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File: 5 KB, 268x96, awful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3256358 No.3256358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This guy is a mediocre artist at best. why does he feel he's qualified to teach anything? How is he so popular when so many artists that are genuinely incredible exist on youtube?

>> No.3256360

It's cause he's a slave to a shit style.

>> No.3256370

Going to only post once in this thread before I hide it.

Sycra was posting tutorials for free at a time when there were hardly any resources for learning how to draw. Sure, in today's context it's not as substantial but back then his content was absolutely vital to those who cannot normally access art education. I don't understand what you mean by "why does he feel he's qualified to teach anything?" If you watch his videos, you'd know that he was uploading a lot of them as he was learning himself. If you don't like his tutorials, feel free to find some other resource since his is just one of many, but to a lot of people (myself included), his content was very helpful.

>> No.3256377

Being taught by mediocre artists is only going to make you a mediocre artist.

>> No.3256384

At the very least it brought you from the ground up to somewhere.

>> No.3256385

hey thanks for the post, that summarizes things pretty nicely.

have a good 2018, anon.

>> No.3256399

Good post. Thread should end here t b h, the rest of the thread will probably be krugers shitting on an artist who is superior to them.

>> No.3256407

Not really. the skill level of the teacher has very little to do with what you can take away form it. Lots of very good teachers are fairly mediocre artists themselves, just look at Vilppu, Hampton, Hogarth, Richard Williams, Mike Mattesi etc. Someone like you could be taught by the ghost of Michelangelo himself and probably wouldn't improve much if at all.

>> No.3256411

I agree with hogarth being shit
the rest is you being an idiot

>> No.3256416

None of them are great artists with any kind of impressive work to show. They are the very definition of mediocre, sorry if that fact angers you, but calling me an idiot won't change that. They are still great teachers mind you, who are highly competent at what they are teaching, which was the whole point of my argument.

>> No.3256423

if you don't think most of those people you just said aren't great artists, your definition of art is so fucked that you should really just give up on ever being a capable artist yourself
at least until you grow a set of functioning eyeballs

>> No.3256424

They are great draftsmen. What art has Vilppu created outside of figure studies and my little pony key frames?

>> No.3256426

give it a decade, when your balls drop and your eyeballs fill in you'll likely realize just how fucking high level those guys are
especially vilppu

>> No.3256468

>when so many artists that are genuinely incredible exist on youtube?

Like who

>> No.3256473

>dodging a question like complete pleb

>> No.3256475

This is true.

>> No.3256477

sage and hide, this crab behaviour is disgusting

>> No.3256484

There's a level of ignorance where there isn't any point to trying to have a discussion. It's like if someone says "Loomis is a meme and outdated" then you know that it's just a waste of your time to respond seriously to someone that idiotic.

>> No.3256917

Whats your name op?

>> No.3257449
File: 2.48 MB, 1600x2793, nsio_explains__psychological_take_on_making_art_by_nsio-da5xx7i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP. The aggregate effect mediocre artists and teachers have at distracting budding artists from more worthwhile resources is really frightening to think of. Sycra, Drawabox, endless tutorials by nobodies on youtube and worse paid tutorials on gumroad... it's just sad and scary to think about how much time, money, and effort these people graft from a new generation's collective interest. I honestly think the world of art as a profession and hobby would be ever so further along without these sorts of people increasing the noise to signal ratio.

But I see Sycra's defense force is in full force this thread so I guess this all falls on deaf ears. Still, I'll leave this here. Point #10 "You can not teach others until you have taught yourself". That's why skill in art matters even if you're teaching. Teaching is important after all, so why is it that it's the teachers themselves that are allowed to slack off? People who try and justify that are really jumping through some mental hoops.

>> No.3257463


>> No.3257530

Literally all that has been said is that Sycra himself admits he isn't a perfect artist. Multiple times throughout his tutorials he says he's just telling people how he works, and thinks, and what he's thinking. He doesn't claim to be right, he doesn't claim to be the best. What he does claim is that he's still learning, and if there's anyone worse at art than him, he hopes to help them improve a little bit.

All you and op are doing are being annoying Dunning Kruger pieces of shit. It's like you never even watched his tutorials, saw one meme post, and just assumed you knew everything.

You're the reason IC can't have nice things.

>> No.3257533

He only teaches basic things or sums up stuff he reads in his books. Basic principles of form, light and shadow, perspective, anatomy. You dont have to be a really good artist for teaching those, you only have to understand and explain them well. The next step to being a good artist is grinding and getting able to apply those rules, this takes a long way to go and Sycra is still on his path. A beginner doesn't need a master to teach him the most basic stuff. He only needs a good teacher.

>> No.3257535


>> No.3257544
File: 181 KB, 400x400, ooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There's a level of ignorance where there isn't any point to trying to have a discussion."
>calls anon an idiot instead of discussing in the first place.

>> No.3257585

Loomis IS a meme. He's only good for teaching the principles of construction, but once you start developing your own methods his books become effectively paperweights.

>> No.3257965
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem

>> No.3257973

>Multiple times throughout his tutorials he says he's just telling people how he works, and thinks, and what he's thinking
No duh, that's all any teacher does or can do. What matters is how helpful what they're teaching is. And moreover, how helpful what they're teaching is compared to a better teacher people could be spending their time with.

>He only teaches basic things or sums up stuff he reads in his books
I really wish that were true. But when videos like https://youtu.be/k0ufz75UvHs exist (one of his most popular ever) that's where the time he's wasting rears its head. The problem with Sycra is that he's constantly theory crafting but has no empirical evidence (his skill as an artist, the products of his process) to back those theories up. So new artists who don't know any better take these theories as gospel and, well, see >>3257449


>> No.3257974

fallacy fallacy

>> No.3257975

fallacy fallacy fallacy

>> No.3258060
File: 21 KB, 120x173, 4e46a2def65d89a271c0bfb8b115c4b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really just call Richard Williams a mediocre artist?

>> No.3258118

On the bright side, this will curb the competition at least. Darwin's Law at play pretty much