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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 703 KB, 1024x500, contest_language_123_f3184688-6b9c-42ae-8d03-a2fb9d5be6ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3204766 No.3204766 [Reply] [Original]

Should I join /ic/ ? I mean all the submitted works I saw there are bad.
Maybe I should try ?

>> No.3204767

Post your manga.

>> No.3204769

>Must not have been published in any commercial magazine or on any commercial website
Besides if I post my art here people will say this mangaka is a bad guy.

>> No.3204786

you are in a rude awakening. last year, every one held off until the last day to submit their manga. they kept polishing it and improving it to autistic levels.

>> No.3204797

I don't know about it can you tell me if there's one who got serialized in jump ?
How do you even win ? Is it a pointing system ? are judges the one who decides ?

>> No.3204804 [DELETED] 

Make a manga about a hack mangaka who makes his assistants draw everything and pulls the story out of his ass, purposefully trying to tank the manga, all the while spending all his time on reading fashion magazines and drawing the characters wearing his original donut steal designs completely out of context of the manga.
At the end of the manga, a publisher walks in as the mangaka is wistfully watching a report on the Paris fashion week and says “congratulations, kudos-san! The new issue is a hit!’ and a single tear rolls down the mangaka’s cheek. Fin.

>> No.3204805

Make a manga about a hack mangaka who makes his assistants draw everything and pulls the story out of his ass, purposefully trying to tank the manga, all the while spending all his time on reading fashion magazines and drawing the characters wearing his original donut steal designs completely out of context of the manga.
At the end of the manga, a publisher walks in as the mangaka is wistfully watching a report on the Paris fashion week and says “congratulations, kubo-san! The new issue is a hit!’ and a single tear rolls down the mangaka’s cheek. Fin.

>> No.3204809
File: 2.85 MB, 3840x1714, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude made a 48 page comic and didn't even bother having the text proofread by someone

>> No.3204810

That's the rule for these kind of contests. Why submit early? Use ALL the time you have available.

>> No.3204817

oh dear

>> No.3204848

>Grand Prize: ¥1,000,000 and Serialization in Shonen Jump (Print or Digital)

Is this real ? What if the author can't draw weekly ?

>> No.3204852

If you're good enough to win the contest, you can probably handle a weekly schedule. And if you can't you just get cancelled after a couple chapters.

>> No.3204875

Ok, which one of you made this masterpiece?

>> No.3204912

You can deny any prizes you know but you would be seen as an idiot for denying that

>> No.3204920

yeah, this one is kinda doozy. since I worked once in a flipland manga-like anthology collection, but not as the artist, I dunno if i am still eligible, so i tried asking them, but still to this day i got no reply

>> No.3204922
File: 138 KB, 746x1660, 1510354917698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if they deem it so, last year's winner ( i believe the guy just drew the manga on his note 5) wasnt even given an offer to do it, but all winners and runnerups got their piece featured in a jump manga.

>> No.3204924

>join for shits and giggles
>worried if actually gonna win

>> No.3204928

Wait Mashima and Kishimoto are judging? That's whack.

>> No.3204968

Are you guys serious ?
I'm really working hard on a manga I'm doing right now. The plot is really difficult. The art is difficult too. I have to research and draw whole day. I have to think about the future a lot. I don't want it to get to waste.

>> No.3205008

Which is your manga.? If you've already submitted, you're not gonna win. All the current entries are Dunning Kruger ass.

>> No.3205079

all the good ones are gonna wait until the end to submit

>> No.3205103

Will i get banned if i submitted ecchi manga?

>> No.3205111

It says any genre allowed
You too could be the next Yabuki

>> No.3205112

A message from Masashi Kishimoto to all aspiring manga creators!
It's a no-brainer that manga is being read around the world,
so come to think of it, this contest is actually a great idea.

There are many different types of people and ways of thinking in the world.

That’s why I expect to see manga that really go outside the box and I think that’s what makes this contest worthwhile.

Even if you don't really know how to draw manga,
then the only advice I can give you is: don't learn how to do it but rather get used to doing it.
I'm not sure if it'll be of any help, but for the time being, "Get used to it!"

Lastly, manga has to be interesting so don't give me any strange works of art! I'm looking forward to seeing the most interesting ones out there.

Kishimoto aspiring as hell

>> No.3205122

How many languages they actually support? this might be problem for me because i'm not expert with english.

>> No.3205123

It certainly seems like Jump is looking for interesting talent from around the world. With manga becoming increasingly more popular in the west, it's only natural they'd eventually do something like this.

>> No.3205127

Is this a yearly contest? I might join in the 2019-2020 edition.

>> No.3205155

Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Russian, French, and Spanish

>> No.3205331


Same, is it around next year? I won't have my shit ready by the end of December. Are there other magazines that do this for non-shounenfags?

>> No.3205334

Any magazine will take your manuscript as long as you know Japanese.

>> No.3205392

This is like girls who are afraid to work out because they think muscles and abs look ugly.

>> No.3205404

>Maybe I should try ?
do it faggot. you'll learn a lot from the experience

>> No.3205591

If I send my manga and it doesn't get publish.
Is it possible for me to self-publish or is it illegal ?

>> No.3205595

Obviously you can self-publish, it's already online for everyone to see even if you lose.

>> No.3205613

Is that so ? I can rest assured then. I'm creating one of the most difficult manga after all.

>> No.3205618

>tanah jaya
This guy is from my country. There's a shit ton of autistic weebs, why am I not even surprised

>> No.3205811

The "serialization" is a mistranslation. The Japanese site (and I think the other languages too) says only "publication".

This is only regarding the work you are submitting. Whether you as the creator have done something professional before doesn't matter. (The Jap. site is clearer on this)

>> No.3205824

This is honestly pretty solid advice, even if Naruto is garbage.

>> No.3205850 [DELETED] 

It's not a mistranslation since all the winners get publication.

>> No.3206412

If my manga is good. Can I get publish in jump ?

>> No.3206417

No, it has to be more than good. It has to be great.

>> No.3206427

>site says universal manga contest
>image says world manga contest

>> No.3206439

What’s the matter, moonman? Feeling triggered?

>> No.3206443

That's another contest

>> No.3206515

You're shitting me. There's not just ONE chance at winning but TWO?
>Make your debut as
a manga artist in Japan!
>The winner will have an
editor assigned to them!
Damn. Too good.

>> No.3206720

Why are there two of them ?

>> No.3206724

One is by Shounen Jump(One Piece, Naruto, etc.), the other by Shounen Magazine(Fairy Tail, Seven Deadly Sins, etc.).

>> No.3206725

So the other judge is from Naruto and the other one is from Fairy Tail.
The first one doesn't have an editor other has one.
If I'm rooting for adaption, which should I choose ?
What do they mean by having an editor ?
Do I move in in Japan if I win ?

>> No.3206846
File: 29 KB, 200x268, 200px-ギリギリ短_(15580964194).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends actually. this is Japan. i remember that they held a novel writing contest that no one won because everyone was so shit, they declared no one won any of the prizes.

so, even if your submission is the shiniest turd in the sea of turds, they might just declare no one won.

>> No.3206882

Not that guy, but assuming you present the with a great manga that's very interesting and marketable, you think they'd take you in and get you serialized?

What about the language barrier? How willing would they be to work with someone who doesn't speak the language?

>> No.3206910

If you're that good, they would be willing to go through hiring a full time translator. Just like for BahiJD.

>> No.3206919
File: 119 KB, 805x591, 1510279809552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Freezing was actually gook, not a nip, he still got serialization in a jap manga

so, they will find ways going past that language barrier if they can sell your manga

>> No.3206932

Seriously, I've read manga that spawned from a simple 6 page oneshot and a 53-page oneshot.
But I've also read several short, medium and long oneshots with nice premises that never took off.

Point is, the content has to stick to the reader.
You can't just have a premise, a nice gimmick, a "oh look my manga has a demon in a school life setting".
you have to develop the story from the premise.

Ok your character is a demon in a school life setting.
Boy or girl? what's their personality? Any friends? Bullies? Is he the bully? What's the tone of the story? Slice of life? Romance? Comedy, maybe making fun of anime tropes?
You got any more ideas other than have the character go "huehue I'm a demon look at me, I'm the protagonist"?
Or are you going to make twenty pages of "gosh, being a demon sure is hard", "(insert demon activity)", "I wonder what I should buy at the demon store"?

You have to make the reader remember your story days after he read it.

>> No.3206948

Kek, you say it as if manga is some life changing thing. All it has to do is make them want to turn the page.

>> No.3206955

this, fucking retards on this board who cares

>> No.3206958

>kek u treat it as if it's hard, mango is 2 EZ

You never payed actual attention to what makes manga good.
That's why you think it's so easy, you're too stupid to know how hard it is.

>> No.3206963

>writes an analysis on what is needed to make your manga interesting
>samefag goes "fucking retards on this board who cares"

This IS /ic/ I'm on, right? The place to discuss art?
Sorry, did I interrupt that "I'm never gonna make it in art" thing you do on these threads?

>> No.3206976
File: 2.08 MB, 1000x1424, img000001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the manga Jump produces limited only to certain types, or can it be anything? I'm not sure I really understand the nature of this contest.

>> No.3206978

No, it's always been able to be anything as long as it sells, it just so happens that if you deviate and it's not good, it'll get axed. It used to be a lot of comedy and sports, but now its main face is battles and action despite having other types of manga within its roster.

>> No.3206996
File: 459 KB, 1280x904, 4-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something with action and adventure could have a chance? At the very least, it could give decent publicity.

>> No.3206998

It's just bait, lol. Anyone who actually draws knows how hard it is to make a good comic.

Speaking of making a good comic, I found a nice resource to share with y'all (I believe it's been posted before on here ages ago)


^talks about paneling/transitions/etc.
A nice read

>> No.3207046

This looks pretty good anon, what's it about?

>> No.3207054

See for yourself
Although only 2 of 5 chapters are translated

>> No.3207067

That was pretty good. I really like it.

I see two issues with submitting it to Jump though. One, they only allow self contained one shots. And two, if this has been published on another commercial website, it's not valid for entry.

>> No.3207072

I don't believe it's published by anyone currently, the artist is distributing it on note.mu, which I think is more freelance. It's technically a sequel, but it's self contained story wise.

>> No.3207338

How are you guys ?
I've started working mine on Nov 3.
Currently I'm doing character design. It took me two days with my main protagonist. There's about 15 characters and above I'll be working on.
I hope I can make the deadline.

>> No.3207347

Man I wish you luck anon! I had a story idea I've been working on for years, but I'm too nervous to try and put it on paper because I feel like my art isn't quite there yet.
But then again, I might never feel my art will be good enough.
Ahhh, artist life.

>> No.3207420

Can a one shot be the first chapter itself ?

>> No.3207423

That's not generally what a oneshot is.
A oneshot is a short comic comprised of a story that ends when the last page is done. So you want to shorten whatever story you have or think of another quick one to do for it if you want to enter because they're ONLY going to publish that story regardless if it's in parts.

>> No.3207437
File: 497 KB, 1000x719, BaKu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, fuck. I guess Dakini isn't valid. That's really unfortunate, I'm sure it could have easily taken one of those places. The artist, Sho, debuted with this years back and won a newcomer grand prix with it, so he isn't a stranger to one-shots.

>> No.3207449

>Each entrant can submit up to a maximum of 5 entries.
Holy shit was this always a rule? That's insane. You essentially have 5 chances of trying different things.

>> No.3207595

If you can make 5 quality one shots, you deserve to win. Making manga ain't easy.

>> No.3207639 [DELETED] 

What do you think will happen if I make three of them and win all the prize ?
I hated those stupid ass pseudo-manga afterall.

>> No.3207657

Is it possible to submit 3 and win all the prize ?

>> No.3207698
File: 496 KB, 499x298, jwOqx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that motivational track you're listening to right now?

>> No.3207699

This is kinda how I felt with Life of Death.
Yeah the concept of the Grim Reaper being just some dude in a hoodie roaming town is fun but the actual one-shot itself is a fucking bore to read.

>> No.3207845

Jump is a shonen magazine meaning it's core demographic is boys aged 12-18. In terms of genre pretty much anything goes as long as you fit that demographic.

>> No.3207847

I wouldn't say that's entirely correct.
A one-shot should should be self-contained, yes, but it's often a "proof of concept" of sorts for a future serialized work. Not everything needs to be resolved, it just needs to end in a satisfying place and have some sort of conclusion.
Often a succesful one-shot that leads to a serialization gets turned into the first chapter(s).

>> No.3208335

Is it alright to use a spread page ?

>> No.3208420

How do I name my Japanese characters. Fuck.

>> No.3208616

Dead like me was a show essentially the same. You could easily bastardize that premise into a 1 shot.

>> No.3208622

Look up names online.
I suggest looking up japanese names that also sound english, like naomi, yuki and erika.
Also be aware of honorifics.

>> No.3208633

Do they change meaning when you put first name and surname together ?

>> No.3208645

I think they might change the order if they translate it to japanese, "miku hatsune" would be "hatsune miku" in japan.

>> No.3208725
File: 198 KB, 1063x1663, mangapostcards_SINGLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to draw now in a 8.5 x 11 and scan it later. I'm confused to some specific things.
In border measurement I'm going print out pic related. Is this a great idea ?
In scanning -> digital there is this template. Which has A4 and others. Which should I use ?
350 dpi and 600 dpi difference.

I've been googling this questions and I'm still confused.

>> No.3209263


>> No.3212426
File: 21 KB, 193x378, drawn by anon age 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>471 thumbs up

>> No.3212429

it's a legend

>> No.3212440

A LOT of people seem to be gaming the thumbs up system, the amount of views to thumbs up simply dont match up in most cases. Same with comments. Almost no views? No comments? Bazillion thumbs up. Almond status = activated

>> No.3212646

No. The first contest was in 2014. So I think maybe the next one is in 2020? Who knows...

>> No.3212649

If you can't win this you are NGMI

>> No.3213403

Are CGDCT even allowed ? Are there even one in JUMP ?

>> No.3213422
File: 3.57 MB, 1920x1080, tokyo collapse 1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty decent with backgrounds
>weak with drawing people
Time to brush that bit up. I assume for this we'll need to be using screentones for printing purposes or are my regular digital brushes fine?

>> No.3213424

What's CGDCT?

>> No.3213443

You know you've got about a month left, yeah? You better be good enough to put out roughly 3 pages a day if you wanna meet the deadline.

Also, black and white only. No greys. So you gotta use Screentones.

>> No.3213450

I should have specified - didn't mean it to be for this contest's current iteration specifically. I just assumed that if this is something they do, they might do it again in a year or so.

>> No.3213456

I'm making a battle manga with the female as a protagonist. Is this allowed in the magazine ?

>> No.3213519

dude, more than half of the image is black, with objects that are barely distinguishable because its so dark. the shitty centralized figure is the only thing thats basically visible. this would make for a really shitty background.

>> No.3213526

Anything goes as long as it's good.

>> No.3213605

anyone has any idea of the quality of the traduction "made by medibang" ? I'm afraid.

>> No.3214477

Is gore allowed ?

>> No.3214480


>> No.3215559

>I mean all the submitted works I saw there are bad.
I learned about the contest from your thread and did 24 pages of a 50 page story I came up with, but look at last year's 'winners', no 1st place was awarded and some of the runners up were fantastic, objectively better than most of the dreck Jump actually prints like Black Clover. If those pro quality strips couldn't win then it's clear they don't want a winner, it's just a marketing exercise where they get loads of completed stories they can do what they want with and pay well below the odds. Even a million yen is pretty shitty for a 50 page story. If people can't afford to pay you then they can't help you in your career and if they can pay but won't then stay far away.

>> No.3215568

Where can you check last year winners?

>> No.3215585


its so bad i WANT it to win.

how do you see the top voters?

>> No.3215603

>last year's 'winners', no 1st place was awarded and some of the runners up were fantastic, objectively better than most of the dreck Jump actually prints like Black Clover. If those pro quality strips couldn't win then it's clear they don't want a winner, it's just a marketing exercise where they get loads of completed stories they can do what they want with and pay well below the odds.

based anon knows what's up

>> No.3215611

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things? Not really, no.

Nisekoi is the closest thing I can think of but even that has a male lead.

>> No.3215712
File: 40 KB, 355x417, edgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kishimoto is the lead judge

>> No.3215715
File: 1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-10-28-20-49-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read the stories that won. And then, also read Bakuman.

Jump wants JUMP manga. Your otaku-pandering hipster manga isn't the sort of stuff Jump wants. Jump is a magazine aimed to a demographic of young boys between the ages of 12-18, thus, they're gonna be giving the prize to the people who can competently deliver on something like that with a good story, good art, and good panneling. Look at the winners from last year, and most were heavily flawed on the story side of things despite having good art.

The criteria Jump uses to judge manga are the following:


Even if you have a manga that meets all of those criteria, it ALSO has to be something that's marketable and has high appeal to their demographic.

That last part being a key point most of the people ITT seem to forget. You're not writing for yourself, you're writing for your target audience. WHO is your target audience. If it's a bunch of hipster neckbeard otaku then I'm sorry but you're not suitable for Jump. Niche and gritty manga, while they do fly in Jump from time to time, are typically limited on their magazine. They don't like having more than one at a time. And currently, they've already got series to fill those roles with The Promised Neverland, Food Wars, and Dr. Stone.

As for Black Clover, you and I might think it's shit, but it's a competent manga, and it knows who it's for. It's also leagues above last time's winners in terms of composition and art. The way we feel about BC is the same way the people who grew up with Fist of the North Star and DB felt about Bleach and Naruto. BC is made for the current gen of 12 year olds who missed out on reading those. There's a reason BC is published, while niche high concept manga get tossed out. If you wanna make a hipster manga, find a different publisher. If you wanna win this contest, go mainstream.

I don't understand how anyone who wants to make it in Jump hasn't read Bakuman yet.

>> No.3215866

Can you link the "good manga" you're talking about then ?

>> No.3216256
File: 144 KB, 599x443, webcomic-original-one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give it a shot and submit an excentric comedy to disguise my relative lack of talent.

>> No.3217269

Any advice on making names ?
I've been redoing mine 9 times.
You guys still going ?

>> No.3217276

The trick is to not redo them.

>> No.3217280
File: 42 KB, 480x542, 1508046452311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do realize that thumb up don't mean shit if your manga is fucking terrible right?

>> No.3217281

Of course not. We live in a time in which people think likes, thumbs up, upboats, and (you)s mean everything.

>> No.3217380

Have you guys checked the submissions in other languages? The korean/chinese pages have some good stuff.

>> No.3217384

it's weird that people are submitting colored entries when the rules says must be in black and white.

>> No.3217389

They didn't read.

>> No.3217393

People are retarded, half the entries are disqualified for not adhering to the rules, including otherwise decent entries.

>one shot, so no first, 2nd or etc... chapters, it has to be a self-contained story
>can't have been commercialized, published, or posted on any other site that allowed you to make money off of it
>UNDER 55 pages
>B/W only, no color, no greys, screentones and ink only
>nothing X or R rated, keep it suitable for SJ
>RIGHT to LEFT reading, so no comic style or webcomic style stuff, it has to be manga style panelling
>text must read horizontally
>no Japanese entries allowed (they have Jump Rookie).
>fully finished entries, so nothing sketchy or amateurish. It must be professionally inked and toned

Anything that breaks those rules is instantly disqualified. So that thins out the competition even more.

I check every language for both contests every week. So far, there's still nothing that worries me.

>> No.3217455

>nothing X or R rated
I thought any genre was fine ?

>> No.3217461

Read the contest conditions.

They're not gonna publish porn, and anything too Seinen is likely to be passed up unless it's tremendously good, and even then.

There's this really good Chinese one on there about Samurai, but it has a dude getting decapitated. That's pushing it too far for SJ. Or this other one where this dude has his dad's spirit body posses a girl he likes, and then he straight up fucks her, visible nipples and everything.

This is Shounen Jump, they're not gonna publish that. Read Bakuman if you want an insight into how they react to this sort of stuff. You MIGHT win with an edgy Seinen, but only if the competition is such dogshit they can't even measure up. But you're also risking it, and hell, they might just give you 2nd place and call it a day.

As for porn, that's literally against the medibang terms of service.

>> No.3217465


>> No.3217508

where is the no greys part?
the winners from last year seem to use greys

>> No.3217515

Rules say "black and white" that implies monochrome not greyscale.

>> No.3217896

Manga never have grey unless they're digital. Grey is made by screentones and if you look, it's just dots of black and white. What they're basically saying is, they don't want to use grey ink, so do monochrome only.

>> No.3218000

>There's this really good Chinese one on there about Samurai, but it has a dude getting decapitated. That's pushing it too far for SJ.
But SJ is currently serializing series' like One Punch Man and HunterxHunter and those series have decapitation and even worse.

>> No.3218224

Yes, but how it's portrayed is different in HxH.

HxH doesn't go out of its way to show explicitly gory scenes, the way in which it's show is differently, and the mature stuff is also undercut with a rather cartoony and sonetimes even childish art style, as well as the fact that the series began in a very whimsical way before getting darker.

OPM runs on Young Jump, which is a Seinen mag.

>> No.3218255

What about things like Yakusoku no Neverland? Shounen Jump has quite the range, If it's good some gore won't really put it out of the race I think. Decapping somebody doesn't make the theme all too mature, really.

>> No.3218262

How do you know if it's good if it's in chinese? I'd say once an art treshhold has been met, like a sort of minimum amount of skill needed to be published the rest is up to the story. Assuming you can't read moonrunes in which case you go man.

>> No.3218280

Read Bakuman.

They're ok with more mature stuff, but they only like running one dark series at a time. They also often contemplate moving gritty and overly violent series to Young Jump if they start crossing the line.

Promised Neverland also works because it's a mystery. The Samurai Manga just looked like Samurai X with the violence turned up to 11.

There are three main factors that make a comic:

and most importantly Panelling and Composition.

Jump will focus on the latter two the most, but especially the last one. The Samurai comic has good art and panelling, so even if the story is generic, the technical skill is there. Personally, I just assume the story is good if I can't read it, I mean, why wouldn't you if you're competing.

>> No.3218343

Are there other manga contest which excludes medibang ?

>> No.3219218
File: 120 KB, 662x807, 1510633374623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late. I won't make it in time.
What should I do ?

>> No.3220428

Twelve year old me would have been excited about this.

>> No.3220450

Next year brah

>> No.3220469

That's too long to wait for.

>> No.3220481

many 12 year olds seem to have been excited, looking at some of those entries, the moonruners will look at the english entries and be like wtf?

>> No.3222764


>> No.3222766

>being willingly lured to work for free under the guise of "competition"

>> No.3222777
File: 680 KB, 370x281, 1480787500366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I had no idea this was a thing
>capable of drawing manga-centric art
>Best friend is fluent in Japanese language and writing
I think I'll bring this up to him next time we hang and have a go at this eventually.

>> No.3222786

What's the difference besides one being more popular?

>> No.3222797

DUde just got double trips.....

>> No.3222804

>getting a million yen

>> No.3222819

If you can make your comic in Japanese you could enter any competition already. They aren't restricted by country(I think). The only thing that makes this one different is that Medibang does the translation for you.

>> No.3222848

>RIGHT to LEFT reading, so no comic style or webcomic style stuff, it has to be manga style panelling
>no Japanese entries allowed (they have Jump Rookie).

So they are looking for Arabic/Hebrew comics?

>> No.3222867

The contests are vastly different to begin with. The Shounen Magazine one does not offer serialization of any kind as reward. To answer what the difference between Shounen Mag and Jump is, Shounen Magazine has an older audience.

>> No.3222895

I'm autistic. Are they getting money for drawing or it's the opposite ?

>> No.3222896
File: 204 KB, 815x1200, Bakuman v05 c35_Bakuman v05 c35 - 0094e43bfeca8fc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3222969

jesus fucking christ did you go out of your way to get the shittiest tl possible?
what? are you seriously asking if the reward for winning a contest is the amazing price of paying like 9k usd? you're getting 9k for the grand prize, 2,5k for a runners up, and about 400 for finalists.

>> No.3222993

Nah I mean I forgot the pic >>3222896
I'm the same guy.
I was asking about my pic

>> No.3223032
File: 120 KB, 728x1100, bakuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the TL is kind of horrible so it's slightly more understandable. I'm pretty sure it's even flat out wrong, there's been a mistake on the numbers.

Basically they get 12000 yen per page ( about 100 usd ) about 150 if that happens to be a color page (quite rare).
You're probably confused because he's talking about loans, it has to be taken in the context of the previous and next chapters. Whilst they do make quite alot of money off the pages alone, they have to pay the assistants out of their pocket resulting in them possibly going into the red until the royalties start to roll in.

>> No.3223173

>grand prize

holy shit what a joke

>> No.3223188

It's a global contest, 9k dollarydoos is like several years worth of salary for some dude in a jungle country.

>> No.3223192

Fortunate for an international company eh?

>> No.3223376


>> No.3223377

How much money have you made from your manga, anon?

>> No.3223476

How often is this contest? When is the deadline? I'm in the middle of a simple animation project I have to finish within 20 days but fuck I want to do this.

>> No.3223485

This is the first contest of it's kind, but there are quite a few in JP only. It started June 22nd this year and will end at the very end of the 5th january 2018 (jp time).


>> No.3224700

They have good art and they lost.
Should I bother ?

>> No.3226358

I'm not pretty sure on the "Serialtization" thing.
Will they keep my chatacters and story? I want to do more than one thing with them.

>> No.3226411

>The "serialization" is a mistranslation. The Japanese site (and I think the other languages too) says only "publication".
I don't think they'd hoard the rights to one-shots they might not even publish.

>> No.3226882


Somebody asked. It's the same treatment in theory that JP mangaka get. You write an oneshot for a contest, if it's popular it gets run in the magazine and if it's popular in the magazine it gets serialized.

>> No.3226936

Am I finally losing it or is there something "off" with "STOICHEION"? Like, it looks like there's a lot of tracing and shopping. Anyone else?

>> No.3226967

Which one?

Post a link.

>> No.3227099

It is definitely traced especially that weird god??? dude that looks str8 up like a monochrome 3d model, just like all of the shit that author does. But it doesn't matter as long as you dont use a picture that would give you a copyright battle, mangaka trace all the fucking time and that's ok. not like it matters because that dudes stuff is str8 up trash as it seems

>> No.3227167

Who cares, it's hot garbage anyway. If you're worried about that entry, you have no chance of winning.

Remember, rules say "there might not be a winner," Jump too, as that's been the case for the Tezuka Award many times. So far, all of the entries = "no one won the grand prize," but here are the finalists. Keep working on your skills, and better luck next time." If anything in the entries currently is a worry to you, you might as well not even try. You won't make it.

>> No.3227710

Is medibang a decent software ?

>> No.3228498

polish up your skills

>> No.3230682

Not him but you're right. I'll make it a goal then. 1 year to produce something for the next contest. Even if I fail, at least I'll have something original for the Progress threads.

>> No.3231026

Even If you get serialized what's next ?
You will move in Japan to draw ?
They will give you assistants ?
Move it in a monthly magazine ?

>> No.3231035

Do you realize you can set your work private? that why you see only shit work retard

>> No.3231056

I made 4 pages..I'm never going to finish this shit before the end of the month. I undestand why assisstants are needed. They probably have them not for their skills but to save time.

>> No.3231058

And you need to know how to write + language

>> No.3231114

We're the same. But If you don't make it. You can just post it in twitter, get popularity and it will get adapted. Not by shonen jump though.

>> No.3231651

You are correct, assistants basically trace the sketches, trace building photos, apply screentones where marked, apply effects etc. more often than not.

>> No.3232189

what's the difference between this contest and the kishimoto one? I mean knowing mashima can't draw for shit he could be a bit less interested in the art itself. at least kishimoto has some prowess I guess.

>> No.3232324

Ultimately, nothing. They're by competing companies. The Jump one overall I guess has more prestige as not only is it Jump, the no.1, but it's also their 50th Anniversary.

Which is why I find it funny that the Kodansha one has better quality entries overall.

The Jump one has slightly stricter rules, in that you MUST submit manga that reads right to left.

The Kodansha one guarantees an editor is assigned to the grand prize, meaning, you're in. Though it can be assumed Jump would too if you give them something worth serializing, and Medibang has confirmed that the grand prize will be put on the magazine, and be ranked among the Jap series, which could lead to serialization.

Kodansha one specifies that there might not be a grand prize winner at all (if everything is shit), but looking at the yearly Tezuka Award, though it's not specified, clearly the same is true for Jump's contest, as there have been years in which no one won the Tezuka Award in the past.

Finally, the deadlines. You have an extra week to get the Jump one done.

Also, you can't win both contests. On the off chance that you win both, you must choose one of the two yourself before the results are officially announced. I already asked Medibang about this.

Oh yeah. Jump also allows up to 5 entries. I'm submitting 2 for it. I just finished a 54 page one shot last night, now I'm getting started on the, 2nd one. Not only is it to double my chances of winning, but also to show the editors and mangaka a broad range of skills.

Oh, also, Kishi and Mashima are the head judges, but the Editorial staff of each magazine is also gonna decide. Read Bakuman of you want the details as to how they decide this, as well as the criteria they look for.

>> No.3232327

Mind posting your work? You sound knowledgeable.

>> No.3232377
File: 546 KB, 1403x992, Ninnin Revision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound knowledgeable.
Lots of research into it my friend. Lots of research. I'm taking this very seriously, as this could be my big break.

>Mind posting your work?
I hope you don't mind, but I don't feel comfortable posting any manga pages until I've submitted it to medibang, as we're competing. I'm gonna be passing the finished one shot around a closed circle of trusted friends for critique these next two weeks before submitting, so I'd like to keep my cards close to my chest till I've uploaded it. Sorry.

Instead, have a character sheet of the Cat Waifu for the 2nd one shot I'm working on.

>> No.3232437

You have nice art and you're fast. You definitely deserve a serialization. I wish you good luck anon.

>> No.3232532


>> No.3232540

I've seen this character of yours a few times on here and I just want to say I really, really like her. Nekomatas/good designs are my thing. You're also very good at expressions and style consistency without sacrificing anatomy.

If anyone on this board can win something, it's probably you. But how do you push yourself to draw so damn much, and how do you go about making a good story for your manga? I feel as if even if I get good art, whatever story I'm going to make will be shit and I'll be anxious to show it off.

>> No.3232578


>> No.3232579
File: 2 KB, 125x109, 1512148324824s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga if those traits were the only thing that mattered there would be 100x more manga

>> No.3232616

where did you contact them from (other than twitter/facebook ? I searched the other time and didn't find anything to.

>> No.3232908

This OP is literally anon

>> No.3233173

>tfw if drew since twelve would already be good by now and able to win

>> No.3233704

You say that, and yet...
>Looks at Fairy Tail, Rave Master, Black Clover, etc... etc...
I believe most manga exist purely because they have nice enough art and the creators are fast.

>> No.3233758

What about the hundreds of series that jump canceld? those had very nice art (mostly) and none of them ever went on hiatus or shit like that. compare that to stuff like hunterxhunter going on hiatus for literal eternity and yet it still would be published (if it was ever made).
jump drops series based on reader questionnaires and sales, if a series is not popular, it will get dropped.
Fairytail/Blackclover are popular with 16 year old fans of Battlemanga (biggest manga demographic), a demographic you probably don't fit in

>> No.3233807

For one, HxH is the 2nd series by an established author, that's why it's allowed to go on hiatus like that. Second, well written series like HxH are a rare gem among a sea of mediocrity. Look at the majority of manga that are getting published, and you'll see that most really aren't that impressive.

In most cases, speed and good art are what's needed to get serialized. Staying serialized is more a matter of popularity, and usually that's up to luck more than anything. Manga isn't exactly the most high brow, high concept industry. Especially not mainstream stuff like Shounen Jump. If anything, a good way to ensure you get/stay popular is just to draw borderline porn with tons of attractive girls and appeal to the least common denominator, again, looking at Fairy Tail, and Food Wars, and most manga really. I mean, even Naruto had the Sexy no Jutsu.

>> No.3233850

Speed? For getting serialized? You can submit a manuscript you've been working on for years. You'll need speed to keep up the serialization. Good art is a given, there's a treshhold to how low even the "lowest common denominator" goes, art wise. Popularity is in no way a matter of luck and you even admit so yourself by pointing out a few of the tricks some mangas use to appeal to a specific demographic and alienating other demographics in the progress). You have to think of it like a competition, every smut fanservice manga needs to beat foodwars off it's throne because they are battling for the same viewers/votes. The more people pander to the same audience the harder it automatically gets and it's gotten to the point where you won't get in with such manga unless you are explicitly better than the existing ones or offer something new. Thus you don't "just" need good art and speed even for those demographics, you also need to be better at pandering than the authors you are going up against, if that's the kind of manga you want to write.

>> No.3235655
File: 307 KB, 869x1289, l007 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some beautiful and original pages so we can be inspired, come on.

>> No.3235657
File: 66 KB, 728x1042, Me_and_the_Devil_Blues_v02c03p100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much every page from this. this guy is way too underated, but that's what happens when you make prison school I guess.

>> No.3236118
File: 132 KB, 1166x863, 54149dda6cc3073b29cc2cfeac5cb833e6ce1216ecd9948f44330a658c1998d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I am getting into making manga and the manga I am working on is a dialogue heavy seinen romance, I was wondering if anyone had any manga like that they could recommend so I could get some ideas.
Also, how do you guys feel about continuity in the paneling?
Like if two characters are going from their house to a store or mall by car, how much of that point A to point B would you show? I feel like showing too much would bore the reader, but I also don't want them to feel lost 'how did they get there'

>> No.3236120

3 or 4 panels
It's always done anyways
You could just read manga and see how they do it

>> No.3236126

>You could just read manga and see how they do it
Yeah that is why I was asking for recommendations on manga, ones that are dialogue driver preferably.
>3 or 4 panels
I have actually been doing around that, I try not to drag scenes too much

>> No.3236225

This looks comfy af and I'm not even into women.

>> No.3236990

>Right to Left
>No greys, screentones and ink only
>Nothing sketchy or amateurish

I dun fucked up

>> No.3237021
File: 334 KB, 717x573, 1510083919600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be participating on this, but I had to be only interested in making ero-manga.

>> No.3237860

You wouldn't have finished anyways.

>> No.3237921

How the fuck do I dodge doing backgrounds on close ups without over using the black background ? I'll never have time to finish otherwise.

>> No.3237946

You leave it white

>> No.3241151


>> No.3241225
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, kubo drawing backgrounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks kubo

>> No.3241799

Anyone know why these succeeded and the others didn't? Perhaps discussion will help you win within the future.

>> No.3242986
File: 59 KB, 656x232, something amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I can only speak for boku no hero academia but it's a fun world with fun characters and decent action, and pretty decent pacing. I will say that sometimes it's hard to tell what's going on when the action ramps up from one panel to the other though. but it's a good mix of slice of life and action. at this point the anime's popularity definitely helped it a lot though, something manga just starting out don't have

>> No.3242989

now that I look at all these super shonen drawing styles in the jump, will more realistic or semirealistic styles be rejected for that manga contest? would be completely out of place in there.

>> No.3243188

Nothing will be rejected. You're just doing yourself a disservice as more stylized work will take priority over yours if they match you in every other category.

>> No.3243238
File: 1.43 MB, 2033x1574, Universe One Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind showing this one off a bit since I'm done with the other one. I quite like the way this page came out.

I'm having a lot of fun with this new one shot.

>> No.3245579

Whew those hips

>> No.3245634 [DELETED] 

Do you guys ever worried of how slow you are ? I'm a beginner and It took me a month to complete the name.
But I think it will take me 2 months to completely draw everything.
I do want to do it. But I feel frustrated. Is this normal ?

>> No.3245783

bless shuthell
as well as having great movement and dynamic fight scenes, was a fantastic ride

>> No.3246353 [DELETED] 

How do you guys draw your manga ?
Mine is
>New Cloud Project
>Manga b4 manuscript
>Then draw name there
What are those green lines even for ?

>> No.3246470

Different shades of grey and/or patterns. Or just leave it white, it's fine for some panels.

>> No.3246984
File: 37 KB, 750x394, Shingeki vol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fully finished entries, so nothing sketchy or amateurish. It must be professionally inked and toned
That rule is fucking retarded.
Under that logic they would reject Attack on Titan like many magazines did.

>> No.3247130

Alight well, this is my first entry for the contest.


Now inking the 2nd one, should be done by around New Years.

>> No.3247474

Man, If you have time can you tell me step by step on how you draw your manga ? How do you display pages on spread ?
Mine's like this.
>File open from cloud
>Click my manga
>Size is manga b4 manuscript
>Then add pages if I'll do another one.

>> No.3247486

Goddamn, this is incredible!! Far and away the best entry in the contest.
The art is really good, but wow, the story. You really came through with the story. It was really really good. I loved every bit of it.

>> No.3247522

You're supposed to use Jump Paint?

>> No.3247636


Holy shit

>> No.3247664

Yooo! This is better than the stuff currently in Jump!! Great stuff.

>> No.3247919

>when you get to the cliffhanger and hit next but it just ends

>> No.3247933


It's up there for sure but there are other comics on there that have good art imo.

>> No.3247946


It takes more than just good art, that was story is 100% what Shounen jump about.
Literally hit the nail on the head.

>> No.3250939

I think this will do pretty well for the contest standards, but it lacks anything that would be really interesting. If anything, it looks like you're telling the judges "look, I can draw a competent shounenshit, hire me". There's no spark, there's nothing drawing the reader in, the story is pretty standard and indeed looks more like a 2 or 3 chapters taken out of a middle of a longer battle shounen, and a fight between two secondary characters no less. The bodybuilder coach is just silly, the villain is pretty goofy too, the MC is soulless and everything's been done before. The not-SF game might a bit of a divergence, but it's a dangerous one - do you focus on the game characters fighting or rather move away from that and focus on technical skills of the players instead? I feel like doing both at the same time would be a bit too much, pointing readers' attention in two different directions. I think Shounen Jump submissions should have entertaining characters and/or a fascinating setting instead of showing that you can play by the book, which is reserved for after you already have two years worth of serialization behind your back.

As far as technicalities go, you should work a bit on how fights are displayed - big panels are good, fast, small panels not so much. The biggest flaw though is the inconsistent linework, especially line weight, that's characteristic for people not completely familiar with digital drawing yet. If it's a conscious choice, you should be aware that it's considerably different from usual eastern styles. Not telling you to be completely uniform, just a bit more.

>> No.3250949

>manga has to be interesting so don't give me any strange works of art

>> No.3250991

>That’s why I expect to see manga that really go outside the box and I think that’s what makes this contest worthwhile.
>Lastly, manga has to be interesting so don't give me any strange works of art!

Soo... Outside the box but not strange. I imagine working for this guy would be a nightmare.

>> No.3250995 [DELETED] 

He says he doesn't want any "comprehensible fine art" (訳の分からん芸術) .

>> No.3250996

He says he doesn't want any "uncomprehensible fine art" (訳の分からん芸術) .

>> No.3251025
File: 67 KB, 795x459, cappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying to judge this as a series, and not as a one shot for a contest entry though. And moreover, making assumptions as to what the series would be like, with essentially no knowledge of how we'd execute that.

Priority number one, is winning the contest, or at least getting the attention of the editors, so we can present them with the names for the first 14 chapters, and a general pitch of the concept.
>If anything, it looks like you're telling the judges "look, I can draw a competent shounenshit, hire me"
I'd say the themes are consistent with the sort of stuff that tends to win contests, especially according to these guys:
>There's no spark, there's nothing drawing the reader in[...]
Is that really the case though? Or did the themes just go over your head? Others have picked up on them, and found them engaging, pic related for example being a comment left on the page. He literally says the exact opposite of what you said. And an underlying theme with character development is something no other entry is doing desu

There's more to it than just the fight, the point of the story is more about "why you do what you love" and "is it worth the sacrifice" a general theme that mangaka themselves would connect with considering the incredible effort that goes into making a manga, and the fact that they're stuck in a perpetual state of competition.

As far as the characters go, I'd say it's a mixed bag, it's not the best we can do, given the context, there's not much room for humor, but many people have managed to connect with the characters, so that's a plus. But it's because of that that we're also entering a 2nd one shot focused more on humor and character interaction, to show we can do that too.

As far as the actual manga goes, that's irrelevant at this point, the first step is to win the contest.

>> No.3251213 [DELETED] 

Well I found it entertaining.

>> No.3251223

I found it entertaining

>> No.3251545

I'm only offering feedback. If you feel different about your stuff, that's fine. I did not post to argue or discuss anything with you, I just figured I'd give you my opinion since you've put a good amount of work in your submission. Anyway, good luck.

>> No.3252168
File: 313 KB, 427x320, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out about this last night, so I don't think there'd be any chance for me joining this year unless an artist that worked ridiculously fast felt like teaming up and even if it was someone as fast as >>3247130
it'd probably be a really tight spot.

Not an idea guy. My experience with weeb stuff is: I wrote two Light Novels, worked with the manga publisher COMICLOUD before, did music for an anime by Studio TRIGGER and for fashion brand galaxxxy.

If anyone is free and crazy enough to try to do a oneshot in a week, I write pretty fast and have a few scripts that could be adapted to a one-shot.

>> No.3252251

post sample script

>> No.3252300

Let me cook up something.

>> No.3252404

Well, just as an fyi, the Kodansha contest ended like a couple hours ago, leaving only the Jump one which ends in less than a week.

So, you need to write something that's around 17 pages in length at best, and even then it'll be tough, as the pros only manage to hit that number with the aid of assistants.

Basically, they'll have to do a name from your script, which will take them 1-2 days. Leaving them with sub5 days to get it done. So they'll have to stick to a pace of 3-5 pages a day, drawn, inked and toned, to stay on schedule.

The deadline for Jump is Jan 5th @ 00:00 Japan Time, which is 3pm UK, 10am EST, and 6am Pacific, on January 4th. So bear that in mind.

>> No.3252455

Yeah, it's a suicide mission. Not really counting on this happening, but I'm writing a script right now just in case.

Currently at 1623 words, need to finish up the action scene and break it down in pages.

>> No.3252579


didn't make the cues for the beginning

>> No.3252647

>did music for an anime by Studio TRIGGER
Which one?

>> No.3252656

Kill la Kill obviously

>> No.3252665


>> No.3252822

>all the names are japanese
are you serious

>> No.3252852

Trying to appeal to the primary public with names they can relate to for the introduction is bad now? The island itself is a smorgasbord of different countries, if Lionhart-Sylphee wasn't enough of a clue, so I felt no need to have it immediately in what is meant to show a small town somewhere. In this case, Japan.

>> No.3253562

Shading needs work but other than that great work.

>> No.3256421


>> No.3256485

The deadline is closing in about a week. Which ones are the best right now?

>> No.3256490

He means he wants interesting manga, not artsy fartsy bullshit

>> No.3258684

How long until the results?

>> No.3258877

Anyone knows who made this one?
I love it and wanna follow the author but I can't find any info.

>> No.3258880

Holy shit, that was great. The ending was a bit abrupt, but the art and atmosphere was point on. I definitely want to read more. There's so much more to see, it's almost wasted potential to know it's entered into this contest and isn't its own series.

>> No.3258890

Right? Even outside this contest's context I love this guy's style. If anyone's better at me than looking him up tell me more. But I don't think there's anything on him. Frustrating.

>> No.3258916

shit, didn't have time to do shit on this one, let's just hope they do another this next summer.

man this one was really enjoyable.

>> No.3258943

You guys just wait till I post mine

>> No.3258956

>implying I'll wait and not post my own next time
Japan 2020 here we come.

>> No.3259025

Damn that was good reminds me of stuff from the 80s ( Vampire Hunter D, Dark Crystal etc )

>> No.3259071

This one is very very good. It has a pandemonium wizard village feel to it.
Still it's so away from the usual shonen jump pulp I can't see it being serialized or winning the first price.
It's sad.
But it could definitely become a printed comic.

>> No.3261767

Just a few hours away from the deadline, I got the 2nd one done:


Didn't have time to do a color cover, but well, this is good enough. I'd say the art and paneling are a step up from the last one.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep, that's enough of that. Enjoy.

>> No.3261797

Okay, holy shit. Now this one is good. I like it a lot better than your other one and want to read more. Adventures of Ex-Hikkimori and Smug Catgirl, fun times ahead.

>> No.3261813

Good shit!

>> No.3261814

funny, I thought the first was way better and a million times more interesting.

>> No.3261815

I wanna clarify that's a sincere compliment.

>> No.3261819

Really? Mind explaining why so?

>> No.3261828

>tfw like this one more than >>3258877 just because there's a cute girl in it
Deciding factors truly are mysterious, but it's worked before in the past.

>> No.3262852

Is it better to fit in SJ or to be unique?

>> No.3263364

Well, Kishimoto said:
Lastly, manga has to be interesting so don't give me any strange works of art! I'm looking forward to seeing the most interesting ones out there.

>> No.3263488

This one is great!

>> No.3264452

so when will the winners be announced?

>> No.3265915

This is really good anon but I sincerely believe that this contest is a fix and no 1st prize will be declared like last year, don't be discouraged by it.

>> No.3266036

It just occurred to me: Are there other submission contests from magazines aimed at different demographics? Or does the rookie circuit just center around the shounen mags?

>> No.3266091

Yeah, odds of winning Grand Prize are slim regardless. There's some decent competition, like that Robot Boy manga for example.

That said, we still plan on pushing this series even if we're not with Jump. Medibang has a partnership program where they translate it for you, and distribute in Japan. You also get paid a commission per page (who knows how much), so that's our next option.

>> No.3266267

I'm glad I didn't even try, my art is too shit and my story is undeveloped

>> No.3266299

Winners will be announced at the spring.

Which ones were the best? Although i don't have time or will to go through all of them.

>> No.3266303
File: 68 KB, 970x546, IMG_2616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It's beautiful

>> No.3267929

This was made a while ago and is left to right, which immediately made it disqualified, but I wanted to post it just for the sake of it.

Anyone have constructive feedback for it? I'm working on another webcomic and just want to improve in any way.

>> No.3268612

So there'll be another one next year, right?

>> No.3268906
File: 41 KB, 567x155, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually really well done- they layouts especially are well crafted as well as the story being interesting but not crowded with plot. I had a great time reading this, so thanks for sharing.
That being said you have to remember the overall goal here- to get published in one of the most popular manga magazines in the world.
As much as the thin and broken line-work appeals to me- it won't fly by JUMP's standards. And yeah they do have their moments of QUALITY but overall there is more detail put into the work.
Cleaner lines mainly on your character drawings, make them have a little more pop as it were. One Piece, (I don't read but what I see) is a good example to look at, sometimes there's absolutely nothing going on in a panel other than a character speaking, but that character is drawn out- more details of their faces and what not. The simplistic style is nice, but be careful to make sure that characters you want remembered have a distinct look on their face, because sometimes that's all you'll end up working with. Example attached: what's the difference between the two girls- just the hair? Does it matter? Do you want the reader to know who is important and who is not?.
'Course if you don't give a shit about the contest then it still applies, but you can put a little less pressure on yourself. I'm no master but I really like what you've got and I hope I can help in some way.

>> No.3268914
File: 430 KB, 1116x609, it just keeps happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of what I'm trying to say here, even if it's just a grown man beating up a kid they're fully detailed out, you can tell who is who.

>> No.3268925

Thanks for the feedback! The issue with distinct characters was also brought up by a friend when he was reading through my newer webcomic, so it's definitely something I'll focus on.

>> No.3268939

Are you American? You could easily pass for a Japanese artist. Granted his has its flaws but you have the sublty of the manga style down.

>> No.3268942

Hey it's that snake hair girl. I didn't realize this was a full comic, neither did I know you were still around.

>> No.3268948

I'm a flip that's living in kangaroo land - once you read a lot of manga, you start to notice the subtleties more often, so I guess it bled into my work.
Once you're here, you're here forever

>> No.3269373

Doubt it. This was only possible because of Medibang JUMP doesn't actually seem willing to open their doors to international talent

>> No.3269457

So... Who won?

>> No.3269467

I did.

>> No.3269512

The ridiculous thing is the amount of shit entries and this is from an international level. Embarrassing. Japan most definitely have higher quality entries in the main land that still don't make it.

>> No.3269554

Did you draw this digitally? What pen settings are you using? I’ve been trying to mimick manga pens and the like in all kinds of programs but I can’t do it.

>> No.3270073

Fuck me then, couldn't make it in time...
Anyway, >>3247130 outclass me on every aspects, guess I don't have it yet

>> No.3270075

Given the footnote Jump left at the end of their last Medibang contest, I reckon they're willing to try if someone is good enough. That's the key point there though, if someone is good enough.

To me, that was the most surprising part. Like, why did they even bother? I can understand some people trying it in the beginning, not being aware of what was gonna drop, but there was a deluge of shit entries in the last couple days, well past the point where there were a few decent ones already in. Did most people not even bother to read the competition, or do they just lack self-awareness?

Results are slated for Spring 2018, so around April I guess.

>> No.3270101

The first half was drawn digitally, using clip studio paint. I actually got the default g pen setting and added the velocity variable for the pen size - in that the faster you draw a stroke, the smaller the brush becomes, like a ballpoint pen of some sort.

The second half I just drew on paper with fineliners and ballpoints, and just scanned it and did the rest there.

>> No.3270118

didn't the last winner have her manga turned into an anime? I think it was called Inuyashiki, it was actually really fucking good.

>> No.3270135

are you memeing right now, that's GANTZ' author's manga

>> No.3270702

>worlds first universal manga contest
>last winner
i mean theres a billion and three contests like this running but they're all in jp usually, couldve been he submitted the oneshot to one of those and got it serialized. I think most authors that have been serialized before can submit their manga internally to jump though or something like that.