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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 74 KB, 900x450, more-of-the-most-influential-art-schools-in-the-world-900x450-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3273981 No.3273981 [Reply] [Original]

Share interesting stories you have from class, school, lessons, etc. Here's mine:

>freshman year, in drawing foundations
>starting our first week of figure drawings
>model is old blind lady, she has a large old yellow lab as her service dog
>first 3 hrs of class are uneventful, we're drawing and dog is just laying on the floor
>professor tells me and 3 classmates to sit on the floor for nicer angle
>dog starts getting in our face, whining, stinky old dog breath
>"maybe he needs to go out"
>"no anon he's just excited because y'all are on the floor with him"
>push dog away, he goes and sits back down, we keep drawing
>10 minutes pass
>dog gets up, walks over to a girl's pile of drawings
>releases puddle of diarrhea the size of a dinner plate
>stench immediately fills the room, bunch of people go out to the hall
>professor and a few others immediately go to clean it
>3 people are still drawing as if the room doesn't smell like shit
>model is just sitting completely still on the podium the whole time

>> No.3274005

>Sign up for life drawing class because I feel like I could benefit
>It's taking place in a university despite most of the artists not being students, myself included
>middle aged woman walks in and disrobes
>She lies down on the table
>makes eye contact with me the entire time
>struggle to hide boner or red face of embarrasment
>do a really shitty sketch due to the pressure
>never go back

>> No.3274024
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>> No.3274038

This is pretty much 95% of /ic/

>> No.3274144
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>be me
>random asshole that slacks off and has no skills
>graduating high school
>signing up for college on their website in the middle of the night
>tired as fuck
>dad is an architect
>figure I might as well sign up to an architecture program
>accidentally check "art" instead of "architecture"
>do the whole confirmation process
>go to sleep
>wake up next day, see my mistake
>too lazy to correct it

>first semester
>i'm garbage at everything
>people wonder how the fuck i even got in the program without a portfolio
>apparently i was supposed to show a portfolio
>not my fault if they accepted me anyway without one, desu, they shoulda done their job properly

>meanwhile the teachers keep grilling me for my lack of basic skills
>keep making muh subjectivity excuses on the spot
>eventually they start accepting my answers
>overhear one day one of the senior professors saying that i might make a great postmodern artist one day

Guys, fucking help me. I can't keep this up. I don't want to quit, but I also don't want to become some shitty postmodern artist that can't get a job. I've been coming on this board for the past few weeks, near the end of the semester, and I don't know what to do. Does the sticky actually work? How long until I can draw adequately?

>> No.3274159

i want to believe

>> No.3274255

that depends. digital or traditional? if its digital i can teach you how to paint like the greats in no time

>> No.3274257

>10 tricks on how to be a hack
>You won't believe what number 5 is!

>> No.3274263
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Yeah, I can't believe how fucked I am right now. Pic related was the latest observation drawing I made.

Sorry, traditional. I wish I was doing digital, because I've got a fuckton of papers lying around in my house. Never got the money to buy a tablet, I spent it all on paper and paint and pencils.
Thanks for offering, tho

>> No.3274275
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i felt awkward as well, never go a boner though. IDK why but naked people dont turn me on unless they are doing something sexual.

Although, there was this one thing that made me uncomfortable...

>Mid way through the semester
>we have a model rotation, different models every other class, sometimes every class
>this older lady comes in
>she is nice and making small talk with the students
>we set up and i get a nice spot to sit
>the teacher walks in, ask her to get ready
>class starts
>the model walks out in a bath robe, she walks onto the stage and take off her robe
>She has the longest thickens nipples that i have ever seen
>it was like she had wrinkly uncircumcised micro-penises for nipples
>I just sit there or a good 5 minutes, i pretend to measure her proportions while i was actually trying to understand what one must do to have such large and thick, like really thick nipples
>eventually get over it and just draw
>afrer class ends i walk out with my classmates
>walking and making small talk about the poses and the materials i used
>one of the guys changes the topic of our conversation very suddenly
> they were like old corkscrews that soaked in water? So fucking wrinkly and detailed...
>we laugh

Pretty norime story, but it was a good time.

>> No.3274279


I dont want to overstate what i said but i swear that they were like almost an inch long, and almost as thick.

>> No.3274308
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You know, this reminds me of a story I'd like to get off my chest about the arrogance of STEM people.

I was happily walking across campus towards our massive new shiny, glass walled multi-million dollar government funded cheme laboratory when I realized I need to take piss. And what would other building than the the Visual Art department happened to be the nearest? So I was walking through the old building noticing that even though they haven't seen funding for renovation in decades, they seem to have done a good job preserving and what they do have, it felt very cosy. The bathroom was kind of nice clean and the halls were quiet.

On my way out I happened to see an active lecture hall, the lecturer was quietly helping one student at the front while the rest worked so it seemed somewhat akin to a tutorial session. Everyone there seemed pretty relaxed and as if they actually had enough time to properly wash and get well dressed this morning, they put a clear effort into their appearance. I had a minute so I stopped to glance at some work the students were producing.

This experience made me realize 3 things:
>This lecture hall is filled with complete and utter fucking plebs.
>I could draw geometric shapes by hand better and more accurately after my 1st semester tech comm. class than half the hacks and idiots in this class who can barely draw a straight line.
>Our arrogance is completely justified, fuck these tards, arts should not be a real university degree in the 21st century, keep your hobbies outside academia.

>> No.3274381

>taking beginning drawing class
>weeaboo walks in
>he stinks
>he won't stop talking
>refuses to use buy any of the supplies we need for class
>refuses to use anything but a mechanical pencil
>keeps drawing waifus instead of doing classwork or homework
>is told towards end of the semester that there's no way he can pass since he didn't do anything class related
>gets really mad and yells at professor
>drops the class

>> No.3274384


This channel is a bunch of animated coolstories about authors experiences in an artschool.

>> No.3274452

Gonna need to see a quick sketch of this model's nipples, anon. You can't make statements like that without illustrations. Your artistic integrity is at stake.

>> No.3274505

Have another one

>worked in gallery attached to university
>collaborate with city's contemporary art museum for an exhibition that spans 3 locations
>we get this awesome Phil Collin's piece that is basically two staff break rooms built in the middle of our gallery space
>keep it stocked with snacks, coffee, etc
>there's a 52 minute video that plays on the tvs in the break room
>it's a fictional piece where they're exploring Germans' top three fantasies: interrogation, death, and sex
>includes about 4 minutes of hardcore porn performed in front of a "live" audience
>get lots of families and schools in the gallery
>artist has asked us not to censor the work
>give adults with kids disclaimers but there's always kids walking by when they're just zoomed in on these performers sucking dick or getting fingerblasted
>cue parents with "how is this art??"
>snacks were good tho

>> No.3274551

If I were you, I'd drop out and either re-apply to architecture (there they just learn basic perspective and then jump into 3D modelling) or just get a job, since you haven't invested much yet.
It's not like a degree in fine arts is worth much anyway.

Getting decent at drawing (semi-pro level) can take less than a year if you really want it, a more realistic estimate is about 3 years.

>> No.3274621

>1-3 years
I can work with that. Get paid to do nothing at my uncle's company, practice as much as I can, then come back in 1-3 years when I'm decent enough.
I've tasted the artist life. It may not be all sunshine and happiness, but I want more of it; I don't know why.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.3274646

>guy presents his furry porn to the entire class
>"it's an example of modern art"
>entire class and the professor are completely bewildered

>> No.3274656

Seems like 'art school' didnt help him much with his 'art'.

>> No.3274676

is english not your first language? you mention the arrogance of STEM like it's a bad thing, and then at the end say it's completely justified.

>> No.3274687

I think he wanted it to be a twist at the end. Like its written to make it seem like it'll go one way, then curves really hard for effect.

>> No.3274732

no tricks u fucking dike

>> No.3274734

im mean traditional isnt harder, its just i dont have the equipment and quality canvases to use my paint on. just shitty printer paper

>> No.3274848

Mate I'd say stick with it and write a book about your experiences with your sketches included.
Call it 'the accidental artist' or something, It'd be a riveting read. I'd check it out just because I'm surprised that they'd accept you without a portfolio - it could be a fascinating study into the complete ineptitude of the educational system.

>> No.3274850

>is told towards end of the semester that there's no way he can pass since he didn't do anything class related
To be fair I'd be mad too, isn't it the professor's job to make a student aware of this before its too late?

>> No.3274857

This so much! I'd buy it!!

>> No.3275239
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I've been waiting for a thread like this to post some of the experiences in my uni. Behold the madness...

>end of the year presentation
>everyone has to show their final works
>girl has only 1 single picture in a glass frame
>it is obviously a cheaply glued together collage of letters and literal cut-outs from newspapers
>mumbles something about her problems with her dad and starts to cry
>keeps crying and continues to speak for about 5 mins with occasional breathing brakes in between
>everyone claps like mad
>everyone is hugging her and congratulates her for the 'fantastic work'

>'feminist' bitch shows her work
>it's literally a tiny glass box frame on a wall with a shitty drawn silhouette of a naked woman spreading her legs
>the silhouette is drawn on a piece of paper that reads something like: "You're not really my type but your pussy feels nice and you can give good blowjobs. Knowing that you swallow makes me even hornier."
>says the text is an instagram message she received from a guy she used to date
>starts semi-crying
>says this artwork presents the struggle all women have to face under the rule of men in society bla bla bla
>says it is a critique to society that women can not live out their sexuality freely without being shamed as a slut etc.
>everyone claps

(This one is pretty representative)
>guy shows his works
>a small series of oil paintings
>beautifully drawn pieces which could be considered realism but still have his own mark
>he makes his own colors out of oil and various shit he grinds up
>clearly has talent and good work ethic
>"Well, that's nice I guess"... nobody gives a shit and moves on
>next to show her works is stuck up daddy's sweetheart pseudo feminist bitch with weird colored hair
>a series of 'paintings' where she literally just flung different types of black paint on white paper and smeared it with her hands
>professor is super excited and initiates a conversation that goes on for 30 mins
>everyone claps and celebrates her

>> No.3275246

Sounds like the kind of place MOMAron graduated.

>> No.3275248

No, it's not the professor's job to make sure a student knows they are failing. Especially when the student in question habitually didn't do the work that was required for the class.

My classes would usually only have two portfolio reviews the entire semester. I also had classes where we would only have one portfolio review total and others where there was no portfolio review at all.

>> No.3275265

Too bullshit to be to true

>> No.3275300

Funny because I was expecting this kind of response. Be assured it is all true and I can tell more stories that are similar.

>> No.3275351

I require more stories.

>> No.3275359


>> No.3275373

seconding this

>> No.3275374

please tell me this isn't real, that these horrifying people only exist on the internet.

>> No.3275379

pretty boring but the only time i went to a drawing session
>be me, complete rando, found this event online
>everyone is nice and introduces themselves to me
>the girl is pretty but she doesn't take off her clothes the whole session
>Slightly disappointed
>At the end of the session the host comes to talk to me
>while hes talking to me another guy there is taking photos of the model and shes putting her legs up in the air and she's wearing a skirt
>I keep looking over at her even craning my neck to try to catch a peek of her while this guy is talking to me
>he starts looking at me strange
>leave and never go back
I wasn't even trying to be a pervert but she was flashing her shit to theses two people sitting right in front of her and I felt left out.

>> No.3275387

I want to think this too. I don't want to believe that this is true.

Also, what kind of class is this? Are the students taught Art history/philosophy? Are the other classes such as Design or Animation different?

>> No.3275390

The first sentence did not state the "arrogance of STEM" being a bad thing, though

>> No.3275401

first ever session of life drawing, kinda nervous but excited after only ever using online figure drawing sites

>instructor tells us to get ready to draw
>all grab easels no-one really knowing what we're doing since most of us hadn't done figure drawing before
>weird ayylmao looking furry girl who identifies as a boy sets up next to me
>solid 3 or 2 out of 10
>the most unlikeable kind of person, refuses to draw anything but anthro characters

>her being awkward as fuck
>model is a dude with a microbenis, try not smile, everyone in the room is in serious mode

>time to draw, we are told to do a 10mins, first ever live figure drawing is going great. i feel like i'm in my element
>hear wimpering to the left of me 1 minute in
>furry fag is getting triggered
>i try to ignore hoping it goes away, pissed off that this shit is interrupting my learning. look up to the instructor but he seems to not give a shit

>8 mins in and i've done a decent figure, despite being hugely distracted, ask furry girl if she wants to leave the room, wondering why the fuck she hadn't already
>literally stood there so awkwardly with tears down her face the whole time snorting her own mucus
>leave the room, she says "sorry i have issues" and leaves
>i go back to draw, no-one brings it up, i get mad praise on my figures by the instructor all is good

>furry girl didn't show up to a single figure drawing session after that, was generally just as awkward through the rest of the year before dropping out

>> No.3275405

As someone on a university animation course, you're right on the money. Arts shouldn't be taught in university settings. The only reason you go to an arts uni is for possible networking and to incur debt. Note: you are promised nothing once you leave school, you are entirely on your own for your journey unless you stay in contact with alumni, find a mentor, or already landed a gig while in school.

Do not go to university for any degree relating to the arts. Go to an atelier or find a program online. Research your prospective teachers' bodies of work. You need to respect someone if you're going to humble yourself enough to learn anything useful from them. None of my teachers have done anything of significance in the past 25 years, and they don't bother to redline a thing anyone creates.

Don't fall into a wasteful and expensive trap.

>> No.3275409

Sounds like something that happened during one of my first sessions too. We later discovered the furry who ran crying from the room drew diaper porn fetish art on furaffinity. Issues indeed.

>> No.3275425

>Research your prospective teachers' bodies of work.
>None of my teachers have done anything of significance in the past 25 years
Reminds me of the loomis's commentary on finding an art school.

>> No.3275432

>be me
>girlfriend finds weekly life drawing sessions and goes to first class alone
>invited back by some old smokey dude the second week
>she asks me to tag along since the place is kinda shady
>arrive and set up shop in corner of room
>unlimited drinks with $10 admission, pretty nice
>tattoo artist, jazz musician, old painter lady, and two alcoholics eventually file in
>old smokey comes in saying the model's here
>okay I'm ready for another 3 hours of drawing shriveled old men
>solid 9/10 blonde goddess graces the platform with her presence, strips, poses, stares directly at me
>I look at gf
>she's drawing
>I want gains too
>start drawing model
>stupid amounts of eye contact between us
>feel like I'm in the hot seat, hoping she'd stare elsewhere because I know my gf
>sure enough, after the first break my gf packs her stuff up without a word and leaves
>tfw I drove both of us here and she has the keys
>follow her out the door
>feeling whipped
>old smokey on the porch asks my gf if I was bothering her
>she appreciates the concern, but no
>boo old smokey boo we hate old smokey
>gf storms down the block to the car
>hops in
>attempts to drive away without me
>I'm in an area of inner city I've never been before
>because of a life drawing session she wanted me to come to
>she comes to her senses and drives back to let me take us home
>she breaks up with me in the car
>why are you okay with it?
>idk but good luck
>wait no let's stay together!
>she flip flops on the relationship idea for months, we've been living together for half a year
>tfw she's now my ex
>only recently got out of depressed spiral and back in the grove of daily studies and healthy work ethic

I should've just stayed and finished the session, then asked for a carpool from tattoo guy after. At least I might've gotten some art gains instead of chasing crazy.

>> No.3275436

>>I look at gf
>>she's drawing
>>I want gains too
>tfw this is the exact part I knew everything was going to go wrong
You didn't need her anyways. Gains wait for no one.

>> No.3275448

Why you lying? You changed the fact that she was driving.
>I'm in an area of inner city I've never been before
>tfw I drove both of us here and she has the keys

Who am i kidding, it's just a fucking made up green text story.

>> No.3275480

Post your drawing of her

>> No.3275503

Maybe the chick gave the dude directions while he was driving.

>> No.3275661
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Sure thing. Guess I'll learn on-the-fly to write as well. Take a complementary duck in flight.

I have seen the animation students casually show the teachers their smut fanart, so this level of... "special interactiveness" doesn't surprise me. The funny thing is, tho, that the teachers are into that sort of stuff, and do it themselves.

>> No.3275667

Girlfriend probably had a purse and he put the keys in there. When we're out i usually have my boyfriend put my wallet in his pocket because men's jeans are bigger and i don't carry a purse. This is not unusual.

>> No.3275687

No, it was definitely real. The whole situation was actually even weirder but there's a chance some people involved may browse here. And I've seen people wear furry tails and shirts with furry pin up art on them around campus, too.
Some guy came 20 minutes late to class the other day wearing a shirt with a generic animu girl and WAIFU written all over it. He kept interjecting during the professor's introductory lecture and loudly affirming every time there was a pause during the lecture.

I shouldn't be surprised by the lack of inhibition, but I am.

Yeah, the professor sort of let this happen by allowing the classmate to emulate another furry artist. I don't think he knew what he was getting all of us into, though.

>> No.3275740

>can't get a job
NIgga postmodernists are the high rollers.
Learn to shill your garbage for millions, then if the galleries buy it you've got all the time and money in the world to learn to draw anime titties.

>> No.3275926

It doesn't take a degree to write a book, just write your experiences, how you felt at the time and how you feel now about the whole thing.
Do it.

>> No.3275962

Fuck, i went to art college and i can relate to all this bullshit. it's fucking impossible for a man to do any kind of work, because everyone is just fucking obsessed with "muh rape", "muh abuse", "muh abortion" and "muh vagina"

by the 3rd semester i stopped caring, tho. all my works revolved around poorly made "1984" and how the "evil right-wingers are gonna destroy freedom" drawings

>> No.3275980
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>Freshmen year, bright eyed and bushy tailed
>Can't cut or draw in a straight line to save my life
>Craftsmen ship is a hot mess and honestly idk how to fix it.
>Get roasted everyday by old lady teacher who is the head of the department
>Golden boy, John, does everything right.
>Decide to be a Graphic Design Major to make my parents not hate my life choices
>John does as well.

>Utterly bored with it and hate staring at a computer all day
>John immediately picks graphic design and is praised like a God.
>One thing I noticed though: John doesn't take criticism well.
>Older Graphic Design teacher points out flaws and John flips shit.
>Ask around and find out apparently John does that with everyone who tries to criticize anything he does

>I change my focus to printmaking
>Craftsmenship improves like you wouldn't believe
>Finally have a teacher who I respect even though he uses to "tough love" approach to get us to improve
>Almost two Johnless years until he decides to take screenprinting for shits and giggles
>Don't care. I'm at peace with him and myself.
>John tries to draw all of the stencils for screenprint
>Out of all the things he's good at, boy can't draw!
> Me and 4 other John-haters in class roast him for his drawing abilities during a critique
>After class I see John by himself
>He is crying!
>He tells me he knows he can't draw and everyone was mean to him.
>He also tells me he is depressed af and his dad has cancer
>Feel Bad
>He wants a hug and a shoulder to cry on
>I allow it
>Don't hate John anymore even if he is a little bitch who can't draw

Sorry if that was long. I thought chopping it up into two posts would be too much

>> No.3276055


>people who can't draw get admitted to art schools

Literally worse than Hitler.

>> No.3276065

>takes fundies twice
>still draws like a guy who opened SAI for the first time

>> No.3276219

I feel ya mate, had a gf who exactly acted like this. Now I am allergic to this childish behavior, just speak your mind woman instead of doing the cold shoulder treatment to make me look like a fool for the next 3 days. I hope you hooked up with that model or at least tried to.

>> No.3276256
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Not exactly a school story, but one in the makings:
>be 30
>saved money, quit my desk job to try my chances at art
>under-average skills, but applied to an atelier
>look up other students
>big mistake
>everyone is younger (as expected) and looking like fashion models (wtf?)
>everyone is at least twice as good as me
>I am a short, hairy brown guy drawing awkward loomis heads and ugly hogarth baloon figures
>I already can see the gorgeous girls with rich parents giggling behind my back why I don't just hang myself instead of making embarrassing paintings with my hairy hobbit hands
>so nervous about school that I barely practice to prepare for it
>already paid for the school, no refunds

Maybe not the worst thing that I have peers to learn from and that I learn to be humble, but it could be so awkward and devastating that I might not have the stamina to do the necessary work. I'll probably be the butt of the joke and greentext material on these threads.

>> No.3276277

>taking 3-per-week life drawing classes at local community college because that shit is always valuable
>class is mostly teenagers and bored 40-something moms
>nobody really stands out
>except for this one teenaged weeaboo who frequently misses class
>sometimes actually bothers showing up to class without any of his materials
>sketchbook is nothing but eyeballed-from-manga-pages Naruto shit
>hardly even tries to draw, usually just sits there with his headphones on, slumps his shoulders, and pretends to be depressed about stuff
>sometimes just acts like a complete dildo to everyone in the room for absolutely no reason
>and (this one's the kicker) he genuinely demands the teacher and other students call him "Corvus"

>so finals roll around, and we were supposed to do studies of the major muscle groups of the head, arms, hands, torso, hips, legs, and feet
>2 pages per group, 1-3 studies per page, fully rendered, etc.
>not actually that hard of an assignment if you were paying attention and working on it during the semester
>which basically the rest of the class has done
>but not ol' Corvus-kun
>he shows up with barely two pages of unfinished scribbles
>as if he'd remembered the final was due in ~2 hours and thought he'd get away with handing in complete shit
>teacher roasts him a fucking new one
>point to other students in class who actively attempted to improve, instead of (and I'm quoting her here) "trying to hand in badly-eyeballed anime fanart as if it were life drawing"

To his credit, he sat there and took the roasting, but god damn she went off and it was great. She even laid into him for his shitty attitude and frequent absences.

>> No.3276278

Nah, no one's gonna care as long as you don't make a scene or something. Keep doing what you do. Plus you're at an atelier for a reason--to learn more about drawing from life. Think of it as an overweight person going to the gym. No one sensible enough will ever bat an eye at you. If anything, they'd respect you.

>> No.3276290

don't get down on yourself. if you work hard you will surpass the snowflakes who undoubtedly will go on to draw anime fanfic crossover characters.

>> No.3276291

well he failed hard at it

>> No.3276295

you're 30 and you're still frog posting. yeah you deserve it.

>> No.3276298

this desu

>> No.3276300

Exactly what i thought.
But then again, you have to be a complete retard to do it, so i think he just made this story up.

>> No.3276302

>so i think he just made this story up.
on four chan? no way. i would have never thought.

>> No.3276305

This is why i didn't even bother bringing it up before.

>> No.3276315

Where does Loomis say this? I wanna read it

>> No.3276328

>been on animation course for a year
>look up tutors work, all shit /beg/ tier or postmodern artsy bullshit
>non of them done anything of value in their whole career

>they never draw or animate as an example to the class
>found out juicy gossip about the course leader

>she was at an interview for a position at a more prestigious course, they asked her to draw a road going off into the horizon over a hill

>she fucking refused to draw

>they tell her to leave, she didn't get the job

>realise non of our tutors know anything about drawing besides the one dude who comes in to teach life drawing for 2 days of each term

lost all faith in this shitty course. i mean i can teach myself, but i feel bad for the normies on my course who are completely oblivious to what it takes to get a job in this profession

>> No.3276371

Post your resume.

>> No.3276398

Please educate the normies and expose your teachers (anonymously, if possible); it's the moral thing to do. No one, not even fucking normies, deserve to be taught animation by teachers that can't draw.

I hope everyone eventually quits that program.

>> No.3276401

Not me but:
> some guy makes a journal whining about how artists are elitists
> legitimately good though
> comments are full of circle jerking ngmis
> one person caught my eye, he went to art school for photography but whined about getting criticized
> take a look at his gallery
> he does foot fetish porn that involves car brakes or glue
> they suck, they look like they were taken with a crappy phone camera
Why did you go to an art school if you don't even want to learn, dude?

>> No.3276402
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>so nervous that I barely practice to prepare for it
This makes ne go insane. You're doing yourself a disservice. Start practicing, force yourself to practice.

>> No.3276417

What school was this so I can avoid it.

>> No.3276418

>Why did you go to an art school if you don't even want to learn, dude?

it's not about learning, it's about living the narrative
>want to be artist
>go to school
>have fun getting fucked up/going to parties/getting laid
>get discovered
>be successful artist

most people don't have the capacity to even want to learn

>> No.3276431

honestly you seem like the little bitch

>> No.3276448

>fuckin snowflakes and their pronouns...

>> No.3276503

Jorge R. Gutierrez started out exactly as you are when he got accepted to cal arts. He worked his ass off more than any other classmates since he felt he was so behind - not long after he graduated he was talking with execs from studios about getting a series - he made El Tigre.

Maybe not applicable to you since he was an animator, but he definitely was in the same spot you're in and worked 10x harder to overcome the fact that everyone was better than him. Also, don't worry about their looks. You're in school to learn, save the dates for extracurricular. You can do it, anon.

>> No.3276511

We actually go to the same uni because I know exactly who you're talking about.

Story is 100% true and why I warn any prospective art/animation students to research the teachers on their course before enrolling. Art is a highly self-driven career, but when you're paying upwards of $12k per semester for guidance, you deserve someone who can show you they know what they're talking about.

Hang in there, anon. We have one more year.

>> No.3276531


>first day of class
>course heads come in and introduce themselves
>talk about how much work the course is
>some of us more suited to be cake decorators
>some of us won't become animators
>mfw oh shit, cool, this course is legit for dedicated animators only
>first assignment is a one-minute film
>"I don't want to see storyboards, let your visual creativity take over"
>no storyboards
>calling it right now someone is going to crumble leaves for their short film
>tfw after two months of 8a-8p workdays deadline arrives
>because I listened to teacher feedback, my film has cut/added scenes that confuse the entire original narrative
>focus of conflict now revolves entirely around a moment that took 10 seconds in the original edit
>mfw the film I handed in was 40 seconds over time-limit, and unfinished
>oh well
>everything moves fluidly and super proud of the character acting
>thank god im on an animation course
>they'll understand that to put all their feedback into practice, I had to re-board and re-animate several scenes, which takes time
>I just want a pass so I can finish it in my own time after submission
>Christmas break
>schools back and grades released two days ago
>I failed the short film
>feedback reads "too willing to make changes, shows lack of problem solving skills"
>I scrapped and added days of work while making this thing
>all to show I was willing to listen to their critiques
>they failed me for listening to them


>someone did end up making a film about leaves >it wasn't crumbling them
>it was a stop motion walk through a park
>shot in an afternoon
>they passed

UK animation school is bogus my dudes.

>> No.3276550

>>it was a stop motion walk through a park
>>shot in an afternoon
You're saying this like it's a bad thing, stopmotion should be done quickly, it's a frame to frame animation, light changes and small movements can fuck the whole thing. Shit's hard work.

Although I can completely understand why you're upset. I had something similiar happen to me. I was told to change the ending of a storyboard to something dramatic (my original intent was dark humor), ended up doing that and when the other teachers saw the thing on critique day they couldn't understand the new ending at all, asked what that was all about. When I tried to explain I was listening to feedback and changed it, they all agreed the original ending was better.

In some way I understand what your teachers are saying because we both changed things to please others without thinking of our own film's narrative. They shouldn't have failed you based on that though.

>> No.3276558

>painting from life
>model is a dumpy woman in a muumuu
>afraid to draw her dumpy, pretty her up a bit
>during break, I take a seat in the back of the studio
>she starts walking around looking at our paintings
>she approaches mine and stares at it with a particular infatuation that she ignores the rest.
>break time almost over
>want to get my paints ready but I can't
>I am afraid to approach my easel because I don't want to tell her I purposely avoided drawing her dumpy like how she really was and that's why she must like my painting
>I just wait for break time to be over.
Why am I so antisocial?

>> No.3276584


>> No.3276606

Hahahaha god you sound like a fucking idiot. Get gud faggot or just drop out and get a burger flipping job.

>> No.3276642

What happened next?

>> No.3276659

Yeah, I guess I'm just salty that someone spent an afternoon bumming around in a park and I spent two months with a pen.

My teachers had every right to fail me, and they did, but I guess I had unreasonable belief that since everything on the screen was fully animated, (and I included sound), it would pass for a "film" even though there was no clean-up/colors yet. It bums me out because I was ahead of schedule for finishing the damn thing before I was told to scrap scenes last minute. Guess it's good to live and learn.

My main gripe is that if I fail anything else they'll ask me to repeat the year, a major waste of time and money for me. I'll drop out if that happens, but it's annoying to think that I could do some bullshit abstract idea and avoid this stress, instead of giving my 100% to creating an original cartoon. We're sort of urged to not make very cartoony shorts actually, and that bugs me because it's the entire reason I enrolled in an animation course in the first place. There's a pretty large lack of comedic content in recent student works from what I've seen, which is strange because I agree with what Plympton said about keeping things "short and funny".

>> No.3276664

>freshman year, life drawing for the first time
>model really good at striking and holding dynamic poses
>wow this is great
>end session, everyone leaves and we get food together
>next week
>class is half the size it was before
>old guy steps onto podium, cheeks facing me
>biggest bruise on ass ever
>every pose just flashes me
>I soldier on, I must improve
>classmates begin to file out one by one
>I'm the last one left
>he turns and stares at me
>"How long, bud?"
>Uh, I'll just leave too, thanks though

Maybe I'm NGMI, but even my uncomfort zone has a limit.

>> No.3276666

If they don't want humor, just go full "crawling in my skin" mode and push "muh artistic value in this dark cruel world" narration.
They wouldn't be able to say shit and you will have the last laugh in end.
You can call it meta humor if you want.

>> No.3276670

no you got fucked.
uni dont grade effort, but (((ideas))).
if i were you, id just drop out if id have to repeat the course, or complain to the head about this particular assignment.

>> No.3276693

>check out the art schools in Germany for illustration
>the professors draw artsy shit
>the student work is worse than /ic/
what the fuck

>> No.3276700

Fucking this. I have spent countless hours going through all the schools in Germany and checking the professor's works. Let me know if you find one with teachers who can actually draw.

>> No.3276714

There is only one I found so far which has a few okay teachers, its the WAM school but you dont even get a degree and its a private one. Student work is still shit.

I have the same problem checking out schools in austria and swiss. Just why.

>> No.3276718

It is baffling to see how the sham that was the modern art movement has crippled almost all present day Art institutions.

>> No.3276764


>> No.3276766

>people who can't draw get admitted to art schools

very common. any university also has to be seen as a company. they have run economical, get some representive numbers at the end of the year and sometimes depend on government or private sponsors. if they happen to have a year with a lot of bad students applying for a course, they will still have to meet the quota. seen it done many times. also, sometimes it's simply a pretty awkward misjudgement of the skills and motivation of the applicant.

>> No.3276791

Lol. I like how you write.

>> No.3276799

>boo old smokey boo we hate old smokey
I like u man.

>> No.3276804

Kill yourself?

>> No.3277033


Gosh I'm happy to post this since this annoy me so much

>Guy in my class always show off his "drawing" by putting them in evidence in the classroom
>actually copies of preexisting photos
>litteral copies he made digitally, doing the line only
>exact same pose, expression and clothings
>Act like he actually know how to draw
>his "art" is completely fake, superficial and lifeless
>Some new students don't know he just copy stuff are amazed

>> No.3277047

Basically, he is just a shitty copy machine.
He cannot draw from imagination, so his skill has no application.
Let him bask in his short lived glory. This is all that he will ever get.

>> No.3277064


>> No.3277065

Your reply calmed me down a little, thank you.

I just don't get how some people can live with themselves doing that. This is such a lack of respect and honesty toward both the audience, hard working students and himself.

I wouldn't even mind if he was nice, but he's a dick. Guess only dick people can feel proud over something like that

>> No.3277066

He's going to make it because you need to be able to copy well to do anything else.

>> No.3277072

>plebbit spacing
Just suck my cock and leave this site, you stupid cunt.

>> No.3277084

True, forgot to specify he only copies bimbo though

>> No.3277128

I avoided eye contact with her forever.

>> No.3277161

>>refuses to use anything but a mechanical pencil
Patrician desu. No reliance on fancy tools, just skill.

>> No.3277164

>>plebbit spacing
Not that anon, but I never understood why you morons think this has anything to do with reddit. I make paragraphs in my emails and in any texts, if the subject of my text is changing or moving towards another point. It makes sense to make paragraphs, just hardly anyone does it on the web.

>> No.3277190

>i am just paragraphing it, i swear!
Apologists and enablers like you are the worst.
Who the fuck would paragraph single lines like that?
>It makes sense to make paragraphs, just hardly anyone does it on the web.
That's the fucking point, you retard.
98% of the time it's just an avid leddit poster, who developed a habit.

So shut the fuck up.

>> No.3277197

>98% of the time it's just an avid leddit poster, who developed a habit.
oh I'm sure you run the statistics around here. thank you, Mr. scientist!

>> No.3277208

>Who the fuck would paragraph single lines like that?
>Rather like the use of ultra-short sentences, writers can use a ‘one-line paragraph’ to stand out as a contrast to their longer paragraphs.
Have you ever read a book, anon? It's more common in literature than academic work, but one-sentence long paragraphs are common.

>> No.3277216

Have you even read a quote you posted?
>Rather like the use of ultra-short sentences, writers can use a ‘one-line paragraph’ to stand out as a contrast to their longer paragraphs.
>as a contrast to their longer paragraphs.

You are so dumb, it's insane.

>> No.3277219

>longer paragraph
That means a sentence or more longer paragraph, anon.

>> No.3277230

This happens every time I draw females, it's so distracting that I stopped completely. I just want skills, not grills.

>> No.3277238

All of his paragraphs are one liners.
I understand if he would have wanted to split first line, but splitting second and a third one obviously shows that he just wanted to create a new line.
So stop pushing this retarded "these are just paragraphs" narrative.

>> No.3277240

>I just don't get how some people can live with themselves doing that. This is such a lack of respect and honesty toward both the audience, hard working students and himself.
>I wouldn't even mind if he was nice, but he's a dick. Guess only dick people can feel proud over something like that
>these are one liners

>> No.3277248

They occupy a single line and there is no "\n" character inside, so yeah, these are one liners.

>> No.3277250

I won't argue with that. This school turns you into a jealous bitch. There was a kid who did photography because he wasn't great at anything else and was more or less just trying to get a degree so he can have something to fall back on if his band backfires. But he would get scholarship after scholarship from the art program, just because he was the son of the head of the department, and the professors were just kissing her ass.

He goes to the school for free and gets more money. How can I not be a bitch about it?

>> No.3277283

Pretty sure he is talking about the Richard Williams quote and wrongly attributing it to Loomis. In Loomis's time, teachers were competent in the arts.

>> No.3277322
File: 837 KB, 1349x900, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot search for text in these pdf's, so it took some time to find it.
Pic related, it's from "Figure Drawing".

>> No.3277329

I knew his advice would be along the lines of, "just hop to the art school next door" since it wasn't hard to find a good art teacher back then. It's not a complete doomsday scenario like now.

>> No.3277333

Did you even read what he said, you stupid nigger?
It's the opposite of "just hop to the art school next door".

>> No.3277351

Loomis would be telling you NOT to go to an art school if good ones were so damn rare, retard.

>> No.3277355

Back from my first ever figure drawing class. Everybody was just trying their best. Felt like kind of a dick for hoping for some sort of freak show, at worst I just felt bad for a man who looked to be in his 40s who was just starting and wanted to draw his own superhero comics. The models were older overweight women but I was expecting that. I was probably the weirdest one there

>> No.3277359

Are you fucking autistic?
He basically says "Attend an art school, if you can find a good one".
With this sentence he is implying "Don't attend an art school, if you cannot find a good one".
Lear to fucking comprehend the text you are reading, brainlet.

>> No.3277375

His "attend if you can" thing is referring to scheduling and your own personal finances. He says find another school, if the one you found sucked. You are such a fucking retard.

>> No.3277381

>what is reading comprehension
Try to process the message of the whole paragraph, autismo.
Do it until you understand or until your tiny brain will overload and you will die.

>> No.3277391

Moral of the story is. That guy is going on to be known as a current day master of the arts and the women went on to manage a support group. Which is also nice.

>> No.3277392

>Attend an art school if you can,
Attend an art school if you got the time and money
>but carefully consider the instructors
If they suck go to another school
Where does he say "if all the art schools suck don't go to one"?
Put it in historical context when illustration was used more than photography in advertisements and you look like even more of a retard.

>> No.3277399

Here in the Netherlands we don't have any art ateliers like you americlaps have so I went to this graphic design-esque school that somewhat focused on art, but let me tell it was dogshit.
Pretty much every teacher there had absolutely abysmal art skills; like legitimately worse than your average /beg/ posters. It was crazy disappointing.
It's a shame art education is so shit in most countries.

>> No.3277402

I have already understood that you cannot comprehend the text.
Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.3277453

I have a couple stories but I'm to lazy to type em out. All I'm gonna is I took some courses ( had to for credit to Graphic Design ) and it was a big waste of time/money.

>> No.3277470

Not much of a story but gives you an understanding of what the learning process was like.

>be me, in sixth form art.
>teacher is laid back cool guy type around 50 years old, wears a stylish scarf inside, puts a lot of effort into his looks.
>I'm trying to cobble together something of worth but teacher hasnt taught us anything.
>was just about to get in our work room and teacher comes out.
>say good morning to each other and then teacher starts talking about my hair. I had really long hair at the time.
>teacher starts talking about the style of the 80's and how long hair was in for men which leads to his story about how he used to be in a band back in the day and they played on Top of the Pops once.
>Listen to his story for a bit and ask what we are learning today. He mumbles a bit and walks back inside after finishing his cigarette.
>Teacher has vanishes for awhile, when he comes back he starts chatting up the female students as they are scribbling on paper.
>cant really make out what they are saying but after about 35 minutes he gets up and says "good lesson, see you all tomorrow"
>I didnt see him tomorrow.

Didn't get anything out of sixth form art other than this £30 a week for student government scheme. So not all bad. Had a lot of laughs too.

>> No.3277483

so did you fuck or what

>> No.3277509

The teacher? No. That aint my thing.
But I did get a blowie from one girl.

>> No.3277542

That's super dumb. As a phone fag I appreciate if anons make paragraphs, becausr it makes the text easier to read. I rarely do it, becausr I'm a lazy piece of shit, but calling out people with a decent writing style is bullshit. I have to admit I've never been to reddit, but I'm sure it can't be worse than the majority of 4chan boards, so how is that even an insult?

>> No.3277570

Conte is a fancy tool? Charcoal is a fancy tool? Chunked graphite is a fancy tool? Mechanical pencils are incredibly fancy because they produce one kind of line consistently with no effort.

>> No.3277632

I'm not usually against copying, but someone not being upfront about the copying fucking pisses me off.

>> No.3277655

What happened? You guys had the likes of Rembrandt.

>> No.3277663

>dumb phoneposter defending reddit
>one type of cancer protecting another
like poetry

>> No.3277690

>figure drawing course
>draw the guys penis way small because I spent too much time on the arms
>he looks at all the pictures up on the wall after in his robe
>gets to mine and goes "aw"

>> No.3277826

I lost

>> No.3278075
File: 17 KB, 455x406, Plunko Kangroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no

>> No.3278076 [DELETED] 

Stop jacking off everyday.

>> No.3278079

Stop watching porn.

>> No.3278086

That is 100% not true.

>> No.3278790


That sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I could get away with that.

>> No.3278802

Always laugh when people post this image thinking that it proves anything

>> No.3281248

Fun thread. Bump.

>> No.3281267

>model is just sitting completely still on the podium the whole time
Damn, what a pro.

>> No.3281552

that sounds remarkably stupid, honestly

>> No.3281557

>"sorry i have issues"


>> No.3281697
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>> No.3281903

dude, you made it this far
you bought the ticket, just enjoy the ride

>> No.3281914

>finish 2 years in community college
>decide to go to art school to be a fine artist
>see that school has an illustration program
>i figure that illustration would offer more job prospects
>credits transfer over so i enter the school as a sophomore
>find out how pretentious illustration professors are
>they treat illustration as some higher form of art
>most professors don't like my work
>one of them basically puts me through emotional abuse
>depression and anxiety increases
>finding it harder to socialize with classmates because of it
>paranoia about the future set in, makes things worse
>junior year comes and we have to do some bullshit thesis project
>professor makes it seems like some do or die project that will effect us for years to come
>hates my work and the pace that i work
>expects finished pieces in a week
>depression and anxiety increases
>tfw i spent 35k just to have horrible neurotic existential anxiety, when i could've gotten that for free at home
>parents think i'm going to super successful the minute i graduate
>this container of mineral spirits is looking tempting

>> No.3281970

Oh man i had the best art teacher in secondary school
>tall bald man who is super knowledgeable about everything but also quite strict
>sung dirty sea shanties to use while we were working
> has a tin of inspirational sayings which he occasionally picked things out of, lots of chinese philosophy in there
>when people didn't do their homework or fucked around he'd go apeshit and give them massive bollockings, never directed at me so it was fun being all smug
>if anyone was there working late or in on a Saturday he'd order pizza or get stuff for us to make sandwiches with
>once saw him wiping sweat off his brow through a door with a friend and we thought he was polishing his head, couldn't stop laughing
>great taste in music, would play loads of cool shit for us and let people listen to mp3's when working

Became quite good friends with him after i left, i still see him and his kid occasionally.

>> No.3281988

Man up, faggot. You should have known better than to go to art school like a little bitch. How much money do your parents make?

>> No.3281989

Architecture school

>end of first year
> rich chinese international student who dresses like someone from /fa/
>is pretty nice but never works and isnt that great
>final project crit
>has designed a fucking 500m glass swimming pool raised up in the air
>water drips down from the pool onto plants or some shit, so people can take pictures of them
>a spiral staircase goes up from this area to the pool, with water flowing down it
>all his people in his drawings look like aliens
>english is not so great
>proff starts asking him about it, why have you got death stairs ect
>replying in broken english about people taking pictures of water
> friend starts giggling
>have to go out of the room so we don't laugh at him

second year
>on short field trip to a power station thats about to be knocked down
>is pretty cool seeing all the machinery and inside of the cooling towers ect
>theres this annoying greek girl in our class who loves anime and really wants to be an illustrator
>proff is talking to guy showing us around about merits of renewable energy or some shit
> greek girl asks "why dont we just set up big metal rods and get electricity from lightning"
>both proff and guide have to explain to her why its not possible

>> No.3281996

So why isn't it possible

>> No.3282011

hard to predict, difficult to capture, infrequent. Could be done but its poor source of power.

>> No.3282013

>You're not really my type but your pussy feels nice and you can give good blowjobs. Knowing that you swallow makes me even hornier.
Gonna start using that one.

>> No.3282021

She was probably molested at a young age, which is probably why she's a sexual deviant.

>> No.3282037

My guess would be she is envious her clit will never be big enough to pass as a micro peeen.

>> No.3283404

kek i hope you made his arms swole at least

>> No.3283465

>2nd week of animation course
>this one asshole classmate criticizes one of my friends for his "realistic" artstyle
>goes on about how he should watch Steven Universe and study it
>don't want to make a scene so I keep my mouth shut
>start to chat with one of the older life drawing models, cool guy, but he looks like a fossil
>eventually become good friends with him after a month or so
>tell model buddy about Asshole
>model buddy starts to take up poses that expose his taint to Asshole
>watch as Asshole is visibly disgusted by this, and can barely look up to draw his figure
>model buddy has done this every time he's come in for life drawing

This has been going on since September. Maybe I'm the true asshole.

>> No.3283531
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>Maybe I'm the true asshole.
>steven universe
nope, justified

>> No.3283537

made me chuckle.

>> No.3284469

Women should never be in art.

>> No.3284692

he was a skinny guy so no but drawing his back was a fuckin treat
>same class the professor always wears black
>someone points out he only wears black because the charcoal gets everywhere
>he comes back in an all white outfit the next time
>wears white everyday for the rest of the semester
>everyday he's fucking immaculate

>> No.3285323

wew michelangelo is that you

>> No.3285352

true, talking vaginas should never leave the house, they turn everything in boredom or stupidity.
they are fucking boring.

>> No.3285402

tbqh i can understand this cause if she was good at drawing and devoted all her time to just learning to draw she'd be dumb as fuck too. still funny tho

>> No.3285412

>be 18, senior year in high school
>go through drastic improvement over the summer
>go into AP art class
>class is about 11 females and 4 males including myself and the teacher
>all /beg/ tier and want to make a living off of art
>i only turn in 3 assignments the whole semester
>i spend all of class sleeping, drawing for myself, shitposting, or playing breath of the wild
>expect to fail the class, but i check my grades and i got a 100 for the first 9 weeks and an 80 for the second 9 weeks
>AP class so its even better for my gpa
>tfw i got good grades for playing vidya and doodling while all these bitches had to bust their asses for it

>> No.3285491

Just pointing out a very common theme in these horror stories.

>> No.3285506

Every drawing class I take, it just drains the life out of me.
>Be decent at Graphic Design
>Turns out to be shittier than everyone else despite the fact I worked as a designer for a few companies
>Everyone keeps to themselves
>My drawings are always so shit because I'm so used to letting Illustrator do the work
>Prof always gives tons of input to the talented students and the prof looks at mine and says nothing when he sees mine

Every art class. The only motivation I have is the fact I'm a fucking senior and I just wanna move out and join the police or some shit. I would practice and get to the same level as my peers but I just can't get motivated. I just want my useless degree so people can leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.3285535

da vince here guys

>> No.3285573

>re-apply to architecture

DO NOT DO WHAT THIS ANON SAYS architecture is one of the hardest majors you literally have to build shit that functions and can stay stabilized, your not only just doing shit in Rhino (3-d modeling). Seriously dude your lazy ass could not handle that major. Also you never get any fucking sleep, you practically live in your studio, my friend did architecture at Parsons he eventually dropped it and went into illustration for his final year graduated and used his knowledge of 3d software to get some job out in new jersey where they pay him 70,000 to make 3-D BRAND DESIGNS, not bad. If anything, just take part of what he said, drop out and apply to some 3-d modeling course, little to no drawing you learn about software and shit, but it is good to know anatomy.

>> No.3285580

You're a girl, aren't you?

>> No.3285591

Practice the basics. Thats it. But youre in an art program so, I'd just drop out and pick something better.

>> No.3285594

Wow you didnt lie about fundamentals, you could practice them if you want its not that challenging. Either way the same basics skills will transfer to architecture. In short, you have to practice drawing 3d shapes.

>> No.3285596

Now I know to avoid art university degrees. Thanks a million anon and godspeed.

>> No.3285600

>Haven't laughed this hard in a while


>> No.3285662


>> No.3285707


>> No.3285708

>first generation immigrant
>win a scholarship for one year at an atelier
>know like 4 wordes of english
>this is a problem because i told them that my english is good over an emile
>i used google translate to communicate with them and thats how i fooled them
>Spend my first semester pretending to be practically deaf to cover up the fact i understand next to kno english.
>People think I'm retarded
>Im in my second year of the program now and i cam have cconversations with people now
>feels good man :)

>> No.3285730

it was always so fucking awkward when the furries would present their work because every one fucking knew what they were up to but could not say anything

>> No.3285802
File: 299 KB, 1060x1370, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>fall 2015
>transfer to 4 year public university after 2.5 years of community college to major in studio art
>tfw too poor to actually go to art school
>had a good time taking the foundation courses, decide to move on and take drawing courses over the following summer
>8 week class, 4 hour drawing sessions
>models would often cancel so we'd be stuck doing still-lifes with found objects within the room
>professor was a painter who likely hasn't illustrated anything in years; his enthusiasm for the course was non-existent
>each week he gave us reading assignments out of John Berger's "Ways of Seeing", in a banal attempt at stimulating our creativity
>immediately realize how vastly underfunded the university's art department really was, too little too late
I got my diploma yesterday and have little to show for it.

>> No.3285810

>Junior year in art class
>we make an art project where we paint on paper, put masking tape, paint over, then rip it off to reveal a pattern
>I'm a pretty big fan of Clone Wars at the time
>spend the better part of the semester making a General Grievous one (it looked damned near picture perfect)
>I try ripping it off & it's ruined, tearing paper any time I try (lots of small parts)
mostly an extra credit piece, but the teacher still liked it enough to up my grade a bit

>> No.3286840

nice. fake it till you make it.

>> No.3287112


>> No.3287784

i'm only taking art to meet art hoes and softboys

>> No.3289469


>> No.3291864

just git gud. take advantage of your lousiness on bases and think out of the box. explore complex ones, technical and conceptual. may be you can change things on art for good.

>> No.3291974


>> No.3291997

just cause proko did nothing but copies doesn't mean people who draw from imagionation should never copy

>> No.3292009

Wow, didn't realize IC was filled with beta cucks like this.
>My first nude model was a previous art student, fit 20 sometime yogi with nipple and labia piercings, held interesting poses for a long time cause she could, beautiful body. Didn't get a boner cause I'm not a social awkward virgin and focused on my studies cause the human form is my favorite subject.

>Next model was a fit older man (like 50-60 years old) and he turned it into a performance with juggling and doing running jumps to get into poses with his dong sashaying along. Made it funny as fuck and had a good time.

Ya'll need to socialize and stop being pussies about human reproductive organs, you'd think you'd get desensitized to tits and dicks from the amount the average 4channer jacks off to them.

>> No.3292026

sounds like bpd

>> No.3292102
File: 694 KB, 620x924, 1516459672993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok class, time for life drawing.
>We have new models today.
>But we need a male model too.
>Anon it's your turn today. Get into the stage.

>> No.3292115

wow your so cool anon

>> No.3292132

What JAV is this again?

>> No.3292133

I don't think that's ever happened to anyone

>> No.3292143
File: 115 KB, 680x521, af2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if dick get erect during posing??

>> No.3292145

you lay down for the next 5 min pose

>> No.3292147

i would literally cum in my pants

>> No.3292151
File: 128 KB, 264x264, 1456157564123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine your willy springing up from the thought of all those eyes gazing at you in every detail of your physique and then you realize everyone will know you are aroused and like to be embarrassed and then you accidentally make eye contact with someone and they smile making the whole situation a lot more awkward than it already is.

muh dick

>> No.3292155

yeah good luck holding that pose on one leg

>> No.3292156

Then you are pretty pathetic.

>> No.3292165

had a male model once who kept getting a boner, but everyone just ignored it
maybe it was because he had a small dick though

>> No.3293592


>> No.3293646

>be 16, take drawing class at community college for fun and to get out of dumb high school classes
>Teacher is old dude, not the greatest but pretty chill and cool
>class is only 10 people, I make huge art gains just from the benefit of one on one instruction
>realize art is something that can be learned, decide to major in art

>get to uni, first day of drawing class
>Theres like 40 people in the class.
>Two professors, always running around fucking rambling some weird hippie shit; i never know what the fuck they're taking about
>rarely any fucking feedback at all

>3D design class
>teacher is a hard ass, all projects have to be made out of paper materials
>i'm not meticulous, and fighting against the medium my projects turn out subpar

>painting class
>old hippy eastern european dude, literally gives no instruction

>all my shit is turning out mediocre
>get depressed and anxious from the fact that this will be my "career"
>switch my major to communications, get depressed, dont make any art for like 5 years

In retrospect it was definitively my fault and i regret a lot of it, but holy fuck art school is a fucking meme. Either go to some elite school where if you get in you're gonna really get something out of it, or go to a cheap community college with small classes, semi interesting teachers, and take advantage of the resources to develop your own creative vision. Anything in the middle is fucking bullshit

>> No.3293659

>be me, sophmore year, high school
>sit at the table with “the senior artists”
>We start drawing art for competitions
>girl next to me has endless scholarships for winning a bunch of art competitions
>shes cool and is always snacking in class while arting
>one day I bring NutterButter snacks to class and she sees me eating
>”Oh! What is it? Can I have some?”
>breaks off piece and she eats
>immediately “Oh, does this have peanut butter??”
>her face drops and starts having an allergic reaction.
>breathing difficulties, face swelling
>goes to the nurse and gets sent home
>Doesnt come to school for a month
>Other artists “you killed her” or “that was sabotage”
>when she returns she said “man that shit was good”
>keeps drawing, wins competion for state and nationals

We’re still friends.

>> No.3294134

This just happened yesterday.

>teacher shows examples of artists who draw figures well
>shows Norman Rockwell art as an example of designing characters
>resident Weeb Gang interrupts
>sits back down with her weeb gang giggling about how art "is a matter of taste"

All of her work is shitty traced anime characters. The only thing that kept me from killing her is that she's definitely NGMI

>> No.3294158


>> No.3294216

>shitty traced anime characters
Give her a few years and she'll be tracing real people just like Rockwell did.

>> No.3294260

Good shit, made me smile.

>> No.3294365

I had a friend of mine who had the same experience. His family is poor af and I just feel so bad for them. It's been 4 years since and he's still stuck drawing waifus, has no job. I want to encourage him to get a job he likes but he won't do any master studies, gesture, anatomy, anything. I'm just so sorry for his family.

>> No.3294370

Rockwell caricatured his references. The concept of caricature goes over weebs' heads.

>> No.3294389

US organizations will hand out scholarships to immigrants like candy, but rarely to established white citizens. Smh

>> No.3294453
File: 982 KB, 390x259, Judgedisappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go again with this victim complex shit

>> No.3294508
File: 40 KB, 480x384, 1485323836509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This amazing thread is still going one, bump for the lols

>> No.3294525

>get paired with a guy for a storyboard project
>”hey anon, let’s do an Aliens/Xenomorph story”
>sure why not
>as we’re doing the project he tries to convert me to Islam
>”there are less than 2% Caucasian Muslims in the US, did you know that? That means I’m pretty rare”
>uh alright
>”btw anon, I’m really autistic”
>he then says how he wants to date another classmate there, but that if I was willing to be Muslim he’d also be ok with me
>what the fuck
>goes on and on about how he works at a museum and how much he loves dinosaurs
>after class go to find him on dA
>it’s nothing but Xenomorph and dinosaur porn

Fuck art school

>> No.3294528

wow, I wonder why they'd help out non-established people more than already established people. hmm makes me think

>> No.3294553
File: 29 KB, 344x363, 4ba17f4975c9c9c4f47213cad6759954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caucasian Muslims
>Xenomorph and dinosaur porn

sounds about right

>> No.3294563
File: 410 KB, 913x833, 1517348101215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-white trends don't exist

>> No.3294567

i've never seen more of a bitch than you are

>> No.3294583


>education aimed a "x" race/group

>A-Anti white omg!!!

>> No.3294608
File: 42 KB, 566x633, 1485755481267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s nothing but Xenomorph and dinosaur porn


P.S. are those halal?

>> No.3294668

the horrors of white genocide!

>> No.3294706

were they both male dinosaurs? Give us some deets

>> No.3294727


>> No.3294741
File: 56 KB, 358x429, 8913467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not anti-white
But it's pretty fucking retarded

>> No.3294781

I went to work health and safety class, I thought it was art class? then finally after 3 hours we have the teacher just giving us random examples of romanticism art and the other sculpture teacher giving us random examples of patterns, we are not learning anything yet, we are just expected to draw something. No tutorials or anything.

>> No.3294809

>go to cartooning class thinking its about animation
>it isnt
>was almost 1 min late to class
>walk in
>everyone is seated
>instructor walks up to me asking, "Are you here for cartooning?"
>uh sure, yea
>get seated next to some mexican
>look at the whiteboard
>Blue furry drawing pinned to the board
>Instructor does roll call
>doesnt call my name
>"huh, we have more student here than on this sheet. Raise your hand if i didnt call you..."
>start sweating
>want to raise my hand
>voices in my head say he'll shrug it off
>he doesnt
>does roll call again
>gets halfway through
>makes eye contact with me
>I raise my hand out of fear and anxiety
>asks for my name
>oh im anon
>"oh I dont have you, you mind writing your name on here"
>yea sure
>"do you plan on taking this class?"
>maybe, when will we be animating?
>"oh, we dont do that here"
>already here
>I'll write it down, but I'll let you know if I change my mind
>instructor talks about the class and the syllabus
>"we'll go over character development used in animation and environmental design"
>instructor looks me dead in the eyes
>shows off the art done by previous students
>bad to average
>nothing that stands out
>flash forward to the end of class
>come back 5 mins later to talk to the instructor
>Yea i dont think I'll take this class
>he says no prob
>shakes my hand

I considered emailing him to see if i can come participate in one of the assignments. The class looks fun, and itd be nice to interact with art people.

>> No.3294828

My penis!

>> No.3294830


>> No.3294833

Fuck her vagina raw until she has to crabwalk everywhere.

>> No.3294835


>> No.3294837

White people live in two story houses though. No contest.

>> No.3294914

>this class sucks
>I want to participate in one of the assignments even though I'm not in the class anymore
This is supper autism right here, quit being a fag and take the class if you want to show everyone how good you are.

>> No.3294951

thats something I need to work on

>> No.3294962

>beta cucks
Like being a nigger twitter speaking retard is any better

>> No.3294975

It's been a few years so I don't remember his dA. Surprisingly enough though they were drawn fairly well.
No he specifically wanted to fuck giant xeno/dino pussies. I really wish I remembered his username.

>> No.3295139

>has erectile dysfunction
>calling people betas

>> No.3295228

You're retarded as fuck.

>> No.3295282

why do you waste my fucking time like this?