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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3231009 No.3231009 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix, them, /ic/?

>> No.3231027

loomis tards ahahaha

>> No.3231030

By people who are not /beg/ offering real critique every now and then.

>> No.3231052
File: 42 KB, 904x531, 186b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By people who are not /beg/ offering real critique every now and then.
Those people exist on /ic/???

>> No.3231055

>tfw one of my posts is in there

>> No.3231064

Mine too. =)

>> No.3231074

One of the posts was replying to me.

>> No.3231075

yeah, I'm here.

>> No.3231076

>They need to turn off the computer and grind for a few months.

Would you say that's good advice for a /beg/tard like me?

>> No.3231077

We've finally made it lad. We got into a meme pic. They'll be knocking at our doors with job offers any time now.

>> No.3231163

the only thing that i think is certain is that people have to draw from life and their own stuff too and not treat Loomis et al like the ten commandments.

>> No.3231190

You're right, but you have to remember that Loomis is a cross section between advice AND a meme. Loomis is a bit dated, but he does talk about a broad range of subjects in a relatively comprehensive way that even many modern authors and instructors don't. In either case though, when people here say "Loomis" they're only being partially literal

>> No.3231191
File: 222 KB, 600x686, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we could make a way for people to self-crit, like a section in the sticky where there would be drawing with common errors and their crits.
(my apologies to the author)
Pic related demonstrates errors common to almost every /beg/ poster - work from big to small, line>shape>form>anatomy rather than anatomy from the start.

If we have this section and link to it often, people will feel embarassed as it proves they didn't read the sticky in the first place.
More people read the sticky, less shit in the generals, amirite?

>> No.3231193

*where there would be drawings with common errors

>> No.3231208

>They need to turn off the computer and grind for a few months.
try a few years

>> No.3231226

very good. technically sound.

>> No.3231553


I said this before to someone.

He posted something really bad asking for critic.
I told him to develop a self criteria. To set his goal high comparing old masters. I hope I did right telling that.

I must said I’m from beg, And I improved a lot. Beg thread helped me. I don’t know about others.

>> No.3231559

I agree with that sentiment. There are some really narrow-minded idiots on here who think that you can measure quality by counting the amount of detail and hours put into a piece, how many little windows you put into your stupid, fuzzy castle in the background etc.

>> No.3231726

its not /beg/ problem but /ic/ in general. people here are dicks who
1.can't draw but give's advice anyway
2. draw but peoples taste in art are different so its always shit to someone.
3. thinks telling people to read the sticky actually helps.

i don't see any real interaction with people who can draw and beginners. when this place was first made it always had "hey how do i learn" and " i used this book, video and ect to learn" then they would fix it and get better, but now its "shit go to sticky, read loomis, your art is not better then my art" and "post your art"

i hate it here

>> No.3231739

/beg/ isn't a containment thread, it's a filter. The people who stop complaining and can rise above the barrage of shitposts and terrible advice are the only ones who are ever going to make it.
The ones who get misled, and make terrible art, are discouraged before they ever go down the long and arduous path of trying to become an artist, for their own good.
It's also terribly entertaining to shitpost in it, and for that reason alone it must continue to exist.

>> No.3231740


>> No.3231826

>1.can't draw but give's advice anyway
This can be solved by posting art when someones asking you to "Post your art".

>> No.3231876


>> No.3232543

as if you will somehow get them to do that

>> No.3234758

If only the kids watched ZINLIM on YouTube that helps a ton. Idk on 4chan if something is overly recommended such as Loomis people call it a meme and ignore it, pretty strange if you ask me.

>> No.3235032

i improved more off getting resources from /ic/ and other places than hanging out in /beg/

>> No.3235037
File: 23 KB, 480x640, 2307922-mung[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More like LOOM LESS

>> No.3235055


>> No.3235065

The problem is getting a talented artist to wrangle /beg/tards constitutes work and nobody wants to do it for free. If you want a proper mentor with good crits you gotta pay for it. Another strike against communism Tbh

>> No.3235174

Fuck you.

/beg/tards like you are cancer killing this board. I used to give advice, critique and tips how to improve and yet almost every single time /beg/tards were looking for excuses ("but I like Anime!"), they were defensive ("You're just a troll, there's nothing wrong with my perspective") or completely ignored advice and made the same errors in their next drawing.
Giving any sort of criticism to those pretentious, ungrateful twats is a waste of time. Criticizing them is pointless simply because they'll ignore any tips they'll get.

It's ridiculous that /beg/tards are asking others to put in some effort in helping them, when they won't put in any effort themselves. They won't even read sticky.

>/beg/ isn't a containment thread, it's a filter.
This. The only difference between /beg/ and draw thread is that people from draw thread read sticky at least once.

>> No.3235181

Let them rot. Why do you need to fix them at all?

>> No.3235190
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 8qqGzHqv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks that Loomis is a meme.

>> No.3235198

i think the sticky forgot to mention to have fun with drawing.

>> No.3235364

yeah really there will be no shortage of newbies asking for criticism, and a better artist honsetly should just be spending time improving themselves and building their own career. Unless of course, there are some 70 year old pros browsing 4chan.

>> No.3235378

Fuck 'em.
If they're retarded NGMIs that get stuck in /beg/ for eternity then that's their problem.
It's better for the rest of the board to corral retards into a containment thread.
The people that actually improve don't post in /beg/ and just draw.

>> No.3235416

If /beg/ wants to learn from the masters of /ic/ then they need to suck the master

That's how it has always worked. No one mentors for free. Look at da Vinci and the other old masters, they only mentored those who did sexual favors for them

Shove a few pens up your tight little /beg/pussy and maybe a master will show you how to draw your anime girls

>> No.3235618

if /beg/ is not the place for beg's to go to, what is?

is there like any other forum with less toxic/bad advise for begginer? I've been looking at the Sycra forum, but that just feels like a giant circle-jerk, so idk.

>> No.3235624

conceptart.org forums wre the place that a good amount of pros (rapoza, algenpfleger, etc.) went when they started out.

there's also sketchlab forums where people post their sketchbooks. I"m sure they'd have no issue with an actual beginner posting their stuff on there.

i'm sure there are similar sites out there. not sure which one is the most active.

>> No.3235664

tnx, I'll check those out. :)

>> No.3235707

You shouldn't be on any forum as a beginner.
The only advice beginners ever need to receive is to draw/study more.
If you're incapable of self-critique then you're NGMI. You don't have to be a good artist to know when something looks wrong.

>> No.3235748

but people that have gone trough the beginner phase, can give their perspective, the resources that helped them and the tips that helped a lot, right?

like the stuff u wish someone told u when U were a /beg/

>> No.3235761


>> No.3235812

The only thing I wish someone told me as a /beg/ is to just draw more.
The other important stuff I found out in the resources I was learning from or through my own experimentation.
/beg/s just need a good starting point. Something to send them in the right direction, which is what the sticky is for (theoretically)

>> No.3237952

it really is, for the most part

>> No.3237953

/beg/ never want to hear "just draw more", they always think there's more to it. That's the problem.