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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 500x561, tumblr_inline_p28goolaCr1tlwh0i_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3268749 No.3268749 [Reply] [Original]

What even is that art style that every fucking artist on Tumblr seems to have? The one where lips or noses or any body part is just so greatly exaggerated.

>> No.3268760
File: 978 KB, 977x1920, tumblr_osliuzVYQx1tu52bjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never really understood the whole "every tumblr artists draws the same" meme

>> No.3268768
File: 147 KB, 520x730, 96867060f18ba5cef6dff7b48a9cb41d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't. There is however a certain use of stylistic cues that you notice in some circles. Pic unrelated. OP is just stirring up shit that got deleted twice but at least this thread is on topic.

>> No.3268769

janitors please nuke this thread

>> No.3268794

bix nood muhfugga

>> No.3268803

Sauce on this? It actually looks good

>> No.3268808

"they all draw the same" is a bit of a hyperbole but the sentiment is that there are a lot of artists who post on tumblr with styles that are bold, cutsy, and often cartoonish coupled with subject matter that is often various levels of progressive or "snowflaky-ness"

>> No.3268828


>Pic unrelated.

Adventure time is one of the cartoons that tumblr style takes a lot of cues from, though.

>> No.3268839

It was a thing long before adventure time. It's usually a simple comic style with cartoon shorthand features that are grossly over rendered for what's actually going on. Red triangle noses on blob faces with button eyes that have too much detail crammed in.

>> No.3268841
File: 812 KB, 548x626, 1500396142255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not know what a fucking caricature is? get the fuck outa 'ere!

>> No.3268844

Don't shit on maru
He's a good westaboo artist, not a tumblrite snowflake

>> No.3268853

The "I'm unattractive and unpopular but being weird or unhealthy looking is actually unique and cool" style.

AKA the Spinster cope.

>> No.3268864

tumblr artists either draw sexy girls and porn.
or they draw sjw looking hairy she-men gender mismash shit.

>> No.3268904

ughhh please dont bring this shit here

>> No.3268912

"I'm unattractive and unpopular but being weird or unhealthy looking is actually normal and natural"


>> No.3268920

I think it’s because it resembles Steven Universe which is like the most tumblr show out there.

>> No.3268928

Tumblr made fun of this post over and over again. They don't even like it

its Finn from Star Wars if you didn't know

>> No.3269500

this, even the most retarded of them hate it

>> No.3269546

Shouldn't you be drawing some shit instead of shitting on other artists, you fucking brainlet?

Jesus fucking christ, am I the only one in here with an IQ above 120?

>> No.3269549

do you want a medal? jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3269555

wubba luba dub dub am i right anon

>> No.3269570

But it's true. The more time I spend here, the more noticeable the gap between you and me becomes.
Also, you can make as much fun as you want of Rick and Morty, but you have indeed to have a somewhat high IQ to understand that show.

>> No.3269600
File: 145 KB, 700x695, 1515407389640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3269604

>it's 'caricature'
>it's my style
>w-why aren't people upvoting m-me ;(

>> No.3269611

Nuke yourself, faggot.

>> No.3269631
File: 443 KB, 400x574, 14_skullydance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "/ic/ complains about Tumblr again" thread

>> No.3269654
File: 910 KB, 1280x941, tumblr_oxtldxqCK81r6a1vco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3269666
File: 47 KB, 888x821, rcdart kylo ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this art is great. much more unique than the usual faux disney-anime styles you see on tumblr or this board. this actually looks like him too.

>> No.3269678

>bimbo lips
>small circle eyes
>head looks like a monkey head skull
>nose very jewish looking
>eye bags

>> No.3269695

More neanderthal nose than jewish nose

the entire thing just has a very monkey or apish look, which is made even wierder by the bright lips and tiny eyes trying to make it pretty

>> No.3269701

Ugh, 2017 is melting and shading is worse

>> No.3269714
File: 25 KB, 223x243, kino gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3269733
File: 1.65 MB, 1699x1130, molamola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a sunfish

>> No.3270264

2017 looks stiffer

>> No.3270338
File: 27 KB, 291x418, sheeeeeeeeeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it politically correct golliwog

>> No.3270350
File: 49 KB, 500x463, 1515374064609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.3270353
File: 91 KB, 500x463, kumer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I really mean it

>> No.3270357


>> No.3270393

Shitposting and memes aside, as a person with a higher than average IQ, Rick and Morty doesn't appeal to me on an intellectual level. It's too crude for my tastes.

I just watch it because it's entertaining.

>> No.3270395

Why do tumblr artists always try their damndest to make petit anime girls look so dumpy and visually unappealing?

>> No.3270408

they think thiccer = better

>> No.3270429

It's their own way of rejecting the conventional stylization behind anime. In that way, they are very similar to /ic/. These people genuinely believe the big, overdetailed noses and pronounced lips etc are an improvement to the "symbol drawing" anime style.

>> No.3270434

This is really cute though. It's simplistic but shows interesting character range. Just a good collection of sketches overall.

>> No.3270588

I looks like the sort of way I'd draw an "Idiot" character.
In fact come to think of it, I think most "Idiot" characters in both Western and Eastern stuff are drawn in a similar way...

>> No.3270595
File: 47 KB, 590x454, IMG_20180110_051232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making the rounds on Twitter yesterday

>> No.3270600

this looks like a racist caricature

>> No.3270612
File: 62 KB, 362x332, 1331374097034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270626
File: 152 KB, 1280x640, IMG_20180110_220816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the whole image

>> No.3270628
File: 112 KB, 792x909, IMG_20180110_220551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people defend this type of shit

>> No.3270631

S/he's right though.

>> No.3270632
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.3270634

No they aren't right. These type of tumblr redraws aren't just fanart, they are generally posted within the context of being "fixes" for what they perceive as exploitative and unrealistic anime art. They are the ones disrespecting the original artists by shitting all over the original vision for the characters. People have every right to ridicule these delusional idiots for doing that.

>> No.3270638

I'm scared

>> No.3270641

s/he's a hypocrite for previously mocking a pro artist on drawing the huge titty woman on xenoblade

>> No.3270650
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270655

i genuinely dont know which one is the worst.
id say natsuki, but my god. why. why

>> No.3270674
File: 511 KB, 828x546, monikammmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270681

They need to learn to take criticism.

>> No.3270704

what kind of a fag knows their names

>> No.3270730

As ugly as it is, it's more interesting to look at than the original moeshit generic design but weebs will never admit it

>> No.3270733

Thanks to youtubers and twitch streamers, I'd say around 50-100 million people give or take.

>> No.3270737

What's there to admit? It's more "interesting" in the sense that a trainwreck is more interesting than a "generic" working train. Tacking on the word interesting due to how exceptionally shit something is doesn''t make it in any way better or more valuable.

>> No.3270738

In general the style is pretty okay for me, heck, I find it interesting for some reason. If I were the artist and I get to draw fanart in general, I would try to make them look close to the source material. You can still make them look cute and different without having to drastically darken their skin colour, add 100 lbs, weird face shapes, and wrinkles.

>> No.3270746

but then you're not representating the minorities anon
what are you, a racist?

>> No.3270770

The original design works in the VN but as an outside piece of art it's bland and doesn't tell anything.
The redraw is ugly, not because of a lack of technical skill, but on purpose, it leaves an impact on you and spark discussion. The original pic is one in a million on gelbooru if you don't give a fuck about DDLC

>> No.3270779


have you visited tumblr before? this kind of artist isn't anything new. There's a ton of ugly art to sift through.

>> No.3270780

My brown asian nose is already flat as is. Why would these fucks emphasize how flat and huge it is when drawing it

>> No.3270783

Let me guess, you really like postmodern "art". The rejection of purpose, beauty and appeal is not some inherent virtue. There is nothing cheaper and easier and ultimately more worthless than to get an emotional response through confusion or disgust.

If your mailman comes to your house and takes a big fat shit in the middle of your living room, you will also feel like it left an impact on you, it sparks discussion and you will wonder for months "why did he do that?" You will probably tell that story for years to come. Meanwhile if he just gave you your package, gets your signature and leaves, you'd forget about it in a matter of minutes.

>> No.3270787

Give this man a medal.

>> No.3270791

there is a kind of beauty in the ordinary, unattractive people too

>> No.3270792
File: 17 KB, 207x244, IMG_20180110_124413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hu Hu ami kawi yet

>> No.3270794
File: 91 KB, 568x800, une-vieille-femme-grotesque-probablement-princesse-margaret-du-tyrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I would get a brainlet answer like this.
No I don't enjoy post-modern "art", it's obvious that most of it is just a mean to money laundering.
However, ugliness in art isn't a post-modern concept. The girls in the drawing are ugly, but nothing disgust-inducing unless you're a turbo weeb "how dare they defile my precious animu?!"

Also don't talk about "purpose" and "beauty" if your end-game is to get "cute" and "I wanna fuck her" responses from drawing waifus.

>> No.3270795
File: 13 KB, 176x217, IMG_20180110_124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell told you you could take off your bike helmet.

>> No.3270798

>The redraw is ugly, not because of a lack of technical skill, but on purpose, it leaves an impact on you and spark discussion.
You seem to like getting off to unappealing shit for no reson than to stick out like a sore thumb, tumblr would love you.

>> No.3270799

As a browno person, at least make it appealing. Why would you intentionally make it ugly? I've seen better artists draw cute brown girls without making it look like this

>> No.3270800


>> No.3270805

Yes, there are plenty of incredibly beautiful paintings and drawings of ordinary or even ugly people. A great artist can find beauty in almost anything. This however is the exact opposite process. The artist intentionally tries to make attractive characters look revolting. The destruction of beauty in something appealing becomes the main goal, not the finding of beauty in something ordinary / ugly.

>> No.3270809

the face only a mother could love

>> No.3270810
File: 76 KB, 567x419, Bosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art should only be appealing

The absolute state of this board

>> No.3270811

Because it's not a choice for many people. So we try to look past the appearances. The appreciation for 'inner beauty' or character comes with age.
As artists we have a choice and sure you can draw ugly, but it's the easiest thing to do.

I see >>3270626 as a bunch of cosplayers at anime con. I don't see a reason to draw such a thing, but obviously someone did.

>> No.3270818

No one said that, stop pushing this strawman and think before you post.

>> No.3270827
File: 581 KB, 1280x934, doki doki tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realistic = dogshit fugly

I really don't know why the hell does tumblr think turning pretty characters fugly makes them more realistic. In real life, of course not everyone is beautiful, but not everyone looks like a fucking monster either

>> No.3270833


This is still appealing tho

>> No.3270845

because they dislike what is beautiful and aesthetic, and through resentment of the higher they delude themselves into thinking the opposite of what they think is "evil" and "oppressive" must be what is good

>> No.3270853

Because girls from burgerland demands body positivity

>> No.3270856

it's the "I'm rich and I study at Calarts" artstyle that is a nu-disney cancerous style

>> No.3270859

>ugliness should be unappealing

read this, pleb


>> No.3270868

why are they all read on their faces?

>> No.3270871
File: 256 KB, 438x405, 1436846807851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270884
File: 409 KB, 913x862, puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the variation of the tumblr nose, the tumblr blush

>> No.3270887

>Also, you can make as much fun as you want of Rick and Morty, but you have indeed to have a somewhat high IQ to understand that show.
Not really, the show just references cool concepts but if you don't understand it you can get the episode just fine, plus it also has enough lowbrow humor to keep entertained anyone who likes that sort of humor.
I like the show a lot and think it's annoying all the suden backlash againts it since it became a bit mainstream (more proof you don't need high IQ to get it), but c'mon, anon...

>> No.3270893

women are better social machines so when they draw they emphasis the social elements of the figure. men focus on the figure in space or on sexual signifiers.

so it's called the 'draw like a girl' style

>> No.3270896

Would look much better if their faces wouldn't look so old.

Just a question, because the right one looks rather odd with that skin tone. Are those their original skin tone or is it that tumblr trend where you draw pale characters with an tan/black?

>> No.3270915

This is Devilman isn't it? sheesh

>> No.3270916

The later and this is tame by comparison. They often change their race to black or arab for some reason. I guess asians are too white and not enough of a minority to them.

>> No.3270945

I love the manly cumtears in this one

>> No.3270948

Always found this trend odd, because the characters always look off-putting. Most of the time the original color scheme of the character doesn't fit the race changed character.

>> No.3270967
File: 155 KB, 535x867, calarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did she pay calarts to draw like this?

>> No.3270972

at this point this person must be baiting

>> No.3270995

So now they racebend real people too? ot is this a Tropic Thunder reference?

>> No.3271009
File: 275 KB, 589x538, T R I G G E R E D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this shitty drawing started massive shitstorm between tumblrinas

it's incredible how prone to self-cannibalism those people are. left-wing artists probably get way more shit from leftists than right-wing artists.

also, don't black men usually have huge pink lips?

>> No.3271010

Childhood is taking every opportunity to shit on tumblr art. Adulthood is realizing that these people get no validation outside of their own circle and by spending a disproportionate amount of time comparing yourself to something so irrelevant you're subconsciously allowing your own skills to stagnate.

>> No.3271015

thank you for your service, generous memesmiths

>> No.3271018

I can't look at these for my vanity

My face cringes on its own. I can't be risking anymore wrinkles

>> No.3271048 [DELETED] 


>> No.3271050
File: 39 KB, 630x547, DTI9GriVQAA3G75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3271051


>> No.3271055

this could just as easily be sweet bro and hella jeff, lol

>> No.3271188
File: 107 KB, 588x800, d01d501b35b1cf58e42734719ac14bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3271189
File: 65 KB, 1200x675, 1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3271250

You can draw ugly people in an appealing way, that is your job as an artist. To show that unattractive people can be pleasing to the eye too and let their soul shine.

This is taking a big fat shit on already attractive characters. To change what we see as 'beautiful'.

>> No.3271280

the "original" of that picture, before the artist bragged he "mastered anatomy" in class and redid it to look like that

>> No.3271283

"unique" is what your mom say to not say "retarded". Applies to you and this art as well

>> No.3271287

This does look appealing.

>> No.3271288

art is about intent for the artist and its audience. OP intent was to make a beautiful, non racist picture, that was supposed to be beautiful in a social way. Your pic intent was to show ubly people expressing ugliness, in an appeaing global picture.

>> No.3271304

i am gonna vomit

>> No.3271328

kinda weird that people get triggered at the realistic part of the drawing.
Shows how little black people they see on their everyday life.

>> No.3271330

The artist of the OP image goes to calarts! Calarts has a very similar art style and ideology among it's students. I think the tumblr style derived from both Calarts and popular media among Tumblr users (Steven universe, voltron, etc.) Idk though.

>> No.3271422

reminds me of the annoying orange

>> No.3271479

factually wrong, calarts actually has high standards for entering and isnt responsible for promoting that style, tho as all american schools its shit

>> No.3271481

>calarts actually has high standards for entering
Such as?
>and isnt responsible for promoting that style,
Then what do they do?

>> No.3271485

they generally promote simplified styles in the art department due to how most modern tv animation is done digitally on a tight budget, the whole "tumblr/SU" style just comes from steven universe being popular and tumblr being filled by people who draw

>> No.3271493

It looks so incoherent, like they photoshopped the face onto the bodies
even tho it's a fucking drawing ffs

>> No.3271504

PLEASE stop drawing anime characters with jew nose and mouth

>> No.3271518

They don't have high standards, you aromatically get in if you do a lot of life drawing, they could care less how well you draw from imagination, which is actually the most important sort of drawing if you want to do animation or come up with designs on a whim. They have set the precedent for every other animation program in the nation and it is terrifying.

>> No.3271519

Remember those your average total fail weeb cosplayer at school and animecon trying hard to made their uggoness appealing? These are how those looks like.

>> No.3271520
File: 228 KB, 1280x1128, AGHLGHAGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3271522

>don't bring art worthy of criticism to the Artwork Critique board

>> No.3271529

off you go

>> No.3271533
File: 158 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I'll bite this bait. Usually, people are only stupid enough to enter threads with content they know they don't like. You have the gall to enter a whole fucking board with content you know you don't like. Isn't there an /ic/ subreddit you can waste people's time on?

>> No.3271535
File: 258 KB, 462x1050, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly befitting of a horror game

>> No.3271540
File: 33 KB, 269x354, daf4f517517bad1782f32c6bf561aa0bcda8de4f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save it for when you're purposely trying to creep out the viewer, jfc

>> No.3271551
File: 28 KB, 500x281, 7f304646-61f3-41ba-9129-736c179b891d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3271559

Itou's art is more appealing that the garbage redraw

>> No.3271579


>> No.3271593


My day would be more interesting if I slipped on ice and broke my arm, that doesn't mean it'd be a better fucking day.

>> No.3271602

fuck. You know what I meant though

>> No.3271630

This, at least Ito's characters are drawn attractively before the horror begins.

>> No.3271631

They are realy beautiful both males and females.
Makes a good contrast with the horror.

>> No.3271648

They're desperately trying to be different. That's usually the main motivation on social media.

>> No.3271675

>the otherwise least-disfigured one has the broadest man-shoulders of them all
fuck tumblr in particular for giving all females MtF tranny body types

>> No.3271679
File: 76 KB, 1199x1040, DS15SyIVQAAlQKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your lip is also your mustache

>> No.3271682
File: 83 KB, 1200x1113, DS15TxrVMAAG34V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3271729

>that hand

Makes me want to smash the KKK DRUMPTF CISarchy.

>> No.3271744

people have the right to criticize art, and people should.

if something is bad, it should be pointed out that it is bad

>> No.3271751

I think they make shit like this because they're trying to make people feel better through their art. like, "oh look, this character's unique traits are that she has freckles, and flawed, pasty colored skin, and skin flaws around her knees!" it's their way of trying to go against some apparent unfair "beauty standard" and to try to make people feel better because "oh look, a character is imperfect. I'm imperfect too!! we're all great!" or some shit.

these people don't understand that art can be an IDEALIZED version of what you like, or want to see... that drawing men/women a certain way is not an attack on people who don't look like that. it's just what the artist finds appealing, which can be influenced by biology, etc. I think that's how you can get this strange focus on superficial characteristics (as opposed to making idealized people to look up to/fantasize about) in some attempt to be more "accepting" or "representative" of "different". then you get the "yaaass queen" type of approval shit when one posts that kind of art.

all in all, I think trying to lift up the spirits of unattractive people is lying in a way, and that hyper focusing on race isn't a good way to stop supposed "racism" or whatever in media... people should just draw cool characters that they like, in an innocent way (not polluted by SJW dogma), and be free to fantasize and idealize if they want.

>> No.3271756

>getting mad at someone drawing a black person with big pink lips
>black people often have big pink lips in real life


>> No.3271764

omg i hate that yaaas queen meme.... SO MANY PEOPLE SAY THAT!!!

>> No.3271766

because they themselves are in fact dumpy and visually unappealing

>> No.3271781 [DELETED] 

yaasss kweeeen slay!!! ^_^

>> No.3271782

why do you care

>> No.3271800

I met a girl like htis
Over text she was fun
Met her in person by accident.

She was dumpy. unappealing. her voice was really high pitched. like itd be cute if she was smaller and thinner. but overall she just reminded me of a really agitated spoiled hamster. A truly annoying presence.

Honestly I don't blame her, but part of my anger goes out to her. It stems from knowing that because I was so deprived of sex at the time and starved for attention, I let myself ignore red flags in girls and put up with weird farces like the relationship with this dumpy unappealing girl, and to which she took at face value and got hurt.

You're welcome for the blog. You're not drawing anyways.

>> No.3271802

both are bad, but 2017 is worse.

>> No.3271814

This is special art. You can actually smell the foul putrid odor they give off just by viewing it.

>> No.3271950

I hate girls like that but it's pretty pathetic of you to stoop to giving her attention just so you could get some of your own.

>> No.3272016

This is nicely composed, beautifully rendered, has great dynamism and exposition and it is clear the artist fully understands all the laws he is breaking/bending. Op's image is lazy non-white fetishizing, derivative shit

>> No.3272020

This will pass. Stop looking at social media shit.

>> No.3272119
File: 126 KB, 1152x2048, celart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when your style develops and you're better than Matt Groening at drawing Homer Simpsons

>> No.3272231


>> No.3272235
File: 979 KB, 1242x1713, 2ABD56DA-B11A-45F4-A6F3-4EA136CB7B3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gem

>> No.3272274
File: 23 KB, 500x472, 3471836515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-oh no

>> No.3272330
File: 839 KB, 1048x1500, Ito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3272349

>bullying random people for their art

They're obviously trying to change it, why attack them about it? :/

>> No.3272351

That isnt that bad, at least they dont make every character ugly with giant noses and lips.

>> No.3272352


Post your work, fags

>> No.3272368

Its not ugly like the other examples in this thread, just really girly.

>> No.3272376

I actually really like this type of shit. Dont mind it at all whatsoever.

>> No.3272388

this one is cute and not very tumblr

>> No.3272396

>samefagging this hard

>> No.3272435

>gets so angry at others for a different opinion, calls it samefagging
... you ok anon?

>> No.3272438

It is obviously not the same as the other garbage posted in the thread. For one, its not intentionally unappealing to force you to 'rethink' what is 'true beauty.' It is simply appealing design.

>> No.3272646
File: 272 KB, 368x299, bonito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see this all the time. it's always a different person but the same mentality.

>tumblrite becomes bored with circle jerk website
>compliments received are generic and without sincerity
>no real friends, just other teens seeking out attention and approval for themselves above all else
>tumblrite hears about a 4chan board for artists
>"i bet if an outsider like me posts there, i'll get lots of attention!"
>"i bet they'll really rip me a new one, hee hee!"
>muster up the courage to post art
>receive very little attention, if any at all
>this is somehow worse than tumblr ever was
>can't even claim to have been bullied for pity points
>give up and leave /ic/ forever having gained nothing and no one

>> No.3272649


>> No.3272654

I'm the artist of that drawing, and ive never used tumblr, nore have i ever been in a group of tumblr friends, ive been posting on ic for years because i want to get better. I'm always experimenting and trying stuff, i dont know why this specific drawing i did is that big of a deal desu its shitty and basic, not much more to say.

>> No.3272657

How come we've never seen your stuff until now?

Post blog.

>> No.3272661

You're one fucking autistic idiot. Get a life fag lmao

>> No.3272665
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, 1515708543354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive post on the porn and alt threads, but other times i just lurk, im trying to find what style fits me so i dont post as much as others, also my 'tumblr style' gets people pissy so its best just to lurk alot of the time. My insta is sugarbeetles , and i know my art is inconsistent and an eyesore, the colours are over used pastel bullshit yeah ik.

>> No.3272668


>> No.3272670
File: 464 KB, 717x941, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it

>> No.3272671

Fuck i hate this artist, they just make all their fan art characters fat

>> No.3272672

Why are you so salty? You're literally just saying their a tumblrite and then just saying what they are "doing"? Who gives a fuck about them, their some random animu fag chill your shit senpai.

>> No.3272673

not saying you should abandon /ic/ altogether, but have you ever considered posting on /i/? i think your art would be really well received over there desu

>> No.3272679

>implying I'm one of the other anons hating on her

>> No.3272683

lol fuckin hell m8 this made me laugh.

>> No.3272684
File: 117 KB, 699x781, I eat, Jon. it's what I do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 'tumblr style' gets people pissy so its best just to lurk alot of the time

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.3272686

I have in the past, but i dont know here there are actually discussions about stuff on/i its just request threads and shit at least /ic has interesting threads.

>> No.3272687


>> No.3272692
File: 412 KB, 544x777, CEASE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3272693

You just bumped it lol

>> No.3272694
File: 70 KB, 228x229, Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I was trying to say was you're almost always going to get hate regardless of style/subject matter. Some get more than others, that's just the nature of this board. What you want to look for are the few who do give you constructive criticism--those are the ones you should be posting for.

>> No.3272695

>how does one hide threads?

>> No.3272698
File: 239 KB, 491x635, reallyanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3272699

I dont mind getting hate, i post because i want some critique for my art, and as long at some point i get some advice its worth it. Its annoying when people get pissy about such small shit that doesn'tnmatter, but most people on this board are crabs so what can you do.

>> No.3272706
File: 13 KB, 51x49, kounosukehappy..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I see it, this is as bad as it gets and it's only uphill from here. Keep your chin up and do what you do best.

>> No.3272709

Thanks, goodluck to you too.

>> No.3272717

You on the outer hand, have a godawful furry style. Kill yourself

>> No.3272719

Cute, but super messy and basic.

>> No.3272725

Someone said a similar thing and told me to look into ovopack, I dunno I tried to glean their ways of doing faces but all I could see was that they'd use smaller mouths and irises. What do you consider a good furry style?

>> No.3272728

What the fuck were you even getting at you giant pseud.

>> No.3272732

I'm not going to spend more than 5 minutes on a sketch and give away free art. Nice try, faggot.

I'm not into fur art, but I appreciate ovopack's style. Try studying their usage of shapes though. The expression on your sketch is cute at least.

>> No.3272733

not gonna lie, i find it pretty appealing

>> No.3272766

That's more than fair, I'll see what I can do.

>> No.3272804
File: 349 KB, 1280x1871, 1486732177258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3272814
File: 119 KB, 676x945, 1511256795466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody want to finish my edit? Trump wearing a suit and a flag banner hanging from the sword.

>> No.3272867


Just because you have a tumblr doesn't mean you're a tumblr artist. Tumblr artist are those that made that site their nest. You can see the similar taste they have.

They have this mindset that only ugly people are real people.

>> No.3272885
File: 432 KB, 900x900, michael_kiwanuka_mar16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black/African men's lip lean towards "nude/palm of the hand" makeup color. Some cases it's pink but everyone's lip color varies from pink to brown. In my experience of going outside my house, the darker the person, the pinker the bottom lip is while the lighter brown skin lips will be closer to their actual skin tone.

Also side note, if you're drawing a black person, the top lip is a slight step above or below their actual skin tone while the bottom lip can range from pink to brown. Another note is that the pink /brown tone is near the slit of the mouth, not the complete lip like makeup.

>> No.3272890

I don't get it, this is cute.

>> No.3272891

Top kek.

>> No.3272937

idk man I thought it was pretty great. awesome colors and stuff :)

>> No.3272962

if you look closely you can see an even dumpier picture on the opposite side of the page

>> No.3272975
File: 124 KB, 1024x718, 178646472642384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you have a tumblr doesn't mean you're a tumblr artist.
This. I've been on tumblr since 2011 (killed my tumblr a year ago finally) and I rarely encounter or see art like >>3272804, >>3270967, >>3270884. Who knows I could be lucky enough to not lurk in fandom tags to see those kinds of fanart.

This is cute, but not tumblr-tier levels of horrible. I suggest you try working on your face angles so it won't look flat.

>> No.3272985

lies. bet you're underage too.

>> No.3272995


It is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff

>> No.3273011

Or they draw very detailed animal/plant arrangements aka boring but completely tolerable subject matter.

>> No.3273022
File: 42 KB, 640x635, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not same anon but stuff like this gets me full mast.

>> No.3273043
File: 56 KB, 650x450, broads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that sometimes girls just.... have broad shoulders, right? And for a teenager, who's still growing into her body, it's not that absurd that her hips haven't widened out yet.

>> No.3273091
File: 127 KB, 1152x2048, not dumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude, mate.

>> No.3273099

they don't know how to put natural color on the face so they do a line of color across the nose and cheeks

>> No.3273112

discuss your body positivity back to tumblr then

>> No.3273124

>expecting basement dwellers to know or even care about how black people look.
But keep the good fight going anon

>> No.3273147

I suggest moving away from that kind of style. It's cute but too generic. There's already a fuck ton of tumblr artists with that kind of style.

>> No.3273150
File: 86 KB, 650x650, aXm123xjU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not body positivity, it's variety, which is important to know if you really want to master drawing people.
Man, I remember a thread on here, years ago, when someone critiqued a drawing of a foot because "the second toe isn't supposed to be longer than the first toe, stupid."
And it turned out that half of the people in the thread DID have second toes that were longer than their first, and half didn't. That isn't 'body positivity', it's knowing which rules of anatomy are okay to bend, or even break.

>> No.3273162

There are various types of appeal that suit the intention of the art itself.
Sexual appeal exaggerates attractiveness, comical appeal exaggerates off-putting features (like your post), and visual appeal simply do exactly what their name implies.

>> No.3273163
File: 1.20 MB, 500x282, gif bunny yawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I think trying to lift up the spirits of unattractive people is lying in a way

That's stupid. Do you think it's "lying in a way" to be more inclusive of people of different race in establishments such as Hollywood film studios? Because black peolple aren't really white so it's "lying" to them to let them think they're equal right?? That's an alarmingly close analogy to what you're saying

>people should just draw cool characters that they like, in an innocent way (not polluted by SJW dogma)

You're projecting hard core. Seriously take a step back and really think about your entire argument. Who decides what should and shouldn't be considered "innocent" who decides what is "cool"?

>and be free to fantasize and idealize if they want

Which is exactly why they draw the shit they draw. They idealize an aesthetic that is counter to the norm, and they fantasize about it being the norm.

You don't have to like what others do and you're aloud to say why but don't mistake your opinion as fact. The fact is that their art is just as valid as yours as are their reasons for making it.

>> No.3273186
File: 182 KB, 1000x1000, DTTSs0vVQAA6MzO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some cute shit to balance out the ugly

>> No.3273193


Not that guy and I don't really care about tumblr style or drawing non-beautiful things, but sometimes the problem is how it's dressed up and shoved down people throat's that you're SUPPOSED to find these monstrosities beautiful.

Anyway, either way your counter-analogy is retarded. I have no idea why you had to start spouting some race stuff but here's why it's dumb:

>That's stupid. Do you think it's "lying in a way" to be more inclusive of people of different race in establishments such as Hollywood film studios?

It is if you're including less qualified people to meet a diversity quota or casting them in bizarre, ill-suited roles to be "diverse". Unless you think black people are inherently less qualified? People should be hired according to what they bring to the role, not what the employer is told is "more inclusive".

>Because black peolple aren't really white so it's "lying" to them to let them think they're equal right?

That's retarded, it's lying to them because you're telling them they got hired on their own merits instead of because they're black people and you wanted to be "diverse". If they were equal that would mean they're hired on merit.

>> No.3273206


>> No.3273232

The counter analogy works perfectly, just switch race with "ugly people" and movies with "media in general" it's the same thing. We are all brought up with the belief that you must exist within these narrow margins of existence in order to be someone, whether it has been told to you specifically or subtly ingrained in you through the media or just through your natural human programming being beautiful is desired THUS being ugly is undesired. There are a whole lot of people in this world that feel undesirable because the way they look or the life styles they lead not well represented in media (And being represented in the media is important for obvious reasons.)

The analogy is to point out that if we don't tackle a problem it won't get solved. ie: we don't see enough variety of people in films. Why is this a problem? Because it promotes the idea that people of other races are not good enough. So what do we do? Nothing as you seem to imply, because that would be shoe-horning ill suited people into rolls they shouldn't be just for the sake of diversity.

Do you see the problem with that?

Of course you can't hire someone based on diversity alone but because of the climate we live in it needs to be addressed regardless. But none of that matters here because we're talking about art and the media where your personal qualities are more or less hidden therefore a greater emphasis should be placed on superficial factors.

>> No.3273234
File: 1.52 MB, 499x175, free bunzo 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post a qt bunny

>> No.3273245


I could've sworn it was the falcon

>> No.3273248


Affirmative action is a cancer that bandages the root problem by basically creating a new injustice to try and make up for the first injustice. If racism is the problem fighting it with opposite racism is retarded and just makes people bitter. It also creates an environment where the recipients of affirmative action are seen as less qualified even in circumstances where it might not be the case. All the main cases of "institutionalized racism" as it usually gets complained about I see nowadays are generally affirmative action programs - for an anecdotal example, a contract job I had I was told if any native American had applied, despite me having more experience AT THAT JOB, he'd have gotten the position due stipulations in government funding about hiring natives. Whereas the racism against minorities is generally personal racism, not institutional (IE a boss going "natives are lazy I don't want to hire him because he's native and probably lazy") I don't think you should use institutional racism to disabuse people of personally racist notions.

Still, you're right, we've basically hit a political tangent based on an analogy that isn't really relevant to the board.

>> No.3273249


>> No.3273252


what an odd stand

>> No.3273258
File: 338 KB, 613x473, look at this fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not only the shitty style but they had to slap that retarded filter that not only figuratively but literally hurts your eyes.

>> No.3273262

The fundamental problem with this argument is that it assumes the "solution" improves the situation instead of making things worse.


>> No.3273273

>The analogy is to point out that if we don't tackle a problem it won't get solved

It's not a problem that can be solved though without legitimately trying to thought-control and brainwash people. The broad spectrum of what we find ugly and beautiful is something that is ingrained in our DNA. Only the minor divergences are up for individual taste and cultural differences. Also, Tumblr often glorifies traits that don't even have anything to do with genetic things outside of someone's control but are just signs of laziness and a lack of discipline. Like body hair on women and obesity.

>> No.3273295
File: 31 KB, 357x540, JohnBoyega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its supposed to be john boyega

>> No.3273302
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black guy or not, this bitch keeps drawing her characters with huge lips. Makes them look like they had the kylie lip challenge

>> No.3273306

>expression is cute at least
the shit grin is least likeable is his art

>> No.3273307

>they'd use smaller mouths and irises
that's part of the appeal. Anything larger looks obnoxious and too comical

>> No.3273312
File: 55 KB, 1024x328, 1826427642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, Tumblr often glorifies traits that don't even have anything to do with genetic things outside of someone's control but are just signs of laziness and a lack of discipline. Like body hair on women and obesity.
Fucking this.

Idk if you're familiar with Lackadaisy cats, try checking it out I guess

>> No.3273433

Body hair on ANYONE is a sign of laziness.

>> No.3273438

>screaming hysterical at anyone with eyebrows.
>typical random /ic/ weirdo

>> No.3273442

I'm on the swim team, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.3273444
File: 43 KB, 640x480, ryan-lochte-shirtless-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they told him he had to shave everything.

>> No.3273468

Oh I remember seeing that art style forever ago but couldn't find it since, thanks for the reminder anon.

>> No.3273473

what do you consider a good furry style

>> No.3273528

It's not a sign of laziness, it's a sign of femininity, you emasculated beta cuck.

>> No.3273533


>> No.3273537

That is a fair point but the author of the tweet is missing something: Maybe the Artist of the original doesn't want someone else drawing such a shitty bootleg version of their character.

>> No.3273540

reminds me of typo

>> No.3273554

parts of blacksad are nice.

>> No.3273597
File: 30 KB, 600x600, yamero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eyes literally burning
> raping one of my favorite shows

>> No.3273665
File: 158 KB, 1376x649, femininity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

body hair is a sign of femininity? This you, anon? You the peak of ladyhood?

>> No.3274060

help i cannot find source google returns "no fuk u"

>> No.3274146

Mate, I ain't sinking to the trenches of the Pacific Ocean like the others....I probably informed someone of how to draw lips in general.

>> No.3274189

It's somewhere on twitter but I can't remember, sorry

>> No.3274209

My eyes are actually watering, what the fuck

>> No.3274243

Lakadaisy cats has been around forever. How many years now? I'd attest to at least 10 but maybe I'm misremembering.

>> No.3274301
File: 505 KB, 1280x1025, 1469606555452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a big load for y'all

>> No.3274303
File: 52 KB, 500x549, tumblr_nuc6mqlbJV1s3jfk0o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274304
File: 369 KB, 522x512, tumblr_oafs9fTC8I1qfetc8o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274306
File: 105 KB, 540x355, ab24629d-f005-4dd4-9794-97831f9c6770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274307
File: 111 KB, 500x800, d35a0a65-f59e-4eb8-88ad-69b2f9a21f96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274309
File: 677 KB, 957x761, upload_2017-12-6_8-34-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274311
File: 168 KB, 500x577, tumblr_ox0uioDODg1rynchdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274312
File: 81 KB, 540x608, tumblr_nla7l8POmG1u8nglqo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274318
File: 51 KB, 750x576, IMG_1662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274325

what manga is it from?

>> No.3274345

Junji Ito's Fashion Model

>> No.3274349
File: 48 KB, 600x467, ha ha ha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah wtf. is using muslim burkas considered "empowering" by tumblr feminists? i guess nothing says "feminism" like sharia law

>> No.3274364

Is this their take on the persona artstyle?

>> No.3274366

It really is the last remaining years before the fall of civilization isn't it?

>> No.3274369

her boobs look like pecs. if that was your intention, then great.

>> No.3274372

Only reason porn artists post in tumblr is it doesn't ban porn.

>> No.3274375

120 is not hight, it's the average for university students.
Next time pretend you're close to 140 where people actually begin to be considered gifted.

>> No.3274378

Physical deformity usually correlates with mental deficiency.
People love to parrot the "nerd=smart jock=dumb" bullshit but prettier people have inherently higher potential for both athleticism and intelligence. The beautiful people are the best at everything with higher average IQs, better muscle development, better proprioception, better memories and healthier psyches. If they underdevelop in any area of their lives it is because of nurture, not nature.

Ugly people are deficient from birth and need to work much harder to perform at similar levels.

>> No.3274379

Promoting self-harm is never right.

>> No.3274382

It soft bans it. You can't view most porn tumblrs without an account. Not sure why tumblr shot itself in the foot so badly, but it did.

>> No.3274388
File: 255 KB, 500x700, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this impregnate your eyes with the bastard child you never wanted

>> No.3274394
File: 308 KB, 1201x893, Cattura2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists are defending islam just because it pisses off alt-righters. They're going against their own ideals just to piss other people off.

Kinda reminds me of this board.

>> No.3274398

>tight clothes
>a satanic star on burka
>showing feet
haram, disgusting
t. muslim

>> No.3274400
File: 539 KB, 2000x2000, wowowowowo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i at danger of going towards dumblr art? :(

>> No.3274401
File: 777 KB, 3000x3000, fgfgfgfgfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274403

Le /beg/ tier ngmi

>> No.3274405

not even mad about it; so as long as i have an strenuous practice regime, i will get to muh lord bosshi's level

>> No.3274408

Going full tumblr doesn't happen because of art, it happens because of politics. When your idea of beauty becomes everybody else's idea of grotesque, then you'll have to worry. Until then, just draw. Also, watch that crotch/leg/hip anatomy.

>> No.3274409
File: 2.35 MB, 4632x2608, JPEG_20180109_162929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't worry about being tumblr-tier, these are just memes created by this board to coope with its state of pure clinging to the fundies and never producing actual pieces.

That said, you SHOULD study fundamentals before drawing anime. Yes, it will take some time, 6-12 months just to learn them and other 2 years to master them. Yes, most of the time it will be boring. By doing that your art in the end will be superior in all ways and you can keep improving just by making more pieces and having fun experimenting.

>> No.3274449


The more I look at this pic, the more I think the real issue is in the eyes. There's no intelligence or life behind them. People are subconsciously transferring the revulsion they get from the eyes toward the other, more obvious features.

Perhaps these tumblr redraw artists will one day realize that there's a reason the Japanese try to make everything cute or cool. You can get away with so much more when you flatter..

>> No.3274490

White women, more than any other demographic, have benefited from affirmative action btw. That's why I find it wild when it's mostly white people complaining about those pesky niggers getting one over on the american workforce.
Also that's not how it works. They would have to be just as qualified for the position in order to receive it. the law doesn't step in and require you to hire any old schmoe to get the position if you legit have no qualified applicants.

Your shit is wild ugly and unappealing between the lack of understanding of form in 3d space/anatomy. Looking tumblrish is absolutely the least of your concerns currently.

This is a meme on Tumblr. Apparently they laughed the artist off of the site and they're quarantined to twitter.

Literally look the black person they were trying to get the likeness of. John Boyega. His lips aren't anywhere near that pink, nor are most black/dark brown people's lips. It's more often brown unless you're seeing the inner part of the lip.

>> No.3274491

Post art when making these critiques dude, not only to appear more credible but to alsoshow that you already have knowledge of the things you are talking of and to inspire the newbies. Otherwise you sound like a jerk for no reasons.

>> No.3274515

Not really. Most professional athletes and highly intelligent people are actually quite average looking. Neither particularly ugly nor particularly beautiful.

>> No.3274527

i really hope you die alone in your basement and no one looks for you and you just rot there and we're all happier because we dont see your furfag trash art anymore

>> No.3274532

Anon, the thing is that these women are models, therefore they're attractive.

>> No.3274538
File: 150 KB, 1080x805, 1504386707592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 things
where do you think you are right now

and either take my critique or don't. I have 0 obligation to baby you on an anonymous message board. Especially in a thread where no one asked you to post your work. Go to the /beg/ thread.

There's your art.

>> No.3274540


>> No.3274550

I hope he does too, but unfortunately I'm afraid he's going to remain as a cancer stain that keeps posting his ugly furry art.

>> No.3274554

post your work

>> No.3274565
File: 95 KB, 301x410, C6F61C2E-AD78-475E-8682-794BA4849B9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont need to be skilled to be able to tell if something is shit. You dont need to be a master to provide opinions

You can go back to /beg/ now

>> No.3274575

the shit artist's excuse

here's some constructive advice
if you wouldn't want your face or work be associated with a post you make on /ic/, don't make that post

>> No.3274578

>you cant post advice without posting work
>posts advice without posting work
>lel shit artist xD its hard being this intelligent

>> No.3274579

So you are explicitly saying you come here to explicit your unsolicited opinion without justifying it? Ok, good job man, I hope you have a succesful life.

Hint: you won't.

>> No.3274587

Nice image, btw when will you post your actual work to back up you being a sore loser? Or is being an art thief and saying shit much easier?

>> No.3274590
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im perfectly okay with my work associated with that post.
Telling someone that their work is SHIT is not constructive advice. It is just an insult and will not help in any ways with improvement.

>> No.3274637

I already did you twat
I just can't stand how this artist draws insufferable furry faces

>> No.3274712
File: 7 KB, 250x190, (((h))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




this is actually pretty alright

>> No.3274718
File: 459 KB, 600x546, 1456496208142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this bitch fucking isn't.
If you draw, you should have the fucking balls to take whatever people throw at you. People should have the luxury of speaking their mind without being held back by conventional mindsets that people shouldn't associate with manners.

>> No.3274723

Looks more like deviantart cringe

>> No.3275052

Tom Brady sweating his ass off in the field looks average. Tom Brady in a sharp suit with his supermodel wife by his arm looks like a Hollywood heart throb.
Jobs, Musk, Tesla, Pasteur, Newton, Hawkins, are/were all very hot at some point in their lives, it's just we usually see them reach academic accolades late in their lives.

>> No.3275648

Man, everyone on this board is so fucking retarded. This post is such an obvious observation but everyone here's too fucking stupid to be able to read behavioral patterns in anything, which explains why the large majority of art here is so dull since nobody here understands people or cares to.

>> No.3275777
File: 535 KB, 1280x640, 1515593310021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to make it a bit better
if someone wants to edit my edit go ahead

>> No.3275848

you really can't salvage this, it's rotten to the core

>> No.3276161

It got slightly better. It's less revolting now

>> No.3276358
File: 268 KB, 2658x1294, IMG_20180115_084402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new contender

>> No.3276368

>We are all brought up with the belief that you must exist within these narrow margins of existence in order to be someone
This is a meme. It's a fact that some people are simply more attractive than others and there's no fucking conspiracy "telling people what to think and putting other people down". You see certain types of people in media because THEY ARE WHO PEOPLE WANT TO SEE. The "solution" of forcing uggos and "diversity" instead of actual appeal or skill will just end up making everyone go "what is this? Why would I want to see this?"

Just like there's not a fucking media conspiracy to tell young women that they need to be thin to be attractive. Healthiness is simply an universal thing people find appealing and no amount of smashed scales and dyed leg hair will change that.

>> No.3276562

Literally unironically want this artist to get hit by a bus. No Frida Kahlo shit either. She dies on impact. RIP in piss. Holy shit.

>> No.3276566
File: 494 KB, 1556x2048, 1515379910617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah this is just the darkness before the sun, high tide before it recedes, the calm before the storm.

>> No.3276641

why did they make monika the darkest? her hair color looks awful with that skin tone...

>> No.3276647

muh progression

>> No.3276649
File: 540 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_okp0mcIC891r6a1vco2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3276650

Everytime they brownwash or yellow-wash a character, they intentionally make it ugly and unappealing. Do these ameritards think brown or asian people are ugly?

>> No.3276673
File: 227 KB, 893x491, tri haddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge accepted

>> No.3276855

their twitter:

had to dig around tumblr and google.

>> No.3276930
File: 33 KB, 398x500, 083_XeSEOuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya done did good, kid.

>> No.3276934

literally snape

>> No.3276998

Thank you savior

>> No.3277030
File: 94 KB, 540x558, 9503EC54-91A4-48E7-898B-2EEBA43423A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277081

This isn't so tumblry, this person understands construction better than the average tumblrite.

>> No.3277146
File: 968 KB, 380x262, 1459661235004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277566
