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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 77 KB, 960x720, slide_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3229030 No.3229030 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to draw today and submit your work.
Last thread >>3216506


>Submit your artwork everyday at Drawing Today to earn your streak
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be eliminated and lose your streak
>Participate in user-generated challenges to have fun
>Feeling overwhelmed? You can set the limit from everyday to every other day/four days/weekly

>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Something's broken, what do I do?
>Call w for help in the thread

What is the goal?
>The site is not a competition site, its purpose is to help beginners and unmotivated artists discipline themselves to draw everyday.
>If you feel like the everyday constraint is holding you back or you have formed a habit of drawing everyday you don't need to rely on it anymore.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. May it rest in pieces.

Lava who?
>a dead lemur and a half empty toothpaste who will never ever come back again.

The official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.

(=^● ⋏ ●^=) ノ彡

>> No.3229032

>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>thread is on page 8
You were such in a rush you forgot to don your tripcode.

>> No.3229033

Had to make sure nobody got in the way of my shitposting

>> No.3229035

Thanks mang

>> No.3229040 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x904, tumblr_ohqdpajmZY1s7up9fo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, all LAS's artists I saved. I just downloaded Rozzle stuff too.

>> No.3229063
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x904, tumblr_ohqdpajmZY1s7up9fo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, all LAS's artists I saved from the old site, enjoy.

>> No.3229101
File: 38 KB, 499x357, 1508943336683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't me...
I never used OP to shitpost

>> No.3229107
File: 93 KB, 500x422, I AM BECOME REEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you Thready, isn't it?

>> No.3229116
File: 83 KB, 614x461, 1506600380229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3229121
File: 29 KB, 506x960, 1499732027426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I don't know what to do now... I feel empty

>> No.3229122

erp elsewhere, faggot

>> No.3229132
File: 264 KB, 637x256, 1479522751975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3229133
File: 6 KB, 300x200, dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the only place where i can roleplay as a cat. ok whatever I will stop now.

>> No.3229138

you can always draw something, dumb cat

>> No.3229139
File: 98 KB, 736x730, fdsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never give up

>> No.3229145
File: 34 KB, 600x509, question-mark-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon I will, I was looking forward to making the thread but found out I was a bit late

are you always here all the time or are you just another me that I don't know exists?

>> No.3229149
File: 26 KB, 360x414, kdso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am you and you are me.

No, It's just coincidental timing.

>> No.3229156

>I will stop now
>keep going
Your word is worth about as much as your threads

>> No.3229172
File: 318 KB, 2000x1333, Just don't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3229175
File: 71 KB, 700x700, 1510974333864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bullly
I'd rather break my promise to a rude person than ignoring nice people when they talk to me

>> No.3229194

>I'd rather break my promise
Imagine my shock

>> No.3229205


>> No.3229366

What is your endgame jerry?

>> No.3229372

>tfw some of the artists you liked aren't actually as good as you thought they were
Most of them still hold up but a couple of them are meh tier at best. Susipuri in particular I remember being waaay better. I think I even did studies of her work a couple times but now it doesn't look that good at all.

>> No.3229376

>you'll get good enough that one day "lessos" study your submissions

>> No.3229381

It's not that big a deal, it wasn't really about being gud. I used to study everyone's submissions at the start of LAS (don't post anymore.) I even did studies of JerryBreem's stuff. Sometimes I'd just get really bored and do quick studies of everything that was submitted for the day. So if you were part of the OG LAS, I've probably done a study of your work.

>> No.3229386

did mega remove the link or is that just me

>> No.3229387

never mind, it works now for some reason

>> No.3229407
File: 2.96 MB, 1242x1920, tumblr_ohqjchIc2c1qjqokvo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another two great old LAS artist that I like but I didn't save.



Sadly, Poon doesn't have all of her art tagged so you'll have to dig in the archive to find her stuff.

>> No.3229414

Now I feel inadecuate...somebody comfort me please.

>> No.3229424

it's okay buddy, I'm inadequate too.

>> No.3229430

tooosssaway.tumblr.com was Poon's LAS dumping blog, which has different/more stuff than their personal one. Lots of unlisted posts lost in the LAS archive purge, though.

>> No.3229431
File: 974 KB, 500x384, 1502006426803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your output is incredibly inconsistent and u have to warm up in like 4 hours in silence before you can create something worthwhile
>tfw music never ever helps but u listen to it every time anyways

>> No.3229452
File: 98 KB, 500x369, i feel it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW downloading whole ass .rar just to see if some rando anon liked my shitty ass art enough to save it

>> No.3229454

I was thinking about doing the same. Feels bad man.

>> No.3229484

hunger games simulator with lassos

>> No.3229548
File: 922 KB, 999x570, 9mco67b7nlmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to study hard but only feel like 5% of what im trying to learn actually sticks

>> No.3229729

I'm sure her studio/nda stuff is better now

>> No.3229769

i wasn't in the list :|

>> No.3229842
File: 26 KB, 279x215, 1345284407080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooooh, It's true, I forgot! I even have the blog followed, thank you.

>> No.3229849

We have a new /las/ why don't we have new memes?!
It feels like nothing matters in newlas.

>> No.3229850

make one

>> No.3229855

To everybody that feels bad for this: don't worry, I followed A LOT of people, seriously, a lot, in that .rar there is not even the half of people I followed in old LAS, but I just saved this,

>> No.3229859
File: 49 KB, 464x266, 1331737283668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two critique requests now but you can only see the most recent one in the main page. Wasn't it different before, W?

>> No.3229914

fact: homosexuals are the majority of las

>> No.3229916

you can't prove that

>> No.3229922

>want to git gud at traditional stuff again
>have to throw away a piece of paper if sketch is fucked up and impossible to erase
I wouldn't complain if this was cheap letter sized paper, but this is big ass expensive sketchpad paper for an assignment.

I hate doing traditional because I start calculating how much each sheet I'm using costs.

>> No.3229928

Fact #2 : shit dog and a fuck man

>> No.3229951

Lets put it to the test

>> No.3230098

What about bisexuals.

>> No.3230099

i feel like most ppl will be homos for the sake of the meme

>> No.3230101

Bisexuals are gay.

>> No.3230178

ur gay lol

>> No.3230338

cath not even trying when he puts a submission up for critique request

>> No.3230370

Party in Lokki's submission comments!!!
Everyone's invited

>> No.3230379

sorry im not gay

>> No.3230386
File: 22 KB, 401x372, 1508875452512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because everyone can just join again after failing and almost everyone is on different streak levels, there's not much tension
Someone made this gem though

>> No.3230404

beanman why

>> No.3230405
File: 525 KB, 927x1311, filthyPlagiarist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3230484
File: 694 KB, 2592x1944, 9950a3aedc65c9c214dc4d016e1b81bec12a877cbea2a99ef7a47566210d07f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those who have lost their streaks multiple times

Does it get harder the more you fail?

I worry that if I fail I will value my streak less and the more I fail the less I will value holding a streak
>pic unrelated I just wanted to draw your attention

>> No.3230495

Yeah, because after failing once or twice you realize the streak doesn't mean anything anyways.

>> No.3230507

The trick is having your own streak, independent of LAS.
If you fail because of some disastrous circumstances or just laziness, make sure to make up for it the next day. That way failing isn't the easy way out, it just adds more work the next day, encouraging you to not miss days.
If you genuinely think you need a short break, plan it far in advance, don't just bitch out because you don't feel like it today.

>> No.3230518 [DELETED] 


>> No.3230519 [DELETED] 

That's definitely a guy

>> No.3230523 [DELETED] 

Is that what anon asked?

>> No.3230525 [DELETED] 


b-but there is no feminine buldge

>> No.3230538

You can't stop now I... I love you

>> No.3230562


I think you're overthinking the whole point of that lesson. The goal of that diagram is to use figures as an excuse to get reference and scale of uneven surfaces (the mountains for example). Show that you're "cutting into" the mountain sections of earth and locate the "common ground" (the base of the floor in your scene). When Erik mentioned you're like a director placing objects in perspective he meant it's like a hollywood stage and all the props are placed on a ground floor.

Basically think of it like an old video game where you have the character clipping through the level. Like you find a glitch and the character drops through the floor and keeps falling. Well you're taking a dummy character and clipping it through the mountain and running a line back and forth from the point of the common ground level so you can raise the character upwards to properly scale things (like trees, the castle, other people, etc.).

That's basically it. You can leave the pretty picturing for when you are actually studying how to draw environments but, of course, that's up to you.

>> No.3230620

comment in his submission you dork

>> No.3230625

b-but it isn't anonymous

>> No.3230637

I'm pretty sure you can set it to anonymous. Also why're people on here such pussies? I say that as a ginormous pussy myself. What will happen if someone see's your name with the comment? The guy will probably associate you with a helpful crit that is all. That's one of the reasons why I left, everyone is afraid of interaction for some reason.

>> No.3230641

I always post with my name on because I'm a chatty bitch, also makes me double-check before I say something silly.

>> No.3230642


It's because my advice doesn't match up with my work. I'm just textbook smart.

>> No.3230662

i wonder if anyone likes my submission :3

>> No.3230664

4(!!!) people is kill
It's draw everyday not draw occasionaly when you feel like it, you fools!

>> No.3230754 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2576x1932, 6407a4eb7c33417c9cc644311759422bb9bbd0aeee3456fd0f8eaec0fc68977e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the source but have some more

>> No.3230788

Should anon comments count toward an active commenter badge, or would that reveal who's posting anon too much? This particular badge will be an ongoing thing, so if someone stops commenting they lose it.

Could be a small incentive to not post anon too.

>> No.3230795

I think that will either lead to people posting garbage comments or simply not caring about comment badges. The whole attitude of the community that would need to change if you want everyone to exchange constructive comments.

>> No.3230821
File: 1.81 MB, 1008x1512, 80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're referring to this diagram, correct (ignore the bottom half)?

I think I understand the crux of the lesson being taught. I know about the notion of using reference points to get clean understanding of scale along an arbitrary recession to the eye level, and how that can be moved arbitrarily along the plane that represents that point of depth (perpendicular to our line of vision, this is straight left or right, or up and down). Beyond that, there's a few things that hover uncomfortably in my understanding.

The first is assessing what, conceptually, represents the physical "bottom" as a point of reference, and why finding it is necessary in the first place since height comparisons can be made at any vertical point with the use of basic reference points.

Which brings me to another pain point: the selection of a point along the reference point plane feels... arbitrary. I know it represents a real distance, but the decision seems arbitrary. How do we know that point at the far back represents the castle? How do I know how far something recedes? Is that why the "base floor" is important? To assess depth ad-hoc at an arbitrary point on the picture plane?

It feels really easy to me to get really lost in the consolidation of three dimensional space on a two dimensional plane, while keeping track of what goes where, and what measuring points represent what.

In the process of making my most recent work, I picked an arbitrary, distant point along that reference plane which gave the approximate "6 foot tall mark" of people, which helped inform the scale of the castle relative to the guards (it's not clear, but those little grey markings are people-sized). Maybe I have to rethink the composition for clarity?

I'm sorry. I feel like a complete and utter moron right now and I'm clearly the slow kid in art class as someone earlier pointed out. Maybe I should pump out a lot of basic, unrendered scenes similar to this diagram to get a better feel for it?

>> No.3231188 [DELETED] 


>> No.3231249

Don't be silly, things like that help the community.

>> No.3231334 [DELETED] 

Am I allowed to download this to my computer
To use as raw data in Audacity?

>> No.3231763
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, legbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first is assessing what, conceptually, represents the physical "bottom" as a point of reference, and why finding it is necessary in the first place since height comparisons can be made at any vertical point with the use of basic reference points.

The physical bottom is any location on your image where you think is showing the green area of this lego base. Anything that is a white lego piece is a raised uneven surface.

Why it's important has something to do with true height. It really depends on what you drew at the beginning. So you started with the castle and the person in the foreground. You want to place trees in the mid-ground that have believable height (in comparison to the castle and the person in the foreground), so you use a dummy person as a measuring device at the base (green area of lego) and the reference point. Using a dummy person for most perspective scenes is a good way to compare objects.

>How do we know that point at the far back represents the castle? How do I know how far something recedes

The person raised up in front of the castle door is just to compare a person standing next to a castle door. And since you drew the castle first without worrying about perspective, you could adjust the door size if you think it's too small in comparison to the ref'd person. There are no points that represent the castle.

Sorry for late reply. I'm probably missing a few points but I'd probably confuse myself at this point, too.

>> No.3231824

>apple challenge
should I try to imitate ps brushwork with csp or is it hopeless?

>> No.3231828 [DELETED] 

>that light
I have no doubt in my mind that this image is from >8ch /cuteboys/ and the OP is French

>> No.3231859


Oh! I just rewatched the lesson where I made those diagrams.

The decisions of placing the initial figure and scene ARE arbitrary and informed more by composition. It's just that we need to create those references to make subsequent decisions on other objects in scale of the basic figures we've initially laid out. I was thinking backward. Thanks for helping me understand it more.

Going back to your initial criticisms, do you mind directing them at specific points on the piece I was working on? Technically speaking, I haven't started the process of measuring out other objects yet, so while my confusion regarding the core lesson of that diagram is alleviated, I'm not sure how that informs the decisions I've made thus far, and by extension, what I got wrong.

>> No.3231860 [DELETED] 

keep the fag shit off these threads, no offense.

>> No.3231869 [DELETED] 

keep the hetero shit off these threads, full offense.

>> No.3231872

Hey lasses, there's still time to join the digital secret santa art trade, there will be a channel on discord which will unlock on Christmas day for everyone who participated to share what they got from others

let me know if you'd like to participate by messaging niche#2934 onna discord

>> No.3231910

finlay is a genius, the apple challenge is actually pretty cool

>> No.3231916

I fucking hate coin's banana. It's bend is way too radical and it's completely off balance - it's about to fall to the right, but it never does.

And worst yet, different renditions of this same banana will pop up every day by different artists until the challenge is over.

>> No.3231920

I knew coin was a genius.
Subtly fucking up people like that.

>> No.3231929

Those people with 50+ submissions and not a single comment anywhere. feels_unfortunate_frog_meme.jpg

Meanwhile lokki and sucrose spamming eachother lately. Blossoming gay love for christmas this year.

>> No.3231934

Maybe they should start commenting :3

>> No.3231938

I think everyone with 50+ submissions actually has at least one comment

>> No.3231951
File: 580 KB, 1440x936, fbqGv4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I recall it was in reference to pic related. You're doing fine lad, keep going.

>> No.3231959

you should comment on some of their work
also this: >>3231934
if you comment on other's stuff, then you are way more likely to get comments yourself
so i would encourage everyone to comment on people's stuff

>> No.3231962

I look at everyone's submissions and comment a lot but I don't want to feel like a dork, being the only one in everyone's comments, so yeah comment faggots.

>> No.3231968 [DELETED] 
File: 719 KB, 2324x1920, c9a58b5a5ee27befeb97b4bccf8dc82e5c52fbd9e29e6c1bcd4a086f8046ef23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atta boy

>> No.3231969

Hello all, I'm joining tomorrow. My goal is to learn how to draw environments I am a complete beginner, plz no bully.

>> No.3231978


You'll be my 2nd sticker victim.

>> No.3232006 [DELETED] 


thats fucking grotesque. reported.

>> No.3232027 [DELETED] 

why is that guy wearing womens panties? Is he mentally ill or something? oh wait..

>> No.3232039 [DELETED] 

This is gay but not the good kind of gay.

>> No.3232069 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 635x493, 1448453073177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traps are honestly worse than women im sure

there is actually nothing worse than a man who wants to get attention the same way women do

i can guarantee you from this one picture that whoever that is has no personality actually

>> No.3232286

how does one end up kill?

>> No.3232338
File: 210 KB, 639x717, djoVQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3232413

Can someone post a list of folders in that .rar?

>> No.3232426

hello w I can not change avatar for some reason it keeps reverting back to the old one. And can the selected avatar be in cropped mode instead of stretch mode? thanks.

>> No.3232441
File: 5 KB, 210x265, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3232458

try ctrl+f5

>> No.3232552

thanks its updated, I guess its just cache problem. And the picture doesnt get squashed like it was shown when selected so its all good now.

>> No.3232782

Dang, highlights a small issue with how avatars are handled. Right now when you update it saves over your old one with the same name, so caches are never updated. I'll update new avatar uploads with timestamps to fix this, and stop the preview from stretching like you said, even tho the avatar uploaded will never upscale, just dumb preview.

Ty for tech supporting for me anon, would probably have taken me a bit to realize the issue.

>> No.3232790

not 50+ but close https://drawing.today/profile/231

>> No.3232829

Took me almost 90 submissions to be honest.

Also, I learned the quickest way to get comments is by posting comments yourself.

>> No.3232836

The best way to get comments is to ask for critique, people are nice.

>> No.3232837

No point in fishing for attention on this site

>> No.3232840

>implying I don't want to be noticed by senpaitachi

>> No.3232887
File: 89 KB, 650x1053, a good try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which lassos do you think have improved considerably since they started?

>> No.3232888

Jerry, he's still better than me.

>> No.3232899

has he really improved though?
does anyone have some of his stuff from old las?

>> No.3232904

You can tell he's improved just by looking at his current stash, especially his faces.

>> No.3232926

This is what happens when you bully a man for the shape of his banana

>> No.3232930

i cannot...
how can he improve if he doesn't use reference?

>> No.3232977

i have for sure
going to keep doing studies for a couple weeks then i want to dedicate a whole 6-10 hours on a single piece to see how i measure up to the professionals i admire

>> No.3232986

If jerry is genuinely better than you, just do like 5 studies and you'll be miles ahead of him because he just refuses to work smart.

>> No.3233144



>> No.3233175
File: 3.50 MB, 4608x2592, 20171211_184625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super busy witb irl stuff because its the end of the semester and just forgot to upload :c This is what I painted that day. I just started reworking the eye and class ended -,- also my phone takes shitty pictures painting is not as grey/yellow.

>> No.3233215

Professionals do 6-10 hours a day. Some illustrations get 2 weeks - 2 months timeframes.

Just keep that in mind

>> No.3233217

And some apparently only take a day or two.

>> No.3233222

Can I join in or this or do I need to wait? I'm new here.

>> No.3233231

Join any time
Good luck

>> No.3233233

Okay I will draw something then

>> No.3233527

That comes with time, and depends on the prompt. Most things you'd see in magic the gathering take a bit of time

>> No.3233572

>Some illustrations get 2 weeks - 2 months timeframes.
I meant digitally.

>> No.3233595

Yes digital.

Been talking with Olly lawson and he said he was working on one of the illustrations on his portfolio for 7 months (lots of reworking, and taking breaks to study certain parts and coming back to an idea), but it would take him about 2-3 days at his current level.

I think you'll notice at a certain point you can get those crazy good illustrations that pros have but it'll take you 2-10x as long as it would take them. There is a confidence in decision making and efficiency that comes purely through sweat, mistakes and mileage.

again MTG commissions (digital) artists anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for their card art- but keeping in mind you've got some time where you're:

gathering material
sending in thumbnails
sending in the initial sketch
polishing it
sending in polished version.
more revisions etc.

>> No.3233751
File: 2.63 MB, 3120x3120, 20171212_110431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3233755


>> No.3233761


>> No.3233790

Hey W, I can't edit my submission to enter a challenge, so I have to go through all your image repost security hoops, edit it and upload again.

>> No.3233795
File: 1.77 MB, 3120x3120, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3233797


>> No.3233809


>> No.3233816

Hey W, I can't edit my submission to enter a challenge, so I have to go through all your image repost security hoops, edit it and upload again.

>> No.3233820

Hey W, I can't edit my submission to enter a challenge, so I have to go through all your image repost security hoops, edit it and upload again.

>> No.3233826


>> No.3233830


>> No.3233849

Hey W, I can't edit my submission to enter a challenge, so I have to go through all your image repost security hoops, edit it and upload again.

>> No.3233851

Is this a reaction mechanism?

>> No.3233853

?msinahcem noitcaer a siht sI

>> No.3233855

No it's a fan with fans on the fans.

>> No.3233879

Which ones did I miss?

>> No.3233880

Double chibposter was a mistake

>> No.3233882


>> No.3233887

How could I

>> No.3233902

Shit fuck.

>> No.3233921

So how do I join this? Am I supposed to make a nickname?

>> No.3233925
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, you-can-do-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're almost in the new year, please work extra hard the coming days!
Surely everyone is gonna make it!

>> No.3233933

yeah you need a nickname so we can shout you out or call you out depends on the quality of your art

>> No.3233937

What are you doing to celebrate christmas lassies?

>> No.3233950

I've never felt much for celebrating christmas, considering I have no one to celebrate it with.

I mean, if I had a cute gf... it would be different.

>> No.3233955

not anon you are replying to but what about family? christmas for me is all about family.

>> No.3233963



>> No.3233964

I've lost half of the family that made christmas merry, so christmas is always a little sad to me.
We'll probably argue about buying a tree, then maybe watch a movie and eat.

>> No.3233969

I live alone
I'll probably spend it listening to some chill xmas music with my little tree

>> No.3233974

Nothing. I'm too poor to buy presents for people and too nervous and stressed to do gift arts. I'd love to participate in secret santa but I'll just dissappoint fellow anon by doing nothing or giving shitty art

>> No.3233998


>> No.3234007

Who are the laziest lassos?

>> No.3234008

Special dinner with my favorite dish, then secret santa with family and loved ones. Wasn't going to be part of secret santa because I'm broke, but a relative decided to cover for me. Hopefully things are going to be fun.

>> No.3234009


>> No.3234015

Probably will just draw, maybe it will be Christmas or winter themed

>> No.3234018

Is jerrybreem a troll account? There is no way someone just does the same thing for that long.

>> No.3234087


>> No.3234108

hes some guy with learned helplessness and is addicted to self sabotage

>> No.3234138

He's brain ded

>> No.3234171

What's the gender ratio in las?

>> No.3234187

Choob and LampBlacked are a couple of mo's.

>> No.3234250

dude WAT?

>> No.3234258


Come out and vote!

>> No.3234313
File: 2.77 MB, 3120x3120, 20171212_131811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I will go with Tavi. I'm not very good though, fair warning. How do I make people know it's me?

>> No.3234316

You forgot the three silent posters who are always here but don't say anything.

>> No.3234358

Hopefully we're just going to put up a ceremonial seat for a family member that died this year and that's all it should be.

>> No.3234502 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 800x1200, 1412717335_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookmarking anon.

>> No.3234503
File: 73 KB, 800x1200, 1412717335_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3234510
File: 504 KB, 923x1920, cantshowthisonachristianwebsite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3234547

U dont need to bookmark when theres like 10 posts a day

>> No.3234749

a-anon, you're supposed to post on drawing.today

>> No.3234751

Who is this

>> No.3234754

not me

>> No.3234760

that's ok, drawing dumb shit like that he wont last a week. Can keep his toddler skill level to himself.

>> No.3234765

Love it

>> No.3234769


>> No.3234806


>> No.3234821

It's the morning where I am. I will post something soon though.


>> No.3234835
File: 62 KB, 500x475, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerry is about to hit 100 post
>90% of his psot is faces
>still shit
>people are still falling yet jerry continues
his success should be your shame.

>> No.3234837

>his success
I don't see any success in what he's doing.

>> No.3234838


I'd rather fall than do the same thing 3 years straight tqpbhf.

>> No.3234852


>> No.3234881
File: 648 KB, 1170x1990, lucky 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probable equates success with a high number. if it were that easy i would understand why lokki has two accounts.

i agree.

this might be true you might be unto something...i try something different today.

dont worry man two or 3 week studies and you would crush me.

>> No.3234903

How can I improve on doing lines?

>> No.3234905

do a lot of them.

>> No.3234908

no undo
put down two arbitrary dots on your paper and try to connect them with a line
put down three dots on your paper and connect them with a single smooth curve
do those a bunch, vary length and angle. find the angle which you find easiest to draw. practice "ghosting" lines, moving your pen over where you want to make your line a few times without actually putting it to paper to just practice the line before making it.
think before you make each line

>> No.3234909

So just practice makes perfect? Alright. I'll do that but first I need to get my drawing for today done. Thank you

>> No.3234910

Oh okay that sounds a lot more efficient actually, thanks

>> No.3234917

Think about them when drawing

>> No.3234948
File: 2.33 MB, 3120x3120, 20171213_123349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3235128

What do you mean, done?
You didn't post anything

>> No.3235220
File: 2.10 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_2017-12-13-19-38-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U trying to sandbag to get attention m8?

Just post your stuff on the drawing.today website please.

>> No.3235326

When was the moment when you realised that simply drawing a lazy submission each day will only help you achieve mediocrity?

>> No.3235334

67 Days into las, I think.
Then droped and have been enjoying really fast improvement since.

>> No.3235344


2 days into las, I think.
Then I droped and have been enjoying really slow improvement.

>> No.3235349

Pretty recently I was thinking that I put more effort into each submission when I first started.
Now I've slipped somewhere around my comfort zone because things have been conflicting with the time I was spending on art. I realize that I can't really go anywhere doing that, so hopefully I'll get things sorted out and will be able to put more into art.

>> No.3235366

not yet apparently

>> No.3235387

100 post in.

>> No.3235395



>> No.3235406

oof, I know I'm definitely one of those people

>> No.3235409


You, for example.

>> No.3235411


But WHO am I, anon?

>> No.3235412

>implying I don't draw just so I can be a part of the community

>> No.3235418

Over 500 days in. That's when I decided to stop using the site as it only encourages that type of behavior.

>> No.3235434

choob is a filthy plagiarist..

>> No.3235446

choob is gonna beat your ass one day

>> No.3235476

wolf tickets. I'll stockton slap that kid.

>> No.3235477

choobposter is the faggot nate diaz poster too? When will the lies end?

>> No.3235478

when the tracing ends, so never.

>> No.3235671
File: 3.01 MB, 3120x3120, 20171213_211727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did post something

Here's something else

>> No.3235677




>> No.3235680
File: 25 KB, 400x350, Kektastrophe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3235686
File: 113 KB, 410x492, 1510505483860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3235746

I'm going to draw a sofa today

>> No.3235755

wolf tickets.

>> No.3235838

Please officer it's a polystyrene sofa no wolf tickets

>> No.3235845

submit weekly

>> No.3235856

is Tavi our new meme?

>> No.3235866
File: 499 KB, 916x937, everyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3235867

more like tardvi

>> No.3235894

Without talent everyone can just make it to mediocrity.
Can you train artistic vision like a muscle? Nah.

>> No.3235897

You're wrung

>> No.3235902 [DELETED] 

more like tardersauce

>> No.3235903


>> No.3235904

more like tartarsauce

>> No.3235905

Anything the brain is capable of doing can be trained to do better you dolt. You train your imagination by cramming a wide variety of shit in your brain and then letting loose and piecing crap together. Your ideas will be boring and suck at first, but eventually the mental images become clearer and your work will get more "creative". The caveat is you have to work your fucking ass off if you hope to catch up with "artistic" types who have been doing it their whole lives, but you can also do it literally everywhere and not just sitting at a desk with a pencil or stylus in your hand.

>> No.3235921
File: 956 KB, 841x849, 1442839454374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3235926
File: 605 KB, 3120x3120, BmQgh4Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what he is trying to accomplish

>> No.3235961
File: 93 KB, 600x944, sekkou-george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone drops your name

>> No.3235985

It's been a while since someone dropped my name
that's normal since I'm pretty bad

>> No.3236194

Hell yeah I'll be your new meme

>> No.3236195

drapery is holding me back man

>> No.3236214

? Drapery don't even have hands nigga

>> No.3236216
File: 195 KB, 500x480, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No not you.

I'll be your new meme

>> No.3236233

wolf tickets

>> No.3236235

Please officer it's a polystyrene drapery no wolf tickets

>> No.3236295

this is the gayest thing since saucy

>> No.3236397

Keket! Show me some anatomy! Quick!

>> No.3236400


>> No.3236438
File: 916 KB, 754x768, je.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3236446

I feel bad whenever I laugh at Jerryposts

>> No.3236447

Tell me about breem, why does he draw the face?

>> No.3236471



>> No.3236472
File: 366 KB, 500x375, its too late.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, ill try harder.

>> No.3236474


>> No.3236476

i feel that if i just post what i normally draw
(circles and shading garbage ) i would be called out for not trying, imagine that. so in my mind i feel that a drawing of a face is a better demonstration of work. eventually it became a crutch, it feels uncomfortable to not draw a face. its pathetic, plus im being lazy.

>> No.3236478

What do you want to draw, berrydream? Why did you take up art in the first place? I doubt it was to churn out creepy faces every day.

>> No.3236481

>Open Loomis Heads and Hands
>skip to the bit where he shows how to construct a head
>copy that, draw the head out of simple shapes

>> No.3236482

I can see that the way you handle the pencil gets better, but you should do some stuff that improves your all araond drawing skill like still ives from life.

Drawing the same kinda face from memory reminds me of those elephants who learn to draw a picture and draw it over and over again.

>> No.3236483

i dont remember.



>> No.3236487

jerry for the love of goodness use reference. just draw something, something tiny, from reference or life.
you're not getting anywhere because you aren't training the most basic art fundamental (drawing what you see). without that, there is no way for improvement because you have no way to see what's wrong or know how to fix it/move it in the right direction.
this is the fundamental that underlays all other fundamentals. without it, practice is a complete waste of time.
so why don't you use reference?

>> No.3236490

probs lazynes, ill try harder i swear.

>> No.3236496

except you're actually making things harder for yourself by not using reference

>> No.3236549

this eases my heart a little bit to know

>> No.3236550

all lassies who reach day 100 should be reviewed by the community on their progress.

fluff ur next.

>> No.3236559

oh god please don't do this for me

>> No.3236581

don't listen to this asshole, keep doing you.

>> No.3236584


I meant >>3236487
this asshole..

>> No.3236604
File: 855 KB, 300x379, crumble paper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking of which... I'm coming up on 100 soon.

Anyone have a suggestion on what to draw on that day? Not going to do anything pornographic or otherwise risque.

>> No.3236608

A cute anime girl

>> No.3236616

100 dalmations

>> No.3236663


>> No.3236686

Can we have a 3 strikes rule? I don't want to see Choob come back again and again, he's fagging up the joint with his tracing horseshit.

>> No.3236715

What to draw....

>> No.3236720


a cute anime girl getting fucked by 100 dalmations

>> No.3236721

draw something totally out of the ordinary for you

>> No.3236722

An apple.

>> No.3236849

it's almost 3am what the fuck where did the time go

>> No.3237013
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x1117, 1510851910652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3237137

Should I attempt to draw/paint something with artistic vision for once?

>> No.3237175
File: 43 KB, 460x463, 1435186480933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never post the piece again

>> No.3237182


>> No.3237387
File: 1.38 MB, 1429x1800, Screenshot_2017-12-15-15-17-16-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's just Agemonogatari

>> No.3237548

I can't put stickers on your work if you're loomising, chidroi.

>> No.3237554

Should I return?

>> No.3237565

hahaahhaahaha hes right though. thanks anyways.

>> No.3237568


>> No.3237639



>> No.3237725

get good at the loomis head
then learn the muscles of the face

>> No.3237740

scroll up for refs on expressions. i think people in the server are hosting hangouts and urging others to study expressions this week.

>> No.3237744
File: 662 KB, 500x446, this is a youtube animation of a videogame character so please do not call me a weeb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't fool me into joining your smelly discord

>> No.3237748

why is everyone in las gay

>> No.3237749

not everyone is though

>> No.3237754

Okay okay, no need to beg. It doesn't suit you anon. I'll rejoin. ;^)

>> No.3237757

do you have something against choob?

>> No.3237759

reminder that you will never surpass me

>> No.3237761

Jokes on you, I'm posting 1 year old garbage overtime. I'm already ahead of you.

>> No.3237766

i'm just a bit confounded by the amount of homos i've met, i guess on /ic/ in general

>> No.3237796

>why is everyone in las gay
ubt LAS is dead

>> No.3237805

you know how to spot a closeted homo? go through who they follow, a dead giveaway is if they follow the most generic big boobed skinny model types, I'm speaking from experience, being a closeted faggot myself.

>> No.3237806

I think 4chan in general just attracts people of all kinds

>> No.3237812

For what purpose

>> No.3237814

Raita isn't gay anon
Just you

>> No.3238038

Not everyone, forc example w is a pedophile.

>> No.3238041

Banana tits are not generic big boobs, man.

>> No.3238279
File: 6 KB, 615x173, shiiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the doomsday finally here?

Whatcha updating w?

>> No.3238281

my life

gl las, las2.esy.es is available.

>> No.3238288
File: 77 KB, 623x445, herwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally I'm free

>> No.3238292


>> No.3238341

Any chance of uploading the folders separately?

>> No.3238350

wolf tickets

>> No.3238381

W! T F! Is the site!

>> No.3238423
File: 33 KB, 594x572, IMG_20171108_072951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238431

Damnit! I just start posting yesterday! Now how am I suppose to restrain this wonderful excuse for not drawing today.

>> No.3238435

Lava come back

>> No.3238446


>> No.3238451


>> No.3238453

fuck dog

shit man

>> No.3238458

Is the site down?

>> No.3238467

sooooo site is downers? :(

>> No.3238476

I hope I wake up to everything being fine tomorrow. Good night boys :)

>> No.3238478


>> No.3238479

Everything is fire

>> No.3238482

Where were you when ded became ded?

>> No.3238483

Fix the site I have to submit my anatomies!

>> No.3238530

d-do I just die if the website doesn't come back within two hours? I haven't posted yet

>> No.3238531

me neither and im so pissed
we are kill

>> No.3238532


>> No.3238533

why did the admin pull the plug all of a sudden like his girlfriend just left him

>> No.3238535

>he doesn't know w can edit streaks and bring people back to life anyways

>> No.3238537
File: 73 KB, 1200x849, DRMBzYiWsAAOxrX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the event that the site isn't back in the next two hours, I'm just gonna post my post here to say my streak is still going motherfuckers

t. saucy

>> No.3238538

>tfw we truly are now posting in the thread instead of the site
I like this.

>> No.3238539

not a bad idea

>> No.3238546
File: 1.12 MB, 1131x1644, Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may as well

t. silvemis

>> No.3238547
File: 603 KB, 480x466, 99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. nobody important

>> No.3238554
File: 42 KB, 496x702, my_soul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did w's server explode?

>> No.3238557
File: 276 KB, 1000x658, anatomy ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining in


>> No.3238559

I hear he got vanned because he stored child porn on the server.

>> No.3238561

>In the event that the site isn't back in the next two hours
>implying it's coming back at all
We just got w'd again. WW2

>> No.3238562
File: 342 KB, 1195x997, croq4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll just post here until the site goes up then?

>> No.3238567

Yes. Everyone, post ITT!
This will be our swan song.

>> No.3238568

Wtf, I thought the "Las is gay" thing was a meme
Why are there so many faggots omg.

>> No.3238570

yeah see?
you are experiencing the same realization i had

>> No.3238575

that's just sucrose

>> No.3238576

wtf is happening, W? I can't acces the website! Idon't want to lose my streak!!

>> No.3238581

Submit your art here

>> No.3238585
File: 1.26 MB, 2340x4160, 20171216_173640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you deal with flow my figures have always looked stiff, whats the secret?

>> No.3238588

oh man, its huge.

>> No.3238590

You guys make me feel good about my art

>> No.3238593

i agree, my drawings are garbage.

>> No.3238595


While I completely agree with the shit quality of everything I produce, still kind of rude, mate.

>> No.3238596
File: 17 KB, 306x374, IMG_20171215_203339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post you work if you do not tell lies

the bar is low anon

>> No.3238598

I’d love to but I already showed everything I have, if I repost anything I'll dox myself.

>> No.3238599

no shit?
we are here to learn, not to brag

>> No.3238600

I'm glad
Unless you mean that you feel good about your art only comparatively

>> No.3238602

this is the beginning of a new era, lassers
from now on we post art in the threads

>> No.3238605
File: 11 KB, 487x423, IMG_20171020_180835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238608

>las isn't a place, it's a people

>> No.3238610
File: 291 KB, 1920x1200, LAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238620

it's back you guys

>> No.3238621
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, LAS25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just leave mine here too.

t. FlyingSkin

>> No.3238623
File: 347 KB, 2300x3388, New Doc 2017-12-16_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want it to be this way.

Beanhead here.

>> No.3238624

It's not nice to lie.

>> No.3238641

weird it was up for a minute for me

>> No.3238653

how do you draw lips in a fucking face? i cant take it anymore.

>> No.3238657
File: 51 KB, 900x675, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all over now isnt it

>> No.3238663

let's fucking hope so

>> No.3238666
File: 56 KB, 600x500, Ch6dObdU4AIp2QP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3238677

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege drawing with you


>> No.3238680


To die on your side, the pleasure the priviledge is mine.

>> No.3238682
File: 7 KB, 320x240, dp15il.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my submission

>> No.3238684



>> No.3238687

is the page down?

>> No.3238690
File: 462 KB, 1283x880, DED60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new age of thread-posting begins.
Masque here, this is my submission today, two portraits from the classic action movie, Them Matrices.
Fun fact: the leftmost Morpheus drawing took about as long as the painting next to it. That might be an exaggeration. But the painting was definitely easier. The main difference I'd like to point out here is that for that drawing I just went in guns blazing without measurement or structure, and then spent a longass time correcting it. The painted heads on the other hand I actually measured things and Reilly'd it up.
This is a lesson I continually relearn: A little patience in the beginning will pay off big time.

>> No.3238691

So W was working with team forza all along to bring down the 23:30 club.. we've been had lads

>> No.3238693


>> No.3238695
File: 2.00 MB, 395x350, gFKsunQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ride never ends my dude, not until it's time to add ourselves to the infinite canvas in the sky.

>> No.3238696
File: 519 KB, 1383x1346, 16.12.2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my submission

>> No.3238698
File: 209 KB, 675x2048, PicsArt_12-16-06.49.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3238704

w pls

>> No.3238706
File: 1.85 MB, 2084x1589, THEMAGICWITHIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished my "Alice"

>> No.3238710
File: 64 KB, 593x826, IMG_20171217_025716_199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you haven't given up, w
t. echo

>> No.3238712
File: 169 KB, 815x1153, IMG_20171217_002252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238713

I realy wanted to see how that pooh comic ends too.

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

>> No.3238714
File: 1.20 MB, 1189x855, ssas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.
t. arxeny

>> No.3238715


>> No.3238717

it's over

>> No.3238719


>> No.3238720


>> No.3238724
File: 81 KB, 827x755, 1510245086898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3238725


>> No.3238727


>> No.3238728

F uck dog

>> No.3238730

stay gold lassies

>> No.3238731

;-; why website die

>> No.3238733

ayy nice.
pretty solid.
hope not probs hes just busy.

>> No.3238737
File: 27 KB, 200x168, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238739


>> No.3238741


>> No.3238753
File: 179 KB, 800x800, IMG_20171216_153605_355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3238754

Nobody had W's contact?

>> No.3238777


>> No.3238779

is w kill?????

>> No.3238780


>> No.3238790

lol is that sombra?
im ot gonna lie team i actually like people posting here, like, why dont we do that?

>> No.3238791

he better be fucking dead

>> No.3238793

half the people use their discord the other half is shy boys and girls

>> No.3238811

what happens if it goes down fo eva?

>> No.3238819

Double check.
We use the threadys

>> No.3238824

I like the lighting and the mood here. I think the rabbit's head feels kind of flat or oddly shaped because of how the light is hitting him though. It looks like more light should be hitting his cheek and I'd imagine there would be some sharper divisions between light and dark, like there are on Alice's face. Also Alice's eyes are nice. The color makes them stand out, but in a kind of subtle way if that makes sense. When I zoom in I can see there's a little shade of purple and blue to them too which is a cool touch.

>> No.3238835

So its the time when we see who does art for themself and who is doing it for the streak.

>> No.3238836

Jerry obviously does it for himself.

>> No.3238837


>> No.3238842

Jerry checks the thread too often for that

>> No.3238846

Who runs las2? How is it difficult to just code something and leave it alone like lava?

>> No.3238847


>> No.3238848

No, the question is who ruins las2 and the answer is W.

>> No.3238855

Yeah I know it sucks lol

I would try to draw a better one, but you and I both know that ain't happening.

>> No.3238875
File: 923 KB, 1800x1130, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it's been one wild ride, but I guess all things gotta wind down eventually.


>> No.3238880

i don't quite get what you mean, what indicates that?

>> No.3238901

Dont worry if anything ill just post the next parts of pooh comic on here, since people are posting their work in the thread now

>> No.3238932

What the fuck, w?

>> No.3238934

The fact that ppl draw only for that number near their nick. Only few did that becouse they draw for themself

>> No.3238940

Who gives you that impression? You might as well name some names as it's all over anyway.

>> No.3238945
File: 358 KB, 1280x972, 1508423125612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been caught by a massive rangeban for over a month (not applied on me), so I joined the Discord instead of the threads.

Came to check about the website's downtime and, lo and behold, I'm finally free to post again around here.

So, hello for the first time, threadfags. Kalium here. Here's my submission for yesterday. Drawing not by me, only the painting.

Rip streak.

>> No.3238947
File: 28 KB, 110x128, man_with_THE_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238963

well duh

>> No.3238969

Did w actually abandon us?

>> No.3238970

It's clear >>3238281 was him.

>> No.3238981
File: 20 KB, 112x112, feels_whoa_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238986
File: 173 KB, 858x574, 1473266689692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe it, I don't want to believe it

>> No.3239020



>> No.3239035
File: 355 KB, 529x744, r991RyXtSpeZguZabkADLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sad the site's down, but seeing everyone's art in the thread is pretty nice

cool-lighting is my fetish

this angled pointy-looking render style is the kind of thing i want to achieve- it's so goddamn aesthetic. but i always chicken out and smooth/blend my edges to death. give me your power masque (pls)


>> No.3239080

Am I free?

>> No.3239164
File: 332 KB, 1500x1500, day705resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight soon, I think Ill start doing more panels or whatever at once, at least for the action. I just hope I can make it look good.

>> No.3239234

Fucking everyone over like that, and shaking it off with an one liner.
Yup. That's him.

>> No.3239242

is he.... known for doing that?

>> No.3239262

Is drawing.today down for anyone else?

>> No.3239263
File: 60 KB, 1500x1500, sketch-17-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3239269

for everyone else
it's...... dead

>> No.3239287

>fight soon

>> No.3239348

>take a break from LAS
>decide I'll only come back once I improve a bit
>finally decide to come back after a few months
>the fucking site is dead
This is a sad way to go. I told you lads never to trust W. Why aren't you guys using the other LAS site btw? Wouldn't that work?

>> No.3239349

What ever happened to the guy who was developing a las that had these big scrolling paintings on the site?
That seemed promising.

Fuck W, his bullshit also killed all the other /las/ site developement.

>> No.3239350

>runnerman still hasn't finished learning programming
this is when we need you the most

>> No.3239353

thank you :)

>> No.3239354

>las that had these big scrolling paintings on the site
I don't remember who did it but I think that was just a visual concept and not actually coded.
He wanted to do some completely different thing though, like a website where you can cook every day, or read every day, or exercise every day, etc. Wouldn't have been the same even if he did make it.

What's wrong with this one btw? Looks like it's still up an running. I could be wrong but I think that 51ip guy made it right?


>> No.3239358

yyeeahh, that looks barely functional
whatever, las died with lava
I hope we will have a thread or 2 up to say the goodbyes and see you all around on /ic/

>> No.3239367

las will never die. You see, las was always within you.

>> No.3239370

I know basic coding/have coded simple sites before and winter break just started for me. An LAS type thing is a little bit more complex than what I usually do but I think I could figure it out. I could possibly code a new site and have it up and running within a week or so(hopefully). Would you guys be interested or would you just like to move on? Also if you're interested /rec/ some cheap webhosting. Most of them are cheap for the first year but get a little pricey after that so idk if I'll be able to continue paying past that.

>> No.3239376

No, just let it die.

>> No.3239377
File: 5 KB, 260x194, images(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the github was deleted so this is not a mere accident so its not gonna be back anytime soon
meanwhile we should post in the thread or las2.esy.es

>> No.3239378

Nice of you to consider but it's time to let go. Even w las, it wasn't that fun anyways. It wasn't a competition.

>> No.3239379


What ails someone to just do this out of the blue?

>> No.3239380

Let me guess:
uuuuugh life is haaard, college is haaaard this girl broke up with me i never experienced such pain before uuuu

>> No.3239383

>just do this out of the blue
He's done it before when he deleted the entire website database but claimed it was an "accident." Maybe he gets off on it?

>> No.3239384

I thought he only gets off on little girls.

>> No.3239405

Okay then I wont make it. Guess this really is the end. =(

>> No.3239407

If you have some alternative idea for a fun drawing site that would be cool tho.

>> No.3239409

You could be w in disguise.

>> No.3239419

My main goal would be to keep the "drawing every day" mantra but add a spark of competition to it. Not sure how exactly to do that though. I was thinking of reintroducing the competitive nature of the first site by bringing in various monthly titles that the community could vote on maybe. Stuff like "biggest workhorse" for who ever drew the most or "most creative" for who ever drew the most unique shit,etc. Maybe give the winner a little crown by their name for the month before giving it to the next victor. I also thought it'd be a good idea to reintroduce tokens but make it so you have to earn them. You could only earn 2 tokens in a month and you earn one by either commenting on three different posts or submitting three times in a single day. idk just spit balling, obviously this stuff would've taken a bit longer than a week to code and I don't even know if I'd be able to implement it properly.

>> No.3239430
File: 94 KB, 1000x557, merightnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3239439


>> No.3239440
File: 371 KB, 633x656, 1459182985391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the end lassies


>> No.3239447
File: 565 KB, 480x270, absolutely 173% annoyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3239458

it didnt go out with a bang
it went out with a poot

>> No.3239459

Should've stopped with the end of las. DED just didn't have the same spark. LAS also became way more boring after lava took out the week system, I was only engaged because I was week one.

>> No.3239462

I was thinking a replacement could reinstate a week system, but account for the extreme autism of some participants by making it seasonal. At the end of a season, everyone left would get some kind of badge to go in their profile and it'd be reset for the next season.

>> No.3239465

I wish that fuck would have at least tried passing the keys off to someone else instead of taking it all with him. Now the effort has to be redone basically from scratch, so it'll be a while.

>> No.3239467

This, some kind of a reward systems that also gives new members a chance would be sweet.
It would encourage people to join even if they weren't there for the beginning.

>> No.3239486


>> No.3239490


Kill your father and then have your mother kill you.

>> No.3239513
File: 191 KB, 1638x2048, 1480959805867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So back to posting to http://las2.esy.es?

>> No.3239552

I appreciate the effort of the las2.esy.es dev but the lack of user accounts is pretty bad for the las experience.

>> No.3239564

let it end.

>> No.3239572
File: 76 KB, 112x42, 1467443418169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this yesterday, but nah. I'll need time to spin something up, but I'm more than autistic enough to do it. Just keep posting here or on las2 until I'm ready

>> No.3239577
File: 439 KB, 800x559, Dedicate yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as there is 1(one) person making a thread and posting 1(one) drawing a day, LAS is not dead. That's the nature of the Last Artist Standing.

>> No.3239578

god damn it keep quiet I wanted to be the only poster left

>> No.3239584

Last poster standing???

>> No.3239634
File: 3.37 MB, 2350x2926, day 140 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W why would you do this to me ;c I loved that site

>> No.3239716


Oh, are you actually making a new site?
I was thinking about trying my hand at it, but I'm a pretty shit programmer.

>> No.3239736

i cant believe death and rebirth is a las staple. without fail when shit goes down someone crawls out saying theyll make a new, better las. this is the 3rd fuckin time.
maybe its time to just let it die

>> No.3239774
File: 22 KB, 499x320, 1483480322400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I couldn't do it anymore because the site is dead.
And now I won't be able to achieve even mediocrity.

>> No.3239784

Honestly I don’t know anything about front end web stuff, but I’m fairly competent at software development and think learning how a modern site gets put together might be a good project for me. It won’t be runnerman’s “I gotta learn for a year” but adjust your expectations accordingly I guess

>> No.3239785

If you fags are going to put a new site together why don't you work TOGETHER this time instead of competing.

>> No.3239787

How do you do something like that?

>> No.3239788
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, 1507572558918-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, why couldn't he just leave the code for us atleast? I mean I think there's people that would agree to run the server for it.

But yeah, it's his code and he can do anything he wants with it, but why leave without saying a word? Or was there some information on the discord?

>> No.3239804

Developing on a github repository would make collaborating at least possible, but it’s much harder to coordinate when zero design work has been done. I gotta do some legwork first.

>> No.3239812

Real bummer about the site. I'm not sure if I'm gonna post my dailies in the thread but I hope the anons talking about making a new site can figure something out. It would be a shame to let it end like that, I was looking forward to seeing the journey of jerry, beanfam, finlay and many others unfold.
As an alternative, we could just make a simple forum where everyone's "user page" is just their own thread, no?

t. jeto

>> No.3239832

this is a terrible idea

>> No.3239837
File: 31 KB, 556x785, Lostallhope 66 i think oh god i cant remember how long my streak was fuck you w y u do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the site back up W, i don't wana have to post in the thread ya bastard.

>> No.3239846
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, LAS26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint lettin my streak die ;-;


>> No.3239858


It's not coming back. I'm not counting your streaks. I'm not putting my code on the repository. I need to move forward with my life.

>> No.3239867

For the first time since LAS started I'm tired.

>> No.3239868

Unf, hot.

>> No.3239874
File: 24 KB, 125x125, 1480960640823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

las2.esy.es still exist guys

Don't believe the loomis exterminators in this thread. When you give up you die

>> No.3239880
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1479751732452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you have beaten /las/ two times now.

Is this New Game +3?

>> No.3239888

Lokki please

>> No.3239904

what do you get out of posting as others lul, he's already said a bunch of times he doesn't post with name

>> No.3239909

im sorry anon i was simply making a suggestion that would be comparatively easier to implement since making a new site is probably gonna take a little while

>> No.3239918

That means you have to build the new las website.

>> No.3239919

las2 looks terrible front-end and backend wise, the source is a bunch of php files. It doesn't seem to be well maintained.

I'm gonna make something work. and with a different kind of streak system. Honestly it's better if we all make our own prototype and the lassies pick it. Then maybe we can do development together later.

Hopefully I'll be done in a week. In the meantime, take a break and have fun lassies.

>> No.3239924
File: 839 KB, 500x650, UXuZtCw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeh i completely agree with you. I just meant that it's a one place to post until you guys cook something up.

>> No.3239927

thank u, las helped me so much, happy to see u try and keep it going :D

>> No.3240024

Lava died
Runnerman tried
w cried

>In the meantime, take a break and have fun lassies.
>take a break
Where the hell to you think you are, you bastard?!

>> No.3240027
File: 720 KB, 1000x1000, dupabgrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello everyone

t. silvemis

>> No.3240088
File: 232 KB, 892x673, Augh laurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how exactly can I improve on my machines, other than trace things from 3d models, and greeble a lot?

>> No.3240091

Draw cubes.

>> No.3240092

I'll just continue drawing, maybe if I find the time and motivation I'll set up a website too.
Could use that as a personal portfolio too, I've had it with tumblr.

>> No.3240102

Depends on what you mean by improve

>> No.3240112
File: 954 KB, 1100x1500, delightful bara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right here's my last submission, it included anatomy studying so I count it as part of the challenge!

Thanks for putting up with me!

>> No.3240126
File: 45 KB, 776x425, s22 - this is my pet mouse, apowwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ヾ(;ω;) I will miss you.

>> No.3240133

I will still lurk /ic/ hope to see you all sometime!

>> No.3240176
File: 395 KB, 700x810, genzai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hoped for site to get up sooner or later
Can as well take a break, I've been doing nothing significant anyway

>> No.3240186

oh man, all this time doing heads and still shit at hair.

>> No.3240187
File: 197 KB, 500x1000, 20171217_181640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3240248

Fuck you w, I hope santa gives you hemorroids for Christmas.

>> No.3240255
File: 412 KB, 1080x1920, 8058806b-46ab-481d-9626-62e16ca0b36b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip streak I guess


>> No.3240269

how did you get blues like that?

>> No.3240287
File: 115 KB, 904x794, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3240294


>> No.3240302

Shrineycat will you make one last thread when it dies?
Maybe with everyone's thread submission.

>> No.3240365

page 9

>> No.3240394
File: 3.16 MB, 3120x3120, 20171217_163557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3

>> No.3240408

what am i lookin at lad

>> No.3240419
File: 559 KB, 1038x1129, DED61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masque here, just another portrait. It's Anna Paquin. I thought her face was kind of interesting. Despite the filename, I think this is my 60th day. I'm not sure if I'll continue posing daily in the thread or on that other site. Hmm..

Thanks Sugoi-hakase. One thing I might suggest is to grab a B&W pic, put it in photoshop, blur it slightly, then go image > mode > indexed color, then set the palette to local, set the color count really low, and set forced and dither to none. . Increase or decrease the color count. You can try forcing certain values or using some percentage of the diffuse dithering.
Just look at the picture like that and mess with the settings, and notice the different, hard shapes of value. Try experimenting with how minimal and hard-edged you can make the values without it looking bad. I dunno, that might help thinking in that way. A thing I've been doing while I paint is just trying to paint in triangles and quadrilaterals. Like when I'm going to put down some value, I just draw some kind of triangle that fits the value area and fill it in. And I just kind of build it up like that, putting hard shapes over hard shapes.

Hahah, nice. See ya around.

>> No.3240440

I'm not too sure. Sorry!

>> No.3240460

whats your ref man?

>> No.3240633
File: 117 KB, 736x651, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3240756
File: 231 KB, 1500x1500, day706resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris goes on the offensive. I'm gonna end up redrawing chris at least, I spent all this time drawing out different poses and none of them were really what I had in mind, or fit. If anything this is just a placeholder while I mull over it for the day.

>> No.3240837
File: 523 KB, 1111x597, 1459624523547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

las has become, last webdev standing

>> No.3240838

Is it just me or does /las/ not reach 500 posts often
Feels strange seeing the number

>> No.3240841

It used to reach 1000+ back in the good ol' days =(

>> No.3240875
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agemo reporting in. Trying to get back in muh sketchbook.

>> No.3240877
File: 52 KB, 400x266, 12991121-B607-4A86-A7D7-D1045BEA5868-1728-0000029838DAEA06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand it uploaded sideways....rip
I ain't fixing that shit

>> No.3240912

A pyramid emitting visible magnetic field lines.

>> No.3241095

its fairly small activity compared to how the shite just got nuked without a single comment on why

>> No.3241148

I have seed, does that make me a fruit?

>> No.3241150

You would be a fruit even without seeds, anon.

>> No.3241155
File: 58 KB, 720x540, 1497836870648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3241153

>> No.3241458

ohh!! this is a really good idea thank you!

>> No.3241460
File: 183 KB, 1260x1024, hiss_hiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this oughta be good

>> No.3241807

did IC die, I haven't seen any new replies for half a day

>> No.3241808

well there's a mew thread