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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 89 KB, 640x480, 54103ef4720a0d423b9afead043e8f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3232219 No.3232219 [Reply] [Original]

Frazetta once said that he copied all the drawings in bridgeman's constructive anatomy book within the span of 24 hours. Now, I'm pretty sure that almost none of y'all have the work ethic or craziness to do something like that. With this group, the goal is to copy 10 pages a day and complete the book in 3 weeks. The book is 217 pages long.


You guys on here on always asking for short cuts to improvement. I truly believe that after completing this book in 3 weeks, you would see drastic improvements in your anatomy skills.

Extra credit:

Warm up with gesture drawings. This will prevent your figures from getting stiff and allow you to apply your knowledge more.

Apply copies to life/imagination/photos. Don't just copy the drawings, if you copy a bunch of bridgeman hand plates apply that by drawing your own hand and trying to see the musculature.


>> No.3232223

I can copy all the drawings within 24 hours too, it just won't be good.

>> No.3232273

Would working through them so fast be helpful? I've been working through his book on and off for a while now but I always fully render every plate and then try to study from other sources as well. I remember reading some blog post by a professional saying that the best way to study Bridgman is to render out his loose drawings.

>> No.3232283

I will try.

>> No.3232287

It is helpful but studying it the way you do is just more helpful for understanding in the long run.

Also, I'm guessing frazetta already knew basics of anatomy/form/values when he went though the book like that. I could definitely see a pro blast through it and learn quickly.

>> No.3232292 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 1275x1950, FFBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this image and carried out its challenge Januray 17th of this year (the thread is probably available on an /ic/ archive, or you can use the /loomis/ board on "8gag" if you so choose). It was extremely difficult but very doable. I think it was kind of interesting to do for the novelty but I don't think I'd take it extremely seriously as a study method.

Many of Bridgman's illustrations are somewhat inscrutable and at the time they were made they were probably meant to be used as reference material in the presence of a live model-or at the very least by an academically trained artist that was doing a lot of life drawing. Looking at the images shown in that picture they appear to perhaps convey the major planes of the figure (that might not be readily apparent under a harsh stage light) moreso than drawings that are useful for their anatomical accuracy, and I recall most or all of the images being similar in that regard.

It's an interesting anecdote to try and recreate and a fun challenge don't get me wrong, but in all honesty it probably would have been a better use of my time to draw actual figures and anatomical features from reference photos.

>> No.3232294
File: 773 KB, 1275x1950, FFBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3232219 (OP)
I made this image and carried out its challenge January 17th of this year (the thread is probably available on an /ic/ archive, or you can use the /loomis/ board on "8gag" if you so choose). It was extremely difficult but very doable. I think it was kind of interesting to do for the novelty but I don't think I'd take it extremely seriously as a study method.

Many of Bridgman's illustrations are somewhat inscrutable and at the time they were made they were probably meant to be used as reference material in the presence of a live model-or at the very least by an academically trained artist that was doing a lot of life drawing. Looking at the images shown in that picture they appear to perhaps convey the major planes of the figure (that might not be readily apparent under a harsh stage light) moreso than drawings that are useful for their anatomical accuracy-most if not all of the images being similar in that regard.

It's an interesting anecdote to try and recreate a for yourself and a fun challenge don't get me wrong, but in all honesty it probably would have been a better use of my time to draw actual figures and anatomical features from reference photos.

>> No.3232308

>none of y'all have the work ethic or craziness
dude, i just don't have the TIME

>> No.3232310
File: 1.64 MB, 902x695, 1500930173530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise that the real thing that these sort of artists do is start when they are young, right? It's not unheard for the chinese, at least, to start at five or six years of age. Then, by the time they're like 26, they've got an almost 2 decade worth of art practice mileage jump on you.

>> No.3232319

You don't just exponentially continue to improve though, most artists stay at roughly the same skill level throughout their career, so it's pretty easy to catch up. Now shoo shoo, defeatist crab goblin, you're not getting our art gains.

>> No.3232344

when Frazetta said he copied all the drawing in 24 hours it was not a good thing it was said i how much he wasn't taking learning to draw seriously at the time coping the drawing quickly is not a good thing

>> No.3232367

>have fun

You first, OP. Why is it everytime the OP never posts anything himself?

>> No.3232370

And that's probably why OP said not to do it in 24 hours but over the course of 3 weeks. But I know, reading is hard.

>> No.3232404

The OP also implied that the reason for stretching it out is due to "our" lack of work ethic.

>> No.3232408

i will only do it if there isnt any of that DUDE BOXES LMAO bullshit

>> No.3232410

Nope, just alcoholic scribbles on a chalkboard. Also boxes.

>> No.3232416

if you can't even draw the most simple of 3 dimensional forms, how the fuck do you ever expect to get good at anything?

>> No.3232429

Ill give it a shot, was gonna start the book anyway, gonna start tonight.

>> No.3232431

Not that I'm doubting you or anything but in which interview he said that? I would like to see the source.

>> No.3232433

I tried this last time and got up to 72 drawings before calling it quits. I don't think its a lack of work ethic it just felt like I wasn't learning anything. The expository text doesn't help too much either.

>> No.3232438

the thing is i can do it and i dont wanna be doing that babbi's first pencil grab shit boxing

>> No.3232448

I don't know if I have what it takes but will use this exercise as warm up at least.

>> No.3232454

I completed the book within one month. It's agonizing but worth it.

>> No.3232455

Then skip the 1 page that might be dedicated to it and move on you autistic fuck.

>I refuse to read one of the most widely acclaimed anatomy teachers in the world because he might have explained 1 beginner exercise at some point in his books that I already know of

How do you even function on a day to day basis?

>> No.3232456

This. I dont get brigman either.

>> No.3232464
File: 3.06 MB, 1832x2820, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's DUDE BOXES the artist.

>> No.3232472
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1424827581870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's shit though

>> No.3232473

Not just boxes, but boxes and spherical shapes as well. The space between torso and hips is a spherical shape that is malleable in accordance to squash and stretch. This is dependant on the fitness/gender/size of the individual as well.

>> No.3232474
File: 20 KB, 478x373, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3232482
File: 137 KB, 964x1352, Frank Frazetta (Paradox HD).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3232483
File: 361 KB, 1097x1440, Frazetta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No really

>> No.3232489

I'll give it a go, when do we start?

>> No.3232503
File: 77 KB, 245x178, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think this will help me If I'm jackshit at anatomy?

I mean I'm not a total /beg/ but I haven't read any books completly or anything.

Doing it the quick way will teach me a lot?

>> No.3232504

i don't im a failure

>> No.3232513
File: 253 KB, 946x948, flex nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't remember, I googled around for it at the time and I do remember finding what seemed to be a genuine quote, but I didn't end up bookmarking it. It was kind of a chore to find.


>> No.3232546


>> No.3232557
File: 155 KB, 1134x603, lag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In drawing through a book, even if you take more time to refine your drawings than I did, it's important to note that all you're really going to be doing is drawing a variety of things, just once. It's not a life-changing experience, with anatomy you really have to stick with it, repeat it etc. and that's something I've struggled to accept no matter how many great artists I'd heard stress that fact.

Because of that, I'm still much the same artist I've been years before. Once you get to the point in where you can adequately copy an instructor's drawing in >10 minutes you really lose all excuses not to do so a couple times every day, so don't follow my bad example of resting on your laurels because "you already did that". It simply doesn't work that way, unfortunately for all of us.

>> No.3232577

Look up the concept of spaced repetition. Copying the whole book in a day might be a fun challenge but it's not the best way to absorb information for the same reason cramming all your study time the night before a test is ineffective.

>> No.3232594

I don't think there's been any peer review on spaced repetition outside of memorizing random facts. It might be useful for the anatomy aspect, but the artistic process involves entirely different portions of the brain. It's more like riding a bike.

>> No.3232597

You'll be pretty hard pressed to find any good artist who doesn't use boxes in anatomical abstraction. It's just a fucking fact that structure and perspective is best shown through forms that have clear, distinct plane changes. This whole anti-box contrarian sentiment on /ic/ is really getting ridiculous at this point.

>> No.3232608


Whatever you say champ, if you think mindlessly copying is the most effective way to making it I'm not going to stop you. Don't you have a sketchbook to fill with 1000 boxes?

>> No.3232617

All I'm saying is that the process is poorly understood and may not work the same. Find the papers, develop a background and rationale, design a method, and we can do a study together.

>> No.3232622

where the FUCK are the drawings? Stop posting words start posting attempts chop chop.

>> No.3232625

I don't come here to get validated by a bunch of losers.

>> No.3232631
File: 244 KB, 823x1047, ffc18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats where you are wrong kiddo.

>> No.3232634 [DELETED] 
File: 594 KB, 250x420, doblldger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. I'm a little faggot short and stout
>here is my gains in the left pocket here is my procrastination
>when I get all lazy here my shout
>call them a bunch of losers and shitpost rightout

>> No.3232641

I hope your art is better than whatever the hell this post was

>> No.3232648

It's not my proudest post.

>> No.3232653

Yeah sorry, I don't mean to be mean but that was pretty bad, my man. I think you you could have made it work but you stumbled a couple times too many.

>> No.3232717

Out of all of the 20th century authors on anatomy and other artistic subjects Bridgman is the odd man outt. Do any of those drawings look like actual people to you? Every one of his books is like that.

Use someone whose drawings you can actually understand.

Use Paul Richer
Use Andrew Loomis
Use Stephen Rogers Peck
Use Vilppu
Use Michael Hampton
You can even use Hogarth (t. Glenn Keane and Hirohiko Araki)

..but for the love of christ do not use Meme-Man.

>> No.3232775

Bridgeman is a baseline.

The people he draws look like classical art statue studies.

>> No.3232824

Not really, they look like scribbles he made in 20 seconds or less.They're disproportionate and barely passable. Not trying to be rude but when the best advice you can get for "how to use Bridgman" from an academically trained commercial artist like Erik Gist(?) is to acquire a bunch of reference photos and use those instead you know the content itself just isn't up to par. I'm sure Bridgman was a good artist in his day and a fine teacher in his studio so I'm not surprised that he's still well respected, but literally just look at any page of his and compare it to the work of the authors above. It should go without saying but you're going to want to study from someone that puts enough care into their drawings that you can actually discern what this stuff you're trying to learning about actually looks like.

Rogers Peck(er) for example has some gestural drawings of his own which are pretty shitty, but he has quite a few highly detailed depictions of anatomical features rendered with fine attention to detail that he was probably drawing straight from a cadaver. Bridgman simply doesn't have anything to offer like that. It's just words coupled with hastily done drawings of dubious accuracy.

>> No.3232830

He's working with planes and use of line on a very high level. Other books teach anatomy, he shows you a way of representing it through exaggerated figures.

>> No.3232842
File: 909 KB, 2224x3072, IMG_20171211_180401781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it a lot more useful than renderings of cadavers.

>> No.3232847


So why hasn't anyone posted anything yet?

I'm gonna address a few comments that were made in this thread.

1.) It's not just about laziness or whatever, copying the whole book in one day just isn't effective way of learning and will probably lead to carpal tunnel. It's much better to digest everything in chunks rather than doing it all at once.
2.) I'm actually working through bridgeman right now, I'm at the feet section, once I complete that I'll start all over again and work with you guys.
3.) For you guys who are saying bridgeman drawings look like scribble or whatever, you're obviously missing the whole point. The point with bridgeman's drawing isn't to illustrate 100% detailed anatomical accuracy, but rather to show the simplified forms of the figure. This is crucial for imaginational drawing. If you understand the torso and pelvis as a box it's much easier to rotate in imagination than trying to do it from a fully rendered anatomical plate. That much is obvious. Obviously, you want to supplement that book with more accurate ones like paul richers but these books have DIFFERENT goals.

>> No.3232851

Not sure what posting copies is supposed to do but whatever. I really need to go through my fully rendered anatomical plates first, though.

>> No.3232852
File: 1.20 MB, 3682x2219, IMG_20171211_182142346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not post while Bridgd.

>> No.3232872
File: 7 KB, 129x175, le cia face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found drawings that don't look a damn thing like what they're supposed to look more useful than drawings that look like what they're supposed to look like in a book I'd never read


>> No.3232875

I don't know what you want besides a good ass fucking, I find linework depicting how anatomy affects the planes of the figure more helpful than gloriously rendered muscles you can't see.

>> No.3232876

>talks shit about legendary artist
>posts generic anime
>ic 2017

>> No.3232877

Just copy these drawings? That's it? Seems pretty easy. Does it get more difficult because the beginning doesn't seem like it'll take more than a few minutes to do.

>> No.3232878

He was a functioning alcoholic, you have to take a shot before each one.

>> No.3232890
File: 83 KB, 420x894, muh stubby arms, my completely retarded abdominal side and front plane that looks like someone's fucking shoe being exorcised out of my ass by a lutheran priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The planes aren't even accurate, projecting faggot. Face it, Meme-man is a joke and anyone reading him after the 1930s is a complete fucking hipster

>> No.3232913
File: 932 KB, 1093x793, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon does have a point, you know. Bridgman is clearly capable of creating nice depictions of whatever he wants to show and when he does it can be very educational, but some of the drawings require me to focus most of my brain power on just deciphering what it is he's trying to show.

>> No.3232962

Hey anon, what's the name of this book? I used to have a pdf scan of it and maybe I still do somewhere buried away, but I just remember it was all written in German or some shit.

>> No.3232963

Right? What use is copying these if you can barely understand what it is he's even drawn there.

>> No.3232980
File: 3.71 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171211_202807788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy for the Artist - Jeno Barcsay. Good drawings, useful anatomy, mournful tits.

>> No.3233000

IMHO people overthink this.

If you anons want a better shot at actually benefiting from Bridgman, make sure your figure drawing is up to par and that you know your anatomical landmarks. The more anatomy and figure that you can summon up, the better.

He came up with this for his students, so you'll have to work on it without him and supplement it with what an anatomy teacher would generally tell their students. (Look up Vilppu videos on anatomy)

It's a construction system, it's not the holy grail of anything. You can use his ideas to make your own system that works for you.


>> No.3233005

Also look up Rey Bustos anatomy videos. Before ArtCenter busts him for sexual assault charges.

>> No.3233025


>> No.3233039

Probably the best explanation for why you shouldn't use Bridgman I've ever seen.

>> No.3233042

No offense but are you guys retarded? The whole point of Bridgman is that he gets across all of the necessary info in very few strokes. Everything is crystal clear.

>> No.3233091


Lol what? Give me that sweet gossip son

>> No.3233100

Just a little rag tag from other anons about how ArtCenter is being infested with SJW safespacers.

Give it time, and all will be revealed.

>> No.3233127

He's all over the place. Just like Boku no Proko said: These drawings were literally made spontaneously in front of a class Bridgman is lecturing. They are effectively worthless without him and the live model that would have been accompanying them. Studying Bridgman's book is a fool's errand in a world where there are so many other options.

>"Just add form to the drawings lol"
>"uh...not like that"

>> No.3233131

igga when did proko say that shit? does that fool even know who BridgeGod is?

>> No.3233199

I cringed when I did those specific plates. They looked proportionally off.

Only his muscles and bone plates are good, those...don't teach much.

>> No.3233202
File: 61 KB, 383x500, 1469477848719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... but not what this thread deserves.

>> No.3233253
File: 279 KB, 1077x1718, IMG_20171212_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people talk way too much.

>> No.3233254
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>> No.3233256
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>> No.3233259
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>> No.3233260
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>> No.3233262
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>> No.3233263
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>> No.3233511

i actually agree. great technique and good at what he does. but not my taste. hate his proportions and choice of subject.

>> No.3233680
File: 135 KB, 532x950, 20171212_052355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got like 5 pages done last night, I'll do some more tonight

>> No.3233682
File: 175 KB, 1000x562, 20171212_052409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3233684

>great technique and good at what he does. but not my taste
>he's shit

pick one

>> No.3233686
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>> No.3233687
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>> No.3233688
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>> No.3233695
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Just started with this, but after watching >>3233025 I want honest critique. Am I too /beg/ to tackle this or do you think that I can still learn something from it?

>> No.3233708

If you're going to do it you should try not to copy how the lines are arranged, try to see what 3 dimensional shapes within the forms he's trying to show us. Think of it like a treasure hunt on paper. Mine aren't perfect and I think I missed some forms.


I have to go to work but i'll finish some more tonight.

>> No.3233713

If you're going to do it focus on cleaning up your line work, the whole point of bridgemen is simplification and economic use of lines.

Also compare landmarks to make sure everything is placed properly, Just from looking at the left most guy and his reference for a second you can see that your placement is off.

>> No.3233716


Crits welcome btw.

>> No.3233719
File: 3.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20171212_132713951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't make sense until you get to the plates for specific parts of anatomy and he actually explains what to look for. Otherwise it's just a mess of landmarks and planes. God this boring as shit.

>> No.3233722

Thanks a bunch for the tips.

>> No.3233742
File: 665 KB, 3992x1965, bridgman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine for the day. hows this lads.

>> No.3234105
File: 220 KB, 1500x1500, Bridgman-Study-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting on Constructive Anatomy.

>> No.3234106
File: 244 KB, 1500x1500, Bridgman-Study-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3234142
File: 154 KB, 960x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I could get done today

>> No.3234144
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>> No.3234145
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>> No.3234146
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>> No.3234147
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>> No.3234148
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>> No.3234348
File: 278 KB, 1145x1694, IMG_20171213_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before bed. Didn't get to do too much so ill wake up a little early and do some more while I eat breakfast.

Good Job everybody.

>> No.3234349
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>> No.3234352
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>> No.3234354
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>> No.3234385

tfw i watched >>3233025 after doing >>3233742 . time to redo it again today properly

>> No.3234389

The madman actually did it. Curious to see how will you progress at the end of it. Good job, keep it up.

>> No.3234422

>this is a very obviously a tendon and bottom plane
What a load of bull

>> No.3234697

Bridgman being popular is a perfect example of getting caught up in the memes instead of practicality.
Bridgman's books are a random collection of poorly reproduced scribbles he did while drunk. Literally any other anatomy book would serve you better.

>> No.3234709
File: 1.22 MB, 1477x1991, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally any other anatomy book would serve you better.
They literally don't. They just show you how to render muscle tissue. Even when you find one that isn't just "how to render viscera" like Hampton here, who is actually working with the same constructive method and is more clear, it doesn't express how concisely you can represent something. It's a play of abstractions and gestalt.

>> No.3234731
File: 33 KB, 600x600, me the fat controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See pic. Bridgman was apparently such a good artist in his day that his reputation preceded him in death, but that doesn't mean his books are a valuable resource 100 years later.

>They just show you how to render muscle tissue

The point of an anatomy or figure drawing book should be how to describe the forms of anatomy from various positions shouldn't it? This is something that Bridgman's drunken scribbles unfortunately fail to do for most anyone outside of his antiquated classroom, unless they rely on references so heavily that they should have just been drawing those instead

>it doesn't express how concisely you can represent something

For someone trying to learn, it's easier to take away from something that's too detailed than to build up from something that's too minimalistic. Hogarth's JoJos for example might look silly and not be completely anatomically correct but they're absolutely more useful than Bridgman whose work is foolishly lauded more for what isn't there than what is imhotbhfam

>> No.3234737

I find them immensely valuable, maybe it's not for completely untrained beginners. I can understand if you don't see the value, but to assume no one else does is solipsistic, which I guess is what you're going for by pretending to be retarded.

>> No.3234745

To be fair I only posted >>3234105 and >>3234106. Thank you for the confidence though.

>> No.3234818
File: 167 KB, 1868x1235, bridgman paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am >>3233742
trying to paint these. its one of my flaws. please give me some advice, how can i do this better?
thanks in advance

>> No.3234823

Is this better than copying Charles Bargue drawing plates?

Is this better than copying Force life drawing?

I just want to be really good at sketching

>> No.3234867
File: 178 KB, 1110x1429, IMG_20171213_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get to do as much as I wanted, i'm on page 38 right now. I'll be back in a couple of hours to keep grinding this out.

>> No.3234869
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>> No.3234871
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>> No.3234955

Why does it have to be 1 day

>> No.3234973


>> No.3235202

Mindlessly copying art of someone else isnt going to teach you jack shit except you'll get better at drawing those specific poses.
Stop wasting your time doing weird shit like this.

>> No.3235223
File: 321 KB, 652x1024, 451815389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that the core point of this thread is that you want to be good at anatomy and like anything you want it fast.

It's also clear to me that you haven't learnt what it means to truly take life seriously in attaining what you want.
Copying 10 Bridgman pages a day sure is romantic but it won't help you improve, you may feel like a champion doing it but after you've gone through the whole book and haven't learnt anything you will have only fooled yourself.

Imagine yourself back in school revising for your maths exam, you've got two weeks to go so you think you'll take it easy and give yourself a good foundation on the basics, but when it reaches the final few days you stop caring about that nonsense and start grinding out the trigonemtry and calculus that you hate doing. Recall that feeling, that feeling of cutting out all the bullshit thoughts and finally sitting down and doing what's actually important and in a way that you will actually remember it.

Apply that same mindset to your anatomy studies, learn to be serious.
Bridgman is hard to read, use it in combination with easier to understand books like Anatomy for Sculptors.
You know how to study, if you draw 10 pages a day you know you will burn out, do as much as you can manage to think effectively. strain your skills by drawing from imagination and in different poses instead of just copying. Take appropriate breaks and exercise to hone your mind so it's sharper. Get enough sleep.

The goal here is to learn anatomy, not get a high from foolishly pretending to be Frazetta.

>> No.3235331


Goddamn what's up with all these fucking crabs. First of all 10 bridgeman pages isn't a lot when half the pages are just text. And the pages that don't have texts have like maybe 5 drawings on them. So if I did 10 pages in the hand section I'd be drawing 25 hands, which isn't a fucking lot. The fact that this workload seems a lot to you shows just how lazy and ngmi you are. Also, I ALREADY STATED TO APPLY the drawings to either imagination photo reference or life. Learn how to READ before responding with idiotic statements. Sheesh.

>> No.3235335

Sure, retard

I just wanted to warn you about wasting your fucking time doing this pointless shit.
You are blind leading the fucking blind.

>> No.3235340

Yes, studying old masters is so pointless. Thank you very much for your advice.

>> No.3235345

>Old master

Old drunk is more like it lel

>> No.3235348

>Studying masters is pointless
Point out where I said that, autist.

And for the record, you arent studying, youre mindlessly copying drawings trying to fill up pages.
You arent actually learning anything you fucking moron.

>> No.3235351


>> No.3235354

>You arent actually learning anything you fucking moron.

>> No.3235358

Wow, you sure told me!

>> No.3235363

The only retard who's mindlessly copying is you. There is nothing wrong with setting quotas such as I'm gonna draw 3 hours today OR I'm gonna draw an x amount of pages. It becomes mindless when all you do is copy the image and not apply it to anything. I've already stated to apply the drawings to imagination/photo reference in order to test what you learned several times already but unfortunately your undeveloped brain doesn't seem to understand. As a matter of fact, don't do the challenge, because even if you did it, I don't see how someone with low IQ such as yourself would be able to benefit from it.

>> No.3235367


>> No.3235370

Im convinced you're underage and retarded.
I think you should go back to your discord server and shill this garbage to your buddies. That is if you can get them off steam.

>> No.3235376

You haven't even posted your work yet, so I doubt you even know what youre talking about.
Probably just some dumb kid not taking his own advice.

>> No.3235438
File: 493 KB, 1650x2100, bridgman01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely my type of loose sketch. I got work so only manage to do this. Will continue later...

>> No.3235453
File: 286 KB, 1245x1280, IMG_20171213_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree.
Drawing only bridgman and nothing else is a waste of time. I also hold the opinion that drawing from imagination and from still life are two things that should always complement master studies. That is a personal problem for the person taking on the study. However this is a bridgman study group, we are not supposed to post our imagination drawings or our still lives in this thread. If someone starts this master study and hasn't done ANY imagination drawing or ANY still life/from life drawing that is entirely on them.

I myself don't do enough life study or imagination drawing and it's something that I've been getting myself to do more and more. So yeah I agree using Bridgman solo is utterly useless. It's like trying to build a house using only a paint brush. These resources should be used in tandem.

Also maybe we should have other anatomy master study groups in the future.


>> No.3235454
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>> No.3235458
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>> No.3235483

>rick and morty

>> No.3235819

studying hampton is better. his system is much easier and he have videos where he personally explain everything.

>> No.3235860


Did he just release that one book? Are his videos any good? I saw some livestreams but they just seemed to explain rather basic shit. I just want to have nice plates to draw from

>> No.3235886

This, also Jack Hamm. Always prefered him to Loomis, desu

>> No.3235891

Just do them all, shouldn't take you more than a week.

>> No.3235945

please help me improve my rendering

>> No.3235959

And you chicken scratch way too much

>> No.3236201
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You right.

>> No.3236641
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>> No.3236642
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>> No.3236644
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>> No.3236645
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>> No.3236646
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>> No.3236647
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>> No.3236751

need answer. what steps do i take to improve my skill at this?

>> No.3236752

fucking draw

>> No.3236754

well blatantly bud but i've done this a lot and it still noticably looks shite. further information is required

>> No.3237370
File: 236 KB, 2043x1526, bridgman paint 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have i improved since >>3234818 ?
im trying to solve a weakness here, any advice is helpful. thanks.

>> No.3237403

>most artists stay at roughly the same skill level throughout their career
so talent decides everything?

>> No.3237412

>tfw you never had any trouble "deciphering" Bridgman's drawings and perfectly understood every drawing in the book
>found Loomis incredibly dry and restrictive meanwhile because of the tight construction and landmarks
Maybe different things click with different people? I'm not saying I draw better than someone who trained with Loomis but I had no trouble ever with the source material.

>> No.3237414

Post your work

>> No.3237426
File: 212 KB, 768x400, vamp_pinup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I'm not saying Bridgman is better or I'm good at drawing because of it, just that I had no trouble understanding the books. It's really the most simple method to draw.

>> No.3237428

Not bad

>> No.3238302

They are not meant to look like finished drawings. They are just anatomical diagrams, explaining construction, how to draw form and how the forms fit together, the bones, muscles and tendons and he also presents a mannequin. I think supplementing Bridgman with other books is pretty much necessary, he is sloppy and inconsistent, but his books are still great. He was by the way teacher of Norman Rockwell and also Robert Beverly Hale, which should speak of itself. His books are also quite cheap which is always good for us poor art students.

>> No.3238308

Bridgman is the best way to learn the mechanics of the human body.

>> No.3238410
File: 243 KB, 1074x1690, IMG_20171216_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im slightly less than a third of the way through the book by now.

>> No.3238412
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>> No.3238413

Have you learned anything

>> No.3238414
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>> No.3238415

Learn about some bones and how the hand works on a certain level. Also Kinda realized my line strokes are too hairy.

>> No.3238475

What in the fuck happened to the other people that were doing study thread?

>> No.3238504
File: 117 KB, 1440x1080, 1494200218219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me a book and a method to study anatomy then anon.

criticizing is fine and all, but if you really care then give an alternative, or else you're just a sad troll looking for attention.

>> No.3238644
File: 296 KB, 1024x818, 1495274959767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a really bad mindset.

Take control and responsibility for your own life, stop thinking that others are standing in your way.
Nobody is hiding information from you, it's just not on a silver platter, you have to look for it.

Go to the art books thread and download a bunch of the anatomy books there, they're all pretty good, read through all of them and study the ones you think are the easiest to learn from, as you get better you'll be able to study the harder ones like Bridgman.
Anatomy for Sculptors and Prokos course are really digestable, I'd recommend starting with those.

Don't expect people to help you achieve your dreams, we're all too busy trying to help ourselves, all anybody can offer you is a nudge in the right direction.

>> No.3238654

Best post ITT.

>> No.3238664

>Nobody is hiding information from you

I concur. One of my fav artists suggested he learned from x meme book when in reality I find out they had a huge helping hand with other sources. Nobody is going to tell you their exact secret sauce.

>> No.3238674

Ah forget about him, he's just an asshole that doesn't want you to be competition for him.

Besides this is pretty basic stuff, there's loads of anatomy books out there that will take you to a high level.

>> No.3239077

draw from bones, and make ecorche anatomy sculptures
this is the best way to learn anatomy
paul richer's book is pretty good though. or check out the videos by rey bustos (they should also be on CGPeers)

>> No.3239081

I mean, you're not entitled to people's info...if that's what you're getting at.

Artists need to keep secrets too, you know.

>> No.3242540
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>> No.3243192 [DELETED] 
File: 3.65 MB, 5500x5500, Bridgman Study 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing from here.

>> No.3243193
File: 210 KB, 1500x1500, Bridgman-Study-003b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue posting from >>3234106

>> No.3243194
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>> No.3243195
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>> No.3243307
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>> No.3243712
File: 13 KB, 480x360, pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post..

>> No.3244288

need answerq

>> No.3244490
File: 203 KB, 1100x1164, IMG_20171221_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you got better at isolating the shadows, keep practicing and start blending more with the airbrush tool i guess

>> No.3244494

thanks for the response. is that the soft round brush from cntrl paint?

>> No.3245383 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 724x1024, eb1q5hmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Challenge accepted!

My first three. Trying to make the lines and the gesture flow my own while keeping an eye on the original.

>> No.3245385
File: 171 KB, 724x1024, coywxwhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3245386
File: 221 KB, 724x1024, 6ypikzd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one the hardest so far.

>> No.3245390
File: 195 KB, 724x1024, 9krw0e6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something happened with the first one, but challenge accepted!

Trying to make the lines and flow of the gesture my own while keeping an eye on the original.

>> No.3245817

It's not just /ic/, but I go research adventuring about bridgman elsewhere and everyone has their mixed feelings about him plus attacking anyone who wants to learn from him but doesn't know how--especially on ca fourms. Meanwhile those "pros" back then have a hard time with their anatomy present day.

It seems you need to know anatomy before attempting to understand from this book (which is fine for my case). Telling from this thread, 90% of people in here don't even know their anatomy and quite possibly don't draw since only a few people in here took up the challenge. To those who actually put up work, you're going to make it. Don't fall for the people trying to put you down.

>> No.3245835


No, people just plateau at a certain point, especially when they're established and consistency and efficiency becomes more important than innovation and improvement.

After a certain point art improvement ceases to be particularly objective anyway, and it largely becomes a matter of taste.

>> No.3246013
File: 153 KB, 724x1024, ge6jb71f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I guess?

Contd from >>3245385
Can confirm you should be familiar with at least some anatomy because otherwise it might be impossible to understand what the fuck he has drawn. I'm not entirely fresh but not too trained either.

>> No.3246016
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>> No.3246017
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>> No.3246042
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 1513607079362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my Bridgman book.

>> No.3246129
File: 374 KB, 1276x1754, IMG_20171222_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too brother, when I saw this thread I wept like a small child

Anon if you keep talking like that, you're going to have to take responsibility for this gooey stuff in my boxers.

>>3245390 Good job.


>> No.3246132
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>> No.3246133
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>> No.3246135
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>> No.3246509

They aren't expensive at all, just buy a new one.

>> No.3246934

>quite possibly don't draw since only a few people in here took up the challenge
Possibly because this is the upteenth time we've had this exact thread with some blowhard getting people to go through with this. Its old and trite now

>> No.3246949

This is kind of stupid.

Draw from reality then simplify to your tastes.

Where do you think Bridgeman got his drawings?

>> No.3247084

Don't be stupid
It took bridgman his entire life to learn this information
The reason his books exist is so others can learn it in a fraction of the time it took him

Don't reinvent the wheel

>> No.3248259

As well as everything being too sharp. Few places on the body are so angular

>> No.3248265


>> No.3248318
File: 341 KB, 1176x1754, IMG_20171224_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like with every page I study I get more and more of an understanding of what Bridgmans thought process is. It's actually crazy. when my drawing classes start I should be finished with this book. And then I'll have time to do more life drawing.

>> No.3248662

this never gets old

>> No.3248773

I'm sure it's better to do it in 24 hours.
Since that gives you 480 hours to do other things

>> No.3248782

Is the bridgeman book easy to open and lay flat? Some art books I've bought before didn't cooperate with my table.

>> No.3249463

>adequately copy in >10 minutes
Well no wonder that your feet not long enough. You struggle with proportions, slow down and think about what your doing

>> No.3250543
File: 729 KB, 679x673, 9 point SIX out of 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing this 2 1/2 years ago. I got like 20 pages into it within 4 hours and then I gave up. I gotta try it again sometime.

>> No.3250544

I know you posted this just so it'll make you feel like you will do it. Dopamine doesn't fuck around anon.

>> No.3250897

am I supposed to copy 1:1?
a lot of his drawings are sloppy as fuck and I dont see what I'd learn
this sounds like a meme

>> No.3251232

It's better than wasting your time on /ic/

>> No.3251680
File: 224 KB, 1280x1066, 4f2b155dc7ea26d335644d78e8c9f5ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing it on my twitch every evening if anyone wants to draw along twitch: andrewmarkherman

>> No.3251729

I just completed this book(didn't post anything because i don't feel like scanning all those pages) but I didn't learn shit.

>> No.3251733

Thats because you're stupid

>> No.3251737

No I'm not. My IQ is 170.

>> No.3251740
File: 483 KB, 500x221, uhuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3253116

ur gay

>> No.3253153

>170 IQ
Bruh, you a pleb or some shit?

Over 9001 IQ reporting.

>> No.3253184


Haha you faggots believe in that IQ bullshit.

Inb4 >bet ur iq is low

My IQ score is highest yet. I absorb the world as I see it and that's why I excell in the fundamentals of anatomy and of YOUR MOM.

>> No.3253423
File: 204 KB, 1093x1595, IMG_20171229_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got lazy over Christmas.

>> No.3253425
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>> No.3253426
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>> No.3253427
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>> No.3253430
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>> No.3253432
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>> No.3253452

I'm really curious to see your personal work

>> No.3255800
File: 166 KB, 720x1000, bridgman001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm in.

>> No.3255858
File: 153 KB, 720x1000, bridgman002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh hey look, page 2

>> No.3256027

Besides blindly copying; flesh out/complete some of the unfinished box and string poses. Create your own.
Art creation is an intellectual pursuit.
Think. Learn. Create.

>> No.3256453
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>> No.3256796
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>> No.3257983
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# 4

>> No.3259380
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# 5

>> No.3259580

These drawings are a shallow facsimile of the real thing, you are actually going to learn bad habits studying this way. There are much better and more modern anatomy educative resources out there.

>> No.3260287

Not the poster of those images, but I just want you to know that you are a hypercritical, ignorant, fag that's ngmi unless you change your attitude.