities are built around products and mental illnesses.

>> No.3287011
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x1475, tumblr_opaar1lSd01vilbiho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287013
File: 156 KB, 1139x729, 958bf143c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a RIPPING if ya would

>> No.3287014
File: 61 KB, 500x428, 1471720410632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st world depression
So true.
The first and only thing i fucking HATE about these things is what these artists hate.
>spiders :(
>bigots!((( (mysoginy/transhobia/etc/etc)
>tea :\
>other shit that obvious (noone should like intolerance for example) or doesnt fucking matter (fucking spiders and tea? fucking really? is that what you hate?)
They all some rich suburbian cunts from america that live in big houses and their parents have 2 cars.
You can tell a lot by reading one person's "what i hate" list.
For example im 28 and im in post-soviet country.
Here we hate things that have hard influence on our life or luck and that we can non change.
Or some abstract things that we cannot also change.

Nobody in their sane mind would ever write stupid childish stuff like "I HATE PANTS :(" or "I HATE QUEERBAITING :\"

This why im kind of sad - because i wanted to make my own list but i understand that my like/dislike lists will be SO DIFFERENT from lists of these self-centered fat cunts with over 9000 gender pronouns.
And im a freelance artist that lives by doing comissions and by his fanbase. And i do not want to make my fan base think that im different from them.

>> No.3287016

you can post your own version here mi amigo

>> No.3287017

Can a femanon please help me out with this hairy legs shit? I completely understand that shaving is tedious and you don't have to show your legs every day, but why fucking DRAW IT if you can literally not make the lines? is she basically proud of being lazy? For good or bad, society has agreed that hairy legged women are unattractive (for themselves and other women as well).

>> No.3287018

Usually people don't get too deep with these things. The only reason they openly mention mental illnesses is because those are gimmicks they can throw around willy nilly. I'd like to see yours.

>> No.3287019
File: 90 KB, 931x858, 202990_screenshots_1ed18880910131381900500bb8a3169621ebe9c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be mexican
>Shootings at least once a week
>Job security is a fucking joke, obvious benefits like dental plan or compensation in case of accident are paraded as bonus points. you come on Sundays too or you're fired.
>You need 20 mexibucks to make a single dollar
>Have a history of Alzheimer and diabetes (family isn't even particularly fat)

>See mentally ill man literally break down to tears on the internet because someone called him a he instead of she/xir/them.

>> No.3287022

It's just a symbolic statement that tells us they do not abide by normal standards of beauty. I find it funny. You make a good point about not normally being able to see leg hair, so when you see it in a simple drawing/cartoon you know they are exaggerating it for a reason, even if they do not realize what they are doing. Could also be similar to Gad Saad's theory about feminists dying their hair crazy colours as nature's way of telling men to stay away from her. :D

>> No.3287023

similar to how the same people intentionally draw their characters as ugly. Or how people include armpit hair on their female characters.
They believe they can normalize ugly = beautiful

>> No.3287025

I guess you could just not reveal your name/alias and then your fans won't know. But maybe you wanted to make it for more than this thread...

>> No.3287027

I am a femanon and prefer being as hairless as possible but my friend is 'tumblr' and she does this. She's almost empowered by it. Makes her feel like her flaws mean less if they're out in the open. Its a tumblr thing- in short.

>> No.3287028

I don't get the problem with this. Ugly characters have existed forever and ugly people exist in real life. Unless you are creating some kind of fantasy world where everything is beautiful, I feel like some ugly characters are a necessity to give a sense of verisimilitude.

I guess maybe you're thinking about lead protagonists, though. In which case, I don't see how that would normalize ugliness as beautiful. Maybe that's what they're aiming at, but it won't work because beauty is partially objective. Besides, why can't you have a main character who is decidedly ugly, but is still a hero because of how they act?

>> No.3287029

>an ass-person
my nigga

>> No.3287030

if i would make that list it would look like this

1) education system
2) woman that works in local morgue
3) helplessness
4) the fact that you have to move to europe to cure my rare health condition
and stuff like that

>> No.3287035

Oooh, look at you and your rare health condition, what a special snowflake.

Man, you don't know shit about my subruban existential angst. I waas coddled so hard as a youth I don't know how to do jack shit and now I'm a useless, product consuming retard. Who really has it worse? I come from the nice streets, bitch.

>> No.3287036
File: 176 KB, 626x463, tumblr_out71meUov1rghifyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naah im better snowflake than youu reeee waaah

>> No.3287037

I think what she means is that by drawing them purposefully ugly, fat and unkempt, they think society will start thinking that's the new beautiful, this is why you get all that "body positivity" garbage where they ""empower you"" for reducing your lifespan by eating like a pig.

>> No.3287038


adore these

>> No.3287040


>> No.3287042

brainlet here, I still don't get the arrows
what does O E A N mean in terms of personality profile?

>> No.3287118
File: 32 KB, 611x837, deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's the point of all fashion. to have people pay attention to you.

does everyone on this board just shuffle round in jeans and grey hoodies?

>> No.3287129

>4) the fact that you have to move to europe to cure my rare health condition

i live in europe and there is no cure for schizoid and hikikomori

>> No.3287186

You look like a failed trap with that manly jawline, trash art too, what a fucking shame.

>> No.3287188


>> No.3287198

>imagine being this anal

>> No.3287211
File: 202 KB, 1000x638, 1486272075601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287278

>BC, Canada
he is the personification of his province

>> No.3287295

someone outta make a new thread and this time we actually make our own

>> No.3287303

I like this
it's like the quick selfie sketch thread

>> No.3287311
File: 2.43 MB, 1656x1296, MEET THE ARTIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have since buzzed my hair off

>> No.3287373

i was waiting for this.
Also an /ic/-anon would be cool to see

>> No.3287374

after seening these personality sheets on here, I have no questions remaining about why /ic/ is absolute cancer.

>> No.3287386

don't need to be a femanon for this. they're retarded crybabies-that's it. they wanna be special by going against beauty standards just for rebel-sake. thinking leg hairs is going to magically put them down in history books as the next jean of arc
they do the same about being fatasses

this. as someone with it, it personally enrages me to see them. I wish I could just laugh it off like all else as retards being retards but then they give everything a bad name and it just really sucks

>> No.3287389

we /stand/ when?


>> No.3287393

pew pew pew!

>> No.3287420

>likes Jeff Goldblum
>dislikes cishet men
Jeff Goldblum confirmed homo?

>> No.3287421


>> No.3287479

Ehhh, okaaay, peeps think I'm shillin tho. http://christianfrederiksen.tumblr.com/

So if you look up the Big 5 personality proflie, you'll notice the results are broken down into Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. So the arrows indicate high and low in each trait. Not so clear I guess. It is similar to MBTI but a bit more scientifically valid.

I guess it depends on the context, if they are simply ugly and truthful about it, then that's good, but if the ugly traits are celebrated as beautiful, that is unwise. Also, the ugliness has to be connected to ill health (obesity, self harm, filthiness) to really matter.

>> No.3287506
File: 306 KB, 1377x840, xvfgegdgsjuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do not care anymore

>> No.3287514

sh-shut up.

>> No.3287519

I feel ike you're too young to have real political beliefs...

>> No.3287653
File: 31 KB, 509x625, 1476992674708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does everyone on this board just shuffle round in jeans and grey hoodies?
fuck you too

>> No.3287658

>does everyone on this board just shuffle round in jeans and grey hoodies?
No, i dress quite decently outside but I'm not some bimbo with unnatural hair color and weird clothing

>> No.3287659

>loves: dick
>hates: 98% of fruits
I thought you said you hated snobs, faggot

>> No.3287719
File: 139 KB, 890x535, meet the artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287913
File: 82 KB, 216x268, 1516121390286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flavored cigars
>fairy type pawkmawns
>favorite pokemon are shitty princessmons
i hope this is not yours and you posted this just to gain some hate comments

>> No.3287942

>South America

>> No.3287945
File: 30 KB, 780x529, Meet the artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3287959

anon, did you forget to breathe?

>> No.3287961

>you must be at least 18 years old to browse this website

>> No.3287968
File: 229 KB, 890x535, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3287985

You win my vote

>> No.3288010

is anyone actually posting their own work?
it seems like a couple are but idk about the rest

I would join in but I don't wanna be the only one actually doing it

>> No.3288016

a few others have already posted their own version

>> No.3288041

ha i remember this. i expected one of them to push the other down the hole not make out.

>> No.3288057

Starmie is the only acceptable pokemon on that list.

>> No.3288114
File: 13 KB, 276x183, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Power Chords

>> No.3288136

>arm hair
Why point it out

>> No.3288257


>> No.3288263


>> No.3288382

its called a septum not a nose ring dummy. and i dont think being a manslut is relevant in these things

>> No.3288456
File: 67 KB, 1191x948, 1495261895557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.3288474

Godzilla! I love him too anon.

>> No.3288709

>is a 2ds

>> No.3288784

>draws a lesbian
>Writes dick