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File: 28 KB, 750x330, 00-featured-proko-figure-drawing-fundamentals-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3222103 No.3222103 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ic/ think of Proko?

Especially want to know your thoughts on his approach to gesture.

>> No.3222108
File: 24 KB, 664x662, 06b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this thread will be spammed with the fetus images he drew long ago.
Why even talk about Proko here anymore.

>> No.3222120


>> No.3222121

very methodically sterile gesture with the intent of beeing the base for a completed drawing.

there are "stylized gestures" that look more exiting that i like more

>> No.3222141

i am actually intrigued to see those. please post!

i agree! the type of gestures that for example vilppu does have a lot more style in them, but proko's are easy to understand and great for beginners.

>> No.3224777

Why care what 4chan Thinks of him ?form your own opinion think for yourself op

>> No.3224976

You fucking BABY BOY! I like him, but I wanted to hear other people's opinions and maybe incite discussion.

>> No.3224980

I like to use his anatomy videos in conjunction with others when studying. They help an awful lot.

He's not bad. A good source of information. Not sure how well his paid anatomy course is. I can't pay for it, obvs.

But, yeah. Every teacher recommends multiple sources to help you learn the information you're looking for. His videos are short, so they can't hurt to add to your studies.

>> No.3224982

CGPeers has his Premium Anatomy Course. Registrations open on the 15th, baby!

They are very good, I like them, but the free course is fine too.

>> No.3224986


Shit! Last I checked, they only had his Figure Drawing and Head courses.

Thanks for pointing it out. I'll hop on over.

>> No.3224991

He is lying. For what reason he lies I don't know. His anatomy course isn't even finished yet.

>> No.3224994

o shit wait

I thought the figure drawing course included the anatomy one, but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.3224996


No worries. I went over and got some other stuff I didn't know they had from Anatomy360.

>> No.3225002

Nice! I will check that out as well.

>> No.3225173

Proko is ok for fine art regarding anatomy and the figure, but is far from a reliable source on gesture drawing. The problem is Proko is not an animator and this is why his approach on gesture drawing is very rigid by default.Also, in many of his lectures, it tends to add stuff he never talk about or goes totally against his previous statement. If people want to learn about gesture, is better look artist who knows animation ( like Vilppu, Alex Woo, Michael Hampton and many others

>> No.3225186

He's pretty good for beginners, I recommend him for at least the basics on figure drawing and anatomy.
Plus he does keep it light hearted and not so serious and depressing like certain other artists that are commonly brought up.

>> No.3225211

>Also, in many of his lectures, it tends to add stuff he never talk about or goes totally against his previous statement.

Oh really, like what kind of statements? You better have some examples.

>> No.3225228

>how would you do this extreme angle as a gesture
>teacher *gulps*
>teacher: w-well you see...I would use a shit ton of w-wrapping lines
>it looks like shit
>teacher: heh, I need to practice this more myself

Why is foreshortening and extreme viewpoints avoided in gesture. Also front views are ironically harder than 3/4 quarter or any other viewpoint at eyelevel. Let's talk about this for a minute. What is the sense of a method that only works 70% of the time unless you add another tool.

>> No.3225233

>only works 70% of the time
more than 70% of the time depending on what you're doing.
Even comics and manga which is probably the most extreme you'll see on a regular basis is mostly simple gestures. And when you do do extreme poses you can let it look like shit because its a comic book.

normal illustrations won't need lots of foreshortening and weird angles. you have to be looking at very specific things to get those views.

>> No.3225356
File: 53 KB, 480x360, 0edeef9e2690ee90aeff4c92714d82bff672f2674a6c5b50a4794998b0e9681f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-kang era Proko
>Wow, amazing master of anatomy, these videos are really helpful. Will we ever be as good as Proko sensei?
>post-kang era Proko
Nothing but joke posting and memes, and no actual art or improvement discussions


>> No.3225537

I like Proko for the most part
>Except for the 500 fucking caricature videos he's been having done for his channel
But an example of that would be that his head series is pretty much 100% loomis based. But in his demo videos for portraits he pretty much goes full Reilly method. I understand why he did that, he studied at Watts Atelier, but his videos prior to the demo don't provide any information on the Reilly method.

>> No.3225951

This is actually one of the funniest things I've ever seen. THANK YOU.

>> No.3226407
File: 9 KB, 301x139, proko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It get funnier when Proko himself recognizes his meme status.


>> No.3226430

poly-guns was stupider.

>> No.3226462


but its cute anon :3 dont u like cute? :3

>> No.3226676

yeah i too have more trouble with poses from the front because i find it harder to get a good grasp of the perspective + stuff that looks just a bit out of whack is gonna be more noticeable than in a 3/4 view imo. you can get away with some errors in 3/4 that would make it look really strange from a front pose,if you were to do the same mistake

>> No.3226678

i too was confused when he demoed that drawing from the back in the figure drawing course where he went and did and entirely different approach than he was teaching all the time prior to that. like he went and measured all that stuff out rather than starting with a loose gesture and all that. was a bit strange as a demo to the figure drawing course. would have been better if he had started with a loose sketch and then started to build up on that like he taught during the course

>> No.3226679

I came across him by accident in this vid, painting boobies.
His kangaroos are still shit, though.

>> No.3226693

It was for his wife

>> No.3226694

I don't think his (or I guess it's Hamptons?) approach to gesture is good for beginners. It's so simplified that it relies a lot on fundamental understanding and ability over the human body to get it working in a way that conveys not only movement but also form. I've seen countless of beginners do gestures with his method and they always fail to convey the meaning of the pose and are also frustrating for the artist to do. Instead of relying strictly on three kind of curves I'd rather teach beginners something a bit messier and freeflowing.

>> No.3226700

The C S I curve thing is a pretty important fundamental in and of itself though. Being able to see the straights vs curves rhythm in complex anatomy is probably one of the single most important things to learn from gesture drawing. And it goes even beyond figure drawing, as it is the first step to understanding appealing shape design in general, which can be applied to absolutely any subject, in any style or degree of realism.

>> No.3226735

I agree with everything you said, but the goal of gesture is to convey movement and weight in a meaningful manner and doing so with a strict CSI methodology is far to difficult for beginners because I've seen that it will make the person think about the individual lines rather than the figure itself (thinking: "am I supposed to do an I or an S curve for this leg?" rather than "how does this leg contribute to the overall gesture"). There's just too much abstraction in the CSI method for a beginner to understand. I personally would prefer teaching beginners something like Vilppu or Nicolaïdes or Dodson.

I'd bring in exaggerated CSI/straight-vs-curve once the student has developed some mechanical and observing skills.

>> No.3227213

I personally find Zin Lim far better and more less of a distraction. https://www.youtube.com/user/zinlimpresent

>> No.3227231

I almost thought he made something nice from imagination, then immediately saw the reference in the corner.