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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 112 KB, 720x721, bfb0441f1cfc8306f5fa42c719328822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3274021 No.3274021 [Reply] [Original]

I've been drawing for quite a while now but have been always focussing on fundamentals and not so much on refining my art.

I've realized that it's important to have a style no matter what skill level you are. I see artists around me with weaker anatomy, colour, etc skills but their art looks better because they have an appealing style.
A style can mask your weaknesses and will help you grow popularity whilst working on your fundamental skills.

How do I get myself an appealing style? I figure it's somewhere on the lines of having smooth lineart and clean rendering, I don't want to tread into steven universe type art, I want to avoid having a style that prevents me from working on my fundamental skills

I'm amazed at how effortlessly these weak artists are able to draw art that looks more appealing than mine

>> No.3274022
File: 97 KB, 1200x1200, DLrXIKLWsAAirur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this, the artist isn't that great but they draw in a style that makes their art look good

>> No.3274025
File: 66 KB, 677x579, DTIXO1dVwAAFffa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they can draw stuff that will be more appealing than my art in a very short ammount of time

I want to be able to do what they do but with my better fundamental skills. I worry that I could have the best fundamentals skills in the world but it will still look like an unfinished sketch if I don't develop a style

>> No.3274028
File: 100 KB, 900x964, DSvbVQTVAAEqI7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art is lame to look art from an artists point of view but you can't deny that it's way more appealing to non artists and I see no reason in not getting good at it, I just can't work out how.

They've obviously been doing this for years instead of studying anatomy and stuff. What are they doing? what are the fundamentals or tumblr appealing style?

>> No.3274043
File: 205 KB, 800x602, tumblr_p2ab6g2t651un5kx5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good example is tableguy
Since the very beginnning he's had this wacky style and while I personally don't like it, it makes his art look good, without it you would just be seeing his raw fundamental skills but the style masks that

>> No.3274046

They draw what they like, not what is right.

>> No.3274048

There's a thread for this topic. >>3269397
Style is something that grows alongside your skill level, keep grinding and drawing what you like and you'll grow a style without realizing it.

>> No.3274049

Oh shit of course why didn't I think of posting this in the alt art thread, thanks anon

On that point, this is true but only for a style that looks good to both artists and non artists, you can have a style without good skills but it will only appeal to non artists and frankly that's what's important if you want to be popular, being an 'artists artist' is no good

>> No.3274055


everything else you posted is nice

>> No.3274102
File: 258 KB, 2048x1592, 1515792940861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the arms on this, they're tiny but it's barely noticable because of the style

>> No.3274103
File: 492 KB, 644x873, 1515793358477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one has three legs

>> No.3274105


>> No.3274106

>Look at the legs* on this, they're tiny but it's barely noticable because of the style
That's full on just a mistake. It's not noticeable because the image is T&A so the arms and legs attract 0 attention.
But how the fuck did this get past anyone?

>> No.3274109

This is what has been bothering me

You can have great anatomy and painting skills but if you can't package your art into a nice finish it won't look at good as some weak art that is finished nicely

Good shape design and fundamental skills are obviously most important in the long run but it takes over 10 years to reach the level where your raw fundamental skills can compete against the style of someone who has been drawing less than a single year

I think it would be a good idea to find out how to get an appealing style to give your art a nice finish whilst you grind out those years until you have a truly good style.

What can I do to get a good style? looking at these artists it obviously doesn't take more than a few months to do, I just don't know WHAT to do

>> No.3274113

>just don't know WHAT to do
You just copy your favorite artists again and again, and you will unintentionally absorb their style because that’s all you know how to do.

Just spam studies of art you like

>> No.3274116

That sounds like a pretty solid plan, thanks anon
Perhaps I should be looking at style as just another fundamental along with anatomy and colour

I'll do that
but still, are there any key popular things you think I should pay attention to?
Things to avoid obviously would be scruffy lineart or rendering, non artists think messy = bad, no matter the skill

>> No.3274117

>What can I do to get a good style?
I suggest you go for more appealing art style than what's best. Like >>3274113
said. I emulate my favorite pixiv artist who has a unique and not complex style and I go from there.

>copy/drag image
>lower the transparency
>trace it once
>move it to the side
>now exaggerated a little to your taste (eyes, nose, etc)
>rinse and repeat

>> No.3274122

Like the other two said, just do some "master studies" or whatever of images you like. Doesn't even have to be artwork, just as long as you're looking to absorb a specific trait of the image you're studying.

>> No.3274134

OP, I think you might be mistaking composition for style.
A good composition is also part of good style, and some people are just better at creating appealing poses, negative spaces, good composition.

Since you're showing mostly character art, I'm assuming that's the gig you're going for. My advice to you is, just use nice pose references and create finished illustrations based on that.
But while you're doing so exaggerate your gesture in the initial drafting stage. Basically put "yourself" on the canvas. While you're doing so, don't worry about small mistakes, cause fixing errors will just make your artwork stiffer. You will end up fixing it throughout the entire process of coloring and cleaning, so NEVER worry about that while drafting.
Mistakes are also part of style developing. Embrace them and take advantage of the ones you subconsciously find appealing.

tl;dr Use references with compositions you like, Be as loose and carefree as possible, embrace mistakes.

>> No.3274226
File: 221 KB, 1730x1490, IMG_20180113_115913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too hung up on fundies. Just draw and have a good sense of appeal

>> No.3275034

Hey I remember this on the bad anatomy thread on /a/.

It's amazing how a lack of silhouette can hide the fact that this girl has two right feet.

>> No.3275037

A lack of *distinct silhouette

>> No.3275041

>his style masks his lack of skill
Ive been looking for a way to describe him for a while and this is it

>> No.3275050

Oh my god, I dont understand this and really want something to make it make sense to me.
I'm pretty new as an artist but I feel like I can draw an art like this or even better, cuz its so simple.
But yet arts like that, less detailed and cutesy will get more attention than the same character drawn with more detailed forms.
What I mean is, why should I bother learning proportions/perspective/muscles/whatever the fuck else if people who draw like that will get more attention than me?

>> No.3275160

Draw what you like - if you like attention then pander to the populace, if you like the challenge of mastering fundies then study, if you just want to enjoy the process then draw what you think is cool

>> No.3275178

That's actually where I got it from lol

>> No.3275181

Alot of these artists don't bother with learning fundamentals because if they can draw in their cute little style they're happy

But it does limit you because if you have a particularly difficult to draw idea you won't able to do it, eventually you'll feel like you're running out of ideas because your skillset only allows for a limited amont of angles and poses

And also yeah what that other guy said: the struggle of gitting gud is fun

>> No.3275189

I been drawing in the way I want but I still wanna make a living of it so I need people to like it.

The weird part is, I have tried drawing more simple and quicker drawings but I never really satisfied just with that.
I see some artists make like a 30 minute simple drawing and people love it like its a masterpiece. I wanna be able to do that. At least to build a fanbase or something.
Btw I'm talking about artists like Diives.
I am in no way saying he is a bad artist but I'm fucking jelly at how he popular he is drawing the simple characters and animations.

>> No.3275349

>see some artists make like a 30 minute simple drawing and people love it like its a masterpiece
I was watching some video of a guy who paints flowers, and he said that people ask him why he charges hundreds of dollars for his paintings that only take 10 minutes to make. He said that he spent 30yrs learning how to paint so really you are paying hundreds of dollars for painting that took 30yrs+10minutes

>> No.3275363

I think because these artists don't have a lot of fundamentals to use in their tool belt, they have to compensate in other ways, such as finding design and pleasing shapes w/ colors. If something is superficially beautiful, people tend to ignore the flaws.

I guess for OP is to try approaching drawing something in a limited fashion to try to hone his skills in other ways.

Just theorizing here.

>> No.3275376
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1405093966958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on /ic/
>get told that style isn't something you need to work on
>get told that fundies like anatomy are more important
>spend months studying things like the pecks of some chad, and the saggy wrinkles of old men
>somehow I'll be able to draw qt stylized girls if I keep doing this

>> No.3275424

but that thing doesn't look good at all

>> No.3275439

>I'm pretty new as an artist but I feel like I can draw an art like this or even better, cuz its so simple.

Because you are not able to properly judge your own skill level yet. What you think is more realistic and skillful when you draw it is really just a mess full of mistakes and beginner problems. Nothing looks uglier than a beginner trying to draw "proper" anatomy and realism. Super simplistic styles have the benefit of having less room for glaring mistakes. Better fundamentals DO give you more attention though, but only if you are a good artist. There is also a point of diminishing returns. But getting from that artist's skill level to say the skill level of someone like Sakimichan or Artgerm would make a huge difference in how much attention you get.

>> No.3275455

Did you know that you can study photos of qt girls instead of chads, and you will still be working on your fundamentals?

>> No.3275463

How exactly can you learn to draw qt stylized girls if you can't draw though? No fundamentals = you can't draw anything properly.

>> No.3275489

Just qt girls, not stylized. I'm saying study from pictures of qt girls. You're complaining about studying old man anatomy... well, study qt girl anatomy, learn the fundamentals of drawing qt girls!

I'm afraid you might be a bit too slow for this sort of work, though.

>> No.3275564

>they draw in a way where they purposely left out or edited aspects to focus on a style
>they don't draw some aspects so that must mean they suck at those even if the result is good.
>I don't get it

My guess is their skill level is higher than yours even if you can't see it.

>> No.3275604

Realize that everything you draw, despite being a representation of 3D reality, sits on a flat paper and hence is a shape. This is why shape design is the ultimate redpill when discussing appeal.

A few more advice:
>human brain is designed for simplicity
>children drawing simple symbols for everything is the most natural way to draw
>natural design can be summed up by "harmony within variety" and applies to every single aspect of art

>> No.3275610

>the fundamentals is a set of skills used to communicate form
>appeal is the artist's ability to portray form in an appealing way,
then appeal is one of the fundamentals.
Probably just as important as perspective because it applies just as often.
So you don't "get an appealing style before grinding the fundies for years", you study it along with it.

Anatomy == visual library, not a fundamental skill.
Landscape painters and vehicle designers have to have strong fundies, but don't have to give a fuck about anatomy.

>> No.3275624

Abraham Lincoln once said that if you five me six hours to chop down a tree, he will spend the first four sharpening the axe. This quote can be applied to drawing becuase to get through the tree, you have to sharpen your skills to get through obstacles efficiently. If all you did was draw, you would probably never improve as much. If all you did was study and draw from life, you would probably never improve on drawing the things you wanted to draw.

To improve, you must draw, look at what you need to improve, and then do studies and try again. The big artists that render like crazy, with awesome styles and almost perfect anatomy? Those guys kept drawing and practicing on things they wanted to improve. And yeah, some of them got their faster than others. Some guys just "get it". Some guys are "talented". But they too had someone like that, someone whom they said "Dang i wish i could draw like that guy", but it didnt stop them from drawing and trying to improve with studies and references.

So all in all, draw, get some references and practice on what you think needs improving, and stop comparing yourself to others. Be the best that you can be. Stop trying to be the next "big artist" or some crap.

>> No.3275682

>Btw I'm talking about artists like Diives.
>I am in no way saying he is a bad artist but I'm fucking jelly at how he popular he is drawing the simple characters and animations.

Diives is popular because he makes smut and cheesecake
Porn sells

>> No.3275689

>Perhaps I should be looking at style as just another fundamental along with anatomy and colour

It's not its separate thing. Styles will make choices about color/anatomy etc. In my opinion you should study styles in light of those fundamentals, not as its additional thing. IE asking "What about his color/anatomy/etc choice makes this piece appealing to me? Why?"

>> No.3275690

>I'm amazed at how effortlessly these weak artists are able to draw art that looks more appealing than mine

It's because of your attitude, maybe if you didn't turn up your nose at other artists work and tried to learn from them, you too could have an appealing style.

An artist's attitude shows a lot in their work, people want to look at fun and emotive art, and you can only achieve that if you're having fun and feeling something for the art you are making.

>> No.3275691


>spend months studying things like the pecks of some chad, and the saggy wrinkles of old men

How exactly did 'learn things like anatomy' direct you to this? You do know women have anatomy too?

If you just want to draw cute girls, study fucking female anatomy you mongoloid.

>> No.3275703

>study fucking female anatomy
Wait, that can make you better at drawing?! Why didn't anybody tell me this? Are we just talking porn or do I need to get my dick wet?

>> No.3275708
File: 94 KB, 640x495, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: NGMI-chan strikes again
First of all I'm going to assume you're not nearly as superior to these ""weak artists"" as you think you are, if you can't even into things like aesthetics/style.This may come as a shock to you but there's nothing stopping you from practicing realism, studying male and female anatomy, and studying how to produce aesthetically pleasing stylized works ALL AT THE SAME TIME. There's nothing stopping you besides your crippling autism and dogged obsession with muh fundies first, muh grinding.

>> No.3275877

>Because you are not able to properly judge your own skill level yet. What you think is more realistic and skillful when you draw it is really just a mess full of mistakes and beginner problems.

Nice projection.
So the more time he spent learning the more he charges for his art? Thats dumb.
What if even after 30 years he still sucks as painter? What if some painter that can do what her does with 10 years of experience?
With that logic you can draw stick characters for 30 years and start selling them for hundreds of dollars.

>> No.3278051

>tfw only studies are solely with female reference
My net's too shit to upload anything, but know that I would've posted a smug image

>> No.3278081

You don't just "get" a style
A style is formed based on your inspirations and growing art knowledge over time.

>> No.3278089

This. Modeseven wrote a cool post about it: