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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.01 MB, 1354x1000, pornthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3251084 No.3251084 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>3237298

Post your current erotic drawings and paintings here and provide helpful criticism and advice to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, DOWNSIZED TO AROUND 1000 PIXELS WIDE, ROTATED TO THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, and that any unused space is cropped.

Reminder that if you do not want to see degeneracy*, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.3251126 [DELETED] 


>> No.3251151 [DELETED] 

HAHA nice meme looool xDDD LMAO :p

>> No.3251226
File: 387 KB, 900x1480, lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I know the anatomy still needs work and my box forms could be better, but the thing I'm trying to work on here is digital line quality.

A lot of artists manage to get really appealing lineart for their porn work - what is the best way to do this? I don't have as much trouble achieving nice lines with traditional work, it is digital art that always comes out looking flat to me.

Here I've left a faint sketch showing, but does that add dimension or just look sloppy? Are thin lines good, or do thicker lines feel more appealing?

>> No.3251229
File: 757 KB, 1410x844, SpidermanElsaPrank!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251236

I just realized the kids who grew up with those videos will have an unconscious affinity towards all things SpidermanxElsa. Time to tap that market in about a decade.

>> No.3251249

I understand Elsa. But why spiderman? Is he still popular in the states? I havent seen elsas level spiderman popularity since first Raimis Spiderman here. Didnt they also reboot the comics books to have him black? But the new movie he's still white? Seems like a clusterfuck. Whats the catch?

>> No.3251251

At the risk of getting banned, check out /r/Elsagate

>> No.3251258

I heard of it, watched h3 video about it. Seemed far fetched to be a pedophile ring. To me it seemed like someone was trolling/protesting youtubes recent shenanigans. Would make sense considering the shift in ad revenue streams. Then developing made up youtube rules/selective trend setting. Making such statements as 'if a video isn't suitable for a 5 year old, it isnt suitable for youtube' in that sense. Sounds like a prime target to contaminate youtubes new "family friendly" image pool.

But thats just my personal opinion. There might be more to it. Still why spiderman and not Batman, he had more recent films/popularity. Or a transformer etc. Is it the bright colors?

>> No.3251282
File: 1.34 MB, 1590x1932, trap commission1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a commission I did for $25.

>> No.3251329

>Those fucked feet on the one on her knees
>The perspective issues both that and the hidden feet on the other woman create


>> No.3251330

Yea I'm still working on getting better at drawing feet.

>> No.3251332

*fucked legs

>> No.3251333

If you ever end up getting commissions from footfags, feet are definitely something to put more work in

>> No.3251345
File: 83 KB, 1280x950, 1512973561.rulion_rino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do u think of this

>> No.3251380

i like it! do you have an FA account?

>> No.3251382
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for critiques

>> No.3251385
File: 138 KB, 431x820, boob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3251391


>> No.3251400

Anyone else find porn strangely easier to draw than clean stuff?
Starting to feel a bit like I might've somehow accidentally trained my brain to visualize smut real good and pretty much nothing else. I spend a month drawing clean work and fucking up and feeling bad about it and then I just totally outdo myself with some gross smut I drew in a half hour with my hand stuck down my pants.

>> No.3251413

What was the clean work? An action pose?

>> No.3251416

Not qualified to give you a real critique but I like your Lineart.

>> No.3251419
File: 261 KB, 1145x794, 1513100701342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah even with shitty skills you can make money... Where do you show your "art"?, Just asking to get some money

>> No.3251426

thank you! It looks a little rough because I don't have a scanner, so I have to photograph the drawing and then fuck around with levels on photoshop to make it look clean

I do have a tablet but I fucking hate inking digitally, it takes me ages. I use it only for coloring and touching up stuff

>> No.3251427

I've been dissatisfied with more than one piece of clean work and I draw more clean stuff than porn. "Action poses" are among the things I've fucked up but I drew a one-off, single attempt smutty picture of one character actioning into another character and it came out more or less how I wanted, and definitely better than my usual stuff for something I think I'd normally find difficult to draw.

>> No.3251452
File: 1015 KB, 1600x2560, 8e16d47f-58b0-4a11-96f3-ff5f7fe79456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted some drafts of this in a previous thread.
Thank you to the guys who helped me fix it. Here is its current form.
I redrew the lines using vectors this time and did the changes to the anatomy that were reccomended.

>> No.3251455

Where is the dick coming from?

>> No.3251469
File: 1.52 MB, 340x304, stefan molyn(you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a critique.

>> No.3251523

wheres the other one?

>> No.3251530

looks pretty cool, though the hair needs more shades
anyway, please remember to resize before posting

>> No.3251533
File: 597 KB, 829x1200, fasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on my first proper commission, but I've only been doing digital shit since November and I'm worried about the quality of my attempt at "rendering". I'm terrified the person I'm doing it for is going to be disappointed.

It's still extremely WIP, but can anybody give me some tips on proper shading? I know most of the basics, but still I'm having a difficult time actually executing them.

>> No.3251572
File: 706 KB, 500x282, Dsz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't let him improve, I need to steal his comissions

>> No.3251594

Thanks. Sorry bout the size, i forgot.

>> No.3251620
File: 303 KB, 800x957, 20171108_170811-1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the sketch to a lithography I made

>> No.3251622
File: 178 KB, 800x625, 20171110_134734-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the Litho. I like the sketch more. This was the second litho I did ever so I'm far from mastering it.

>> No.3251695
File: 740 KB, 1335x1700, dasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the octopus/removed the sign and made some changes to the colour. I think this will probably be finished by tomorrow. I hope my commissioner is happy with it.

>> No.3251723

I liked the other puss better.

>> No.3251753

Well, I need to make the female character the centre of focus either way since the octopus wasn't even supposed to be in it altogether (I insisted on adding it for free because I thought it'd be fun).

>> No.3251815

those are men, "a-anon."

>> No.3251929
File: 175 KB, 684x464, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post ever here.

Any input?

>> No.3251941


>> No.3251976
File: 65 KB, 439x578, ASSOLETHANY WINKTANO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study. Needs a lot more time on it but I'm done for today. Thank you to Vodka for pushing me to be a better person.

>> No.3252007

maybe it's just me, but i find the thighs to be too round, especially near the crotch area. also her spine looks weird (it could just be the star that's confusing me).

>> No.3252016
File: 15 KB, 588x785, drawn and colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here is the first thing I have ever drawn. Obviously I have no idea what I am doing I am just faking it until I make it. Drawn using GIMP and a mouse. My goal is just to be able to draw porn you see on animation sites, porn games sites, etc. So I am not going through the proper art training route just the fast track to drawing bare minimum fappable stuff. If anybody had any simple style drawings I could study I would appreciate it. (basically just different ways to draw simple nipples, butthole, toes, hands, eyes, etc).

>> No.3252029


>> No.3252051
File: 19 KB, 804x1024, drawn and colored2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so here is my second attempt at a drawing. I guess my first question is when it comes to drawing on the computer is how do you decide what brush to use / what size / what settings. For this 2nd one I did pencil at 1 px instead of 2 px like in the first one. I mean it kinda looks better because you can fit more detail relative to the size of the character but also looks more shitty because more jaggies.

>> No.3252057
File: 747 KB, 1920x1080, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252060
File: 636 KB, 527x598, 1469635075017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude grab a pencil or something if you don't have a tablet, these are disturbing...

>> No.3252062

it very much looks like you're just tracing.

>> No.3252064

you will never learn using a mouse and tracing over photos.

give it up and keep your job at mcdonalds.

>> No.3252068

what do you think I am trying to learn ? Like I said I am just trying to draw some basic ass cartoon porn. Yeah these were done just copying from a photo. But its not like its some crazy transition from what I did there from what I want to do.

>> No.3252070

>This is the Litho. I like the sketch more. This was the second litho I did ever so I'm far from mastering it.
>This is X. He lives in B city. His house is in C city. He likes scuba diving.
why do you sound like that you-know-who?

>> No.3252073

It's a slippery slope.
*puts on scuba gear*

>> No.3252074

if you aren't trying to learn, stop posting here and asking how your mouse drawn traced illustrations look like. we all know they look like shit.

>> No.3252080

I think you're right actually. Way too many layers to address structural changes now, so I'll fix it up once I'm done - thanks Anon.

>> No.3252083

i am trying to learn. but not what that post is implying i *should* learn. I am looking for somewhere to learn to draw very basic cartoon women, which is as far as I know doesn't exist.

>> No.3252086

People aren't trying to rude Anon. What we're trying to tell you is that when you trace you're not learning how to draw, you're just learning how to trace. Your brain isn't memorising form or 3D shapes, it's memorising how to make your hands follow over existing lines efficiently.

If you want to learn to draw then you should get away from the PC, grab a pencil and paper, find a photo of a woman and begin drawing using the photo as a reference.

>> No.3252100

Yeah but for me tracing is step one. The next step is examining the different parts of the body and how to draw them. Take for example drawing the tits. Lighting and shading is already way fancier then I am trying to do. So it just becomes a question of a few things like: do I want to draw a line around the areola or not, do i want to draw the nipple itself as a simple circle or cylinder, what basic color scheme do i want to use, etc?

In any case I won't be shitting up the thread with any progress I hope to make.

>> No.3252101

Couple of things.
Your man looks like he's lying on a different plane to your woman - his chest should be more elevated.
Your man also has 6 fingers.
Woman's feet are fucked and need to be reassessed.

Apart from that I like the blush and the shine on the hair.

>> No.3252106

Scuba Steve? Sorry. I don't get it, m8

>> No.3252108

you asked for it


>> No.3252110

Thanks for the feedback. Not sure how you’re seeing 6 fingers, but the rest makes sense and I’ll work on those if I decide to finish it

>> No.3252114

>Yeah but for me tracing is step one.
>for me
it really doesn't matter what you think the best approach is. your approach is fundamentally wrong.
stop doing that, you moron.

>> No.3252217

Nvm, I looked again and the line I thought built up a 6th finger is a moisture stand. Mb.

>> No.3252232

learn perspective and anatomy instead of tracing/overreferencing your stuff.
it looks really bad when you put a "traced" anatomy in the foreground and then rest of the body in the background looks misplaced because of lack of perspective knowledge and because the style looks different, probably because it was done from memory.

>> No.3252233

also, if you want to make it as an artist, stop drawing little kids getting dicked, you autistic moron.

>> No.3252303

>being this assblasted over someone who can draw appealing porn and probably makes money from it while you grind loomis memes to no results


>> No.3252322

Reading loomis alone wont make you good. You need to be doing studies. Take one day and dedicate it to a body part. First step is to simplify the forms. Then draw several angles of that part with reference trying to use the forms you made. Do this all day. You are allowed to trace/copy/ anything because its a study and the point is for you to get it right and internalise it. Worry about drawing from imagination waay later.

>> No.3252338

>appealing porn
is this the new meme that will replace muh style?
you really don't see the foreshortening problems, and how non cohesive the upper and lower body parts are?
please, if you are the guy that drew that, do everyone a favor and don't get assmad about people that give you constructive criticism. on the other hand if you are somebody else, please either criticize that artist's work, or just STFU. if you are a fanboy of that guy's work, you must just be an even bigger beginner than he is.
if you can't see the mistakes I see, that's really not my problem, autismo.

as for the pedo shit, that was an advice as well.

>> No.3252341
File: 181 KB, 622x786, 1203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redraw of yesterday's sketches.

>> No.3252356

Blog? Contact info? Open commissions?

>> No.3252386

It depends on the aim of the piece. For a lot of artists, 1 dimensional lines are fine because the piece is defined by color and value. But if you want your lines to do the heavy lifting, then I find having dynamic and varying line weight is key. For example, having heavier lines in areas with low values and lighter lines in areas with high values. Or having line weight determined by how near a form is to the viewing plane. Having lines thicker where they intersect or change direction is also a common practice.

So it really depends. In your piece, the line work is very weak to be honest. Uniform, lifeless. It looks almost like someone scratchily traced another drawing.

The best thing for you to do, I think, is simply study artists you find appealing. Actually look at their line art, and do your best to adapt or even mimic their style to your own.

You seem to be 'pillow shading'. As a foundation for shading, define a light source and direction. And define whether or not it is a soft or hard light. When shading, use both soft and hard brushes. Real shadows are harder (sharper) nearer to the occlusion, and the edges of the shadow soften as it gets further away. So having nice transitions from hard edges to soft edges really help sell realism. Of course all this rests on the assumption that you understand the underlying form.

>> No.3252403

this is bad foreshortening. what that guy drew is perfectly passable

>> No.3252411

it's probably passable for you. imo it ruins the pic. but more than the foreshortening, the biggest eyesore is the stark contrast between the over referenced lower body and the rest which wasn't "traced".

>> No.3252421
File: 119 KB, 1200x675, pokemon-dexio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ you guys
thanks for the advice, anon

by the way, Dexio is not a child

>> No.3252437

What kind of brush do you use to get your lines to look like this?

>> No.3252468

Redline is a custom one, a bit extra texture and 50% overscaling, but nothing fancy, black one is just clip's standard pen softened down a bit, the brush don't make the artist man.

>> No.3252489


>> No.3252492

drop the screencap

>> No.3252549

OMG!!! First time I hear about kodyboy555, God! What in the fucking hell happens with people in DA...

>> No.3252585

Guys, any ideas on where can I find refs for short girls proportions (~6/7 heads)? I like me some cute shit, but I've no idea if it's possible to find a decent ref without it being anything illegal.

You're fucking awesome, (wo)man

>> No.3252601

This person is why memes like sticky, loomis, and proko exist. Giving a proper is waste of time, providing him resources he can immediately start on when he gets his head out of his ass is the best solution.

>> No.3252615


>> No.3252648
File: 23 KB, 437x628, peach 001b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still drawing ...

>> No.3252668
File: 67 KB, 339x722, 1198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude!
I usually just blob down silhouettes until I find something that looks nice and go from there.
You shouldn't need refs that specific anon, it's a reference, not the entire composition. if you can't figure out how to deviate from a ref enough to change the proportions to fit your own drawing you might need to do some more practice.

I don't do commissions right now, sorry.
Hardly anything on there, just got into drawing again and I'm still trying to find an artstyle I'm happy with so right now it's kinda messy

>> No.3252675

>I usually just blob down silhouettes until I find something that looks nice and go from there.
I'd do that normally, but I'm trying to do stuff on paper right now and blobs are not an option there if I want to keep the paper as clean as possible.

>You shouldn't need refs that specific anon, it's a reference, not the entire composition. if you can't figure out how to deviate from a ref enough to change the proportions to fit your own drawing you might need to do some more practice.
I'm not saying I need a 6 heads high girl with a dick in her butt, I just want a few good proportion refs from the front and the back + maybe a bunch of poses to get the general feeling for the bodytype, but I can't seem to find anything. I'm pretty sure I've seen a bunch of books with those proporions but I can't remeber them.

>> No.3252690

I think it looks pretty cool all in all, except for the boobs that are two round and kinda boobjoby and the thumbs+index finger which are just looking a bit wrong in proportions and placements. Everything else I love.

>> No.3252691

So you're looking for petite bodytype references.

>> No.3252692

Yeah, wan't I clear enough on that?

>> No.3252693
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, Hit'nTheGRINDsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me up.

>> No.3252695

Boobs should sag more if they're not held up by anything

>> No.3252696

Just clarifying, I was confused.

>> No.3252700

The linework is pretty neat but the abatomy is way off. I can't even point to an exact thing that's wrong about it, there's just to many incorrect things. Try starting with a drawing a nice silhouette first and then filling it up with details.

>> No.3252702

YeahI need a petite girl ref for getting the proportions right, but all I can find is 7-8 heads

>> No.3252703

I'm fixing the breasts, also the areolas that were positioned wrong.
the hand I'm still testing, I think of making her hold the veil.

>> No.3252709
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, 436344626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old sketch

>> No.3252715

Kek, good one

>> No.3252721
File: 182 KB, 707x1000, 2352357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.3252729
File: 210 KB, 818x1000, 463462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i totally forgot about this stuf

>> No.3252739
File: 127 KB, 688x1000, 3453462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i gues that's it

>> No.3252741
File: 875 KB, 854x762, DEXIO'S BERRY SHAKE online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished piece

>> No.3252745

work on hands and feet ,other than that I like it

>> No.3252747

wheres the taint?

>> No.3252759

ruined tbph

>> No.3252761

there's enough space there for it, anon

not everyone's taint is harshly defined. I preferred to just imply it with a little redness line

>> No.3252796

Aren’t you the fag that draws furry Pokémon?

>> No.3252799

Most certainly!
I'm not a furry myself, though

>> No.3252800

But you are a fag. And most likely a cuck for putting in that nigga cock.

>> No.3252804

It's a brazilian kid?

>> No.3252811
File: 56 KB, 400x240, 13f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I am a fag.
Interracial is hot, nothing to do with cuckoldry

it's Dexio from Pokémon

>> No.3252814

>he likes BBC

Join our BBC Discord.

>> No.3252827
File: 316 KB, 779x938, 1221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252844 [DELETED] 

I have my head in my ass ?

Why do I want to practice drawing contour lines when the drawings I want to make have none ?
Why do I want to practice density when the drawings I want to make have none ?
Why do I want to practice shadowing when the drawings I want to make have none ?

>> No.3252857

Holy shit, you're good even in color. Nice job, man, nice job. Start a tumblr blog or something, so I can follow you.

>> No.3252858

so good, blog?

>> No.3252865

How are you so good? Blog?

>> No.3252869

Please don't try to copy boogie. It's not worth it

>> No.3252911
File: 48 KB, 500x378, 1514352908378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commission open when?

>> No.3252912

I'm really glad you can take the advice out of my harsh comment. that's a great attitude.
regarding the character being a child or not. in your artwork he looks like a little kid. probably that is emphasized by the perspective being off. because of this his torso seems very short and this gives him child like attributes.

>> No.3252918
File: 1.22 MB, 1463x1907, Illustration14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dig those, man!

Here's my first finished naughty pic. Didn't manage to get any reaction before the last thread died. I know it isn't polished and slick in style, but I'd like to hear if it does it for someone.

>> No.3252932

he already told you. the brush doesn't make the artist.
stop thinking you'll get better at art by tweaking your brush settings. it's not gonna happen.

>> No.3252968

the composition is pretty cool, there's talent in there somewhere, but you really need to clean up those lines man, it does not look finished at all! Right now it looks like a half-assed sketch with horrible line work that you decided to color in and call finished anyways.

Put some fucking effort in your work.

>> No.3252970
File: 101 KB, 900x600, new years 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been on this board before..don't know if furry is okay...but really looking for constructive criticism as I have a hard time finding it within the fandom itself :/ Please go ham on everything you can see wrong!

>> No.3252975

You're right. Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

>> No.3252991

good on you for taking harsh feedback, that's respectable

>> No.3253003

>It's not worth it
Is there something I don't know about, some sort of drama, or is it more of how looks? Why the warning? Genuinely curious.

>> No.3253012

It's more the look of it, if anything. imo he really over does it with his bodies (and rendering). It's hit or miss most of the time, but if you like his stuff and feel like it's working for ya, what can I say.

>> No.3253018

I mainly like his linework and stylization. His rendering is hit and miss for me too though. I have others I look towards for inspiration in that.

>> No.3253023

I have trouble with going from silhouettes into construction, any tips you could share or resources?

>> No.3253068
File: 281 KB, 1014x863, Guninmouthemoji[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an issue with faces and finishing things. Been working on this but i think I'm gonna take a break and study a different picture.

>> No.3253213
File: 139 KB, 1280x1265, 1513554128.jodero_packinheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique of these four, please.

>> No.3253216
File: 352 KB, 1258x1022, 1510794797.jodero_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3253219
File: 222 KB, 790x1076, 1511668789.jodero_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3253220
File: 128 KB, 592x999, 1514177124.jodero_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3253223

Also, are there any good refs/ tutorials on orgasms?

Like cumshots and squirting?

>> No.3253224


>> No.3253232

Thank ya kindly

>> No.3253295
File: 2.23 MB, 1088x842, 1029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3253304

Asking for help related to porn.
Can anyone give me reference or tutorial pics for panties? Im trying to use whitey tighties for ref with myself but drawing that onto my bodies makes it look off. The shape isnt right. Or any reference to help with pulled cloth.

>> No.3253327
File: 614 KB, 1222x1528, IMG_20171222_150943-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know the vagina is a bit weird looking. I'll fix it in post. Anyways, I'm not really sure I should have put clothes on her. On one hand, it makes her recognizable as Rodina from King's Raid (problem is that it looks nothing like her), and an the other hand, nudity would make it more lewder. Decisions.

>> No.3253338

You do realize Anon that clothing, when used properly, can be more arousing then full nudity?

>> No.3253340

I need images of lewd outfits.

>> No.3253384
File: 380 KB, 1000x692, g2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the anatomy's a little better this time...

>> No.3253390

Better, yes. But now the dude's fingers/wrist are absurdly noodly. I'm sure no one would care tho since he's not the main focus.

>> No.3253405

It looks like two different people are holding her legs while a third one fucks her, was that the intention?

>> No.3253414

Yeah, sure, why not?

>> No.3253489

I don't know any resources, but I say if you've got the flat shape right then just try putting the big 3d shapes in: spheres/cubes for the head, ribcage and pelvis. When you got those right, it's easier to continue towards arms and legs.

>> No.3253527
File: 109 KB, 707x818, Lithaen_ Ghost Demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3253852
File: 365 KB, 818x933, 1301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm gonna do one more drawing for this set with Phoebe in like sleepwear or just underwear, but for now, these two are done. I also decided to add some pins to her backpack so that when Noodles sticks out one of his tentacles to grab or interact with stuff, the backpack looks like a frog, which I thought looked pretty cute.

Anyways, some critique would be really appreciated, asking for my blog three times in a row when I've already linked it is not.

>> No.3253853


>> No.3253869

What are your pen settings? Do you use the marker tool?
Do you have a blog?

>> No.3253870


>> No.3253871

Looks pretty cute

>> No.3253872


>> No.3253873

What brushes do you use?

>> No.3253875

Muh dick

>> No.3253889

you should just stop drawing all together and do something better with your life

>> No.3253893
File: 260 KB, 1800x1291, DRf3WZ4WkAM_5SP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what artists like Incase do to get this kind of papery/parchment effect on the skin? I think it looks great, I'd love to emulate it.

>> No.3253900

Yeah, I really should grind more hands.

Appreciate the reply

>> No.3253920
File: 17 KB, 267x187, 1302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Clip Studio Paint and I use a normal round brush with some light texturing and 15-30% stabilization, like this.
Nothing fancier than that, sorry to break it to you.

The brush don't make the artist, man, practice does.

>> No.3253926

I feel like her forehead should have some shadow cast by her hair, and that her arms might also need some where they pass behind her torso? Not to sure.

>> No.3253930

It seems that they just render it more mate with less speculars and more diffuse lighting, while keeping a bit of SSS and general glowiness

>> No.3253934

What’s your blog?

>> No.3253951

If you actually looked through the thread and payed attention you would find it.
They've already posted the link and they came here for critique.
Learn. To. Read.

>> No.3253960

Kek. Found out I've already subscribed to this guy.

Other anon.

>> No.3254038
File: 66 KB, 773x1030, peach 001c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before starting to paint...

>> No.3254109
File: 275 KB, 746x766, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you going to stop tracing your faces from Japanese ero mags and start injecting some actual personality/emotion into your shit.

>> No.3254126

Because this is my drawing style...
I try to make cleaner lines and more realistic faces.
I do not like to make exaggerated faces or big eyes.

>> No.3254130

Okay but then why are you posting in a porn thread? That's the primary beef that everybody has with your shit. Pornography is about sex, eroticism, raw emotion, and your characters are just... existing. There's nothing there, nothing sexy nor beautiful about them. Might as well just draw mannequins man.

I'll remind you that Liefeld "just has a drawing style" also.

>> No.3254134

Okay, I'll start posting somewhere else.

>> No.3254135

why does it looks so appealing even with minimum of contrast and values ;-;

>> No.3254142

I agree with >>3254130
Also you should try to make different expressions, your drawings look dull.

>> No.3254143

Because you don't need fancy work with contrast or values for the picture to look good. He's got enough contrast to represent how well his shapes and forms look and that's more than enough for a picture like this.

>> No.3254144

>elephant calves

>> No.3254146

I don't know, I find them super hot.

>> No.3254185

i would like to see you draw a girl sucking on a cock or making a lewd face with toung out and blushing...
your faces always look robotic.
Thats not to say i think your shit, it looks nice sure...
but very stiff,

>> No.3254234

if you need work on faces then you should sit down and draw some faces bro.

>> No.3254441
File: 170 KB, 585x680, 1314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pandiculating morning succubus.

>> No.3254526
File: 215 KB, 1178x1500, 2017-12-30-01-26-46-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still WIP (got shine, ink detail, octopus patterning to finish), but probably gonna be the last I post of this.

There's lightning inconsistencies on the feet but it's because the client wanted two seperate versions, one with the octopus and one without, so I'll fix that when I merge everything for the alternate piece. Still need to fix those round thighs too, but yeah, so close to being done.

>> No.3254579

Holy shit Hentai Foundry/Blog/whatever?

Love these styles

>> No.3254583


>> No.3254585

Oh, thanks man. I'm super new to digital art so I don't have that much stuff uploaded yet, but my HF is https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/eromal/profile, my Tumblr is eromal.tumblr.com.

>> No.3254587

Oh, I stumbled upon your 'Ritual' piece and already have you favorited!

Keep chugging along man, good shit

>> No.3254589


what character is this?

>> No.3254591

Oh wow your amazing what’s your blog.

>> No.3254592

>your art sucks because you don't draw ahegao

the absolute state of 4chan 'art critics'

>> No.3254593

Wow best artist here you got a blog?

>> No.3254594

The art in itself doesn't suck, but the artist sucks if he/she can only draw the same dead expression in all of his/her drawings.

>> No.3254600

Ah no way! I didn't think anybody liked that piece because it didn't really get as much attention as the Velma one. Was thinking maybe I should go back to doing simplistic preexisting character art. Thanks for the favourite though!

It's an OC called Aimsee commissioned by this user https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Comissioner/profile

You should check out their gallery, it's full of pretty neat variations of this one character. I thought it was really creative.

>> No.3254601

You're using the appropriate amount of tags on both of them, it's probably because Velma has a nostalgia factor

>> No.3254603

Yeah I think you're right.

>> No.3254907

Why don't you come over here and say that to my face pal.

>> No.3254915

because you're used to fap to manga or other heavily stylized artwork.
I on the other hand can't get over how bad the hands and feet are stylized and how stiff the pose looks. the backpack girl looks nicer, but I guess it's because it's easier to draw a bust hiding stuff that is more difficult to draw.

but I'm an artist, so I'm cursed with high standards when I look for appeal.
this is a good enough illustration to satisfy normies.

>> No.3255547

Whats the source?

>> No.3255549

>anybody know what artists like Incase do
>artists like Incase

>> No.3255551

probably doxy

>> No.3255553

Nah it's BBC-chan obvs.

>> No.3255592
File: 424 KB, 644x974, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking to get into porn and was wondering from any of your experiences did you make any profit off of it? I just need to pay for a surgery that isn't completely covered by insurance. I was also hoping if anyone could redline/point out flaws in my wip. I'm going to redraw it as I drew on too small of a canvas and I simply am not happy with it. I just want to make sure the redrawn version doesn't look like crap and I want to change the expression of the face too.Thank you to anyone that helps.

>> No.3255619

draw yourself before and after the surgery.

>> No.3255701

looks like her chest is made of quicksand and her titties are drowning in it. Look for animuporn with a similar pose.

>> No.3255730

Is there even such a thing as a before and after surgery fetish?
Thank you for the feedback, do you know any way to make it look less like quicksand? I already know the boob shape is very odd and the right boob should be more attached to the skin. Should I reduce the hue variation? How can I make it look less muddled? Thanks again for the critique.

>> No.3255733

This is so bizarre. Like the opposite of tracers. Your rendering is insanely good but what the fuck is your anatomy?

>> No.3255738

just because your uncle fucked all your holes without lube doesnt mean the cycle has to continue. get help

>> No.3255754
File: 261 KB, 525x403, wdjinhdiwdiuw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my anatomy and just in general my art looks bad. I've been trying to save up for some anatomy books but I feel like I will still have the same problem. Should I take the other guy's advice and start referencing? I'm a little afraid to do it because I don't want to use it as a crutch. Also could you maybe be so kind as to red line it? Thank you

>> No.3255758

dude just pirate some pdfs of anatomy books there are a few in the new sticky

>> No.3255764

There isn't a single decent artist alive that doesn't reference.

Art is a depiction of life, and you can't depict it well without studying life.

>> No.3255783
File: 483 KB, 1296x977, rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way to make it look less like quicksand? I already know the boob shape is very odd and the right boob should be more attached to the skin. Should I reduce the hue variation? How can I make it look less

here's a stab at it. Be clear where your light it coming from so you can properly sculpt it, otherwise it will look muddled. I couldn't really tell where it was coming from, so it's now more heavily frontal light. Look at refs to make it look less weird.

>> No.3255799

I wasn't aware of the pdfs, I appreciate the pointers.
Thank you so much for fixing my lighting. I will make sure to take note of this and start using references for my redraw. Your lighting makes a lot more sense and looking at your redraw made me realize how dumb my drawing looks. It's a literal bobble head compared to a person.

>> No.3255815
File: 36 KB, 422x548, milhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if faced with "this looks weird and I have no idea how to fix it" you kinda have to use references. Try to draw Milhouse without reference...unless you've drawn him before with reference it will look really weird. That same memory is at play with human anatomy. You have to teach your brain how it actually looks before you draw it right. I think once you get out of the "this looks weird" phase you won't need refs as much.

>> No.3255844
File: 464 KB, 1104x922, 1356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as happy with this one as the last two, looks a bit too stiff even with some after adjusting, and it's kinda similar to the full-body one. I still think it looks more than passable, but that's my self critique on it. I'm really happy with how her color scheme is turning out though, red/purple with cyan/mint looks nice.

One or two more outfits to go still. the plan right now is to do a workout outfit with leggings first, and then one with one of those one-piece competition swimsuits if I haven't gone completely sick of working on this set by then.

>> No.3255855


>> No.3255901

that hand anatomy is atrocious to look at.
this is what happens when you use other people's art as reference instead of real life people.
seriously dude, stop doing this to yourself, and start doing some proper studying.

>> No.3255904

>Your stylization doesnt appeal to my taste.

>> No.3255907 [DELETED] 

lol GTFO
dickbrain normies ashouldn't be allowed to post.

>> No.3255914 [DELETED] 

is your life so sad that you only live for anon you's

>> No.3255916

what the fuck are you talking about anon, I agree the thumb looks a bit off, but it sure as fucking hell isn't atrocious in my opinion.

>> No.3255917 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 486x487, 1512420765325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3255961

>stop thinking you'll get better at art by tweaking your brush settings
Literally no one thinks that, but if people want a soft linework look to their work than, heh, they need the brush settings to achieve that.

>> No.3255965

>the brush don't make the artist man
It doesn't but there is a world of difference between drawing with a ballpoint pen, oil paint, and a chalk.

>> No.3255983

different standards. you can bare with this shit, while I can't. pretty simple.

>> No.3255988

>lol GTFO
>dickbrain normies ashouldn't be allowed to post.

if you guys can't see how fucking bad this guy's fundamentals are, I can't really help you.
perspective is pretty much shit. there's no sense of presence to these characters. only passable thing here is line art, and even there his flaws are hidden behing a thick line.
you are worshiping mediocre shit.

>> No.3256006

are you retarded?? that rendering is awful. Its just blotches of color here and there. No depth no lights and shadows.

>> No.3256007 [DELETED] 

>it's just my style bro...
>I made it look shitty on purpose lol.. you fuckin retard...

>> No.3256011 [DELETED] 

no there isn't... :) git gud.

>> No.3256016

>perspective is pretty much shit
>no sense of presence
>worshiping mediocre shit.

Ask yourself what the intention of the piece is. This isn't a fully rendered, month long masterpiece you faggot. These are polished sketches of a character, exploring outfits, color schemes, and the characters personality.
They don't need amazing or extreme perspective, those belong in finished works and study. The background is flat and gray, why in fuck would the character need presence? That has no pertinence here, similarly to how there is no need for anything more than a simple straight on view.
You have no argument here you infantile shit stain, post your work, or leave.

>> No.3256025

>This isn't a fully rendered, month long masterpiece
are you implying that you need to spend a month and fully render an illustration to give it a sense of depth with proper perspective?
are you really fucking retarded?
my point is that this guy has no idea how to add proper perspective to his art, while scrubby artists and normies think he's good.
that's all.
please, stop being retarded and defending an idiot that copies other artist's styles instead of learning their fundamentals first.
again, look at those fucking hands and feet.

also, post your work first, cmon. make me laugh.

>> No.3256038

how about you post yours then dipshit. What high standard are we actually supposed to look up to?

>> No.3256047

I'm one of those people that think you have to be a fairly good artist to be able to draw porn.
clearly most people in here don't think like this, so that's my own problem.
keep being mediocre, famalinos.

>> No.3256049 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 600x314, raped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3256070

but if we were any good we would not be posting here. We wouldn't need critique and help at that point would we.
So now you are saying that is a problem to you that people are drawing porn without being good artists first... i have to ask... why are you here then? :)

>> No.3256075

>are you implying that you need to spend a month and fully render an illustration
No I'm using Hyperbole dipfuck. Ever hear about how exaggeration helps make a point? You clearly understand rhetorical questions, so maybe you're just dense.
>this guy has no idea how to add proper perspective to his art
Does he have any need for any type of perspective in this piece? Whats the point of going through addition steps if those steps don't serve a clear purpose within the piece? Art does not necessarily need proper perspective.
> think he's good
Irreverent, those are their opinions, and acting like a spoiled infant won't sway anyone's opinion.
>defending an idiot that copies other artist's styles
Which is a form of learning and studying. You copy, then take what you like for your own and evolve from there. Nothing exists within a vacuum, something else will always influence the outcome.
>look at those fucking hands and feet
They look simplistic and stylized. Don't expect everyone to appeal to your foot fetish.
>post your work first
Already have fag. >>3252693
Its shit, but its my shit. It also shows that you clearly think even more poorly of your own work and don't want to improve, as you withhold from posting on an artwork critique thread when asked to post work.

>> No.3256086

>>3255844 has stated here >>3249865 in the previous porn thread that this character is legal, and is one of their OC's. Just because a character has small boobs and is on the shorter end doesn't make them a child. That would be age.

>> No.3256109

>if the boobs arent bigger than the skull of the character its a kid

>> No.3256115

>Draw an underage girl
>Say she's not underage.

>> No.3256117

You faggots seriously believe in fucking thought crime go off yourself cunt.
>No one that draws stuff that might be under 18 because of small boobs should be alive imo
Fucking miserable shit head. Hips double as wide as the thorax and you faggot dare speak up. You dont belong here if you cant see that go infest some other board. Like go on /b/ you've got enough to do there

>> No.3256124

>Be a Pedoanon
>Get turned on by character with small boobs
>Must be a child
>Time to go fuck a toddler
Didn't know you did that sort of stuff Anon.

>> No.3256130

Can you please post your artwork? I just want to decide if you know what you're talking about or if you're just sperging based on untested theories.

>> No.3256134

why do these threads turn to complete shit every time a good artist shows up

>> No.3256137

Because /begs who've been practicing for 2 weeks escape containment and think they're hot shit. Then realise they aren't anything but a dumpster fire after they see a good artists work and lash out.

>> No.3256138

Shitty artists getting butthurt.

>> No.3256147
File: 63 KB, 554x705, EF2AC2A9-6A61-4FBF-9811-9D9AE88CB934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marie rose is an adult
That guy posted in the thread before and was fine it was probably my fault because of the art I posted. I should of probably posted in beg but I didn't because of the nudity and my dumb question. I'm sorry for shitting up the thread

>> No.3256149

>shitty people

>> No.3256161

There is statistically no connection between having fucked up fetishes and doing fucked up things, so even if it were loli you have literally no position to be whining about it unless you're a retard

>> No.3256210

>proper studying
people in the process of learning won't get everything right every time jesus christ

they are not even that bad

>> No.3256280
File: 201 KB, 600x854, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my crappy art and tell me what I need to do better

Inb4 "everything"


>> No.3256303

You're pretty good, but do you only ever draw women???

>> No.3256307

Morris is that you?

>> No.3256333 [DELETED] 

Ugly face but the rest is okay so far.
I dislike the colors chosen but meh.

>> No.3256338 [DELETED] 

Teach me senpai. What program you use? What drawing hardware?

>> No.3256341

I want to see these to engaging in sexual intercourse.

>> No.3256348


Can I grab a commission of this senorita from you?

>> No.3256357
File: 579 KB, 1280x1292, a3aa002e-74b3-41e3-b68d-c73393e52063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critiques are welcome, particularly about fixing the hips on both elves

>> No.3256428

Very nice. Though i agree with dickhead anon. The fingers look like 'cutting corners/too lazy to care about hands' rectangles and are probably the weakest part of your drawing. I understand you want to have them 'meaty', but giving some indication of form/bending, less random finger sizes would help it alot. Also when clenched, the fingers usually taper twords the middle, not outwards. This is more the case with the two figures on both sides, as they have the same hand shape repeated. Otherwise really pleasant aesthetics.

>> No.3256432

>why are you here then? :)
to remind you that you shouldn't be drawing porn if you ware beginners.


>> No.3256440
File: 25 KB, 591x328, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. I don't want to be recognized and ruin my good rep.
I'll post something else instead.

>> No.3256441

I'm arguing about people worshiping mediocrity and wrong approach that anon has to studying. he's basically copying other artists instead of understanding real life and how a style actually works.

>> No.3256444

Not that guy, but you shouldn't be posting here if you don't know what 'critique' is. Critique is to try to be helpful. Not to 'vent your frustration because you're jaded/jealous'.
I'm really surprised /ic/ fell for that low quality shit post you made. The saddest part is you actually think you're being the rational here, while acting like an offended piss baby. See that last sentence isn't helpful for you to improve your critique quality. It only makes you more upset and pushes you to further act like that. What should happen is before posting one should ask oneself "am i explaining the issue well here, should i illustrate what the issue and a solution is." And obviously "am i being emotionally driven in my post".

Happy posting.

>> No.3256486

Or you've just have nothing to show and stole a stat pic from somwhere. Figures.

>> No.3256495

hey vert

>> No.3256510
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x810, 1511609329880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3256511

mmmm, tasty anon tears
no idea who that is

>> No.3256512

>tasty anon tears
haha you wish

>> No.3256526

As if anyone believes you.

>> No.3256529

your tears are my fuel

tl;dr if you want to be a good successful smut artist, learn your fundamentals, morons.

>> No.3256530 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 529x524, 1507507142342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3256531

There's no tears. I'm just looking at an asshole who acts way over himself without showing anything to indicate he has any reason to.

>> No.3256548

I don't need to prove you anything. I went way out of my way alredy to take that screenshot.
keep being retards that copy successful artists instead of actually becoming successful artists. fucking idiots.

>> No.3256550

ok :)

>> No.3256551

Well, you didn't prove anything, so why should o care about your opinion?

>> No.3256552

>before posting one should ask oneself
>"am i explaining the issue well here,
yep. the issue is copying other artists without learning anything about the underlying fundamentals in those artist's art
>should i illustrate what the issue and a solution is.
I already illustrated the issue, while the solution is to learn from real life doing proper studies instead of mindlessly copying heavily stylized art
>"am i being emotionally driven in my post".
not at all. I just like to kick people in the ass so that they stop daydreaming and start putting some effort towards actual improvement

hope this helps your reading comprehension, smartass wannabe.

>> No.3256555

as I said, keep crying, while my following, bank account and art gains keep growing.

>> No.3256556


>> No.3256557

>I just like to kick people in the ass so that they stop daydreaming and start putting some effort towards actual improvement
Nah, you're not kicking anyone, you're just being an asshole. While you're spilling here your bs about how wrong it is to copy other artists, Sakimi-chan and Kronprinz are making tons of money shile drawing professional animu crap. I wonder who needs to cry here exactly.

>> No.3256561

>sakimichan and kronprinz
>literally being in the right place at the right time and being good at promoting themselves
>used as example what to strive for
my sides just left the planet

>> No.3256570

The funny thing is they did it and you didn't. You can't even show your artwork, because you know how much of an asshole you are now, or because it's actually complete crap. Why in the hell would anyone want to listen to your opinion on anything here?

>> No.3256575
File: 261 KB, 454x734, 7CPZmo8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends, let's channel all that anger into critiquing :)

I need help with drawing somewhat endowed women. I don't really understand titty physics.

>> No.3256584

>The funny thing is they did it
right. that's because sakimichan works super hard and because kron has good fundamentals, but you shitheads will never admit this kek
>and you didn't
I don't know about that, crabby. I live like a king and make bank with my art.
>You can't even show your artwork, because you know how much of an asshole you are now
bingo! as I said, I don't want to ruin my good rep, but I love I can speak so freely here.
>Why in the hell would anyone want to listen to your opinion on anything here?
because I fucking made it.
and sure, keep thinking I'm lying on a cambodian tree sap collecting img board.
fucking dumbass.

>> No.3256589

>right. that's because sakimichan works super hard and because kron has good fundamentals, but you shitheads will never admit this kek
What the hell are you even talking about? You're not talking baout fundamentals, you're bitching about thumbs on highly stylized picture. Who are you trying to lie to here?

>I don't know about that, crabby. I live like a king and make bank with my art.
Yeah, you're shitting on 4chan on a New Year night. My god, I wish I had your level of success.

>bingo! as I said, I don't want to ruin my good rep, but I love I can speak so freely here.
Well, no way to know it. You still haven't said anything that would indicate you've got anything useful to say.

>because I fucking made it
Did you? How would anyone know that? You act like an asshole, you're not saying anything useful, you can't show your work. You're a bitter asshole.

>> No.3256590

>>3255844 here

Jesus, what the fuck happened in here. sorry my hands suck? thanks >>3256428 for clarifying what he meant by that by the way. I've always liked blocky looking hands in stylized art, so it's not that I'm just trying to avoid drawing proper hands, I legitimately just think they look cool. the end goal for me isn't to draw super realistic art, it's to draw stylized stuff that looks as good as possible while still being efficient enough to put in something like a comic. But of course, they're still hands and should work like hands, I'm not saying that's a reason to skimp out out on proper anatomy or anything, like the fingers tapering inwards instead of outwards can't really be excused as a style choice, that's just me not entirely knowing how hands work yet. we're all here to improve, I'm by no means a great artist or claiming to be one.

As for >>3256552
I honestly kinda get why you're so upset with people praising my art if you really are a big name artist and not just some angry autist with high standards. compared to you I might be fucking awful, I'm doing so many things wrong you notice instantly, but these dumb fucks don't even see. But one year ago I'd look at my current art and go "man, that's my end goal" but being here I'm realizing I'm still unhappy with how I draw, there's still shit to improve, and looking back at this drawing one year from now I'll probably notice all the glaring issues i've figured out how to fix by then as well and also not kinda get why people was ever impressed by this shit, hopefully I'm not as shitty about it as you are though. I'm not posting here to show off how fucking amazing and perfect I am, anon, I'm asking for critique, so that I can improve stuff such as the way I draw hands so that they don't look "atrocious".

>> No.3256591

are you in some weird you collecting cult,because you are not giving any thing but the vaguest of actual critics and are just endlessly shit posting

>> No.3256595

I am arguing with an idiot that can't follow a conversation longer than 10 words.
never mind.

it's not about comparison. you know what appeal is and that's why the normies and beginners think your art is hot shit, while in reality it has a ton of flaws. what I'm annoyed about is how stiff, samey and fundamentally flawed your art is.
I might be completely wrong here, but I am assuming you "copy" a lot of stylized art instead of drawing from real life. and I think that's your biggest issue. instead of understanding how stylization works, you just try to recreate it. I see this in the really shabby construction of the hands and feet, in the stiffness of the bodies and in the lack of depth.
and yes, you are correct. I'm not assblasted because of your art, I'm assblasted by the hugbox people are giving you. I understand a lot of it is trolling, like the blog meme, but a lot of them are acting genuinely and they have no idea what they're talking about. I hope this won't have a bad influence on your development. you have great potential, but you should really readdress your priorities. fundamental understanding of real life had precedence over stylization. it doesn't work the other way around. well, it can work, but you'll definitely need more time to get genuinely good at smut art in the long run if you take this road.

>> No.3256598

>I am arguing with an idiot that can't follow a conversation longer than 10 words.
Mostly you're being an idiot yourself. But you are right, nevermind

>> No.3256614

see man, that's actual valuable critique. It's true I'm just copying a mix of other artist's stylized art to create my own instead of stylizing based on my own knowledge of real human anatomy, if you had just said that instead of bickering with people for having the audacity to compliment my art, I would have taken it to heart sooner, I do recognize I've got really stiff anatomy and that I more often than not look at stylized art for anatomy reference than real anatomy.

>> No.3256617

meant, stiff poses, not stiff anatomy.

>> No.3256623

more pls

>> No.3256750

man, I've been saying that since the beginning here >>3255901
I guess I've been to vague, but all I wanted to say is not to copy/study heavily stylized and instead use real life to learn your fundamentals, before you try to break it down into YOUR OWN style. sorry for the confusion.

>> No.3256849


>> No.3256886

Wow this thread went to shit
Why do people bother arguing with people like >>3256440 who obviously have something to hide lol, just get back to drawing

>> No.3256892

He's been here for a couple years now and uses the same recognizable speech patterns every time. I have no idea how he keeps managing to pull people into arguing with him.

>> No.3256961
File: 49 KB, 326x868, 2619CC40-DA91-44A0-97B8-46648EEB4EF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on B2, any thoughts?

>> No.3257000

Her name is 2B you stupid asshole. Get it right if you’re gonna draw her.

>> No.3257012

Fix your faces holy shit they don’t look appealing. And you make legs too big like fucking tree trunks, doesn’t match the body.

>> No.3257063

Yeah there is something offputting about his faces.

>> No.3257075

I don't think his faces are generally unappealing but I do think the face in this looks more like 9S than 2B's face. Can't hide your real tastes I guess.

>> No.3257124

I really like it anon, the fingers are pretty thick though, and she is bustier, but that might just be the shading making her look flat right now, overall bretty good

>> No.3257127

Sure, just send me a DM on my blog

>> No.3257161
File: 2.36 MB, 1029x800, comissao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not used to drawing porn at all, but this is sort of a comission...
Anyways, critiques welcome

>> No.3257201

lol would love to read the commissioners email for this one. was it a detailed description?

>> No.3257211

I just had to use the blue character. He has some scars, so I imagined it would make sense to have some mild violence there, but perharps it was too much

>> No.3257232

is this one male fairy raping another male fairy?

>> No.3257253


kinda picking up berserk vibes desu

>> No.3257256


>> No.3257337
File: 399 KB, 495x1319, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you pretending to be me

I like thick fingers btw she s wearing gloves after all. All so tree trunk legs are my fetish lol

>> No.3257360

is she supposed to be laying down or what? the pose is kinda odd.

>> No.3257392
File: 179 KB, 960x907, NoodyGurl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd try my hand at sketching lewds in pen. I know the shadow on the hand is too dark here but I couldn't really do anything for it.

>> No.3257415

I liked the black nail polish tho

>> No.3257426
File: 2.10 MB, 1070x792, mutant pussy-worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257429
File: 94 KB, 400x334, bucket-of-crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you pretending to be me
see pic attached.

Great stuff as always, my dude. Love the subtlety of the shading on her legs. Maybe the only thing that looks a bit off is the stiffness of the upper body. I think a more dynamic pose would look better.

>> No.3257431
File: 9 KB, 1129x628, Fucking masterpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these look like fucking human waste, I could shit better works of art.
Mine is best

>> No.3257444

Get a fucking life Kyle we know it’s both you.

>> No.3257446

That face is getting worse.

>> No.3257453
File: 8 KB, 1129x628, Thick Ms paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the master of MS Paint, you could never dream of competing with me

>> No.3257455

Kyle would you doodle a sketch for me?

>> No.3257460

I would like to point out that Kyle is home alone on New Years Night.

What a loser.

>> No.3257461

>tfw just like Kyle
I'm gonna make it

>> No.3257471

literal human garbage

>> No.3257473

Can't take criticism Kyle?

>> No.3257474

all my sides

>> No.3257481

Dude, i recommend getting the sketch app on the android store, and just using your phone, ittl look better

>> No.3257562

calling something shit with no further explanation or suggestion is as far from criticism as you can get, retard, youre just whining at that point

>> No.3257565
File: 1.60 MB, 989x1150, 3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get better at scan tones

>> No.3257623
File: 383 KB, 1120x1504, NoodyGurl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more pen girls. This time I scanned it because I couldn't get a good photo of a whole page.
Not that anyone cares.

>> No.3257630
File: 376 KB, 666x882, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with 2b's face? I think see looks cute. Is it the nose? The lips? I woant to fix it. Just saying it's shit doesn't help me

>> No.3257719

Holy shit Kyle all alone on New Years hahahahahahaha.

>> No.3257738

it's fine. I'd be more worried about the position of her feet. Sure, you want to cater to that fetish but she can't stand like that.

>> No.3257790

..is it that easy to earn a third of a tank of gas

>> No.3257822

I cared for a few seconds, keep on drawing anon

>> No.3257852

this level of samefagging. it really amuses me how jelly of kyle you guys can get. kek

isn't it, like, super obvious that she's laying down.

inb4 "hello kyle"

>> No.3257979

Who the fuck lays flat down like that? is she dead? the poses of both of those drawings looks lifeless if it's trying to hit some kind of standing/laying down posture.

>> No.3257999

She's floating in mid air!
If only you put the hands under her head, It would make so much more sense.

>> No.3258002

no matter how much you want to try making kyle look bad, crab, what I said is still true. whoever thinks she's standing must be at least level 10 retarded. like, it's fucking obvious this is art for a dakimakura.

>> No.3258018

pls stop posting k thanx <3

>> No.3258036


>> No.3258094

Probably has a texture in a low opacity layer set to multiply. That's what I'd do for something to look like this anyways.

>> No.3258183

Hi kyle.

>> No.3258193

>maybe I'll get more (you)s if I try to imitate Kyle

>> No.3258236

new thread is up >>3258226

>> No.3258383


>> No.3258552

Generally furry isn't allowed outside /b/, but I doubt people mind too much what you post unless it's guro and/or pedo.

>> No.3258571

I wanna put my peepee in it. Does it have teeth or does it sustain itself with semen?

>> No.3258783

Do you have a blog? I like your stuff.