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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 35 KB, 563x633, gish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3274615 No.3274615 [Reply] [Original]

Time to do a study, /ic/.

>> No.3274677
File: 323 KB, 791x948, studyyyyyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3274824

are there any resources/sites that give you pictures of black and white to study value?

>> No.3274940
File: 33 KB, 400x593, tumblr_naj47qu1e11qbfo7so1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll draw when i get home

>> No.3275015
File: 76 KB, 576x800, orbstudy copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3275080
File: 990 KB, 666x760, orblady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3275094
File: 89 KB, 576x800, orbstudy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blocking values..

>> No.3275096

nice hands fag

>> No.3275126

What is the purpose of a study?
Let's say I know every muscle and bone in the human body, and have a working model to construct from in my head.
Whenever I need to do a work, I can look up reference photos, and practice any texture I need at the time.
What would I get from copying a picture?
I've never understood this, but I do believe there is some purpose.

>> No.3275131

u can do them yourself, take colored pictures and turn them into bw

>> No.3275134

this is probably the most /beg/ thing i've read all day.

>> No.3275137

If it's /beg/, then explain it.

I'm new to art.

>> No.3275141

In the case of this picture, the main point would be to practice values. If I don't practice values and attempt a work where the values need to be correct, I'll do a bad job working from whatever references I pick up, because this is the first time I;ve tackled this problem. If I've already practiced. I'll be faster and I'll already have an idea of what I;m doing, so the result will be better.

>Let's say I know every muscle and bone in the human body, and have a working model to construct from in my head.

Well you don't, and observing from life/photos is how you learn that working model in the first place.

Secondarily, often people will use a study like this to focus in on practicing one particular skill. This >>3275080 anon got shit on because his hands look kinda derpy, but I can tell that he was just focussing on picking the right values and less so on correct anatomy. By doing this, you can focus on particular skills without having to produce a finished piece. There's less pressure, and your focus isn't divided among all the other skillsets required to make a finished piece.

>> No.3275151


You have to feel the form by understanding it, not trying to only copy. By doint that you can start play with them, manipulate them and create new images that makes sense with reality. If you want to only copy you can be one of these human machines who draw portraits of shit artists in pencil. Its still lucrative since brainlets normies love that.

>> No.3275152
File: 77 KB, 395x593, 1515882699367_1st_pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pass...ill try to clean it up tomorrow

>> No.3275173
File: 626 KB, 1780x840, Le figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main point would be to practice values.

Let's say you also know how light works to a certain extent, and you can divide it up into portions.
Ambient occlusion, direct hard light, etc (fig 3).
What would be keeping you from painting a form based on that knowledge?

>Well you don't, and observing from life/photos is how you learn that working model in the first place.

Right now I'm using a combination of anatomical photos (fig 1), and Burne Hogarth (fig 2).
I can't see under a person's skin, so it doesn't seem all that useful to learn anatomy by looking at nude photos.
Recognizing muscles under the skin is useful, and I do that in addition to the previously mentioned methods.

>feel the form
Elaborate on this.
When I say form or working model, I mean the general volume, and shape of a material.
That way you can bend and contort them in your mind to find new poses/positions.
Is that what you mean?

>> No.3275292 [DELETED] 


Ignore this guy: >>3275141 he seems kinda dumb.

Just because you know how light and anatomy work doesn't mean you know how it should look or how to turn that knowledge into art. Also, you don;t really know if you know how things work until you try and make a picture out of it. I mean, what do you mean by "know" in your hypothetical? Do you mean you looked at anatomy drawings and copied them until you understood the structure? Or do you mean you read a lot about it? Because if it;s the former, you're just doing what we're doing but with a different reference, and if it;s the latter, you don;t actually know jack shit.

You aren't drawing muscles, you're drawing muscles with skin and fat over. Musculature and skeleton are great to know, but that alone won't allow you to draw a good looking figure.

I guess if you;re really good, then studies diminish in value, but the person who went through the effort to get that good would know the value of studying, having had to do so in order to get good!

The important thing here is that you have to study to know.

>> No.3275293


Ignore this guy: >>3275151 he seems kinda dumb.

Just because you know how light and anatomy work doesn't mean you know how it should look or how to turn that knowledge into art. Also, you don;t really know if you know how things work until you try and make a picture out of it. I mean, what do you mean by "know" in your hypothetical? Do you mean you looked at anatomy drawings and copied them until you understood the structure? Or do you mean you read a lot about it? Because if it;s the former, you're just doing what we're doing but with a different reference, and if it;s the latter, you don;t actually know jack shit.

You aren't drawing muscles, you're drawing muscles with skin and fat over. Musculature and skeleton are great to know, but that alone won't allow you to draw a good looking figure.

I guess if you;re really good, then studies diminish in value, but the person who went through the effort to get that good would know the value of studying, having had to do so in order to get good!

The important thing here is that you have to study to know.

>> No.3275295

>initial sketch
Fuck, just go with that. Why do all that work for a little more sharpness and perhaps better colors. Just paint on bigger canvas.
Is this autism?

>> No.3275303

go make something with that knowledge and no practice. That'll shut everyone up

>> No.3275335

I know, the finished piece looks even shittier and less stylized

>> No.3275404

I think you are projecting a lot of things he/she didn't say into that post. It said that it is not just about copying but understanding why things work so you can apply it elsewhere. Then you start talking about fat and skin over muscles as if that was what was talked about (It talked about form). Calling the poster dumb was make you seem extra dumb when it's coupled with that tumblr tier arguing.

>> No.3275453

I did not reply to >>3275151
I replied to >>3275173

Do try to keep up.


Nice meme you got there.

>> No.3275457

>I did not reply to >>3275151

>Ignore this guy: >>3275151 he seems kinda dumb.

Idiot... I don't care if you replied to somebody else when that was obviously the post you were talking about. Both going by the above and the content of your post.

>> No.3275484


So if you look carefully, you'll notice that >>3275173 was responding to advice from >>3275151.

I thought >>3275151 was dumb and nonsensical, so I prefaced my response to >>3275173 by telling him not to listen to it.

If you look at the rest of the post, it's clearly talking about >>3275173. I ignored the details of >>3275151, and for good reason because they made no fucking sense.

Welcome to the world of internet forums.

>> No.3275488

I'm not sure if you are mostly confused or mostly stupid.

>> No.3275490

It's such an /ic/ thing that a study thread would be full of arguing instead of art.

>> No.3275496


Dude, read >>3275173 and >>3275293. >>3275293 is talking about >>3275173. How is that not obvious?

Wait, are you >>3275151? Is your wee witto bum hurt that I told anon to ignore your stupid advice?

>> No.3275501

Please stop making this thread harder to follow than it already is

>> No.3275502
File: 16 KB, 566x343, 3uVQfkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me try and help clear up some of all your confusion (Yeah, right. lol).

>> No.3275506

My whole post was about >>3275173, but >>3275404 (You, I assume?) thought I was talking about >>3275151. Obviously I wasn't, so I said I wasn't, what else you want from me man?

>> No.3275514

I'm this guy ^

I feel kind of bad for derailing the thread earlier.
My point really just boils down to not copying the source material directly, but understanding it so you can reproduce different drawings later.
It seems like that could confuse a lot of beginners because even in some of the sticky links it tells you to do this.
My suggestion would be to take a reference image, but paint it in a different pose.
That way, it's much easier to tell if you're lacking in skill.
You can't copy the image directly that way.

>> No.3275517
File: 291 KB, 622x780, fJ7JdQX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have time to finish it. Close enough.

>> No.3275518

what did you learn?

>> No.3275519

Time will tell

Any reason for you asking?

>> No.3275520

How idiotic can you be

>> No.3275521

clean edges. how did you work the edges anyways?

>> No.3275522

I just design a brush for it. Half of it is stroke technique though. Remember to turn off anti-aliasing if you don't want a brush to blend with opacity near the edge.

>> No.3275523

Any reason why you did this study?

Is this the type of work you want to do?

>> No.3275526

I did it to practice. I needed a break from some color practice. If I get good enough then it could be nice being able to turn it into a job since I enjoy doing it but it's not like that's my goal. If you specifically meant if I wanted to draw studies as a job then no I don't.

>> No.3275533

study should be done with a goal in mind, not just because.
if painting in greyscale figures in the dark with a single light source is your goal, then i feel sorry for you. no one's gonna want to see your artwork.

>> No.3275540
File: 583 KB, 1157x951, 1493127985680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's ic's opinion on using grids? Laying down 2x2 or 3x3 grids significantly improves my accuracy than without it.

>> No.3275541

Anon. Are you trying to berate me for participating in this practice thread? I think I'm already managing studying fine without your input.

>if painting in greyscale figures in the dark with a single light source is your goal, then i feel sorry for you. no one's gonna want to see your artwork.

What are you even talking about. I think I should just had ignored you.

>> No.3275543

don't mind him, he's just a NGMI

>> No.3275544

grids are a crutch, might as well trace

>> No.3275546

if you have to use them for now, try to ease your way out of using them.
Crutches are a thing to avoid

>> No.3275548
File: 137 KB, 1000x1218, Doc 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of stuff I still need to learn. Any feedback is welcome.

>> No.3275553

>Any feedback is welcome.
if you want it to look less flat then you will want to use more if the value range.

>> No.3275570

Any good tips/tutorials on how to set up such a study?
Tools, Programms, etc.?
/beg/ tier here

Thanks in advance!

>> No.3275574
File: 1.04 MB, 2432x2340, study_20180114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts so far?

>> No.3275580

It makes sense. Thanks for the input anon

>> No.3275611

Meant for >>3275553 obviously

>> No.3275684

just look for old glamour photos.

>> No.3275701

Or just take any photo and reduce the saturation to 0 in any image manipulation software.

>> No.3275838

cool stuff! where can i follow you?

>> No.3275985
File: 84 KB, 576x800, orbstudy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


boy this thread took a beating.

>> No.3276005
File: 29 KB, 800x473, pls rember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be wary of becoming dependent on it
use it until you don't need it anymore. like training wheels

>> No.3276006
File: 337 KB, 1488x1809, dsfgsdfgsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my quick sketch. I have some old grey tone markers that I don't know how to use. I'll post that one next

>> No.3276011

would other anons be interested in posting time lapses of their studies? it's something i'd be interested in seeing from others for sure, but what about the rest of you?

>> No.3276033
File: 359 KB, 1488x1944, dsfgsdfgsdfgsdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3276046

Grids are great for learning to observe shapes and measure relative distances in an objective way, great for breaking through that "drawing what you think you see instead of what you see" problem. I went back and forth drawing things with them then without them to train and test my accuracy. Like the other anons have said, just don't become too dependent. Going back and forth between using and not using them was how I avoided that and that's what I'd suggest.

>> No.3276201 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 823x880, Screenshot_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit i made the head too big again

>> No.3276211
File: 409 KB, 823x880, Screenshot_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3276231
File: 111 KB, 631x800, orbstudy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete. There's a little surprise for you guys.

>> No.3276243

>Lets say you know all the skillz already, y would u practice?

I guess you answered your own question.

>> No.3276285

>literally criticizing someone for practicing

Holy fuck I hate this board

>> No.3276365

It's an anonymous imageboard. People can act out their own demons if they need to

>> No.3276367

This is appropriate for some OPs well done

>> No.3276444

i just got jumpscared

>> No.3276452

Lmao I can see where youre driving at but boy youre the most pretentious sounding anon Ive laid my eyes upon this week.

>> No.3276453
File: 22 KB, 519x445, 1475425727623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticizing someone for practicing

>> No.3276465
File: 329 KB, 540x718, 1511226196871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3276480 [DELETED] 


>> No.3276497

Actually fuck off

>> No.3276685


Thisis great

>> No.3276691
File: 2.69 MB, 4961x7016, hol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time ever painting and i gotta say theres gotta be some tutorial on actual painting techniques and things to help right? this is pretty depressing

>> No.3276719

This looks so effortless that I have to wonder if it's even worth doing these kinda exercises at your level.

>> No.3276723

a single directional light source + fill light is literally the most commonly studied lighting situation in fine art for a reason. Not sure what crazy lighting setups you use for your work, but you shouldn't have such contempt for the fucking basics.

>> No.3276730

for starters, don't paint on white background. Should be atleast 50% value (halfway between white and black).

>> No.3276770

There's like a difficulty multiplier on original art compared to studies, but grinding studies makes the original art easier. There's also a neatness factor (well, I suppose insufficient rendering/rendering knowledge or being too lazy to lineart first) that the crazy pros in the thread have
This was a tip that someone gave me which works very well. (Photoshop has good textured brushes for rendering but sai is more fun and easier to paint in)
1. Start with the canvas super zoomed out until it's just a thumbnail and the reference right next to it
2. Then I just fill in the background with whatever clr is in the study
3. Then you just block in the details so the thumbnail kind of looks like the study subject, then keep flipping rotating until it looks right, then you zoom in and add details.

Dark background also makes everything much easier!

>> No.3276784

It's a nice diversion from your usual furry stuff. Good job.

>> No.3276785

>There's like a difficulty multiplier on original art compared to studies,
I used to think this too, until I got a better understanding of the fundamentals, now they are both just as easy, the only difficulty comes from coming up with an idea.

>> No.3276801

>Let's say you also know how light works to a certain extent, and you can divide it up into portions.
>What would be keeping you from painting a form based on that knowledge?

Nothing, if you know everything that there is to know about light you don't need a reference or a study. The point is how do you got that knoledge without ever studing how light works in the real work by copying it?
Also, as everyone said before, you don't know everything there is to know about light, because not even pros know everything about light. There is always a next level of complexity that you can only get to by studying the real world. Thats what studies are for.

>Right now I'm using a combination of anatomical photos (fig 1), and Burne Hogarth (fig 2).
>I can't see under a person's skin, so it doesn't seem all that useful to learn anatomy by looking at nude photos.

You don't seem to understand what its the point of understanding anatomy. Drawing something that looks like the nude model is the end goal, it isn't learning to draw a skinned human. That's why you study your end goal, it has information that the mental abstractions you are working with lack.
Of course you need to know muscles first, but it is understood that somewhere along the line you will study how skin works on top of those muscles, the texture of that skin, the variation in colors it has, etc.

>> No.3276809

You're probably mistaking me for someone else anon, I've not really drawn any animals in the past two years, in the painful pursuit of drawing people better.
That sounds amazing. Hopefully with mileage the difficulty factor will decrease.

>> No.3276818

You just need to develop a solid workflow or process of constructing your images, and then put it into practice and always find ways to refine said process. This is a huge factor in determining your art style.

>> No.3276908
File: 1.30 MB, 1293x1080, 1460731563638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20-30 minutes in
>CSP crashes
It was acting funny the whole time now that I think about it. This has never happened before.

btw I really like the reference image

>> No.3276935
File: 1015 KB, 1721x1912, study_20180115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3276936

learn to save (ctrl+s)

redo it instead of making excuses. It's not like it couldn't be better.

>> No.3277088
File: 68 KB, 563x633, Untitled-1-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to do something else with it hue

>> No.3277100
File: 153 KB, 560x600, study of ball pretty lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this was on paper it'd look 100 times better but I want to get good at digital

please advice me

>> No.3277112


happy to be of cervix

>> No.3277151

more details

>> No.3277153

its really tacky

>> No.3277176

jesus, no one in here knows how to control their brush strokes and values.

>> No.3277182

post work, let's see your brush strokes and values

>> No.3277200

>>3274677 The subtlety on the eyelids and nose are nice, and I like the blocky shapes, but you;re abusing the hell out of those textures. Looks like she has foam on her hair and is holding a rock.

>>3275080 Try a base drawing first? I like how you're indicating the hand behind the orb.

>>3275517 This is real nice, I like the variety of strokes. Hand anatomy cold be better and I wish the orb was more circular.

>>3275548 It's a good start, good for a quick study, maybe push values more.

>>3276033 Don;t exactly know what you;re aiming for, but this is messy as fuck.

>>3276211 Giant head...

>>3276465 Nice strokes, reminds me of Boldini.

>>3276691 Maybe work on the drawing a bit more first, and yeah, a nice dark background will help.

>>3276935 Quite a bit of symbol drawing here, squint and blur your eyes a bit to focus on just the value patterns and see if you can reproduce those shapes.

>>3277088 I guess it's a little tacky like that anon said, but I thought it was clever. The vague shading of the fabric is the weakest point.

>>3277100 Work on the underdrawing a bit more. The head is really tiny and sticking way out on a long neck. Hand anatomy def needs some work. I'd say start again, but try to summarize the image with only 3 values, really try to nail those basic shapes, don;t worry about drawing a "hand" or "face", you're trying for too much detail before the structure is even there.

>>3277176 Yeah, post ur work faggot.

>> No.3277251

Thanks for the critiques anon

>> No.3277300
File: 235 KB, 500x480, 1471683980803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more details

>you're trying for too much detail

>> No.3277309

Lol don't go into more detail at this point, you'd just be polishing a turd. Try to get the structure right, use a hard round brush, 3-5 values, and don't worry about blending.

>> No.3277343



>> No.3277345


>> No.3277346

Blog? This is amazing

>> No.3277369


Danks a bunch, anon.

>> No.3277377

>the cool foreshortened figures in pastel guy is the same guy who does the cool graphic illustrations
Damn, fucking nice.

>> No.3277382

samefag shilling like this is too obvious, why can't you obnoxious spastic fucks be just a little more subtle about it?

>> No.3277408

Lol shilling on 4chan? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What, are anons going to buy my shit? You know, with all that money they have? XD

I'm just here because I'm lonely and bored.

>> No.3277410

Thank for the feedback anon!

>> No.3277416


>> No.3277481
File: 491 KB, 1000x1124, study0074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's cool how you can interrupt the different light and dark shapes to build up textures.

>> No.3277508

what do u mean

>> No.3277580
File: 349 KB, 1125x1125, study-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3277586

This is nice :D Only thing that really bugs me is the thin white lines next to the black.

>> No.3277623
File: 150 KB, 823x1000, IMG_0997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sweet.

>> No.3277706


>> No.3277778

>Lol XD

No wonder your art isn't good. At least not yet anyway. Quit memeing and draw more

>> No.3277884
File: 34 KB, 499x501, 1493264020891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When doing studies such as this, am I supposed to construct it or use negative space for the initial sketch? (loomis vs dodson)

>> No.3277951

Wtf is wrong with you?
Stop these fucking horrid posts
Just on the basis of your way to reply to people I can tell you are a shit artist and will not make it

>> No.3277956

This is dope

>> No.3277978

construction is the most traditional method iirc

>> No.3277982
File: 45 KB, 494x570, 0f7fb5d2535f3f8ffa90281b1aa43199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends what your focus is. I would personally recommend a impressionistic shape and value focused approach for a low-key (and low resolution) photo like this. Focusing on structure/form is easier with well lit high-key photos where less guesswork is involved. Pic related is more suitable for practicing construction.

>> No.3278025
File: 534 KB, 806x900, painting-study2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278304
File: 132 KB, 1010x958, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough blocking

>> No.3278310

>those delicious brush textures on the face and hair
Really nice edges, too.

>> No.3278378

Thanks a bunch - I appreciate it! Blog here: >>3273587

>really bugs me is the thin white lines next to the black.
Totally understandable. This was more of a stylistic experiment than anything else. The 'thin white lines' are actually just me separating the red, then applying Layer Style > Emboss, trying to give it a bit of a 3D effect. Felt like it fit the aesthetic I guess.

>> No.3278403

blurry garbage

>> No.3278413

>what do u mean
Darkening light shapes and brightening the dark ones..
like you can interrupt a light shape by putting darker shapes inside of it.
if you look at my brushstrokes all im doing is just blocking in a shape with a big brush and then fucking around with it using smaller strokes.
If you get used to working in limited value ranges, then you can see the shapes as keys and render them even further.

idk how to explain well desu

>> No.3278414


wtf is the point of posting here besides to just snowflake for (You')s

>> No.3278446
File: 1.40 MB, 1836x1836, 20180116_162253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish i had a smaller white pen

>> No.3278513

wish you could rotate your fucking pics

>> No.3278528
File: 152 KB, 563x633, gishstudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how you did her chin.

>> No.3278543
File: 387 KB, 960x960, IC Study 2 small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least did something.

>> No.3278562

Sorry. Sometimes they rotate when i upload them. I think it's only pictures from my camera roll that rotate, so in the future I'll be mindful of that.

>> No.3278602

>sometimes they rotate when I upload them

That's literally not how software works dude. Rotate your pics you fuckin tard.

>> No.3278615


>> No.3278680

It happens a lot, actually. Have you ever uploaded from mobile?

Don't cut yourself on those edges.

>> No.3278720
File: 991 KB, 1000x1400, study3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3278725
File: 369 KB, 649x649, d6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278776
File: 79 KB, 250x298, 1498738987208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chin automatically strips out exif data. The reason why it does this is because a year ago some retard uploaded photos from their phone without stripping the exif data and they got doxxed. Phone camera photos are by default embedded with exif data that includes such interesting facts as your current gps co ordinates and the make, model of the phone amongst other interesting things.

Applications will also embed exif tool, for example something I painted has the application used to create the image (photoshop) and text layer text/name, original document ID etc embedded inside of it.

This is why if you use pirated tools to create images, you should always try and strip the exif data out of it if you aren't uploading to 4chan, imgur etc and why if you want to setup your own website for your portfolio you should mass strip all the exif data out of your photos because if you disagree with an autist online they might actually be able to come over to your house using your tracked GPS location and stab you.

>> No.3278788

How to strip exif data

>> No.3278794
File: 103 KB, 1370x764, 1496650240741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using exiftool because that's the way I learned off /g/
select your image
go to modify/remove metadata
tick -remove ALL metadata

You can also do it from the exiftool command line version but the gui is easier

>> No.3278795

I thought it's been a really long time since 4chan uploaded EXIF data, which is why we've seen mobile posters upload unrotated photos (since most default photo editing apps on mobile only change the EXIF data) for years now.

Also I never thought about Adobe or other software companies looking into your EXIF data to check whether or not you used a cracked copy. Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.3278799

I just had a look in the archive and it's been around 4 years or something.
>Also I never thought about Adobe or other software companies looking into your EXIF data to check whether or not you used a cracked copy
Probably a bigger worry for bigger corporations who crack the software and the software just keeps reporting to an online server because they didn't block the software's online access using firewall or hosts file or something. /gd/'s fontshare thread is enough to give anyone a huge run of paranoia though, but I'm PRETTY sure it's just a meme because /gd/'s board culture is massively different from the rest of 4chan.

>> No.3278806
File: 482 KB, 1444x1925, 1-16-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well upload my lazy attempt

>> No.3278815


This is actually informative. Thanks for the dialogue

>> No.3278816

why not simply right click file>properties>details>remove properties and personal info ?

>> No.3278818

Wait, imgur strips exif data too? What else does? How can you check if it does anyways?

>> No.3278830

To check it, upload an image with exif data and download the image from the site. Then drag the image onto exiftool or open it in the program and it will display any of the fields. iirc tumblr does and so does 4chan, imgur should.

>> No.3278873
File: 3.45 MB, 5312x2988, 20180116_211057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here, Is this enough to start applying shades and values to? When adding the valuea is it best to use the largest brush possible?

Criticism on it is welcome too, I used a little bit of construction for the head and negative space for the rest of the body

>> No.3278874


those darks are making me nut

>> No.3278878

So that's the secret to making textures.

>> No.3278899

>shilling exiftool tracker malware

>> No.3279094

While we're on this subject, hide text files in your images so anyone that posts them can be DMCA'd easier.

>> No.3279118
File: 496 KB, 1275x1276, January 17 study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fun.

>> No.3279322

i am considerably less safe than i thought. fuk.

>> No.3279823
File: 291 KB, 1361x598, heppppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279832

Turn the light grey into medium grey (how much light grey/white do you see? Very little). Then look at the thumbnail again and witness a shitload more of blacks and dark greys. It's in the hair and clothes. So you start painting that in and keep flippin'/rotating as you go.

>> No.3279926
File: 88 KB, 800x900, study_girlwithball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to learn how to block in values. Any feedback is appreciated.

>> No.3279951

I am new what is symbol drawing?

>> No.3279954
File: 1.22 MB, 1275x7630, symbol_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3280383

Photoshop lets you turn a layer black/white and it's much better.

>> No.3280562

>Photoshop lets you turn a layer black/white and it's much better.

...by reducing the saturation to 0. Like the 1 step process the post you quote described.

You are on /ic/. At least learn the difference between value, hue and saturation.

>> No.3280564

this is a nice copypaste. is it from this board or somewhere else?

>> No.3281143
File: 232 KB, 565x631, day170+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3281902

>you don't know everything there is to know about light

There would be absolutely no need to.
Do you want me to trace the path of each individual photon?
I've studied the techniques that make photorealistic 3d graphics for about a year now.
I'd say I have a damn good understanding of light, and how it works on different materials.
More so than I could ever use in digital painting.

>Drawing something that looks like the nude model is the end goal, it isn't learning to draw a skinned human.
Why do you think I'm studying Hogarth?
I just wanted to see the actual thing.

The end goal of this argument is that portrait studies are useless without any technical knowledge behind them.
I never said that they were useless as an exerciese, just that you should have a good reason for doing them.
They are supplementary exercises, meant only to understand the concepts that you studied earlier.
When I asked in this thread, "Why do you do portrait studies?," all I got were vague answers.
"feel the form"
"study value"
You cannot expect to learn anatomy, rendering, or color theory in an efficient manor by studying nothing but photos.
They are an application of your knowledge.
I asked this because that seems to be the attitude you have towards beginners.
That's what you tell them.
If /ic/ is a community built around helping aspiring artists, why does every meme center around distracting people with misinformation?

>> No.3282111
File: 1.35 MB, 3479x3508, light study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doing one of these threads
I had fun.

>> No.3282136

That's really nice, has a lot of accurate detail

>> No.3282145
File: 133 KB, 568x618, study ballllll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3282157
File: 478 KB, 900x1060, tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good warm up

>> No.3282160

The blocking is decent, especially with three tones. Try to stay in proportion with the original photo. Do not make things up that are not in the photo.

>> No.3282216
File: 87 KB, 2900x2100, eh fuck it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh,fuck it

>> No.3282239


>> No.3282289

Ive seen that before where the color is missing at some part, i think if you do it at the front too then it will look a lot better

>> No.3282303

Senpai, use parallel and horizontal lines to see where elements line up to get more accurate measurements.

Like the bottom of her lip is nearly at the very top of the sphere or her thumb and nose tip are on the same 'line'.

>> No.3282404

Not the guy you've been talking to, but you seemed to come into this conversation with a boatload of unnecessary assumptions that you kept unnecessarily obscured.
No one ever said "draw the OP picture because reasons, it's all you'll ever have to draw, congratulations you are now a master artist." Of course it's application of knowledge. Application of knowledge is an important part of being able to integrate that knowledge into your work.
This is a study thread, not a "how to study" thread, the implication is that people understand what their purpose is and don't need it explained, it's simply presentation of a quick opportunity to study a provided image selected by a stranger whose interests and tastes may challenge your own and expose you to new things, and to do it among a plethora of fellow artists who have their own tastes, skill levels, techniques etc, providing an opportunity to compare and contrast and pick up things you might not have noticed on your own.

/ic/ isn't a community or a class, we're not educators, we're a collection of self-driving individuals who gather for the benefit of resources, mutual observation, and potential feedback (of very varying quality, which one needs to vet for themselves as to whether it's worth taking on board).

If someone wants a teacher, they should go to a school, not a cantonese finger painting auditorium. I don't know why you expected "how to study 101" from a staple thread with 5 words in the OP.

>> No.3282418

So this is where all the cool kids hang out.

>> No.3282530


>> No.3282699

So just take the resources from the sticky, and run?

I'm new, but take a random comment in a thread and the majority are bait, purposeful misleading, or memes.

Was it ever better than this?

>> No.3282750

Like I said, if you want a teacher, go to a school. A congregation of strangers has no obligation to teach you anything, much less do it competently, and you're only doing yourself a disservice if you approach things with that expectation.

>> No.3282753

Nice one

Draw before painting. That's very fucked up, but I guess you already know

>> No.3282763
File: 262 KB, 1000x1000, 201801 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used a more narrow value range on purpose.
Struggled with the hair though...

>> No.3282764

maybe be less indulgent with the pencil lines, adds too much focus where there isn't supposed to be any

>> No.3282810


>>I'm new

You don't say.

>> No.3282813

best one ITT

>> No.3282818

make the background dark like in the pic it looks boring like that.

>> No.3282850

she looks quite upset by whats in that crystal ball.

>> No.3282994 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 2331x2832, 27140673_2036459083031749_242214173_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks OP, you chose a really nice image to practice on. It was great fun and made me do something with focus and dedication.


This is accurate and has some nice contrast. How long did you work on it?


Nice brushwork!



>> No.3283002 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 2331x2832, 27140673_2036459083031749_242214173_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3274615 (OP)

Thanks OP, you chose a really nice image to practice on. It was great fun and made me do something with focus and dedication.


This is accurate and has some nice contrast. How long did you work on it?


Nice brushwork!



>> No.3283003
File: 50 KB, 843x1024, 27018080_10155202736715777_2013997687_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3274615 (OP)

Thanks OP, you chose a really nice image to practice on. It was great fun and made me do something with focus and dedication.


This is accurate and has some nice contrast. How long did you work on it?


Nice brushwork!



>> No.3283206

Nice! Is this with just a hard round?

>> No.3283323


Yeah... I'm too noob with brushes to dare use something else. I come from traditional and I just can't seem to get a grip on more "advanced" brushes. Have watched ctrl+paint to get some info, it helped a lot. I'd be happy to receive any suggestions where/how to learn.

>> No.3283357


>This is accurate and has some nice contrast. How long did you work on it?

Thanks, yeah, I notice you actually captured the dark darks properly as well, something I noticed most people don't do for some reason. It really makes the rest of the values more convincing.

Took 2.5 hours in 45 minute sessions over a couple days.

>> No.3283381

I see. Don't feel bad for just using the standard brushes though. One of the most common pitfalls for people starting with digital is jumping straight into custom brushes, and getting buried brush packs from this artist and that.

A hard round, a soft round and a flat are everything you need to concern yourself with starting out.

>> No.3283612
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, theball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully pls

>> No.3283614
File: 203 KB, 1652x952, study_girlwithball_changes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I took your advice and looked at my sketch again. The proportions were really fucked up like you said, so I redid the sketch. Looking for any feedback before I try to block in values again.

>> No.3283619

Very nice rendering, it's got a soft fuzzy look to it. Arms are kinda sloppy though; her left arm is super thick and right is super thin, and the right hand is too short. Also sharpen the chin a tad bit.

>> No.3283623

I like this a lot, but where the white blurs and is choppy on the sleeve is distracting me from anything else

other than that is good imo

>> No.3283624
File: 329 KB, 1280x688, 456456786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3283632

i've never seen such a low effort post before

>> No.3283642

Well, i feel extremely tired

>> No.3283736

>using guides on a reference
this mother fuckin- why
>using guides at all

>> No.3283737

Anon, he's a fucking beginner. Learning to measure consciously helps make it easier to see proportions innately. It's pretty dumb to shit on him for doing that.

>> No.3283812

How to get as good as you?

>> No.3283858

Good on you, keep it up

>> No.3283905
File: 118 KB, 727x1028, 27141155_2037476722929985_1407959036_o(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WHY do my females end up more broad and older-looking than the ref when I'm not focusing super hard on the body?

Thanks for the fun ref anon!

>> No.3283926

>not copying the source material directly, but understanding
You won't understand shit.
>My suggestion would be to take a reference image, but paint it in a different pose.
Go ahead, try this. Also post you attempt here so we all could see how useful it is.

>> No.3284016

>My suggestion would be to take a reference image, but paint it in a different pose.
>That way, it's much easier to tell if you're lacking in skill.
But that's fucking retarded.

>> No.3284137

because everything about her back, neck, shoulders, sharpness of body makes it look like a dude

>> No.3284140

just liquify until it looks right
her whole body just looks way too broad

>> No.3284145

The body looks not bad, but focusing super hard is the whole point.

I think what would help you most is making the head a touch bigger, dropping the chin, this will make the rest of the body seem more petite.

>> No.3284220
File: 66 KB, 800x900, study_girlwithball2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the block-in. I'm not sure what to do next since I've never gotten this far.

>> No.3284231


Continue to blend the margins of the values. You blend either hard or soft, depends on the kind of light and shadow that falls on the shapes.
Then you do all the details.

>> No.3284256

Two questions before I start:
Should I increase the picture resolution?
What opacity and pen pressure settings are "good?" (80%? 100%?) I've seen people do all sorts of different settings so it's really confusing.

>> No.3284283

This looks normal to me, but that's also pretty close to my body type.

>> No.3284289

yes increase the resolution
in photoshop have the opacity at 100% and flow low around 50% to get less "pigment" per stroke, pen pressure size is up to you

>> No.3284316


Best of luck anon :) Actually looking forward to see the results!
If you feel lost in the middle of it, take a break and watch some basic ctrl+paint videos on the beginner brushes.


Same here. I don't like my own body frame and will never be a qt petite so it's really annoying that my mind passively directs me to use the shapes I dislike the most.

>> No.3284319

Learn to use the soft round and hard round, as the other anon said with 50% flow or less to explore the shapes you want. You'll be using combinations of new layers, soft round, and hard eraser to control your edges and blending.

>> No.3284368
File: 165 KB, 628x696, gfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit
Haven't been trying to git gud for more than 2 days, but actually studying for once makes me realize how truly shit I am.

How are you guys so clean in your work even in the early stages of a piece?

>> No.3284396

slow down and block in more. it's hard to feel any of your values are correct when you've only filled a small part of the canvas (even if the values are correct). less details so early until you are confident in your abilities to place them.

>> No.3284463
File: 257 KB, 544x592, gfd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't originally planning to do the rest but figured I would after the fact.
Better than all my other stuff thus far by quite a margin. Aside from the fucky hand, are there any blaring problems that I'm not noticing?

>> No.3284535
File: 1.08 MB, 2576x1932, JPEG_20180121_193608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil sketch of this.

>> No.3284602

The face is worse than the hand, the main problem with the hand is just that the thumb is huge. The face is all pinched and pushed down to the chin. Next time, or if you want to try again, do a more careful underdrawing, then put in 3 values only with a hard round brush. Push it to 5 values maybe. You will learn the most by placing the drawings and basic values carefully and spending a long time on that then you will rendering and blending, don't bother rendering and blending yet.

>> No.3284622

Is underdrawing absolutely necessary? I seem to be far worse at sketching than I am at just making adjustments on the fly

>> No.3284850

Well it looks like shit when you do it on the fly, so why not learn to get better at drawing? You won't have to rely on "luck" for your painting to be good but will instead have a skillful process that you can repeat.

>> No.3284925

No, you can just practice by painting freehand. An underdrawing will make things both easier and better because when you are painting you can focus on values and brushwork instead of values, brushwork, plus structure/placement, drawing, all that shit. It's kind of like painting a grisaille, then colouring it with glazes: you break up the painting process into more manageable steps. Even the underdrawing can be broken into steps, say, gesture, proportions, details, or something.

I suppose you could also choose to make the study about something else, for ex. just purely values, and not worry about structure. In that case, your darks need to be darker.

>> No.3285151

>I seem to be far worse at sketching than I am at just making adjustments on the fly
Then sketching is what you should practice until it's not a weak spot anymore.

>> No.3285585

what's your god damn blog

>> No.3286314 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 2400x2700, study_girlwithball3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIP this is hard

>> No.3286320
File: 135 KB, 1080x1215, study_girlwithball3_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIP this is hard

>> No.3286335

You don't know shit.

>> No.3286340

Some of those look like over painted photos.

>> No.3286439
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, girl04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the exercise, OP! This was much harder than I expected, you've made me humble.

>> No.3286526

No they don't, you're just blind. Give it 3 years.

>> No.3286883
File: 55 KB, 400x450, value study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool pic

>> No.3286886
File: 208 KB, 889x1000, crystalball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wipbump thx for the challenge hadn't drawn in almost a year

>> No.3286894

who is in the sphere

>> No.3286902

A lot of fucky bits but that hand is great. good job

>> No.3286914

son.... i am disappoint

>> No.3286951

please i need to know who is in that orb

>> No.3286998

It is the one true LMS.

>> No.3287672


>> No.3287674


Nice choice of brushes and values but the oversized head ruins it (at least for me).

>> No.3287904
File: 954 KB, 1061x1192, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was less autistic about details and rendering. It was still fun though.

>> No.3287914

muh dik

>> No.3287921

looks amazing anon, hope to post mine in a couple days.

>> No.3287956
File: 256 KB, 889x1000, crystalball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun but I'm not very pleased with the result

>> No.3288348
File: 245 KB, 850x1000, Study 1 - (Girl with Glass Orb) - FINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing a paint study. It was fun.

>> No.3288503


>> No.3288727
File: 450 KB, 1000x1000, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3288824

This is really good. Social networks?

>> No.3289113

I recently started a Tumblr, so you might just be my first ever follower.


I didn't even notice, thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.3289121

this is mine, could someone pls crit?

>> No.3289153
File: 235 KB, 540x718, orb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messed with yours some. your values/brushwork were real nice to make this edit

>> No.3289960

Gradient maps are usually easier and make it look better, anon-sama, like in the mohrbacher videos.

>> No.3290994

that was a gradient map. then the green done with other modes

>> No.3291797

How do you guys do those blocky texture thingies ? I mean like this >>3276465 or >>3278543

Is it a custom brush on photoshop?

>> No.3291867

Any advice on how to approach that? Can you share your workflow?

>> No.3292042

Were you just applying a color/overlay layer on top of his values?

I'm still trying to figure out how to bring an image from greyscale to color.

>> No.3292048
File: 1.18 MB, 1224x1548, Gimmick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing brushes for Clip Studio.

Hard to use but funny.

>> No.3292117
File: 5 KB, 325x53, 1505520855951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon-sama, I used basically only this brush (it's in pretty much all big brush packs) on photoshop. I hope it helps.

>> No.3292136

which brush did you use for this image?
nice btw

>> No.3292166
File: 581 KB, 900x2292, Clip-Markers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3292169

If you have a Clip Studio account they are also here:


>> No.3292380

It helps my good fella. Thanks. I mean, I'm still figuring out photoshop brush settings but I can take it from here.

>> No.3292421
File: 447 KB, 627x709, IMG_20180129_075944_454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3292536
File: 169 KB, 563x633, crystalball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is awesome

>> No.3292711

i did a combination of both gradient map and overlay/multiply brush modes.

>> No.3294514

real helpful. if you wana be an asshole there are other boards for that, people here are just trying to improve.

>> No.3294515

No spark.

>> No.3294568
File: 223 KB, 1120x1260, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew some lines, what the hell do I do now?

>> No.3295030

best in thread so far.

>> No.3296213
File: 268 KB, 2058x500, digital painting 1414709873184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3296412

honestly pretty helpful, seems obvious but i needed it spelled out for me. Been struggling a lot with digital and I psyche myself out a lot when it comes to rendering.


>> No.3298765
File: 210 KB, 499x639, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 4.00.05 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just cannot stop scribbling.

>> No.3298797

You can you just haven't tried.

>> No.3298808

Use a bigger brush and don't shrink it until you need to refine details. When you shrink the brush, use as few strokes/movements as possible to convey the information you want to convey.

>> No.3299833
File: 117 KB, 563x633, 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little off but I'm overall happy

>> No.3300053
File: 386 KB, 640x744, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 9.32.09 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I will do this. Lost all my presets and having a hard time finding nice solid brushes, but maybe i should stick to the round brush.
I feel like ive gone backwards desu. Some people use tiny strokes and end up with hairy looking lines, I make circular strokes to find the shapes I'm looking for with similar success... Would rather be a hairy line painter at this point, getting out of scribble habit has been hard - dont see a way past it yet. many tears of frustration. went to life drawing tonight though.

>> No.3300069

99% certain only the head of this image is a painting. the rest is photomanipulation, especially the hands.

>> No.3300079

it's a publicity(?) shot of lillian gish, a 1920s actress

>> No.3301264
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3301267

Why are you studying from photos? Study from real life or master paintings only.

>> No.3301292


>> No.3301294
File: 89 KB, 600x601, 1517881866403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out

>> No.3301309
File: 82 KB, 983x804, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3301321


>> No.3301356

Maybe try some traditional, acrylic paint would work. It would fit your brushwork better imho

>> No.3301399
File: 290 KB, 627x709, Orb Girl Study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.3303076
File: 455 KB, 800x1075, 2018-2-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3303577
File: 135 KB, 838x1000, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First digital painting, much harder than you'd expect - looks like I've got a lot to work on

Drawn on a Wacom intuous draw tablet

>> No.3305448

thanks. ive gone back to some pencil and paper sketching and studies, on photoshop it feels like I have just fallen into a scribbly habit. Need to remember to think every stroke counts! (without reverting to uber careful noob erasing tactics and short hairy strokes ofc)

>> No.3305509

Can I ask if there is a kind of essential go-to resource for light/shadow, value, rendering etc. Kind of like the Loomis meme for anatomy but for value and rendering?


>> No.3305678

Just a technical correction, anon: Every Intuos (not counting Pro models), apart from size, is exactly the same. The "Draw" part is unnecessary.

>> No.3308442

There's Scott Robertson's How to Render but you don't even need to go there until you want to specialize even further. Rendering is actually rather simple, 18-23 should show you the process with charcoal.

Build your structure, draw the shadow lines, fill in the shadow shapes, then midtones, then transitions and highlights. Try to work with a limited number of tones between 3 and 5 when you block in and use them opaquely. Don't start blend until you've got all the values down because values need context in order to evaluate whether you've matched them properly.

>> No.3308463

you made her really masculine , for example there's no nose hump

>> No.3308849
File: 301 KB, 1120x1260, Untitled-3-Recovered-Recovered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do i get faster at this digital shit, this is taking me forever

>> No.3308865

How long have you spent on this so far?

>> No.3309478

not sure, probably 6 or 7 hours of work broken up over two weeks.

>> No.3309490

Instead of going from block-in all the way to finished on one part at a time, do the whole piece every time you get to the next step.

>> No.3309505
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, angels-egg-wallpaper-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3309761

Not OP but whats the benefit of this?

>> No.3309941
File: 503 KB, 1120x1260, Untitled-3-Recovered-Recovered2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noted, thanks.


>> No.3312796
File: 515 KB, 1272x1802, lightstudy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313192
File: 3.44 MB, 2166x2320, 20180216_160227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313509
File: 104 KB, 492x810, fortune teller study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3314282
File: 420 KB, 960x1280, fortune teller study update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314296
File: 721 KB, 1371x879, myturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how did I do?
I used 80.000 layers, just like our lord and savior Ruan Fifa

>> No.3314331
File: 180 KB, 600x633, 1515861301931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i barely do studies but tried anyway

>> No.3314770

it's more cohesive and also easier to change if you get something overall wrong in the picture