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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 166 KB, 850x1202, 1511561133531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3215519 No.3215519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can i make something like this

>> No.3215521

take calculus.

>> No.3215524

read the sticky

>> No.3215525

Let me clarify i mean the clean lines the smooth colors and the good anatomy

>> No.3215528


>> No.3215534

stay virgin

>> No.3215535
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 22662403_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the sticky and copy the dude's style.
>clean lines
learn how to do lineart
>smooth colors
learn how to color

what you're asking isn't hard; it just takes time and practice.
(pic related was done in 2011. OP's pic was done in 2016. 5 years to improve.)

>> No.3215536

>smooth colors
that's awful colors

>good anatomy
that's terrible anatomy

delete your fapping folder

>> No.3215541

If you want to learn how to make something like this I recommend the cltrl paint videos

>> No.3215542

squats and genetics

>> No.3215561

what a fatass

>> No.3215564

did you just condone copying someone.
fuck you nigger

>> No.3215626

By lowering your standards

>> No.3215636

eat more hamburgers

>> No.3215659

That ass looks good who's the artist

>> No.3215679

where would i learn to color like this though? there's nothing like anime painting guides that are plausible

>> No.3215714



>> No.3215719

Practice, effort, and earnest study all sound like bullshit to me. I bet it’s witchcraft, or talent.

>> No.3215743

Just fucking give up. Art is about applying knowledge. If you cant use basic color mixing and rendering/shading theory and determine how to recreate this style, youre hopeless. Art isnt about following a series of infographics and tutorials every time you make something holy fuck

>> No.3215766

Got you senpai.

>> No.3215770

>anime painting guides
it's just normal coloring (base, shading, detail, etc.). After you get this down, try to imitate the guy's coloring. It's not hard to understand where to start.

>> No.3215775


>> No.3215824

Thank you

>> No.3215827

yeah where do i learn that color mixing and rendering/shading theory lol why do people keep saying this without providing any source

>> No.3215836

There are resources in the w/ic/i that are very, very good and are all about light and color. I wonder which will happen first - if someone will spoonfeed the links to you, or if you'll fucking click the goddamned sticky like every lurker is supposed to do and find them for yourself.

>> No.3215887

>why do people keep saying this without providing any source
Because it's literally a google search away. But if you're too much of a brainlet to use the internet, then here:

>> No.3215895

Quick question i just got into digital and im having a hard time adjusting to it. would it be better to just focus on getting lineart down before i start learning to color or paint?

>> No.3216026
File: 2.12 MB, 360x213, reconsider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just practice what we all do and study what you want to achieve, check the alternative stylization threads

but please get some better taste man. jesus.

>> No.3216031

how long have you been drawing digitally? it's weird at first but you get used to it (or so I've heard).
>lineart vs painting
that depends what you're aiming for. are you trying to draw anime titties or actual realistic paintings? imo, you should start with lineart. the amount of control needed will help you get used to drawing digitally.

>> No.3216042

maybe 2 weeks of using a tablet, it just feels terrible to be honest, i wanna be able to draw in anime style for the most part as well

>> No.3216177
File: 459 KB, 734x810, 1500666841886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, give it another week or two and you'll get used to it. and focus on lineart. you'll do great!

>> No.3216289

>that's terrible anatomy

Autism. Please leave this board asap

>> No.3216387

>the truth hurst my feelings therefore its badong

>> No.3216415

>That's terrible anatomy


>> No.3216476

Redline it and show me then

>> No.3216647


>> No.3216656


>> No.3216663
File: 783 KB, 648x826, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you spot the problem?

>> No.3216664
File: 12 KB, 217x217, heston smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more redlines like these.

>> No.3216674

The arms
Well mostly the right arm really. I think you redlined the left arm as a lot shorter than it can be positioned from that angle

>> No.3216676

It took me 500 hours in ms paint so you better be grateful :3

>> No.3216928

I don't see anything wrong

>> No.3216937

>dunning kruger

>> No.3217206


>> No.3217215

>the state of /ic/

>> No.3217443

Who's the artist? I couldn't find it.