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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.53 MB, 1920x761, a6ba7bb8dd35c786c3c6bdfc9e30e78c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3260060 No.3260060 [Reply] [Original]

How does one come up with unique visual designs like this? Are there any resources that will help with this kind of creativity?

>> No.3260063


>> No.3260070

just collect all the images you can of these kinds of thing, take what you like and mash them together into something else.

Alternatively, restrictions breed creativity. Before doing a design, decide on some things you can't do for the design (i.e. no faces) and try drawing that.

>> No.3260079


>this triggers the d/ic/klings

>> No.3260081

It's called they draw 8+ hours a day

>> No.3260093
File: 115 KB, 638x1252, 11d5767c0dceb573a4c4e1027d7d91ad-davktxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this
There's no way to force yourself to get unique ideas, it just happens naturally as you consume shit you like

Don't force yourself into drawing fantasy and end up producing the same "Orcs,elves,dragons,knights and wizards" bullshit because you cant think of anything unique to bring to the genre

>> No.3260104

Looks like it is just some generic designs with a turtle and one-eye theme added on top. And then candle everywhere because they are slow.

I honestly think they are too similar. As in the design features take precedence over personality. They all just have something heavy on their head and hides their face.

>> No.3260106

Please don't ever post in my thread again

>> No.3260107

Aren't they character design courses that teach this?

>> No.3260111

you don't have a thread. I post where ever the fuck I like

>> No.3260115


>> No.3260117

Such as?

>> No.3260121

not him but talking about drawing inspiration from different sources to combine them into new stuff is like the basic of any design class. I bet even any youTube course covers it.

>> No.3260126

I learned it's really good to be an "enthusiast" about basically everything, definitely things outside of your regular frame of interest too. History, science documentaries, old movies, all that stuff. It's really about building a strong internal library and filling the well, so to speak. That's just as far as idea-generating goes though. Then comes the fundamentals of all the shit you need to know to make it look good.

>> No.3260132

he's not wrong tho, there's some noticeable patterns in the image, interesting?, that depends on your view of such word but repetition can be associated with uncreative, can't blame him for what he said.

As for how to develop "this kind of creativity", it should be doing enough research and developing some mental library by doing different iterations of references, do them enough until something sticks on you, rinse and repeat with different kind of references and you'll be coming up with something of your own.

However the question is, how?, you should figure what triggers your creativity, if you have already done your homework it shouldn't be hard when it happens, you saw a movie or read some book, maybe it's some kind of trippy music, whatever it is just use it in your favor. If you still can't come up with something, find a theme and start developing some logical questions about it, is it real?, what time period?, are they humanoids, animal hybrid?, what kind of character am I making?, is he the shaman of the village?, what traits does he have?. See how to translate such logical questions into visible cues and make sure things make sense in the context of the image and characters, for example when I think of a tortoise shell the last place I'd put it is on the head, it's fucking heavy and if my character looks wimpy it'd be weird to see it, if I still want to push through that idea at least I should make aware that I know and make the person be into a hunching pose in contrast to the weight of the shell, but that's a bit more of the logic you'll see when you get invested in the world you are trying to create.

You do this in whatever order you want, some steps are not mandatory but if you want to have a bigger picture you may want to see all options avaible. It's given that you should check some concept artist videos and see their working process as well, there's plenty of resources in youtube.

>> No.3260258

It's stupid and I don't have a straight answer.

Draw what you find interesting/cool. Be inspired by different cultures, beliefs, traditions. Learn what makes people who they are (clothing, hairstyle, collections, etc) in comparison to someone else. Understand functional anatomy and mechanical engineering but don't be a slave to it.

I hear a lot from my art instructors on my designs, "Yeah, okay, but I want to really understand the underlying functionality of this." It grinds my gears because you should NEVER sacrifice good shape design for functiom, but that's just me. Essentially, a good balance is if you want something to move, that something needs an energy source, a connection, and something feeding the source. A car needs gas to power the engine to turn the axle which turns the wheel. A human needs food to power his muscles to contract and move bones. A crystal creature needs sunlight to power its crystals which causes a convection cycle inside that turns some mechanisms that power its legs.

Also remember that organic creatures evolve over time and anything that doesn't pertain to its survival can be thrown away. Allowing for variations and more interesting designs.

Also keep in mind the intelligence of what you're designing.

But in all honesty, in the beginning stages, let it all just come out super rough without too much thought. Let the feeling take precedence. Do these collection of shapes FEEL like the hero of my story? Okay, now I can start thinking about how it'll actually move/other detail.

Hopefully this helps.

>> No.3260266

He just put turtle shells and tree bark on everything.

>> No.3260269

You should look into more creative exercises. Create mood boards and kind of like a catalogue in your brain of different things to apply to pics. If you do a sheet of 100 different eyes in like 15 mins, you now have an impression of how to make 1000 kind of eyes by mix and matching. If you really think about it a lot of the stuff in the pic is just rearrangements of the same themes (candles, eyes/lack of eyes, color scheme, and turtle scales/textures). tldr gitgud efficiently scrub

>> No.3260276

No, it's called imagination.

>> No.3260278

Never heard of themes, have ya?

>> No.3260279



>> No.3260293

Never heard about reading posts in a context, have ya? (That's actually more likely considering your question was pretty stupid.)

>> No.3260381

These are brainlets who will never make it.

The proper answer is to develop your visual library and then brainstorm themes and unifying elements throughout your designs. Combine that with years of experience and a well developed taste and you'll get interesting designs like that. The first step to becoming a good artist is to get rid of the mysticism surrounding it and start thinking analytically. Talent only exists in the form of intelligence, nothing more. There is no mystical force surrounding good artists that lets them magically come up with cool ideas.

>> No.3260503

I hope you are right about this. I believe

>> No.3260517

heres the artists, she's a video game person

simultaneously this and also talent lol

i don't know who this guy/gal's fav artists are, but i'm betting they're not 'generic animu series 1 & 2 and XY popular concept artist' like most people on here. in fact it looks like this artist has studied japanese mythology paintings in addition to anime.

>> No.3260519

>anyone can have good ideas

>> No.3260524

Inspiration of a subject or multiple.
Here you can see him using elements of turtles from the tone of colour to the shape to the leathery clothes/creature/items. Turtles are real creatures so you have a resource to have some sources to draw strong visual depictions while adding your twist/idea/concept on how maybe in some other world it would be used for other things such as hats or chairs.

>> No.3260559

1.Have an expansive visual library and understanding shape language
2.pick like, 3 motifs and combine them in an interesting way with appropriate shape design for the theme
3.thats it

>> No.3260574

This is a terrible post

>> No.3260618
File: 37 KB, 400x386, worn out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face is identity
>replace it with something else that doesn't look like a face

>> No.3260640

I won't ask you to post your work, buy I will ask that you post a character design set which you find more so appealing than that artists character work.

>> No.3260673

Try the butterfly effect applied to character design. Choose one thing randomly and see how it affects all the other aspects like a domino.
eg. A bear, but it's purely herbivore. How will this affect it's physique?
A giraffe, but with reversed proportions. A manatee, but very fast. An elephant, but top heavy instead of bottom heavy - and all of its silhouette will fit into two triangles and a circle.
A chimpanzee, but instead of trying to hide it'll be as flashy as a peacock.

It's just "copy, transform and combine", you can do this on and on, the possibilities are endless. Eventually you'll come up with an idea that's actually good, and not just jello skyscrapers, as Steve Huston calls them (original but shit).
That's why thumbnailing and iterating is so important.

>> No.3260701


I hate this "lel soo randOom" approach to design. It's stupid and unattractive. This is everything that is wrong with so called concept art today. Instead of genuine knowledge of anatomy, architecture, history etc. concept artists think they can come up with interesting designs by slapping together "lel randum" photos

>> No.3260723
File: 246 KB, 800x740, 1499578552510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not bad per se, but I don't think these are very creative, it feels like more of the sort of tribal cutesy designs that are semi-popular. See juggernaut from dota 2 for an example, or the art of the game faeria.

I think the proper way is to continually think about design elements whenever you see them and putting together ones that you feel are underrepresented. Not just taking some random idea like "turtles" and mashing out designs from it, but dedicating yourself to thinking about shapes, textures, ideas, etc 24/7 and then taking your understanding of that stuff and exploring the less populated ground. Basically, be curious.

>> No.3260752
File: 120 KB, 1140x326, The-Last-Judgement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260761

>character design
>post naked men with some robes
you are such a motherfucking retard. Why do I even come here when idiots like you shit all over this place?

>> No.3260763

Are these good drawings? Yes.

The design are good? I don't think so.

They are supposed to be, from left to right: a golem, a priest, the elder, a shepherd, and a merchant.

I could have guessed only the priest. The golem is a random monster, the elder seems more a king, the shepherd without the "wolves" is a priest with a turtle shell for a hat and the merchant silhouette/proportion wise is more an elder.

>> No.3260765
File: 163 KB, 864x864, herbivore-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bear, but it's purely herbivore
Really made me think, I finally understand the sadpanda.

>> No.3260766

the linework in this picture is a timid, clumsy pile of scratches. it's featuring at least two completely wrong perspective constructs. what the fuck is this mess?

>> No.3260770

I didn't post it as the pinnacle of art, but it struck a chord with me. Partly because it sort of resembles my elementary school gym except with swimming pool walls (the bright teal area in the gym would be facing a row of windows, so it's the sunlight coming in), and partly because I like these sort of half-abstract disfigured human figures (like in bacons paintings).

Post what you like, I'm sure it's wonderful.

>> No.3260773

>I didn't post it as the pinnacle of art, but it struck a chord with me. Partly because it sort of resembles my elementary school gym except with swimming pool walls (the bright teal area in the gym would be facing a row of windows, so it's the sunlight coming in)
I respect when an artwork of whatever kind and quality rings with someone on a level of personal experience or memory. take my post just as a formal, rather outspoken criticism to the style and construction of the picture.

>> No.3260774

Iterate on a theme. This dude clearly picked 'tortoises' for his and went through a bunch of different designs iterating on that. One thing I did before was create a big random word generator. I could either pick a random word or mash them together into unusual combinations, and then see what could be done from that.

His look pretty refined but he probably did a ton of thumbnails/silhouettes. I find silhouettes hard at first but as you get into the flow of things it becomes a lot of fun to basically slap down a black blob and then 'carve' it into whatever you start to see. Like a Rorschach test but with more input from you. The better your visual library, the more stuff you might see in any particular blob.

Like >>3260070 said I think "restrictions breed creativity" is very valid, create yourself some framework to work within. I find when you try to approach something with the "design literally anything" approach it actually makes it more difficult, but as soon as you give yourself something to work within it becomes a creative challenge to see what ways you can twist it.

>> No.3260775

>>character design
>>post naked men with some robes
>you are such a motherfucking retard. Why do I even come here when idiots like you shit all over this place?
it's out of place here, but do you simple little shitstain realize who made that painting? it sounds like you have absolutely no clue.

>> No.3260786

Sure it might not be the best technical piece, but this is a thread for innovative visual design elements, not technical skill.

>> No.3260816

I'm Italian I can recognize one of our most famous painters you fucktard. The point still stands, your post has literally nothing to do with the thread, might as well have posted a background and would have had the same pertinence. "M-muh old masters" fags are the biggest idiots in this board.

>> No.3260875

I didn't post it and your "M-muh old masters" says a lot about you
kys and vaffanculo

>> No.3260885

This is the real terrible post

>> No.3261000

Begone, reductionist scum.

>> No.3261003

This is the real real terrible post

>> No.3261048

read the The Skillful Huntsman

>> No.3261054


Michealangelo being famous doesn't magically make the Sistine Chapel a good example of character design, you fucking moron. Can you give me a reason it's at all relevant in a character design thread besides the fact that Michealangelo is the only artist some know-nothing shit could think of?

This isn't even to undercut Michealangelo as an artist, it's just like posting the fucking Mona Lisa when someone asks you for an example of a good architectural design.

>> No.3261060

Can one make something creative that is not ugly?
OP's pic reminds me of zelda and yu gi oh tho.

>> No.3261070

>doesn't magically make the Sistine Chapel a good example of character design, you fucking moron.

read again:

>it's out of place here

can you please shitpost again how this is a char design thread? i didn't make myself clear enough yet.

read again:
>it's out of place here, but

learn to read maybe?

I didn't post the S.Chapel

>> No.3261072
File: 12 KB, 153x172, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3261095

This thread is the essence of /ic:. Jokes on you when nobody that hires artists hire us because we do unique shit. You problem solve solve for them for money.

>> No.3261099


What the fuck does realizing who made the painting matter when the person was criticizing that it's a poor example of character design?

>I didn't post the S.Chapel

Good, so maybe stop masturbating to the fact you know who Michealangelo is, nobody is impressed that you can recognize the Sistine fucking Chapel.


Guess you can't give a reason can you?

>> No.3261396

I think art is never totally original. It's always a mesh of what you've seen before. Although you may add new elements.
In the piece of art OP has uploaded, I see tortoises, tree bark candles, dogs, Arabian gypsy head vails.. Etc

If I wanted to come up with my own collectives of alien species..
I guess I would start by dreaming up an alien planet and how the lifeform I'm creating survives.
Are they dealing with hot or cold climates..or both?
Are they intelligent, are they technologically advanced..
What is the history of the species I'm creating .. Have they just been ravaged by war.??
-I'd start with a story
It's not all about originality when creating a lifeform, sometimes you want to create something that the viewer can buy into.
By this time creative juices would be churning.

Other than that OP. A fair amount of knowledge of how to draw flora and fauna, knowledge of evolution might also help.

>> No.3261410


>> No.3261411


there is nothing unique about he literally chose and random motif (tortoise) and applied it to non tortoise related subjects. you can do that with anything and get the same effect.

>> No.3261614


>> No.3261618

Show us something unique then.

>> No.3261716

wew thanks for the laugh, i chuckled lots

>> No.3261890

It's by a woman, and she did this for a contest on ArtStation. The rules were:

"In this Challenge you will design ten (10) unique characters from an ancient civilization. Five (5) character designs for ancient heroes, and five (5) character designs for ancient villains. Each character will tell their own story with their clothing, adornments, and gestures. It’s not enough to create anatomically correct characters. You will need to tell a compelling story that draws us into the time, the people and the drama of your ancient civilization."

And she won.

If she's so bad, why didn't you win over her? Hmm? I see a lot of shit talking in this thread, but not a lot of winning of contests.

>> No.3261922

It's just a generic textbook concept design process. I wouldn't call it creative. I'm sure a lot of the dumb kids who hang out in this thread are going to disagree though, lol.

>> No.3261926

Whoa, so this is basically the cream of the cream of the crop stuff.

>> No.3261928

For that site, yes. And the judges were professional concept artists. Again, if this is so bad, why didn't you win the contest?

She's gonna get work from that.

You? You'll still be here in a year, shitposting about successful artists.

You can't even identify why she won. LOL.

>> No.3261930

O-oh my bad. I forgot to tell you I'm not that other anon you were talking with.

>> No.3261931

And? Doesn't even tell us anything for that site without comparing with the other contenders.

>> No.3261934

Ah, so you're just gonna cry about it. Got it. NGMI.

>> No.3261935

This, it's boring as fuck, any one saying elsewise is a hack.

>> No.3261939

I think you are confusing me with someone else. I'm telling you that without even looking it up I can predict that most of the contenders shared the same approach to "creativity" and that the rulings of the judges came down to personal preference of some aesthetic detail instead of there being a clear winner. Creative concepts like those are spite out like a factory by pros and it looks like the image in the OP was done following a basic recipe they use.

But right, forgot for a sec where I am. You're just another wannaMI crying NGMI when you don't even know what that takes.

>> No.3261942

>character design
Who cares? Do you want to be capeshit watching, computer game playing loser your whole life? Move on, this shit is garbage, be an adult for fucks sake.

>> No.3261943

>Do you want to be capeshit watching, computer game playing loser your whole life?
Why not?

>> No.3261944

Oh look, someone else is triggered.

If it's so bad, why haven't any of you gone to that site and shown the professionals what "good" is? Hmmm?

Oh, but of course you'll come up with endless excuses why not, but in the end, again, a year from now, you'll be shitposting "Grind Loomis" here, and she'll be working professionally.

Funny how EVERYONE is wrong, professional artist judges, the people who run the site, they're all wrong, and you're right. Yet I don't see you sweeping the contests with your awesome skills, and all I see is a botter cab bucket member who's green with envy over a contest he isn't qualified to enter.

But keep telling me how bad it is. It's gotten you so far in life!

>> No.3261946

Yes, let's just shit on the one industry that anyone could have a hope to be a successful artist in these days, just to be a contrarian neckbeard. LOL. You little kids are fucking hilarious.

>> No.3261947

>wrote something stupid
>they replied that it was stupid
>I'm triggering em, I win


>> No.3261949

Imagine being such a pleb you couldn't be "drawn into an ancient civilization" without some wacky overarching theme to stimulate your pot riddled pea brain. I bet these are the kind of people who couldn't even tell you what the earliest known writing system was because they were too busy playing bing bing wahoo to learn 'some dead people lol'.

>> No.3261952

Wah wah wah. All I hear is crying.

>> No.3261953

A 'successful artist' by today's standards still isn't much to aspire to. I was under the impression you folks weren't still deluded enough to think your doodles would amount to anything.

>> No.3261954

Wow compelling argument you sure showed me you fucking twelve year old.

>> No.3261960

>I bet these are the kind of people who couldn't even tell you what the earliest known writing system was



>> No.3261968

proto writing never had a complete writing system though

>> No.3262345
File: 300 KB, 1920x761, rabbit_all[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will need to tell a compelling story that draws us into the time, the people and the drama of your ancient civilization."
but there's no people and no drama in her submission
I mean they're all wearing fucking masks for one

>> No.3262357

You're never going to make it as a designer.

>> No.3262363

people who wear masks are not people anymore?

>> No.3262365

by people I mean personalities
"no" is maybe exaggerating a bit, but you can't deny that it's not very personable

>> No.3262382

The brief didn't say anything about the characters having to be personable. As a design for an ancient civilization I think masks based on a specific theme are a pretty cool idea. Gives it a certain degree of appeal and mystery alongside instantly recognizable silhouettes. Apparently most other people must think so too considering that artist won the contest and these character designs became really popular images.

If your design sense is so completely different from that of everyone else, it might be a good idea to at least try to understand why that is, instead of going the contrarian route and pretending everyone but you is stupid. Because when it comes to design, you can't be a unique snowflake, you have to understand what the masses like or you will never be a good designer.

>> No.3262399
File: 644 KB, 1200x1873, 1200px-Waterhouse-Diogenes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brief didn't say anything about the characters having to be personable.
apparently I don't know what the fuck personable means, but anyway you have to be drawn into the personalities of these characters. Half of them have no personality beyond "stoic" and the other half runs off video game archetypes like "cheeky loli twins assassins". Half of them are supposed to be villains and the other half heroes, can you even discern which without the obviously spooky red/black color theme of the hares?
> Because when it comes to design, you can't be a unique snowflake, you have to understand what the masses like or you will never be a good designer.
go to /biz/ if you want to discuss business, /ic/ is about art

here's an example of a painting of an ancient figure that actually has some personality

>> No.3262403

why do people jerk this book off so much? i read it, it has nothing in it that any other art-of book lacks

>> No.3262414

awesome painting. i still need to read up on diogenes, the insane genius who lived in a barrel. thanks for sharing!

>> No.3262425

>"In this Challenge you will design ten (10) unique characters from an ancient civilization. Five (5) character designs for ancient heroes, and five (5) character designs for ancient villains. Each character will tell their own story with their clothing, adornments, and gestures. It’s not enough to create anatomically correct characters. You will need to tell a compelling story that draws us into the time, the people and the drama of your ancient civilization."
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yl3AQ <- runner up

>> No.3262429

So what would be your way of tackling this creative design challenge? Draw 10 generic ancient greek people and give the villains mean facial expressions?

>> No.3262435

if things need faces to have personality or history, characters like darth vader wouldn't be popular

i can 100% guarentee you that if you painted that diogenes guy in a seperate painting, no one would recognize him as the same character. because that's not an iconic design, he's a frowning old man in a generic rag with standard colours. the pot is 90% of what makes him interesting. whereas those turtlewomen, whatever else you think about them, would be recognizable even in a different artstyle or context. that is how character design works in every industry known to mankind currently. i sincerely hope you're michaelangelo anon because i can't bear the thought there might be more than one of you.

>> No.3262467

probably draw actual characters instead of rts units
>hurr generic ancient greek people
oh, you're a brainlet
diogenes is not generic, he's practically unique in greek history
it's just that he's a human being so you have to have a bit more subtlety and empathy in portraying him than throwing on some retarded shoulderpads or whatever onto him

>> No.3262483

>So what would be your way of tackling this creative design challenge? Draw 10 generic ancient greek people and give the villains mean facial expressions?
don't be stupid, you asshole. you sound stubborn and butthurt. the problem is on your part if you can't manage to derive tips from people who mean well. your answering with a stupid rethorical question / oneliner gag is typical.

>> No.3262518

This is a design challenge, not an "appeal to muh deep subtle historical art people" challenge

>> No.3262537

It's called being silly and just drawing whatever the fuck your brain tells you to. I personally think those designs look retarded.

>> No.3262558

character design includes personality, indeed it's the whole point of character design, the clothing and such is just there to help

diogenes has loads of character even if he's just some old greek guy in a toga
you know how donald duck gets really angry and starts jumping up and down waving his fists as a standard gesture? That's character design too.

>> No.3262576

You are just avoiding his arguments at this point.
Just prove him he is wrong and explain your example. How is it better for this subject?

>> No.3262579

So are you on subtlety or exaggeration?The diogenes painting are extremely subdued in design and characters, but that's the purpose of the painting

This design challenge is oriented for people who want to work in the actual concept art industry, if you want "design" as in something like that diogenes painting, then go join the circlejerk in Art Renewal Centre

>> No.3262582

Yes but you are not designing the personality you are designing clothes as a character designer.
>Each character will tell their own story with their clothing, adornments, and gestures.
Just read the rules

>> No.3262598

I want personality
the diogenes painting isn't "extremely subdued", it's naturalistic. You have the grumpy wise hobo philosopher interacting with these young normalfag women who treat him lightly while he's having none of it, it's almost comedic. These tortoise/hare designs are just typical video game schlock that's only accepted because video games have other things to focus on beyond aesthetics.
gestures is right there in the quote, and "story" means their personality
and none of these tell any story, they're just forced and incestous, might as well have anime sweatdrops and nosebleeds while they're at it for all the uniqueness they have.

>> No.3262615

Why do people like you always feel so persecuted for your tastes and antagonistic to others?

Art that require deeper analysis to get out the full meaning is fun and all, but I don't see anything that makes it objectively superior than "ew ew vidya gaems" designs like in OP's image.

They're designed for entirely different audiences, during a entirely different time period and within entirely different cultures. It's almost purely senseless to even try to "rank" them like what you are doing.

Both the OP's image deliver and portray character and personality, but in different ways.

OP's image are much more stylized, punchy and direct with their statement. The image wasn't designed for students to sit around for hours and circlejerk entire papers out of. They're made for people to instantly recognize and feel for.

Diogenes' paintings are extremely subtle and as you say, naturalistic. If you take off your tradfag glasses for a minute, all you really can see is a bunch of people looking down on a naked old man.
But of course, you can start to look much more in-depth and start to observe their minute gesture, posture, expressions and slowly extract a story out of this painting

It's all cool and all but this will not work in the modern industry.

Again, if you want to do ""character design"" that looks something like that painting, go to ACR. You'll find great company

>> No.3262619

*Both the OP's image and the painting

>> No.3262627
File: 2.03 MB, 1302x1948, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's image are much more stylized, punchy and direct with their statement.
lol no, the entire flaw with them is that they have no statement
remember I was talking about donald duck too, who's the absolute opposite of diogenes, but they both have character
these designs have almost zero character, it's two beasts, two lolis and a bunch of dudes in masks. Well, maybe the merchant has character as well, although he looks more like an elder due to the posture. The artist probably was thinking about something like the happy mask salesman where he's stooped over due to all the luggage he's carrying, except the main weight that's causing him to bend is the ornamental turtle shell, so the whole design is confusing.

>> No.3262643

dude i love that painting! can you recommend some other historical painter in that league?

>> No.3262645

>Diogenes' paintings
does this fucking shitforbrains not know who Diogenes really is? lmao, this is too much.

>> No.3262648
File: 475 KB, 720x480, wrong-direction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice crossposting, loser. but i wasn't the guy posting the painting.

>> No.3262656
File: 543 KB, 1623x806, duh-vinci-compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the modern industry
"we need to stop looking at old paintings and burn old, not-industry-standard shit."

>> No.3262673

idk, bouguereau?

>> No.3262687
File: 474 KB, 680x435, b60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diogenes is not generic, he's practically unique in greek history
>comparing a finished illustration designed to tell a story to a deliberately contextless character lineup
i'm choking. op please print out these posts and give them to an art director and tell us what happens.

>> No.3262694

nitpicking a fucking typo, you really have to resort that low for an argument?

Exactly where did I say that? This is the exact imagined persecution and antagonistic behavior I was talking about. In no where in my post have I ever delegitimatized your precious art form. In fact, I think it's healthy for both kinds to coexist, shame their fanboys' circlejerk act like an antagonistic moron like this.

I'm getting what you're saying, but you're thinking of personality in a traditional way. Again this image is aiming for a quick "feel" of characters, not a really complete narrative. You can sense who's in charge, who's the brute, who's the more technical-oriented, who's the more passive, etc.. Sure it's not the deepest of narrative, but it functions very well. And on top of that, the very inventive and fresh shape design and motifs is an icing on the cake that seals the deal of him winning the comp.

Designs are very context-sensitive too, if say, you're going to apply these designs as main characters in a heavy narrative-driven adventure-fantasy game, it would be deemed as failures. Their masks would just prevent audience from connecting and relating with them on a personal level

But if you use this as an ancient enemy and boss design from entire different worlds, with alien and out-of-this-word outfits, whose culture, tradition and philosophy is shrouded in mystery, as we slowly unravel their origins and their motives in an atmospheric fantasy game? It would make a very fantastic and exciting addition

Same goes for that Diogenes painting. It would fail as a movie poster, their character designs and personality are subtle, and doesn't really give an instant read. But as a painting with high historical context and value to hang on a museum to be appreciated and for art students to endlessly analyze? It functions very well

>> No.3262713
File: 20 KB, 480x464, ni66a kewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nitpicking a fucking typo, you really have to resort that low for an argument?
Sure, my friend. In a post with otherwise correct uppercase, punctuation and the correct way of writing genitive with an accent at the end of a Name that ends with an "s" … "Lars' car / Chris' waifu collection / Diogenes' paintings"

pathetic excuse level OVER 9000

>> No.3262731

You're literally just describing the meaning of a typo. Do my entire posts have to be entirely grammatically incorrect to justify a single shitty typo? Are we really going to spend time on a petty argument like this?

This feels like a pathetic waste of time to justify simply knowing about fucking Diogenes, but my first post did not have that apostrophe you obsessively argue about >>3262579

>>3262558's post there even just plainly gives it away who Diogenes is, the very first post I even replied to in the first place.

>> No.3262732

>Diogenes' paintings

>nitpicking a fucking typo, you really have to resort that low for an argument?

then, after realizing his mistake
>Same goes for that Diogenes painting.

showing once more that people shitting on traditional art have the lowest common knowledge and education level …

>> No.3262739
File: 194 KB, 360x306, pleasekillhim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The diogenes painting are extremely subdued

>"design" as in something like that diogenes painting
>Diogenes' paintings are extremely subtle

*jazz music stops* >>3262645

>nitpicking a fucking typo, you really have to resort that low for an argument?

>Do my entire posts have to be entirely grammatically incorrect to justify a single shitty typo?
>This feels like a pathetic waste of time to justify simply knowing about fucking Diogenes

>> No.3262769

This is such a fucking surreal discussion. I know this is /ic/ but this is just insane

I literally typo'd a single fucking apostrophe across all my three posts and none of them even show that I bash or shit at traditional at fucking all.

You cling to that typo like a magic bullet that can delegitimize all my posts

Why do you people have such an antagonistic behavior and a debilitating persecution syndrome? You imagine yourself as an underappreciated underdog that bears the truth of what art should really be about, living in a society where the masses "don't understand art anymore" and being oppressed by big scary digital villains, making you act ridiculously defensive and territorial like this.

It even shuts down all your reading comprehension skills. Are you that insecure to the point that you interpret me saying that the Diogenes painting have simply different design goals and philosophy, as a personal attack to you? No where in my post have I ever shit on your art form, but you still have to imagine me as attacking you, just you can have something to fight off and justify your contrasting stance

Can't we just coexist peacefully and discuss art and design like normal people? Instead of constant shitflinging and constantly pulling each other down like this?

>> No.3262775

>Can't we just coexist peacefully and discuss art and design like normal people?

Where do you think you are?

Sorry, anon, you're in shitpost central, if you wanted a discussion that wasn't retarded shitflinging you came to the wrong board.

>> No.3262813

You seem like a good guy, anon, give me a blog to talk with you.

>> No.3262822

that's what you get with an anonymous board: lots of confusion. there are lots of anons shitting endlessly and with little knowledge on fine art for the sake of promoting digital art as the next best thing (out of sheer insecurity). i probably just happened to confuse you with one of the "modern art was a mistake" shitsticks, posting at the same time in other threads.

>> No.3262829
File: 120 KB, 1746x2882, 5AC7735A-4ED2-446F-A06F-C006F9E357B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who creates notedly outlandish creatures with minimal basis in reality, I can honestly say it’s probably due to autism.

>> No.3263154

Please please please share more of your work. Or where I can find it

>> No.3263223
File: 115 KB, 1935x2968, BDA26DF2-D82E-41FA-836B-6D8A67254F5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3264691

read the sticky

>> No.3264701

it's the exact opposite of that

>> No.3264827

As far as I can tell I didn’t break any rules. He asked for me to link my work, so I did.

>> No.3264829

They drew 8+ hours a night?

>> No.3264832

I'll be more specific then, read the w/ic/i

>> No.3265199

he's just telling you to get better at drawing

>> No.3265225
File: 49 KB, 583x350, f466183b9c82a0ff93ed956d576ef061-d6t0lkh (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let both hand and mind wander in sketchbooks. This is the final design of The Heart of Blizzards,a monster running about in my current storyline. I once did a few concept drawings concerning this story way before I embarked upon it,and it was more of a humanoid giant than dragonlike. So when time came to incorporate the character into the piece, I sat down and drew a few dozen different variations of it,until I gave in and went with a dragon made of ice motif for it. And that started with the eye:an icicle in a hollow socket that evolved into a present shape after working and reworking. I have limited time to draw,and what I put online is stuff from a sketchbook scanned and minority cleaned up,so most of the time I am forced to design things on the fly,and am generally semi successful. But experimentation is sometimes unavoidable.

>> No.3265296

Do you understand what is the reference for both civilizations?

>> No.3267180
File: 259 KB, 640x610, D0F6D5E4-1B4C-4DB9-928B-9D91DA9E3FD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267189

Being relaxed and dreamful. I know, hard in todays world

>> No.3267477

for everyone shitting on OP's pic, it was an artstation challenge with like a month deadline

I mean they fucking designed and illustrated 10 characters between jobs on a tight schedule

>> No.3269853

If you are into this friendo, just look up Speculative biology on deviantart, and this forum: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Conceptual_Evolution/index/

>> No.3273505

No. They drew -8 hours a day.

>> No.3273561

Nope. They spent 8 hours a night erasing.

>> No.3273966
