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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 614 KB, 720x1334, Bunny Riven Censored2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3281702 No.3281702 [Reply] [Original]

roast my work.
be 4chan.
give me your most harsh words

>> No.3281703
File: 9 KB, 1275x85, Screenshot_41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat this shit

>> No.3281709

Values are a bit flat. Shading could be more pronounced and light sources more clear (looks a bit too flat). The right boob kinda looks like it is in front of the left boob rather than squished up next to it.

Other than that it is pretty good. (Also post uncensored version so I can critique nips)

>> No.3281711

Letters at the bottom are not centered. Shoulders need more curves.

>> No.3281722

Be bolder with your values anon! this looks quite flat.
The anatomy is a bit off. The area from the shoulders to the neck is a bit wrong and boobs don't exactly work like this, nipples aren't centered that way. Read about how to draw them. Shoulders are a bit too wide maybe?
Read about the ribbon method of doing hair, it doesn't look constructed at all.
Otherwise it's pretty good.

>> No.3281734

So is this how you get crit these days?

>> No.3281746

i am extremely weary of drawn nudity, everyone has seen a pair of tits, draw something more interesting please

art wise it just looks bland, if you put it next to similar work by different artists i wouldn't be able to tell them apart

the shading on her hair looks like she's wearing a hat made of her own hair. Like other anons have said it's all very flat, especially where the tie goes behind her tits, it makes an unnatural intersection with her flesh. No boobs will fall/flow/shape that way unless they're being pushed together, if that's what you intended then making the shading/value less "flat" where the arms are pressing them together will help that.

finally, her shoulders look VERY broad

>> No.3281752


>> No.3281784

oh nonono no seas malo

>> No.3281787

you're tasteless and you forever will be

>> No.3281789


>> No.3281795

Stop drawing Shit of Legends.

>> No.3281906

Am I looking at a flesh board with a head and some tits attached?

>> No.3281954

Get better taste and stop painting pleb shit.

>> No.3282044

you have that "shading with gray" look

I don't know why, but shadows always look better when more saturated (redder in case of skin)

>> No.3282055

there should be a shadow in that inner cleavage, and you should learn to use more than different shades of a single color to paint. her face has no rosy cheeks, no cool shadows, everything is just dark brown, mid brown or cream brown. same thing with her hair, study COLOR THEORY, you cocksucking pussboi

>> No.3282058

Not always. Using desaturate shadows is great to give the colors in the bright side a more intense look. To do this you should change the hue intensily, then it wont look muddy. And you can, in the shadows areas, put some little pigments of saturation, here and there, or change the value within the shadows area with only saturation. Dont go with only the "put red in the shadows bro". Your work will not look realistic or interisting. I have been studying all the chinese digital painters, and they all do that.

>> No.3282061
File: 13 KB, 252x276, 1441465253155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggot, this is what happens when you start shilling your shit and spamming your drawings on other boards:


>> No.3282063

Now /biz/ is starting to get flooded with his pink soyjak drawing, thanks OP you flamming faggot.

>> No.3282065

better than "use a gray brush to add shadows" because people think that shadows are somehow gray (they're not, they're absence of light, not added gray)

>> No.3282110

Those Chinese digital painters are great at rendering but the colors they use aren't realistic and they essentially "pearl" the skin with a rainbow of unrealistic colors. Desaturated shadows makes a pic look dull and washed out.

>> No.3282112

Can't tell if her arms are supposed to be going behinder or in front of her, but boobs generally don't squeeze together like that without assistance

>> No.3282134

I didnt say that. If you only decrease the brightness of a color obviously it will look muddy. What did i say is to not put satured colors in every shadow area hoping that it will make the paint rich. You need to let ur colors breath by using greys, or more desaturate colors, and the shadows are the most apropriete place to put these relative greys. But again, in these greys areas you need to change the hue, besides the brightness. You can use them in no focal points too.

>> No.3282137

surely if you have a cute face you can't have massive areolas

>> No.3282147


The colors they use are not realistic indeed, but this is what makes the painting interisting. And besides, even with theirs unrealistic colors, their values are perfect.

>> No.3282158
File: 472 KB, 680x952, untitled_by_ruanjia-d6j78bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan Jia's old iconic style was based off of him intentionally using colors where they wouldn't exist. like here where he used orange inside of shadows.

>> No.3282173

>inside of shadows.
do you mean the crevices? speak like a normal fucking person

>> No.3282183

master of our times. This is what every digital artist should be aiming at, but these plebs keep trying to reach the standard "riot games" level. They are very underestimate in reality.

>> No.3282185

he not only used "orange", but he plays with brightness in the shadows with different hues and saturations. In the nose for example, look how bright the orange is, in the place where should be more dark. He just nailed it, every aspect.

>> No.3282188

>everyone has seen a pair of tits, draw something more interesting please
There's literally nothing more interesting.

>> No.3282195

stop with the fuckin spellbook you cunt

>> No.3282198

in a woman

>> No.3282249

you have to be 18 to browse 4chan

>> No.3282291

the tits try to stare me down like some drunk chad in a bar

>> No.3282300

plain, generic, just standing there, nothing that speaks for the character... at least uncensor it, shading needs more work

>> No.3282324

It's a really basic and boring picture. If the pose and the overall design had any visual interest I'd say you were near pro-level (pro level doesn't mean you're a drawing God, just that your work is marketable).

But this is dull.

Values are a little bit flat but i think it suits your coloring style and it reads from far away just fine (Basically if it reads as a thumbnail you're probably fine).

But it's boring. Get an actual pose. It makes it look like you've skated by this far by being good at painting skin and can't draw hands or arms

>> No.3282430
File: 638 KB, 876x1178, redditjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3282432

did you just mirror her eyes?

>> No.3282445

Never draw again you fucking soyjack nigger

>> No.3282475

The damage has already been done. Soyjak's disgusting presence will never be wiped away. So I don't really care what you do now.

>> No.3282517

Thanks anons, btw i dont know what i want in life, i feel tired. Its like ive been forced by life to draw. I feel empty.

My apologies for the wojaks, its not my intention to spread it. I expect it would die as my other art as soon as ive post it.

>> No.3282523

I find this shit hilarious anon
Idk what's next for you but I hope you improve and succeed in some way

>> No.3282533

>There's artistically nothing more interesting.

>> No.3282580

that's called backlighting, there's an indirect lighting source that has a more orange tint

the lighting looks like there's a more orange light source on the right and a more green one on the left

it doesn't have to be an actual light, but maybe a green object on the left and an orange on the right reflecting that hue