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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.26 MB, 3264x1836, 1224172225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3259726 No.3259726 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone met cringey "artists"? What are some of the worst art wannabees you've known?

I'll start: there's some guy in an art discord server I'm on and he often brags "my art style is unique as it has a scratchy lines aesthetic and it is very surreal due to the way i draw eyes, i consider myself a surrealist artist". Yet this is how he draws in the related pic. One of those "it's my art style, not bad drawing skills" types. He constantly also goes "guyz, describe my art style to me, do u agree it's unique???'.

>> No.3259730

>Anyone met cringey "artists"? What are some of the worst art wannabees you've known?
yes, myself. myself

>> No.3259733

At least you're self aware, anon. Don't be too harsh on yourself.

>> No.3259734
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Also related, totally surreal art.

>> No.3259741

my art is shite so im just being real

>> No.3259756

Sounds like youre jealous of him desu.

Why else would you make this thread?

>> No.3259759
File: 1.60 MB, 960x1004, 9a5dfe4afa7aee4ed523e512b045fcf6b1e2632d_hq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this dude on naruto amino (community for fans) who got every new drawing featured on the main page for everyone to behold. I'd be fine with it if not for the fact that he just copied other artists' fanwork or anime screenshots acting like he was some hot shit.
Honestly the whole community was shite cause the curators supported copied fanwork which didn't state it was copied not to mention the original artist who came up with the piece.

>> No.3259764

He sounds just like an autistic guy I know based on how he constantly is seeking approval from people. Artwork makes it clear he's definitely autistic.

>> No.3259814
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x1836, 1212170917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that one of the admins bullied him by calling him a furry a lot, so he began drawing nothing but edgy humans, which he was even worse at, to the point that both main and sub admins bullied him until he went back to drawing furries again because a furry mod kept begging to go back to his old drawing themes.

Funny enough, when he was drawing people, he claimed he stopped drawing furries because he "got bored of it", yet instantly jumped back to doing furry art when he noticed people gave less attention when he didn't draw his "surreal" dogs and foxes.

>> No.3259822
File: 75 KB, 677x512, IMG_0983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legendary. Reminds me of how I grinded hard on anatomy and other fundies, yet the girls in my art school who traced or heavily copied from photos got more attention than me. Yet I'm now the one that makes cash off of the stuff I draw from memory, whilst they still continue to this day trace art or pics they find on dA.

>> No.3259834

I think that guy may have autism

>> No.3259933

Mind posting some of your stuff?
Has art school helped you level up at all?

>> No.3259969

More like how to deal with these types of artists since they're always around.

>> No.3260045


Why are you making a thread just for shittalking a specific artist? That's against the rules 2bqh

>> No.3260085

Op is jelous that that this guy gets more attention then OPs trash in discord.

>> No.3260090
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>> No.3260120

I used to be a pretty cringe artist, and person in general, during my freshman year. I'm always gonna be a weeb, but, at least, I don't draw anime girls with huge fucking saucer eyes anymore.

>> No.3260233

Just the typical "I already KNOW my fundies but I still whine about how my art is not super awesome but I will get mad if you dare say it isn't super awesome" types.

>> No.3260513

I will confirm that at least the art school I went to taught me nothing, I even took graphics design class there which also taught me nothing. I finished the school where I was judged by people from other art schools during my art exam and passed with a perfect score. I will say that the only thing that taught me anything was the final art exam, when shit got serious. But even that only taught me a bit on how to use Photoshop and composition. I was also literally the only person in that school that took art seriously and studied daily, no one gave a shit about anatomy there or even knew what Loomis was.

But note that I finished an art school in a very small country, the place doesn't even have a proper IT school that teaches you enough. So my story isn't the best representation of art schools. It only well represents art schools in certain smaller Europian countries. I had to move out to another country to get a proper education on animation and art. But the art exam score I took back at my old country at least makes it easier getting into fancy uni's.

Oh and sorry but I don't like sharing personal art on /ic/, I'd post a study I did but it wouldn't really show much of my skill anyway.

>> No.3260515

Jealous of some kid that literally gets bullied by the main admins, the mods, and even fresh users? Don't think so.

>> No.3260516
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>> No.3260518
File: 71 KB, 1163x776, IMG_20180103_113659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been drawing for one month
>"Guys, what should I do with my art style??"

I see this extremely often from Americans and beginners. Do I just happen to have bad luck and run into odd-balls, or has anyone else seen these types around often?

>> No.3260523

Then why make a topic about them? It's clearly jealously.

>> No.3260533

No, it's just cringe I've bottled up for weeks that I wanted to share and see others share their experiences with autistic artists. Also it's you that's making the first post the main subject here, when I wanted people to share their stories as well. How more delusional can you get? Literally that kid gets bullied by everyone on the server and they make memes of him, I highly doubt that's jealousy.

Now move on and let other people post cringefests they've experienced.

>> No.3260539
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There was some girl that suddenly got into painting and none gave a shit about it until she began adding an edgy dramatic back story behind her paintings, such as "I was depressed one night and lit matches on fire on repeat, my father saw I was le emo depresso xdddd so I painted this 2 vent" and it was a kinder garden tier paining with a black blotch representing a girl sitting in the middle of a hill with a red balloon. 2deep4u.

She quit painting after making like 6 of them and now she's more focused on how to "express her gender as someone who is agender" even though she's just a butch lesbian that used to be bisexual.

>> No.3260545 [DELETED] 
File: 750 KB, 2000x2548, 3049583ujfi34o5f38458934e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gave this 14yr old shithead criticism on this horrible drawing. he excused everything for "MUH STYLE!"
i hate this fucking drawing so much. the hands, the way this ugly shit holds the shotgun. /beg/ers can be so obscenely bad.

>> No.3260549

the worst art students are the kind to produce works that only say "look at my personal suffering!"
they'll resent all criticism, because you can't judge them apparently.

>> No.3260551
File: 750 KB, 2000x2548, 3049583ujfi34o5f38458934e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3259726 (OP)

gave this 16yr old shithead criticism on this horrible drawing. he is self-obsessed, completely content with his drawing and excused everything for "MUH STYLE!"
i hate this fucking drawing so much. the hands, the way this ugly shit holds the shotgun. /beg/ers can be so obscenely bad.