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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3253009 No.3253009 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here got gud/decent at drawing starting at the age of 20/early twenties? How much times did it took for you to git gud? What guide did you follow? Why didn't you start earlier?

>> No.3253014

A year. The sticky. Lazy.

>> No.3253058

its been 2 years and im still only learning many basics. but ive kinda focused on drawing, painting, design, concept all at once. If u only focus on drawing, practice everyday, followed up by tutorials on fundamentals, i would say minimum 1 year, but could easily be more. The more you learn, the more you also learn what havent learned.

>> No.3253063

I started when I was 18 and I've been on and off since then. Mostly off. Way way more off. I'm 25 now and trying to get serious about practicing every day.

I'm not gud yet but I can copy things well enough, so I guess I could fool some normies into thinking I could draw.

I was absolutely horrific at drawing as a small child. Everyone else in elementary school could at least draw a few things, I only ever drew stick figures. I just decided early on that it was something I couldn't do. Eventually I realized that I probably could learn it if I put in the effort, just as I've learned other things. It's sticking to it that's the problem.

I don't really fit your thread because I'm not gud yet, but I just thought I'd let you know that you're not the only person trying to learn later on.

>> No.3253080

I track my progress since starting in June here. I'm 22.

>> No.3253191
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>those sketchbooks
>anime, studies, and portraits

Stop copying my life baka

>> No.3253203

you're the magnet.

>> No.3253210

Who was that artist who got gud in 1 year? I don't remember his name

>> No.3253226


>> No.3253236

>git gud
>asking /ic/

Anon plz, even half-decent artists ditch this autistic shithole as soon as they can.

>> No.3253237

Your college went on strike? You from Ontario?

>> No.3253238

Link to his work? Google didn't help

>> No.3253247

im in toronto. come find me and kill me.

>> No.3253250


>> No.3253253
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If you're from Toronto, I hope you're taking advantage of it and going to life-drawing classes all the time. I live in a shitty small town without anything like that.

>> No.3253256

No, that's not who I had in mind

>> No.3253263

life drawing is about like 10 bux a class around here and the longest pose at OCAD downtown is only 30 minutes. i think i might do some still lives and stuff like that to get better at blocking in stuff and values and whatever and then see if i can go somewhere to do a long fig drawing.

but yev is a god???

>> No.3253272

Wait it's coming to me.. apfelfleger or some hard to spell name like that. Anyone know the correct spelling?

>> No.3253275


>> No.3253278
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Never mind I remembered - it's algenpfleger

>> No.3253281

does he have a progress video

god i wish that were me

>> No.3253293

for me it went

grade school = he's so talented!
after school program = workin hard doodles
middle = sell comics i photocopied shitty manga
high = dip into fine art
college 1 = pre med lying to myself
college 2 = philosophy kinda art? nope
college 3 = finally fine art major

all the roundabount exp taught me that it should go like this

evaluate yourself honestly =>
do you like going out? ok stay in more
do you stay in to much? ok go out more

do you do drugs? consider going to a church
do you not? consider doing drugs then going to a church

do you exercise on land? stop you aint got time for that shit go swim that is what clears ya mind the quickest
do you swim? ok nigger stop and go do squats only yes because you need to support your body if you gonna be drawing alot
ps dont fuck up your wrist read starting strength fuck /fit/

do you hate everyone? good now stop introspecting.
do you like everyne? good now stop introspecting.

ps DHEA if you feel burned out age is no excuse I'm sharp still bitches

>> No.3253297

whats your art look like

>> No.3253312
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eheheheh wellllllllllllll /ic/ hates it because i don't grind the fundamentals at all (i put off unpleasant things)

so my arts not good, but i have messed up in the ways a person can so take my advice seriously! you don't have to go through the same painstaking process i did if you follow my advice

variety that's what the word im looking for


>> No.3253324

its not bad but its not really to my taste

>> No.3253361

All of you need to stop worrying about this ridiculous "Am I too old to start" meme. It's a pointless waste of time. Your age won't determine if you make it, your talent will.

>> No.3253373
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>/ic/ hates it because i don't grind the fundamentals at all

I think it's breddy good, in fact you're unironically my favorite artist on this board

>> No.3253394

20 is ideal age to start as your brain's matured and you know what you want. In contrast, those who started in their teens have bad practices and a style locked in. Starting as a teen is only more beneficial if they were guided to fundamentals and they had the willpower and patience to push through, which most teens lack.

Yev is an example. He's a young talent locking himself to a an appealing style, when he should be getting into sticky like everyone else to create more understanding.

>> No.3253958

That's been my experience as well - tried all sorts of different things in my early teens which I failed; my mind only really matured enough to learn shit productively at 19-20

>> No.3253972
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Age 16
Art teacher "you're very talented don't waste it"

>> No.3254027
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age 14
teacher said "you suck donkey balls.
you better get into art uni." so i did.

>> No.3255033

Mindcandyman started at 22, and now he's teaching on schoolism.

>> No.3255037
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Ty Anon, I needed that. We'll make it!

>> No.3255057

I believe in you buddy.

>> No.3255235 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 750x1021, 958CFFBE-BADE-4080-B953-DAF7456C4D18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 19. Does this count as decent/good?

it’s a 40 min pose from a model

>> No.3255284

Started three years ago as a comic drawing hobbyist with 22, then discovered /ic/ a year later and started reading the usual books and drawing a lot from life. Now I'm returning to comics and it's so much fun. I really shouldn't have stopped drawing comics in first place. I still love life drawing and researching/ studing to get better at comic making, but my main goal is to finish thisnproject, regardless of quality. To quote Jake Parker: "Finished, not perfect"
(Which doesn't mean I won't give my best shot at creating it)

So yeah, just trying to have fun and continue drawing. I do love my job and wouldn't mind doing my art projects just on the side for now. Do what makes you happy. Pressuring yourself into thinking "I have to be successful at art in (insert amount of time)" will just stress you out and probably lessen the joy.

Keep studying and keep enjoying the art of others and yourself.

Drawing is a journey. I think we all went through phases from completely naive newbie to stuck up elitist to the guy who's writing this post and thinks the worst must be behind them. I will probably fail. A lot. But the real failure is not getting up again.

If you want to draw or paint just do it, OP.

btw. I did actually start earlier when I drew DBZ fanart as a kid of 10 years or so, but I stopped fairly soon because I realized I sucked and had other hobbies since then, until I rediscovered a folder of my old comics. A friend asked me why I stopped drawing, so I tried again and it was super fun.

As for the 'guide to follow', you gotta figure that one out on your own. If you're looking for a specific topic or subset of skills I'll gladly recommend you some sources and teachers.

Now tell us something about you, OP!

>> No.3255526

I should study more Bridgman so I can start drawing like a chad.

>> No.3255587

thanks buddy, just created a tumblr too, I'll draw every day and post on it to keep track of my progress.

>> No.3255588

But Tumblr doesn't respect your freedoms. Wouldn't you rather have a GNU Media Goblin instance? You can host it on your own server.

>> No.3255590

Do you know sg?

>> No.3256310

yeah bridgeman is surprisingly easy to get into once you start the text. imo loomis is useful, but it's kinda boring and i perfer hampton cause it looks cooler. i think the important thing when looking through all these anatomy texts is to find what works for you and just go off from there.

post it here and i'll follow you

>> No.3256328
