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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 644 KB, 750x1334, D3FD0081-788C-4B56-A9E3-15323462C1AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3266142 No.3266142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did this happen to Rcdart

>> No.3266144

Who? What?

>> No.3266145

WHAT? Bump I'm confused

>> No.3266147
File: 186 KB, 847x1010, allsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Jasper

>> No.3266166
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Got too stuck up her own ass, seeing as how her art somehow got WORSE after all the criticism.

>> No.3266168
File: 42 KB, 723x396, finn and kylo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266174

What's with the nose and mouth??

>> No.3266176

I'm so triggered by this, why does this exist

>> No.3266181

What happened to kylo ren?

>> No.3266182
File: 296 KB, 900x1200, DQbLbPTVoAA7-H3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get run off tumblr for hilariously bad trans Captain America fanart
>still draw like this months later

>> No.3266183

What do you mean, he’s on model as fuck

>> No.3266185

It's not a dude?

>> No.3266188

Jun 13 looks better than Jun 30 tbhh

>> No.3266190

Kylo needs to be a little wider.

>> No.3266191

this can't be real. This has to be ironic shitposting.

>> No.3266193

More like "they/them", but I thought rcdart was a dude for a while because of their face until I saw a selfie with tits.

>> No.3266195
File: 106 KB, 1200x901, DSRQw12UQAA5MU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several months of ironic shitposting?

>> No.3266200

The overall shape could make for an interesting character, but I know this is just the artist failing at drawing a human being.

>> No.3266202

How the fuck can an actual living breathing person think any of this is ok
this is he darkest timeline>>3266142

>> No.3266204
File: 47 KB, 500x466, tumblr_mr1jiwK9Yo1r7pqrpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if my memory serves right, theres ones with the exact pose by sugar, but I couldn't find it (not like I would save her art)

>> No.3266205
File: 305 KB, 1280x941, steve rogers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would, wouldn't you?

>> No.3266206
File: 18 KB, 450x382, ptQemMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266227

why the stretch marks tho

>> No.3266232

"Body positivity"

>> No.3266234


>> No.3266238


It's social engineering. Tumblrinas subscribe to the idea that what we find attractive has no basis in nature and is completely defined by arbitrary norms that we are free to change if we can only dismantle patriarchal structures. They literally believe that if enough people draw ugly tumblr cartoons with stretch mark people will find stretch marks attractive.

>> No.3266240

These retarded "they/them" pronouns that's all the latest rage for people who want to be part of the "oppression" always seem like the biggest red flag.

I swear I barely heard of the existence of this shit less than 5 years ago.

>> No.3266242

I wish my gym had scales

>> No.3266245

Who the fuck is this? Some nobody tumblr artist?

>> No.3266251
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oh why

>> No.3266261
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>> No.3266262

I hate that this exists but at least they look like the characters they are supposed to be.

>> No.3266264
File: 395 KB, 1280x1637, 1515307019505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr artist that started out okay, went to Calarts and got progressively worse and got outed for their trans men fetish

>> No.3266266

Man, the accords was really rough on the cap.

>> No.3266270
File: 1.90 MB, 255x191, stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yamete kudasai

>> No.3266273
File: 15 KB, 480x712, 3e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266287

You mean transwomen, right?

>> No.3266288

Nope, identifies as a man but with big fat titties, a small waist and thicc thighs

>> No.3266325

I never follow twitter accounts with preferred pronouns on their bio despite having good art because it's going to be 90% sjw rant and 10% art

>> No.3266329
File: 11 KB, 261x260, 1426115013728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys want to see disappointment?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dduiaI73GJc
Look at these nice gouache paintings and then look on how that person draws people

>> No.3266330
File: 1.06 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266331

Disappointment? This is great. It's obvious this person understands no one wants to see photo copies and doesn't post them. This is how you make your style stand up.

>> No.3266332

The fact this artist is getting such strong responses justify his decision. Good or bad, the worst thing to be in art is unremarkable.

If you're going to suck, suck exceptionally.

>> No.3266333

what? she isnt good at either whats your point

>> No.3266337

>tfw /ic/ can't even suck exceptionally
Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.3266338

>muh style

>> No.3266353

this is pretty good d e s u

>> No.3266354

Yeah, she's genuinely skilled but wastes it on that style/fetish.

>> No.3266355

What else are you supposed to use skill for?

>> No.3266358

I've been to calarts too nigga. Shit's not gonna save her butt ugly style.

>> No.3266360
File: 34 KB, 387x420, Max Wtf Payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le 56% face meme???

>> No.3266362

Looks like someone was paying someone to make art for them, and then the cash ran dry. Down to line weight and everything, these are objectively worse and seem to be by different people.

>> No.3266363
File: 58 KB, 938x477, DOUBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're going to suck, suck so bad that you stand out!

wow. the absolute advice of /ic/ is astounding

>> No.3266364

There's a whole fanbase around shitty movies, games, and music because absurdly shitty things can be just as interesting as good things. Like it or not, they've got a point.

>> No.3266381

Aside from the nose that's pretty fucking cute !

>> No.3266385

anon those things are beloved because the people who created them had zero idea how incompetent they are most of the time-- and even then those fanbases are niche at best and wont nearly earn you as much money or give you a career that being capable at something will. Be genuine.

>> No.3266397

There's room for art that falls outside of mainstream tastes. It's at the fringes where you see real evolution. Most will fail, and we accept that failure because we need people to keep trying new things, on the very small chance that they find something that works.

>> No.3266485

Their art used to lool so much better,, does this happen to alot of people? Will it happen to me??

>> No.3266500

Tumblr artists enjoy drawing this kind of stuff because its fun to them.

Its like a game. They all try to outdo each other with this kind of stuff and the goal is to make it as gross and funny looking as possible, but still making it look somewhat recognizable.

t.female artist friend admitted to this

>> No.3266520

>check their twitter

>they're apologising for some stupid shit

These tumblr people love drama so fucking much

>> No.3266521

So they're unironically pretending to be retarded?

How old that bitch is?

>> No.3266566

I can't really wrap my head around it either, but I think most of it has to do with group think.
She apart of an art circle full of sjw's even though she isnt really one herself. So she conforms to some of their habits like drawing white characters as hideous black people with stretch marks or scars. Although despite being social justice, they don't draw this shit to push an agenda(atleast some of them don't).
They genuinely find that kind of shit "cute" and interesting. Its fun to them. They don't necessarily believe in like 10 different genders or something. Like my friend has non-binary/dragonkin and all this other weird shit on her Tumblr profile, but she doesn't actually believe in any of that bs irl. She's just a normal girl.

>> No.3266587


kylo has become a fishman.

>> No.3266602

As someone who can admit his own prejudices, this is what internalized racism looks like. It's like the prevailing wind of PC culture tells you that one thing is acceptable and to some extent you agree, but the reality is that you know a good chunk of it is bullshit and something about it disgusts you so you run it into the ground by taking it to its logical conclusion. It's novel, an oddity, something artists love to explore.

What I'm unsure of is whether it's merely an exploration of the grotesque due to social browbeating or straight bigotry. I think most people are the former and the hardcore sjws are the latter, just based on the fact that most of them are straight racists.

Also fetishes play a huge role.

>> No.3266610

If you go to a school that pushes simplicity and a certain shape language and don't have enough aesthetic sensibility to do something good with it or ignore them, yes. It's also an environment where you're expected to develop a 'style' in a year or less, which leads to stagnation and reliance on a limited design language.

>> No.3266619
File: 189 KB, 888x1120, 1514438616335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 4chan thread about politics without calling eachother cucks.
Well, atleast /ic/ has one thing going for it.

>> No.3266621

Art is cultural and extremely political and most artists are driven by some kind of fringe philosophical foundation. The worst you get is the individualists calling the collectivists cucks.