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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.69 MB, 1024x1283, new_evil_by_kuzinskiy-d79zwbr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3261654 No.3261654 [Reply] [Original]

Is lineart a crutch?

>> No.3261658

To elaborate

It's obviously not realistic, it stops artists from having to think about a lot of edge transitions and whatnot.

>> No.3261664

not really, it's more a hindrance really, it's so easy for a brain to delineate objects that it can be difficult to access the pure visual data. and on the other hand good linework is a beautiful and deep art of its own almost akin to music. so i can't really see how it'd be a crutch

>> No.3261673

Coming from an artist who's more of a draftsman than a painter

Not at all. Sometimes I can define a form much more efficiently with just a few lines than having to render out halftones, core shadows, reflected light.

Lineart gives me a basis to understand what I'm doing with my painting; I can always draw ontop of what I'm painting just in case I get lost.

I mean, look at any successful comic book artist.

>> No.3261684

drawing is not a crutch.

>> No.3261697

yes. anything other than painting is inferior for visual representation of ideas. lineart is ridiculously simple with a skill ceiling so low most artists just end up painting with line anyway.

>> No.3261722

like if you think about it, lineart is just stylized painting.

>> No.3261729

It's an easy avenue
But GOOD linework is something that takes a lot of work and understanding.

>> No.3261737

example of good linework? it never looks good outside of asia imo.

>> No.3261753

>lineart is ridiculously simple with a skill ceiling so low

^-this guy's lineart sucks

>> No.3261773

I'm a dumbass who finds line art incredibly unintuitive in comparison to laying down tones and values, so no, I don't consider it a crutch at all.

>> No.3261817

You can be a good draftsman without being a good painter but you cannot be a good painter without being a good draftsman.

>> No.3261920

Is the image you posted supposed to be an example for lineart being a crutch or for a good painting that doesn't use lineart as a crutch? Because it's very clear that this painting has a very tight line drawing underneath it.

>> No.3261923

A crutch, for what exactly? Or are you worried because some crab bucket member has been parroting "crutch" again?

>> No.3261924

Oh, look, an edgelord. Color me shocked.

>> No.3261950
File: 361 KB, 1201x1600, tumblr_mmwpgszArD1rx884lo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You have never seen good western linework before so you need someone to post a fucking example? All American and French comic book and animation legends suck at lineart? Artists like Mucha, Frazetta, Klimt, Wrightson, Moebius etc just can't into lineart the way your favorite weeb artist can? Aren't you fucking ashamed to so nonchalantly flaunt your own stupidity and ignorance about art?

>> No.3261975


It's the opposite if anything in digital art, a lot of people seem to have embraced the "fuck lineart jump straight into painting" workflow which is meme tier. I suppose painting directly can lead to some spontaneous decisions making that you wouldn't reach otherwise, but if the goal is a tight render it does not make any sense to paint directly without solving the major proportional problems in line first.

>> No.3262430
File: 114 KB, 736x1090, ec840a115b080719890538b019461b56--knight-armor-warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. There is a lineart base, but I don't know what you mean by the artist using it as a crutch. The lines just aren't visible anymore, the artist has painted over everything. They aren't using lines instead of thinking about edges.

The lineart is really just a sketch.

>> No.3262431

what kind?
initial sketching is not a crutch, it is essential to appropriate the final form.

>> No.3262432

That's called a really good sketch. What I'm talking bout as a crutch is people who have the lineart as a main element of the final piece.

Like in cartoons and anime, and some """paintings""".

>> No.3262447


That's a stylistic choice, not a crutch dumbo

>> No.3262455

honestly line-work is a pain in the ass. You can communicate a-lot more with a brush stroke than you can with a line.

>> No.3262465
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x1813, 1511723152445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that and why would it be a crutch? Lineart is just superior to show style, personality and design. Do you think pic related would actually be better if it was drawn and rendered in the same forgettable style as the OP image? Everyone instantly recognizes it as a Mike Mignola drawing. If I saw the OP image, my first guess would have been Jason Chan. Or maybe Daarken? Maybe Marko Djurdjevic or any other person at SMV. Could be one of those russian guys whos name I forgot. Or whatshisface, that guy working for Blizzard. And those other 10 guys who also work for Blizzard.

>> No.3262473

>lineart as a main element of the final piece
that's a choice of style and you can't generalize and say that all pieces featuring lineart (outlines?) are per se bad or close to illustration and comics.

>> No.3262478

No. Next question.

>> No.3262587 [DELETED] 


>> No.3262796


>meme tier
>if the goal is a tight render it does not make any sense to paint directly without solving the major proportional problems in line first.

You don't know shit. Everyone start their process differently but they all have "sketch" phase to get shit right proportionally and refine things as they go along.

Tight render? That's just depends on how much time you spend cleaning up.

>> No.3262805

A line is just a thin brush. If lineart is such a crutch then why do many feel a need to start with lineart and those who don't are already good at lineart?

>> No.3262857
File: 120 KB, 495x330, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is impossible to replicate without lineart.

>> No.3262861
File: 84 KB, 641x480, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with this

>> No.3262863
File: 110 KB, 630x891, nicolas_nemiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.3262865
File: 113 KB, 960x762, 10311745_805407392803171_7643278507301101062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>example of good linework? it never looks good outside of asia imo.

>> No.3263357
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is disgusting. i guess once you go asian art you have a hard time going back. it's literally like looking at the art of barbarians.

>> No.3263361

what is even going on in that clusterfuck of line? the white blob below the chin and the other across from the hand looks like a third hand or a penis. why did you even post this?

>> No.3263377

I bet the ones who would cringe the most from reading your posts are those japanese artists you are idolizing.

>> No.3263383
File: 24 KB, 223x350, 307796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said japanese? you don't even know who or what you're arguing against. just some dumb phantom idea you have in your preconceptions.

>> No.3263406

>who said japanese?
you notice all those links next to the picture you posted? Try clicking one of them, anime image dimwit.

>> No.3263412
File: 85 KB, 850x602, dfe64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually retarded? are you here for entertainment?

>> No.3263413

>are you actually retarded? are you here for entertainment?
I'm here for the entertainment of you not realizing how big of a retard you are. So second option.

>> No.3263414

Does your director want line art? Oh you don't have a job doing art, this must be just a hobby then. In that case it still doesn't fucking matter

>> No.3263418
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1453728540134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haram insult to shitty barbarian 'lineart' triggers this fool
>retaliates by calling a chinese painting anime by using an imagesearch without even looking at the matches.
>gets super confused but refuses to check his premises

>> No.3263421

>3rd image reaction in a row and full greentext mode.

This is what a triggered NGMI weebo retard looks like. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.3263424

>retaliates by calling a chinese painting anime by using an imagesearch without even looking at the matches.
The image you linked is by Maruyama Ōkyo, a Japanese artist.
Did you click the link or are you just making up arguments because you don't have any real ones?

>> No.3263425

toxic moron just leave.

>> No.3263428

/ic/ isn't a safe-space for weebos. You trying to change that makes you the toxic element.

>> No.3263456


whos art is that?

>> No.3263481
File: 854 KB, 741x1077, 1483548160738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263499

Are you one of those faggots who shitted on da Vinci in the other thread?

>> No.3263511


>> No.3263524

Andy Warhol

>> No.3263525

go eat a dick

>> No.3263529
File: 297 KB, 736x1060, 83293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such rudeness and vulgarity when the "sauce" is in the top left corner if you had the eyes to see.

>> No.3263543

such uncalled-for, unfunny trolling for a simple request.

>> No.3263752

jesus hrist go back to 'grinding fndies' you fucking retard you obviously have no faculty for appreciating actual art

>> No.3263897

Why do people call line art easy? I find it a lot harder than painting because you are defining your volume purely through contour, without the help of surface detail to describe the lighting

>> No.3263928

Yes. You should be able to just feel the forms

>> No.3263960

this is gorgeous

>> No.3264011

that head doesn't match the body at all, someone pls fix

>> No.3264046

Beautiful. Who's the author?

>> No.3264077

Andy Warhol, said the funny man >>3263524

>> No.3264104

>"sauce" is in the top left corner
Now you've done it. People are going to get all confused. Source is in the top Right corner.

>> No.3264129

i love mignola so much.
he manages to convey so much with such simple stuff. truly a god of expression