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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3260461 No.3260461 [Reply] [Original]

Here is my schedule for 2018

Draw 0-4 hours a day( can't dedicate more time due to full time work and other social responsibilities)

Complete michael hampton front to back
Complete framed ink front to back
Complete ctrl paint rendering series
Complete how to draw manga putting things in perspective
Complete a book on animal anatomy
Complete character designs, background designs, and storyboards for a one-shot comic

>> No.3262098


>> No.3262940

I'll participate in your thread, anon.

>Draw/animate 12 hours a day. (I can do this because I'm an unemployed loser.)

>Read the animator's survival guide (And do the studied extensively.)
>read framed ink
>Read a ton of other books I have and can't immediately remember
>Have to git gud at painting landscapes and backgrounds

I have a real problem with actually putting anything up online in any way shape or form, too. So I'd really like to work on that.

>> No.3262945

>mess up
>try to fix
>if can't fix, go find references
>try to fix again
>if can't fix, study references more in depth
>try to fix with added knowledge
>decide if it's okay or not and move on to next drawing and studying cycle

>> No.3263325

how long have you been doing this?

>> No.3263593

I used to. I stopped with scheduling in 2018, because after over a year of scheduled art it started feeling like I was just going through a to-do-list. It made art feel unexiting and like a chore.
I stopped forcing myself to draw every day and feel better than ever. Weirdly enough I take more time with my drawings, now that the pressure is gone.

A good schedule is a schedule that works. Adjust them to your school/ worl day, your sleeping hours and personal needs. Figure out how much you can and want to draw each day.
So yeah, just experiment with your schedule. If it's not getting your work done, for example by being overwhelming, change it.

>> No.3263648

Here's my schedule, maybe its useful for someone in a similar position.

I work a full time job (9 hours) and spend ~2,5 hours commuting, so I have to be very careful how I spend my time.

From Monday to Thursday I choose 3 training days and one rest day.

Work days I go home after work, workout for an hour and then draw for two hours.
Rest days I go out with the gf or whatever. Since I dont get to be home drawing, I sketch people while I commute.
Fridays I only work 6 hours, so I go to life drawing for 4 hours after work.
I also take my lunch break for drawing. I have 30 mins, so I gulp a vegetable shake in 5 mins and draw for the remainder of the time.

As for the weekend, I usually stay one day at home and go out the other one. Since I have to prep meals for the week, workout and do other chores, I set a goal for 6 hours.

This leads to getting more or less the following numbers:
- ~14 hours from Mon-Fri: 6 in the studio, 2 sketching in the subway, 2 during lunch breaks and 4 in life drawing.
- An average of 6 hours during the weekends.

Sleeping for 8 hours is a MUST for me or else I get depressed and want to kill myself.
If I go out a second time during the weekend, its normally art-related (i.e: plein-air with my friend or going to a museum).
No I don't watch TV, and the only time I browse /ic/ is when I'm taking a shit at the office.

>> No.3263669

Wait, are you that buff asian guy who did the drawitagain?

>> No.3264790

Similar job schedule here for the past 3-4yrs, how long have you been doing yours?

I spend 4-5 hrs commuting and sleeping on the bus/train, and I try not to spend more than 7-8hrs at the office. I break up the remaining 12 hrs into 3 chunks of 4hrs. 4hrs for hygiene, food, and decompressing, 4 hrs to draw and do hobbies, and 4 hrs for sleep which makes 8hrs total sleep from the 4hr commute.

I usually do this 3-4 days a week, but some stupid work shit ruins always a day or I go out. I go to figure drawing for 4hrs on Saturday when I can find a friend to come with me.

Weekend is for catching up on any lost sleep and shopping for food.

>> No.3264880

Wait why is your commute 4 hours? Where do you live?
Surely there's something better that's closer to you!

>> No.3265012

"surely" lemme guess you're white.

>> No.3265022

what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3265034

Let me guess you are retarded?

>> No.3265331

Nope, I seldom come here and I hardly ever post.

Job schedule has been going on for 2 years, but it took me a while to optimize my schedule to get to what I do today. Had to build stamina, the first years was almost only hardcore subway sketching and life drawing/plein air.
I dont really know about your sleep schedule desu, there was a time I used to do something like that and it was destroying me on the inside although I didnt notice until I started to go bald really fast. But if it work for you that's great. Hopefully you can continue optimizing your time and getting more and more out of your days. I know I still have plenty of room for improvement. Stay strong!

And yes, Im taking a dump.

>> No.3265377
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So basically 4 hours of actual pen-to-paper contact at best while the rest goes into browsing image boards and doing "research"?

>> No.3265568

How do I get your level of discipline?

>> No.3267217

Can’t afford to live close to work

>And yes, Im taking a dump.
Same here - I spend maybe 40 minutes at work taking a shit and browsing /ic/

>> No.3267695
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Are you this guy?

>> No.3267797

Schedule for 2018 is the same as 2017:
>Draw after I go to the bathroom
Some days I draw a lot, sometimes I draw very little. Either way, I'm drawing every day.

>> No.3267818

>that insane level of natural talent
now I know I'm never gonna make it

>> No.3267820

Anon, please. If anything, he's genuine proof that all you have to do to start getting gud is just copy the shit you like, and then go back and learn the stuff you're not good at.

>> No.3267845

If he managed to get good working 15 days a month I'm pretty sure you can become just as good working 30 days a month anon.
Work every day, for at least 4 hrs.

>> No.3267849

Just draw.

>> No.3267858


>> No.3267886

Ya I’m tableguy

No talent here, I’m just a hobbyist. There are much better anons posting around here that are working harder. I just enjoy documenting the journey.


>> No.3267931

Did he start to copy more in 2015? Some characters seem okay proportioned while later drawings have more issues.

>> No.3268770

Keep up the good work, man. Hope to see more of your drawings in 2018.

>> No.3268983

I take Adderall so I can practice for about 7 hours a day but I'll probably die in my 60s from a heart attack

>> No.3273161
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Drawing 0 hour a day.

>> No.3273164

Get back to work Nene.

>> No.3274009

I love your work, keep on keepin on senpai.

>> No.3274115

neetorino here.
I shoot for 4 hours a day min but I usually land around 6 before I get burnt out and feel like what I'm doing isnt really effective and I'm just to tired.. I've done 10 hours a day and I actually enjoyed it but I have other stuff I enjoy too.

when I draw I take notes too, to remember the important parts of the vids/books. I find it helps to ingrain the info n if I copy down the important stuff and if I'm getting really deep into anatomy or something the only way I'll remember it all is to take notes as well as draw it.

I don't really have a schedule but I try to keep my focus on one or two topics at a time, so right now I've gone through all the anatomy and I'm doing color on the side and I'm going to go through all human anatomy again but in more depth.

after that I think I want to work on my visual library and that big list from the masters drawing course book is probably where I'll start. I'd also like to go through all the anatomy and animal anatomy books.
I think eventually I'll look into cartooning as well, but I am a firm believer in learning to draw the real detailed thing before simplifying.

>> No.3277029 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3277036
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>> No.3277071
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Draw all day for 2 years and see what happens. Not gonna watch any movies or anything like that. Just draw draw draw. I've been drawing as a hobby for a while but I wanna gitgud. I'm tired of being an amateur.

>> No.3277127
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I wake up at 6 AM to do university work. If I don't have university work, I draw. After lunch I tend to general business. I draw in the evenings.

>> No.3280234

are you a flip by any chance?

I'm also a full time worker with 3-4 hrs of commute. Currently struggling my drawing time when I get home since I'm too tired and been passing out on the couch lately

>> No.3280322

Not flip

>passing out on the couch lately
Did you just start your job? Usually when you transition from school to work or into a new role, you over work yourself for the first few months. I used to crash on the couch and never make it to bed for the first 6months until i figured out how to work more efficiently and not try as hard.

>> No.3280336


Not a newbie but there's just been a new project assigned to me recently that's causing me to get mentally exhausted after returning from work. I'm still in the process of figuring out an effective drawing schedule

>> No.3280405

Not a flip either.

If you commute by train , you can build your stamina by sketching subway people then crash when you get home. After a while maybe switch to studying a book/video/whatever on the train and draw when you get home, it works for me as by now my brain just expects some drawing effort after work.

Hang in there!

>> No.3281041
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i think linear-ly. and i consider myself mediocre on a good day.

what i do, i believe raw knowledge, experience, and memory is whats important;

i normally spend about ~ 4 hours drawing

0-30 minutes: warm up
-gesture practice (OR)
-attempt to complete an image of something i'd have trouble with
-doodle things i enjoy

>30-minutes to 2 hours
-actual studies; (i draw x-amount of things i have trouble with); anatomy of hands, feet, joints, and proportions
>2 - 3 hours
lable muscles & muscle shapes accordingly

>3+ hrs?

attempt to draw something based off what i learned. if i fail at it, i'll try it again as a warm up the next day

>> No.3281046

>mediocre on a good day
ahahaha are you serious? this is one of the best examples of beg tier art on this board

>> No.3281048

go back and re-read the post. im not asking for a critique

>> No.3281158

sorry for invading your safe space lmao

>> No.3281218

>lable muscles and shapes accordingly
sigh y'all /beg/s think studying art is like studying for a science midterm or some shite

>> No.3281362

>attempt to draw something based off what i learned. if i fail at it, i'll try it again as a warm up the next day
This is the only effort worth investing in.

>post drawings on /ic/ before sleep
>spend all day at work checking if anyone took the drawing bait and gave you feedback
>come home and reply to feedback and/or self crit last nights drawing
>spend the nights drawing session doing studies focused on previous weaknesses
>post your draw session on /ic/ and repeat

You study / draw faces until some says your line work sucks, so you practice inking some cool mechs until someone says you should practice coloring, so you make full color illustrations until someone says your gesture sucks, so you do figure studies until someone says you are avoiding faces and hands, so you start over from the top...

>> No.3281620



>> No.3281621

im taking anatomy and phys as a class anyway. to know it all would mean i have extra freedom to design characters in any fashion

>> No.3281770

and knowing the full shit is better than *not* knowing. and as well as bragging rights.